2022 Additional December International News Archive 2022 Additional December International News Archive

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Welcome to Avyakti Parivar's new series for January 2023! - All material is for January Tapasya

31 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti and Happy New Year! Greetings of love!


In the month of January, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to New Series: "Stay In Solitude And Practice Concentration'' -"एकाग्रता को अपनाओएकांतप्रिय बनो ''


Promo:   https://youtu.be/-X0Ajl6ag04


Below is the content which is available on the website : https://www.experiments-in-silence.org/


1. Dadi Prakashmani’s Class

2. Five Avyakt Murlis for the Month

3. Five Seniors’ sharing their experiments

4. Daily Homework Points


Every Sunday after the reading of the Avyakt Murli, we will listen to an audio of a senior yogi sharing his/her experiment with practices specific to the Sunday’s Murli. This will help us understand, experiment with and deepen our own practice.


Every evening the Experiments-in-Silence daily homework will be provided.

Every Monday & Friday, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm EST Avyakti Parivar will provide a ‘conversation space’ for you to ask questions, get clarifications, and to support you in ways that would make this pilgrimage an easy and entertaining one.


Throughout the month, the zoom room of Avyakti Parivar will be open as a virtual Baba’s Room. This is to encourage us to aim for 8 hours of yoga, hopefully per day for 31 days.


1. Spiritual guidelines for the month of January Tapasya. Click on IMAGE to download



2. Schedule of Avyakti Parivar.


3. Dadi Prakashmani class in English and Hindi: Please download it HERE:

4. Avyakt Signals in English and Hindi:

Please download them HERE.

5. Swaman/Self respect points for everyday in English and Hindi together. Download HERE.



Avyakti Parivar







INVITATIONS: TOS-31 and TOS-32 silence retreats in India or online

31 December 2022

Dear divine angels, 


At the end of the Madhuban season, we organize two silence retreats that take place in India and which also have the possibility to participate online.


ON the EXPLICIT REQUEST OF JAYANTI DIDI, this invitation is not sent via London, but by the team TOWER OF SILENCE itself.





16 to 26 March 2023


at Gyan Sarovar as parallel option in the Double Foreigners program of group 11 (see end of this msg)

Residential participation ONLY for Double Foreigner BK's over 10 years in gyan




Online participation for BK's from India and abroad over 10 years in gyan






31 March  to 11 April 2023


For BK teachers and right hands from India and abroad over 10 years in gyan


Residential participation at the Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC) Delhi

Arrival: March 29, 30; Departure 12th of April


Those who come from Gyan Sarovar
have special permission to arrive 28th of March afternoon


Double Foreigners can combine this retreat with their visit of group 11 (see end of this msg)




Online participation


The Retreats:


The world is waiting for a reunification of science and spiritual force. When in we souls the science of gyan becomes silence in the still failure-free mind, dualism ends and ushers in the pure karmateet thoughtless vigyan point, and the significance of its subtle signals touching the selected scientists’ inventor intellect leads to the development of completely stable satopradhan technologies.


Albert Einstein: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move towards higher levels.”  


Nikola Tesla: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”   


Baba’s message through Shashi Bhen, January 2022

"Baba again brings to your attention to make your stage so powerful through silence that the signals of/for the coming time can be understood, and everyone served through signals and vibrations can accomplish the task of world transformation. Science working for the new world will get power and fasten the speed through the children’s stable and silent vibrations."


Retreat Contents:


T H E   plan


Experiential essences of being, becoming  

k a r m a t e e t  - p e r f e c t - c o m p l e t e

The natural occurrence of the ONE plan of revelation 


For BK souls who feel a deep maturity, and, having been selected by Baba, wish to explore the stability of karmateet silence and perfection and the inherent service through sakaash to Baba’s selected scientist souls and protagonists in world transformation




For TOS-31, residential participation in Gyan Sarovar:

Important Note for BKs from India:

We were invited to organize this residential retreat for the Double Foreigner BKs of the group 11 Madhuban visit. In accordance with the Madhuban rules, BKs from India can therefore not join this residential retreat. Instead they can join online, or go to the TOS-32 residential retreat in ORC Delhi.


Important for BKs from outside India

BK's from abroad over 10 years in Gyan, who have applied via their centre for the Double Foreigner group 11 Madhuban visit,  are warmly invited to register before 9 March using this link:   https://brahmakumaris.org/r/tos_31_Gyan_Sarovar




For TOS-31 ONLINE participation: BK's, from India and abroad, over 10 years in Gyan are warmly invited to register before 9 March with this link:





For TOS-32 at ORC Delhi (residential participation in ORC): You are warmly invited to register before March 18 with the following link: https://brahmakumaris.org/r/TOS_32_ORC

or TOS-32 ONLINE participation: You are warmly invited to register before March 18 with the following link: https://brahmakumaris.org/r/TOS_32_Online


 Daily Schedule


The daily schedule of both retreats includes Murli class in English, two silence sessions, and experimentation time. Sessions follow Indian Standard Time.    Online participants will receive a list with countries / time zones / time corrections, to help them know the timings in their own time zone.


Please take care in advance, that you are free from lokik and alokik verbal services during the whole retreat period. Only speak in emergency cases.   


In Baba’s yaad,



Sisters:   Awatif, Vasia, Maureen (Ireland), Parul, Tünde and Guddi  

Brothers: Laurent, Chris, Arun, Tanno, and Luca  



* GROUP 11 of DOUBLE FOREIGNERS PROGRAM in Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu






Group 11

13-14 March

Monday 20 March

27-28 March


TOS-31 is inside the group 11 program, as a parallel option that includes the av. meeting  

(parallel means: you cannot follow both the program sessions and the retreat)


TOS-32 can be combined afterward by taking a flight to Delhi on 28th March and arriving on the 28th March afternoon at ORC






New Year Greetings - BK Mohini Didi

28 December 2022

Om Shanti, Dear Baba’s Family, Greetings of love and peace 


Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2023!


Please enjoy these New Year  Greetings 2023 from B.K. Mohini Didi 


Thank you.

Avyakti Parivar


English: https://youtu.be/MVAKH7l6Nds 



Hindi : https://youtu.be/fBM1GKKHqhs



You can click below links to download the greetings in respective languages in both JPG and PDF file formats.





Update and Christmas/New Year wishes from the Golden Drops Initiative

27 December 2022

Dear Centre Coordinators, Divine Family,Golden greetings for all of you at the end of 2022!


This is a short and sweet update from the Golden Drops Initiative.


Playlists per topic

Almost 7 months have gone by and we are over 140 video’s richer. For more easy use, they are clustered now in a playlist per topic: like nature, creativity, etc. You can find the links at the end of this letter. Visit the YouTube channel to see all new playlists: https://www.youtube.com/@GoldenDrops2022/playlists


An invitation for Silent Golden Mansaseva

The request for coming months is to have regular collective Silent Golden Mansa Seva. To gather together in the subtle regions, where the Advance Party is always waiting for us, and as BapDada recently mentioned, ‘to spread rays of peace, love and happiness'  to every single country in the world. To bundle our energy to bring the final moments and the new world closer. 


A Bhatti Video specially created for this Silent Golden Mansa Seva will soon appear on our Golden Drops YouTube channel.


Here is a 1 minute promo video to inspire all of you brothers and sisters to join this Silent Golden Mansaseva. Click on the image to play it.



A Golden Drop from every country

As you know the aim is to collect a Golden Drop from every country in the world. At the moment the counter is at 52, which means we are over 25% from the 195 countries on our planet earth. In the coming Bhatti video for Silent Golden Mansa seva you will find an overview of the countries who have offered their drop. Other countries are warmly invited to share material which can be edited by the team into a drop from your country. 


Wishing you beautiful Christmas days and an elevated shift from 2022 to 23 into the angelic month of silence.


If you have any questions please contact us at goldendrops@au.brahmakumaris.org


In Baba’s loving remembrance,

On behalf of the Golden Drops team,

Judy, Petra and Charlie






Launch of Sister Jayanti's Social Media channels

27 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti and Season's Greetings!


We are happy to announce that we are launching Sister Jayanti's Social Media accounts on Instagram and Facebook today. A lot of exciting, exclusive and latest content from Sister Jayanti's life, tours, classes, will be shared on these platforms.


We invite you to follow Sister Jayanti on Instagram and Facebook and share these links with friends, family and public. All content will be neutral and for public consumption.


Link for Instagram: https://instagram.com/sisterjayanti?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=


Link Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075780136260


Please help promote this new initiative and use these links/handles on invites and banners for Sister Jayanti's programs. If you would like us to promote and post publicity material from your local events, please reach out to us at sisterjayantimedia@brahmakumaris.org.


In Baba's loving yaad,
Sister Jayanti's Social Media Team






Merry Christmas from BK Spanish family

26 December 2022



Update on Travel to Madhuban

26 December 2022

Dear Divine Family,


Greetings and remembrances from Madhuban, especially for Christmas and the coming New Year!


You would have heard the recent news about the rise in COVID cases in China and some other countries.


1.  As per the recent Indian Government Advisory, it is recommended that people wear masks whilst in crowded spaces, however, it is not yet mandatory. The Central Government has also decided that there will be random sampling done on 2% of arriving passengers at the airports. 


There are no other rules issued by the Government as of 23 December 2022.


2.  As many of our double foreigner Brahmin family will be travelling to India soon, we recommend that anyone who has had a fever, cough, or cold within 1-2 weeks before travelling to India, should postpone their trip till their health recovers completely. It is also recommended that they take the COVID test before travelling.


3.  Those who are elderly or have comorbidities are requested to take the COVID test before travelling. They should not come alone but travel to Madhuban with a BK companion or in a group. 


Everyone should remain careful and wear masks in public spaces, maintain physical distance and keep hands sanitised as far as possible, however, there is no need to worry about another wave in India as yet.


We will continue to update you on the situation.


On Spiritual Service,

BK Dr Partap Midha

BK Dr Nirmala

BK Shashi






The Daily Guardian - Delhi 24th December

24 December 2022

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.






Madhuban DF Program - Group 6 - December 2022 & January 2023

24 December 2022

Dear Divine Family, Greetings of Love!


Attached is the online schedule of classes which will be broadcast from Gyan Sarovar during the DF Program for Group 6 from 23 December - 5 January. We hope you will join in whenever the timing suits you. Please kindly circulate this poster to all. 


All timings shown are IST, and the videos will be available on the DF Madhuban Program YouTube Channel following live streaming http://tiny.cc/DFMadhubanProgramYouTube


For those coming to Madhuban, we look forward to welcoming you soon, where there will be opportunities for more special on the ground sessions.


The live streaming from the Gyan Sarovar Translation Team YouTube channels is available for some languages. Please see below links and connect with your language coordinators, as live streaming will usually only happen when there is a translator in Madhuban at that time.


Portuguese: https://youtube.com/channel/UCt-QgR2mtFPn7lkigwEvNZQ
Spanish: https://youtube.com/channel/UCgPD3o9Hq-_OvByso1_o-RQ
Tamil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWI7fUDCG1VlJTb38ArppQQ


General Updates Regarding DF Madhuban Visits and Program:

Travelling with Children

If you are planning to take children to Madhuban, please read the 'Guidelines for Parents & Guardians who take Children to Madhuban' in advance of your booking. You can obtain a copy from your Centre Coordinator/Travel Coordinator as the guidelines were circulated to the Centres in July 2022.


Travel Information
Please remember to have your Travel Coordinators book your details in the DF travel database at least two weeks in advance of your arrival.


If you have any questions please contact dfseason@brahmakumaris.org.


Please note that on 31st December there will be the Avyakt meeting, and all the details for the transmission and links will come via the usual BOL channel team.


In Baba's yaad,

DF Madhuban Program Team






January 2023 - Silence Invitation to the Brahmin Family Worldwide!

19 December 2022


January 2023  

Silence Invitation to the Brahmin Family Worldwide

Dear Divine Family,
In the December Madhuban Newsletter, Dadi Ratanmohini reminded us, "Now, the New Year is coming close and the month of January, the month of remembrance of Father Brahma is especially signaling all of us to create our avyakt stage. Definitely, each one will stay in the cave of yoga and have experiences of deep silence."
January is traditionally a month of silence and introversion in the Brahmin family. This year we are especially inviting all BK’s to participate in a month of Experiments in Silence, creating and sustaining the avyakt stage.
In preparation for this avyakt month,
We are sharing a remarkable class by Dadi Prakashmani in which she says: "We Dadis would like to share with you our pure wish and recommendation, that for the next 31 days (originally 101 days) from January onwards, each one at their respective places does tapasya with a determined thought. These days instead of focusing on outside service, concentrate on creating yoga programs to make the self powerful. Have a sweet spiritual heart-to-heart conversation about this. Let everyone go completely underground for 31 days."
(Download the full class "Now Let Everyone Go into The Cave of Yoga" HERE).
During our avyakt month,
We will hear 5 murlis from 1993, the year Baba called “The avyakt year”. For each Sunday’s avyakt murli, starting with the January 1st murli, we will offer experiments in silence for the family to practice throughout the following week. To support us, a senior yogi will experiment with the murli in advance and share an audio recording of his or her experience. These audio clips should be played to the whole class after the avyakt murli is read on Sunday. Both the experiments for the family and the recording from the senior yogi, will be shared on this site, www.experiments-in-silence.org.
You’ll find a clear explanation in the program description available HERE.
We encourage you to meet as a center and decide how you might approach this month of experiments -- not just individually but collectively in the Center. We also invite you to familiarize yourself with the Silence Platform where experiments will be introduced weekly www.experiments-in-silence.org.

The aim of this program is to encourage each and every Brahmin to make this month of January 2023 a deep and transformational month of self-progress, moving us all closer to the powerful avyakt stage. With full participation from our Global Family we (over one million souls) will also collectively light the fire of revelation and world transformation.
All documents will be posted in your language on the Silence Platform by 24 December latest.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at eis.cott@brahmakumaris.org.
In Baba's love and remembrance,
Rajubhai in cooperation with
The Experiments-in-Silence Team


Download the first week of Daily Experiments in Silence HERE.

Download the second week of Daily Experiments in Silence HERE.




The Daily Guardian - Delhi 17th December

19 December 2022

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.





Madhuban DF Program - Group 5 - December 2022

15 December 2022


Dear Divine Family, Greetings of Love!


Attached is the online schedule of classes which will be broadcast from Gyan Sarovar during the DF Program for Group 5 from 10 - 22 December. We hope you will join in whenever the timing suits you. Please kindly circulate this poster to all.


All timings shown are IST, and the videos will be available on the DF Madhuban Program YouTube Channel following live streaming http://tiny.cc/DFMadhubanProgramYouTube


For those coming to Madhuban, we look forward to welcoming you soon, where there will be opportunities for more special on the ground sessions.


The live streaming from the Gyan Sarovar Translation Team YouTube channels is available for some languages. Please see below links and connect with your language coordinators, as live streaming will only happen when there is a translator in Madhuban at that time.


Portuguese: https://youtube.com/channel/UCt-QgR2mtFPn7lkigwEvNZQ
Spanish: https://youtube.com/channel/UCgPD3o9Hq-_OvByso1_o-RQ
Tamil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWI7fUDCG1VlJTb38ArppQQ


General Updates Regarding DF Madhuban Visits and Program:

Travelling with Children
If you are planning to take children to Madhuban, please read the 'Guidelines for Parents & Guardians who take Children to Madhuban' in advance of your booking. You can obtain a copy from your Centre Coordinator/Travel Coordinator as the guidelines were circulated to the Centres in July 2022.


Travel Information
Please remember to have your Travel Coordinators book your details in the DF travel database at least two weeks in advance of your arrival.


If you have any questions please contact dfseason@brahmakumaris.org.


Please note that on Friday 16 December there will be the Avyakt meeting, and all the details for the transmission and links will come via the usual BOL channel team.


In Baba's yaad,

DF Madhuban Program Team






The last Global Bhatti of 2022! Inner Joy - Sat 24 December

15 December 2022

Dear Divine Family,

(Please share with the BK family)


Saturday 24th December 

The last Global Bhatti of 2022 


with Sudesh Didi

Inner joy is the ultimate happiness


  Join the BK world family and put aside your mobiles and computers for 

8 hours of remembrance to benefit yourselves and the world


Find Flyer/Excerpts/Timetable and more via the portal 



 Billion Minutes of Peace 

 MORE MINUTES REQUIRED!  Contribute all your daily minutes


These minutes of your personal yoga throughout the week can be added at any time. Let us reach a billion minutes before January 2023!

Find the button on the Portal.

For your diary, the next Global Bhatti
will take place over three days 

Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th January 2023


In loving remembrance,


BK Mohini and BK Jayanti


Download the Timetable HERE.

Download the Murli Excerpts HERE.

Download the Flyer HERE.






Global Silence Retreat at ORC: Register Today!

13 December 2022

Dear Divine Family

Greetings of love!

We are delighted to share registration is now open for the upcoming in-person at Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC).


BK Silence Retreat

Celebrating the Greatness of Brahmin Life: 
The Joy of Being Together with Love

February 13-18, 2023

In the silence of our inner sanctuary we recognise the great gift Baba has given us through the creation of our spiritual family.

Please download the flyer for full details.

REGISTER TODAY! https://brahmakumaris.org/r/global-silence-retreat-2023


In Baba's Sweet and Subtle yaad,

Your Global Silence Retreat Team
