2023 October Europe News Archive 2023 October Europe News Archive

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GCH Webcast:: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 30th October - 5th November 2023

31 October 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/ 


Welcome to this week’s evening Webcasts – 30th October - 5th November 2023


Mon 30th Oct - Sun 5th Nov

7 - 8pm - This week there will be meditation (with some readings)


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team





BK Service Report ar OM Yoga And Mind Body Soul - A 3 Day Event At Alexandra Palace, London, UK

29 October 2023

Click below image to view full report with photos.



What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 30th October 2023 at globalcooperationhouse.org

29 October 2023



"THE 7 MASKS OF ZORROW! " - AN INTENSIVE INVITATION- Saturday 4th November with MIKE GEORGE ( 2 Hrs )

28 October 2023

Om Shanti and greetings of love!


Please find attached an invitation to the  'Zoom' online Intensive  Webinar on Saturday, the 4th of November 2023 with MIKE GEORGE


You may connect from 10.00 am (UK time) for the Tech checks and "Meet and Greet"


Session: 10.30 - 12.30 pm (UK time). 


The title of the Intensive is : 




Please see attached flyers for further details. The links from the pdf flyer should be clickable.


Otherwise, you can copy the following url on to your browser and connect as appropriate.




Passcode: 866113






Passcode: 866113


Please note:

Some translations will also be available. 


Many thanks and much love!


In Baba's loving Remembrance,




The Intensive







IN-HOUSE EVENT: Untying the Knots that Bind - Sun 29th October 2023, 2 PM To 5 PM (BST)

28 October 2023




GCH Webcast::Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 23th – 29nd October 2023

23 October 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to this week’s evening Webcasts – 23rd – 29th October 2023


Monday 23rd October – An Evening with Dr Didi Nirmala

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm - Dr. Nirmala Behn, Australia (English) - 28/10/2006


Tuesday 24th October – An Evening with Dr Didi Nirmala

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm - Dr. Nirmala sharing Future vision for the Yagya (Dadi Janki)


Wednesday 25th October - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

दशहरा - अहंकार को दूर कर आंतरिक ज्ञान की ओर : Dussehra - Removing Ego and Moving Towards Inner Wisdom

Speakers: A conversation between Sister Daxa and Sister Nidhi (Wembley Inner Space)


Thursday 26th October - Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Does it all depend on me?

Speaker: Valerie Bowker, Leeds, UK


Friday 27th October – Meditation - 7 - 8 pm


Saturday 28th October – An evening with BapDada (Shiv Jayanti murli)

22/02/09 - In order to claim the gift of going fast and coming in the first division on your birthday, your breath and thoughts should be powerful.  Let your heart be big and true and your every need will be fulfilled.


Sunday 29th October – Meditation - 7 - 8 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team







23 October 2023

Dear All,


Greetings of love!


Please find attached the WANDS  Info for Tuesday 24th October 2023   - with MATHIAS  STEFFAN 




You may connect from 10.10 for the Tech checks and 'Meet and Greet'


Main Session: 10.30 - 12 Noon (UK Time)


Please feel free to share this with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior teachers.


Some translations will also be available.


You may copy the following url on to your browser and connect as appropriate.


Webinar Links are:




Passcode: 577203






Passcode: 577203


A Flyer is attached herewith.


Many thanks and much love!










What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 23rd October 2023 at globalcooperationhouse.org

23 October 2023





Suryabhai's UK Visit 2023 Report

21 October 2023

Click on the below image to view full report with photos.



GCH Webcast::Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 16th – 22nd October 2023

14 October 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/ 


Welcome to this week’s evening Webcasts – 16th – 22nd October 2023


Monday 16th October – 1969 Bhog messages.

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm Revising Bhog messages at the time of Brahma Baba becoming avyakt.


Tuesday 17th October – 1969 Bhog messages.

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm Revising Bhog messages… – continued.


Wednesday 18th October - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

नवरात्रि - आंतरिक दिव्यता का आह्वान : Navratri - Invoking the Divinity Within

Speaker : Kanan Didi, Kolkata


Thursday 19th October - Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Walking The Talk - Love finds a way

Speakers: Jaz O'Hara, Gulwali Passarlay, Georgina Long

Our speakers tonight focus on the plight of refugees, who urgently need our support now. Each is an inspiring example of what can be achieved when we are motivated by the value of love.


Friday 20th October – Meditation - 7 - 8 pm


Saturday 21st October – An evening with BapDada

16/02/1996 - In the Diamond Jubilee Year, pay special attention to accumulating the treasures of time and thoughts.


Sunday 22nd October – Meditation - 7 - 8 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team







What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 16th October 2023 at globalcooperationhouse.org

14 October 2023



What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 10th October 2023 at globalcooperationhouse.org

12 October 2023





WANDS Presents "Building Inner Resilience" With Sr Natalie Steel

12 October 2023

Dear All,


Greetings of love!


Please find attached the WANDS  Info for Tuesday 10th October 2023 - with NATALIE STEEL 




You may connect from 10.10 for the Tech checks and 'Meet and Greet'


Main Session: 10.30 - 12 Noon (UK Time)


Please feel free to share this with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior teachers.


Some translations will also be available.


You may copy the following url on to your browser and connect as appropriate.


Webinar Links are:




Passcode: 577203






Passcode: 577203


The Flyer is attached herewith for your reference.


Many thanks and much love!











9 October 2023

Dear All,


Greetings of love!


Please fìnd attached the WANDS Monthly Flyer  for OCTOBER 2023 - for circulation.   


Please feel free to share with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our Senior Teachers.


The Flyer is attached herewith.


Some translations will also be available.


You may copy the following url on to your browser and connect as appropriate.


The links for these Webinars are :






Passcode: 577203






Passcode: 577203


Some translations will be available


The Flyer is attached herewith ..


Many thanks and much love!


In Baba's loving Remembrance,










"Silence is Calling" - A WANDS Webinar with Sr. Gopi

4 October 2023

Dear All,
Greetings of love!

Please find attached the WANDS  Info for Tuesday 3rd October 2023 - with GOPI PATEL
Topic : " SILENCE IS CALLING....."

You may connect from 10.10 for the Tech checks and 'Meet and Greet'
Main Session: 10.30 - 12 Noon (UK Time)

Please feel free to share this with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior teachers.
Some translations will also be available.
You may copy the following url on to your browser and connect as appropriate.

Webinar Links are:
Passcode: 577203


Passcode: 577203

The Flyer is attached herewith for your reference.

Many thanks and much love!




News of Sister Maureen's Visit to Austria and Balkan Countries

4 October 2023

BK Maureen and BK Priti visited Austria and three Balkan countries towards the end of September.  There were Rakhi and public events in each place.

In Vienna there was a high level event in the lovely garden where Baba's instruments stay in honour of the UN Interntional Day of Peace.  Participants included the Ambassador of India to Austria, a descendent from the Habsburg family, a video message from Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein and contacts from the UN and UNESCO.

The centre itself is now taken care of by the Hindi family and there was a lovely Saturday morning class and Rakhi with the whole family.

In Zagreb in Croatia, Sarajev in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belgrade in Serbia we experienced the wondeful hospitality of the BK family even though the memories of war are never far away.  In each place the audience at the public events asked deep and searching questions trying to make sense of what of happening around them.  In Sarajevo we visited the historical Serbian Orthodox Church, Synagogue and Mosque within walking distance of each other.  Mustafa Ceric, former Grand Mufti of Bosnia joined us in the public event. In Belgrade too we saw the recently constructed beautiful Serbian Orthodox Church and we also celebrated Raksha Bandhan at the Indian Embassy.

In each place Baba's children enjoyed thr atmosphere of Rakhi and the public loved the meditation experiences.

Baba's magic was very evident in each place.




Report On the Call Of The Time Dialogue for Europe And The Middle East

2 October 2023

The Call of the Time Dialogue which took place at The Global Retreat Centre, near Oxford, UK from 7th to 10th September was in fact the first retreat for members of the public held at the retreat centre since its official re-opening in July.


There were a total of 25 guest participants from Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden,Turkey and various parts of the UK. Among them were politicians and government officials, business leaders and entrepreneurs, social activists and influencers, academics and musical artists. In addition, an international team of BKs, plus an extended GRC team, were facilitating and co-ordinating all elements of the retreat, sustaining guests and creating an atmosphere in which these people with very busy lives felt safe, cared for and at home.


The theme of the dialogue was: What is the call of the time for you? Much of the discussion was around how we can respond peacefully, yet effectively to challenges of today’s world and, in particular, in the face of injustice. The group bonded very quickly. There was an openness and trust that gave a safe space for deep and real sharing.



On the first evening, a video of Dadi Janki speaking was shown and it was as if Dadi was really in the room, leading the dialogue and capturing everyone’s attention completely. Sister Jayanti was the main spiritual resource, offering short talks, inviting people to share their own experiences and perspectives and responding with great respect and quiet authority to concerns and questions by offering a spiritual perspective Sister Maureen led the early morning sessions - introduction to soul, God and time, with meditation. These often sparked off further discussions later in the day. Before the early

morning sessions, Sister Marneta led exercise sessions to powerfully uplifting music on the lawn in front of the house, to freshen everyone up and ready to listen and meditate.


Sister Judy and Brother Yogesh facilitated the dialogue, encouraging, clarifying and picking up connections and signals, so that everyone felt heard and included.


Brother Peter Lee provided beautiful music - mainly with flutes and Tibetan singing bowls) throughout the dialogue. He also also teamed up with a number of the participants when they offered to perform a song from their own traditions at various times over those few days.


On the final evening, a rakhi ceremony was held. Sister Jayanti tied rakhi and gave toli and Sister Manda gave drishti, fruit and blessing. Everyone took part and together created a very special, sacred atmosphere. After all had had their rakhis tied, a brother from Saudi Arabia serenaded everyone with a song.


The renovated Retreat Centre was looking especially beautiful - pristine, royal and powerful - and the weather also lent its support, providing the sunniest weekend of the year for them. The attention to detail given by the GRC team, with the dining and serving, decorating, rooms, gardens, etc was truly incredible and the guests were wonderstruck!


In their ‘checking out’ at the end of the Dialogue, many guests shared a commitment to personal change as a result of the retreat, as well as a desire to stay connected and work alongside us. They also expressed how touched they were to be served with so much love.


"Thank you so much for this special opportunity to learn about the Brahma Kumaris and to experience the beautiful practice in community with you and the extraordinary leaders you convened for the Call of the Time Dialogue. You helped me keep my heart rooted in a place of love and compassion, in the wake of a devastating loss. I will do my best to continue to incorporate the learnings from our time together into my daily life."


“What a life-transforming experience this whole retreat was, and the impact it leaves will stay with me for so long. So many eye-opening moments, so much that stays with me and the generosity from the BKs team was so overwhelming. I will give this generosity back in any way that I can. THANK YOU. I look forward to seeing you all again."


Om shanti.


Click HERE to download the report with photos in PDF report.