Madhuban News
Table of Content
WoW for 10th January 2024 - Let's Explore Silence
11 January 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
"Silence is Golden", it's said. How can the mere absence of words be golden? So there must be something very special about silence which humankind is yet to explore. Rajyoga Meditation is all about exploring this silence and finding the hidden gems that it contains. And above all, God - The incorporeal, really wants us to be silent so that we can connect with Him.
But how can we do that? Come, let's explore this treasure with Sis. Shanti from Spain - an embodiment and an ambassador of peace herself.
Read on!
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Click HERE to download in PDF version.
Click on below image to listen to the audio
WOfW for 3rd January 2024 - Tips for Balancing Life
5 January 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Youth is all about energy, vitality, resilience and risk taking. But what is the one quality that keeps all the aspects of life in control? It's 'Balance'.
In this issue of 'Wisdom of Wednesday' let us find out what Sis. Juliana - a Rajyogi from Columbia has to say on the topic.
Read on!
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
NB: Please find the text and the audio attached.
Click on below image to listen to the audio
Peace News International Bulletin 4th January 2024
5 January 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
TEAM Godlywood Studio wishes you Happy New Year.
Godlywood Studio presents the Peace News International Bulletin dated 4th January 2024.
News from UK, New Zealand and Russia keep us connected with you.
Find the YouTube Link below:
Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones.
Thank you.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
New Year Greetings from BK Mruthyunjay Bhai Ji
2 January 2024
Happy New Year 2024
Let us make the new year, a year of hope and possibilities. Let us fill our hearts with happiness and joy and share it with others.
Let us connect with the Supreme Light and be a source of light for all of humanity.
Thanking You.
Warm Regards,
Dr. BK Mruthyunjaya
Chairman, Education Wing
Brahma Kumaris, HQ, Mount Abu
New Year Greetings from Nirwair Bhai Ji and the Madhuban Family
1 January 2024
To the jewels of light of Avyakt BapDada's eyes, who are glorifying our beloved Baba in the world,
Our loving BK Centre Coordinators, and divine sisters and brothers of Bharat and foreign lands,
At the confluence of the departure of 2023, and coming of Year 2024, I extend lots and lots of congratulations to the entire Brahmin family.
No matter what is being predicted for 2024, Baba's children remain positive and envision 2024 as the year for us to make special efforts to be threaded in the rosary of 8 jewels (2+0+2+4=8)!
I am reminded of Brahma Baba's journey to perfection, and how in the final months Baba reached a stage where he preferred to stay in silence more and more. While interacting with the children, he would understand the gist of what the child was saying and then take them beyond with his drishti... That exchange of avyakt drishti even now gives us the experience of closeness, and super-sensuous joy. There is nothing lacking in this stage; one feels full and we are able to practically experience whatever Avyakt BapDada share in the Murlis. We speak a lot about the Almighty Being, but it is time to experience Baba in this role in the practical.
Let's make time to keep a chart of: how long am I able to stay in soul-consciousness? How long do I see others with soul-conscious vision? How much time do I give sakash for the benefit of the world?
Let's adopt very simple but practical and sustainable New Year Resolutions. May there be newness in our spiritual endeavour and godly service in 2024!
With love from Baba and Madhuban Niwasis,
B.K. Nirwair
Peace News International Bulletin for 24th December, 2023
1 January 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
TEAM Godlywood Studio wishes you a Merry Christmas.
Godlywood Studio presents the Peace News International Bulletin dated 24th December 2023.
News from East Africa, USA and UK keep us connected with you.
Find the YouTube Link below:
Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones.
Thank you.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
WoW for 27th December 2023 - True Freedom
30 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Freedom is fundamental to every being. But what if it is just a desire to break the rules, or break free of discipline? Have we understood real freedom?
In this issue of 'Wisdom of Wednesday' let us find out some of our self created and hidden prisons that retrench our own true Freedom.
Read on to find out what Sister. Sapna, the coordinator of Brahma Kumaris China has to say on the topic.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
NB: Please find the text and the audio attached.
Note: Click here to download in PDF file format
Click on below image to listen to the audio
Non Violet Communication - WOW for 20th December 2023
26 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

WoW for 13th December 2023 - Being a Natural Leader by br. Charlie Hogg
21 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
World is obsessed with Leadership and the parameters are constantly changing. How to effectively lead people in today's World is a big question and is a matter of concern for Governments, institutions and even families.
In this issue of Wisdom of Wednesday please find a thought provoking article full of intuition by a yogi par excellence, BK Charles Hogg, the Director of Brahma Kumaris Australia, where he dissects the anatomy of leadership from a spiritual perspective.
Happy Reading!
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Click on below image to listen to the audio
Peace News International Bulletin 17th December 2023
20 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Godlywood Studio presents the Peace News International Bulletin dated 17th December 2023.
News from UAE, Russia and Australia keep us connected with you.
Find the YouTube Link below:
Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones.
Thank you.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
"Go Deep. Turbulance Is Only On The Outside" - Wisdom of Wednesday for 69th December, 2023
10 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
On the surface of the ocean there is movement. But as you go deep there is stillness. And you find the most valuable pearls deep in the ocean. This is what Bro. Ken O'Donell is trying to tell us in this issue of the journal. He is someone who has taken time to experiment with jewels of spirituality and has an in-depth practical approach to Rajyoga which to him is an applied science!
Read on.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director,
Godlywood Studio
NB: Please find the text and the audio attached.
"3 Mantras I Swear By" - Wisdom of Wednesday for 29th November, 2023
7 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Hope this mail finds you in great spirits. We all have learned many surviving mechanisms or techniques that we use to keep ourselves in balance in the face of adversities. It can be a verse from a holy scripture, It can be a quote from a wise man, it can be anything.
In this issue of 'Wisdom of Wednesday' learn about the mantra used by Yogesh Sharda - A yogi who is the personification of calmness - currently handling the responsibility of Brahma Kumaris in Turkey, with which he has conquered many of his inner battles
Happy reading!
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director,
Godlywood Studio
Click on below image to listen to the audio
Peace News International Bulletin 4th December 2023
6 December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Godlywood Studio presents the Peace News International Bulletin dated 4th December 2023.
News from India, Dubai, Moscow and China keep us connected with you.
Find the YouTube Link below:
Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones.
Thank you.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Movie THE LIGHT To Be Screened on 25th November - News From The Platform of International Film Festival of India Held In Goa, India
24 November 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
All of us Baba's children with our intense spiritual efforts are doing our level best to glorify Baba's name in front of the world. And I have complete faith that the animated Film, 'The LIGHT' created by Godlywood Studio will become the frontrunner in this spiritual race. Through this Film everyone will come to know that The Almighty Shivbaba is performing his task of World Renewal at the pace of a rocket. Through the prestigious platform of IFFI Goa, Baba's Film has already touched the intellects of thousands from the Film Fraternity. I am very happy to tell you that through the medium of this Film, the inspiring story of Baba and the aim of Baba's Yagya will become clear in front of the World.
Today it's the second day of the IFFI. Screening of Baba's Film 'The LIGHT' is on 25th. We will bring you news from this venue of IFFI on regular intervals. Be with us in this journey. Once again good wishes to all our viewers.
We have brought you a comprehensive video with special coverage up to the second day of I F F I Goa. Please find the link to the video here:
Please share the video with your dear and near.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Wisdom of Wednesday for 22nd November 2023
21 November 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Rajyoga meditation is a lifestyle. And the magic of Rajyoga is what it can do to ordinary people doing everyday jobs. Bro. Manuel, a very ordinary citizen, moving along with his normal life found Rajyoga and how it changed him is nothing less than phenomenal. Read about his experience which he explains in his own words, which underlines the fact that common people need to become revolutionaries in order to bring about big societal changes.
Read on!
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director,
Godlywood Studio
NB: Please find the text and the audio attached.
Important Announcement Re: Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu
21 November 2023
Om Shanti
To all Centre-in-charge Instrument Sisters and the Jewels of the Brahmin Clan,
Please accept sweet Godly remembrance.
As you know, our dear Nirmala Didi, BapDada’s especially beloved and very loving child left her body on 20 October 2023 and went into BapDada’s lap. In the future, such a special jewel will play a new part, a new role, in Godly service.
On 13th November 2023, the Management Committee met in Shantivan, and appointed B.K.
Sudesh Didi from Germany as Joint Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalaya (BKIVV) and the Head and Senior Director of Gyan Sarovar, Mt Abu.
B.K. Prabha Didi from Bharooch, subzone in charge, was also appointed as Director of Gyan Sarovar.
Both Sudesh Didi and Prabha Didi will give everyone Godly sustenance and also work in co-operation for all other services.
In Godly service,
B.K. Shashi Prabha.
Management Committee, Brahma Kumaris
ओम शान्ति
सर्व सेवाकेन्द्र इन्चार्ज निमित्त बहनें एवं ब्राह्मण कुलभूषणों प्रति
ईश्वरीय मधुर स्मृति स्वीकार हो.
आप सबको ज्ञात ही है कि बापदादा की लाडली और हम सबकी अति स्नेही निर्मला दीदी ने 20 अक्टूबर 2023 को अपना भौतिक शरीर छोड़ बापदादा की गोद ली।
ऐसी विशेष रतन भविष्य में नये रोल की ईश्वरीय सेवाओं से अपना विशेष पार्ट बजायेंगी।
13 नवम्बर 2023 को मैनेजमेन्ट कमेटी की मीटिंग शान्तिवन में हुई जिसमें जर्मनी की सुदेश दीदी को ब्रह्माकुमारीज की संयुक्त प्रशासिका तथा ज्ञानसरोवर की हेड, सीनियर डायरेक्टर नियुक्त किया गया है। भरूच, सबजोन इन्चार्ज (गुजरात) प्रभा दीदी को भी ज्ञानसरोवर की डायरेक्टर नियुक्त किया गया है जिसे कमेटी के सभी सदस्यों ने सहर्ष स्वीकार किया है।
सुदेश दीदी और प्रभा दीदी मिलकर सभी की ईश्वरीय पालना तथा अन्य सेवाओं में सहयोगी रहेंगी।
ईश्वरीय सेवा में
बी.के. शशी प्रभा
मैनेजमेटी कमेटी, ब्रह्माकुमारीज
"THE LIGHT" - Animated Movie on Baba To Be Screened At Prestigious 54th International Film Festival Of India (IFFI) On 25th November, 2023, At 7:00 PM IST
20 November 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti.
Baba's Animated Movie, 'The LIGHT' crafted by creative Producer Shoojit Sircar, iRealities Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Godlywood Studio has been selected for Screening in the prestigious 54th International Film Festival of India - IFFI - in GOA. The Screening will be done in front of local and invited VIP guests on 25th November 7.00 PM.
The Film tells the story of the entry of the Supreme Light into the Human World and the transformation of Pitashri Brahma Baba, the Human Chariot of God. The subsequent release of the Film after the Film Festival is going to be a great opportunity for service. Come, let's join hands, organise programs and celebrate Baba's film and share the good news with each and everyone in the society.
Please also find attached the press release (in Hindi and English) which you can send to local News Channels and Newspapers, it will also be helpful for you to conduct programs for premiering the FIlm in your Local area.
Attached also is the screenshot of the entry of 'The LIGHT - A Journey Within' in the Official Website of IFFI.
Please take note of the contact no. in case of any queries regarding the Film: 8112215558 - BK Shikha
Please find the Link to the Promo Video :
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
The Producer - 'The LIGHT' Film
Executive Director,
Godlywood Studio
Click below links for copy of the press release.
In Photos: Diwali Celebrations in Shantivan Campus
19 November 2023
News of Diwali Celebrations at Varadani Bhavan, Basavanagudi, Bangalore
17 November 2023
Om Shanti
Greetings of Peace.
On this special occasion of Diwali, Brahma kumaris, Basavanagudi created the theme of coronation with 8 Generations of Lakshmi Narayan and felicitated all brothers and sisters.
Smt Malini Krishnamoorthy, IPS, Director General, Prisons & Correctional Services, Karnataka Prisons Head office, Bengaluru attended as Chief Guest and shared her good wishes also appreciated brahma kumaris selfless services in all sectors.
Rajyogini Ambika Didi enlightened all with the explanation of Diwali's Spiritual Celebration in life.
More than 500 attended and benefited.
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