2021 International Yoga Day Archive
Table of Content
Washington DC Brahma Kumaris Feature Mind Body Fitness Through Yoga
8 July 2021
Washington DC (USA): The Brahma Kumaris of Washington DC, USA, celebrated International Yoga Day by laying emphasis on physical and mental well being through Yoga. Hatha Yoga for the body and Rajayoga for the mind.
BK Sister Jenna, Co-ordinator of Brahma Kumaris in Washington DC talked about the importance of Rajayoga in achieving mental well being. Physical yogasanas were demonstrated by Aanchal and practiced collectively.
Laughter, Friendship and Family are all important factors for mental wellness. Sister Jenna said that Rajayoga enables one to look beyond the five senses. and helps to balance the mind, body and spirit.
“Physical Yoga and Rajayoga for Holistic Health” : Online Event by Security Services Wing on 21st June
8 July 2021
Mount Abu (Rajasthan): Security Services Wing conducted a special online session on “Physical Yoga and Rajyoga for Holistic Health” on the occasion of International Day of Yoga for all forces.
More than 1500 personnel from different Forces (Army, CRPF, Navy, RPF, CISF, BSF & others organizations) attended this program.
Chief Guest of the program was Sh Virendra Ji, IPS, Director General of Police, West Bengal.
Service Report from Germany on the International Yoga Day 2021
30 June 2021
Dear Divine Family,
Please click on the above image to download the BK Germany Service Report on the International Yoga Day-2021.
With love, in Baba's yaad
Didi Sudesh and family in Germany
The Yoga Festival for Mind and Body - Service News from St.Petersburg, Russia
26 June 2021
“The main objective of yoga is to strike the balance between your body and mind. Seeing your happy faces, I am very glad that you are successful in achieving this main goal”, said Mr Deepak Miglani ji, Consul General of India in St. Petersburg, at an outdoor yoga session in Peace Park (Lighthouse) on June, 19. Together with a large group of the Consulate staff members he took part in a series of activities held at the BK centre within the framework of the “The Yoga Festival for Mind and Body”.
Addressing the participants of the event, Didi Santosh, the Brahma Kumaris director in St. Petersburg, underlined that if we take care of our mind and body through Raja Yoga practice in a collective form, then before long Bharat and the entire world are going to become the Golden Sparrow, or the world of purity, abundance and divinity will come once again.
Mr Deepak Miglani ji lit a symbolic lamp at the entrance to the Exhibition Area. Then Didi Santosh conducted an insightful meditation session for the Consulate staff members at the Conference Hall of Lighthouse. And a healthy and delicious brahma bhojan was served to everyone in the sunny courtyard afterwards.
The Festival that started on Monday, June, 14, has been organized to celebrate the glorious heritage of yoga wisdom endowed by Bharat to the entire world.
It is carried out with the support of the Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg. The Festival will continue for 7 days, culminating on June, 21, the International Day of Yoga. Although the current restrictions caused by the COVID pandemic do not allow to hold the event on a bigger scale, yet a wide range of activities is offered to participants. They include daily morning yoga practice in the Peace Park followed with a special treat of fresh fruit or vegetable juice. An enlightening exhibition on “Holistic Health and Ancient Raja Yoga Wisdom” is open on a daily basis from 9.00 till 19.00. A cosy meditation room has been installed in the park to enable the visitors to have an individual meditation practice for experiencing peace of mind. A series of online events are also held for those who cannot reach the Lighthouse physically due to the COVID restrictions.
Click here for report in PDF version.
BK Canada Service Report: 2021 International Day of Yoga
26 June 2021
Dear Divine Family,
Please find attached the BK Canada Service Report sharing news of our 2021 International Day of Yoga celebrations.
Much love
In Baba's Yaad
Br Eric and the Canadian Family
Texas, USA: Service news, IDY 2021
25 June 2021
Dear Divine Family, Om shanti and greetings of love.
Brahma Kumaris Texas (USA): Brahma Kumaris was invited to conduct Dhyāna (meditation) portion of yoga protocol at the International Day of Yoga celebrations in Texas, USA. BK Mark conducted meditation at two main events in Houston. The Consul General of India -Houston, Mr. Aseem Mahajan, personally attended the events along with the consular staff. Mr. Mahajan participated in the meditation exercise and was happy to have a peaceful experience.
Below is link for photos from International Day of Yoga 2021 in Houston, Texas, USA: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wm5f5mjisc5ws5u/AACnVs2_vVKDoRKnRYXgq5XCa?dl=0
much love in BapDada’s yaad,
Brahma Kumaris ®
Texas, USA
Brahma Kumaris Conduct Yoga Session for Consulate General of India Vancouver
25 June 2021
Vancouver (Canada): Brahma Kumaris celebrated the 7th International Day of Yoga with Consulate General of India, Vancouver, by joining a Curtain-Raiser Program Online Yoga Session conducted by BK Dr. Claudia Rangel Bussanich, Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris in Vancouver, Canada.
BK Sister Claudia spoke on the topic “The Power of Healing through Raja Yoga” and explained different healings we need to have in order to experience a more peaceful and happy life. She shared the awareness of many different ways that sorrow comes into our lives and how to heal them through Raja Yoga.
Dr. Claudia Rangel Bussanich is a dentist and has had her own practice in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, since 1996. Since 1994 she has been with the Brahma Kumaris. She has been coordinating the Meditation Center in Vancouver for more than 10 years.
“From Hatha to the Heart” : International Day of Yoga Event in Miami
25 June 2021
Miami, Florida (USA): Brahma Kumaris celebrated International Day of Yoga Special Event in Miami. “From Hatha to the Heart” was the topic for a conversation and yoga experience in honor of International Yoga Day.
Two experienced yoga teachers, BK Craig Gordon and Phillip Christodoulou, founder of the Anuttara Yoga Shala in Delray Beach, shared deep experiences of both Hatha and Raja yoga. Craig spoke of the ‘heart’ in yoga, noting that courage is needed to ‘let go’ and ‘recharge’ while doing a pose.
Phillip described his feelings of being an instrument while teaching and intuitively tapping into something higher. Both yogis took participants into the experience of yoga, which ultimately is connecting to Truth through Love.
This session was dedicated to the International Day of Yoga and held in conjunction with the World Peace Meditation hosted by the Brahma Kumaris on the third Sunday of each month.
To access the recording of the session click here.
Brahma Kumaris Address International Yoga Day at the Indian Embassy in Kuwait
25 June 2021
Kuwait (Middle East): Brahma Kumaris celebrated International Yoga Day at the Indian Embassy in Kuwait with His Excellency Shri Sibi George, Ambassador of India to Kuwait, and Mrs. Joice.
BK Aruna Ladva shared how Raja Yoga Meditation enables us to cultivate mental postures of the mind, so that we can be more tolerant in situations, adaptive to people and flexible in our thinking. In meditation we are flexing the muscles of the mind, loosening them, so that we are not rigid and tight, but flowing with life’s challenges with ease.
Service News: International Day of Yoga Program held in Malaysia on 20th June 2021
25 June 2021
Dear Divine Family,
Om Shanti.
We are pleased to enclose the report of the recent International Day of Yoga Program held in Malaysia on the 20th June 2021 for your attention.
In Baba's Yaad,
BK Meera & Malaysia Family
click here to download PDF version
China Service News: International Yoga Day ONLINE EVENT by Brahma Kumaris, Guangzhou and Shanghai
25 June 2021
Dear Divine brothers and sisters,
Greetings of International Yoga Day 2021.
We are pleased to share the news of the International yoga Day service in China.
Brahmakumaris in CHINA (Guangzhou and Shanghai) organised an Online event on the occasion of IDY-2021 with the theme "YOGA FOR BOOSTING IMMUNITY"_"YOGA AT HOME, YOGA WITH FAMILY" with the support of CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA IN GUANGZHOU on Sunday, 20th June 2021.
Program included:
(Program Started with a beautiful virtual candle lighting ceremony)
1. Hatha yoga practices to boost immunity by Sister LiHU, yoga teacher from Shanghai
2. Simple yoga postures that could be practiced at home with family, by Sister Joy, yoga therapist from Guangzhou
3. Workshop on "Boosting Emotional & Mental Immunity" by BK Sister Sapna
4. Greetings by Mr. Mohan Mulchandani, Head of Indian Community in Guangzhou.
5. Greetings by Mr. Johnson , Chairman of India-China Economic and Culture Exchange Centre, Zhejiang.
6. Cultural performance
7. Rajyoga Meditation experience through Guided meditation by BK Sister Sapna
Participants joined from many different cities of China and SAR via zoom and other local social media platforms.
In Baba's Remembrance
BKs Guangzhou and Shanghai
Moscow (Russia) Programmes dedicated to the International Day of Yoga
23 June 2021
1. Embassy of India, Moscow celebrated the 7th International Day of Yoga in collaboration with few social organisations.
Greetings by Sudha Didi, on the occasion.
2. Brahma Kumaris hosted a series of programs dedicated to the International Day of Yoga through the YouTube channel.
"Yoga and creativity"
Link to the Photos:
Video on YouTube:
"Yoga for Healing"
click here to download pdf version
Article: International Day of Yoga – A day for peace of mind
21 June 2021
International Day of Yoga – A day for peace of mind
Author unknown
The International Day (IDY) of Yoga has been celebrated annually on June 21 since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.
There are many types of yoga. For this article we focus on yoga meditation as practised by the Brahma Kumaris.
The root of the word yoga is from the Sanskrit ‘yug’ which means to yoke or unite. That is the uniting of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul. While the goal is yoga or union with God, the method is meditation, which is a purposeful directing of one’s thoughts.
This is a subtle activity, and multiple techniques have been developed to facilitate it.
If you are new to meditation, choose a space and time where you will have the least disturbance. This can be individually, as part of a group or a family activity. Start with about ten minutes, then work your way up to 20, 30 or 40 minutes.
The aim is to keep the body relaxed and the mind alert. Sit in a balanced, upright position with back support if necessary.
Low lighting and good air circulation help to create a relaxed environment. Begin with harnessing the mind. Withdraw your attention from the external world and picture yourself as a tiny point of spiritual light in the centre of the forehead.
You can also try paying attention to your breath or repeating a mantra or affirmation. Ponder the question of: Who am I? The answer is; I am a peaceful, divine soul.
Consider meditation as an exercise in slowness, with fewer thoughts and a sustained focus. This allows space for deeper feelings, to surface, related to the thoughts.
To reach a place of new, intrinsic realizations, time is needed to clear the clutter of old thoughts and emotions. At a minimum, the act of slowing down the thinking process and highlighting the positive will result in rest, refreshment and increased clarity.
A second function/faculty that should be engaged is the intellect. Make conscious decisions about what to keep in the mind and eject destructive and wasteful thinking.
The intellect is a powerful decision-making tool that will grow stronger with frequent use. Use the intellect to choose patience, discernment and courage in place of habitual negative reactions. Skip over popular gossip and distractions by being decisive and earn huge savings of time and energy.
Holding affirmative mental attitudes helps eliminate damaging negative self-talk and provides creative solutions for our human relationships.
The third of the soul’s faculties is the sanskaras, loosely translated as memory. We are what we remember. While one must recognise the lessons revealed through failures, positive personal memories are necessary for mental health.
A conscious effort should be made to substitute the cycling of past hurts and disappointments with a focus on life-affirming memories, aspirations or new learnings. At a deeper level, recalling the original divine virtues of the soul is transformative.
Although meditation is an activity that can stand alone, its ultimate purpose is yoga, that union with the one you consider to be God.
The consciousness must travel away from the body and connect with the Supreme Being. Focus and sustained concentration on God are required. For this one may visualise God as a point of light and energy.
The question of where, is also important. Where is The Supreme Soul? The intellect may be directed to a place beyond the physical universe that is of non-physical light.
It is beyond sound (nirvana), and can be labelled as Brahmlok or the Souls’ World. One may travel with the intellect and visualise the Supreme Being as a point of light in a realm of light that is outside the physical domain. Think on the many virtues of God. Appreciate the all-encompassing love, deep peace or eternal bliss.
You can converse or relate to Her/Him as Mother, Father, Guide and Friend. These are our original and eternal bonds, which are still within us somewhere deep in our sanskaras. Through relationship we can connect heart to heart with the Divine.
This combination of engagement over time, will result in yoga- the union with The Supreme Being. May IDY 2021 inspire you to remember your original state of peace and contentment, your identity as a member of the family of human souls, and remember God.
“Yoga Awakens the World”: Article on Yoga
21 June 2021
Yoga Awakens the World
by Yvonne Chirya Risely
In these current times, more and more people are learning and practicing yoga regularly as it is not costly, has many benefits and no side effects.
‘Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition’.
It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, harmony between human beings and nature and a holistic approach to health and well-being. Yoga has evolved as an alternative system of medicine and has become increasingly popular.
The 193 member United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on December 11, 2014, approved by unanimity a resolution establishing June 21st as ‘International Day of Yoga’. The declaration came following a call for the adoption of 21st June as ‘International Day of Yoga’ (IDY) by the current Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi ji during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27th, 2014. In suggesting June 21st, which is the summer Solstice, as the ‘International Day of Yoga’, PM Narendra Modi had said that the date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world. The Solstice is considered to be a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices.
Global leaders from more than 175 countries including the USA supported the resolution. It had the highest number of co-sponsors ever for any UNGA Resolution of this type. We know that we are in a state of dramatic change when we witness so many world leaders encouraging people everywhere to awaken to the benefits of yoga and to raise the world’s consciousness to truly make the world a better place.
Now six year’s later, you might be contemplating what kind of yoga to practice and to know if it is the right fit for you. The word Yoga itself means “union”. It refers to the union of individual consciousness, the soul, with the Universal Consciousness, often referred to as God. With the modern day emphasis on physical health and fitness, many people think of yoga only as physical exercises – asanas or postures – but these are only surface aspects. Yoga is a deeper practice and exercise which helps revitalize both the body and the soul.
There are many paths of Yoga that lead in various ways toward this spiritual goal. They include:
Hatha Yoga – a system of physical postures whose higher purpose is to purify the body rendering it fit for meditation.
Bhakti Yoga – all-surrending devotion through which one strives to see and love the divinity in every creature and in everything.
Karma Yoga – selfless service to others without attachment to the result.
Gyana Yoga – the path of wisdom which focuses on the awakening of the intellect (opening the third eye).
Mantra Yoga – the repetion of certain universal sounds representing a particular aspect of spirit i.e. Om Shanti – I am a peaceful soul.
Raja Yoga – the royal or highest path of Yoga, which combines the essence of all the Yoga’s and demonstrates connecting with God through the practice of meditation. In addition to knowing how to stand on your head, you also learn how to use your head!
Throughout the world around the date of the 21 of June, over 100 countries annually hold public programs. Representatives from the UN and prominent personalities including government ministers grace the occasion and give the message of the benefits of Yoga. These programs are attracting thousands of participants.
2 Special Events for International Day of Yoga- GCH London
21 June 2021
Om Shanti - Greetings of Peace.
You are warmly invited to 2 Special Events for International Day of Yoga
on Monday 21st June & Tuesday 22nd June
This evening, Sister Jayanti, European Director of Brahma Kumaris and world renowned meditation teacher and speaker guides us through the practice of Raja Yoga for the mind.
Shri Manmeet Singh Narang, Minister of Coordination, Indian High Commission London will join us live to share a special message for the International Day of Yoga 2021.
Tuesday 22nd June - from 7.30am onwards
click here for more information visit Consulate General of India Birmingham
Live at the social media channels of the Consulate
IDY 2021 Global Festival - Brahma Kumaris - 21 June at 07.00 am
19 June 2021
Dear Yoga Lovers,
Greetings of Peace from Brahma Kumaris.
Join us to celebrate INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA FESTIVAL' on 21st June, 7 am. Watch Inspirations from eminent yoga gurus, cultural performances by world renowned artistes, meditation experience...
on Peace of Mind TV Channel.
Watch at
7.00 AM IST | 21 June 2021
“Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family ” : Celebrate IDY Online with Mauritius on June 20
19 June 2021
Mauritius: You are cordially invited to join an online celebration on International Day of Yoga at home with your family during one and half hour of Light Exercise, Guide Meditation , Gentle Music as well as Moment of Silence.
Special Guest: Ms. Swetha Moortu (Second Secretary (Political,Press and Information) High Commission of India Office, Mauritius
Day and Time: 20th June 4:00 – 5:30 PM (Mauritius Time)
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/2vav4k8b
Kuwait: Invitation to IDY 2021 Celebrations 21st June - Raja Yoga Meditation
19 June 2021
I am sending you all a big Om Shanti (greetings of peace) as we look forward to the International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2021.
Yoga and meditation have many principles in common. Yoga, tends to deal with exercises that stretch and strengthen the body, and meditation focuses more on the spiritual aspects of life, and strengthening the soul. For each modality to be successful, one has to learn how to control the mind.
Taking the Breath
We talk about the breath of life… and yes, this works on a physical level… without breathing there is no life! But what is the breath of mind? At a spiritual level the breath of mind relates to the quality of our thoughts and therefore our experience of life. Inhale positive and powerful energy, and breathe in love and peace. As we generate those higher vibrational thoughts, then we are more easily able to exhale and expel those negative and stressful thoughts and emotions. We definitely don’t want those toxins to linger in our body or mind in any form.
Click here to continue reading...
Malaysia is Celebrating the UN INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA on Sun 20 JUNE at 5:15 pm IST.
19 June 2021
Dear Global Divine Family , OM SHANTI
1) Malaysia is Celebrating the UN INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA on Sun 20 JUNE 2021 at 5:15 pm IST.
2) The pogramme is fully supported by the Indian High Commission Malaysia with key speakers: Didi Meera & Sis Sujatha Global Hosiptal
3) We welcome the global family for the celebration of the programme on Sunday 20 June 2021 at 5:15 PM IST at
Meeting ID: 959 2964 5261
At the link below you can download the video. Attached are the documents for the International Day of Yoga 2021:
1. Promotional Video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uCfk-jiEdPQXz_sIqTQOgPEA2cRthm5s/view?usp=sharing
With Lots of Love
BK Meera
What’s online special: Celebrating International Day of Yoga at Global Co-Operation House
18 June 2021
Saturday 19 June, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Sister Shivani, globally renowned motivational speaker, will help us discover how we can quieten a racing mind, and will be interviewed on more topical questions by Dimps Sanghani, Mrs England Universe and Mrs Universe Charity Women.
Sunday 20 June, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Join us for an evening of guided meditation commentaries in Hindi with visuals and devotional songs to give loving vibrations to our world family. Followed by inspirations from Sister Jayanti, European Director of Brahma Kumaris.
Sunday 20 June, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
An evening of music, silence and guiding thoughts to help us experience inner peace, connect with the Divine and share loving vibrations with the world.
A contribution to International Day of Yoga 2021.
Monday 21 June, 7:30pm - 8:30pm
This evening, Sister Jayanti, European Director of Brahma Kumaris and world renowned meditation teacher and speaker guides us through the practise of Raja Yoga for the mind.
Saturday 26 June, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Easy Raja Yoga and Holistic Health in GUJARATI
A contribution to International Day of Yoga 2021
INVITATION spéciale pour IYD de L'Émergence, Montréal | Special INVITATION for IYD from L'Émergence, Montreal (Scroll for English)
18 June 2021
L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix
Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Nous sommes heureux de vous convier à un événement spécial en l'honneur de la Journée internationale du yoga que nous allons souligner ce dimanche 20 juin par une puissante méditation en ligne, en collaboration avec tous les centres Brahma Kumaris au Canada. Bienvenue à tous !
Au plaisir de partager ce moment avec vous,
L'équipe de L'Émergence
Joignez-vous à cette puissante méditation quand et aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez!
Cliquez sur le visuel ci-dessus pour participer à cette méditation en ligne.
Message de bienvenue
Le Reste, à partir de 4:08.
Version en français avec Eric
Message du Haut-Commissariat de l'Inde à Ottawa, présentation de l'événement de la Journée internationale du yoga
Découvrez les autres vidéos en lien avec l'événement sur notre page Facebook.
L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace
Dear Friends of L'Émergence, Om shanti!
We are pleased to invite you to a special event in honor of International Day of Yoga that we will mark this Sunday, June 20 with a powerful online meditation, in collaboration with all Brahma Kumaris Centers throughout Canada. Welcome to all !
Looking forward to sharing this moment with you,
The L'Émergence Team
Join this powerful meditation whenever and as often as you like.
Click on the flyer above to join on Sunday.
Welcome Message from Didi Mohini and Eric Le Reste
May 29, 2020
Message from the High Commissioner of India, Ottawa, presentation of the International Day of Yoga
Discover the other videos related to the event on our Facebook page.
International Yoga Day Celebrations - In Collaboration with Ayush Ministry
17 June 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.
Brahmakumaris Godlywood Studio & Peace of Mind Channel are Celebrating International Yoga Day & World Music Day on 20th & 21st June 2021, with the theme HEALING & HARMONISING THROUGH YOGA AND MUSIC, in collaboration with Ayush Ministry, Govt. Of India
Participating are a Galaxy of Eminent Speakers, World Yoga Gurus, Spiritual Leaders, Renowned Musicians namely Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Baba Ramdev, Swami Chidanand Saraswati, Ayush Minister Shripad Naik, Padma Shri HR Nagendra, Padma Shri Kailash Kher, Director of Yoga Institute Hansaji Yogendra, Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswati, Fitness Guru Mickey Mehta, Bollywood Lyricist Manoj Muntashir, Health Expert Luke Coutinho, Sufi Singer Lakhwinder Wadali, Bollywood Singer Rasika Shekar, Music Director Dilip Sen, Rajyogini B.K. Mohini, Additional Chief of Brahmakumaris, Rajyogi B.K. Brijmohan, Additional Secretary General of Brahmakumaris and many more eminent speakers, performers along with Senior BK Brothers & Sisters from all over the globe.
Join us on 20th and 21th at 10.00 PM on Peace of Mind Channel, Om Shanti Channel and Godlywood Studio Youtube Channel. Share the information maximum.
(Please find the detailed Brochure attached)
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director
Godlywood Studio
click here to download flyer in PDF format.
BK Canada presents The Healing Space - a Day-long Event for IYD in English, French, and Hindi: Sunday, June 20, 10 am to 6 pm EDT
17 June 2021
THE HEALING SPACE - A BK Canada Event in Honour of the UN International Day of Yoga
Come into a space that uses the power of benevolent vision to open the heart and connect with the Divine.--
In honour of the UN International Day of Yoga on June 21, the Brahma Kumaris of Canada are offering an 8-hour online space of benevolent peace and soothing calm. The powerful atmosphere of spiritual vibrations will be generated continuously by Raja Yogis from BK Centres across Canada. This wave of healing silence from coast-to-coast will ripple across the country and flow out into the world. All are welcome! Join whenever and as often as you like, and soak up the healing vibes.
Sunday, June 20 | 10:00 am-6:00 pm EDT
also on Youtube http://tiny.cc/TheHealingSpace_YT
& Facebook live http://tiny.cc/TheHealingSpace_FB
Yoga: Uniting Hearts & Minds for Healing
Presented by Brahma Kumaris Canada www.brahmakumaris.ca
Please click on the links below to download the flyer in your language.
Special Event International Yoga Day Daily Sessions June 14-19
17 June 2021
Leicester (UK): Brahma Kumaris invite you to a SPECIAL EVENT on the occasion of International Yoga Day.
Daily Morning Sessions 14th-19th June 7.15am to 8.00am GMT with Finale on 20th.
Physical Yoga 7.15 – 7.45 AM
Raj Yoga Meditation 7.45 – 8 AM
Click here to join via Zoom: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/99998759464?pwd=TSs0TGE2QkE5dXRFUThVeGpTNU00Zz09#success
Speaker Update, please read! Saturday 19, 2021 - Yoga Day Event @ 4:30 pm EST
13 June 2021
Dear Friends,
We are happy to have Deepak Chopra, MD as one of our special guest speakers in celebrating Yoga Day 2021, along with special guest, Karuna, Founder, Light on Kundalini. We warmly invite you to join us.
Saturday, June 19 @ 4:30-6:00pm EST
The pandemic has touched us all through its devastating economic and social impacts. There has been a profound impact on our physical and psychological health. It has awakened underlying conditions which have been dormant and preceipitated a spiritual crisis. This has left many contemplating the meaning of life, our purpose, and what is truly important. The values and techniques of Yoga provide us with tools we need to cope. Yoga’s ancient practices help us attain healing, health and harmony. We now may choose what we reintroduce into our lives, how we shape our reality and how we better prepare for unexpected challenges. Creating a sacred space allows us to recognize the powerful beings we truly are. Through our collective resilience we can weave together a new world as one humanity. Join us to embrace our inner nature, our heartfelt connection, and the power of hope.