2023 February N. America News Archive 2023 February N. America News Archive

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March 2023 Homework: "Increase your Account of Accumulation" - BK Mohini

28 February 2023

Dear Baba's Family, Greetings of love,

In the month of March, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to the new Series: "Increase your account of accumulation'' -"जमा का खाता बढ़ाओ''

Promo: https://youtu.be/pOqi5oHOjYA

You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder link given below.


Thank you.

In Baba's loving yaad,

BK Mohini

Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris 





Avyakti Journey

Hindi - अव्यक्त मुरली रिवीजन 1969 से - ब्राह्मण से फरिश्ता बनने की प्रेरणा



English - Avyakti Murlis from 1969...inspiring us to  change from Brahmin to Angel



Hindi (translated classes):



Avyakti Parivar

A Family of Angels United in Love for One

Youtube : http://tiny.cc/avyaktiparivar-youtube

Website : https://www.avyaktiparivar.org/




SFO BK Meditation Center: Learn Raja Yoga Meditation - Tue 28th Feb 6:30pm

23 February 2023


A great way to calm down and energize yourself after a hectic week. Join us for a Special Guided Meditation on Healing Power of Gratitude this Friday Feb 24th at 6:30 - 8:00 PM PST



Shiv Jayanti Celebrations - Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas

23 February 2023

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas celebrated Shiv Jayanti On Sunday, Feb 12 2023 with huge splendor by hoisting Shiv Baba flag in hundreds of hearts and at Baba's center, cutting a cake and taking an oath to cut down waste thoughts, hearing Baba's elevated inspiration and hope.

Shiv Jyotir Ling welcomes His saligram children at the entrance


Glimpse of Shiv Jayanti Brahma Bhojan

Naras: "Shiv Jayanti phir se hai aayi, lakhon lakh mubharakein badhai...", "Sab satyon mein Satya mahan, Shiv hai Geeta ke Bhagwan.."



Message of Hope: We are Human Beings, Not just Human Doings Keep the being before the doing and success will always be at your doorstep

22 February 2023

We live in the age of ‘busy’. Busy people not only do a lot, they think a lot and often the smile gets lost. The origins of ‘busy’ are mental.  Being lost in thought, thinking constantly about things to do or could have been done, judging what others did  wrong, is not only tiring but also a brilliant way to waste energy.  “You cannot teach others by criticizing them.  Praise them from your heart and they will make efforts to become praiseworthy.”

Our mind, our ‘inner factory’, creates around 40,000 - 50,000 thoughts a day.  Our life is a long assembly line of thoughts with the potential to come into words and behaviors.  As owners of this inner factory, we need to ensure every thought is useful. Just as a farmer checks the quality of seeds before sowing them, we need to first check the seeds of our thoughts before they come into sound and action. In other words, we need to take ownership of our thought factory. Long term success is attained internally by what we think and having a positive character rather than by skills and talents we have externally acquired. 

Our every THOUGHT has 4 impacts: Emotions, thoughts creates feelings; Health, thought affects every cell of your body; Relationships, thought reaches the person you are thinking about; and Environment, thought vibrations radiate out and affect nature. Observe your thoughts for a minute every hour and classify them into 4 categories - Positive thoughts, thoughts of peace, love, happiness and acceptance. Negative thoughts are of ego, hurt, anger, hatred or jealousy. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind and represses our love and tolerance. Necessary thoughts relate to daily activities without the emotions of worry, irritation, fear or anxiety.  Waste thoughts about the past, future or other people which are not in our control make us lose our peace and power.  The past has a ‘filing cabinet’ which contains the dead weight of learned beliefs and all our mistakes. Saying farewell to the past is the sign of a human ‘being’ who lives for today and is alive to the possibilities of ‘the moment’,. . . while fully aware  . . . all they think, say and do right now, creates tomorrow.   

To ‘BE’, to begin, learn how to slow down the mind and charge up the battery of the soul. Practice meditation to inculcate new ways of thinking in your subconscious mind.  Study spiritual knowledge to create pure thoughts. A ‘human being’ first creates positive, pure thoughts and feelings within the mind which are transmitted through the attitude and subtly reflected in the eyes and smile.  The ‘human doing’ of smiling which follows, opens hearts, and a glance can make miracles happen. Good wishes and pure feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds, re-establish friendships and relationships and create peace, love and prosperity .  

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org,    

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 



News of Shivratri Celebration from Anubhuti Meditation & Retreat Center, California, USA

21 February 2023

On the auspicious occasion of Shivratri, Brahma Kumaris Anubhuti Retreat Center organized a public program, in collaboration with Brahma Kumaris San Francisco. 

The theme of the celebration was the Divine Acts of GOD. Participants enjoyed music, dance, skit, om chanting, and meditation. More than 200 people participated in the event in person and online. 

Distinguished guests from Novato and the surrounding cities marked their presence. Chief guest of the event, Susan Wernick, appreciated the services offered by Anubhuti Center. Addressing the event, she said - she would love to visit the Anubhuti center again and again. 

Event video link: https://youtu.be/Znj_6IUlOVo

Event photos link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/oT8p7eLEr4DZ1dhc9

With Love & Light, 

Sisters Hema, Elizabeth, Vaishali and All



News of Shiv Jayanti Celebrations from Oklahoma, USA

21 February 2023

Om Shanti 

On the 18th of Feb this year on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri, Brahma Kumaris Oklahoma organized a Holographic Shivling show in the Hindu Temple of Greater Tulsa in the state of Oklahoma- USA. 

Over 250-300 devotees attended the show. Brother Venkatesh gave the introduction and Sister Bindu- the BK Oklahoma center coordinator, took the devotees through a meditation experience before the show. Devotees expressed deep experience of silence during the meditation.

The film was projected through a holographic Shivling through which Shiv Baba's introduction was given. The center also presented a big picture frame with Shiv Baba's attributes to the temple.

The whole program was well appreciated. It helped build a good relationship with the temple authorities and devotees with an invitation to come again.

Please see the pictures and video attached below.

Video with a glimpse of the show - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BONQUe_BV4U

In Shiv Baba's loving remembrance,
Sister Bindu
+1 405-504-3036
Brahma Kumaris Oklahoma



Manhattan Lecture this Thursday (2/16): The Benevolent One

15 February 2023

Click on below image to Register.




Message of Hope: Love for God, Shiv Jayanti, "Soular Power"

14 February 2023

Love for God

Shiv Jayanti - God’s ‘Soular Power’ ignites our spiritual light

Today with climate concerns rising, experts are calling for countries to ditch coal as soon as possible and embrace wind and solar power. Additionally, due to concerns  now rising about the continuing decline in morals and mental and emotional health, human beings need to embrace spiritual energy,‘Soular Power’, to recharge their flat spiritual batteries. The pure bright light of the soul faded, flickering like a fluorescent tube light which finally dies. Souls, however, never die, but over time lose spiritual energy of peace and purity when their connection is broken with God, the Master Generator.  Originally having a nature of peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom, the internal spiritual energy of the soul became polluted with body consciousness. What we see externally  in the physical world became our support and identity. We even reached the stage of killing our conscience, as appears to be happening at this time.

Many human souls have come to awaken our original power and spirituality, but only one soul, free from the cycle of birth and rebirth, has this part.  A famous verse in the Bhagwat Gita scripture God explains, “Whenever there is decay of righteousness, and there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth; for the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers.”  Celebrated this year on February 18, 2023, the annual Festival of Shiv Jayanti is the memory of the ‘birth’-(jayanti) arrival of God. Also called Shivratri, it is celebrated on the darkest night-(ratri) of the year at midnight. It is a reminder of how the darkness of ignorance of mankind is removed when Godly knowledge brings the dawn and enlightens the world! 

 Being the highest of all souls, God is the Supreme Father-Mother, Teacher and Guide to all human beings. He himself has no father-mother or teacher.  He is incorporeal, free from birth and death, immune to pleasure and pain, unlike human beings. God is a subtle, infinitesimal point of Light, a thinking being, not visible to the naked eye, but possible to experience His presence and proximity. Within meditation deeply understand and feel God's loving presence. Transform the self by connecting with Him, instead of questioning His existence. We get so busy thinking how to solve situations and forget the Supreme Being, who can be called by the power of thought and whose help can be taken.

Shivratri Festival celebrates the memory of  spiritual rejuvenation making the old new again.  As the world becomes dark with growing corruption, sorrow and strife, God’s Light of knowledge, ‘Soular Power’, ignites the spiritual lights of others. It empowers, transforms and restores our original state of well-being to live in harmony with mankind and nature once more.  Transforming the world is the natural outcome of transforming ourselves.  A better world requires human beings to be aware of their inner beauty; to use their positive qualities and to see the good within each soul. The world is waiting for us. We are the hands on the clock of world transformation.  

A beautiful and inspiring Song for Shiv Jayanti: "One God. One Father loving us each the same..."  https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vg_sr_7uEa4&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE     

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org,

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 

Sunday, Feb 19, Celebrate Shiv Jayanti at Peace Village, 2-4:30 pm


"....today, with climate concerns rising, many experts are calling for India to ditch coal as soon as possible and embrace the green energy model so prevalent in Rajasthan India's approach to the energy transition. The picture emerged of a government following an approach uncharted for a country of its scale: Pursue green technologies in the midst of industrialization while leaving the fate of coal to the market.  "India as a responsible global citizen, is willing to make the bet it can satisfy the aspiration for higher living standards, while pursuing a quite different energy strategy from any large country before, India will pursue clean energy while seeking a “balance between energy access and affordability, energy security and environmental considerations.”    Justin Worland, Jharkhand, India (Time Magazine, Jan/Feb 2023 India’s Path, How one country became the most important player in the planet’s future Worland, Justin https://www.discountmags.com/magazine/time-magazine-international-edition-january-30-2023-digital/in-this-issue/44225)




India is currently conducting anational initiative to create a Golden Bharat (India) by increasing not only the use of physical renewable energy sources such as Solar power but also spiritual energy sources such as Meditation, Yoga, Value Education, even Yogic farming!  India being rich in spiritual knowledge, also has 'Soular power' for recharging the soul. This invisible non-violent power creates true freedom and independence.

"Spirituality transforms violence, ambition and selfish thoughts, and brings individuals and nations to a new and healthy position.'" Recognizing this, the Government of India launched a Mega-Initiative in Jan 2022 by Hon.PM of India, Shri Narendra Modi Ji, "to make India more peaceful, powerful, prosperous and self-dependent in all spheres of life.  It takes us in the new direction of a golden era”.  India, celebrating 75 years of independence, is now creating many programs and projects to help its people understand and attain the spiritual significance and behavior of Independence. Here's the link for the amazing India Independence Day parade held a few weeks back demonstrating their zeal and enthusiasm, unity and the many programs being enacted to recreate a Golden Bharat.  https://www.youtube.com/live/SCkjPpV2RLk?feature=share    




SFO BK Meditation Center- Silence Day Retreat Invitation (Feb 18)

10 February 2023


Let us all Meditate for World Peace: Sunday, February 19, 5:30-6:30 pm PST

A great way to calm down and energise yourself after a hectic week: Guided Meditation on Fridays - 6:30 - 8:00 PM PST




Manhattan Lecture this Thursday (2/9): Care with Thoughts and Feelings

7 February 2023

Click on below image to Register.




Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - January 2023

7 February 2023

Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - January 2023

Florida Instruments Retreat

Sat, Jan 14: Florida instruments from Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Delray, Naples, Miramar & Ocala participated in the Florida instruments retreat (hosted in Tampa). Sisters Mary (from Chicago), Waddy & Shireen shared about the administrative, spiritual sustenance and service elements respectively developed by the National Coordinators Team (NCT) and the instruments explored how they can continue to benefit and contribute.

Click HERE to view more Pictures.



Five year Anniversary celebration

The Tampa Center Celebrated a 5 year anniversary in our current location. Sister Waddy and Sister Mary were able to join us for the celebration as well as several souls from the Miami Center.

Sister Shireen and Sister Tara met with Maribel Garrett the Community Engagement Coordinator for City of Tampa (in the picture above) and Sherisha Hills the Director of Parks & Recreation Department for City of Tampa. The BK's were well received & both representatives were helpful and are looking forward to visit the Center & learn more about our BK organization in person.


Click HERE to download Full Report.


Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos para Febrero del 2023

7 February 2023


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página

Evento Especial en India

Para más información puedes escribir a spanish.miami@brahmakumaris.org o llamar al: (+1) 305-442-2252 en Estados Unidos.


El curso básico de meditación impartido por Brahma Kumaris es de Raja Yoga, incluye varios temas. Por favor de registrarse cuando llame al 617-926-1230. Para más información visite a www.bknewengland.org





Begin Your Weekend with “Awakening to the Divine” and “Facing your Fears” - Exciting Events from The Meditation Museum On February 10 & 11

7 February 2023

There is a quiet voice within beckoning us to listen deeply and experience love. Maha ShivRatri is an ancient Indian festival focusing on our spiritual link to the Divine as He descends to bring Light. These times are rich with diversity and growth, we invite you to join us at the Meditation Museum for this divine and special event with Sister Jenna and friends.


9525 Georgia Avenue, #101, Silver Spring, MD
Saturday, February 11th, 3:00pm - 4:30pm (EST)


Video presentations by Sister Jayanti and Sister Shivani, powerful vibrational sound spa experience with Rev. Dr. Ivy Hylton, Indian dance performance and more.




Face Masks Are Required for this In Person Event. Doors closed promptly at 3:00pm.



Our friends at Unity will be hosting, FACING FEAR"


Only at Unity of Washington, DC, the premiere screening of… “Facing Fear” by award winning filmmaker and director Bill Bennett from Australia! Featuring thought leaders and luminaries such as my dear friend Sr. Jenna, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, James Van Praagh, Judith Richards and many more.


So, let’s gather together as we Face our Fears on Friday, February 10th at 6:45pm, at Unity of Washington, DC, 1225 R St. NW, 20009.


As we are in the midst of a great awakening, it is time to face our fears so that the light of our being may shine forth!


Join us for a very powerful evening as we not only view the film, but we experience a special Sound Spa Healing session with Rev. Dr. Ivy Hylton as she opens our hearts and raises our vibrations through the sacred sound of healing bowls.


There will also be time for a Q & A session after the viewing with director Bill Bennett, Sr.Jenna, and Judith Richards. It promises to be a great discussion and inquiry, with you! Please feel free to invite your friends and family. I would love to have a packed house!




We will have masks available for those who may need them.







Peace Village Retreat Center Presents "Creating Habits for Happiness" Online insight TONIGHT!

6 February 2023



Manhattan Meditation Center Presents Two Day Meditation Course (2/25-2/26): The Invisible World of Truth

5 February 2023



University Students in Upstate New York Taking Basic RY Meditation Course Via Zoom

5 February 2023

Rochester, NY: A meditation course "Meditation | Empower Your Mind" is being conducted via Zoom for students at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in upstate New York, USA. The course began in January 2021 to help college students cope with mental stress amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to positive feedback from students, the university's Wellness Department has continued to offer the course. It is one of several wellness courses available to students, who are required to complete two such courses before their graduation. The class meets for one 75-minute session each week during the 14-week semester and is now in its fifth semester at RIT.

The course was developed with the help of Judy Rogers, Eric Le Reste, Ash Patel, and Shivani Dayal. Guest speakers are invited to share with students, and the speakers who have participated are Sr Judy, Br Ash, and Sr Merrillyn Hener.

Upon completion of the course, Students are given gyani books and are encouraged to visit the retreat center, Peace Village, during school vacation (Peace Village is 4 hours from campus and is a cost-effective student getaway). The first semester drew 34 students and in each of the following semesters, student registrations dramatically increased. To date, 462 students have participated in the course. 

Below are quotes from the student course evaluations:

‘The professor taught more than meditation, she taught life lessons centered on growing our self-awareness, self-worth, and self-love. Her lectures were thoughtful, engaging, and anecdotes from her personal life really helped the points get across.’

‘She created a fun and engaging class environment. Very supportive to students. Extremely well organized class.’

‘Presented meditation in a way that was enjoyable.’

‘She gave me a lot of knowledge about meditation and how to use it effectively.’





February Calendar is here! Lecture tomorrow (2/2): Restoring Our Capacity to Love

5 February 2023






Peace Village Retreat Center Presents Shiv Jayanti, an In Person and Online Event, and other Online Events for February 2023

3 February 2023






A Warm Invitation for Ep 58, 'Values for Life' Series, on 'Divinity' with BK Asha Didi (Sat. 10 am EST)

2 February 2023

Hello everyone,

Greetings of Peace to all.


We extend our warm invitation for Episode # 58  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series,  for a spiritual reflection on “Divinity” this Saturday (3pm – UK time).

Value :  Divinity  ( दिव्यता ) 


Speaker : BK Asha Didi, Director Om Shanti Retreat Center, Gurugram, India


Date/Time :  Saturday, 4th February  2023 (1.5 Hrs session)


Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:30 PM (India), 3:00 PM (UK), 4:00 PM (France, Spain), 6:00 PM (Turkey), 7:00 PM (Dubai), 7:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can ), 10:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can), 12:00 PM (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom -


(OR, Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710 )


(Translation available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil  & Telugu ) 


Join on YouTube Live - 

In English - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi - http//omshanti.live/Hindi


Thank you all. 


With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team


('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)







1st February 2023

Let Your Love Light Shine  

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power; the world will know peace.”-Jimmy Hendrix.



Seeing how much the world has changed in the past 100 years, feelings of helplessness and anxiety are rising. Worldwide, souls are experiencing sorrow and peacelessness. People need to know how to connect and create some positive action with their inner values.  However, power is always available as within the soul is a spiritual center of pure radiant spiritual light. This is what we are. When our third eye opens, our internal spiritual light turns on. We become aware of our true identity. and stop stumbling, as the darkness has disappeared.

Take time to empower yourself today. Sit quietly and listen within. The light and love of the Spiritual Sun, God, the Source, invisible to our physical eyes, is only one second away, a thought away.  When we quieten and focus our mind, we remember our true form is of spiritual light: ‘I am incorporeal – without a body—and  my spiritual Father, is incorporeal.   It is when I, the soul, am bodiless, detached from the body, that I experience being loved by God.’ God is Light and I am light.  Becoming merged in God’s light I, the soul receives limitless love and power.  Connect your mind to God’s mind and allow yourself to recharge and renew. With true love for the one Father, we receive pure love, infinite peace and happiness.  


"Only a powerful soul can offer love. Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble. If we are weak, we become selfish. If we are empty, we take; but if we are filled, we automatically give to all. That is our nature." - Dadi Prakashmani.  

Meditation connects and fills us with this source of power – that is why meditation is the way to access the real vitamins and the minerals the spirit craves, the vitamin of pure love and the minerals of truth and wisdom. With meditation and regular spiritual studies, we increase the power to accept and love ourselves. With God’s love we realize we do not need to borrow strength or identity from anyone or anything else.  We build our self esteem on our core values, not on achievements or people’s acceptance.  Our anchor for life is internal. With this insight nothing can diminish our sense of worth. 

Be a good mother to your mind, teach it good, positive thoughts so that when you tell it to sit quietly, it will. Learn to talk to your mind as if it were a child, with love. If you just force a child to sit down, he won’t. A good mother knows how to prompt her child into doing what she wants. Once the heart understands the mind opens and love flows.  

Love is contagious. When we teach and share love, it multiplies and comes back.  By being connected to God’s love, we will have equal love for all human beings, not love only for some or love only sometimes. After all, we all have the same loving spiritual Parent!


Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html