2021 March International News Archive 2021 March International News Archive

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Special Memorial Event: In the Presence of Dadi Janki - 11 April, 4-5.15 pm (BST)

31 March 2021



News from Sister Jayanti in Shantivan: 29 March 2021

30 March 2021

On 29 March, the official Day of Colour for Holi, we offered Bhog to Baba in all three campuses for Holi. In Shantivan, we received a very sweet message from Baba about letting the past be the past, and be coloured with Baba’s Knowledge. The Murli was very similar, so that was really lovely.


It was a very subdued Holi this year; Holi is usually a two-day festival, with the first day of Burning the Old and the second day, Celebrating with Colours. So normally we would be on the Mount, and there would be colouring with rose-water tinted with saffron and dancing on the stage in the Auditorium in GS or in PB Om Shanti Bhawan, and the same in Shantivan. But this year we didn’t do any of this to honour the Dadis and the month of March, but of course many, many came to Shakti Bhawan to spend time with Dadi Janki, and also receive toli.






Message from BK Nirwairbhai for the Festival of Holi: 29 March (From Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad)

30 March 2021

29 March 2021


सर्व सेवाकेन्द्रों के सभी ब्राह्मण कुल भूषण को आज होली त्यौहार की मुबारक हो


ख़ुशी की बात है कि डॉडुमरा जी और उनकी टीम रोज़ चक्कर लगाने आते हैं और प्यार से मिलते हैं। उन्होंने कहा है कि सभी Parameters में सुधार है। High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy जो 60% पर थाअभी 50% पे है। उनके अनुसार जल्दी अच्छे हो जायेंगे। 


होली के दिन थोड़ा बेहतर महसूस कर रहे है। सर्व के शुभ भावनाओशुभ कामनाओ से और बापदादा और दादियो के आशीर्वाद सेमैं जल्दी ही अच्छा हो जाऊंगा। बाबा मेरा बहुत ध्यान रख रहे है। 


जिन्होंने भी Emails या फ़ोन द्वारा सन्देश भेजे हैंउन सभी को दिल से धन्यवाद!


बाबा की याद में,

B.K. Nirwair

(Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad)


English Translation of Nirwairbhai's message:

29 March 2021


Congratulations for the Festival of Holi to our sisters and brothers, the decoration of the Brahmin Clan, at all the Centres!


It is a matter of joy that Dr. Dumra ji and his team come on their rounds every day, and meet me with such love. He shared today that there is improvement in all parameters. The High Flow Nasal Oxygen therapy was at 60%, but has now reduced to 50% requirement. He feels that health will improve soon.


I am feeling a little better on the Day of Holi. I am sure I will get back to good health soon, with everyone's pure wishes and good feelings, and blessings from BapDada and our Dadis. Baba is looking after me very well.


Many thanks from the heart to all those who have sent their good wishes via emails and phone messages.


In Baba's remembrance,

B.K. Nirwair


(Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad)






News from Sister Jayanti in Shantivan: 28 March 2021

30 March 2021

Since the 25th, there have been ceremonies to share gifts for Dadi Janki’s first anniversary of ascension. In Bharat, it is a tradition that when a person who is very mature in age departs, and that one has had a life filled with kindness and goodness, gifts and special sweets are distributed to family and friends. And of course the Madhuban Family is an unlimited one; last year we weren’t able to do this due to COVID, but this year Sudeshben, Hansaben, Jayminiben, and myself have been able to do fulfil this ceremony. On Thursday, we went up the mountain to give gifts to Gyan Sarovar Niwasis in the morning, and then to Pandav Bhawan Niwasis in the evening.


On 26th morning, we were able to meet the double foreigners and Senior DF Teachers in Shantivan and share gifts. On 26th evening, we met with the Dedicated Niwasis of Shantivan.


On 28th morning, we had the opportunity of sharing gifts with the BK Colony residents (who stay in the neighbourhood of Shantivan, and attend Murli Class in Manmohini Van Auditorium as they are trying to manage all the numbers during COVID). 28th late morning, we went to Pandav Bhawan to share gifts with the Sevadharis and Abu Niwasis, and then to the Global Hospital to share with the BK Staff. So it’s been a lovely opportunity to meet many, many souls with drishti.


At the moment, all the complexes are quite particular about wearing of masks, and so masks are the order of the day.


We have also been meeting with BK friends from Ahmedabad who have been coming to help support the construction of Shakti Sthamb (Tower of Might). There was a large team of sisters and brothers from Hyderabad who spent the last few nights preparing garlands of marigolds and also other floral decorations for the Sthamb. On 27th morning, they finished decorating the Memorial at 4am; together with a team led by Sureshbhai from Manmohini Van Complex, they had all the floral decorations in place.


Of course, a large team of people have been working very, very hard under Rameshbhai (Chief Engineer) to create the beautiful Shakti Sthamb. According to drama, it’s not completely ready, but the floral decorations ensured that no one missed anything. We’ve had very lovely comments about the beauty of the Tower. On 26th night, it was almost full moon just behind Shakti Sthamb, and so looked very special.


It’s been wonderful that the whole worldwide family was able to watch all proceedings on the live webcast, but also on youtube and other platforms. Even as Murli was taking place on the 27th, we were able to hoist Shiv Baba’s flag just outside the Conference Hall. The flag hadn’t been hoisted at Shivratri for various reasons, and so Brother Brij Mohan hoisted the flag on the 27th, and we then offered flowers and garlands to Dadi Janki at Shakti Sthamb. The numbers were managed beautifully by the Madhuban Brothers, and so small groups came peacefully to offer flowers.


The two Dadis were present at the ceremony, along with Brother Brij Mohan and other Shantivan Seniors. Unfortunately, Brother Nirwair is out of action at the moment, but with everyone’s loving good wishes he will surely be better soon, and be back with us in a short while. Brother Karuna was with us on 27th morning, but later tested positive; he is now in Ahmedabad but recovering well.


After offering flowers at the Sthamb, a gathering of the Seniors from Bharat and some double foreigners came into the Sitting Room, which many of you know, at the back of Shakti Bhawan by the garden. There we had a few words from Brother Brij Mohan who spoke beautifully about Baba being at the very peak, and so the Tower of Peace is on the top of the mountain in Pandav Bhawan; Baba speaks about light and might, and so the Tower for Dadi Prakash Mani is a symbol of light (Prakash) and Dadi Janki is the symbol of might (Shakti), so truly Abu is the Pilgrimage Place for the world.


Munniben then shared Madhuban laddoo toli and apples with everyone, and a beautiful booklet that explains the concept behind the creation of Shakti Sthamb was also distributed.


The late morning programme in Diamond Hall was very special. It began with Seniors sharing their meaningful experiences with Dadi Janki, followed by Bhog Offering by Rukmaniben, which you would have seen and heard.


There was a fabulous Brahma Bhojan offered to Baba and Dadi, which they must have appreciated for the love with which it was all done. But the Brahmins also definitely enjoyed it.


After lunch on 27th, we had a meeting with the Contractor who had taken on the task of constructing Shakti Sthamb, together with the Architect who had designed it, plus about 10 of the main helpers. It was a very lovely session of appreciation for each one. Hansaben had made a lot of preparations, and so the whole Meeting went off very, very well with each one being appreciated and thanked.


There was a non-stop flow of Brahmins in the afternoon and evening, all coming to Dadi’s room in Shakti Bhawan for a few minutes, and receiving tolis and the booklet.


At the end of the day, it really felt as if Dadi had been with us in a very tangible way, and there was much appreciation of the love and powerful atmosphere that had been created by Baba’s remembrance and Dadi.







Message from Bro. BK Nirwair from Sterling COVID Hospital in Ahmedabad, India

28 March 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I am receiving the cooperation of Avyakt BapDada's blessings and all your good wishes filled with yog-tapasya. Health is improving gradually.


Chariot is still positive. It will be re-checked in two day's time, but internally I am feeling better than before. There is a lot of weakness, which is why I am not using the phone. Multi-million fold thanks for all your good wishes!


In BapDada's remembrance,

B.K. Nirwair




Message from Dr. BK Pratap Regarding BK Nirwair Bhai's Health (as of 27 March)

27 March 2021

Om Shanti to the Instrument Teachers and BK family at all Centres in Bharat and abroad,

Greetings from Ahmedabad!


This is to share with you an update on BK Nirwair Bhai’s health. He was shifted from Shantivan to Ahmedabad on 23 March night, as the fever was not relenting. He is now in Sterling Hospital ICU being treated for COVID-19, by an expert and friendly team of Doctors. He is on High Flow Nasal Oxygen and is comfortable to an extent.


Thank you for your good wishes and yoga power for his recovery. Please see Nirwairbhai’s message for all of you (below in Hindi & English).


On Spiritual Seva,

BK Dr Pratap


अव्यक्त बापदादा के नैनों के नूरे रत्नोंभारत तथा विदेश के कोने-कोने के सभी ब्राह्मण कुल भूषण भाई-बहनों को निर्वैर 
भाई की अहमदाबाद हॉस्पिटल से बहुत-बहुत ईश्वरीय याद स्वीकार हो |


कोविद-19 की बीमारी सबको पता हैआती है बड़े अचानक सेऔर जाती है बड़े धीरे सेलेकिन अब डॉक्टर हरजीत सिंह डुमरा
डॉ सुधीर शाह और उनके साथ जूनियर डॉक्टर्स भी बड़ा ध्यान दे रहे है | दवाईयां काफी लेनी पड़ रही है | 
अच्छे भी फील करते है और फिर थोड़ा दवाईयो का अलग असर होता है | 
ठीक होने में थोड़ा समय लगेगा|


आप सबकी शुभ कामनाओईश्वरीय याद और विशेष तपस्या के लिएलाखों-लाखों धन्यवाद स्वीकार करना जी |  शांति |”

ईश्वरीय याद में,



English Translation of Nirwairbhai’s message:


To the lights of Avyakt BapDada’s eyes, and decoration of the Brahmin Clan, Our Sisters and Brothers from Bharat and abroad.

Everyone is aware of COVID-19 illness; it comes quite suddenly but departs very slowly. However, Dr. Harjit Singh Dumra, Dr. Sudhi Shah and other junior doctors are now giving full attention to my health. A number of medicines need to be taken. I feel good at times, but occasionally there are side-effects to the medications… It will take a while to recover.


Please accept multi-million fold thanks for your good wishes, spiritual remembrances, and special tapasya for my well-being. Om Shanti.


On Spiritual Seva,
B.K. Nirwair






Madhuban Double Foreigner Program 2020 - 2021 Season April Retreat

25 March 2021

Dear Divine Family,

Warmest greetings of love.


We warmly welcome you to join the final online DF Madhuban Program of the season  on the 17 and 18 April.  "Silence of the Home" Retreat will based in our dear home of Pandav Bhawan, Madhbuan.


Please find the details attached.

Registration is necessary and the registration link is: https://brahmakumaris.org/r/silence-home


For questions about translation, please contact your language coordinator. If you have any other questions please email dfseason@brahmakumaris.org


Much love, 

In Baba's yaad,

Double Foreigner Program Team


PDF Version of the flyer





Arrangements for Dadi Janki's first anniversary on 27th March

25 March 2021

Dear Divine Family,


We would like to remind you about the arrangements for Dadi Janki's first anniversary on 27th March.


At our centres:

You are invited to offer special bhog for Dadi on Saturday the 27th March, in the morning class. Please do share bhog with everyone according to the Covid systems in your country. You may also like to hold a special evening where BKs remember Dadi and share their special experiences of how Dadi has transformed their lives.


Inauguration of Shakti Stambh (Tower of Power)

(This will take place from 8am IST on Saturday 27th March and not 8.30am as previously mentioned)


On 27th March the inauguration of Shakti Stambh will be streamed live from Madhuban. The timetable is as follows:

  8.00am IST: Inauguration of Shakti Stambh

10.00am - 12noon IST: Sharing of personal experiences of Dadi Janki

12noon IST: Offering of Bhog and Baba’s message


Live Streaming from Madhuban (instructions)

The event will be streamed Live on YouTube from 8am IST. At whatever time after 8am (IST) you start watching on YouTube, you will only have to scroll to the beginning of the video and start watching. 


Here is the YouTube link for you to share with your students: 









News from Jayantiben in Shantivan: 18 March

20 March 2021

Thursday morning, we offered Bhog to Dadi Chandramani and Dadi Nirmal Shanta, and the Bhog Message via Rukmaniben said that it was as if Baba also emerged Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar with the other two Dadis. Baba emphasized how much love the Dadis had for each other, and this led to the state of unity where they were able to harmonise their ideas very, very naturally and easily. Baba also mentioned how Dadi Janki, Dadi Chandramani and Dadi Nirmal Shanta all stayed together on the ground floor of Indraprasth in Pandav Bhawan, and they would meet frequently and express their love with heart-to-heart conversations in Indrapasth. Just across the window was also Dadi Gulzar’s room, and so she would also often join them, so it was a very lovely reminder of the past and also of the present continuing bond of these souls who are the original jewels of the Yagya.

March seems to be a very special month in which many have chosen to fly to Baba, perhaps because it’s the month of Shivratri...



12th day Bhog Offering for Dadi Gulzarji and 1st Anniversary Bhog Offering of Dadi Jankiji

19 March 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om shanti and greetings from the London family.


Please find below instructions from Madhuban for bhog offering for Dadi Gulzarji and Dadi Jankiji.


With much love,



16/3/2021                                         Madhuban                                                        Om shanti


Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers and all brothers and sisters who are always being sustained with Avyakt sustenance, those who are very close to all the Dadis, and are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, please accept Godly love, filled with sweet remembrance.


Our sweetest Dadi Gulzarji, one who gave God’s love and sustenance to all of us Brahmin children, one with the Avyakt form who merged our beloved BapDada in her heart, bid us farewell from the corporeal world and became a resident of the subtle region.  Now, special bhog is being offered for her in Madhuban every day. 


On 22nd March, it will be the 12th day and special bhog will be offered for Dadiji on this day and there will also be Brahma bhojan for everyone.  The stamp of the sustenance we have received from Dadiji is imprinted on everyone’s hearts.  On the day of remembrance of Dadiji (12th day – Monday 22nd March), let special bhog be offered and also have Brahma bhojan at all the centres.  (If anyone wishes to have this programme of bhog offering and Brahma Bhojan on Sunday 21st as it is a holiday, please feel free to do so.)


Definitely feed everyone Brahma bhojan of the yagya in Dadiji’s name with a big heart to all Brahmins.  For bhog, you can prepare whatever you wish to according to your own convenience.


Our sweet Dadi Jankiji’s 1st anniversary is on Saturday 27th March 2021.  Dadiji always continued to give the whole world sakaash of all powers through her mind.  So, on her 1st anniversary, because of her serving the whole world, the new Shakti Stambh (Tower of Power) that is constructed as her memorial will be inauguarated at 8.00 am.  At that time, all brothers and sisters will offer their loving tribute to Dadiji.  After that, at 11.00 am in Diamond Hall, some brothers and sisters will share their special experiences with Dadiji.  After that, bhog will be offered to our beloved BapDada in Dadi Jankiji’s name.  Then everyone will take Brahma Bhojan.  Please have a special programme of bhog offering and Brahma Bhojan on Dadiji’s 1st anniversary at all the centres.


Achcha.  Lots of love and remembrance to all.


In Godly service.

BK Ratanmohini.





RE: The False Messages Circulating Regarding the Spiritual Heads of the Brahma Kumaris

19 March 2021

Dear BK Centre Incharge Teachers and BK Sisters and Brothers,

Please accept greetings and remembrances from Madhuban.


It has come to the notice of the PBKIVV Management Committee that a message regarding Respected Dadi Ratan Mohiniji, Respected Dadi Ishuji, and Dr Nirmala Didi has been circulated on Whats App on 16 March. This message is incorrect.


In the Meeting of the PBKIVV Management Committee on 14 March 2021, it has been decided that Respected Dadi Ratan Mohiniji hereafter is "Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris" and Respected Dadi Ishuji is "Additional Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris". Only these two positions have been appointed.


The rest of the message is false, which may be kindly noted.


On Spiritual Seva,

BK Shashi Prabha


For PBKIVV Management Committee



सर्व सेवाकेन्द्रों के इंचार्ज टीचर बहने  क्लास के बीकेभाई-बहनों को ईश्वरीय याद स्वीकार हो। 


PBKIVV के मैनेजमेंट कमिटी के नोटिस में आया हैकि आज WhatsApp पर एक मैसेज आदरणीय दादी रतन मोहिनी जीआदरणीय  दादी इशू जीऔर डॉक्टर निर्मला दीदी के नाम से भेजा गया है। वे बिलकुल गलत है।


मैनेजमेंट कमिटी की १४ मार्च २०२१ मीटिंग में यह फैसला किया गया हैकि आदरणीय दादी रतन मोहिनी जी "Spiritual Head" और आदरणीय दादी इशू जी "Additional Spiritual Head" रहेंगी। केवल दो को नियुक्त किया गया है।


बाकी जो मैसेज में भेजा गया हैवे गलत है जो आपके ध्यान पर रहे।

ईश्वरीय सेवा में,

बीशशि प्रभा


For PBKIVV Management Committee






Sisters Gopi & Manda Share News from Madhuban #2

13 March 2021

Dear Family,

We have been remembering you and so here is another bulletin on a unique day!!  We arrived into Shantivan from PB this morning and went to the Conference Hall where Dadi’s body had been kept.  All the seniors and doctors paid their last respects before the body was carried by an army of brothers to the funeral pyre near Shakti Bhavan.  The layout of seating was superbly organized and all the main instruments were royally placed.  Madhuban is an incredible machinery that kicks in so quickly and efficiently - just amazing to watch.  You would have seen it online.  We felt fortunate in witnessing a momentous event in our yagya's history.    

And what a day….a release of joy amidst the gathering; relief that it's happened so smoothly and royally - every single soul on all 3 campuses had a chance to pay their final respects in an orderly smooth way.  An atmosphere of lightness, free from sorrow and feeling the cool fragrance of Dadi’s qualities.  The feeling in watching the pyre was the recognition of Dadi’s sacrifice and surrender to Baba - an ultimate sacrifice that we all have to make at some point….

Neeluben has been quite a pillar of grace and dignity.  Throughout everything and also during offering of bhog, she remained stable - there isn’t a feeling of sadness from her but the feeling of quiet power.  Her stable presence helped the lightness of atmosphere.

All of Dadi’s doctors were present and they have been quite impressed at how this doesn’t feel like a funeral, but more a celebration of an elevated life.  There has been an atmosphere of a big family get together because for the first time since lockdown all the zone and subzone-in-charges and senior teachers were all present together. 

The meditation in the Diamond Hall, with the whole family, just before offering bhog felt like the invocation we experience as Baba comes and an experience of a waterfall of power.  Dadi had said one time, the reason why Baba loves her so much is that she had made Baba her sansar (world) and Baba was in her sanskars!  Imagine to feel so free from any limited feelings of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ and only have God’s unlimited mercy and compassion as your sanskars! What a power….

This evening, sharings by Brijmohanbhai and Ashaben, highlighted the enormous amount of service Dadi has done in Delhi, especially in serving all the dignitaries, be they Presidents, PM’s, etc..  She would often meet the late president Abdul Kalam at his presidential residence, and in their garden conversations over a period of time, he started to appreciate the role of the power of silence alongside the power of silence.  

So….of course there will be more generated from Madhuban and online that you will see anyway, however, we simply wanted to touch base with you on this special day and send lots of love and light from Madhuban.

In Baba’s yaad

Manda and Gopi



Sisters Gopi & Manda Share News from Madhuban #1

12 March 2021

Dear Family,

Loving greetings from Madhuban, Pandav Bhavan, where we saw the final rites of Dadi Gulzarji being performed a few hours ago. We were remembering you all as Mandaben and myself had the chance to lay the garland on Dadi. There is an atmosphere of light and coolness and it feels as if there is an outpouring of all the unexpressed bhavna that souls had suppressed, as a result of many not being able to see Dadi Gulzar for a few years, and also not being able to attend Dadi Jankiji's funeral.  Dadi Gulzar in her avyakt form is now healing the hearts and fulfilling desires of all souls and an incredible chapter is closing.  Brijmohanbhai reminded us that 3 years ago, Baba had already prepared us by telling us that, it was 'samapthi varsh' - the 'year of completion'. 

There is such a deep appreciation for Dadi Gulzar's easiness, love, and silent sweetness.  Messages from the President, and Prime Minister of India as well as dignitaries have been pouring in from all over Bharat.  Dadi always knew what each soul wanted and needed before even they did the feeling is that she is so happy in her subtle form gliding through the crowds and waving a magic wand of sweet coolness and fulfillment.  

Whilst sitting in Dadis room in Madhuban - so many memories of good times emerged and her presence was deeply felt.   Taraben (Dadiji's main carer/nurse) was there and she came over and there was a chance to ask her about the final moments with Dadi. She started by saying that throughout the whole time that Dadi had been in hospital, no matter what they did to the body, Dadi's face had remained unchanged.  At around 8.30 am on 11th March, the 'parameters' were fluctuating and lowering and momentarily it appeared that Dadi had lost consciousness.  They were told to bring in the seniors and inform everyone that it wasn't going to be long. Although there were restrictions in place in hospital for people, that morning it seemed that the doors opened for every soul who had been part of the journey to say goodbye and take drishti.  No-one was turned away.  However Tara had noticed that Dadi's eyes were slightly open, just like when Baba comes, and she was giving drishti to whoever came in the room.  The parameters continued to lower and fluctuate and Taraben felt that she was 'waiting' for someone.   It was just a bit before 10.30 am that the main doctor came to see Dadi.  Dadi gave him drishti and then closed her eyes and departed.  It was as if she was waiting just for this last doctor to give him a final drishti before she flew away.  Incredibly she served every single soul before she left. So 10.30 am was declared the final time of departure.

At around 5 pm that same day, Dadiji's body was brought by charter flight to Manipur airstrip on Abu Road, accompanied by Neeluben, Dr. Pratap and a nurse, Sr Namrata. A few of us sisters were present. It was a bit of an emotional moment to see Dadi 'come back in the box' and of course, Neeluben returning after a long time was hugged by Munniben.  

The process before the actual funeral is a long one - senior sisters from Delhi have arrived overnight by road as have some others from Gujarat.   But despite the numbers, the feeling of being embraced in serenity and coolness, easiness is omnipresent.

Now it feels as though a mantle is being passed down - one of unwavering faith, trust, love, and renunciation - that are energies at the heart of the living yagya....and the Dadi's in their subtle form have become our backbone, serving in an unlimited way. A bhog message after Jagdishbhai had left the body, had indicated that the ancestor souls are present whenever you call them.  So....at one level, it's a huge comfort to know that no matter what our capacities may be, we are backed by a powerful subtle army that we can invoke at any time.  The Advance Party now has the most powerful souls so surely there must be some interesting planning happening amongst them!

Taraben had made an interesting comment.  She said Shiv Ratri is celebrated in memory of the incarnation of Shiva, and Dadi, who had an amazing part of being 'Little Nandigan', (the sacred cow of Shiva - chariot), departing on Shiv Jayanti is also an auspicious signal in time of closure.

Having witnessed the three funerals of the three main Dadi's, it feels as if this one is the most healing of all of them. And as every Dadi always leaves a legacy after passing away, we observe patiently at what unfolds....and it's definitely going to be good.

Sending you all much love, 

In Baba's Yaad

Your sisters

Gopi and Manda


Photographic Tributes to Dadi Gulzar Ji

12 March 2021



Global Chief of Brahma Kumaris Dr. Dadi Hridaya Mohini Passes Away on 11th March

12 March 2021

Press Release:


Dr. Dadi Hridaya Mohini, Global Chief of the Brahma Kumaris, the world’s largest spiritual organization run by women, passed away at the age of 93 after a prolonged illness. She breathed her last at 10.30 am on Thursday, 11th March 2021 at Saifee Hospital, Mumbai. Her last rites will be performed on Saturday, 13th March at Shantivan Campus of Brahmakumaris Headquarters, Abu Road, Near Mount Abu (Rajasthan).


Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Dr. Dadi Hirdaya Mohini, affectionately known as Dadi Gulzar, has been associated with the Brahma Kumaris right from the inception since the tender age of 8 years in1937. Having undergone all aspects of training from such early beginnings, she is now recognized as a great yogi, much sought after for enlightenment on attaining mental concentration, peace of mind, stability in meditation, emotional control, etc. She is committed to living and teaching the values and the elevated spiritual principles which come from the ancient teachings of Raja Yoga. She had set up more than 8000 Raja Yoga Centres in 140 countries around the world. 


Dadi Hridaya Mohini was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by the North Odisha University, Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Odisha (India) for her contribution towards spreading the message of values, spirituality, and social service in her unique role as a messenger of the Incorporeal God. Dadi Ji has devotedly served the Godly mission by visiting as many as 112 countries. She has delivered lectures, with mastery over various and varied subjects like spirituality, philosophy, Raja yoga, and stress-free living connected with our day-to-day life. She has a clarity of thought and rich experience and simplicity of style. She has also been the organizer of many international and national conferences, fairs, exhibitions, campaigns, etc., and enlightens fluently on any subject of spiritual interest.




Click here for PDF version of the press release.







BK page in the Daily Guardian for March 5th

10 March 2021

Click on the above image to download pdf version.




March Madhuban Newsletter and 31 Points of Homework for Our Tapaswi Life

7 March 2021

Dear Divine Family,


Please see below the Madhuban Newsletter for March 2021 and download the homework points for 1-31 March.


In Baba's yaad,



Murli Department, Madhuban



Madhuban Newsletter – March 2021

Special inspirations for always remaining merged in God’s love (18/02/2021)

(Letter of Remembrance)


Beloved Avyakt Mother and Father BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers, brothers and sisters of this land and abroad, who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, those who always experience the stage of being merged in love, ones who are constantly swinging in the blissful swing of God’s love, ones who are full with all attainments, who are full with the fragrance of spirituality, together with God’s love filled with sweet remembrance, many, many hearty greetings for the festival of the incarnation of the Father, the Innocent Lord Shiva.


All of you souls who have experienced God’s love will, while celebrating the birthday of our Father, the Innocent Lord Shiva with zeal and enthusiasm, hoist the lovely flag of Shiv Baba at every place and, while giving everyone the pure message of God’s incarnation, and give greetings. This day is filled with happiness for eating and feeding others Dilkhush toli. This is the birthday of the Father and us children that is as valuable as a diamond. It fills all the Brahmin children with new zeal and new enthusiasm. In this period of corona, all of you must definitely be doing lots of service in your own areas, according to the atmosphere there.


Now, all of us have this one aim: Let everyone recognize the World Protector, the Bestower of Salvation for All, the Father, the Seed-form and claim from Him their birthright, inheritance and blessings. Let no soul be deprived of God’s message. Definitely, all of you must have created a programme filled with newness. From Madhuban, for this 85th Trimurti Shiv Jayanti, some points are being sent to you and whatever you are easily able to do, definitely do that. Along with service, BapDada’s special signal according to the time is: My children, now become full with all treasures and create an atmosphere of contentment. With your yogyukt and tapaswi life, become an image that grants visions. Let each one’s internal stage be of being merged in God’s love, so that others start to have a vision of the Father through each one, such that the physical form disappears and they constantly experience the incorporeal Father. In order to create such a stage, let constant yoga programmes continue at all places. For the whole year, let us all together have such special tapasya that each of Baba’s places becomes a “Shanti-kund” (a sacred place of peace). Let everyone experience the rays of peace emerging from this place and spreading everywhere.


While hoisting our beloved Innocent Shiv Baba’s flag on the auspicious day of Maha Shiv Ratri, also let your determined thoughts be like a promise which enables you to create your highest of all stage. Five pure thoughts are being sent to you.


  1. Do not go into the expansion of any situation, but put a full stop to it and merge it in the point.
  2. Renounce the attitude of the consciousness of “I” and always be lost in the love of God’s remembrance.
  3. Sacrifice all your weaknesses in God’s love and finish the influence of falsehood and impurity.
  4. Become full with spirituality and good wishes and be loving and co-operative with all.
  5. With the awareness of elevated self-respect, finish body consciousness and become humble and give everyone respect.

While having these pure thoughts, let each one create their highest of all stages.


With these good wishes, lots and lots of love-filled remembrance,


In Godly service,

B.K. Ratanmohini


Download "Homework for a Tapaswi Life" here.





International Women's Day Special - Two Events Celebrating Women in Leadership

7 March 2021



31 Points from Dadi Janki for the month of March

6 March 2021

Dear Divine Family and Baba’s elevated instruments abroad,

Greetings of love from Madhuban. We’re sending 31 points from Dadi Janki as reflection points for you for the month of March. We hope you will use this month to renew yourself in the experience of Dadi’s power and love of God. 

In Baba’s sweet yaad,

BK Nirmala on behalf of the Regional Coordinators

Click HERE to download the 31 points.



Thank You and Goodbye from Living the Legacy of Love Team

3 March 2021

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Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love and peace.


It has been such a pleasure and a joy to bring to you all the project 'Living the Legacy of Love'.  


28th February, will be the last day of the videos.  We just wanted to give you all a big thanks for joining in and making this project a big success.  We have had many comments and touching stories from those who watched the daily videos and participated in the meditation. Thank you for all of that good feedback also.


Feel free to return to ALL the videos again and again on the BK Sustenance website to view them and take inspiration from them.


We have also uploaded the following links for easy access:


Link to Sis Elizabeth's Song



Link to Finale of Living the Legacy of Love



Link to a special video created by Sis Brigitte which can be used for meditation bhattis



From all of us, a very warm goodbye and om shanti


Living the Legacy of Love Team