2018 January Through October North America News Archive
Table of Content
Happy Diwali from Peace Village: 5 Minute Smilebox Presentation "The Living Lamps of Diwali"
31 October 2018
Inauguration of Toronto center by Sister Mohini on Saturday, October 27th
21 October 2018
News of Madhuban Visit by BKs from Washington DC
18 October 2018
Om Shanti to our Dear Family,
Greetings of love. Sister Gita, myself, Princess, and Rashmi are back. Thomas returns today and Aoy went back to Thailand. All of them offered so much of themselves to the AM retreat in Madhuban and they received a lot of love and happiness from the family.
It was a wonderful trip and the best part was keeping you all updated on the Whatsapp and getting such positive and beautiful feedback! Yes, it did transport everyone to feel like they were right there. This was my first time using the whatsapp for this purpose and it came in so handy to keep up with the 25 celebrities! We will continue to keep you all updated on all the events and queries since it has been so successful. From the Global Hospital, to Solar Plant, to Dadi's, Outings and filming a Documovie while there, it was a complete trip for everyone. Hyderabad was full of activities too and I along with many there enjoyed ourselves thoroughly . I danced a lot too! The global summit in Shantivan was grand and the best they said they ever had. They keep getting better. Our guest speakers were brilliant and Baba worked wonders through them.
Please see the Meditation Museum FaceBook to get news on the activities in Madhuban and Hyderabad.
Also, congrats to the angels that showed this Washington Post reporter a nice visit of Baba's Museum.
We made center spread. CLICK HERE https://goo.gl/2dFkSA
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - September 2018
14 October 2018
Meditation sessions resume at two Miami libraries after the summer break
Sept 7: Meditation sessions resumed after summer at both - Miami Lakes library and Kendale Lakes library. 'The Miami Laker' - local communictyh newsletter has been instrumental in reaching out to many locals in the community. Each week there have been new participants joining these weekly meditation sessions and have expressed how delighted they are to find meditation sessions in their neighborhood and appreciate how these sessions are not physical yoga but more to with the mind and empowering of thinking.
The Finale of Omshanti Conversations
Sept 16 & Sept 23: Two Om Shanti conversations on the topic of "The Pleasure of Peace" (Sept 16) and "El Gozo de La Paz" (Sept 23) were held in English & Spanish respectively at the Miami meditation center. These mark the finale conversations in the Om Shanti Conversation series which is dedicated to the experience of Peace as the foundation of our human experience and these conversations are also part of celebrations of 40 plus years of Brahma Kumaris presence and service in the USA.
These conversations provided a beautiful opportunity of engaging the attendees in a reflective dialogue that allowed each one to engage in active listening without judgment and how there was an atmosphere of acceptance where individuals expressed their point of view and benefited from insights and healing.
Click here for detailed report with rest of the photos.
News from Jayanti bhen from New Jersey 25th September - Including Link to Audio Recordings of the Sessions
11 October 2018
On Monday morning, before leaving for New York City, I was able to meet with all the Peace Village residents and sevadharis. It's amazing the service that they have done over the past week and already they are preparing for a huge gathering of Brahmins from all around the US next weekend to celebrate 40 Years of US Service.
In the afternoon we drove to the Manhattan Centre on Fifth Avenue where there was a gathering of 60 murli students. I shared on the topic of 'A karma yogi life and the effort for the present time at the confluence age' and then there was Brahma Bhojan for all. Then straight after that, there was a 'virtual public event' via webcast with a gathering of 50 people at the Meditation Museum, Washington. Sister Jenna asked very good questions on the topic 'Trust in a Changing World'. About 25 people stayed back in Manhattan to listen in to the Washington virtual event and there was Brahma Bhojan for all. Sisters Judy, Reena (New Jersey), Rachel and myself then left for Edison, New Jersey.
Murli class on Tuesday, was in nearby Piscataway with 70 students. Later this morning there I was interviewed on TV Asia and this was broadcast live and will be repeated later on the same channel. Introducing the interview, the Chairman and CEO of TV Asia, H.R. Shah, spoke very warmly in support of the Brahma Kumaris. Vikas Nangia, the interviewer, asked good questions on the topic of From Stress to Stillness, and there were also questions from the studio audience of about 50 people, mainly BKs.
This evening there was a public programme with Mohiniben and myself in a beautiful hotel in Somerset, New Jersey. There was a special reception for the local Mayor and other dignitaries before the event, when Sister Judy and I had a brief conversation together on the topic of Inner Peace and Inspired Action. The main programme then followed, with the title: 'Relation-Ships and Smooth Sailing'. There were about 450 people present - in spite of very heavy rain here today.
Tomorrow early we leave for New York again, where there are two programmes at the UN.
BKs "Peace Halifax" a Great Success
11 October 2018
Dearest Double Diamonds of the Canadian Rosary,
Images are to come of the remarkable event that transpired on September 22: the 3rd Annual Peace Halifax. For now, please enjoy this note expressing appreciation, as it includes a very cool video!
PEACE HALIFAX 2018 was a great success this year. Much thanks to...
- All the Halifax Central Public Library staff and volunteers for their spirit of collaboration and tireless cooperation
- Mayor Mike Savage for his constant support and shared vision
- Mrs. Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, for her eloquent and inspiring words on peace and unity (view video here!)
- the Brahma Kumaris Students who dedicated hours over the past year preparing for this one-of-a-kind event
- the entire community of Halifax, who demonstrate every day the power of living peacefully
Until next year!
Sister Jayanti Gives News of Her visit to New York and Time at Peace Village
8 October 2018
On Wednesday 26th September there was a dialogue at the UN, convened by the Chief of UNFPA (United Nations Populations Fund) Luis Mora on the topic: Defining transformation within the Sustainable Development Agenda. He was keen to explore how we actually define transformation - one of the key desired outcomes of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. I was asked to speak about the spiritual dimensions of transformation and there were three other speakers: one with his own investment company, who has been to Peace Village, who talked about conscious/sustainable investment; another who focused on young people and transformation and another from an organisation affiliated with the Art of Living who spoke about their service projects in areas of conflict. There were 45 people around the table, among them quite a few friends, some of whom had been with us for Call of the Time the previous weekend. Later in the afternoon, we had a very sweet, intimate gathering of 20 or so at our UN office for 'trustees' and friends of the BKs. The sharing was mainly on the topic of non- violence, which is coming up on 2nd October, and also on what it is to be a trustee.
We stayed at Harmony House that night and Thursday morning there was a large gathering for bhog and Murli and some sharing. I was able to meet with a small group of the center residents for an hour at midday. Then later that afternoon we left for the prestigious Harvard Club on Fifth Avenue for a private programme organised by a close friend. He learned the basics of Raja Yoga meditation early in his life and has been using it ever since and he wanted his friends to know about and experience it too. About 80 people came and I gave a simple introduction to meditation, interspersed with short commentaries. They were really attentive and interested to know more and asked excellent, very practical questions.
After the programme, we headed back to Peace Village where already 450 BKs from all over the US were gathered for a very special celebration of 40 years service in the US, with more to come. The theme for the weekend is: Experiencing God's Love - the Story of the Yagya.
Friday, 28th September
It really is an amazing gathering of the US and Canada family here in Peace Village, and more are arriving here all the time. Of course, not all are able to be here - though many are watching the proceedings via webcast.
We had Murli and class in the Inspiration Hall. Baba spoke about how we need to be fearless and be a benefactor - and of course 'experiencing God's love' - which is the overarching theme of the weekend, is the way to make that happen. The morning session started with a touching re-enactment of a scene from the start of the Yayga: kumaris sitting in a semi-circle preparing seeds, chanting 'OM'. This followed by an excerpt from an Avyakt Murli on the Power of Transformation. Mohiniben and I were then asked by Eric and Erik about our early memories and experiences of each other on our spiritual journey with Baba. It was interesting how we both remembered different scenes, but also how old memories returned while we were sharing. Sister Waddy then asked Mohiniben and me to talk about how Didi Manmohini and Dadi Janki had experienced Baba's love and how they had shared that with us. In the evening there was a very beautiful meditation experience, in which Mohiniben and myself were invited to speak about experiencing the depths of God's love as a meditation commentary/dialogue, interspersed with silence and music. We all created a very powerful and love-filled atmosphere together.
After heavy rain Thursday night/early Friday morning, the skies cleared completely and it became a beautiful autumn day and so many were able to take their meals outside and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
Saturday & Sunday, 29th/30th September
There were 600 BK students in Inspiriation Hall on Saturday morning 29th by the time we started the morning programme. Some very lovely photos of Mohiniben with Baba, the Dadis and the family were shown and also some of myself over the years. Julia and Carol then read out six blessings from a book of blessings for Mohiniben and myself coming from the North America and Canada family. We were then welcomed on stage by our two MCs Erik and Eric, and each presented with a book of blessings and various beautiful gifts were presented from the New York, Guyana, Canada and other families.
Mohiniben offered bhog and then shared a bhog message from Baba for the gathering in which Baba spoke of three things: samarpand (surrender), swaha (sacrifice to the yagya) and safalta (using everything in a worthwhile way). Mohiniben also spoke about the expansion of service in North America, with memories shared a bhog message from Baba the early days of Canada, New York and the Caribbean. I thanked Baba and the family for all the love and support that had been shared. Gifts, toli and blessings were then given to all and Brahma bhojan was enjoyed outside in the grounds.
In the evening, I was asked to share on the theme of 'perfection and completion', after which we all went outside to the pond, where there was a very special candlelight meditation, with everyone holding (battery powered) candles walking around the pond and real candles were ignited and set to float in the pond. It was a beautiful scene and a perfect close to a memorable day.
Some had to return to their various places on Saturday afternoon and evening and so we were already fewer in number for class on Sunday. After murli and revision, an excellent slideshow highlighting special moments over weekend was shown and after that a few shared their experiences and feelings of the weekend. I had a chance to meet various groups in the morning and then early afternoon left for the airport and back to London.
Dear respected and loving sisters and brothers from the Brahmin family in the USA and Canada,
Greetings of love. It was wonderful to have you at Peace Village for the 40th anniversary celebration. It was a beautiful collective celebration from the first welcome to launching the candles onto the pond and the final garba raz.
Having Sister Jayanti with us was very meaningful as she has been so important to the seeds of service in the West, including in the US. And having so many of you from the US and Canada reminded us of how far we’ve come from those early days 40+ years ago.
Here are some keepsakes from the weekend. You will find the recordings from the sessions at https://app.box.com/s/n5hxybcf2ilcvw0jappcbtr5i2m7vedz .
With Love,
Sister Mohini & Sister Kala
Video links: Sr.Usha at the World Hindu Congress in Chicago + Sr.Shivani in USA in June
16 September 2018
Ushaben at the World Hindu Congress in Chicago, Sept 08, 2018
Sister BK Shivani USA tour
Awakening Love & Forgiveness - BK Shivani (North Bay Area)
Awakening Inner Peace and Power- BK Shivani (english translation)
Inner Peace - Inner Power by Sister Shivani - Chicago
40 years of USA service at Anubhuti Retreat Center - June 16th
Essence of some of Sister Shivani's talks held during her tour of USA in June (click here to download a pdf).
Special Rakhi Ceremony Held at the Spiritual Life Center - Unity - New Thought Church, in Sacremento, California
16 September 2018
Dear Global Family, Godly greetings.
A special Rakhi ceremony was held at the Spiritual Life Center -Unity -New Thought Church inSacramento.
The message of Rakshabandhan was shared with it's universal meaning of protecting oursleves with God's blessings and preparing oursleves for upcoming uncertain times. It was very well received by all Church members.
Brother Vinod conducted meditation at the begining of the church service.
300 mainstream church members tied rakhi.
Here are some pictures of the Rakhi ceremony and the joyful gathering of church members in Church's courtyard.
In Photos: Rakhi Ceremony in Unity Church at Roseville California (near Sacremento)
15 September 2018
Dear Global Family
Godly greetings of Rakshabandhan
BK s invited by Unity New Thought Church of Roseville California .
Unity churches are very open minded and welcoming for Eastern philosophy.
Sister Hansa with Rev.Mary -Spiritual Leader of church sharing Blessings of Rakhi .
Sister Hansa -inspiration talk -Meditation -Making Mind Best Friend
Sister Hansa and Carmen are with Rev.Mary And Brother Gopal - Professor of Nutrition at University of Davis California And every active community leader Roseville California
Sister Hansa -inspirational talk -Meditation- Make My mind My Best Friend
Sister Carmen tieing Rakhi to Rev.Mary -spiritual Leader of Unity of Roseville
Sister Hansa Meeting Church memebers
Every one is singing PeaceSong ,in the end of the Church service Celebration ..
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - August 2018
15 September 2018
Bhog offering at the center for Sham bhai
Aug 23: Br. Sham K Vaswani peacefully left the body surrounded by his lokik and alokik family on 16th Aug and his funeral was held on Aug 23. He was born in Hyderabad Sindh to Kishinchand and Devi Vaswani (in 1937) and married to Heroo S. Vaswani (1962) in Mumbai, India. He was a self-made businessman and survived by his wife Heroo S. Vaswani, Sons Rajesh and Vijay, Daughter In Law Jaya, and Grandchildren Monica, Rishaan and Sonali.
Bhog was offered at the Miami center which was attended by his immediate family and BK classmates. Sham bhai and his family have played a very beautiful role in the early days (1975) of services in the USA with the registration of the institution (while they were in San Antonia - Texas) and also very special role in starting of services in Miami. Sham bhai is fondly remembered by all for his gentle nature and loving presence. Via a telephone call, Mohini bhen (from New York) also spoke with the family and remembered Sham bhai & family and their special unique contributions to the yagya. Click here for audio of sharing by Mohini bhen.
Amar in Peace Village for Spanish Retreat :
Aug 16 - 19: Amar joined the facilitating team for a retreat in Spanish on " Paz Y Poder Interior " i.e. Inner Peace & Inner Power. It was a lovely experience where the participants left with an understanding of being aware of the inner potential and tapping into inner peace.
Workshop on Cherishing Relationships:
Aug 18: Meeta and Tej co-facilitated a workshop on Cherishing Relationships and explored how spiritual wisdom provides the understanding and tools to re-direct our energies and make our relationships more meaningful and fullfilling.......click here for the remainder of the report with more photos.
BKs from Milipitas, California participate in 10th Annual ICC Sevathon (Walk/Run Race)
15 September 2018
Omshanti and Greetings of Peace from BK Milpitas, USA
Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley had participated at 10th ICC Sevathon (Walk/Run race in Bay Area, California by India Community Center In collaboration with 80+ Non Profit Organizations). There were close to 5,000 people participated in the Race. This is one of the biggest "A Cause of Causes" event held in Silicon Valley.
BK Silicon Valley members participated in the Race and had a booth too.
Here are few pictures from the event.
BK Silicon Valley Group Booth at ICC Sevathon.
Sr.Kusum with BK Silicon Valley Group at the Booth
BK Silicon Valley Group Water Station for Runners
Runners at ICC Sevathon Race.
Sr.Kusum @ BK Silicon Valley Group Booth explaining about benefits of Rajyoga Meditation
"The Relevance of Energy, Power and Strength in Physical and Spiritual Worlds" Discussed at the Manhattan, NY USA center with Motivational Speaker Ms Shital Mahajan
15 September 2018
On Monday, August 20, about 30 contacts attended a dialogue program with Ms Shital Mahajan and Madhavi Patale at the Brahma Kumaris Manhattan center, New York. The topic for the evening was 'The Relevance of Energy, Power and Strength in Physical and Spiritual Worlds'.
Ms Shital Mahajan is a PadmaShri Awardee 2011, Indian Extreme Sportsperson, SkyDiver, Motivational Speaker. She holds 6 World Records and 19 National Records in Skydiving sport.
In the dialogue, Ms Shital Mahajan emphasized on 'facing fears'. She said "I choose to face my fears and no longer run away from it. Nothing can be changed until it is faced". She also shared about how she uses her inner energy and power to be free from unwanted thoughts, any baggage of guilt and channel her focus on goals.
It was a great moment to have Ms Shital at the Brahma Kumaris Manhattan center. She was indeed moved by the pure and serene vibrations of the Manhattan center. Since it was also the time of Raksha Bandhan, Sister Rona tied a Rakhi on Ms Shital.
BKs in Milipitas (Silicon Valley California) Participate in the Festival of Global Parade 2018
15 September 2018
Omshanti and Greetings of Peace from BK Milpitas, USA
Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley had participated at Festival of Globe Parade (Indian Independence Day Celebrations in Bay Area, California by Federation of Indian Associations). There were close to 10,000 people had participated in the two day Mela and Parade. This years Grand Marshals were Actors Manoj Tiwari, Tushaar Kapoor and Tanisha Mukarjee.
Om Shanti,
Sr Kusum
Below are few pictures from the event
BK Silicon Valley Group with Baba's Flags and Banner
BK Silicon Valley Group Led by Sr.Kusum
IndTV Channel Interviewing Sr.Kusum
BK Silicon Valley Group with Baba's Flags and Banner
Sr.Kusum with FIA/FOG President Dr.Romesh Japra
BK Silicon Valley Group @ End of the Parade
Happy Raksha Bandhan Remembrances & Services Updates from Washington DC
14 September 2018
Today we celebrate a double auspicious day. Dadi Prakashmani's day and Raksha Bandhan. We wish to thank everyone who came out for the Bhatti today from 7am-12noon. And, it was powerful, ideal, filled with the fragrant quality of Dadi, symbolizing a true tieing of our sacred promise to Baba and the self.
There have been so many scenes emerging on a daily basis within the month and we trust that you all are appreciating that your every donation of pure wish, good feelings and being present is a very big part of all the magical emergence. In simple bullet form I invite you to celebrate:
1) Rakki by Sisters from Madhuban -Events at Malathi, UshaBhen, Krishnabhai, and other spaces were all very beautiful.
2) Sisters from Dadi's Cottage in Shantivan stopped in for a special glimpse of Dadi's Tree, White House, and Baba's Museums which they loved.
3) We have been enjoying visiting families and having some sneh milans, Sr. Myrna, Gita, Satish Family, Geet and Sameer, Dr, Smita, and more planned ahead.
4) AM Retreat will host 25 celebrity guests in India and it's quite special to see these souls end up in Baba's big and unlimited yagya filled with such zeal and enthusiasm to attend the 5th AM Retreat! Amazing, isn't?
5) The trip to California was fruitful and to Miami nurturing.
6) Sr GIta has been doing much better and really revealing Baba. Her Cooking for Peace cookbook is ready and is now being editing and awaiting pictures only.
7) AM radio has been hosting powerful guests and we hope you are following to just keep up.
8) The talks at the Meditation Museum have been very well and the Raja Yoga Course in Tyson has gathered some sincere seekers and it has been refreshing to observe.
10)Conscious Good Media has launched Sister Jayanti and is being featured and it has already been seen by many key leaders and the reviews have been exceptional! It has been a delight.
We hope you have sent in your information for the retreat in PV for Sister Jayanti. We will also have her here in DC on Sept 24th. The hall is already half full. Sister Jenna will be away in Madhuban between Sept 26-Oct. 14. So she will not be at the 40th year retreat. However, I wish that each and everyone of you will be able to take maximum benefit..
Accha, see you all tomorrow. So much more, but let's hope you are keeping up on the Facebook and Twitter..
In Baba's Yad,
BK Jenna
See more service photos by clicking on the above image.
Visit of Madhuban Brothers Mohinder and Vivek to Vancouver, Canada
9 September 2018
Warm Greetings Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters,
The Vancouver Centre of the Canada Family had the great pleasure to enjoy the presence of two jewels from Madhuban: Br Mohinder and Br Vivek. Please see attached report for details.
Sr Judi
Download Report here.
Sister Sheilu's Visit to Dallas on 15 July
9 Septebmber 2018
Sr. Shielu’s (Madhuban, Mt. Abu) visit to Dallas in the month of July was very joyful and memorable.
Dallas center – During her public talk at the Dallas center on “The Beauty of Karma”, BK’s and a large crowd welcomed her. In this talk, she explained the different aspects of Karma, how it all starts in one’s mind, and its relevance to past accounts.
Dallas Retreat Place (Tapasya Dham) – We had the fortune of having Sheilubehn’s program for brahmins at our retreat place. Sr. Ranjan (Dallas Center and Retreat Place Coordinator), on behalf of the whole class, involved her in a very interesting interview. With her deep insight, Sister Sheilu answered questions on how to make fast effort, some secrets of knowledge and the key solution to all problems being the remembrance of the one Supreme Father.
In a very brief morning session, she also shared the significance of maintaining zeal and enthusiasm in Brahmin life and that just like without breath the body dies- without zeal and enthusiasm a soul dies. Sheilubehn liked the
retreat place very much and enjoyed her stay overnight.
Though this was a short visit, we duly appreciate and thank Sheilubehn for coming and enlightening us. We also thank Sr. Ranjan for her sincere efforts and dedication in arranging these events as they have brought benefit for all souls living near and far in other states.
In Baba’s Yaad
Dallas Family
Dallas, Texas, USA. Sheluben's talk for Public "Beauty of Karma". In the picture, Sheiluben, center coordinator sister Ranjan with some attendees.
'Tapasya Dham', Dallas retreat center, Texas, USA. Brahmin attendees during the retreat with Sheiluben and center coordinator sister Ranjan.
'Tapasya Dham', Dallas retreat center, Texas, USA. Sheliuben with some Brahmins after the retreat during the farewell.
BK Participation in the Waves 2018 Conference in Dallas, Texas, USA
9 September 2018
The 13th International Conference of the World Association for Vedic Studies took place in Brookhaven college nearby the BK center in Dallas, Texas. Professors of physics, quantum mechanics, and scholars from different faculties presented and attended the conference.
Sister Ranjan, Dallas center coordinator in USA Texas had the opportunity to invite to the center the speakers, scholars, sanyasis, professors of Vedic studies from all over the world including USA and Texas.
During this welcome reception for networking, each one of them was welcomed with flowers and had delicious Brahma Bhojan. They all enjoyed the dinner, hospitality, and atmosphere of the center. They appreciated the uplifting vibrations and considered this as an auspicious beginning of the conference.
The well-renowned professor Ved P. Nanda, Dr. David Frawley (Vamdev Shastri), Dr. Jefferey Armstrong, prof. Narayan Komerath, Shashi Kejriwal etc. were the key-note speakers at the conference with Sister Ranjan at the conference.
During the conference, we celebrated Rakshabandhan. Sister Ranjan tied Rakhi to each delegate with toli and blessing. Everyone was very happy and enlightened knowing the importance and meaning of Rakshabandhan.
In Baba’s yaad,
Dallas family
Conscious Good Media Distributing Essential Spirituality Videos
9 September 2018
Never Before Seen, Inspiring Videos on Conscious Good Network
Dear Friends. We are pleased to share Conscious Good Media a platform of great integrity and vision has launched our wonderful Sister Jayanti's #EssentialSpirituality videos. You will gain insights and tools on best life solutions. These 3-5 minute videos focus on bullying, personal change, dealing with relationships, and why meditation is important in these times!
Let us know what you think! We are so excited, plus Sister Jayanti will be with us September 24 at the Meditation Museum as she shares wisdom on Trust in a Changing World.
Here is wishing you so much goodness.
Sister Jenna
Greetings of Raksha Bandhan from Los Angeles
27 August 2018
Raksha Bandhan Greetings from Sister Chandru and the BK Families of San Fransisco and Anubhuti
27 August 2018
Raksha Bandhan Greetings
The auspicious Rakhi ties us souls in spiritual brotherly love with each other and
our Supremely Beloved Baba.
This pure bond protects the self and gives strength to cultivate virtues in our relationships.
Wishing you an Elevated Stage, Constant Remembrance and an Angelic Presence as you tie this sacred thread.
Best Wishes,
Sis Chandru
San Francisco & Anubhuti family
Milipitas USA BKs participate in day long India Independence Day Celebrations
27 August 2018
Omshanti and Greetings of Peace from BK Milpitas, USA
Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley had participated at SWADES Mela (
Indian Independence Day Celebrations in Bay Area, California by Association of Indo Americans). There were close to 20,000 people had participated in the day long mela and the event had a musical concert by Musician Bappi Lahiri with his entire musical troop.
Below are few pictures from the event.
Om Shanti
Sr Kusum
Musician Bappi Lahiri being felicitated by Venkatesan Ashok, Consulate General of India, San Francisco on behalf of AIA (Association of Indo Americans). Dignitaries on Stage include Consul General Venkatesan Ashok, Assembly member Kansen Chu and Ash Kalra, CA Senator Bob Wiecowski, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Fremont Mayor Lily Mei, Cupertino Mayor Darcy Paul, BK Kusum, Milpitas Mayor Tran, Cupertino Council Member Savita Vaidyanathan, Fremont Council Member Raj Salwan and Santa Clara and San Jose Sheriff chiefs
Sister Kusum of Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley with Venkatesan Ashok in the Motor Parade
Sister Kusum of Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley Addressing the gathering
Sister Kusum with Prominent Bay Area Elected officials
Crowd enjoying the musical concert and rides
Celebrating 'Kumars Day' with Sr Mohini and Sr Sheilu at Peace Village during NY BK Retreat
27 August 2018
Om Shanti,
Sister Sheilu, our beloved sister from Global Office in Madhuban, was invited as a special guest for the first NYC area retreat for teachers and students from Global Harmony House, Long Island, as well as other surrounding areas including Queens, the Bronx, and Manhattan.
It was a full house at Peace Village Retreat Center, Haines falls, from Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 29.
Sr Mohini inspired the theme: "Life Of Blessings: Receiving & Giving Blessings. Srs Anjani, Carmen, Sandhya, and Sr Kala from Peace Village facilitated this powerful and loving program.
Having met Brahma Baba at the early age of 12, Sheilubhen quickly surrendered and became instrumental for assisting with service in Bharat and foreign lands due to as her excellent command of the English language, blessings received from Brahma Baba and BapDada and her desire to give benefit to the world.
Photos of this Life of Blessings Retreat can be seen in the below Godlywood Peace News video at 22:48 minutes. There is additional India, Global and USA service news on this video as well. However, narration of the video is in Hindi only. Click on the video image to play.
Choose, Change and Become Celebrates its 10th Annual Retreat in Peace Village
25 August 2018
From August 10 - 12, Choose, Change and Become for young adults (ages 18 - 35) held its10th annual retreat at Peace Village. The topic of the retreat for this year was ZERO and HERO- Living Inside Out.
It was a good retreat with rich conversations, reflections, panel discussion, creative activities and much more!
Royal Inauguration of New Center in Ottawa, Capitol of Canada
12 August 2018
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - July 2018
12 August 2018
Grillin' and Chillin'
July 4: Food... Music... Dance... & Smiles... everywhere..
July 4: Independence Day was a lovely occasion to come together for "Grillin & Chillin" and like most celebrations in Miami the combination of food, music and dancing was a reflection of overflowing love and lightness. For glimpses of the fun and laughter from the celebrations click here.
Spanish Workshop on “Re-aprendiendo el ciclo de Amar, Perdonar y Soltar”
Taller en espanol facilitated by Rosa & Marjorie
July 14 : About 30 souls enjoyed this workshop on Relearning The Cycle of Loving, Forgiving and Letting Go. Marjorie and Rosa, as Baba’s facilitators, helped the group understand the choices we have in life and the right we have to happiness, and of how to empower the self with the Supreme Soul’s company.
Click here for full report with more photos.
BK Family Retreat with Sr Mohini & Sr Sheilu at Peace Village
7 August 2018
Celebrating ' Kumars Day' with Sr Mohini and Sr Sheilu with cake cutting and blessings.
Om Shanti,
Sister Sheilu, our beloved sister from Global Office in Madhuban, was invited special guest for the first NYC area retreat for teachers and students from Global Harmony House, Long Island, as well as other surrounding areas including Queens, the Bronx, Manhattan
It was a full house at Peace Village Retreat Center, Haines falls, from Friday, July 27 through Sunday July 29.
More photos of this retreat program to follow shortly,
Sr Mohini inspired the theme: "Life Of Blessings: Receiving & Giving Blessings. Srs Anjani, Carmen, Sandya and Sr Kala from Peace Village facilitated this powerful and loving program.
Having met Brahma Baba at the early age of 12, Sheilubhen quickly surrendered and became instrument for assisting with service in Bharat and foreign service due to as her excellent command of the English language, blessings received from Brahma Baba and BapDada and her desire to give benefit to the world..
Sr Sheilu: "This is a most wonderful family that gives blessings. We are all blessed children of God. We have received and we give so many blessings. Only the one who is full and fully satisfied can give blessings."
Baba asked Sheilu bhen " Which Ganges are you? Yes, you are gyan ganga, but also the Ganges for the whole world. The whole world will come to you." And this proved true as being based for many years in the BK headquarter in Mt Abu, as centers opened up outside of Bharat, all these students and teachers realized the importance of coming to Madhuban.
Sheilu being expert in English continues to this day of translating for programs, classes and BapDada, when He speaks the murli. "You serve tirelessly from the heart and this touches their hearts."
Sheilubhen left today, Sunday afternoon, to tour several additional centers in the USA She brought a powerful energy of enthusiasm, intoxication for being an instrument for God and an in depth vision for the new students of the early days in Madhuban with Brahma Baba, Mama and BK family..
om shanti
Sister Munni of Madhuban visits Houston Center
6 August 2018
Dear Divine family in USA, Om shanti and greetings of love.
Munnibehnji of Madhuban visited the Houston center.
The Brahmin family in Houston enjoyed a morning class and spiritual get-together.
Please click on the below image to view the video.
Set 1080 or 720 in YouTube window/Settings/Quality for best viewing.
Much love in BapDada’s yaad,
Dr. Hansa
Awakening West Coast Tour: Sister Shivani in Sacramento, Folsom & Visalia California June 4-6
6 August 2018
Dear Global Family,
Sharing every kalpa's wonderful fortunate scene in the drama.
BK Sister Shivani, world renowned spiritual speaker and international TV personality presented the unforgettable Awakening Tour in Sacramento. In celebration of 40 years of Brahma Kumaris serving in the USA. The events held on June 4th at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Sacramento, CA, June 5th at Intel Corporation in Folsom, CA and June 6th in Visalia, CA. Sister Shivani presented two talks, Unlocking Your Inner Freedom and Celebrating the Lightness. There was much excitement for center Brahmins, and the Sacramento community to be graced with the presence of such powerful and prominent souls.
The event welcomed over 1,800 people in the morning and evening talks with Sister Shivani. We also had the honor to welcome Dignitaries to our event, such as Sacramento’s Sheriff Department, Spiritual Life Center Leaders and Mayor Steve Ly from Elk Grove, CA.
We also had news coverage, thanks to CBS Reporter, Bethany Crouch who captured the event for GoodDay Sacramento News. Please click on the following link to watch the video: http://gooddaysacramento.cbslocal.com/video/3875973-the-awakening- tour/
California State Assemblyman Ken Cooley presented Sister Shivani with a certificate of appreciation from the State of California for the Community Service work performed.
Deputies from the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department were honored with an invitation to speak at & attend an inner peace forum by renowned spiritual leader Sister Shivani.
Bethany Crouch reports for Good Day Sacramento and anchors the CBS13 morning news.
In the evening session, Sister Shivani was welcomed with sparkling angels dance, Replica of Golden Time - Dance by BK Russian Sisters.
Sister Shivani being welcomed and honored with special City of Elk Grove Medal of Appreciation by City of Elk Grove, California Mayor Steve Ly.
Sister Shivani visited Visalia, California and presented talk on The Art of “Staying Recharged Always!” at Visalia Convention Center. About 300 people attended the event in Visalia.
Sister Shivani also shared her wisdom at Intel Corporation in Folsom, California. The event was organized specially for Intel employees. About 200 employees participated in the event.
Click here for full report wiith more photos.
New film "Planting a Seed of Change - Brahma Kumaris USA"
4 August 2018
Dear Divine Family, OmShanti and Greetings of Peace.
On the occasion of 40 years of Brahma Kumaris service in the USA, a new film titled “PLANTING A SEED OF CHANGE” has been created. This is an Introductory film, which show cases the journey of four decades of Brahma Kumaris in the USA, with the back drop of Meditation and spiritual teachings. We have uploaded the film on Brahma Kumaris Official You Tube Channel. And sharing few snapshots of the film.
Click on the image below to view the film:
In Godly Service,
Audio Video Dept.,
Gyan Sarovar
BK Prashant bhai & Prabhu bhai
Women's Retreat at Tapasya Dham Retreat Center, Dallas, Texas USA Features Sr Yolanda of Mexico
4 August 2018
Brahmakumaris Dallas has been serving the latino community for the past several years.
Sister Yolanda’s visit from Mexico to Dallas on the weekend of June/July 30/1 was very fruitful. The women who participated enjoyed the retreat "The four faces of women". They enjoyed the process of reuniting to the inner child, freeing themselves from the mask and the other creative activities. They shared that they experienced inner peace, self love and new understanding of self. They also liked the peaceful atmosphere of Tapasya Dham and the warm and welcoming vibrations from the sevadharis. At the end, they were inspired to attend Latino retreat in Delhi.
It was indeed a memorable, enriching and transforming weekend for all the participants.
Living Values Education Newsletter for June
24 July 2018
Peter Williams wrote that it was a joy to watch the smiles and feel the happiness in the hearts of children, parents and friends at the very first Living Values Festival in Kuwait as they came to live and rediscover their values. The many enthralling activities were creatively conceived and designed by Ioanna Vasileiadou and lovingly crafted through the teamwork of the Student Council, parents, colleagues and members of the wider community. The purpose of the six hour event was simple: 'Be the Change'.
The many interwoven values-based themes placed a strong emphasis on choosing to 'Live Your Values in Ethical Ways' through, amongst others, valuing the collection and re-using of recycling materials, creative artwork, fun filled games, healthy eating, physical activities and especially awakening the inner world of values.
The pictures available show that many of the activities were especially designed and hand crafted. Friends of Living Values Education who read this are warmly invited to consider adopting some of the activities in their own contexts.
Great care and time was taken to create a loving, colorful, attractive and safe environment welcoming everyone to the Festival. Soft pastel shades of fine cotton drapes adorned the courtyard overhead together with painted umbrellas around the fencing. A stage for performances was constructed, and cleverly painted old car tires with specially designed cushions were set around tables made from recycled pallets. Little touches of authenticity included values statements on tables, values-based blessing cards, flowers, simple quotations, values-based banners designed by the children and cheerfully played soft music to uplift the spirit.
One of the many highlights was the creation of a values-based garden. These wooden boxes, each painted with a different value, for example, joy, happiness, respect, etc - are now around the school with 'Peace and Love' adorning the entrance. The children's comments, with pure pride: 'This is the flower I planted'. To see the pictures and the entire article, please go to livingvalues.net and see the May 2018 Newsletter.
Join us for an inspiring weekend to reflect on values and a paradigm and process that builds relationship, and empowers positive choices and resiliency in young people.
Learn about methods that invite the co-creation of a culture of peace and respect, and experience activities that help young people of all ages, from toddlers to young adults, explore and develop universal values and positive social and emotional skills. Living Values Education is a comprehensive values education approach being implemented in more than 40 countries.
This workshop is highly recommended for adults who wish to help young people optimally explore and develop values. Please join us to:
- reflect on the role values play in your life, schools, communities and the world;
- learn about the LVE Approach and the process of developing values;
- refine acknowledgement and active listening skills that allow adults to deal with young people's resistance more easily and effectively;
- learn about non-violent discipline methods to help all feel and be safe and respected;
- experience relaxation/focusing exercises that help young people be more centered and better able to self-regulate;
- have more than 140 activities to help young people develop 12 universal values and positive intrapersonal and interpersonal social and emotional skills; and
- be comfortable facilitating a process that builds positive social skills, drastically reduces bullying and has young people resolving issues with the language of values within months, inside and outside of the classroom.
Results: The most frequent themes noted by educators implementing LVE are positive changes in teacher-student relationships and in student-student relationships both inside and outside the classroom. Educators note an increase in respect, caring, cooperation, motivation, and the ability to solve peer conflicts on the part of the students. Aggressive behaviors decline as positive social skills and respect increase.
LVE helps educators hone quality teaching skills to create a safe, caring, values-based atmosphere for quality learning. Young people learn to use the language of values to reflect on challenges and generate positive solutions. Please see our website for research results and success stories.
Parents benefit immensely from this approach and note improved relationships, more peace and cooperation in the home, and an understanding of how to help young people develop positive and protective social skills, and deal with bullying and social media concerns.
Diane G. Tillman will lead both workshops. Diane is a former School Psychologist, Licensed Educational Psychologist, MFT, and the primary author of the award-winning LVE series of books. Her most recent book is "Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect: A mindful guide to parenting".
Ed Wondolowski and Stephanie Kerr will be co-facilitating the retreat in New York at the Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center. Ed Wondolowski is an Emeritus Professor of Management, Bentley University, and a past president of LVEP, Inc. Stephanie Keer is the Education Solutions Manager at Konica Minolta and an adjunct Professor of Psychology, New York University.
Annie Jorgensen and Kyoko Kimura will be co-facilitating the retreat in California. Annie has a Master's in Educational Counseling. A retired primary and special education teacher, she taught LVE for ten years in the classroom, with stellar results. Kyoko, a gifted flutist, is a music teacher in the public school system who enjoys combining values education with music instruction.
Cost: There will be a $40 charge for the workshop to help cover LVE expenses. For those staying at the retreat center, please plan to make a separate donation for meals and accommodation.
Sister Shivani visits Vancouver BC, Canada
22 July 2018
The Vancouver Family was deeply grateful for this opportunity to serve many souls by being part of the Awakening West Coast Tour. Not only was this a chance to enjoy the presence of Sr Shivani—but it also was a wonderful moment which united the hearts, minds and hands of the Canadian Family.
Many thanks to Br Eric, the Canadian National Coordinator, for his constant support in making sure everything went smoothly.
Many thanks to Latabhen (Toronto) for her generous support in so many areas, including care of the many guests accommodated. We also deeply appreciated the presence of Sr Sangeeta (Ottawa) who proved to be an all-rounder!
Many thanks to Sr Judi (Calgary) who was always ready to help.
Many thanks also to Sr Tanya (Montreal) who, together with Judibhen and the young Vancouver angels, provided a touch of sweetness.
Countless thanks to the brothers and sisters of the Vancouver Family, where all became magical with each tireless and loving nger of cooperation!
Finally, there are no words to describe the gratitude felt towards Baba and Drama—together making the impossible, possible!
Click here for full report with photos.
Didi Chakradhari's visit to centers in Dallas, Texas and Oklahoma
22 July 2018
Didi Chakradhari’s recent visit to centers in Dallas -Texas and Oklahoma.
The BK Dallas family was very fortunate and grateful to BK Sr. Ranjan for inviting and arranging Chakradhari Didi’s visit to Farmers Branch – Dallas Center, Tapasya Dham Retreat Place- Pilot Point, Arlington Center - Texas, Cedar Park-Austin- Texas and Edmond Center- Oklahoma, in the end of the month of May,2018.
She was accompanied by Bharti Behan (from Lotus House - Ahmedabad).
Tapasya Dham Retreat Place-The Brahmin family had the fortune of attending a retreat in which the theme was “From Limited to Unlimited”. In this retreat apart from Didi’s talk, Sr. Ranjan interviewed Didi which was very interesting and beneficial. Many of Didi’s experiences with Mama and Baba were also shared in the morning classes.
During this visit Didi gave many public talks on topics like - “Solving Inner Conflicts”- in Dallas, Cedar Park- Austin and in the Oklahoma city Downtown Library.
“Self Unfoldment -a special event for women’s empowerment” - in which she talked about how to tune in to the innate qualities of one’s real self and learning the art of balancing daily responsibilities and fostering self growth - Dallas Center
“Attainments through Raja Yoga meditation” - Arlington center
We are all very grateful and thankful to Chakradhari Didi and Bharti Behan for taking out their time to visit us. Chakradhari Didi’s loveful and humble nature and her words of wisdom has touched the hearts of many souls in making self effort and self progress.
In Baba’s Yaad
Dallas Family
Dallas (Farmers Branch) Center.
“Solving Inner Conflicts” - Thursday 17 May, 2018 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
More Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qt1wJyCLvwyLcRhr1
Video : https://youtu.be/addme/Hav_slNtLGOtz1sZFtGPwu4t73xOk
BK Retreat at the Tapasya Dham Meditation Home, Pilot Point Texas
May 18-20, 2018
More Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9fLob11bfk3Spzde8
Women’s Program with Didi Chakradhari
“Self-unfoldment “ – Wednesday, 23 May, 2018 at the Farmers Branch Center (Dallas), Texas
Tune in to the innate qualities of your real self. Learn the art of balancing your daily responsibilities and fostering self-growth.
More photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/YPJl0Lxj9kIxrAkc2
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/addme/ma_c5_bzUAMyDNLk3dEPCarMT0U3bQ
Attainments through Meditation
at the Arlington, TX center, Tuesday, 22May, 2018 7:00-8:30pm
More photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/oHXpixOb5MIxJbdU2
Solving Inner Conflicts with Didi Chakradhari
Ronald J Norick Downtown Library,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Sunday, 20 May, 2018 3:30 -5:00pm:
Solving Inner Conflicts by Didi Chakradhari
Friday, 25 May 2018 6:30-8:30pm Cedar Park, Texas near Austin
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - June 2018
21 July 2018
Peace While Parenting ~ an Om Shanti Conversation
June 24: On Sunday, the BK Miami Center held its 5th Om Shanti Conversation. About 25 souls participated, including several first-timers.
A panel of three senior BKs - Meredith, Marjorie, and Raju shared experiences and insights on this topic. As a mental health professional and family therapist, Marjorie also offered ideas about communication and self-care.
Kathy facilitated the evening and began by inviting participants to reflect first on their own childhoods. The first thing that emerged was a frequent experience of anger within families. Often that cycle was repeated with their own children. The discussion was animated and at times emotions ran high.
When asked what attracted participants to attend, most said they were “looking for answers” or “seeking solutions”. When asked why they were so engaged in the conversation, several answered “someone is listening”, “I realized I have something to offer”, “I feel I’m not alone.”
Waddy offered spiritual reflections on our divine parent, and gave a guided commentary to return us to a spirit of innocence.
Click here for detailed report with photos.
Request for Blessings from N. American BKs
13 July 2018
This year marks the 60th anniversary for Sister Mohini and the 50th anniversary for Sister Jayanti of their service to Baba’s yagya. We will be celebrating them both at the BK retreat at Peace Village from Friday, September 27, through Sunday, September 30. At that time we would like to present them both with a book of blessings, from the hearts of each of you from the USA and Canadian Brahmin family.
If you are so moved, please send a separate blessing of no more than 50 words for Sister Jayanti and for Sister Mohini. We will incorporate these blessings into a gift book to be presented to them during the weekend. Note: If your blessing is longer than 50 words, we respectfully will shorten your blessing to the proper length.
Perhaps when thinking of the blessing you want to write bring an image of them in your mind and try to touch the essense of who they are and what they mean to you.
Please send your blessing no later than August 1st to Sister Gayatri at Gayatri.naraine@us. brahmakumaris.org.
40th Anniversary of BKs serving the USA Coincides with Sister Shivani's West Coast Tour Stops in San Fransisco and Anubhuti Retreat Center
1 July 2018
Brahma Kumaris Celebrated their 40th Anniversary serving the USA with Sister Shivani on June 14th, 15th and 16th
Three large events were hosted at the Anubhuti Retreat Center in California by Sister Chandru, Celebrating 40 years of Service in the USA with Sister Shivani.
- There was a public event on Friday, June 15, called ‘Awakening: Gift of Happiness’ with Sr. Shivani.
- On Saturday, June 16, there was a special morning celebration with Sr.Mohini, Regional Coordinator of the Americas, and many instrument souls responsible for bringing God's message of love and peace across the country. Many friends, contacts and special guests who have served with the Brahma Kumaris over the four decades also attended.
Events continued in the evening with a series of talks by Sr. Shivani and Sr. Mohini. Hundreds of souls from the Bay Area attended. Topics included 'Gift of Happiness’ and ‘Love & Forgiveness'. Please enjoy the full photo album here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/n32RfttPVbqEiJYk6 .
Om Shanti
Peace Village Regional Retreat Video by Bhavna Behn from Delray Beach, Florida
29 June 2018
Om Shanti,
Please enjoy this beautiful video of the Teachers/Regional retreat in Peace Village.
The images are beautiful. Baba’s message is inspiring.
Click above image to play the images.
Best Wishes,
Bhavna Bhen