2022 Additional October Madhuban News Archive 2022 Additional October Madhuban News Archive

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Grand Diwali Celebrations in Gyansarovar

27 October 2022

Mount Abu (Rajasthan):  The Brahma Kumaris celebrated the 85th Diwali at Gyansarovar in a grand manner. Members of the Brahma Kumaris fraternity from India and abroad attended this event.  BK Dr. Nirmala, Director of Gyansarovar; BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Brijmohan, Additional General Secretary of Brahma Kumaris, BK Munni and BK Shashi, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Sudesh, Director of Brahma Kumaris in Europe and the Middle East Region; BK Mruthyunjaya, General Secretary of the Brahma Kumaris; BK Dr. Pratap Midha, Director, Global Hospital and many senior rajayogis were from India and abroad were present on this occasion.

BK Dr. Nirmala, Director of Gyansarovar, gave the welcome speech. She expressed her gratitude towards all the seniors and the audience for attending the event. She gave special thanks to those who offered services for making this program happen.

BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of the Brahma Kumaris, in her address congratulated everyone for being able to witness this happy occasion. She recounted the founding days of Gyansarovar and those many personalities who had offered loving services to this place. She also expressed good wishes for the divine services rendered by Gyansarovar and the residents of Gyansarovar over the years.

BK Brijmohan, Additional General Secretary of Brahma Kumaris asked everyone to  keep the inner light ignited on all circumstances and remain happy.

BK Munni, BK Mruthyunjaya, BK Shashi, BK Dr. Pratap also expressed their good wishes and blessings on this occasion.

Everyone paid loving remembrance to Brahma Baba, the Founder of this organization, Dadis and specially Dadi Chandramani, Dadi Manohar who sustained Gyansarovar which was inaugurated 28 years ago.

The Madhurvani Group entertained the audience with divine music and songs. Dance by BK family from Spain,  enlivened the whole atmosphere. BK Suman well co-ordinated the stage program.




Governor of Uttarakhand Felicitate Brahma Kumaris

27 October 2022

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): Dr. BK Binny Sareen of Mount Abu was felicitated by Gurmit Singh, Honorable Governor of Uttarakhand in the Religious (Dharma) Conference on Girl Development and Mental Health held in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.

This conference was inaugurated by the Governor of Uttarakhand Gurmit Singh and the event was organized in joint conjunction with the President of Global Interfaith Alliance Jiva Swami Chidanand Saraswati Maharaj and UNO organisation. There was a discussion on development, equality, giving respect and positive behavior towards girls and women and to make them aware of moral rights during the conference.

News in Hindi:

उत्तराखंड के ऋषिकेश में आयोजित धर्म सम्मेलन में डॉबीके बिन्नी सरीन का सम्मान

माउंट आबू । माउंट आबू की डॉ. बीके बिन्नी सरीन को उत्तराखंड के ऋषिकेश में बालिका विकास व मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर हुए धर्म सम्मेलन में राज्यपाल गुरमीत सिंह द्वारा सम्मानित किया गया। इस सम्मेलन का उद्घाटन उत्तराखंड के राज्यपाल गुरमीत सिंह द्वारा किया गया यह आयोजन ग्लोबल इंटरफेथ एलाइंस जीवा के अध्यक्ष स्वामी चिदानंद सरस्वती महाराज यूएनओ संस्था के संयुक्त संयोजन में किया गया इस सम्मेलन में बालिकाओं और महिलाओं के सम्मान विकास समानता व उनके प्रति सकारात्मक व्यवहार और उन्हें नैतिक अधिकारों के प्रति जागरूक करने के लिए मंथन हुआ।



Diwali Greetings from Dadi Ratanmohini Ji

27 October 2022




Vice President of India praises the work and social contribution of Brahma Kumaris on their 85th Anniversary

27 October 2022

“Life is incomplete without spirituality. Right education, right thinking and right knowledge can give us strength. India was a “Vishwa Guru” in the past and will become one in future again,” the Vice-President of India said.

Abu Road (Rajasthan): The country’s 14th Vice President of India Honorable  Jagdeep Dhankhar and Dr Sudesh Dhankhar were at the 85th anniversary of Brahma Kumaris and Deepawali celebrations on the theme “Towards an Empowered, Prosperous and Golden India” held at Brahma Kumaris World Headquarters, Abu Road in Rajasthan today.

The Vice President, Honorable Jagdeep Dhankhar today emphasised the need for developing spiritual mindset among individuals, families and society as a whole to root out impropriety, immoral conduct and negativity from the nation. Opining that “life is incomplete without spirituality,” Shri Dhankhar said that the technological transformation currently underway across the world will have a better impact on people’s lives if it is infused with spirituality.

On this occasion, Mr. Dhankhar termed spirituality as an essential part of our education that “makes a person a complete person,” and lauded Brahma Kumaris for promoting spirituality and Dharma (righteousness) across the world. Praising the New Education Policy – 2020 for laying emphasis on Indian civilizational values, he observed that “the right education, right thinking and the right knowledge can only make us powerful as a nation”.

Describing Brahma Kumaris as an epicentre of Indian cultural values, he said that “the noble thoughts of world welfare & world happiness emanate from here.” He also praised Brahma Kumaris for planting over two million saplings to combat climate change and called it ‘an organisation of unparalleled dimensions that exemplifies the virtues of not only humanity but entire living beings on the planet.’

Mentioning a series of affirmative steps and farsighted initiatives in recent years, the Vice President said that India is on the move like never before and urged the media to highlight and “celebrate the rise of India”.

Referring to the role of Rajya Sabha as the ‘House of Elders’, Shri Dhankhar said that our constitution makers had envisioned that Rajya Sabha, with its conduct and farsightedness, will provide a new direction to the country. He also urged the parliamentarians to set examples for the common public through exemplary personal and collective conduct worthy of emulation by others.

“What we dreamt of will soon come true. Our educational institutions have led the way in the world. In the history of the world, there is no other nation other than India to give the message of truth and peace,” he said.

“Right education, right thinking and right knowledge can give us strength,” Mr. Dhankhar said. “India was a “Vishwa Guru” in the past and will become one in future again” Vice-President said addressing the program held to mark 85th anniversary of Brahma Kumaris in Abu Road.

The Vice President lauded the work and social contribution of the Brahma Kumaris. Today the world is accepting the iron of India, it is seeing our charisma. India has always served the world and even today spiritual institutions are working with the intention of giving something to the world. Appreciating the work of the Brahma Kumaris, he said that from here we get the cultural philosophy of India. For human welfare, it is necessary that such institutions go ahead and work for the welfare of the society. Only then India will once again become the world guru.

He said that the country’s new education policy has been formulated keeping in mind its culture, ideas and heritage. “The country will go in a new direction because education is the core and religion is our heritage and capital” .

Mr. Dhankhar said even during the coronavirus pandemic, India served the whole world. India became the fifth largest economy in the world and within a decade, it will be the third largest economy, he added.

Sukhram Bishnoi Minister of State for Forest & Environment, Government of Rajasthan, Rajyogini BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogi BK Brij Mohan, Additional Secretary General Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogini Dr BK Munni, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogi Dr BK Mruthyunjaya, Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogi BK Karuna, Chief of Multimedia Brahma Kumaris and others from different parts of India attended the event.

After his program at Brahma Kumaris campus, the Vice President along with Dr. Sudesh Dhankhar also visited and prayed at Dilwara temples and Nath Dwara temples in Rajasthan.

News in Hindi:

सही शिक्षा, सही सोच और सही ज्ञान ही हमें ताकत दे सकता है: उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़
– ब्रह्माकुमारीज के 85वें वार्षिकोत्सव में पहुंचे उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़
– सशक्त, समृद्ध और स्वर्णिम भारत की ओर विषय पर कार्यक्रम आयोजित
– उपराष्ट्रपति बोले- ब्रह्माकुमारीज ने जो विजन बनाया है मैं उसे सैल्यूट करता हूं, यहां आकर भारतीय दर्शन की सोच के दर्शन होते हैं
– राष्ट्रगान के साथ कार्यक्रम का हुआ शुभारंभ

आबू रोड/राजस्थान (निप्र)। ब्रह्माकुमारीज संस्थान के 85वें वार्षिकोत्सव और दीपावली स्नेह मिलन समारोह में उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, धर्मपत्नी डॉ. सुदेश धनखड़ ने विशेष रूप से शिरकत की। उन्होंने दीप प्रज्जवलन कर वार्षिकोत्सव का शुभारंभ किया।
सशक्त, समृद्ध और स्वर्णिम भारत विषय पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए उपराष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने कहा कि भारत ही एकमात्र ऐसा देश है जो विश्व के कल्याण की बात कर रहा है। भारत विश्वगुरु था और फिर से एक दिन निश्चित रूप से विश्व गुरु बनेगा। जिसका हमने सपना देखा था वह जल्द ही साकार होगा। हमारी शैक्षणिक संस्थाओं ने दुनिया का मार्ग प्रशस्त किया है। दुनिया के इतिहास में सच्चाई और शांति का संदेश देने वाला भारत के अलावा और कोई राष्ट्र नहीं है। आज भारत बदल रहा है। दुनिया भारत का लोहा मान रही है। भारतीय होना अपने आप में गर्व और शान की बात है। भारत आज किसी का मोहताज नहीं है।

दुनिया के सबसे बड़े संकट में भी मूल्य नहीं खोए-
उपराष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने कहा कि दुनिया के सबसे बड़े संकट कोरोनाकाल में भी भारत ने अपने सांस्कृतिक मूल्यों का ध्यान रखते हुए पूरी दुनिया की सेवा की। भारत ने दुनिया के सामने वह कर दिखाया है जिसकी कोई कल्पना कर नहीं सकता है। कोरोना में 80 करोड़ लोगों के राशन की व्यवस्था सरकार की ओर से की गई है। जिन लोगों ने हम पर लंबे समय तक राज किया, जिनका सूर्य कभी अस्त नहीं होता था। उनकी अर्थव्यवस्था से भारत ने छलांग लगाकर दुनिया की पांचवीं अर्थव्यवस्था बना। इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं कि हम जल्द ही एक दशक के अंदर दुनिया की तीसरी सबसे बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था होंगे।

18 करोड़ परिवारों को दिए मुक्त कनेक्शन-
उपराष्ट्रपति ने अपने सांसद के कार्यकाल को याद करते हुए कहा कि 33 साल पहले एक सांसद के रूप में मुझे 50 गैस कनेक्शन मिले थे। वह मेरी ताकत थी। मैंने सोचा था कि कम से कम 50 घरों में हमारी मातृ शक्ति के आंसू पोंछ सकूंगा। आज हमारी सरकार ने महिलाओं के लिए उज्जवला योजना से 18 करोड़ परिवारों को मुक्त गैस कनेक्शन दिए हैं। हर व्यक्ति के लिए जल की व्यवस्था की योजनाएं बनाईं हैं। ये सरकार की बड़ी सोच का कमाल है। इन कदमों से आम आदमी के जीवन में बदलाव आ रहा है।

युवाओं को आज रुपयों की कतई कमी नहीं-
उन्होंने मीडिया से आग्रह किया कि भारत के नवनिर्माण को सेलीब्रेट करें। जो हमने किया है, वह कोई नहीं कर सकता है। यह सोचकर हमें डर लगता है कि क्या इतना बड़ा काम हम कर पाएंगे। जबकि सरकार ने आज 40 लाख से ज्यादा लोगों का बैंक एकाउंट खुलवाया है। आज के नवयुवकों के मन में विचार और बदलाव की आवश्यकता है उसे धन की तो कतई कमी नहीं है। इतिहास का अध्ययन करेंगे तो पता चलेगा तो भारत के लोगों ने कभी गरीबी की बात नहीं की। उन्होंने दुनिया को मूल्यवान बनाने की बात की है।

ब्रह्माकुमारीज ने जो विजन बनाया है मैं उसे सैल्यूट करता हूं…
उपराष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने कहा कि यह दिन मुझे सदा याद रहेगा। जीवन की सच्चाई अंदर है। ब्रह्माकुमारीज में आकर भारतीय दर्शन की सोच के दर्शन होते हैं। दुनिया का कोई भी भू-भाग नहीं है जहां पर ब्रह्माकुमारीज की उपस्थिति न हो। यह उपस्थिति कोई भूगोल से जुड़ी नहीं बल्कि आध्यात्म की उपस्थिति है। यहां जो राजयोग की बात कही गई वह अमिट है और आज विश्व की आवश्यकता है। कम शब्दों में यहां जो बताया वह गीता का सार है। हमारी संस्कृति का आधार है। ऐसे में जब हम देखते हैं कि जहां मूल्यों का पतन हो रहा है वहां चिंतन की आवश्यकता है। ब्रह्माकुमारीज ने जो विजन बनाया है मैं उसे सैल्यूट करता हूं। सही शिक्षा, सही सोच और सही ज्ञान ही हमें ताकत दे सकता है। आध्यात्मिकता के अभाव में परिवार और समाज नष्ट हो जाते हैं लेकिन ब्रह्माकुमारीज समाज में आध्यात्मिक मूल्यों से सिंचित करने का कार्य कर रही है। यहां से जुड़ा हर एक सदस्य अपने आप में शांतिदूत है। आध्यात्मिक समावेश के बिना जीवन अधूरा है। सही और सच्चा विकास तभी संभव है जब विकास के साथ उसमें आध्यात्मिकता का समावेश हो।

हमारी नई शिक्षा नीति संस्कृति पर आधारित-
उन्होंने कहा कि मैंने राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति का गहन अध्ययन किया है और मुझे यह जानकर आश्चर्य हुआ कि इस नीति ने हमारी संस्कृति, विचारों और विरासत को पटल पर रखकर इसका निर्माण किया है। देश नई दिशा में जाएगा क्योंकि शिक्षा मूल है। धर्म हमारी धरोहर और पूंजी है। आध्यात्म, धर्म यूनिवर्सल है। जिसका प्रचार-प्रसार करने का कार्य ब्रह्माकुमारीज कर रही है।

उपराष्ट्रपति बोले- यहां आकर मुझे दो बातों का बोध हुआ-
पहली: एक यहां मुझे बहुत कुछ छोड़कर जाना होगा।
दूसरी: यहां मुझे होमवर्क दिया गया है- मेरे सम्मान में जो कविता पढ़ी गई है, उसमें जो लिखा गया है उसे सार्थक करने के लिए मुझे बहुत प्रयास करना होगा। यहां से मैं शक्ति लेकर जा रहा हूं कि राज्यसभा के प्रत्येक सदस्य को मैं प्रेरित करुंगा कि उनका सामूहिक आचरण भारतीयता के सिद्धांतों को दिखाए और अनुकरणीय हो।

ये भी रहे मौजूद-
इस मौके पर विधायक जगसीराम कोली, कमिश्नर, जिला कलेक्टर डॉ. भंवरलाल, एसपी ममता गुप्ता सहित अन्य अधिकारी-कर्मचारी मौजूद रहे।




Wisdom of Wednesday for 26th October 2022

27 October 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

When the world scenario gets increasingly hostile, it's time for the Spiritual Stalwarts to spread their power of silence and virtues. And the divine gems carved by God and refined by beloved Dadi Janki are at the forefront of this Spiritual Army!

See how beautifully Erik Larsen of New York shows the outline of real Spiritual Service which is the need of the day and how Dadi Janki inspired him by example.

Happy Reading!


With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director, Godlywood Studio




Honorable Vice President of India Visits Shantivan for the First Time on 25th October, 2022

26 October 2022


Bap Dada's most beloved divine family,

Please accept Godly remembrance from Madhuban Tapobhumi.

We are pleased to inform you that the Honorable Vice President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar ji and his family are visiting Baba's home Shantivan for the first time on 25th October, 2022 for the inauguration of  the 85th Anniversary of Brahma Kumaris and Diwali Celebration on the theme "Sashakt, Samruddh, Swarnim Bharat ki Aur".

On this occasion, a program has been organized in Diamond Hall from 10:45 am to 12 noon on October 25. The Hon'ble Vice-president is also scheduled to visit Pandav Bhawan & Dilwara Temple in Mount Abu after which he will depart for Delhi.

All the divine brothers and sisters of the nearby service centers of Madhuban are warmly invited for this program. But kindly schedule your visit in such a way that  you should reach Diamond Hall by 9.30 am on October 25, as there will be very tight security.

 Please inform Dev Bhai of Accommodation Department, Shantivan the details of your arrival and departure. Alongside this, also inform BK Supriya Behen of the Education Wing.


In Baba’s Yaad

BK Mruthyunjaya

Executive Secretary, Brahma Kumaris




Grand Deepavali And 74th Birthday Celebrations Of BK Munni Didi in Shantivan

26 October 2022

Abu Road (Rajasthan): The Brahma Kumaris celebrated the festival of Deepavali at Shantivan in a grand way.  The event also marked the 74th Birthday celebrations of BK Munni, Joint Chief Administrator of Brahma Kumaris.  The whole Shantivan premises were tastefully decorated with lights and the main program was held at the Diamond Hall.  It was graced by many senior members of the Brahma Kumaris including Dadi Ratanmohini,  Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  BK Munni,  Joint Chief Administrator of Brahma Kumaris,  BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  BK Nirwair,  Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris,  BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris, BK Brij Mohan,  Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, BK Sudesh, European Director of Brahma KumarisBK Banarasi Lal Shah, Head of Everhealthy Hospital of Brahma Kumaris and many more from India and abroad.

Dadi Ratanmohini,  Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  congratulated everyone on this auspicious occasion and gave good wishes to BK Munni on her birthday.

BK Nirwair,  Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris,  congratulated BK Munni on her birthday and said that she is indeed the live manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi. She has won the hearts of all with her divine qualities. The part being played by her in Godly services is unique and appreciable. She is a jewel in the golden box of Madhuban.

BK Brij Mohan,  Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris,  said that we should consider ourselves blessed to be able to celebrate Diwali in this place and manner. Real Diwali happens the day we become soul conscious. Praising BK Munni, he said that true to her name she personifies Goddess Lakshmi.  The way she handles her enormous responsibilities so efficiently is possible only with Godly inspiration.  That day also seems imminent when the Golden Age will arrive and there will be Diwali forever.

A documentary film on the life of BK Munni was also shown to the audience,  tracking her spiritual journey through the years.

BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris,  gave the welcome speech.  He said that this festival symbolizes replacing ignorance with Divine wisdom. So, it is a day to share divine knowledge with all.

BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  in her address recalled how she and Munni Didi got nourishment from senior Dadis and Brahma Baba,  the Founder Father of Brahma Kumaris.  It was a pleasure to offer service side by side for many years.  It is a matter of great fortune for all of foreign BK’s that BK Munni takes care of them just as the Dadis did. She has an impeccable memory and takes care of every task immaculately.

BK Munni thanked everyone for such beautiful wishes. She felt blessed to have received so much love in her lifetime. She constantly feels the presence of Prakashmani Dadi guiding her and protecting her. She has travelled this far with lightness and happiness.  She hoped that in the coming years, Brahma Kumaris will reach greater heights and fulfill its divine mission.

Girls from Indore hostel presented beautiful dance performances.

BK Usha, Senior Rajyoga Teacher,  welcomed everyone and explained the special significance of this festival for Brahma Kumaris.  It was on this day in 1937, that Brahma Baba,  the Founder Father of Brahma Kumaris,  laid the foundation of this Organization. He handed the responsibility of Godly services to Mateshwari Jagadamba Saraswati,  First Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris,  on this day. Dadi Prakashmani also dedicated herself to Divine family on Diwali day. Many auspicious works have been inaugurated on this festival in the history of Brahma Kumaris.

A beautiful cake cutting and candle lighting ceremony was also held.  The event was attended by many members of the Brahma Kumaris fraternity from all over the country, and witnessed by thousands of others on TV and social media,  all over the world.




10th Anniversary Celebrations of Godlywood Studio with Seniors of Yagya!

26 October 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.


TEAM Godlywood is celebrating 10 years of non-stop Godly Service! The vision of our friend, philosopher and Guide, the Founding Chairman Respected Ramesh Bhaiji and Usha Behn is fast becoming a reality!


We are thankful and extremely fortunate to have Respected Nirwair Bhaiji, the General Secretary of Brahma Kumaris and Respected Munni Didi, The Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris for blessing us with their august presence during the celebration in Studio.


We have covered a long way starting from 2012, and yet to travel a lot to reach our vision of 'being a lighthouse to the planet'!


But we are extremely grateful for the overwhelming support from all of you - Our viewers are the driving force and our Respected Dadis and Seniors are the umbrella under which we flourish. During the whole decade, each and every moment we have experienced the blessings showered on us by Supreme Almighty Shivbaba.


We are committed to creating content that makes a positive difference in your life and at this juncture of celebration we take the opportunity to cement that commitment until the last of aspirants get benefited by the Light of God.


Given below is the link to the 13-minute video of 10th Anniversary Celebrations of Studio. Please watch and share it with your dear and near.



With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal                                                               

Executive Director

Godlywood Studio

World Renewal Spiritual Trust                                                                                                                                 

Youtube: youtube.com/omshantichannelgws

Website: www.godlywoodstudio.org