2023 July through September Europe News Archive 2023 July through September Europe News Archive

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Oxford UK - GRC Reopening BK Day - Sat 22 July 2023 - Report

30 July 2023

Festive feelings

Over 1,700 BKs gathered at GRC on Saturday 22 July, arriving from all directions in the UK, and from across the world, to celebrate the re-opening of Baba’s truly splendid retreat centre. The mood was festive, even though as the family was arriving, the clouds looked grey and full of the promise of rain. However, it is said that rain is very auspicious on very auspicious occasions, so when the clouds did eventually shower their blessings on the events, it made a beautiful sound effect, bouncing off the roof of the huge marquee.


The blessings were only just beginning, however. The stage of the marquee, decorated with creative, colourful panels, was set to welcome honoured and beloved members of the family. Meditation was conducted by representatives of different areas and joined by Sister Vedanti, Sudesh Didi and Sister Jayanti.


Please click HERE to download the rest of the report with photos.







What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 17th July 2023 at globalcooperationhouse.org

17 July 2023





Cambridge Inner Space Presents "Exploring the Secrets of the Mind" - Series of Online Talks from July 17-20 | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm (UK times)

17 July 2023

‘The mind is its own place and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.’ John Milton.


Register here. 


‘The mind is its own place and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.’ John Milton. In this course we will explore our emotions, reactions, personality, thoughts, attitudes and dreams which are all influenced by the mind, and seek to know more about this invaluable subject.


This course is based on the teachings of Raja Yoga meditation and philosophy as taught by Brahma Kumaris (UK). Raja Yoga is a deep and practical study for dealing with life’s challenges positively through an understanding of the spiritual laws that govern us all. There will be live sketch presentations, guided meditation practices as well as an opportunity for discussion and questions. All welcome. Free of charge.


For further inquiries contact: cambridge@innerspace.org





‘Secrets of the Bhagwad Gita’ Program in Vienna, Austria

15 July 2023


Vienna, Austria (Europe):  A public talk on the theme ‘Connect with your true Self‘ was held with BK Bharat Bhushan from Panipat, India in which about 100 people from the Austrian Hindi community joined to plant trees.

A one day retreat was held at the BK center on the theme of following disciplines for constant yoga.

BK Bharat Bhushan gave a talk on the ‘Secrets of the Bhagawad Gita’ in Santa Darm Temple to the devotees.





News from a BK Artist Retreat & Music Video Launch! on 15 July

15 July 2023

During a week in June 2023 around 30 souls from 10 different countries gathered in Moringen in Germany for the retreat "Windows into the New World" to explore and co-create a golden aged experience through different art forms.


A unique co-creation with singers, musicians, dancers, painters & film makers was created and has its premiere Saturday 15th July at 6 pm UK time (BST):



M U S I C   V I D E O   L A U N C H ! ! !



A video of retreat itself available now on YouTube



We encourage everyone to gather with some friends and family wherever you are to watch it, celebrate, and chit-chat about the beauty of co-creation of a new beautiful world! 


Joyful greetings,

The Art Retreat Team





Special GCH Webcasts: Classes by Brother Brij Mohan from 15th - 21st July

14 July 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Please see below the schedule of webcast classes by Brother Brij Mohan who is currently visiting the UK.


Saturday 15th July

6.30 am - Reading Hindi Murli in the auditorium

7.30 am - 8.00am - Class in the auditorium


Sunday 16th July

7.15 am - Conducting meditation in the auditorium

7.30 am - Class

8.15 am - Offering of Bhog


Tuesday 18th July (evening)

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm - Sister Jayanti interviewing Brother Brij Mohan


Wednesday 19th July

7.30 am - 8.00 am - Class


Thursday 20th July

6.30 am - offering of Bhog in the auditorium

7.15 am - Reading Hindi Murli


Friday 21st July

6.30 am - Reading English Murli

7.30 am - 8.00am - Class


All classes are in English unless otherwise specified.  There will be translation into Hindi available


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team





Events to Celebrate the Re-Opening of the Global Retreat Centre - 22 & 23 July

14 July 2023

Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love and light,


On the weekend of 22nd and 23rd July we will be holding two special events to lovingly celebrate the long awaited Re-Opening of the Global Retreat Centre. During the last five years essential renovations have taken place and, while we have been hosting BK retreats since January, we are holding the Re-Opening events to mark a new beginning with blessings from the entire family.


On Saturday there will be the BK event from 10 am -1.30 pm. On Sunday there will be a magnificent event for the public. Both events will be happening in a big marquee.


It is with great pleasure that we invite you to be with us on webcast for these two momentous events of Baba's first ever retreat centre. We are expecting over 1500 BKs from around the UK on Saturday and 1000+ people for the public event.  


Brother Brij Mohan from Madhuban and Mohini Didi from New York, with other seniors, will preside over these events. We are hugely honoured to have Mohini Didi literally for only 36 hours or so during this weekend and for Brij Mohanbhai to make this journey from Bharat at an advanced age - a true expression of love.




Saturday 22nd July 2023

10.00 am - Meditation 

10:30 am - 12:30 pm - Sharings by seniors, interspersed with other activities. 

Thereafter bhog offering by Mohini Didi and sharing of bhog message and class.


Sunday 23rd July

2 pm to 5 pm: Grounds open and meditative activities - There will be no webcast during this time.  

5 pm to 7 pm Public event - Feeling Peace, The Meditation Experience - Visit the website to see the wonderful line-up: https://www.globalretreatcentre.org 


Please connect via webcast: http://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


With love,

In Baba's remembrance,

Sudesh Didi, Sister Jayanti and UK Family





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 10th July at globalcooperationhouse.org

13 July 2023




GCH In-House Special: Nourish your Soul - Thursday 15 July, 6.30 - 8 pm

13 July 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Loving greetings.  

We are pleased to welcome you to the public event with Brij Mohanbhai at GCH on Sat 15th July.  It will be a very special opportunity.

You are welcome to share this with your family, BK students, contacts and friends. 

The Active Campaign link is http://tplshare.com/XtwT20j

This link http://tplshare.com/XtwT20j can also be shared on your mobile.

The event is in-house only.


With love

in Baba's yaad





GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 10th - 16th July

13 July 2023

Om Shanti

Webcast link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week - 10th - 16th July.


Monday 10th July – An Evening with BapDada - 6.30 pm

27/02/96 - The Foundation of Truth is Purity and the Sign of this is Divinity in one's Activity.


Tuesday 11th July – An Evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm – Dadi Gulzar - Ashariripan ka abhyas & Avashyakta (practise and need for being bodiless) (29-11-2008 - 58 mins)


Wednesday 12th July - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

अंदर स्वतंत्रता बाहर समरसता

Speaker: BK. Dinesh, Happiness and Well-being Coach


Thursday 13th July - Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Hoping To Be Heard

Speaker: Masana De Souza


Friday – 14th July – Meditation - 7 - 8 pm


Saturday 15th July – An Evening with Brother Brijmohan

In-House Special public Event: Nourish your Soul

Brother Brij Mohan, one of the world’s leading yogis in conversation with Journalist Philippa Blackham.


Sunday 16th July

7.15 am - Class by Brother Brij Mohan
6.30–7.30 pm - 3rd Sunday World Meditation Hour


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org

View/hear webcasts

Time in London now

Best wishes
Webcast Team




WANDS (PUBLIC) Event - Tuesday 11th July 2023 (with PARAMJIT BASRA)

10 July 2023

Dear All, Greetings of love!


Please find below the WANDS  Info for this Tuesday 11th July 2023 - with PARAMJIT BASRA.



You may connect from 10.10 for the Tech checks and 'Meet and Greet'


Main Session: 10.30 - 12 Noon (UK Time)


Please feel free to share this with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior teachers. Some translations will also be available.


Webinar Links are:


Passcode: 577203



Passcode: 577203


You can download the flyer HERE.


Many thanks and much love!

Madhvi for WANDS







Family Retreat - Germany - May 2023

9 July 2023

Dear All,

Baba´s house - Seminar Haus Moringen, Germany witnessed a vibrant Family Retreat in May 2023. The participation was focussed on couples & families with kids with at least one in the family being in Baba´s knowledge. In total there were 50 participants including 22 kids. The activities & environment were a perfect blend of spirituality and creativity.

The day included Amritvela, Murli with around 25 Brahmins, Hatha Yoga, Taichi, Activities for Kids, Interactive session for Parents, Rajyog Movie Time, Walks in the forests, Picnic, Karm Yog, Evening Yog...

Please click HERE to download the full report with details of activities and photographs.



Didi Sudesh
Brahma Kumaris, Germany




Report on Refugee Week 19th - 25th June 2023 London

8 July 2023

On Tuesday 20th June, a Refugee fair was held in the Church of the Ascension in Wembley with school children from the locally based Newman College. The College has a high ratio of refugee children and is very supportive to the children and their families.

Reflection messages were given each day in the English, Hindi and Tamil morning classes at Global Cooperation House. These highlighted the conditions that the refugee has to deal with;

 Seven Challenges Faced by People Seeking Sanctuary

·       Belonging in the Face of Indifference

·       Safety amidst Violence

·       Identity beyond Stereotypes

·       Stability in the Face of Injustice

·       Freedom from Oppression

·       Security in the Face of Trauma

·       Hope in Times of Grief

The purpose for our student base is to raise awareness on the plight of the refugee.

On Tuesday afternoon 20th June, the monthly Interfaith Vigil for World Peace in the GCH quiet room was focused on those seeking sanctuary and members from the local interfaith community attended.

This day was also designated by the United Nations as World Refugee Day.

Tuesday evening Brahma Kuma attended a literary festival titled ‘No Place like Home’  held at St. Martins in the Field in Trafalgar Square.   http://www.sanctuaryfoundation.org.uk

Present were refugees who had written about their epic journeys to the UK. These authors from Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine shared very moving stories. A high profile woman journalist spoke of the need to highlight the fate of women in war torn countries.

Many events by different refugee agencies within Brent were held throughout the week. Brent has a good record of supporting those looking for sanctuary within the Borough.

Some interesting facts provided by the Strategy Lead - Policy for Brent Council Communities and Regeneration Team

Ukrainian nationals (Homes for Ukraine scheme)
Total Ukrainians arrived in Brent and reported to us: 339
Total Children: 68
Total Hosts: 140

Syrian and Afghan Refugees
The Council is currently providing support through the following schemes:

The UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS) – previously called the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS). This is the Syrian refugee scheme which includes providing integration support to beneficiaries for 5 years, depending on the needs.

The Council supports those arriving from bridging hotels and coming under the Find Your Own Accommodation Pathway. There are three different pathways with eligible people prioritized and referred for resettlement to the UK through one of these referral pathways - support for our Syrian cohort is ending soon and all families have been transitioned.

Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS)/Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) – launched in April 2021, this is for Afghan citizens who worked for or with the UK Government in Afghanistan. Funding is provided by the Home Office for 3 years.

The City of Sanctuary ( Faith Stream) Award given to us for three years in June 2022, encourages us to offer the inner sanctuary through our courses to the refugee who comes to our doors looking with hope for a stable and positive future.

Om Shanti
on behalf of the GCH Inter faith Team




Br. Bharat Bhushan (of Panipat, India) Visits Hungary

6 July 2023

Dear Divine Family all over the world, Om Shanti. Greetings of love from the Hungarian family.


Between 8-11 June 2023 Br. Bharat Bhushan (India, Panipat) visited Hungary during his Central European tour. His visit was very beneficial for all of us.


On his arrival day we had a public program in the centre on "Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times.” Around 30 attended the lecture, some were new.


Next morning after murli and class Br. Bhushan went to the Indian Embassy to meet the first and the second Secretary as the Ambassador was on an official tour.


In the afternoon we went to a nice retreat place for the weekend. The topic was "The Miracle of Silence – Relationship with God”.  24 souls participated in the retreat, among them one sister from Ukraine and a brother from Netherlands.


Br. Bushan spoke about different topics: Godly Disciplines in Brahmin Life, Conquering Subtle Forms of Maya, Staying Always Enthusiastic, How to be a Constant and Easy Yogi.


He inspired all of us to do more service and shared practical methods to do that. He made us do several drills to increase our soul conscious stage and enthusiasm. His example showed us that it is possible to be a constant yogi, to stay in constant remembrance.


The two days passed very quickly with lots of meditations, silent walks, churning and charging. Hope we can repeat it soon.


Please download the full report with additional photos HERE.


With lots of love

in Baba’s sweet yaad,
The BK family in Hungary and
Marianna, Nóra, Sophie: NCT Hungary






Inside a Champion’s Mind: Online Thursday Talk on July 6, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm BST

5 July 2023



It’s commonly believed that to be champion of a game like tennis, we need to be super ambitious, focused, and relentless in our pursuit of victory.  We have to ‘keep our eyes on the prize’.  However, most champions speak of being in the zone, a state of heightened consciousness where only the present moment exists.  How does a champion chase a goal and still be present focused? And what can they teach us about how to play the game of life?

Thursday 6 July, 2023   7:00 pm – 8:00 pm BST

Neville Hodgkinson, author and journalist, will be interviewing Barbara Griffiths on the ins and outs of staying on top of the game.

Barbara Griffiths has been playing tennis for over 40 years. Between the ages of 10 and 18 she was a top ranked junior in Britain, winning numerous tournaments. Barbara turned professional after finishing her A-levels and played the Women’s Tennis Association circuit for two years, including singles and doubles at Wimbledon in 1991. A year later she changed track, studying architecture in Nottingham and Oxford, and now manages some major projects for Reading University. After about 15 years of not playing competitively, Barbara returned to county and national level tennis and has had many recent tournament successes with some of her county team mates, including winning the over-40’s National and European Club Team championships in 2022.


Watch live: globalcooperationhouse.org/watchlive





GCH Webcasts: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 3rd-9th July

4 July 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to Mama's week - evening webcasts for this week - 3rd - 9th July.



Monday 3rd July – An Evening with Dadi Prakashmani

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm – Dadi Prakashmani’s class – Child’s courage and the Father’s help (Audio only -52 mins) – Powerful bhatthi class.


Tuesday 4th July – An Evening with Jagsihbhai

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm –  Jagdishbhai’s class (43 mins)


Wednesday 5th July - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

गुरु पूर्णिमा का महत्व: The Importance of Guru Purnima

Speaker: Sister Pratibha, Kenya


Thursday 6th July - Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Inside a Champion’s Mind

Neville Hodgkinson, author and journalist, will be interviewing Barbara Griffiths on the ins and outs of staying on top of the game


Friday 7th July – Meditation - 7 - 8 pm


Saturday 8th July – An Evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

15/12/04 - BapDada’s special hope is that each of you children gives good wishes and receives good wishes


Sunday 9th July

7.15 am - Class by Sudesh didi/ Sister Jayanti

7.00 - 8.00 pm - Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View / hear webcasts


Time in London now



Best wishes

Webcast Team





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 3rd July 2023 at globalcooperationhouse.org

2 July 2023