2021 March N. America News Archive
Table of Content
INVITATION Soirée hommage Dadi Janki | Tribute Evening for Dadi Janki - Scroll for English
28 March 2021
L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix
Pour participer : veuillez cliquer sur l'affiche ce dimanche à 18 h.
L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace
Join on Zoom by clicking on the flyer above.
Special Shivratri Event with Sr Shivani on 20th March evening Plus Other Upcoming Events at Anubhuti
18 March 2021
Register Shiv Ratri special event with sister Shivani
Register English Raja Yoga Meditation Course

Dadi Gulzar's Ascension, A Letter from Sister Mohini
13 March 2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
On this auspicious day of Shivratri, the day we honor our most beloved Shiv Baba, our dearest Dadi Gulzar ascended to her avyakt stage and is presently in her angelic form with Bapdada in the subtle region. She has transcended space and time and her day of becoming avyakt will be synonymous with Shivratri, rather than on a specific date. Dadi Gulzar is the Shakti who merged with Shiva on Shivratri.
Dadi Gulzar surrendered her body, heart, and soul completely to Bapdada. Her noble purpose was for the children to have loving avyakt meetings with Bapdada. What was most important to her was for each child to feel close to Baba and it didn’t matter if her body was in one position for long hours, over several days, she was ever-ready and available to Baba.
The deep and heartfelt gratitude in our hearts echoes with profound love across the seven seas. Dadi Gulzar’s face leaves an indelible imprint on our souls — Bapdada’s drishti through her eyes; Bapdada’s avyakt Murlis through her mouth; Bapdada’s closeness through her smile; and Bapdada’s presence through her silence. Dadi Gulzar came from silence and has returned to silence.
We will spend the next 13 days honoring the life of this extraordinary soul as we spend time in silent reflection on the beauty of her purity and the magnificence of her master almighty authority role.
The cremation of her body will be on Saturday, March 13 at 10:00 am (IST) which is Friday night 11:30 pm (EST). Her body will be taken up the mountain to Pandav Bhawan and Gyan Sarovar tomorrow, Friday 12, after which it will rest in the Conference Hall at Shantivan until the final rites on Saturday.
Bhog can only be offered after the final rites. We should offer Bhog for Dadi Gulzar on Sunday, March 14.
You are invited to participate with Avyakti Parivar in the following programs:
1. Akand Bhatti (ongoing bhatti), starting from Amritvela 3:30 am to 8:30 pm (Thursday 11, Friday 12, Saturday 13 of March)
2. Bhog will be offered by Didi Mohini every evening, starting Saturday, March 13 and will continue for 13 days in honor of Dadi Gulzar’s ascension.
In Baba’s loving remembrance
BK Mohini
Click here to download the letter
ShivRatri - The Night of God's Descent with Sister Shivani - Saturday, March 13th, 6 pm Pacific Time
11 March 2021
Where did He go …?
Invisible God …
Invisible souls …
Invisible time …
The three energies meet to change the course of our visible world of matter …
And then …
Invisible magic begins …
Join us for this love-filled conversation on how the magic of world transformation begins when the three energies meet. Our very special speaker for this reflective hour is BK Sister Shivani. BK Shivani is a practitioner of Rajyoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris for over 22 years. Her practical application of spiritual principles on the TV programme ‘Awakening With Brahma Kumaris’, for over 13 years has empowered people to overcome issues of emotional distress, depression and relationship conflicts. In March 2019, she was awarded the prestigious Nari Shakti Puraskaar, the highest civilian honour for women in India, for her role in transforming human behaviours. She has been appointed as Goodwill Ambassador by the World Psychiatrist Association. She is an Electronics Engineer from Pune University.
This special event is organized and offered free of charge as a community service by the Brahma Kumaris West Coast Team, a non-profit organization.
Please register and invite others:
March Events at L'Émergenc, Montreal. Please scroll down for English Version
8 March 2021
L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix
Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Alors que le printemps se dessine timidement à l'horizon, nous poursuivons avec coeur nos activités en ligne. Pour célébrer la Journée internationale des femmes, nous vous convions à un événement exceptionnel qui aura lieu ce dimanche.
Au plaisir de vous retrouver en grand nombre.
Que votre lumière intérieure rayonne de paix et de bienveillance,
L'équipe de L'Émergence
L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace
Dear Friends of L'Émergence,
While spring is faintly emerging on the horizon, we heartily continue our online activities. You are most warmly invited to attend a special event in celebration of International Women's Day, taking place this Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there.
May your inner light spread peace and benevolence!
With warmest regards,
The L'Émergence Team
“In Search of Happiness” Workshop by Brahma Kumaris Miami
7 March 2021
Miami, Florida (USA) : About 25 participants met together for an hour Saturday morning to share thoughts on how to find and sustain happiness in the midst of this difficult world. From the beginning, the energy of happiness was in the air.
The conversation was held with each talking about what brings him joy and happiness and led by BK Marianne explaining that happiness is the expression of the quality of contentment and that contentment comes from the soul being fulfilled.
The workshop concluded with an impromptu performance with Jamila (from Delray) and Mindy (from Hollywood) both singing songs that added to the joy.
Reviving the Higher Self”: 7 Days Online Retreat From March 27-April 2 via the Manhattan Meditation Center
7 March 2021
Manhattan Brahma Kumaris are organizing sessions on Reviving the Higher Self from March 27 to April 2nd, 2021.
Gift yourself an immersive retreat at home. Discover your higher consciousness and explore. Experience the wisdom that can heal the subconscious mind and revive the higher self.
The Retreat will cover:
How to access and maintain higher consciousness in everyday life
Healing the subconscious mind
The balancing forces of karma
The angel and the enemy within
The Retreat will include Meditation Experiments, Classes on Raja Yoga Knowledge, Question and Answer sessions.
Mar 27, 2021 10:00 AM
Mar 27, 2021 08:00 PM
Mar 28, 2021 10:00 AM
Mar 28, 2021 08:00 PM
Mar 29, 2021 10:00 AM
Mar 29, 2021 08:00 PM
Mar 30, 2021 10:00 AM
Mar 30, 2021 08:00 PM
Mar 31, 2021 10:00 AM
Mar 31, 2021 08:00 PM
Apr 1, 2021 10:00 AM
Apr 1, 2021 08:00 PM
Apr 2, 2021 10:00 AM
Apr 2, 2021 08:00 PM
Time shows in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
To Register – http://tiny.cc/ReviveSelf
For more information please visit us at www.manhattanmeditaioncenter.org
Manhattan Meditation Center March Calendar is Here!
5 March 2021
Please click on the image below to visit the events page and to register.
Celebrate the Spirit of Womanhood! And other March Online Events Via Peace Village
5 March 2021
The Night Before Dawn - Shivratri Celebration Online Via Global Harmony House on Saturday, March 13th, 5 pm EST
5 March 2021
Join us on Zoom on March 13th at 5 pm for an Inspiring Shivratri Program:
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - February 2021
2 March 2021
Friday Conversations with Friends
Feb 12: Craig bhai and Sr. Kym co-facilitated the Spiritual conversation on being 'Seeds of Silence' and how in their daily life they continue to apply and benefit from their spiritual learnings. Click here to access the session.
Feb 26: Craig bhai co-facilitated a friday evening spiritual conversation with Marianne on the theme "You can't fight gravity - so change and succeed."
Click here to access the session.
Click here for full report with more photos.
March Thursday Evening Insightful Conversations at Global Harmony House
1 March 2021
Join us on Zoom for these Insightful Conversations: tiny.cc/GHHInsightSession
The first one is March 4th!
Learn to Meditate online! Global Harmony House Offers a New Series of Meditation Classes beginning Monday, March 1st evening
1 March 2021
Meditation Classes - Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for four weeks.
Registration required: http://tiny.cc/RegistrationMedMarch
Raja Yoga Meditation Course in English ~ Online - Begins Tomorrow, March 1st PLUS Special ShivRatri Event with Sr Shivani on Saturday Evening, March 13th
1 March 2021
Raja Yoga Meditation Course
English language ~ Online
Mar 1 - Mar 25, Mondays and Thursdays
6:00 - 7:30 pm PST
8 sessions of instruction
Whether you want to learn how to relax, need to be more concentrated and creative, or are searching for personal enlightenment, this course on Raja Yoga Meditation can satisfy each of those needs.
Course covers:
Introduction to the art and practice of meditation
Relaxing and re-focusing your mind
Restoring inner peace and spiritual power
Harnessing your thoughts, emotions and responses
Understanding Karma
Register English Raja Yoga Meditation Course
Shiv Ratri Special Event with Sister Shivani ~ Online
Hosted by the Los Angeles Center
Mar 13, Sat 6:00 - 7:30 pm PST
Join us for this love-filled conversation on how the magic of world transformation begins when the three invisible energies meet, of God, souls, and time. Our very special speaker for this reflective hour is BK Sister Shivani. BK Shivani is a practitioner of Raja Yoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris for over 22 years. Her practical application of spiritual principles on the TV program ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaris’ for over 13 years has empowered people to overcome issues of emotional distress, depression and relationship conflicts.
Note: Hindi, Tamil, Spanish and Persian translation available
Register button below will redirect to Los Angeles website
Register Shiv Ratri special event with sister Shivani
Ongoing Programs
Creative Meditation:
Fridays, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
with harp and live commentary
Saturdays, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Sundays, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Evening Workshops/Talks:
Mondays, 7:00 to 8:30 pm - different weekly topic
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30 pm - different weekly topic
All times are Pacific Time.
We continue to provide online spiritual sustenance with meditations and classes. You are welcome to share these with your contacts.
For more info about any of the programs and to access the Zoom login,
please visit the events pages on the San Francisco Center or Anubhuti websites.