2022 Additional December N. America News Archive 2022 Additional December N. America News Archive

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Welcome to Avyakti Parivar's new series for January 2023! - All material is for January Tapasya

31 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti and Happy New Year! Greetings of love!


In the month of January, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to New Series: "Stay In Solitude And Practice Concentration'' -"एकाग्रता को अपनाओएकांतप्रिय बनो ''


Promo:   https://youtu.be/-X0Ajl6ag04


Below is the content which is available on the website : https://www.experiments-in-silence.org/


1. Dadi Prakashmani’s Class

2. Five Avyakt Murlis for the Month

3. Five Seniors’ sharing their experiments

4. Daily Homework Points


Every Sunday after the reading of the Avyakt Murli, we will listen to an audio of a senior yogi sharing his/her experiment with practices specific to the Sunday’s Murli. This will help us understand, experiment with and deepen our own practice.


Every evening the Experiments-in-Silence daily homework will be provided.

Every Monday & Friday, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm EST Avyakti Parivar will provide a ‘conversation space’ for you to ask questions, get clarifications, and to support you in ways that would make this pilgrimage an easy and entertaining one.


Throughout the month, the zoom room of Avyakti Parivar will be open as a virtual Baba’s Room. This is to encourage us to aim for 8 hours of yoga, hopefully per day for 31 days.


1. Spiritual guidelines for the month of January Tapasya. Click on IMAGE to download



2. Schedule of Avyakti Parivar.


3. Dadi Prakashmani class in English and Hindi: Please download it HERE:

4. Avyakt Signals in English and Hindi:

Please download them HERE.

5. Swaman/Self respect points for everyday in English and Hindi together. Download HERE.



Avyakti Parivar






Rappel : Une belle transition vers 2023 | Reminder: Transitioning towards 2023

31 December 2022

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix


Le centre de méditation L'Émergence sera fermé le dimanche 1er janvier.

Veuillez consulter notre programmation ci-dessous.


L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace


Please note that L'Émergence will be closed on Sunday, January 1.

Please see our schedule below.