2014 International News Archive
Table of Content
Newness News! An Opportunity for You to Share Your Newness
29 December 2014
Dear Jewels of BapDada's Eyes,
Warm greetings filled with love for the new year.
We are feeling deep gratitude reflecting on Baba's Murli of December 25, 2014. It was filled with pure love as well as a sense of urgency for us to finish carelessness and claim our full fortune in the Diamond Age. BapDada wished to know if there had been newness in our spiritual growth, and He urged us to create even more of that in the year ahead.
With a spirit of unity, we would like every soul at each center to post a few sentences describing the newness either in thoughts, words, or actions that emerged in them over the past year as well as the newness they are inspired to create in their thoughts, words, or actions in the coming year. We will compile a few of the posts and send these to Dadi Gulzar before BapDada's meeting of January 18th. By sending BapDada our news, we acknowledge our attainments and invoke Godly support for continued wonders in the New Year.
Please post your newness news at the Newness Page of sustenance.brahmakumaris.org by January 10, 2015.
With Godly Love and Blessings,
RCs and the Team
Auspicious Greetings for the New Year from Dadi Janki
28 December 2014
Report on the Teachers Training Retreat for the Foundation Course in RY Meditation held at ORC, Delhi in Oct/Nov 2014
26 December 2014
A seven-day retreat, designed to train teachers to conduct the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation, was held at the Om Shanti Retreat Centre from 25th October to 2nd November 2014. The 84 participants from 19 countries included individuals already teaching the Foundation Course, as well as those who wanted to teach and those who simply wished to review the course in depth.
The training covered the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels of the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation (15 lessons in all) as well as sessions on student-centered learning and facilitation skills. It also included a number of practicums—sessions in which participants practiced developing their presentation skills by teaching a segment of a lesson and accepting constructive feedback from their peers. The six-day schedule also included an outing to Gurgaon to attend a special mega-programme featuring Dadi Gulzar.
The content sessions of the training were conducted by Sr Kiran (USA), who has led similar trainings at Peace Village and Anubhuti Retreat Centres as well as in Guyana and various US and Canadian cities. Sr Margaret Barron (UK) conducted the delivery sessions. Margaret is a professional Personal Development Trainer who has co-facilitated trainings for BK teachers in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Poland designed to make the delivery of the Raja Yoga Course more interactive, creative and supportive of all types of learners. 17 participants who were already experienced in teaching the course volunteered to help facilitate the 16 practicum groups. The training was conducted in English, however there was translation into Tamil, Indonesian and Spanish.
The response to the training was overwhelmingly positive. 59 participants filled the feedback form (some could not due to language) and nearly 100% of those said that their aim in taking the training had been fulfilled. Many requested that the training be continued or repeated. A sampling of comments:
• "Fabulous training. Found really new aspects and ways of delivering Baba's knowledge" (Fatima, ORC)
• "This was the best training session I‘ve ever had. The session for removing vices using virtues was nice. I was able to get rid of some of my weaknesses." (Nobuko, USA)
• "Group discussions, workshops most effective." (Sivasubramaniam, Sri Lanka)
• "Don't have words to describe the whole experience…Personally felt I have actually taken the course now itself for the first time. The drishti session was just amazing. Till now was not able to experience soul consciousness while doing ‘lokik' work but that exercise practically demonstrated that it is possible." (Vageesh, India)
• "Took full benefit from the course, family and ORC's powerful and peaceful ambiance." (Mahendra, Canada)
ORC was a great facility for this type of training due to its many venues, comfortable accommodation and most of all the attitude of service and caring of the ORC niwassis:
• "ORC is the BEST training venue I have been to in my life, and that includes many top corporate training centers." (Nikhil, Singapore)
• "Transport, accommodation, dining services all were fantastic." (Sandeep, India)
• "ORC service was excellent. ORC niwassis are very accommodating". (Harryram, Trinidad)
• "Everything was perfect." (Neal, USA; Masana, UK)
Season's Greetings from Sister Mohini
24 December 2014
Season's Greetings from Didi Sudesh
23 December 2014
Season's Greetings from Sister Vedanti
22 December 2014
Season's Greetings from Didi Nirmala
19 December 2014
Dadi Janki's 100th Year Celebrations
16 December 2014
Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters,
We are inviting yogis from all four corners of the globe to sift through the files of their minds and hearts and find a story that celebrates the diamond like way of Dadi Janki. This could be a moment that touched you, shaped you, or unleashed you. It could be a scene you experienced yourself or a scene you observed.
We will select 100 stories and create 100 days of effort. With these stories we will celebrate the wondrous brilliance of an exquisite diamond: Dadi Janki. These stories will help us focus on the real diamond. From each story we will create a spiritual effort for the day. From each story we will extract a remembrance point and an application point. We will take a quality from the story and see how she lived it and take inspiration on how to practice it.
In order to be considered for the project, we're requesting that each story be no more than 200 words. Think of this like a verbal painting or photo or portrait of a memory you hold in the sacred file of the heart. The deadline is January 12th, 2015. Submit your story (limit 200 words) by sending an email to: sustenance@brahmakumaris.org or CLICK HERE and fill out the form. Please see below document or watch the video on why we are requesting these stories and how we will use them.
Download the pdf here.
To watch video, click on the image below.
Sister Mohini's Health - Latest Update
14 December 2014
Dear jewels of the divine family,
Please accept love filled greetings on behalf of Mohiniben. Just wanted to share the good news that Mohiniben is now happily home from her pilgrimage after a week in the hospital. She has been under Baba's canopy of care and continues to recover steadily. She is now able to walk a few steps at a time with support. She will be on home treatment and physical therapy for the next few weeks.
Mohiniben wants to convey her heartfelt appreciation of the wonderful worldwide family for all the pure thoughts and healing vibrations that have made her journey smooth so far.
With many thanks and loving remembrances,
New York family
Sister Jayanti's news on the Hyderabad IT Conference and Other News
12 December 2014
On Thursday morning, 4th, I was able to go to the Nagarjuna Centre. It was a full Hall for Satguruwar bhog and Class. Back in Shanti Sarovar, we were able to have a meeting about the IT Conference, and about how things would flow. In the afternoon, Sr Shivani arrived from Delhi and she was taken to the Cardiology Conference where she had a major presentation. We continued with service meetings till night.
In the evening, Sr Shivani gave another class to those of the CXO group who were interested to come for further spiritual understanding. Later, Google India hosted a reception and dinner for those of the CXO Summit who were able to come and it must have been around 40 people who came with their partners. Google presented their new product, called ‘Google Wallet', and also had a fun quiz for everyone. The Head of Google India welcomed us and said a few words. The Presenters of the various items also came to find out more about Brahma Kumaris from myself and Kuldeepben.
On Friday, 5th, in Hyderabad, we had high level meeting for those of CXO qualification in IT industry (that is, a chief experience officer responsible for the overall user experience (UX) of an organization). 58 of them gathered for a full morning session. This went very well. The Government of Telangana which is the State in which Hyderabad is now the Capital, had supported this and they had also asked the Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association to support this and so it was the BKs and these other two organizations who worked together to make this happen. People had expected that we would be able to bring 30 people together at the most but it was lovely to see the room full, which was very nicely laid out with 6 people at every table. There were brief introductions and they then had three questions that they spoke about together in their groups, while changing groups each time. There were also some graphic art designs to illustrate the summary of their discussions. Br David of Gyan Sarovar was there and shared his music as well as his art work. He captured the essence of everything on a big canvas that was put up in the front.
By the time it was lunchtime, Sr Shivani gave a summary and I led them into a meditation, followed by gifts and toli by Kuldeepben. We all had lunch together. It was incredible that they were speaking about all the things that we would also be saying, so it was very valuable.
On Saturday, 6 December we had 1100 IT professionals who came together in Shanti Sarovar in Hyderabad for a full day's gathering. It was open to anyone in the IT industry. We were looking at all the different subjects that relate to health. There were a couple of Padma Bhushans and Padma Shris (the third and fourth highest civilian awards respectively in India) one of whom had introduced the hepatitis vaccine to India (the vaccine is now available for everyone at a very reasonable price). So there were very good people who participated, sharing their thoughts on physical health, and then people from an IT professional background, and finally BKs sharing on ‘Emotional Health'. Then there was Brahma Bhojan for all. We had the Chief Secretary of the Govt IT Department, who had actually suggested having this Conference who had been in contact with the BKs over a period of time.
In the afternoon we had Sr Shivani speak on ‘Relationships' and then aspart of the panel on ‘Social Health', and then finally there was a talk on ‘Compassionate Leadership' by a person who had come from Texas, and had done research on the subject of Compassion. So it was an excellent day and people enjoyed the whole thing, and were keen to come to follow up programmes. We started at 9.30am and finished at around 5.30pm. The atmosphere of Shanti Sarovar, Kuldeepben's generous heart, and the IT team of BKs all made it happen very easily.
On Saturday evening there were debrief meetings, and also preparatory meetings for Sunday.
On Sunday morning, we had a big gathering of several hundreds from all the other Centres in Hyderabad who came together for Murli and then a special bhog offering for Rajashreeben. She actually used to live in Hyderabad, and so there was a lot of love for her within the Hyderabad family.
Also on 7 December morning there was the inauguration of a new Centre in Memnagar (Ahmedabad), attended by Dadi Ratan Mohini, Nirwairbhai, Mohiniben and Munniben.
From 9.30am onwards, we had a cultural programme which included performances from blind children. It was amazing to see the beauty, grace and love with which they performed the dances. It must have been an incredible task for the teachers to train them for this. They also sang songs. We had the Minister of Transport come for the Launch of the 7 Billion Acts of Goodness initiative in the State of Telangana. Br Ramprakash of USA shared with an audience of around 900. They were mostly Brahmins but a few hundred non-BKs also. It was high-level people who came from the BK community as well as friends and contacts. The programme concluded in the afternoon again with Brahma Bhojan for all. In the early evening I flew to Ahmedabad and went to Madhuban on Monday night, after spending some time in Ahmedabad.
The two Dadis are really enjoying each other's company as well as the company of ORC family, and the Teachers of Delhi. Dr Abdul Kalam, former President of India, came together with the Dadis for the ORC Annual Day event on 7 December evening, for a gathering of 8,000 people.
I travelled to Ahmedabad late morning today just to be in Dadi's company when Dadi returns from her tour of Delhi and Sonepat. Dadi arrives in Ahmedabad tonight at around 8.30pm or so. So we won't be travelling back today but tomorrow to Abu.
I was able to visit the Solar site this morning just briefly to see new developments. They have a programme that will be the start of the UNDP Raising Awareness event that will be happening on Saturday.
New York: Sister Mohini's Health Update
9 December 2014
Dear divine family,
Om shanti. We are pleased to let you know that with the gift of all your blessings and the lift of Baba's sakaash, Mohiniben's surgery went very well. She is resting comfortably in the hosppital. It ahould be a smooth process of recocery and rehab over the next few weeks.
Once again Mohiniben extends a big thank you forthe shower of your healing love from m all directions.
In Baba's yaad,
New York family
New York: Sister Mohini to Undergo Surgery
8 December 2014
Dear brothers and sisters of the divine family,
Om Shanti
Please accept greetings of love from New York. We are writing to inform you of BK Mohiniben's health. As you would have heard, she had been having problem with the knee that was operated on recently. It is now definite that it is an infection and she will need to go in for extended treatment involving 2 surgeries and antibiotic treatment. She is scheduled for the first one this Monday at 5 PM New York time at a very reputable hospital with a very good surgeon.
Mohiniben has been talking to the Dadis and has also received Baba's message through Dadi Gulzar filled with His love. Although it will be a few months before she recovers from everything, we know that Baba's drishti and the good wishes of the family will work wonders in making this into a pinprick and she will emerge from this refreshed and with new satopradhan energy. Let us join in this powerful thought and share Baba's sakaash for her smooth healing.
We will keep you informed on her progress following the surgery on Monday.
In loving remembrance,
New York (USA) family
NEW!!! Amrit Vela Bhatti Program Starting on 9th December
8 December 2014
Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters,
Love-filled greetings. We are recollecting what Baba said on November 30, 2014: At least all of you celebrate a meeting at amrit vela, do you not? Everywhere you definitely adopt the method of amrit vela and are trying very well. You give importance to amrit vela, but, in the future too, to those who only have amrit vela sometimes, you have to move forward in that because amrit vela is the beginning of the day – so you definitely have to stay in remembrance at that time. It has an impact upon the whole day.
With this in mind, we write to warmly invite you to re-discover and master the art and science of amrit vela, "amritology", through a 41-day bhatti. Tap into the true power of amrit vela and co-create wonderful experiences with Baba. This transformative bhatti is an invitation to a determined and courageous practice of amrit vela for 41 uninterrupted days beginning December 9, 2014 and culminating on January 18, 2015.
Collectively, as a global family, we will have 1 hour of amrit vela, from 4:00 to 5:00 am local time. We will dedicate the last 15 minutes to mansa seva. We suggest that all BKs meet at their local center at least once a week for amrit vela. Thus, we will all gain strength from each other and increase the spiritual power of each center. This bhatti will create a good framework with lots of traction to launch us toward good amrit vela all the time, every time.
Every day for 41-days we will provide a new set of points (steps) to promote a rich and fulfilling amrit vela. These points will be available at sustenance.brahmakumaris.org/amritology/ website and through facebook.com/bksustenance starting December 9th, 2014.
Acting together, let us
- leverage our pure thoughts at this auspicious time of morning to fulfill Baba's, ours, and the world's pure desires.
- serve humanity with our unique gifts and bhavna.
- experience easy raja yoga as Baba intended for us.
If you would like to receive these points daily in your email inbox, then register now. And invite your BK friends to join you. We sincerely hope that you will join this bhatti and refresh your yogi life. Make the coming 18th of January a powerful transformative day for the coming year.
With Many Blessings and Remembrance of Baba,
Sister Mohini, Didi Nirmala, Sister Jayanti and the Team
Justice Krishna Iyer Passes Away
8 December 2014
Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, surrounded by children from Balasanghom with 100 roses at his residence in Kochi on November 15, 2014 in connection with his 100th birthday celebrations. Source - The Hindu
Read obituary here.
Heads Up re: Spring Latino Retreat in ORC, Delhi
30 October 2014
V Retiro Latino / 28 de febrero a 9 de marzo de 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is to inform you of the Latino Retreat taking place from 28th February to 9th of March, starting in ORC and further in Shantivan. This year´s theme is Silence and happiness, the escence and expression of Spirituality. We start with four days in ORC with Ken, Asha Didi and Brij Mohan bhai. On March 5th we shift to Shantivan and will be there for Holi. We will visit Gyan Sarovar, Pandav Bhavan, Global Hospital and Baba's rock. They will have sessions with Sister Mohini, Jayanti bhen and hopefuly Dadi and Bro.Nirwair and other seniors.
Last year we had 86 guests and it was most successful. Souls benefited so much and have either become regular students or close contacts. There is great enthusiasm for this retreat and we are extending this invitation to places where we have latino friends or contacts in the USA, Australia, Israel and Europe. It is aimed for contact souls, not for people who already attend murlis and are not full brahmins. We have guests coming from all Latinamerica, Portugal, Spain and Italy as well.
If you think this would be of interest to our friends there please feel free to send them this invitation.
If any BKs would like to join our support team they are most welcome and should contact: Marianne (marianneweiss2000@yahoo.com) or Pilar (pilar.quera@valoresparavivir.org)
with love and best wishes!
Click here for the flier.
World Day of Remember for Road Traffic Victims - November
27 October 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims - November 16
Greetings of love from Shantivan on this third Sunday of October -- when we come together in the remembrance of ONE for one hour of volcanic yoga.
It is auspicious that the UN has declared the third Sunday of November as the World Day of Remembrance of the Road Traffic Victims; and November 16 as the International Day of Tolerance. We are encouraging you to dedicate the World Meditation Hour to the road traffic victims.
Please find (see below) attached a brief note for the day, sample invitations and program design for your use. These have been prepared by Sister Kavita of the Borivali Center in Mumbai, who is coordinating activities for the UN Decade on Road Safety. We would appreciate if you would let us know what you are planning for this day so that we can feature these on the Road Safety website. Please send details of your programs to bkroadsafety01@gmail.com
World Day of Remebrance Rosary Letter
With love,
In Baba's remembrance,
Diwali Greetings from Lotus House, Ahmedabad
24 October 2014

Message of condolences on behalf of Dadi Janki for the transition of Dr Masaru Emoto
24 October 2014

Diwali Greetings from Sudesh Didi
23 October 2014

Didi Sudesh and the family in Germany
Diwali Greetings from Sr Mohini
23 October 2014
Diwali Greetings from Mauritius
23 October 2014
The Story of Diwali - Festival of Lights
21 October 2014
Om Shanti Living Lights, Diwali is about celebrating newness and lightening up our lives; famly bonding and wishing well to others. Cleaning the house points towards need to clean the soul; opening a new account book means finishing the old karmic accounts. Concluding starburst of fireworks highlights doing spiritual service.
All Brahma Kkumaris centers will be celebrating Diwali. For details: www.brahmakumaris.org or bkivv.org
Come and celebrate Diwali and the start of a Happy Holiday Season
On behalf of Sr Mohini, and centers in the Americas region, we wish you a very HAPPY DIWALI.
Click on the image to view the video.
Greetings for Diwali from Sister BK Sheilu, Madhuban
21 October 2014
Dadi Janki's video message for Diwali
20 October 2014
Click on the above image to access the video.
This video is also posted on Dadi's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152834668201789

Onelink Portal is One Year Old Today - Happy Birthday Onelink!
18 October 2014
It's been a year since Onelink was unveiled in the October 2013 NC/CC retreat. Like any growing toddler it's had its share of ups and downs but continues to develop in healthy ways, thanks to the efforts of the Onelink team: Br Vinai (London & Africa) is Project Manager; Sr Kiran (USA) is Content Manager; Br Sasha (London), Br Srinivasan (Bangalore), Sr Ashwini (Bangalore) and Br Sathish (Toronto) comprise the technical team; Sr Judi (Calgary Canada) is the web designer and Sr Sandhya (USA) is News Publisher. Recently Sr Manvi (Singapore) has joined as Calendar Editor and Sr Sobha (USA) is assisting with news postings. Br Nikhil (Singapore) is also joining to help with aspects of site administration.
Our dedicated team of Communication Reps from around the globe is committed to getting family and service news to Onelink in an increasingly timely fashion, so fresh news is appearing almost daily. Check out the Welcome Page to see the latest headlines if you haven't visited Onelink recently.
And if you are a CC or NC and are not yet sending your news to your appropriate rep, please start doing so. The Rep for N. America is Br Erik; for Central America--Sr Marianne; South America--Br Henri (Enrique Loor); Caribbean--Sr Myrna (Barbados) & Sr Vishanti (Trinidad); Asia Pacific--Sr Chris (Christine Donahue); Africa--Sr Pratiba; Russia & CIS--Sr Olga & Br Andre; Europe & UK--Sr Kim.
Also, if you're a retreat centre coordinator and are not yet sending your event announcements to the Onelink Calendar, please begin doing so by sending to onelink@brahmakumaris.org with the word CALENDAR in the subject line.
A new Downloads section has been added to Onelink and is beginning to be populated with Articles & E-books, Being with One materials, Dadi Janki's classes and Audio-Visual Media. A section of materials in Mandarin will soon be available and other language groups are welcome to provide materials in your languages (we'll create a space for you).
In its second year, our aim is to provide you with News Headlines right in your email inbox through a subscription to a news feed, as well as the ability to easily view Onelink on your smartphone or tablet. As always, we welcome your suggestions and queries. Please feel free to email us at onelink@brahmakumaris.org.

URGENT: Call for ONE Initiative Grand Finale photos
20 September 2014
Om Shanti. For the Grand Finale, the ONE initiative team would like to put together pics from around the world of this week's meditations. Could you please reach out to your regions to see if anyone would like to submit their pics for the slideshow for 21st.

Listen to the Recording of the ONE Initiative Webinar Kick Off
18 September 2014

Join the Being with ONE Webcast at Global Cooperation House for one week......
16 September 2014

Join the ONE Initiative Webinar this coming Sunday, September 14th just before Initiative goes public (September 15th to 21st)
10 September 2014
The Call-of-the-Time Retreat in Peace Village
26 August 2014

Happy Rakshabandhan Greetings!
10 August 2014
To our most beloved Avyakt BapDada's double-light light-houses around the world,
Please accept unlimited heart-felt congratulations on the most auspicious day of Raksha Bandhan from Shantivan.
The celebration of Raksha Bandhan reminds us of claiming the Master Keys to our lost Paradise. All mythological and historical stories emphasize the need to observe pure vision and attitude, and develop a sterling character full of all virtues, founded in spiritual wisdom.
We've received wonderful news that our beloved Dadi Gulzarji, Neeluben, Sarla Didi (Ahd), Ashaben, Amarben (Ahd), and Br Brij Mohanji met with the President of India, Hon'ble Mr Narendra Modiji at around 10.30am on 10 August to convey Raksha Bandhan greetings and congratulations for his historical victory during the elections. The group was then to have met the President of India, Hon'ble Mr Pranab Mukherjee. We will receive further details and photographs shortly.
This festival is a time for unlimited service, when BKs in large numbers spends weeks trying rachis to VVIPs, VIPs, IPs, souls of various professions and backgrounds to convey the message of goodness and pure living, as etched in our scriptures and the direct versions of our Supreme Father and Protector through the Murlis.
Wishing all of you ever-healthy, every-happy greetings for this time of tapasya and service, from our most respected Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, Dadi Ratan Mohiniji, sisters and brothers of Madhuban, and myself,
With Baba's love,
B.K. Nirwair

Dates and Outline for Double Foreigners Program in Madhuban, October 2014
4 August 2014
Arrivals – October 7-8
Divali – October 23
Departures – October 25-26
Dear Center Coordinators,
Om Shanti,
An international team, with the RCs as Advisory Consultants has put together a program for Double Foreigners, with the aim of bringing
newness in our learning, and expanding the depth of both gyan and experiences for October 2014.
Could you please pass this information to all BKs that are in connection with your Center and who are going to Madhuban.
Each course will run for one day, morning session and afternoon session. We request that you stay with the course till the finish, as it will not be possible to swap courses in between.
Please register your interest on line as soon as possible, latest September 25, 2014. This will enable us to consider the facilities available. Please register for the workshop of your choice at: http://tinyurl.com/ngu572n
Many Thanks,
In Baba's yaad,
Program Planning Team

True Hollywood Blockbuster - The Making of Divine Heroes by Shireen Chada
1 August 2014
New product from Tampa USA...
The center price for paperback is $6 and the ebook price is $3.99. Ebook is available on most all major estores including Amazon.
True Hollywood Blockbuster - The Making of Divine Heroes by Shireen Chada (see attached pdf.)
ISBN 13 Paperback: 978-1-941883-00-6
ISBN 13 Ebook: 978-1-941883-01-3
Every society throughout history has looked to great narratives. These narratives reflect and inspire people's dreams and aspirations, past and present. These stories convey a society's message to present and future generations. Yet in this timeless process, something new began in the 20th century: we often find great narratives in movies. These movies communicate to us about our society and ourselves–where we have been, what we are doing presently, and where we would like to go.
There is only one story, told in myriad ways, and it is the story of the self-discovery of the soul. Shireen Chada leads us through this deep reasoning to brilliant conclusions, demonstrating that it is the "light" in humankind that projects the drama onto the movie screen of experience.
We follow the gaze of the author's most knowing eyes, clear with a lifetime of intentional spiritual living. She calls us to perceive the Source of that light and the lenses through which the universal themes of human drama are reflected, not only in films, but in our lives.

Greetings from Sr Mohini and Latest on 'Being with One' initiative
1 August 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Warm greetings of love. As we approach the month of August and our souls are filled with thoughts of rakhi, I'm inspired to share with you, the website http://one.brahmakumaris.org for the ONE Initiative. Many feel that it is a timely initiative as it is refocusing us on the ONE Source as our one strength and one support and reminds us that what the world is asking for is an experience of the ONE. To fulfill this subtle service requires us to pay attention to our inner stage to give the experience of ONE.
To facilitate a deep experience of the ONE we are suggesting extra yoga, study, karma yoga, seva, and additional activities by focusing on pure unadulterated remembrance of the ONE. To help the larger BK family in this experience, we will provide remembrance points of Baba daily, which will include titles, praises, acts, relationships, qualities, and virtues. The remembrance points will be titled "Insperience" and will be made available via the website: http://one.brahmakumaris.org/insperience/ . These points will change daily so do check in everyday to receive your inspiration for an "insperience."
The http://one.brahmakumaris.org is a public-facing website and will be open to everyone. From August 1st through September 21st we will feature different facets of the ONE here: http://one.brahmakumaris.org/insperience/ My pure wish is that all of you participate fully by having extra yoga daily using this "insperience" point. This will also help build momentum for the week of public facing activities from September 15 through 21.
Loving Regards in Remembrance of ONE,
Sister Mohini

Tributes to Br Anthony - requested by end of Thursday, 31st August 2014
29 July 2014
Dear Centre Coordinators,
Greetings of love. Many tributes are coming in for our dear brother Anthony. He truly served tirelessly and touched the hearts of many thousands around the world.
We enclose a special message that Dadi Janki has given in tribute to Anthony (see below).
The family have requested that the body be returned to Sydney and they will make further arrangements for the funeral.
Br Charlie and the Australian family would like to collect messages of tributes and remembrances of Anthony that could be printed in a book and given to his family. It would give them great comfort and insight into his life as they are not so aware of the influence his life had on so many. Maria, Anthony's sister, has said that what gives Anthony's mother solace is all the good work he did all over the world.
We would therefore request any BKs who would like to, to send a tribute of not more than 250 words to sydney@brahmakumaris.org. Please put your full name and country and put 'Tribute for Anthony' in the email subject line. Please send them by the end of Thursday 31 July.
The family are Catholic and the language used in the tributes should be suitable for them to read.
As it will take some time to collate and format the book, please send your messages as soon as possible.
A photo of Anthony is enclosed.
With love and regards,
in Baba's yaad,
BK Jayanti

Remembrance Day of Didi Manmohini Ji
28 July 2014
Today is 28th July. Remembrance Day of Didi Manmohini Ji, the then Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris.
Didi Manmohini Ji came into contact with the Brahma Kumaris in 1937 in Hyderabad, Sindh and surrendered her life in this spiritual path. From 1969 to 1983 she was an Additional Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. She left her body on July 28th, 1983 and became avyakt. The following are some of her specialities:
1. Didi Manmohini was an Administrative Head,
2. expert in the service of transforming sanskars,
3. she had the a strong power of discern
4. She was a master in the art of letter writing,
5. she was tireless and ever zealous,
6. she had clean and true mind,
7. she was a skilled administrator,
8. she led life of renunciation,
9. she was modesty,
10. she had a loving personality,
11. she loved humor,
12. she was conqueror of sleep,
13. she was always in soul-consciousness,
14. she was alokik mother,
15 she was a perfect godly student,
16. she was an intensive meditator.

News from Lotus House, Ahmedabad together with Inspirations from Dadi Janki
27 July 2014
Dadi's physical chariot since Wednesday evening was not so strong. On Thursday and Friday Dadi was just with Baba in His lap and the physical pain was going through severe discomfort. Hansaben, Pravinaben, many others and the family at Lotus House together with doctors have helped Dadi enormously through this difficult period. However on Thursday evening Dadi was resting and Dadi Gulzar came to Dadi's room for evening meditation in Dadi's sitting room. It was a very powerful atmosphere and after 7.35pm both Dadis had a beautiful exchange. Dadi Gulzar put her hand on Dadi's heart and shared powerful sakash with Dadi Janki. Dadi then was able to sit in her chair after freshening up and Dadi met with the doctors who have been serving Dadi tirelessly. The doctors were amazed to see Dadi sitting and meeting with them and said just 24 hours ago, Dadi was in discomfort and now they were witnessing Dadi up and meeting them through words and exchange of powerful dristhi. The doctors especially have been served through this period and saying they are truly blessed to serve such a ‘great' soul. Friday evening Dadi had a restful sleep and on Saturday morning Dadi's experience and feeling was as if Baba had given her a new life. Dadi has been having sweet conversations with Baba and Dadi feels Baba has yet again given her a new lease of life to enable much service to take place. For the last few days Dadi has been feeling even though she is in Lotus House, she feels up above with Baba in the subtle regions and Baba is giving her the joy of a variety of different experiences.
Upon awakening from rest one evening Dadi was sharing a dream she was having of Peace in the Park in Oxford and how everyone was enjoying all the various activities and sharing a wonderful picnic. Dadi then had a vision and experience of Dadiji, Dadi Prakashmani, and her service companions the great ancestor souls and was appreciating each one of Baba's instruments, NIrwairbhai, Sarla Didi and many others.
Dadi Gulzar has been sharing with Dadi that Baba wishes for so much more service to be done through Dadi and even though the body goes through upheaval, Dadi's soul is just with Baba and this is enabling world service to take place as Baba and Dadi's sakash is reaching everywhere.
Today both Dadis have had breakfast and lunch together and Dadi Janki has been able to walk to the Dining Room without experiencing any pain. It has been a wonderful scene to witness and experience. Both Dadis have such beautiful spiritual friendship and this vibration is felt from them both. The Dadis wish for each one to experience the beauty of spiritual friendship. This bond ties us eternally through the cycle.
Dadi has been experiencing the power and blessing of the bodiless stage and wishes for each one of Baba's children to share this experience with her.
Dadi Janki has been sharing that now is the time to enable others to come closer to God and understand God. Each one first becomes Baba's child then Baba makes them an instrument for world service. Baba loves such serviceable children.
Dadi's vision for each one who comes in front of her is that she does not see anyone as ordinary. Dadi says Baba does not see anyone ordinary and so our vision must also become the same. This vision and love enables us to become Bapsaman (equal to the father)
Never ask yourself the question, ‘how can I move along? Those who are free from thinking of the past will not allow themselves to ask this question.
Feel yourself to be a lighthouse, mighthouse and become Baba's right hand.
Sharing such beautiful experiences frees us from many questions.
Each one should feel wherever they place their footsteps, an income is merged.
Dadi said she does not feel she is sitting in Bharat, but sitting on top of the Globe with Baba, spreading Baba's sakash to the world.
The moments of Amrit vela are very special and we should value those beautiful moments with Baba.
Dadi does not see where anyone is from, but rather she is seeing the transformation that has taken place. For the present time it is very important to have a vision of seeing transformation. As is our attitude so is our awareness and dristhi.
The old things of the past have finished and do not belong to me. Those who think and repeat the past are attached in some way or the other to something. Baba's sincere knowledgeable children, will not make the same mistake twice. They will never repent, but more so think before coming into action. Those who live in the past are the ones who repent.
There is greater joy in being detached. Our nature then becomes real and selfless, free from any selfish motives and feelings.
Baba has pulled us and made us His companion. Continue to understand the feelings of the heart.
When we have transformation, others will feel inspired to transform.
By paying attention to Baba's teachings daily, we become tension free.
Dadi has been especially sharing about how when the mind is quiet and in silence, the soul can be free from any type of reaction. Any type of reaction uses our energy in a worthless way. Now is the time to create and converse energy. Where there is heaviness there is reaction. When we are light, there can be no chance for reaction. Reaction wastes our energy and we feel empty.
Baba frees us from any feeling of comparison. Each one is playing their own part according to drama. Understand this and become free light and a right hand for Baba.
The Confluence Age is the age for Spiritual friendships with all my brothers and sisters. Spiritual friendship enables the soul to experience and share Baba's love with everyone.

An angel flew to Baba's lap - News of our dear Br Anthony Strano
26 July 2014
Luciana Ferraz of Brazil has contacted us to say that Br Anthony Strano who was touring Brazil was in Salvador and after breakfast this morning, left the body. He had a heart attack and must have left the body instantly (26 July).
On hearing the news Dadi Janki said he was Baba's first number child a wonderful brother. It was Dadi Prakashmani who gave him birth. He was the embodiment of gyan and yoga. He knew the real meaning of gyan. He was such a deity with a hero part in the drama. He was an example not only in Greece but for the whole of Europe and the world.
We will keep you informed of further developments.
With love,
In Baba's yaad,
BK Jayanti
Please see Transitions Page for more news about Br Anthony.

Message for the ONE project from Dadi Janki
8 July 2014
Dear Centre Co-ordinators and serviceable jewels around the world,
the ones who are merged in BapDada's eyes, angels of benevolence,
At Shiv Ratri, Beloved BapDada requested us to create a service project that could happen simultaneously all around the world. In response to BapDada, the project ONE has been created. This is a wonderful project that will glorify Baba to the world!
If each one of us makes the commitment to keep the company of only ONE from now until September, there will be a wave of yoga power across the world. Such a wave will serve not only the Brahmin family, but all souls of the world. There is a deep connection between the mind, the intellect and the heart. When the intellect is free from all attractions and connected to ONE alone, and the mind filled with thoughts of only ONE, then only ONE Baba will sit in our heart.
Baba has said that if Baba's children are of one thought and of one vibration, Baba will be revealed. The vibrations of these pure deep feelings (bhavna) will reach every soul and bring them great happiness. This is the only desire in my heart, that all Baba's children become complete so that Baba is visible from each one's face. The world is waiting for us. We are the clocks of world transformation.
The result of everyone connected at the same time in September will be very good. According to the time and according to BapDada's directions, let every centre participate in the ONE project so that we can make our world ONE and glorify the ONE.
In remembrance of ONE Baba,
BK Janki

Important News on Dadi Jankiji's Health
7 July 2014
Our dear BK sisters and brothers in Bharat and around the globe,
Please accept very special Godly love from Dadi Jankiji and all Madhuban Niwasis.
On 30 July, Dadi Jankiji decided to travel to Ahmedabad to visit her Spine Surgeon and Pain Management Consultant. Dadiji was advised to get MRI and CT Scans done, which took several hours on 3 July. We have now received the reports that clearly show us how courageous our beloved Dadiji is in facing the pain and discomfort of the fractures. With the help of the Pain Management Specialist, Dadiji continues with her early morning meditation routine as well reading Murli, and meeting few Seniors during the day. Dadiji prefers to spend time by herself in Baba's remembrance, and does read few emails every day.
On Monday, Dadiji will have a Pain Management procedure done on the spine, which would relieve over 50% of the pain. Apart from this, ‘time', Baba's sakaash and your good wishes are three important healing factors. No doubt it is Avyakt BapDada's power of love and blessings that keeps our Dadiji in good cheer and sweet smiles.
We have to be patient for another 4 weeks so that Dadiji can totally recover and be active again. At this stage, even physiotherapy is not helpful.
Dadiji has specifically advised that no one needs to worry about her, and just remain in the intoxication of Baba's love as is Dadiji's experience.
Our dear sisters Hansaben, Pravinaben, Dr Ashaben from USA, brothers Dr Banarsi and Deepakbhai all continue to look after Dadiji with lots and lots of love and lightness. Your constant vibrations of love and support are much appreciated.
With Baba's love,
B.K. Nirwair

Sr Mohini Surgery Update
7 July 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Divine Family,
Greetings of love.
It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I write to let you know that I have now been home for a few days after my surgery and am healing very well.
Needless to say that the good wishes and love pouring in from all of you has been a tremendous lift. It has been a time of expanding the inner space of silence to feel Baba's pure company and sakaash.
With many thanks and much love,
Sister Mohini

Images and Voices of Hope (IVOH) at Peace Village
6 July 2014
On June 26 Peace Village welcomed over 100 top-level journalists, filmmakers and artists for the annual "Mindful Media" ivoh retreat and summit. Our theme was "Restorative Narrative". The main message of the summit was that the media can best support the world by telling stories of "restoration" even in the face of very dark news. Sisters Waddy, Gayatri and Judy led a retreat day on Thursday. The retreat focused on the personal story of restoration and on the "restorative core" in each of us. Brother Eric (Montreal) offered spiritual reflections following every session through Saturday evening. Each morning Sister Gayatri and Brother Eric led a "sunrise meditation" and Br. Piero (Italy) led the group in qigong movement. Sister Meredith (Miami) ran the ceremony for the Awards of Appreciation. We kept traffic control on and asked presenters to stop and observe a minute of silence when the music came on.
Summit participants came from major US papers and broadcast outlets such as the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. We had participants from Sri Lanka, Chile, Haiti, France, Australia, Canada and China. We had 20 youth, one of whom won an award.
The BK's supported the retreat at the highest level with sevadharis pouring in to do airport pickups, make and serve food, clean rooms and serve on reception. On virtually every evaluation, participants praised the food, the atmosphere, the drishti and the level of service. A few asked to know more about our meditation practice.
Images & Voices of Hope began in 1999 as a BK initiative in partnership with the Visions of a Better World Foundation (founder, Sr. Rita in Boston) and Case Western Reserve University. Dadiji came to the launch in Manhattan, NY, in 1999. It was supported heavily by the BK's until 2008 when it officially became an independent not-for-profit organization. It has received consistent spiritual support from Sister Mohini from the very beginning.
You can find out more at the Website ivoh.org

Update on Sis Mohini's Health
27 June 2014
Dear All,
Om shanti. We are happy to let you know that Sr. Mohini's knee surgery went smooth and successful and she is recovering remarkably well. She will be in hospital for the next few days and then going through an extended period of rehab at home.
She has received all your loving messages and would like to convey her heartfelt gratitude for your good wishes and healing vibrations of Baba's remembrance that have made it so easy so far.
With much love
In Baba's yaad,
New York family

News about Sr Mohini - Surgery and Recovery
26 June 2014
Today, on the Day of the Satguru, Sr Mohini went for surgery to replace her left knee. The surgery, which took place at 8:15 am at St. Francis Hospital on Long Island, was successful. Sr Bhumika, Sr Kala and Sr Anjani visited her in the recovery room after the surgery and reported that Sr Mohini was awake and said she is feeling okay. All her vital signs are showing normal. She will be shifted to a private room soon.

Message for Mamma's Day from Br Nirwair
23 June 2014
To all our sisters and brothers of the Yagya in Bharat as well as abroad,
Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances.
We Brahmins have a very subtle and emotional connection with the first Administrative Head of PBKIVV, ‘Goddess of Wisdom', our revered Mateshwari Saraswati, whose Day of Remembrance is solemnly observed every year on 24 June.
Her stint with Yagya Administration and Spiritual Education lasted for 28 years. Most senior sisters and brothers of different Zones in India received very loving and firm spiritual upbringing by Mateshwari Saraswati, whenever they visited Madhuban or during her own Service Tours.
Her depth of understanding and explaining Godly wisdom, as per her role of Mateshwari Saraswati, were unique and so convincing even to prominent individuals of all backgrounds, especially Scholars of the past eras.
Her powerful, magnetic drishti was uplifting and gave us deep spiritual experiences, while leaving indelible marks on everyone's life. Those who spent time receiving her blessings through drishti and the Murlis were so empowered that it became very easy for them to follow BapDada's shrimat with love, and dedication.
Since 1965, observing her Day of Remembrance on 24 June has always provided us with very unique, enlightening and sweet experiences. Let us continue to appreciate and value her Murlis of the day, and stimulating messages received through Trance-Mediums.
With love and salutations to our beloved Mama,
On behalf of our revered Dadis and Madhuban Niwasis,
B.K. Nirwair

Dadi Janki's Health Update from Mumbai
14 May 2014
Om Shanti
Greetings to all of Baba's Jewels,
The latest news from Mumbai Vile Parle is that Dadi Janki's health is fine. Her health is recovering. Dadi Jankiji & Dadi Gulzarji meet everyday. Mohini Behn of Newyork has come to see both the Dadi's. Jayanti Behn as well came to see Dadi's & left yesterday for London. Gayatri Behn & Wady Behn also have come to see both the Dadi's.
Dadi Janki's sharings with all (10/5/14)
Dadi Janki & Mohini Behn had a sweet conversation. Dadi Janki said to Dadi Gulzar, ‘the way that Baba has given you the Avyakt part, it has now been 45 years, no one can now say that they haven't received Sakar sustenance. Baba has kept you in front of all of us as an example. Baba has made us His children's & taught us how to remain happy'.
Even whilst Baba was in sakar we had to remember the nirakar. In sakar it never looked that this was some ordinary chariot. Baba has given sustenance to all of us. He took so much care of all of us, so that we would remember Him. Now all in the whole world should receive such sustenance as one receives through Avyakt when in Madhuban. I have never said this one is my student, I am the Teacher, never. I have never conducted Murli considering myself as teacher. Now in this next generation this feeling should be the same. Mohini Behn has come all of a sudden. Drama is wonderful.
What is silence & how do we go in depth of it? So that others simply receive vibrations. So nw I say that we need not give message to all, message many have got, but now others should have visions, experiences, the way it happened through Sakar Baba.
Mother's Day celebration (11/5/14)
Today was a beautiful ceremony for Mothers day since we had two great world Mothers with us Dadi Jankiji & Dadi Gulzarji. Mohini Behn & Bhumi Behn had brought special gifts for the Dadi's, Yogini Behn & Neelu Behn. So that became a wonderful excuse to gather the family together. There was beautiful decoration of flowers as the backdrop for Dadi's to sit on their throne. Sr. Kavita Seth, renowned sufi & playback singer & many sisters sang wonderful songs of love for the Mother. There were also dances to celebrate & there were four cakes which were cut. Dadi's joined in celebrating, cutting the cake & sharing cake & toil.
Many sisters from Mumbai like Godavari Behn, Meera Behn & others came to celebrate Mothers Day with Dadi's.
Mothers Day Poem in Hindi

Sweet Remembrance Day of Jagdish bhai ji
12 May 2014
Today is the Punya Tithi of respected and honourable elder brother Brahma Kumar Jagdish Chandra ji.? ??Our heartiest salutations to this noble soul, who left his mortal coil on 12th May 2001.
Respected BK Jagdish bhai ji -10.9.1929 to 12.5.2001
Born in the sacred city of Multan, famous for its Sufis and saints, on 10th September 1929, Br Jagdish Chander Hassija was a bachelor, a surrendered Brahma Kumar, totally dedicated to Godly services and he mostly resided in Delhi.
Before dedicating his life for spiritual services, he had served as Principal in a Technical Training Institute in Sonipat, for a brief period. Greatly inspired by Prajapita Brahma, founder of the Brahma Kumaris organisation, he turned to spirituality and dedicated his life for this divine cause.
He was a great litterateur and had the distinction of writing most of the literature of the Brahma Kumaris organization. He was also its Chief Spokesperson and Chief Editor of The World Renewal, Gyanamrit and Purity.
A simple and straightforward person, he took keen interest in divine service and worked very hard. He was a great visionary and contributed to a great extent a lot for taking the organization to its present status and international recognition.
He was an affable person and took ample interest in developing the talents of B.K. brothers and sisters. His advice was that whatever endeavour we may make, but our life should appear a yogi life.
Bro. Jagdish Chander remained unwell for some time and left his mortal coil on 12th May, 2001 at Brahma Kumaris headquarters in Mount Abu. Thousands of BKs from all over the world gathered to pay their tributes to the departed soul.
Please enjoy the photos, sound tracks? and several short articles authored by him.
About BK Jagdish Chandra by BK Chakradhari (attached in Hindi)
The Importance of Amrit Vela by BK Jagdish bhai (attached in English)

Photos of Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar & Sr Mohini on Mothers Day in Mumbai
12 May 2014
Happy Mothers Day 2014

Special Message from UK family to Dadi Janki
8 May 2014

Virtual Visit to Madhuban and Global Hospital
5 May 2014

Tokyo Earthquake News from Br Charlie
5 May 2014
I am in Tokyo and this morning we had a 6.2 earthquake which shook Baba's house quite vigorously. Within 5 minutes there were instructions given over a loud speaker to all areas of Tokyo so all citizens could hear. Very well organised!!
Baba's house and children are fine.

The Goodwishes Project announces its new website
1 May 2014
The Goodwishes Project raises the awareness that ordinary people of the world can emotionally strengthen others
We all know what it's like to receive Goodwishes at critical times, such as during natural disasters like Tsunamis and Earthquakes, or during man-made disasters like wars. Goodwishes are an invisible yet very powerful support, as thoughts travel instantly, faster than text, email or phone calls.
In 2003 we created THE LONGEST LETTER FOR THOSE SUFFERING FROM THE IRAQ WAR. Over 8000 goodwishes were collected in Federation Square, Melbourne. Later, as the Iraq war intensified, we decided to take these goodwishes to the UN and present them to the president of the general assembly, Mr Jan Kavan.
Since then we have created many goodwishes events: Tsunami - 2006; Black Saturday Bushfire - Melbourne 2009; Pakistan Floods - 2010 and recently the Philippines Typhoon and the Syrian War.
We have now launched a website to make it easier for people to give their messages online and we invite all BKs to log on and give their personal goodwishes to those who are suffering. If any BK wishes to participate in this project, they can feel free to contact me.
The project website, www.goodwishes.org, is now listed on the Onelink Global Initiatives Links page under Education.

Greetings from Dadi Janki
27 April 2014
Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. Why are all of you remembering me with so much love? Because I am also remembering Baba while I am in hospital, and this is why you are all remembering me. And I am sure all of you are engaged with love in becoming complete. Today's murli is wonderful. All Baba wants is that there are no defects remaining in the children and that you become completely loving, co-operative and yogi, that you are constantly co-operative, honest, obedient, faithful and trust-worthy. Baba loves such children.
This one week's pilgrimage in the hospital – I arrived here on Monday and perhaps I will be given permission to leave tomorrow – has been a wonderful pilgrimage. Baba has had me serve in Bombay from the beginning. Baba also stayed in hospital in Bombay, and after that many souls took birth here. Now, so many children have taken birth in Bombay, and Baba has sent me here to this hospital to care for and share with everyone everything that Baba has given and to inspire everyone.
Drama is very sweet and benevolent. Baba says: Child, you know that each soul has its own part. From the beginning, we know that Brahma Baba has a relationship with Shiv Baba and we all know that story. So, the whole story is of Shiv Baba, the Innocent Lord, the One who is the Innocent Treasurer. It is Brahma Baba who makes Shiv Baba's treasure-stores full.
Everyone has a lot of love for the yagya, means there are many very good things here and this is why you must not be concerned about the state of my body which you have been concerned about. Do not have any prayers, but let there be the wave of becoming equal to the Father with love. Baba said: Do not just become part of the garland, but become part of the rosary of victory. To be part of the rosary of victory means to become the jewel of Baba's eyes.
How many names can I mention? But many have sent me lots of love and
remembrance. Each one, please accept with your heart, love and remembrances. Om shanti. Om Shanti. Om shanti.

Get Well Greetings and Good Wishes for Dadi Janki - London Family
10 April 2014

The ONE Initiative
3 April 2014
Announcing a New International Initiative of the Brahma Kumaris Worldwide
14th to 21st September 2014
Dear Centre Co-ordinators,
Om shanti. You may remember that when Baba came on 15 March Sister Mohini asked Baba if we, as a worldwide spiritual family, should do a big program across the world at the same time later this year. Baba nodded and gave His blessing.
Subsequently the idea/concept entitled Being with ONE was presented to the RCs. They gave the go-ahead and have requested we inform you of the dates so that you have time to book a venue for the finale of the program on 21 September.
The essence of the week-long Initiative is to focus our attention on our personal connection with God and to invite the public to join us at all our centers. The precise details of this week long initiative are currently being finalized by an international group of BKs representing all the regions. We will communicate the exact details very shortly.
Sunday 21 September is also the International Day of Peace and World Meditation Hour in on that evening. The plan is that on that day all Brahma Kumaris centers will have the same program worldwide. The week prior to that program will be the opportunity to connect with and involve the public and build both a subtle and on-line momentum towards the finale program on that day.
The suggestion also is that during this week all centres stay focused in their own places, arrange no travel, and endeavor to create a powerful atmosphere at the centre.
The provisional title of final program on the 21st September is The Love of ONE.
Complete details to follow, we just wanted to give you as much time as possible to book your venue in your town for that day. Please choose a time of day that suits you.
With love in Baba's yaad
Quotes from Previous messages from BapDada
"Only the one who has all relationships with One and tastes all the sweetness from One can have love for solitude. Since he can taste all the sweetness from just One, what is the need to go into other directions? However those who do not have the practice of tasting all sweetness from just One, will try to taste the sweetness from everyone. And then there isn't any attainment. He who has love for only one, will be able to stay in remembrance of One. Because of having love for many, you are not able to stay in the remembrance of One."
"The yoga of your intellect should be broken from many others. It should be linked to the One, that is, "belong to the One and none other." Those who have such a stage will have love for solitude. Otherwise even whilst trying to sit in solitude, their intellect will wander towards many and they won't be able to experience the bliss of solitude. Only those who experience all relationships and all sweetness from the One will be able to have love for solitude. Since you are able to attain all sweetness from the One, what is the need to go to many others? However, those who don't have the practice of experiencing all sweetness from the One will try to take it from many others, and so they don't attain anything. And by connecting with the one Father, you have many attainments. If you simply remember the word "One," all the knowledge is included in this. Awareness, relationships and stage are all included in this. And whatever attainments you have, become clear through this one word, "One. You have remembrance of One; your stage is constant (ekras- ek-one), and all the knowledge you receive is for the remembrance of the One."

Vote Today! Brahma Kumaris Nominated for Kindred Spirit Magazine Award
3 April 2014 - Your vote can make a difference! Voting ends - End of April
Please encourage friends, family and contacts to vote too!
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Om shanti.
Brahma Kumaris have been nominated for an award by Kindred Spirit magazine in their 'Spiritual Community Initiative' category - please see the letter from the magazine's Co-editor below.
Voting is at:http://www.kindredspirit.co.uk/ksawards - scroll down the page to Section 5: Spiritual Community Initiative. Brahma Kumaris is option no. 2. Voting ends at the end of April.
Please help spread the word - wouldn't it be great if we won?
Love and remembrance
Dear Rosemary,
I wanted to write and congratulate The Brahma Kumaris organisation because you have been nominated in the Kindred Spirit magazine awards this year under the Spiritual Community Initiative category. We wanted to recognise your excellent work in promoting spirituality and meditation in the communities within which you work.
Voting begins tomorrow and our website (www.kindredspirit.co.uk) will have a form up then. Voting ends at the end of April and winners are announced on the 24th of May at the MBS show in Earls Court. Do let us know if you'd like a couple of complimentary tickets to the show that day so you can attend.
Congratulations and have a great week.
All the best

Report on International BK Teachers Training Retreat
3 April 2014 - ORC, 6-day Training for the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation
A six-day retreat designed to train teachers to conduct the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation was held at the Om Shanti Retreat Centre from 24th February to 2nd March 2014. The 147 participants from 27 countries included individuals already teaching the Foundation Course, as well as those who wanted to teach and those who simply wished to review the course in depth.
The training covered the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels of the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation (15 lessons) as well as sessions on student-centered learning and facilitation skills. It also included a number of practicums—sessions in which participants practiced developing their presentation skills by teaching a segment of a lesson and accepting constructive feedback from their peers. The six-day schedule also included evening classes by Kamalmani Dadi, Gita Didi and Br Brij Mohan.
The content sessions of the training were conducted by Sr Kiran (USA), who has led similar trainings at Peace Village and Anubhuti Retreat Centres as well as in Guyana and various US and Canadian cities. Sr Margaret Barron (UK) conducted the delivery sessions. Margaret is a professional Personal Development Trainer who has co-facilitated trainings for BK teachers in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Poland designed to make the delivery of the Raja Yoga Course more interactive, creative and supportive of all types of learners.
Nearly 30 participants who were already experienced in teaching the course volunteered to help facilitate the 22 practicum groups. The training was conducted in English, however there was translation into seven languages: Tamil, Thai, Korean, Portuguese, Turkish, French and Spanish.
The response to the training was overwhelmingly positive. 113 participants filled the feedback form (the rest could not due to language) and nearly 100% of those said that their aim in taking the training had been fulfilled. Many requested that the training be continued or repeated.
A sampling of comments:
- "It was really, really great. I am so excited and have already started to inspire other souls via email to wait and prepare for the next one. It is very valuable for us teachers, knowing and correcting fine details about the knowledge and techniques of meditation. It was a great 6-day Bhatti." (Damyanti, Australia)
- "Clarity was one of the best things in this training." (Ella, Finland)
- "Practice sessions were excellent – it brings more insight and introduces new ways/ methods to lead students to their learning objective." (Jong Boon Kee, Malaysia)
- "All sessions were very interesting and the learning process also makes us fruitful." (Thevamanohari, Sri Lanka)
ORC was a great facility for this type of training due to its many venues, comfortable accommodation and most of all the attitude of service and caring of the ORC niwassis:
- "I really appreciated the food and accommodation as well as the care and support of the ORC niwassis." (Meera, Korea)
- "Shanti Kunj is a world class accommodation. (Martha, Philippines)
- "ORC is like a paradise." (Arjuna, Sri Lanka)

Incoming International Passengers to fill Customs Declaration Form
1 March 2014
Customs Baggage Declaration Regulations 2013
1. Attention is invited to Customs Baggage Declaration Regulation, 2013 notified vide Notification No 90/2013-Cus (N.T.) dated 29.08.2013 subsequently amended vide Notification No. 133/2013-Cus. (N.T.) dated 30.12.2013 and Notification No. 10/2014-Cus (N.T.) dated 10.02.2014. The Customs Baggage Declaration Regulations, 2013 will come into force with effect from 1.03.2014.
2. Under the Customs Baggage Declaration Regulations 2013 all incoming international passengers will be required to declare the content of their baggage in the Indian Customs Declarations Form prescribed in the regulation. Therefore the declaration relating to Customs purposes by incoming passengers in arrival card notified by MHA hitherto done by passengers will be dispensed with. In other words, the incoming passengers will have to fill up the form notified under Customs Baggage Declaration Regulations 2013 independent of the form prescribed by the MHA. Ministry of Home Affairs has decided that arrival (disembarkation) card of MHA would be given to foreign nationals only.
3. Directorate of Publicity and Public Relations, New Delhi has been requested to print the Indian Customs Declarations Forms and distribute the same to all Commissioners of Customs having jurisdiction over the airports. The Indian Customs Declarations Forms may also be handed over to concerned airlines for distributing the same among the passengers.
4. Board desires that the Commissioners of Customs should sensitize field formations working at airports so that this arrangement should not disrupt passenger facilitation at the airports.
5. Wide publicity may be given at the airports and suitable public notice be issued for guidance of staff.
6. Difficulty, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Director (Customs)

Have you visited the Release Your Wings website? Here's why you should...
17 February 2014
Dear Friends,
Release Your Wings is an ONLINE televised program designed to spiritually uplift , nourish, and enlighten those who would rather soar than survive. Amidst the pace of the modern world, we understand the need for support as well as accessibility and convenience. That's why we've packed this show with tips for spiritual living and delivered it to your cyber doorstep.
Each episode consists of a conversation with an experienced yogi and a corresponding guided meditation. These segments are designed to give practical spiritual answers to everyday questions or problems. Also available are cooking demonstrations of vegetarian recipes. For more recipes you can also visit The Yum Yum Yogi.
We have had many requests for updates of how "Release Your Wings" is doing and where we are going. We have finally put all hands on deck and will be sending periodic newsletters. As we could not sift through all who wanted to receive these, you have been added on the basis of your support in the past or connection with the meditation center. This service allows you to unsubscribe if you would rather not receive further emails in regards to the show. If this newsletter was forwarded to you from someone else, you also have to option to subscribe if you wish.

Dadi Ratan Mohini honoured with Doctorate degree
14 February 2014
Please see full text here.

ABK website celebrates Valentine's Day with new online treats
14 February 2014

Open Access to Murlis
8 February 2014
In their October 2013 meeting, the RCs decided to make the daily Murli available on our Madhuban Jewels website. This will be the only official, reliable source of Murlis on the net.
At Shiv Ratri on Friday 28th February 2014 we will launch this facility on the Madhuban Jewels website http://jewels.brahmakumaris.org/, and from that date the daily Murli will be available in all the current languages for which we have translations.

Onelink boasts new features
11 January 2014
If this is your first visit, or if you haven't visited Onelink in awhile, there's a lot happening here!
Have you noticed the following?
Onelink now has Google Translate! This little drop-down box in the lower, right-hand corner of the banner on every page will enable you to view the pages in Chinese, Gujarati, Polish, Telegu & many other languages, like French, German, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish.
There are headlines on the Welcome page with links to the most recent news articles.
There are "new" news pages for Green News, Health Field News and Transitions (obituaries of departed dear ones); there's a 'Help Wanted' section as well.
There's now an Events Registration page under the Links menu which gives you direct access to the registration links for each retreat.
New and most thrilling is a Download Section where you can download articles, Dadi's Mags, documentaries and films, images from the Gyan Sarovar Art Department, Newsletters and Powerpoints and Slide shows. (You'll see only a little content there at the moment, but more is on it's way!)
Om Shanti,
The Onelink Team
Inviting your inspirations - From the ABK Team
7 January 2014
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims coming up on 17 November
25 October 2013
Dear Divine Family,
Greetings of Hope and Happiness from Road Safety Team!
It gives me joy to share that an important event of our Road Safety Project is nearing - the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims declared by United Nations on the 17th November 2013. It will be a meditative evening coinciding with our International Meditation Hour. Brief guidelines for organizing the event and links to download Resources for service activities on the day are shared via this email (letter attached).
It is important that you may send us news, photos, videos of the event, so that the service report can feature all the activities Brahma Kumaris have organised on this day. We request centres to send in their pre-event details - Date, Time and Venue of events planned as soon as these are finalised. This information will be forwarded for posting on the official website for the day - www.worlddayofremembrance.org. On WDR 2012, BK centres across 9 countries had reported events.
You may feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
BK Kavita
Project Coordinator, Road Safety Initiative – Brahma Kumaris
*****Original News*****
The Road Safety initiative of Brahma Kumaris is knocking on our doors once again with an opportunity for synchronized global activities. The UN Road Safety Collaboration has declared 6th to 12th May 2013 as the Global Road Safety Week (GRSW). This year, the theme for the week is ‘Pedestrian Safety'.
The World Day of Remembrance observed on 18th Nov 2012 was an encouraging start to internationally synchronized events within the yagya in the direction of promoting road safety. For this GRSW, we would like to propose a list of activities that centres could undertake during the week.
Please click on link below for The Global Road Safety Week letter.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims coming up on 17 November
25 October 2013
Dear Divine Family,
Greetings of Hope and Happiness from Road Safety Team!
It gives me joy to share that an important event of our Road Safety Project is nearing - the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims declared by United Nations on the 17th November 2013. It will be a meditative evening coinciding with our International Meditation Hour. Brief guidelines for organizing the event and links to download Resources for service activities on the day are shared via this email (letter attached).
It is important that you may send us news, photos, videos of the event, so that the service report can feature all the activities Brahma Kumaris have organised on this day. We request centres to send in their pre-event details - Date, Time and Venue of events planned as soon as these are finalised. This information will be forwarded for posting on the official website for the day - www.worlddayofremembrance.org. On WDR 2012, BK centres across 9 countries had reported events.
You may feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
BK Kavita
Project Coordinator, Road Safety Initiative – Brahma Kumaris
*****Original News*****
The Road Safety initiative of Brahma Kumaris is knocking on our doors once again with an opportunity for synchronized global activities. The UN Road Safety Collaboration has declared 6th to 12th May 2013 as the Global Road Safety Week (GRSW). This year, the theme for the week is ‘Pedestrian Safety'.
The World Day of Remembrance observed on 18th Nov 2012 was an encouraging start to internationally synchronized events within the yagya in the direction of promoting road safety. For this GRSW, we would like to propose a list of activities that centres could undertake during the week.
Please click on link below for The Global Road Safety Week letter.