2022 December N. America News Archive 2022 December N. America News Archive

Table of Content

‘Co-operation’: Experiential Values Workshops Series #55 on January 1 with Br Neville, 9 am Eastern

31 December 2022

Greetings of Peace to all.  


Join us on Sunday, Jan 1st 2023 for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 55) .


Value: Co-operation (सहयोग)  


Content of the Workshop:

1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on ‘Co-operation.’ 

2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by Br. Neville Hodgkinson, from GRC, UK


Date / Time: Sunday, 1st January 2023 (2 Hr Session) ( Please note the change of day this time.)


7:30 PM (India)  

2:00 PM (UK)

3:00 PM (France, Spain)

5:00 PM (Turkey)

6:00 PM (Dubai)

6:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can)

9:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can )  

11:00 AM (Brazil) 


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode – values)


(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)

 Thank you all.


With Warm Regards,

‘Values for Life’ – Team

(‘Values for Life’ Series and ‘Values Workshops Series’ happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters’. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)


To view the earlier episodes on other values, please click on below links:



For more information please visit our website at –








Highlights of October and November Programs at the Pittsburgh, PA BK Center

30 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti and greetings!


We would like to share below service news to all.


We organized a program "Celebrating inner freedom and inner power"  on the occasion of Ajadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 15th October 2022 in the presence of Br. Dev, Coordinator of  Brahma Kumaris Boston Center. The main highlight of the program was engaging and inspirational panel discussion with prominent community leaders including Br.Dev.


We also had a Diwali public program on the topic Diwali Ever-Ignited Light on 5th November 2022 in the presence of Sr. Dolly, the director of Brahma Kumaris, New Jersey. There was a separate program for BK's next day.


Download the highlights of each program:

Celebrating Inner Freedom and Inner Power



In Baba's Remembrance

Pittsburgh Family

Brahma Kumaris

Pittsburgh, PA 15227






New Year Greetings from BK Milpitas Family, USA

30 December 2022



Season's Greetings from the Montreal Family

30 December 2022

Om shanti, Greetings of love from Montreal.


With love




Centre Coordinator, Montreal 



Brahma Kumaris Sacramento (USA) Service News Fall 2022

26 December 2022

Respected Dadiji and Global Family, Om Shanti and greetings of love!


Please find herewith a service report for Fall 2022. Click HERE to download it.



BK Family, Sacramento, USA






Holiday Greetings: Mississauga-Canada

26 December 2022

Dear Divine Family,


Wishing all the sparkling stars, the victorious souls, children of the Supreme Star, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Your Spiritual Family,







Meilleurs voeux | Seasons Greetings

26 December 2022

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix


Le centre de méditation L'Émergence sera fermé les dimanches 25 décembre et 1er janvier. Veuillez consulter notre programmation ci-dessous.



L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace


Please note that L'Émergence will be closed on Sundays,

December 25 and January 1. Please see our schedule below.







Christmas & New Year Greetings from Toronto (Canada) Family

24 December 2022



Ep 55, 'Values for Life' Series, with Sr. Judy Rodgers on 'Co-operation' (Saturday, 24th Dec, 3:00 PM - UK)

24 December 2022

Hello everyone,  Greetings of Peace to all. 


We extend our warm invitation for Episode # 55  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, for a spiritual reflection on “Co-operation” this Saturday (3 PM - UK time)


Value:  Co-operation  ( सहयोग )

Speaker: BK Sr. Judy Rodgers, Peace Village Retreat Center, New York     

Date/Time:  Saturday, 24th December 2022 (1 hr 15 minutes session)


Kindly note the timing in your region: 

8:30 PM (India), 3:00 PM (UK), 4:00 PM (France, Spain), 6:00 PM (Turkey)

7:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can ), 10:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can), 12:00 PM (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom -


(OR, Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710 )

(Translation available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil  & Telugu ) 


Join on YouTube Live -

in English  - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi  


Thank you all.


With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)






Avyakti Parivar Celebrates its 1000th day! (Special celebration program: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm EST)

22 December 2022




Dear Avyakti Parivar, Happy Satguruvar!

Today, Avaykti Parivar completed 1000 days! Join us today for a unique celebration program: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm EST)

Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qyTnaW_W-8


December 22, 2022: Celebrating 1000 days of Avyakti Parivar 


  • Special Thursday bhatti to accumulate 1000 hours of yoga
  • Accumulate 1000 Golden drops of our pure thoughts for the self & for the world “
  • Special Thursday Bhog offering to Thank Bapdada & ancestor souls with Avyakti Parivar


  • SAKAR MURLI: 5:00 PM TO 6:00 PM
  • MEDITATION: 6:00 PM TO 6:45 PM
  • HINDI SERIES: 6:45 PM TO 7:00 PM

Thank you.
Avyakti Parivar




Manhattan Meditation Center Presents an In-person/ Online Event: How Big is Your Heart? … Can You Embrace the World? Thursday, 22nd December, 6:30 pm EST

21 December 2022

Can we drop the differences that divide us and celebrate what makes you my brother?


Thursday, 22nd December | Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm


In order to interact in English or Spanish, Please join the  Zoom Meeting:


Please Register Here to get zoom meeting details.

You can also join us in English on Youtube Live and Facebook Live






Message of Hope: Pay Attention to the Treasures of Time and Thoughts

20 December 2022


Happy Holidays!  Just wanted to share with you these lovely points of wisdom received recently  for celebrating the Holidays in Happiness, and preparing for the New You in the New Year that is just around the corner. Simplify and Simply Fly. Best wishes, Sr Chirya  

Pay Attention to the Treasures of Time and and Thoughts

The Father has come to take your worries away. 


At this holiday season underline and pay attention to 2 things: The Treasure of Time and the Treasure of Thoughts. Thoughts are the main basis for this time. The task of the mind is to have thoughts and it is with your thoughts you remember you are a being of light, a soul, and God the Father is also a soul.  Allow only what is worthwhile to be in your mind and life.  Let there be a deep, fervent interest to use time and everything in a worthwhile way.  Do not waste even a second and have as much attainment as you want. Merge  the past and and remain in the present, and you will understand what to do for the future.

According to the present time anything can happen at any time. So we have to pay attention to ourselves.  Put a full stop in a second when waste thoughts come.   A full stop at the end of a sentence is also a point. A second is a point. Now by remembering you are also  ‘a point of light’, remain stable in a carefree stage and have no worries. You have given your worries to the Father and He has given you the gift of spiritual power, light and might. The sparkle of light is visible on your forehead, and others seeing your sparkling light will have love for you and experience lightness and benefit. But if there is any worry, a basket of burdens is there! You try to put a full stop but instead you have a basket of question marks of how? what? when? on your head!  So which do you prefer? The Father has come to take your worries away.  To transform  habits of worry, change ‘mine’ into ‘yours’. Turn your worries over to the Father and experience peace of mind. Mine (mera) becomes (tera) Yours;  in Hindi it is just the difference of one letter.

By connecting to the One up above who is the Truth, we draw that energy down into us. We have good mental conduct and and perform good actions, not as a duty but out of pure feelings of love and regard. We know what waste is and realize worries and negative things do not belong to us and rob us of our hope. Now hand over limited thoughts of ‘mine’ to the Father and become carefree.  Look at the quality of your life.  Act well, rather than talking a lot and not doing what you say.  Keep your life and thoughts simple, and use your time well.  To remove waste thoughts from your mind and become a sample for others is the best present we can give to the self, to God and to the world. Wherever we are, we have to create an atmosphere that spreads peace in the world.

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 




Brahma Kumaris Tampa presents This Week's Spiritual Insights: Evenings, 7 - 8 pm EST

20 December 2022

Spiritual Insights

Monday-Saturday this week

On Zoom - 7:00-8:00 pm EST


Spiritual Insights sessions serve to contribute to personal development and individual growth. Offerings are broad and inclusive, grounded for application in everyday life and relevant within a broad cultural context. A wide range of spiritual topics will be covered by a variety of experienced yogis.


Please Note: We will be closed for the holiday from Dec. 23rd-Jan 1st


This Week's Topics
Monday 19th - Brother Pritesh - Bypassing the Ego
Tuesday 20th - Sister Deborah - Churnings
Wednesday 21st - Sister Tara - The Power of Giving
Thursday 22nd - Sister Jaymini - Where Does the Power Lie?
Friday 23rd - Closed for Holiday
Saturday 17th - No Class
Sunday 18th - Closed for Holiday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 928 0280 5799
Password: bktampa






New Year's Retreat Registration CLOSES December 24th

19 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om shanti and loving greetings from Peace Village.


As we approach the year end and more importantly as we prepare for the avyakt month and the avyakt year, we would like to invite you to the  New Years Retreat at Peace Village from Thursday, 29th Dec (arrivals from 4 PM) to Sunday, Jan 1st (departures from 11 AM)


We are especially encouraging youth and young adults (age group 16 - 25 years) to take advantage of the retreat and the holidays since we are planning special age-appropriate creative sessions for them during this retreat.   


Please adhere to the timings indicated. If for any reason you wish to extend your stay (before or after timings given), it is important to write to us (programs@peacevillageretreat.org) and get prior approval or receive a request from Peace Village.  Also since we would like to limit accommodation to a healthy number, it is important to register early. 


Registration Lint: https://forms.gle/hrbdx2Ep5w5eogqi8




Looking forward to hosting our beautiful family again,

Sr.Kala for Peace Village Family






RAPPEL Ce soir à L'Émergence | REMINDER Tonight at L'Émergence

19 December 2022


L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Ce soir... dernière soirée à l'occasion de la COP15!
Venez rencontrer Maureen Goodman, une yogi de plus de 40 ans d'expérience.

Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous joindre en ligne.


Suivez-nous sur notre page Facebook et découvrez les pensées du jour sur le respect de la biodiversité de notre magnifique planète bleue. 

Les Brahma Kumaris et la biodiversité (vidéo en anglais)
Extrait traduit en français


L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace 

Our last COP15 evening with special guest speaker Maureen Goodman, a 40+ year experienced yogi.

Click on the banner to join us online. 


Follow us on our Facebook page and discover a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful Blue Pearl. Feel free to like them and share them.


The Brahma Kumaris and Biodiversity




Calling All Green Angels!

19 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, 


Om Shanti and loving greetings from Peace Village. As many of you must know, Peace Village has had its own vegetable garden since the very beginning,  and in addition a greenhouse for the last 10 years.  Last year, the greenhouse collapsed from the snow, and the garden was in the way of a newly constructed bhavan.


Peace Village now is considering plans of rebuilding both on the side by the kitchen.  We are sending you this notice as an invitation to any BK in your connection who you feel has the heart of a gardener, and so would have the bhavna of helping on a regular basis, to be a part of the vegetable garden department at Peace Village.  This could mean spending extended time as a long-term sevadhari or visiting on a regular basis. 


The department is totally open to the ideas and experiences of those who emerge.  This may be a great opportunity for a soul in your connection who can come closer through this type of service.  


Please send any suggestions of possible team members to Kalaben (kala.iyengar@us.brahmakumaris.orgso this can be reviewed.


Many thanks

Sr.Susan for the PV Garden Team







RECORDING AVAILABLE for ‘Freedom’: Experiential Values Workshops Series held on Dec 17 with Br Marcelo

19 December 2022

For those of you who missed this past Saturday's fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 54), here is the link to the recording:  https://youtu.be/CZQW39rLTIE [2:00:25]


Value: Freedom ( स्वतंत्रता )


Content of the Workshop 1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on ‘Freedom.’ 

2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by BK Marcelo from Colombia 


Please see below the Calendar of upcoming events for the month of December for your kind reference.



To view the earlier episodes on other values, please click on below links:




For more information please visit our website at –




‘Values for Life’ Team

(‘Values for Life’ Series and ‘Values Workshop Series’ happen on alternate weekends and bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)






Message of Hope - WHAT GIFT CAN I GIVE TO GOD? 

16 December 2022

Om Shanti. Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season.  We are awaiting a big snowfall today, so a great dayto take a break from our busy world, stay warm by the fire and think happy thoughts. Continue to spread good cheer and good wishes wherever you go.

Love, Sr Chirya

What Gift Can I Give to God?

Have the thought to develop and make the soul attractive to God.

We understand peace, happiness and joy do not depend upon a large bank balance or any temporary physical thing. To wake up Christmas morning knowing you have life is in itself quite a gift.  Spend a few moments to share your love and company with someone who needs it.  Even if you have nothing to give, simply give the gift of a smile. 

God  has given us all many gifts, but we seldom use them.  Perhaps it is because we lack the knowledge of their existence and the ability to utilize them.  Sometimes we simply forget they belong to us. If a gift has been given with great love, is it not disrespectful to leave it in a corner without using it?  One of the very fundamental gifts we receive from the Father is Peace. Peace is our original state. We don’t need to search for peace, we already have it! However, sometimes it is hidden under the rubbish of our negative thoughts, our fears and worries. Although often buried, within each one of us is a treasure store of virtues and positive attitudes. Your present state of mind may be peaceless, but you are actually peaceful by nature. 

At the holidays many Christmas trees sparkle with colorful twinkling lights. Why is this? Perhaps we are unconsciously remembering our true identity as imperishable beings of light.  The soul is an immortal point of spiritual light, and this is why each of us souls can be likened to a bulb, a light, on the world tree of humanity. God, the Supreme Soul, is the Seed of this tree and from Him all power is received that nourishes the whole tree. By being connected with the Seed, there is enlightenment as the light of the soul once again becomes lit.   

What gift can I give to God this holiday season? Have the thought to develop and make yourself attractive to God. When the soul is developed with spiritual knowledge, our character and personality become rich and full of beauty.  We will be in full control of that wonderful ability we all have, the power of thought.  Thoughts determine our own degree of peace and happiness.  In meditation and throughout the day pay attention to feeding yourself healthy thoughts. 

Think deeply about the gifts God has given you. They are always there. Every day stop for just a moment and experience your original state of peace. Go beyond sound. Keep your light shining and experience yourself as you really are, a peaceful soul filled with virtues and positive attitudes. Create pure, positive thoughts, bring benefit to yourself and others and experience life as a new beginning. 

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html




From Sr Chirya: Photos of the Owego Holiday program Dec 2- Lights on the River

15 December 2022

Happy Holidays Shining Stars, 


'Lights On The River' Holiday Program was a wonderful community family affair. This celebration, held Friday, Dec 2, 2022 evening was full of magic, of happy and loving greetings shared by the hundreds of people who came from far and wide. At 6 pm Santa magically turned on the Lights on the Bridge (over the Susquehanna River) and the big beautiful Christmas tree in Courthouse square. Home cooked food and food and craft vendors, entertainers, dancers, musicians and choral and instrumental groups came, sang and played throughout the evening in the Village of Owego, NY.  Live reindeer even 'flew' in and a Parade of over 30 beautifully decorated 30 SUVs brought cheers!  The Grinch, Cindy Loo Who and residents from Whoville from the holiday classic, 'The Grinch Stole Christmas', and Santa and his elf happily appeared to meet and greet the children and parents who in long lines enjoyed socializing while they waited to get their photos taken. Many blessing cards and Messages of Hope articles were happily received by the crowd. Contact Pat Hansen at 607 687 2004 or Janelle at 607 727 8636 for further details.

Love, Chirya -Cindy Loo Who





Gentle Reminder - Boston Meditation Center Invites You to an In-person Holiday Gathering on Sunday, Dec 18th at 4:30 pm

15 December 2022



Saturday December 17, Didi Mohini reading sakar murli for the region via Avyakti parivar Zoom at 7 am Eastern

13 December 2022

Clickable Link: tiny.cc/avyaktiparivar-zoom

(Zoom ID : 91919460246 Passcode : dadijanki)


Please share with others.






Manhattan Presents : Lecture this Thursday (12/15)- The Gift Is You

13 December 2022

Please click on below Image to Register




Anubhuti Presents : Caring for Self, Family and World; Solstice Concert

13 December 2022




RAPPEL Ce soir à L'Émergence | REMINDER Tonight at L'Émergence

12 December 2022


L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Alors que la COP15 - Conférence de l'ONU sur la biodiversité a débuté cette semaine à Montréal, L’Émergence est l'hôte d'une délégation de yogis passionnés par la protection de l’environnement et la spiritualité. Plusieurs soirées leur sont consacrées. Vous êtes invité à venir les rencontrer au centre et profiter de leurs bonnes vibrations. À cette occasion, nous avons lancé sur Facebook une série de pensées du jour sur le respect de la biodiversité de notre belle planète bleue. 

Au plaisir de partager ces moments exceptionnels avec vous,
L'équipe de L'Émergence 


Une soirée inédite à L'Émergence 

Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous joindre en ligne.


Veuillez consulter notre calendrier pour en savoir plus sur les deux autres soirées consacrées à la COP15.

Alors que la COP15 sur la biodiversité débutera bientôt à Montréal, nous venons tout juste de lancer sur notre page Facebook une série de pensées du jour sur le respect de la biodiversité de notre belle planète bleue. N'hésitez pas à aimer et à partager.

L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace

Dear friends of l'Émergence... Om shanti !

As the UN COP15 on Biodiversity has begun this week in Montreal, L'Émergence is receiving a delegation of yogis passionate about spirituality and environment protection. They are being featured in several programs happening at the Centre, to which you are most warmly invited to come and meet them. On this occasion, we have launched on Facebook a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful blue planet.

Looking forward to sharing these very special moments with you.
The l'Émergence team


An exceptional evening with special guest speakers 
Limited seating. REGISTER by clicking HERE


Discover on our Facebook page a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful Blue Pearl. Feel free to like them and share them.




Manhattan Saturday Workshop (12/17): Mind Care: Finish Overthinking and Calm Down Quickly

12 December 2022

Please click on below image to register.




Welcome to the Happy World of Avyakti Children - only LIVE on zoom

11 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love!


Welcome to the Happy world of Avyakti Children - only LIVE on zoom.


We are happy to announce that we are starting Happy world of Avyakti Children season 2, today December 10. This series will be for the next 21 days after Mohini Didi's class in Avyakti Parivar zoom.


This session will be available LIVE only on zoom - It will not be available on Youtube. So, please join Zoom and enjoy the Happy world of Avyakti Children season 2 session from Dec 10 to Dec 31.


Avyakti Parivar has invited you to schedule Zoom meeting


Zoom Id: 919 1946 0246

Passcode: dadijanki


Join Zoom Meeting with one click link



Avyakti Parivar







Message of Hope, GO HIGH-HOW TO BE ABOVE IT ALL - Make sure your mind always remains in a high place

10 December 2022

What often upsets us most are the words and actions of others. There is a tendency to be carried away in a storm of negative thoughts which are of no use and lead us further from the solution. Learn to live and look at everything as a detached observer, and situations will not affect you. When you find yourself feeling upset by what someone is saying or doing, separate yourself from the situation. Remind yourself that everyone’s part is unique, and no two parts are the same. To acquire spiritual power, go high to connect to God’s light.  Throughout the day ‘listen in” and consciously choose the quality of your thoughts; accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and throw away the waste.  As is my thinking, so are my actions and experiences.  Focusing on even one positive thought gives us the power to go high and to maintain stability even in the most difficult circumstances.

Michelle Obama* explains the method of detachment she uses to confront these moral challenges:

“Operating with integrity matters..and will matter forever… “We need to keep trying to go high. Going high is like drawing a line in the sand, a boundary we make visible and then consider -  which side of this do I want to be on?  It’s a reminder to pause and be thoughtful.  Going high is something you do rather than merely feel.  It’s about how to ‘fight’, how we go about trying to solve the problems we encounter and how we sustain ourselves long enough to be effective rather than burn out. ….My power lay in whatever I could manage to do with that hurt and rage, and where I could take it…..”

“For me, going high usually involves taking a pause before I react.  It is a form of self-control, a line laid between our best and worst impulses. Going high is about…figuring out how to respond with a clear voice to whatever is shallow and corrosive around you. It’s what happens when you take a reaction and mature it into a response…. in the direction of a larger solution.”

“Be careful about letting emotions guide you. Rage can be a dirty windshield. Hurt is like a broken steering wheel. Disappointment will only ride, sulking and unhelpful, in the back seat. If you don’t do something constructive with them, they’ll take you straight into a ditch.”

To uplift someone, ‘go high’. Remain detached and also loving.  Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendships and relationships. When we detach and go beyond attachments, we gain an inner clarity and concern and have an even greater love and regard for others. When we ‘go high’ and give deep spiritual love to someone, it touches their hearts and they don’t forget.

*TIME Magazine Dec 5/Dec 12, 2022, p74, Room for Reason and Rage

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org,  PV Bookshop link: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 

Go High - How To Be Above It All.docx




RAPPEL Ce soir à L'Émergence | REMINDER Tonight at L'Émergence

8 December 2022

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Alors que la COP15 - Conférence de l'ONU sur la biodiversité débute aujourd'hui à Montréal, L’Émergence est l'hôte d'une délégation de yogis passionnés par la protection de l’environnement et la spiritualité. À partir de ce soir, plusieurs programmes leur sont consacrés. Vous êtes invité à venir les rencontrer au centre et profiter de leurs bonnes vibrations. 

Au plaisir de partager ces moments exceptionnels avec vous,
L'équipe de L'Émergence .


Venez découvrir la "Green Team", la délégation des Brahma Kumaris à la COP15. Des personnalités inspirantes aux parcours uniques.

Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous joindre en ligne.


Veuillez consulter notre calendrier pour en savoir plus sur les trois autres soirées consacrées à la COP15.

Alors que la COP15 sur la biodiversité débute à Montréal, nous avons lancé sur notre page Facebook une série de pensées du jour sur le respect de la biodiversité de notre belle planète bleue. N'hésitez pas à aimer et à partager.

À propos de l'Initiative pour l'environnement des Brahma Kumaris


L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace 

Dear friends of l'Émergence... Om shanti !

As the UN COP15 on Biodiversity will begin soon in Montreal, L'Émergence is preparing to receive a delegation of yogis passionate about spirituality and environment protection. They will be featured in several programs happening at the Centre, to which you are most warmly invited to come and meet them. On this occasion, we have just launched on Facebook a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful blue planet.

Looking forward to sharing these very special moments with you.
The l'Émergence team

Click on the banner to join us online. 

Please take a look at our calendar to find out more about the other three evenings dedicated to COP15.

As the COP15 on Biodiversity begins today in Montreal, we have just launched on our Facebook page a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful Blue Pearl. Feel free to like them and share them.

About Brahma Kumaris Eco Initiative for Environment



Manhattan Center Presents a Special Art Exhibit this Sunday (12/11) at the Manhattan Meditation Center.  Drop in anytime from 12 pm-3 pm. See you there!

8 December 2022



Décembre à L'Émergence | December at L'Émergence

5 December 2022

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Merci de votre présence en grand nombre à la Retraite d'un jour ... une journée inoubliable dans les archives de L'Émergence.

Alors que la COP15 - Conférence de l'ONU sur la biodiversité débutera bientôt à Montréal, L’Émergence s’apprête à recevoir une délégation de yogis passionnés par la protection de l’environnement et la spiritualité. Plusieurs soirées leur seront consacrées. Vous êtes invité à venir les rencontrer au centre et profiter de leurs bonnes vibrations. À cette occasion, nous avons lancé sur Facebook une série de pensées du jour sur le respect de la biodiversité de notre belle planète bleue. 

Au plaisir de partager ces moments exceptionnels avec vous,
L'équipe de L'Émergence 


Venez découvrir la "Green Team", la délégation des Brahma Kumaris à la COP15. Des personnalités inspirantes aux parcours uniques.

Une soirée exceptionnelle avec des invitées de marque
Places limitées. Veuillez VOUS INSCRIRE en cliquant ICI.

Alors que la COP15 sur la biodiversité débutera bientôt à Montréal, nous venons tout juste de lancer sur notre page Facebook une série de pensées du jour sur le respect de la biodiversité de notre belle planète bleue. N'hésitez pas à aimer et à partager.

L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace 

Dear friends of l'Émergence... Om shanti !

As the UN COP15 on Biodiversity will begin soon in Montreal, L'Émergence is preparing to receive a delegation of yogis passionate about spirituality and environment protection. They will be featured in several programs happening at the Centre, to which you are most warmly invited to come and meet them. On this occasion, we have just launched on Facebook a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful blue planet.

Looking forward to sharing these very special moments with you.
The l'Émergence team

Click on the banner to join us online. 


An exceptional evening with special guest speakers 
Limited seating. REGISTER by clicking HERE

As the COP15 on Biodiversity will begin soon in Montreal, we have just are launched on our Facebook page a series of daily thoughts on respecting the biodiversity of our beautiful Blue Pearl. Feel free to like them and share them.

If you want to meditate, click HERE to discover on our Videos page hundreds of meditation comments on various topics.





Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - November 2022

5 December 2022


After 2 years, the IRCC held their annual Diwali conference at the Broward County Convention Center in November. We were allotted a booth as usual. This year, the turnout was huge, so we were fortunate to serve large numbers at this event. Follow up programs will be planned for those who expressed interest.

Classes continue at Temple

In person classes continue at our shared commercial space with the Shiva Shakti Mandir. We have the temple facilities for ourselves on Sunday mornings. We hope to increase the number of days soon.


Most students travelled a lot in November. Sister Hansa and Brother Chandra are in Canada and will return next week.


Diwali Celebration

The Tampa family celebrated Diwali on Nov 6th with a hearty Brahma Bhojan; candle lighting; rangoli and joyful dance.

Madhuban Pilgrim

Sister Jaymini had the chance to attend the Nov 17th meeting in Madhuban.

Thanksgiving Celebration

The Tampa family celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday 24th November, with Brahma Bhojan.


Ongoing service programs

Spiritual Insight Series

Throughout November spiritual insights sessions contribute to personal development and individual growth. Offerings were broad and inclusive, grounded for application in everyday life. A wide range of spiritual topics was covered by a variety of experienced yogis including Brother Pritesh; Sister Virali; Sister Ritu; Sister Tara; Sister Nitya; Sister Jaymini; Sister Jade and Sister Deborah.


Soulful Sundays

Every Sunday a session including a short spiritual talk, spiritual conversations, and 30 minutes of collective meditation for self-reflection was held.


Upcoming programs

Raj Yoga Meditation Course December 10th and 11th in person.



Craig facilitated Fridays with Friends... Spiritual Conversations :

Nov 11: "Finding my voice through Silence" with Jamila SmithClick here to revisit.

Nov 25: "Let's Embrace the Power of Gratitude" with Susan PollockClick here to revisit.


Click HERE to Download Full Report.



Celebrate the New Year at Peace Village

5 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, 

Om shanti and loving greetings from Peace Village. As we approach the year end and more importantly as we prepare for the avyakt month and the avyakt year, we would like to invite you to the  New Years Retreat at Peace Village from Thursday, 29th Dec (arrivals from 4 PM) to Sunday, Jan 1st (departures from 11 AM). 

We are especially encouraging youth and young adults (age group 16 - 25 years) to take advantage of the retreat and the holidays since we are planning special age appropriate creative sessions for them during this retreat.   

Please do adhere to the timings indicated. If for any reason you wish to extend your stay (before or after timings given), it is important to write to us (programs@peacevillageretreat.org) and get prior approval or receive a request from Peace Village.  Also since we would like to limit accommodation to a healthy number, it is important to register early. 

Registration link: https://forms.gle/hrbdx2Ep5w5eogqi8

Looking forward to hosting our beautiful family again,

Sr.Kala for Peace Village Family



Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos - Diciembre

3 December 2022


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página

El curso básico de meditación impartido por Brahma Kumaris es de Raja Yoga, incluye varios temas. Por favor de registrarse cuando llame al 617-926-1230. Para más información visite a www.bknewengland.org

Eventos en Texas


Meditaciones Diarias: haz clic en la imágen para acceder a las grabaciones diarias


Para registrarse haz clic abajo y recibirás un correo electrónico donde deberás verificar la suscripción




San Francisco, USA: Interfaith Thanksgiving Participation

3 December 2022


Monthly Online Class for Those in the Pacific Time Zone: The Problem with Problems, featuring speaker Judy Johnson, Dec 10th, 10:30 am PST

3 December 2022

Pacific Time Zone Brahma Kumaris Centers & Classes Zoom Room Login Linkhttps://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/85405905625?pwd=blBDc0U0TEliSU12a1MwM1Y2Kzk4dz09Zoom ID:      854 0590 5625 Password:    20222023




Manhattan Meditation Center's December Calendar is Here!

3 December 2022



Manhattan Meditation Center Presents INSIDE THE MIND OF A MEDITATOR - Dec 1, 6.30 pm EST

1 December 2022

Lecture and meditation:



Register to get the Zoom link:



Kind regards,
Manhattan Meditation Center - Brahma Kumaris







Message of Hope: Alone, Not Lonely

1 December 2022

You enjoy spending as much time on your own as possible. This doesn’t mean you become lonely. You do have friends, but you just like being alone and have less need of socializing as others. In fact, being alone is a necessity. It feels like taking a breath of fresh air. It gives me a chance to talk to myself, to think and listen within, to check what I have been thinking and feeling!  We know the value of developing a friendly relationship with the mind, which always keeps company with us! I understand now I must rule my mind by keeping it clean and clean, or my mind will rule me. When I am alone in the silence of inner quietness, my mind also quiets down, and my ability to think and decide clearly increases. ‘Listening in’ to check and change your thoughts, helps us to spiritually progress.  You constantly can have pure feelings for yourself and others, a very high stage to reach in the world as it is today…. but possible!

Even though you like to be alone, you are open-minded, and enjoy new ideas and activities. You are always up for another adventure. You have strong will power and tend to look at the bright side, no matter what life throws in the way.   In spending alone time we get to know ourselves better than anyone; by being our own person and not dependent on others, we are courageous and confident.  Our minds begin to quiet down and pay attention to our inner voice of wisdom. Being alone helps us grow a deeper sense of self-reliance, self-trust, and self esteem and an opportunity to generate optimistic and kind thoughts.  I have the time to look at myself, to appreciate my inner beauty and remember how special I am.

“Learn to like yourself since you must spend so much time with yourself, you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship." -Norman Vincent Peale.   

Being alone helps us become aware of our true identity of a soul, an eternal spiritual being radiating light.  I, the soul, create thoughts and reside within the brain separate from the human body.  'The eyes are the windows of the soul’, is well known and accepted by many. To become soul conscious practice this by thinking ‘My eyes are windows, and I the living light, the soul, am looking through the windows of my physical eyes’.  Hold this consciousness for several moments and enjoy the experience.

As spiritual beings, we realize we are all brothers and sisters, children of the same spiritual Father, God.  Transformation of the self and the world comes from keeping God’s company; when I change, the world changes. We never feel alone when we teach our mind to talk to God, and maintain a link of communication with Him. When we do this we feel very good knowing God is helping us, and with great love, appreciate what God has helped us to achieve. 

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 

For ongoing meditation classes and weekend retreat information call 518 589 5000




Peace Village Presents: Attitude or Gratitude? A Monday Online Insight with Deborah Lyn Thompson, December 5th, 6 pm EDT

1 December 2022