2020 Jan through Apr Europe News Archive 2020 Jan through Apr Europe News Archive

Table of Content

VALUE YOURSELF: Online Seminar on April 26th and May 3rd

25 April 2020


London (UK):  Learn the secret of how to like who you are, and feel comfortable being yourself.


Feeling relaxed and good about ourselves can be one of the most elusive aspects of life.


You can watch the live webcast at globalcooperationhouse.org/webcast 


Part 1:  Sunday 26th April 2:00 – 3:30 pm (UK Time)

                                  26th April 6:30 – 8:00 pm (Indian Time)

Part 2: Sunday 3rd May 2:00 – 3:30 pm (UK Time)

                                  3rd May 6:30 – 8:00 pm (Indian Time)

Both are live webcasts.   No booking required.


In this two-part online seminar, Wendy Marshall will show you how to make real changes, by rising above old thought patterns into a different way of being, one based on your higher self. Experiencing our higher self helps us to be naturally more loving, compassionate and at peace – with both our self and others.


With free audio meditations to support your learning, together we will explore:

* My beautifully imperfect self

* How to care less about others’ opinions of us

* Drinking in love and kindness

* The most natural way to generate well-being

* Being comfortable as yourself in any situation


Wendy Marshall is a social entrepreneur, writer, and long-time meditator, one of the creative minds behind the Meditation Lounge App – free to download from the App Store and Google Play.


Watch online




“Building Inner Resilience” and Meditation – Online Webinar with Sister Aruna on April 22nd

21 April 2020


Join BK Aruna Ladva for an online webinar on “Building Inner Resilience” and meditation on Wednesday, April 22 from 2 PM – 3 PM UK time (6:30 AM – 7:30 AM Indian time)


Join over Zoom App. Meeting ID – 874 4715 6820 and Password – 549138.

You can also visit the blog – itstimetomeditate.org 


Time Zone Converter click here




News update from the BK Family in Italy

20 April 2020

Dear Divine Family,


Om shanti and loving greetings from Italy! We hope you are well and finding the best in these scenes of the confluence age.


Here is an update on how we are in Italy and how we are dealing with the situation as it unfolds.


It is now coming up to two months since the lockdown started in north Italy. The situation for people in general is quite difficult. In particular, the economic situation. Many businesses have closed and although there are promises from the Government to bring relief, this is very slow and with lots of strings. People are also facing situations where relatives leave the body and they have no way of seeing them in their final moments, no way to say goodbye. This is very hard to face in a place where the “structure” of family is very important. Although the Italian Government is now looking at plans for re-opening, the estimated time frame is almost one year before international travel is permitted!


As a BK family, we are well and healthy. We have taken this as an opportunity to stock up on basics (as mentioned in the previous letter too) and finally organize things we hadn’t done before in the Centre. We are also investing in technical items in order to offer good quality online events as this seems to be the way forward. We are adding more meditation experiences online besides the talks. People seem to appreciate a lot what is being offered and they feel sustained. In the first few weeks the BK family was enthusiastically offering up to 5-6 transmissions daily, now the range is about 3 - 4 transmissions daily and we assume that this will carry on for a good while.  We are also focusing on taking time for yoga and have created a timetable for the family where each member chose a time for yoga so that most of the day is covered.

In case there is an Italian-speaking community or individuals in your country, please feel free to share with them the link for online talks and meditations: http://www.brahmakumaris.it/eventi-online/ 


There have been a number of online gatherings for BKs and there is currently the request to do more interactive sessions so that people can share and hear each other’s experiences and inspirations in order to connect and feel the power of the gathering that is so important for many. Paradoxically, this situation has inspired a lot more interaction amongst BKs. The general energy is of harmony, this is the time to let go of the many details and focus on the real important stuff. A lot of us are realising how precious the family is and how yoga is powerful when done together.


Another thing we are looking at is the effect this lockdown and virus is having on people and how to help with the after effect. According to culture and religious customs, people are experiencing even more suffering. The mass “closure” people will need to go through once lockdown is lifted will allow them at last to mourn in some significant way for their family members that left the body. As sister Wendy shared, she is trying to fill in some gaps people have in their spiritual awareness and talk about Baba in a way that is acceptable by all during online talks. Speaking about Baba or God through your own experience cannot be challenged and it could be useful to some. It is then not a theory. Lockdown is a massive opportunity in drama. Some points Jayantibhen gave at the end of her 18th April chat with the European family indicated some excellent ideas for this.


As many have asked we want to share what we do in order to offer good quality music online with our meditation commentaries. We have a USB mixer that can be recognised by the laptop as “input” for sound. The music and the microphone (easy with laptop, more complex with other devices) is connected to the mixer. In this way we can regulate the music or voice separately in order to have a pleasant experience for the ears too!  This setup is not expensive, it just needs to be understood. The music we use is copyright free. We are lucky to have individuals with good technical expertise in the family who have been supporting the places that need it with original (non copyright) music and technical quality control. We are available to help you with this in case of need. 


People who participate online have the opportunity to contribute through PayPal and bank transfer.


With lots of love and all good wishes for a wide unlimited vision of the present and future.


BK family in Italy






Free Online Workshop for Kids (8-12 years) from April 19th

17 April 2020

Creativity, Yoga, Meditation, and Games for Kids

Frankfurt ( Germany ):  A valuable education for children to learn about Peace, Happiness, Love, Respect, and Conflict-Resolution through arts and crafts, singing, co-operative games, reflection exercises and meditation for children.


Brahma Kumaris Frankfurt organised three independent events for your Kid(s) on upcoming Sundays at 13:00 hr(German time) (at 16:30 hr Indian time). All Events are free of charge. Voluntary contributions are accepted. We have limited seats, do register now.


Special Instructions for Parents:

 The workshop will be online through Zoom, please log in 10 minutes before the workshop starts.

 Workshop shall be through Zoom meetings. The Meeting ID and password shall be shared only after Eventbrite registrations. If you don’t have a Zoom app, download for free from www.zoom.us

Please do not share the Zoom details with anyone else to help organizer manage the numbers more effectively.

As it’s an online workshop so the kids would need the following:

 Round Paper Plate (Plain White Paper)

 Colour Pencils

 Punch Machine


 String / Thread




If you have any difficulty please reach out on email: info.events@brahmakumaris.de 


To register, click here 






What's Online this week from Global Co-operation House, London

14 April 2020







Every morning from 10:30 to 11:00am


New for Social Media.





Evenings from 7:00 to 7:30pm


Step into Calm for 30 mins on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday.




Every Friday evening from 7:00 - 8:00pm


These evenings are open to everyone, from absolute beginners to those wanting to deepen their meditation experiences.






Thursday 16 April, 7:00 - 8:00pm


We are all influenced by vibrations, positive or negative. They work as an unseen, invisible form of communication which has no limits to its reach.






Experience peace, inner strength and wisdom through 'yoga for the mind'.


Learn how to:

* Meditate anytime, anywhere.

* Experience the beauty of the true self.

* Understand the nature of consciousness.

* Connect with the Divine.

* Use your 8 spiritual powers.


BOOKING ESSENTIAL to receive the link.


7 Day Fast Track - Daily Evenings

A 7-days course: 1 session per day from Saturday 18th April to Friday 24th April 2020 at same time.

It is essential to attend all 7 sessions.

Starts: Saturday 18 April, 6:30 - 8:15pm






Saturday 18 April, 10:30am - 12:30pm


Morning online retreat exploring the damage that anger does to ourselves and the world - and ways to remove it. A four-step process with practical tools to live a more peaceful life. Booking essential to receive the link.






Sunday 19 April, 11:00am - 12:00pm


An opportunity for parents with children to spend a relaxed hour together. Creative techniques will be shared based on Raja Yoga meditation.




Sunday 19 April, 6:15 - 7:45pm


An evening of music, silence and guiding thoughts to help us experience inner peace, connect with the Divine and share loving vibrations with the world. Join millions of people throughout the world to contribute in creating a wave of peace.






Global Retreat Centre Update

14 April 2020

Dear Karen,


Loving greetings. We hope that you are keeping well in these unusual times.


You must be asking: What is the outcome of the 8,500+ letters that the local government received, objecting to the proposed gravel pit? The short response is that we are unlikely to hear anything before late summer. The public consultation, that has just finished, provides both new information for the Council to consider, as well as the magnitude of feeling towards the proposal. There is now an internal government process in which all this is now considered.


During this interim time, let us not just ‘wait and see’ but continue to send our powerful thoughts and good feelings of success towards this campaign. This can have the effect of changing the energy and creating a positive outcome.


There are other steps that we have been able to take and we are continuing to work on those.  These include conversations with contacts at government level and initial conversations with legal bodies as to what is our best approach to challenge the situation. We are also working very closely with others from the surrounding area who will also be affected. They have done some very thorough research that brings into question the figures that the Council have been given both in terms of the amount and quality of gravel available as well as the costs associated with extracting it.


We will continue to keep you updated as and when we hear anything more.


With warmest regards,

Sister Manda and the Global Retreat Centre team




Daily Online Live Meditations – “Stress to Serenity”on offer in London

11 April 2020


Global Cooperation House, London – The Brahma Kumaris organize Live Meditations – “Stress to Serenity” every day from 10:30 AM to 11 AM (London time).


Facebook page: Brahma Kumaris Global Co-operation House


Instagram: @globalcooperationhouse




Suspension of visas for those from France, Germany and Spain and those who have travelled to these countries since 1 February 2020

11 March 2020

Dear Centre Coordinators & Travel Coordinators, Greetings and yaad-pyar from Madhuban,


We continue to witness scenes of suddenly. Please see the attached information regarding suspension of Indian visas/e-visas for travellers from France, Germany and Spain as of 11 March 2020.


This includes suspension of Indian visas/e-visas for any foreign national who has travelled to China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Japan, France, Germany or Spain since 1 February 2020.


Please inform all of Baba's children who were planning to come for the Avyakt Meeting on 20 March especially. 


This will also apply to citizens of France, Germany and Spain who are living in other countries (who will be travelling on those passports) or who have visited those countries since 1 February 2020. 


Also, those with a travel history to China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia, France, Spain or Germany, may be required to undergo a self-imposed quarantine for 14 days from the date of their arrival.


More detailed information can be found in the attached 'Travel and Visa restrictions related to COVID-19’ from the Indian Bureau of Immigration.


The situation is continuously changing and we will continue to keep you updated.


With good wishes,

In Baba’s yaad,

BK Shashi


Travel and Visa restrictions related to COVID-19 document





The Promise of Happiness - celebrating world happiness day

5 March 2020



News from the Janki Foundation

4 March 2020


Dear Friends,  


We are delighted to share the launch of a new all time free app, 'Happidote', to support the wellbeing of healthcare professionals.


The app has been designed to access simple guided meditations quickly and to help calm the mind and ease the stress of work. It covers 10 typical stress-causing scenarios, and 2 to 3 minute meditations that would act as the antidote to each situation.  Find out more on the news report and video link of the launch held in November 2019 which can be found on our website under the news page


We would also like to share news and video links of the very successful one-day study day, 'Shining Light on Death' held in Leicester in September 2019.  The event was inspired by Ann Richardson, a nurse who attended a similar day held by us in July 2018 in London. Around 160 delegates attended at Harmony House, Leicester. The day was jointly organised by the Janki Foundation (JF) and the Brahma Kumaris.


The guest speakers were Dr Peter Fenwick, eminent neuropsychiatrist, Rev Andrew Martin, Lead Chaplain at LOROS Hospice, Leicester and Maureen Goodman, Programme Director of the Brahma Kumaris, UK.  Peter's message was 'we need to be curious about dying and not be afraid to discuss the subject with loved ones'.  Andrew spoke about what the dying want matters and shared heartfelt stories from his own clinical experiences.  Maureen Goodman spoke on facing our fear of dying.  It was a rich day and it received excellent feedback.  


Peter Stanley who reported on the day writes: 'It was said that the Buddha had 40 meditation subjects, one of which was death, and that he used whichever was pertinent to the needs of the meditator. To care for someone who is dying is a great privilege, something that was echoed by many of the speakers'.   


For the full news and all the video links of the event see the news page under our website. Please feel free to pass this news on to colleagues, family and friends who may be interested


Ante -Thanatos care: a holistic approach for preparing for the end of life

by Dr Craig Brown


Dr Craig Brown, our dear friend and scientific and medical advisor to the Janki Foundation, has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness.  Our loving thoughts and healing wishes are with him.  He has generously allowed us to publish his own thoughts on being in this position. See his article and poems on the news page


The popular one-day Silence retreats in Kent organised by Newron Medical Services in collaboration with the Janki Foundation continue.  The dates for the forthcoming four retreats are: 24th April 2020, 26th June 2020, 3rd October 2020 and 30th January 2021.   Details of all retreats, the theme and speakers, and how to register can be found on the Forthcoming Events page


The JF Community Group had a weekend at the seaside, at Lighthouse Retreat Centre, Worthing, in November 2019. Sessions included ‘Serving from a Place of Joy’, ‘Nurturing Ourselves’, and creating ideas for future projects. For brief news and photos see news page


One of the main aims of the Foundation is to give regular financial support to the Global Hospital & Research Centre , a unique hospital situated in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. The hospital’s work has grown exponentially over the last 28 years. The latest annual report for the hospital can be found on our website.


More news of last year's events including VIHASA training in India can also be seen on the news page


We hope you enjoy reading the news and that the videos are helpful.  


With warmest wishes from,

All at Janki Foundation





Maha Shiv Ratri – A Spiritual ‘Tour’ of Ancient India’s renowned 12 Jyotirling at GCH

2 March 2020

Over 620 people came through the doors of Diamond House at GCH to experience the ‘Spiritual Tour’ on Sunday afternoon and everyone was handed a reflective journal ‘ my special moments with God’ before embarking on the journey. Many more friends and contacts continued to visit for the next two days. Starting with an exquisite exhibition set up replicating the 12 renowned temples in India that house the Jyotirling. The exhibition had been displaying at Leicester’s Harmony House for a week before lovingly brought to London by BK sisters and brothers , with the project led by Sister Sukanti, whose inspiration it had been. The Conference Hall was transformed into 12 exhibits, replicating the 12 Shiva temples and a lit alcove in each displaying the Jyotirling, in front of beautifully lit Shiv Baba’s incorporeal image. There was also a central display of a Shivaling in the centre of the room.


This was a fascinating walk through the history of these powerful places of devotion to Shiva that have been worshipped for centuries in India. The atmosphere was very light and yet also deeply serene and ancient. The 12 temples replicated are listed below and their relevance to this time and the acts of God Shiva, which was included in the information given about each one. This was bhakti explained in a very practical and carefully considered way.


Many visitors commented how they have never seen a display of all 12 of the renowned Jyotirling in one place before. ‘It's a real treat to experience them all in one very peaceful and deeply spiritual place’.


Click here for full report with photos.





Jan 18 Celebrations at GCH, London

31 January 2020

Dear Jewels, Om shanti and greetings.


I am sure all of you must have had a very powerful 18th January at your centres.  Here, in London, we celebrated the day with the theme of "Living Towers", inspired by Brahma Baba's memorial of the Tower of Peace. We had a variety of activities taking place and it's all been recorded in various formats.  We thought of sharing these with you.


Please find below links 

1) The report of the day, 

2)  The specially made video "Memorial of an Angel"

3)  The booklet to work on during the day, and 

4)  A short video of the day's activities.


With lots of love from the London family.


Report of the day

Click on the image to play the video


Memorial of an Angel video:

Click on the image to play the video


Click here for full report.





Return to THE SOURCE with Sister Jayanti - Sunday 19th January 6-8pm GCH, London

30 January 2020

MC Clarke Peters  welcomed over 300 to this special January event to honour Brahma Baba, contribute to World Meditation Hour and provide an opportunity for anyone to join the gathering to connect with The Source and experience vibrations and love from beyond and send peace and love to our world family and planet.  Over 30 were present for the first time at a GCH event.


Clarke shared his personal experiences and asked How do we return to The Source?  From where do we perceive the world? And went on to share:  


Once a month the BK’s gather to send vibrations of peace specifically to the world…..but we can do this everyday and once a month we can do here.  This evening honours a man we call Brahma Baba, and 18th January is a day we celebrate and honour him.  Who was he? …. Wouldn’t it be nice to be an apprentice and see someone who has gone through and achieved what we are trying to do here.  He is that soul who, in my experience, did that.  He sat in deep deep silence and found and realised another state of conscience, another dimension.  Something ‘other’.  The ‘other’ that we are all looking for where there is power and love.  We can walk with the peace that we find with that ‘other’ and in that place.  It was Brahma Baba who introduced me to this.  I found that when sitting quietly, finding between my ears, above my eyes , there was something connecting.  It felt like home and something I hadn’t experienced for a long time.  When I went deeper into this experience, it knew me…well.  I was coming into contact with myself.  This can happen when we are not being drawn out into the world.  I work in theatre and film and we work with illusions and manipulations of emotions and states of mind.  I am really weary of that!  This practice of meditation brings me inwards.


Being an apprentice and having someone there to guide me through to take me to this point of peace is extremely helpful.  We all need guides.  We need a compass.  We may know where we want to go but without a compass and map we are not going to get there!


I came into contact with this family when I was looking for a course on meditation.  Something pulled me, the compass was put in my hand and this is where it directed it me to.  My only regret is that, even though I have sat in the same room he sat in, I wish I could have had a conversation with this man (Brahma Baba) and have spent time with him.  I wish we could have spoken of not just this lifetime but other lifetimes and how it fits in the mind and consciousness.    I didn’t have the chance to do that but I know someone who did.  She is here and will help us to Return to The Source.


Sister Jayanti was invited onto the stage:


It was my amazing fortune to meet Brahma Baba when I was eight years old but a few weeks later we migrated to London.  However the connection stayed very very strong.  He sent us letters and the words he was speaking.   My regret was I knew him but I was 5,000 miles away here in London. I met him in my teenage years again and that was a beautiful experience.   It was only the last year that he was around in the physical dimension in 1968 that I started to have conversations with him and begin to understand the things he was talking about.


We had a speaker here at GCH not so long ago, a sociologist,  who spoke of the four qualities of leadership. These were absolutely the ones  I would describe Brahma Baba has demonstrating. He said that a leader who is truly a leader is ‘benevolent’.  Brahma Baba was this, concerned with helping and uplifting others.  The second leadership quality was  ‘inclusion’.  As little children, Brahma Baba still had time to meet me and my brother.  And the relationship he developed with us in those few minutes of meeting him was very special and was sustained through the loving messages through the years and gifts he would send us, like fresh mangos arriving in the post!  He was inclusive.  Everyone was unique and individual and very precious to him.  So in 1968 when I had the opportunity of personal conversations with him,  he shared his visions of the future and how that future would evolve. He saw a better world and what steps were needed to make that better world a reality.  I was 19 and he was 92.  He gave so much love and care and he shared such beautiful things.  The third aspect of his leadership….he always kept his promises.  He had integrity.  He promised my mother that she would receive the teachings from Mount Abu through the post and this continued.  And the fourth aspect was he walked his talk. He would first practise and then speak about it.  He would do it and then explain how we could do the same. So when I see modern research in the 21st century into consciousness and  spirituality, and what this man did in the 20th century and created a great spiritual revolution across the world…..I see he was a man before his time, but a man for these times as well when things are challenging.  He was a man who showed us the way to be able to go up above and see from there what is happening down here and serve everyone.  We started this meditation hour many years ago to have time together to share vibrations in silence through the connection with The Source.  The image you were seeing earlier was of the Seed and the Tree.  The Seed, God, The Supreme and as we connect with the Source we are able to draw for ourselves and also for the whole tree of humanity.  As we sit together we are able to multiply these vibrations.


Clarke was speaking poetically with sharing how the soul is just behind the eyes.  In the awareness of soul consciousness it is easy to connect with the Supreme, The Being of Light.


Sister Jayanti then led the World Meditation Hour:   ‘I hope this takes you to The Source so you experience that personal connection with that Being who has all attributes.  You can choose what you like, the love, purity, power, peace and benevolence….all that I described about Brahma Baba, he would say he received from The Source.  But it is available for all of us too. He didn’t keep it to himself, but shared all secrets with whoever wished to hear them.


I will invite you now to follow these ideas. …..Sister Jayanti guided the hour with meditation commentaries, supporting those gathered to connect to that deep place within, the awareness of the inner being, the being of light, and up to The Source of Light and Love, The Supreme…..who is healing , uplifting and transforming……..This was interspersed with deep silences for everyone to experience this ‘return’ and ‘connection’.


Toli and blessings were shared with all gathered.


Click here for PDF format of the report.





Sister Jayanti with the Sindhi Group, GCH, 12th JANUARY - A Ray of Hope

20 January 2020

Awakening Fresh Rays of Hope for the New Decade

With Sister Jayanti

New Year Programme for the Sindhi Community

12th January 2020 2.00-4pm

Global Cooperation House



Jyoti Wadwhani welcomed everyone warmly to GCH and the New Year. ‘There is often a shift of energy in the month of January and we are thankful you are able to be at this family gathering’.


Jyoti invited her friend Sister Jayanti to the stage.  Jayantiben has been practising Raj Yoga for 50 plus years. And she has deep fore and far sight.  Sister Jayantiben has tremendous power of churning which she does everyday and then shares it  as a ball of butter, of knowledge, for us to glean new spiritual insights.


Jyoti also introduced the topic for this afternoon and mentioned how ‘only God though is the Comforter of Hearts.  Dilaram is the  beautiful title assigned to God, and this name is music for the soul.  Once this title is accepted the heart starts to ‘tap dance’.


Please download the full report containing the spiritual points Sister Jayanti raised in her talk.





Multi-Faith Remembrance Day Service at Harmony House, Leicester (UK)

12 January 2020

On Sunday 10th November, the Brahma Kumaris hosted a Multi-Faith Remembrance Day Service, at Harmony House, Leicester.


Attended by more than 150 people and organised by Lieutenant Colonel David Young, the annual event brought representatives from all major faiths together to commemorate the fallen and to support the work of the Army Benevolent Fund (ABF). The ABF was joined by The Sikh Welfare & Cultural Society, Leicestershire and Rutland Police, Baroness Verma and local dignitaries.


In a truly moving service, faith leaders and guest speakers shared prayers, gave pause and encouraged us all to reflect on the sacrifices of those who had given their lives in the name of war as well as the impact on society at large. Representatives from all the major faiths in Leicestershire and Rutland were joined by ambassadors for Leicestershire and Rutland Police, the ABF, the Brahma Kumaris and many others in laying wreaths.


Twenty six wreaths were laid in total and speaking about the service,  Lt Colonel Young said, ’The number of people in attendance this evening speaks volumes for its vital importance. This event commemorates and remembers those who lost their lives and brings together many different communities within Leicestershire, Rutland and beyond’.


The importance of the event was further reinforced by a message from Buckingham Palace read by Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Mike Kapur OBE,  which conveyed Her Majesty’s support for the service and its crucial message of unity and solidarity.  


Via video message, Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris challenged us all to contemplate the impact of war and to reflect  on the ever more pressing need to live in harmony.


Tributes were also paid to those from across the world who have risked their lives and risked great personal sacrifice in support of Britain and its allies during major conflicts, including more than a million soldiers from India who fought in World War Two.  Indeed, Maureen Goodman, Brahma Kumaris UK Programme Director, spoke of her personal connection and recent visit to Auschwitz. ’Peace is our natural nature and we need to rediscover this. It is about changing our consciousness and realising what is right for humanity’.


Commemorating those who have given so much to secure a safe future for us all is truly humbling and is a stark reminder that we all have a role to play in maintaining peace and harmony.


Link to Remembrance Sunday 2019 at Harmony House, Leicester:





BK Parmjit