2014 Mexico, Central & South America News Archive 2014 Mexico, Central & South America News Archive

Table of Content

Best Wishes from Brazil for 2015

28 December 2014



Service News of Sister Sharona's Visit to Sao Paulo, Brazil

29 September, 2014

Click here for pictorial report.



Service News - Howard, Panama

2 September 2014

Howard is the place located right outside Panama City. 16 Gujarati families i.e. more than 60 gujarati people are the residential in this area. Paresh Bhai Ahir and his wife Sheela Behn Ahir has become the instruments for the spiritual service here. They personally visited each house and invited everybody for the Brahma Kumaris foundation course organized in their house.

Every year whoever BK sister or brother comes to Panam definitely visit them and give class in their house for an hour. But this is the first time that they all have got the opportunity to understand the Brahma Kumaris knowledge and the activities in detail everyday through the seven days course including Bhog offering on Thursdays. 20 people started course in the beginning and then 15 souls including 2 families from outside Howard became very regular to continue with the course until the last day of the course. The course was given in Gujarati language on everybody's request.......photos and more news.


New Radio Show Being Broadcast by BKs and other service news from Costa Rica

25 August 2014

Beginning in August first we are having a 30 minutes space in a radio station that belongs to the University of Costa Rica. The space is called: Coffee for the soul. The public that is intended to reach is specially women and men on the rural areas and is a morning time show every Friday from 9 to 9:30 am.
The University of Costa Rica signed a Letter of Understanding with the Brahma Kumaris in order to have that space in the 870 AM station. The objective of it is to provide a holistic view for the empowerment of women, quality of life and to re-learn the human capacities for peace, in a way that allows the gender equity to be strengthen.  This radio show is also broad cast on the internet www.radiosucr.com 
Rakhi, special time with Waddy bhen  and the family     
The first weekend of August we had the rahki retreat for the brahmin family in a beautiful location on the mountain. We had a wonderful gift from Baba and from Drama as we received the visit from Waddy bhen for this special celebration.  It was a very intense and deep retreat for all that participated with the topic "Being with One". We had 6 souls coming from Nicaragua, Marcela bhen from Dallas and Rosa bhen from Miami, Miss. Elinor Detiger,  plus all the brothers and sisters of the Costa Rican family. We spend 2 and a half days filled with love, closeness to Baba and to our aim. We were all feeling refresh, with our vows renewed and a new energy flowing from our hearts.
New plans to get bigger Baba´s House  
The current house it is getting smaller for the amount of people we are receiving for the regular meditation and lectures we have every week. We had the plan to get it renovated to enlarge the room and have more public rest rooms. However, the amount of money that we needed to invest in that was almost the amount of the house itself and at the end we were gaining only 16 more sits. 
We were still debating if we should invest that much in to improve the center house. Then, on the Saturday that the soul of Anthony Strano bhai left his body we had two hours Bhatti at the center, and after that we decided to have a walk around the neighborhood. When we were walking around a very quiet side in front of a park we found a wonderful house that was for sale that immediately felt that it was the ideal house for Baba´s center. We got in contact with the current owner and got to see the inside of the house and indeed, it had almost all the requirements we were looking for and even more than what we were expecting. The location is also very convenient as it is only 8 blocks away from the current one. The only detail is that the price of that house is a lot more that what we could even consider. 
Sister Mohini and Baba gave us green light to go for it, so the family is doing special tapasya every weekend, everyone is helping economically, and we have the current house on sale.
With everyone blessings we will be able to accomplish this project, but we are open to see what this perfect drama is going to show us.
Green Team workshop:
The green costarican team organized a workshop about "Vertical Gardens" with the aim to raise the awareness that we can grow our own vegetables, and in that process we can use our pure thoughts coming from the soul and the connection with God.
Special Workshops made on Saturday afternoons
We are having a new space in our agenda for the public, twice a month we are holding workshops to have a program on where the participants can have more experiential time while also they received practical knowledge.
The events where very well attended, the hall was completely full:
Workshops for the empowerment of women "Shakti, the feminine power of the soul"
After the retreat about "Four faces of women" that we held on April, the souls were requesting to have further studies especially for them within the same lines of that retreat. Some of them are VIPs and IPs. Therefore we are having a workshop called: "Shakti, the feminine power of the soul", once a month. In this workshops we are having the experience of taking the memorial of one of the shaktis and providing them with a role model for their own life's based on Baba´s gyan.
Stress free life workshop
This workshop was design using Mike George´s book. It was a very practical for many of the participants to face the unhealthy life still that they were following and to pay closer attention to take care better of themselves, and in that way have better relationships. They were touch on making a promise for their own well-being, to follow the practice of meditation to attain a life without any stress on it.


Service News from Panama

29 July 2014

A Gujarati Guru MORARI BAPU from Gujarat had come to Panama for 9 days from 19th July to 27th July. It was an open public program organized by all the Gujaratis in Panama. They were planning and organizing since 2 years to call this guru and since 2 months they all were working hard to organize and schedule the final program.
All the pravachans were in Hindi and Gujarati languages in this Spanish country `Panama`. Almost 2000 Indians especially Sindhis and Gujaratis attended this Pravachan everyday for four hours from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. For that people used to start gathering from 7.00 am and 90% of them were Gujaratis. It was announced that around 500 Indians had arrived from outside Panama country which is from USA, Canada, Europe, and Dubai etc.
It was a real good opportunity to attend this program in order to meet all these people for the contact service at present as this is the first visit of sr. Bharti to Panama from Trinidad. She arrived on 18th July at night and on the very next day she attended the inaugural pravachan of Morari Bapu. It became like the awareness of Brahma Kumaris Indian sister`s presence in Panama.
On 19th July, The First Lady of Panama Honorable Mrs. Lorena Castillo De Varela also attended inaugural pravachan of BAPU. The organizers were very co-operative and allowed to meet with Her personally in such a crowded gathering. She is a very spiritual soul and was very happy to know about the spiritual services given by Brahma Kumaris in Panama and the whole world.
Sr. Bharti and Br. Diego could meet with the First Lady personally and give the Godly message.
On 25th July, on accepting the BK request, they announced sister`s name on behalf of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris and invited her on the stage to present the Godly Gift of the picture frame of The Supreme Father The Supreme Soul to Morari Bapu as a respect.
At the end of the program all these 2000 brothers and sisters played Garba was looking a grand celebration.

News In Detail



April-May Service News from Colombia

3 July 2014

One of the main radio stations in Bogota started broadcasting messages and reflections imbibed with Baba's spiritual fragrance from April this year. This broadcast takes place every day at 6:00am for a minute. ¡Such a lovely way for the audience and the journalists to start the day!

As part of our external service, Baba's incognito army has been taking part for the last months in a festival called "Ecoyoga". This event brings together a number of organizations and people who express themselves through art, food, and spirituality and also seek to contribute to the wellbeing of society by helping to create greater harmony between man and nature. During the month of May, the souls that stopped at Baba's stand, had the chance to play the virtuescope, as well as absorb the essential message from the exhibition that was being displayed. There was also time for them to enjoy books and CDs from BK publishing house and take brochures with them with information about the center and other activities. Approximately 1000 souls received benefit.

At a national level, Sister Rona, from Dominican Republic visited us in April and May and did service in the colombian cities: Bogotá, Tunja, Tuta, Duitama, Bucaramanga and Barranquilla.  
In Bogota, appart from the public programs and an interview in a very popular radio program, The Easter retreat also took place. The attendants to that retreat received inspiration on how to take care of their beings and experienced yoga too. The joy, simplicity and depth expressed through each of sister Rona's words, attitude and behave, allowed to make the most of that divine gathering in which Baba gave each attendant his/her own experience and achievements.
She served different kinds of souls in Tunja, Tuta and Duitama, through talks, seminars and personal encounters. Sister Rona also gave sustainment to the divine family by inspiring love, cooperation and unity to the BK family in that region which led to the successful completion of all the activities.
In Bucaramanga, the service was done in the form of gatherings with contact souls of that city and its surroundings, as well as of conferences for the local administration staff and groups of students from two important universities in the city.  By sustaining the spiritual family, the good atmosphere is preserved, that allows to keep cultivating and creating the memorial by which Bucaramanga is nationally known, "The beautiful city of Colombia".
Finally, In Barranquilla, Sister Rona gave an interview to the main newspaper of the region as well as to the local administration radio station. She also led two retreats in the BK center, one for the general public and the other for students. She also gave two talks at two private universities, one of them in alliance with the local administration. In addition, sister Leonor, who accompanied sister Rona, gave an interview to a television program in the main TV channel of the region. Sister Rona, with her spiritual fragrance, in a gentle but convincing way facilitated the encounter between Baba and the souls through her experience, words and state in this corner of the country better known as, the confluence between the river and the Ocean.

Detailed News with Pictures


Popular TV Channel in Costa Rica produces Two Videos on Brahma Kumaris

28 May 2014

A journalist from Teletica TV experienced our Meditation House for Happiness which we created at a holistic fair and then decided to make these videos. Both videos are in Spanish.

Video 1

Video 2






News from Bahia

29 May 2014

Lavagem do Bonfim(Wash of Lord of Good End's church)
First one and most important Catholic and Afrobrazilian celebration and pilgrimage, on January, Lavagem do Senhor do Bonfim, join every year more than 10.000 of people, it starts in the Interfaith celebration.

Baianas (women dressed with white clothes) take basket with popcorn and vessel with flowers to wash the stairway of Senhor do Bonfim's church.

In front of the Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Praia's church (Ms. of Conception of Beach's church), place where the cerimony happens.

From the right to the left: afrobrazilian religion's leader, Carnival group Gandhi's children leader, Catholic priest, who organizes the interfaith event, BK Ida Meirelles and Baptist bishop.

All religious leaders give blessings to the procession.



Service News from Costa Rica - March and April

2 May 2014

We held 2 retreats with her; in the first of the retreats we had the participation of some people that came from all around Central America. From Salvador center we had the visit from Sister Adela.  The souls that were coming from Nicaragua weren´t able to come to Costa Rica, due to a big earth quake that they had right on the day that they were supposed to travel.  The retreat had the subject of "strengthening the inner power" and we had 40 people participating in it.
The other retreat was about the 4 faces of women and many VIP´s came. We have some of our COTT participants from last year coming to this retreat, as Margarita Penon (former first lady), and others as the national director of the gender equity program or the Health Ministry, and Elenor Detiger.  The participants were very touch and during the retreat many tears came to visit their eyes, and they were able to open up to release their negative emotions and awaken their realization of their true self. At the end of the retreat all of them were very interested in the Shakti face, and then they express their deeper interest in getting a real connection with the supreme Soul.
4 Faces of Women Retreat

Also sister Valeriane conducted a workshop for the heads of the University for Peace on the Self Leadership. In the workshop participated Miriam Vilela of the Earth Charter Initiative. In this event, the souls did really experience his own self beyond the roles that they are playing inside this institution. At the end the conversations were leading to how to overcome ego and anger. They actually requested these subjects to be used for future workshops.
Valeriane also did service to school teachers. She made 2 capacitation's about self-care and well-being; one for the National Association of Teachers and another for a high school teachers in the province of Cartago.
For the celebration of the Earth day and as Valerianne had her working background with the green team; she was invited by the ministry of environment to facilitate a workshop on "sustainability and consciousness". There were 70 participants coming from the ministry office, community leaders, and farmers of the region. This event had a significant impact in the participants, with a major impact on the head of that office, the Director, whom was interested in understanding the spiritual perspective of caring about the environment. He wanted to continue to work along with Brahma Kumaris to capacitate the community leaders to have this new perspective in their sustainability efforts. One sister that is a regular morning students was the instrument in creating this opportunity because she work in this office and she was the one that create the opportunity to have Brahma Kumaris in their celebration.
Using the internet facilities, Valeriane gave a class using skype to 12 new student souls in Nicaragua (from cities of Matagalpa and Managua), 9 souls from Panamá and also regular students from the costar Rican family. The souls were very touch, because sister Valeriane knew many of them from Panama as she was the instrument in the beginning for them. And as she couldn´t visit them they had this opportunity to interact closely with her by this facility.
This program was organized and promoted on the media by the University of Costa Rica with the subject of Creativity and interest in the job, chosen by the University.  We have around 100 participants with very varied backgrounds, going from students and professors of the university, as well as police men, along with the training department coordinator of the police. The coordinator of this department requested to have Brahma Kumaris helping her training the police in these subjects of self-development.
We had the opportunity to have her on a radio program Alquimia with a high ranking of people who listen to it from a local radio station. Around seven thousand people listened to this program were she reached out the subject on the power of love, and invited the people to the public program we had arranged for her. Also all the regular public talks that we normally held in the center and in the neighboring province of Cartago had a very large attendance of people; having to put extra chairs in the hall, leaving no empty space in it, as we  have seen it just a few times before.
As she was the instrument for many of us to get to know Baba in the beginning and sustaining us as we started out in this spiritual journey; we had her doing also special programs for the Brahmin family. We have a pick nick day with a deep spiritual chit chat that impact deeply in the old and new souls. Also we held a special session for the teachers with questions and answers.
We are having the visit of Brother Marcelo from Colombia on the second week of May. With him we are planning to have programs in different companies as Hewlett-Packard and the NationAL Institute of Electricity. A big public event in the Latin University with the subject of Feeling calm by overcoming fear and anxiety. Special program for sustaining Brahmin family is other of the events.
After Marcelo's departure we will be participating in the National Holistic Fair. This is the second year that we will be going to this event, and last year was visited for more than five thousand people.
We will be supporting the activities of the Ministry of Culture with a program called: "Fall in love with your city" that happens every weekend in the metropolitan parks. The target audience for in this program are children and young people.

Detailed News with Pictures



Channel for Interviews and Short Talks in Portuguese

29 March 2014 - Brazil

A new BK channel in the internet in Portuguese from BK Brazil available in YouTube and Face Book .It is called: BK.com.voce ( BK.with.you). In the first post, there are 26 videos recorded with Bro Ken, Sister Ida, Sister Mara Gurjao and myself. New videos are being recorded with Sister Pre, Sister Juliana and the youth group.

youtube:   www.youtube.com/bkcomvoce
facebook: www.facebook.com/bkcomvoce




Astrologer and Journalist Jorge George's interview with Sr Luciana

22 January 2014

Astrologer and Journalist Jorge George interviewed Sr Luciana on the TV show ESTRELANDO on TV channel Santa Cecilia in the city of Santos / SP.

During the interview Sr Luciana presents the Brahma Kumaris institution, its operation and the method and benefits of Raja Yoga Meditation from her practice for over 30 years. The interview was granted on 30th November 2013 on premises SESC Santos, where Sr Luciana lectured on "Meditation, new perspectives for life" which was aired on the 13th of December 2013 and it is also available on Youtube.




Colombia Service News

January 2014

The national meeting  which holds every year all Colombian instrument souls, took  place from December 31 to January 7; as it has been the case for the last years. Baba's Murli dated January 31 was the drive that marked the start of our gathering. Coordinators, Centroniwasis and "right-hands" of all the centres were present. During those six days of intense work, Baba nourished us with knowledge and yoga, and every soul managed to perform his/her role. All the souls did their part to make of this gathering an spiritual experience, full of newness, planning, reports,  commitments and rememberance. Good energy and good projects for the new year with the slogan, "all for one and one for all" and the blessing of being the ones who overcome obstacles.

A January 11 more than forty years ago, a little boy was born in the bosom of a Brasilian family. His elevated and wonderful destiny no one was able to imagine. But a few years later, on January 11, his birthday was being celebrated by both his lokik family and Baba, his spiritual father, who was immensely happy for having found one of His special children. This year, BK Colombia's family celebrated Marcelo bhai's 31st spiritual birthday with cake and good wishes. Dadi Yanki fed Marcelo bhai, our national coordinator, with the toli of sakash and sister Mohini gave him the blessing of being a worldly mother. Also brother Ken congratulated him, as well as Perú, Bolivia and Panama's families. Double birthday, double celebration, millions of blessings.

Special public programs were held for the 18th of January, almost in all the cities; the families in all the centers did the special efforts for this month and the atmosphere was enligthed with power and love.




Br Ken on Meditation in Sorocaba (Sao Paulo)

28 January 2014

That was the headline of the main newspaper of Sorocaba where some BK activities take place.
Sorocaba is one of the most important cities of the Sao Paulo State. Although with no BK Centre there, some activities have been taking place regularly for some years now. A team of BK students organized the lecture at the newly inaugurated SESC (Commerce Social Service) and the hall was completely full.
The city has been receptive to our work.
Best wishes for further progress!

Detailed News


Sr. Mara from Portugal visits Central America

18 January 2014

Special programs in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras.

Conference in the National Institute of Energy (ICE). The communication department of ICE organized a talk with Sr. Mara on "Be happy, a choice for your life". The auditorium was full and people had to stand outside. A couple of days after that, they prepared a summary of the main points and sent to 20 000 workers. ICE is one of the main government institutions of the country.

Public program on remembrance of Baba's day. In the auditorium of the professional bar association, Sr. Mara shared about "Angels: archetypes of human virtues". 150 souls attended the program, and around 40 came for the first time. Sr. Mara explained about how souls as Brahma Baba performed actions that helped others to have hope, faith and develop virtues in their lives. People were so inspired that next week, the center was full during open meditation and many attended the Raja Yoga course.

Retreat for Brahmins, 18th of January. We started with Bhatti, then Baba´s avyakt murli, reflecting in silence, reading some of Dadi´s stories with Baba from the book Bestower of Fortune. Sr. Mara shared with so much love and power the insights about Baba´s murli. Specially how to experience the avyakt sustenance from Brahma Baba in order to overcome obstacles in life.

Service in Cartago: Cartago is another province where Baba has a hall. Sr. Mara conducted meditation for the public and gave a talk about "Clarity and stability in the mind to find solutions". The hall was full.

Retreat in Nicaragua: "Be the creator of your life, choose to be happy". Nicaragua is a country where there is not yet a Baba´s center. However the contact souls there organized the retreat by themselves. The retreat was held in a nunnery in Managua and a couple of sisters from Costa Rica went to serve in the kitchen. 18 souls participated from different provinces. The group from Matagalpa was the biggest one, they are 2:30 hours far from Managua, and many of them work in the same NGO doing training for farmers. At the end of the retreat the experience they shared was: "we have like butterflies in our stomach, because now we have to work for having a Meditation Center here".