2015 North America News Archive
Table of Content
Bostons BK Organize Youth Program: "Discover Your Best Self"
29 June 2018
The Boston USA Brahma Kumaris center brought about newness in service by organizing a program for youth at their Inner Space location in Harvard Square. The theme of the program was ‘Discover Your Best Self’.
The youth group was comprised of 13 children between the ages of 11-14 years, and they were accompanied by their two teachers, who also participated in the program. The youth were introduced to the concept of positive thinking and thought vibrations. An exercise of this energy exchange was demonstrated by having them all participate in exchanging different colored stones. This illustrated to them the constant thought vibrations that are being exchanged during their daily interactions. They physically removed the darker colored stones to illustrate the point that they have the ability to remove negative thoughts and keep the positive ones, highlighting their own inner power.
They were taught to honor themselves by not comparing and competing with others, but to appreciate their own qualities. An exercise to reinforce this concept was done with them writing out their own unique qualities on a star card and sharing these qualities with the group. The youth were also taught different techniques to use their breath as a calming tool to reduce anxiety in various situations.
The feedback received from the teachers on this program was very positive, and they felt that the children were able to discover their best self.
Teacher’s remarks “we both loved the visit to Inner Space Harvard Square. You were so welcoming and all the activities you included were very age-appropriate for our students. In addition, the activities complimented very well our student exploration program 'Discover your best self'. Our students were very positive about our visit and found the activities very engaging. Thank you so much for a fun and educational morning at your place.”

BK Youth Camp and Retreat: Peace Makers at Peace Village, July 1-6
16 June 2018
Please make sure this gets announced to your BK students this weekend, June 9th and 10th
You are warmly invited to attend our annual BK Youth camp and retreat to be held at Peace Village from Sunday July 1st (arrivals from 5 PM) to Friday July 6th (departures after lunch).
This retreat is intended for youth age 13 and up who are listening to murli regularly and following a BK lifestyle with their parent(s). In the past, the youth participants have been hugely inspired to continue on the spiritual path and stay connected.
The retreat will include several educational and fun activities relevant to school, college, spiritual, social and family life and will be facilitated by a variety of BK teachers with various backgrounds and experiences. It will be a chance also for rich inter-generational exchange and possible field trips.
Please note that one parent should accompany the youth during their stay so as to tend to their personal well being and learning. This will also be an opportunity for the parent to benefit from karma yoga and spiritual study.
Please register by June 25th with full details of arrival and departure, using the attached form, through your center/ class. Centers and classes to send BK registration form to registration@peacevillageretreat.org and copy to Sr.Iris of Boston at bkiris.zur@gmail.com.
Also direct all questions to Sr.Iris.
Peace Village Family
To download form, click here.
Happy Fathers Day to Baba - Smile Box created by Sr Chirya of Peace Village
16 June 2018
Click below image to view.
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - May 2018
14 June 2018
May 4: Srs Waddy and Jenna were interviewed for a movie on women and spirituality, being filmed by Anjula for her master’s degree. Her professor at University of Miami (UM), a friend of the Brahma Kumaris through Images & Voices of Hope (IVOH) recommended she contact the center. Coincidentally the young woman had already met Sr Jenna in CA and was delighted to be able to include her in the footage.
Spanish Workshop at BK Center - how to be the best mother?
May 6: Sr. Amparo from Medellin, Colombia was the guest facilitator for this spanish workshop held at the BK center. There was a sweet sharing that being a mother is not necessarily defined by a female body and its the presence of spiritual components in aspects of attitude, vision & consciousness, nutrition, education & protection, etc. which attribute to being best for mother's role.
Click here for detailed report with more photos.
USA Living Values Education Newsletter, May 2018
8 May 2018
Dear Friends,
Happy Spring greetings -- and my apology for the error in the newsletter below. Yes, the LVE Weekend Retreat at Peace Village in Haines Falls, New York is on August 10 through 12 -- not in September! Let us know if you would like an extra day for the at-risk materials. I look forward to seeing you!
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - April 2018
1 May 2018
Reporting on #OmShanti project by Kathy
April 4: Kathy shared details from Sr. Mohini's webinar about the Om Shanti initiative for the 40+ years of service in the USA. To present unique & distinctive offering of RajaYoga, Peace is being used as an umbrella title and every month will have a specific application from inculcation of peace.
While all over the world leadership is becoming more about authority and control ; this project will provide a powerful contrast experimenting with potential of 'peace' via programs at libraries, homes and BK centers throughout the country.
Rosa in Peace Village co-facilitating a Spanish Retreat
April 6-8: Rosa was part of the retreat facilitating team for "Inner Peace Inner Power" which was attended by 47 Spanish speaking participants from different countries in Latin America.
Peace Village Pilgrims for Madhuban Experience Retreat
April 13-15: Two pilgrims Meeta & Tej joined the Madhuban Experience Retreat from Miami. It was a precious opportunity to be part of sharings by Sr. Mohini & Sr. Gayatri on the depths of being a humble instrument in the task of renewal. It was a lovely inspiration to be more and more aware that every second we have an opportunity to mend something and also an opportunity to very humbly co-create something with Baba. Some recorded sessions from this retreat are available via livestream - click here.
Click here for the full report of the service news.
Service News from Columbia, MO, USA
17 April 2018
Click here for detailed report with photos.
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - March 2018
1 April 2018
"Workplace Meditation" at the new office of NBC - Telemundo:
March 8: The NBC Universal - Telemundo enterprise have recently moved to a new 450,000 sqft facility in Miami which will serve as the global headquarters for all their Hispanic business.
They have a dedicated "Employee Experience" team who invited the BK Meditation Center to learn & discuss about possibility of facilitating meditation sessions for their employees. Their Co-ordinator Sandy Pinos-Chin shared that they value the importance of meditation for the wellbeing of employees and requested the meditation center for weekly meditation sessions and monthly enlightenment workshops.
Meeting was followed by a meditation session where few employees who have been attending meditation at NBC's earlier Coral Gables office also joined. The group reflected on the aspect of "newness" they experienced by moving to this beautiful big new office and also shared about how the new place also brings new challenges which in turn are more opportunities to bring more newness. It was beautiful to see how meditation offers new understanding and increases the thinking capacity to bring more & more newness. The session concluded with beautiful meditation guided by BK Veronica and all acknowledged the power created by this collective meditative awareness.
The BK Center is honored to associate and offer the meditation component to this new state-of-the-art broadcast center. This office is also their first prototype which will be adapted in NBC's new upcoming broadcast centers globally.
With a lot of excitement and enthusiasm, the weekly meditation sessions began from Mar 27.
For full report with photos click here.
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - February 2018
1 March 2018
Spanish Workshop:
Feb 10: A group of 22 attendees participated in this experiential workshop on the topic of Conociendo mi Mundo Interior in spanish i.e. 'Knowing my inner world' facilitated by Amar. Workshop comprised of understanding of self as soul and its original qualities, guided meditation experiences and special activity where each participant spent time reflecting on their inner world in light of the spiritual qualities and virtues.
Workshop - A Time to be Present
Feb 18: Soni from Boston spoke about “The Time to be Present” at the Miami Center on World Peace Sunday. An enthusiastic group of 20 souls benefited from this workshop and stayed further for the World Peace Meditation Hour. Some of the main points shared in the workshop are - “This whole thing of being present takes practice to be introverted..but it’s worth it. I am going to invest in myself... want to be by myself...embracing the calm and serenity. As I look at my own journey, I have overcome a lot. Give yourself credit that you will be victorious. That builds faith.”...click here for the reminder of the news with more photos.
Service News from Nashville, Tennesse
28 February 2018
Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 11 AM- 12.30 PM
About 100 people attended the ‘Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation’ program at the Nashville Sri Ganesha Temple.
About 100 people attended the ‘Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation’ program at the Nashville Sri Ganesha Temple.
Both North and South Indians participated in the meditation and discourse given by Sr. Priya, Brahma Kumaris, St Louis. She was invited and hosted by the Nashville Temple for the weekend service programs.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
6:00 - 8:00 pm
‘How to manage stress’ program at Radha Kirtane’s residence.
About 20 souls attended the program and did meditation.
St. Louis BK Family Celebrates Maha Shivratri
20 February 2018
About 30 souls murli students along with their families and friends of BK’s attended the Shivratri BK program at the St Louis center. The program had video presentation on 12 Jyotirlingams, cultural program by kids, spiritual talk, meditation and brahma bhojan. Some pictures that captured the day’s program are below. Om shanti!
Click here for detailed report with photos.
Maha Shivratri Celebrations in Milipitas, California
13 February 2018
Omshanti and Greetings of Peace from BK Milpitas Family, USA . We had a wonderful Maha Shivratri
Celebrations program on Feb 4th, 2018. Here are few pictures of the event.
Maha Shivratri Cultural Songs Performance - Praising Lord Shiva
Maha Shivratri Cultural Songs Performance - Q&A about Lord Shiva
Skit on Liberation
Talk by Sr.Kusum on "Can Lord Shiva Grant Liberation"
Candle Lighting by Distinguished Guests, included are Jose Esteves (Former Mayor of City of Milpitas), Rishi Kumar (Council Member City of Saratoga), Sr.Kusum and others.
Audience enjoying the Maha Shivratri Program.
Flag Hoisting on Celebration of Maha Shivratri
Enjoying Brahma Bhojan after the program
Here are few videos of the event.
Talk by Sr.Kusum on "Can Lord Shiva Grant Liberation" - https://youtu.be/JgNcBE3-B0o
Flag Hoisting on Celebration of Maha Shivratri - https://youtu.be/qn1hAs53_jE
Candle Lighting by Distinguished Guests, included are Jose Esteves (Former Mayor of City of Milpitas), Rishi Kumar (Council Member City of Saratoga), Sr.Kusum and others. - https://youtu.be/xH6XvT4eCNw
Maha Shivratri Cultural Songs Performance
Shiv Aapda Haran - https://youtu.be/1YpVYj8yuRg
DHOOP Me Kabhi Chhaon Bankar - https://youtu.be/YebihkI_Ux4
Sikhaya Tune Jina - https://youtu.be/QGmXP5t5bAc
Ae Khuda Tu Bata - https://youtu.be/hvCZDska5aQ
Skit on Liberation - https://youtu.be/0NhGMCet1zg
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - January 2018
9 February 2018
A Day of Experience
Jan 18 : Family loving came together for this Day of Experience to be in silence and yoga. A special video of ancestor souls (from the UK) was shown and all old and new students benefited from the entertaining and simple sharings by the loving ancestor souls. Was a lovely and silent family time in special remembrance of dear Brahma Baba.
Meredith at the annual Images and Voices of Hope (IVOH) Trustees meeting in Virginia
Jan 4-7 : The ivoh Board met the new ivoh Executive Director Ilsa Flanagan and many new plans were explored including an innovative new “strengths-based media” program. Media professionals throughout the world will be empowered to tell stories, create films and other media that bring people and communities together, and inspire action that benefits the common Good....click here for detailed report with photos.
Celebrating Brahma Baba's life - Peace Day Program in Los Angeles
26 January 2018
On January 20th, the Brahma Kumaris Los Angeles held a special program to share the life story and teachings of Brahma Baba, the founder of Brahma Kumaris. The event was held at the LA center.
The event started with meditation and deep silence, brother Dennis from LA welcomed all the guests and provided the event details.
Click here for detailed report with additional photos.
Brahma Kumaris Sacramento 2017 Diary
26 January 2018
Our Center in Sacramento organized events throughout the year. Also we participated in many community events in Sacramento representing Brahmakumaris.
January 2017
The New Year Day was celebrated with full day program for Baba’s children, renewing our commitment towards Baba, it was welcomed with great enthusiasm and happiness and fill our lives, with new memories and blissful events every Thursday and Sunday and World peace meditation during 3rd Sundays and other special speakers and retreats from time to time.
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration
More than 30 clergy from around the region participated in one of the largest annual gathering of faith leaders to deliver a community-wide blessings.
Sister Hansa with Interfaith leaders for Martin Luther King’s Day in Sacramento
Click here for detailed report with photos.
Florida Service News - February 2015
8 March 2015
Summary of News from Florida Meditation Centers.
Ocala: Veterans Health Fair Service, and courses in the Villages
Hollywood: Programs at the local library, the ArtsPark and a unique USA-Wide Phone Meditation program at 8pm EST on Sundays.
Naples: Library and radio/TV station programs
Margate: Sr Hansa's visit to London and Rakhi on Valentine's Day, classes in Hindi, Bhatti at students' homes and prison service
Orlando: Thursday evening programs and special program in North Port
Tampa: Combo Shivratri & Valentine's Day Public Program, Spanish program, new service in St Petersburg, approval granted for programs at all county libraries
Miami: Comings and goings to and from the Land of Honey, Sr Shireen's special programs
Click here for detailed report with photos.
Sr. Mohini's Update
3 March 2015
Dear Divine Family,
Om shanti and auspicious greetings. We would like to inform you that Sr.Mohini has returned home from the hospital on Wednesday.
She is now settling down to a new routine of therapy and care in the midst of quietly being with Baba and engaged in mansa seva.
She sends much love and appreciation for all your sakaash during this time and wishes all of you a powerful time of easy and intense efforts.
In Baba's yaad,
New York family
Sister Mohini's Surgery Update
23 Febuary 2015
Om shanti and greetings from New York.
This is briefly to say that Sr.Mohini's surgery was successful and she is recovering well.
We will keep you informed on further progress during the next several weeks of healing and therapy.
Thanks again for your continued yoga power and loving vibrations and messages she has been receiving.
In remembrance of One,
New York family
Peace Village Silence Retreat, May 20 - 25
20 Febuary 2015
Save the Date
Silent Magic is in the Atmosphere
You are invited to a special Silence retreat and the first of it's kind,
Sr Mohini had this special thought of a Silence Retreat
Deepening our Brahmin Experience
From Silence to Purity
This retreat is for those are seriously interested the the 'Silent Experience'
Quotas for this retreat may be needed
Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center
Sr. Mohini and Br. Ken will be our spiritual resources
Arrivals: Wednesday, May 20th, First session 5:30pm
Concludes: Monday, 25th, after Lunch
Service News from Sacramento, CA
10 Febuary 2015
Sister Hansa with Interfaith Leaders on Tuesday, 13th January
Sister Hansa and other faith leaders welcomed California legislators to Sacramento at the start of the new legislative session. Prayers and readings were offered by several faith leaders and patriotic songs were sung in the beautiful Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.
Sister Hansa with Interfaith leaders Archbishop Jose Gomez from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and President Jon Fish of the Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento.
Sister Dorothy of Peace Village Visits Sacramento January 22nd to 26th
Sister Dorothy arrived on Thursday 22nd January late evening. On Friday morning, she met with small group of BK friends and shared her thoughts on Newness in 2015 and Harnessing the Power of Intention.
Sister Dorothy and Sister Hansa with Jessica S. Braverman Birch, Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, Sacramento region, and other BK friends.
Retreat: Beyond Sound - Harness the Power of Solitude /Silence
From Friday 23rd evening until Sunday 25th noon, Sister Dorothy conducted a very special retreat on the theme Beyond Sound - Harnessing the Power of Solitude /Silence.
Thirty of Baba's children took good benefit from this retreat, which was organized at Christ the King Retreat Center, just 20 miles from Baba's house. The property was a beautiful, natural setting featuring a water fountain, a brick babyrinth and a residential facility. It is a sacred place for Christians, who gather there every weekend for spiritual empowerment. The Directors of the retreat center are our good friends and have offered us the facility for additional meditation retreats.
The retreat began with gentle, sweet loving music and a meditative atmosphere in which Sr Dorothy applied till and Sr Hansa shared blessings with the participants.
On Saturday, Sr Dorothy took everyone on an incredible day-long journey of the bodiless stage, utilizing simple and profound exercises and activities and powerpoint presentations. Everyone experienced a very deep sense of soul consciousness.
On Sunday, the retreat closed with Sr Dorothy's class and personal story, everyone sharing experiences of inner newness, a candle-lighting, drishti meditation and an angelic dance.
We all are so thankful to Sister Mohini and Kalaben for sending Sister Dorothy to Sacramento and we all are very appreciative of her valuable time, expertise and skillful ways of leading us on step-by-step process.
Baba's children with Sister Dorothy and sister Hansa
Sister Dorothy being honored by the BK Family
Sr Gita of Los Angeles Participates in
World Peace Ceremony
9th February 2015
On January 10th, Sister Gita of Los Angeles participated in the 20th annual multi-faith "Prayer for World Peace Ceremony" at the International Buddhist Progress Society Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple in Los Angeles. Leaders of the all major religions and many other distinguished guests from Southern California also participated.
The event was organized with the aim of peace and harmony for all humanity.
More Service News from Florida - January 2015
5 Febuary 2015
1. January 29 : Gainesville Service
A one and half hour session on 'managing stress through meditation' was conducted by Dr. Krishna from Orlando Center at the University of Florida College of Dentistry. The session was offered to the students, faculty and staff at the College of Dentistry and the participants received free continuing education credit for attending. It was sponsored by the College's cultural climate committee. Approximately 70 people attended the session. It was very well received and many people gave positive feedback.
2. January 21: Ongoing Villages Service Class Site Obtained
Br. Hanuman and Sr. Anne visited Unity Church in the Villages spoke with the Reverand about starting meditation classes at the church. We will start BK Meditation classses at Unity Church on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month starting on Febraury 12th. Class will be from 4:30-6pm. We have advertized on Facebook, Meetup, and within the villages contacts including Nancie Lono and the Villages Energy Meditation Group.
Avyakt Programs
The avyakt month of January was focused on bhattis, classes and activities designed to empower us and give us the boost we need to embark on our journey for the new year.
Activities included small group discussions, classes and sharings with new souls as well as a series of bhattis and collective amritvela sessions during the month.
Several videos were used to recapture the earlier yagya days and to enlighten new souls on the importance and significance of this precious period (see attached images)
Continuous Meditation programs were held throughout the week of January 18th. The power of the gathering was truly uplifting.
Foundation course in Hindi
For the first time in the coming months, the foundation course will be given in Hindi to a group of Hindi speaking souls. Preparations are on the way to launch these classes around the last week of February.
Prison service
Two welfare officers at the Broward prisons have competed the foundation course. These souls have expressed interest in service at the prisons and have already attained approval from the relevant authorities. Prison service should be starting soon.
Sister Hansa will be going to London to take benefit of Dadi's programs in London.
Shivratri letter to the Region
2 Febuary 2015
Dear Bapdada's Serviceable Instruments:
We are at the end of January, the avyakt month where we paid a lot of attention of creating the avyakt stage, and reinforcing our commitment to Amritvela. We are also privileged to have the presence of our dearly beloved Dadi Janki with us in London. Her classes given in London have not only transmitted the wonder of her amazing spiritual journey, but the wonder of her pure and clean intellect and her ever-flowing bhavna take us into the very depths of Baba's love leaves us in awe of who really Dadi is.
Now we are moving into the celebration of Shivratri and we are lucky to have been blessed with such love from Bapdada, the Dadi's, and the family. I am sure that you are all preparing to celebrate this very auspicious festival with the will to reveal Shiv Baba.
As promised we have uploaded the Shivratri materials created in English on the following website:
No log-in is required to access these materials. They are available to one and all.
The materials available are as below with name followed by a description:
In God's Heart Flyer Template - Customizable Flyer
In God's Heart Blessings Template (12Up) - Add your own blessing text to this template. There are 12 to a page.
In God's Heart Blessings Template (8Up) - Add your own blessing text to this template. There are 8 to a page.
In God's Heart Customizable Press Release - This Press Release is from Harmony House, but it can be customized to announce your local program.
Maha Shivratri: Ancient Festival Has Relevance Today - 500 word Article in pdf format by Sister Kiran
Shivratri: The Dawn Confluence of Light and Darkness - 1000 word Article in pdf format by Sister Kanishta Agarwal, PhD
79th Shiv Jayanti Folio in Hindi p1, 79th Shiv Jayanti Folio in Hindi p2 - Colorful Hindi double-sided folio. Pages 1 and 2 are meant to be printed back-to-back.
I would like to wish you all a very, very happy Shiv Jayanti and as we celebrate Baba's birthday, we will also celebrate the newness that is being born in us every moment spent in Baba's remembrance.
With love in Baba's remembrance
Sister Mohini
January News from Florida: Delray, Hollywood, Miami, Tampa and Orlando Florida
2 February 2015
Delray Beach Transformation Station - February News
Wednesday, February 11th 7pm - 8:30 pm
The Transformation Station will hold the 2nd in a monthly series of public events at the newly renovated center in Delray Beach. Brother Ed Stevenson will speak on the topic: LOOK WITHIN FOR ANSWERS. All are welcome.
Hollywood Library
Tuesday, January 13 BK Rosa brought a ray of knowledge to the seniors with her talk at the Meyerhoff Senior Center in Sandy Levine's weekly class.
Immediately after that talk, she traveled about 5 minutes to the nearby Hollywood Library where she was joined by BK Helen of Tampa to give a talk in English: THE CALL OF THE TIME (for the New Year). These Sisters delighted the audience of over 50 with their meditations and wisdom. The duet-style presentation of 2 BKs together kept the audience's attention very well.
Read more, including upcoming events, here.
Rhythms of Africa
Waddy and other BKs from Miami and Helen from Tampa attended the Rhythms of Africa Music Around the World concert on January 11 at Miramar Cultural Center. Willie Stewart has participated in a number of BK events both as performer and speaker.
Read more here.
Waddy , Barry, musician Willie Stewart and Meredith.
The Art of Non-Violence January 18th Public Program
In honor of Brahma Baba's Day, on January 18th the Tampa Center hosted a public program and world peace meditation that focused on the essence of true non-violence. It was a beautiful evening with a talk from Shireen, a video highlighting Brahma Baba's life of non-violence, and meditation. The participants experienced a deep serenity and were inspired to become beacons of peace for the world. Read more here.
We had day of peace public program on Jan/18/2015.
Stress management seminar conducted by Dr. Krishna at Shand's hospital in Gainesville, Florida
As usual daily PM classes.
Meditation Museum Wins Best Education/ Non-Profit Award for 3rd Year in a Row
1 Febuary 2015
The BK Meditation Museum has been selected as the Best Education/Non-Profit for the 3rd year in a row in the Best of Fenton Village 2014 annual survey.
Sister Jenna Interviews Acclaimed Travel Writer, Pico Iyer on "The Art of Stillness" on Blog Talk Radio
28 January 2015
Acclaimed travel writer Pico Iyer joins Sister Jenna on the America Meditating Radio Show! Why might a lifelong traveler like Pico Iyer who has journeyed from Easter Island to Ethiopia, Cuba to Kathmandu, think that sitting quietly in a room might be the ultimate adventure? Because in our madly accelerating world, our lives are crowded, chaotic and noisy. There's never been a greater need to slow down, tune out and give ourselves permission to be still.
Listen to the rest of the interview here.
Sister Mohini's Inspirations for Celebrating Shivratri
22 January 2014
Video Thank-you note to Kalaben for Baba's Service in Washington, DC
22 January 2014
Service News: Los Angeles - Sisters Gita and Hema Join Interfaith Leaders at the Consulate of Pakistan
20 January 2015
The Pakistani American community held a candlelight vigil outside the Pakistani Consulate in Los Angeles. The event was organized by the Consul General of Pakistan, the Rt Hon Hamid Asghar Khan, and was attended by US Congresswoman Maxine Waters, several city officials, and representatives of different faiths. In an emotional and somber ceremony, the over seven hundred people present expressed their sorrow at the horrific murder of innocent children at an army school in Peshawar, Pakistan.
Leading faith leaders from the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu Mormon and Bahai communities condoled with the Consul General of Pakistan Los Angeles at the Pakistan Consulate General.
In an extraordinary gesture of empathy, the participants were joined on this solemn occasion by Dr. & Mrs. Pearl, the parents of Daniel Pearl who was murdered by Terrorists in Pakistan twelve years ago.
Leading Religious leaders attending concurred with the statement and signed the condolences book.
Sis. Gita and Sis. Hema signing the book of condolences. Seen in photo is Consul General of Pakistan, the Rt. Hon. Hamid Asghar Khan.
Sis. Gita and Sis. Hema with leading faith leaders and Consul General of Pakistan, the Rt. Hon. Hamid Asghar Khan.
Peace Village Submits a Smilebox for Dadi's 100th Year Celebration
11 January 2014
Happy New Year Smilebox from Peace Village
7 January 2015
Om Shanti, Special Souls,
Happy Scenes from Christmas Day festivities at Peace Village Retreat Center as the angelic Brahmin family gathered together to meet BapDada, happily greet each other, open our presents (that Santa had delivered during the night!!) and eat delicious Brahma Bhojan.
"Therefore, claim pass marks in every subject by having newness in your thoughts."
With Loving best wishes,
on behalf of Sr Mohini, Sr Gayatri and Sr Kala
and the Peace Village Retreat Center Family.
Florida Service News December 2014
6 January 2015
Read rest of report here.
40th Anniversary of Service in Canada and a Shower of Good Wishes
1 January 2015
The Canadian family celebrated 40 years of service in Canada and this was marked by a huge three-day celebration at the Toronto Centre. We had the fortune of having Sister Mohini and Bro. Eric of Montreal grace this celebration and Brahmins flew in from all the Centres in Canada to join in the celebration. Brother Arvind and Sister Savi were instrumental in working with Bro. Eric and the the team in Toronto to host these celebrations. Sister Chandru of San Francisco and Sister Denise, who served in Canada at the start of service joined in through a conference call and shared their blessings.
Each day of the celebration was special and unique and it was a wonderful experience taking a walk down memory lane. Special moments in service throughout the years were captured in a slide show and we could not thank Baba enough for having given us such a great fortune. Sister Mohini was the first Brahmin to set foot on Canadian soil 40 years ago when she was hosted in Halifax and today she continues to sustain us and oversee the service being carried out.
The public program was also a huge success bringing together VIPs and IPs who have known the Brahma Kumaris from the very early years of service. Most of them are now our well wishers and they acknowledged the contribution that the Brahma Kumaris have made to the society. The Prime Minister of Canada, The Rt. Hon. Mr. Stephen Harper, was also made aware of this celebration in a personal meeting and he sent a message for this occasion. The program was presided over by Consul General of India, Hon.Mr. Akhilesh Mishra, Senator Asha Seth, Kirsty Duncan, MP – Etobicoke North, Dipika Damerla MPP – Mississauga East – Cooksville. A message was also sent by Judy Sgro, MP for York West.
Some photos of the event
Consul General of India in Toronto, Hon. Mr. Akhilesh Sister Mohini with Hon. Kristy Duncan, MP for Etobicoke North
Sister Shobna with The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, Sister Mohini with Senator Asha Seth
Prime Minister of Canada