2022 February Europe News Archive 2022 February Europe News Archive

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What's ONLINE this week of February 28th at globalcooperationhouse.org

28 February 2022



GCH Evening Webcasts- 28th February - 6th March 2022

28 February 2022

Webcast Linkhttps://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 28th February – 6th March 2022


Monday 28th February –

7.00 pm  Meditation

7.30 pm – Gange Dadi Sharing experiences with Brahma Baba.


Tuesday 1st March – An evening with Dadas and Dadis

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.30 pm – Invaluable experiences of Dadas and Dadis sharing history of the yagya


Wednesday 2nd March - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast


Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

महा शिवरात्रि : Experiencing God's Power in Uncertain Times

Speaker : Sister Jayanti interviewed by Brother Kishore Krishnan

(to be shown in Conference Hall)


Thursday 3rd March – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Staying in the Light – Awake, Aware and Connected

Speaker: Sister Maureen, London

Friday 4th March – Conducted Meditation    7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 5th March - Yoga Bhatthi – 6.30 – 8.00 pm in Conference Hall


Sunday 6th March  - Conducted Meditation    7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org 


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now








GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 21st - 27th Feb

21 February 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 21st - 27th Feb.


Monday 21st February – 6.30 pm - An Evening with BapDada

20/02/2005 –  Say "My Baba" from your heart and become a master

of all imperishable treasures and a carefree emperor


Tuesday 22nd February – An evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.35 pm – Dadi Gulzar and Sister Jayanti in Israel - 2009


Wednesday 23rd February - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

सफलता की चाबी - स्मृति : The Key to Success - Awareness

Speaker: BK Shantanu, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, India


Thursday 24th February – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Restoring Equilibrium – the Fine Art of Balance

Speaker: Carolyn Fraude, Germany


Friday 25th February – Conducted Meditation  - 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 26th February – Yoga Bhatthi – 6.30 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 27th February

7.15 am - Class by Sister Sudesh

7.00 – 8.00 pm  - Conducted Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org 


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team






First public event in GCH after the lockdown. Wonderful Tribute to the BKs by Sudesh Didi's Heart Surgeon

21 February 2022

Dear Divine Global Family,

Om Shanti and greetings of peace from Godlywood Studio.


We are sharing the link to the event at Global Cooperation House, London.



Please watch and share with others. 

Thank you.


Love and regards in BapDada's yaad,


OCC Team

Overseas Communications Center

Godlywood Studio, Shantivan






What's ONLINE this week of February 21st at globalcooperationhouse.org

20 February 2022



Invitation for Maha Shivratri - Special Meditation In HINDI | Sunday 20th February, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm BST

18 February 2022

महा शिवरात्रि - Special Meditation


This month we will have special meditation on Shivratri. Let us meditate together in God's remembrance to transform the world.


शिव परमात्म अवतरण से विश्व परिवर्तन  | World Transformation Through The Divine Incarnation Of God Shiva

Meditation and Inspirations in Hindi from Sister Rekha, London



Sunday 20th February, 6:30pm - 8:00pm 



Join on Zoom: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/99099012708?pwd=YTNuMzRobTRCa3RzdGUzb3NYRFRiUT09


Meeting ID: 990 9901 2708

Passcode: peace


For more info please see the link below:







GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 14th - 20th Feb

14 February 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Linkhttps://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 14th - 20th Feb.


Monday 14th February – Valentine’s Day – 6.30 pm An Evening with BapDada

15/02/07 - To remain awake from the sleep of carelessness, laziness and giving excuses is the true Jagran of Shiv Ratri


Tuesday 15th February – An evening with Trimurti Dadis

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.35 pm – Dadi Prakashmani, Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar – Night class in Om shanti Bhawan


Wednesday 16th February - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

स्नेह का चमत्कार - The Magic of Love

Speaker : Sister Aruna, Kuwait


Thursday 17th February – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Finding Forgiveness

Speaker: Neil Jordan


Friday 18th February – Conducted Meditation - 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 19th February – Yoga Bhatthi – 6.30 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 20th February

7.15 am - Class by Sister Jayanti/Sudesh

6.30 – 7.30 pm  - World Meditation Hour


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team






Inner Space Manchester Presents Online Talk: Expressions of Love on Saturday 19 February, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm BST

14 February 2022

Each one of us is so different!  Everyone has their own unique personality and learning styles. Have you noticed that we also give and receive love in different ways? If someone you know well feels that you don’t love them it’s worth checking to see if you are speaking the same love language.

Enrique Simó explores the different ways we can show love and explains how we can express our love more simply, effectively and authentically.

Enrique is a professional executive coach and a facilitator in leadership development programs, helping senior managers and their teams meet their personal and professional goals in the business world and in the educational field. He travels extensively lecturing on mindfulness, meditation, coaching and personal development.

A student and teacher of Raja Yoga meditation for over 30 years, Enrique is a member of the national coordination team of the Brahma Kumaris in Spain and coordinator of the headquarters in Madrid.

Register at tinyurl.com/2p87e7zp and receive Zoom meeting details in your confirmation email  or

Click here to watch live on Facebook



What's ONLINE this week of February 14th at globalcooperationhouse.org

13 February 2022



‘Spirituality Unites Religions’: Program by Brahma Kumaris, Poland

13 February 2022

Warsaw, Poland ( Europe ): Spirituality Unites Religions – a programme was held by Brahma Kumaris in Warsaw, and was honoured by the presence of Mr. Madhukar Gupta  CEO Sikkim CSR Authority, New Delhi and Mr. Harish Lalwani – a leader of the Indian community.


Mr. Madhukar Gupta praised the work of the Brahma Kumaris, commenting on the holy atmosphere of the centre. Speaking of his long experience in the civil service, he emphasized that the fundamental issue in bettering the human society is the one to one, soul to soul connection, because in such communication we are able to see the spiritual values in each other.


BK Halina spoke of spirituality being above religions. Spirituality recognizes the true nature of goodness, peace and love in every human being regardless of race, religion and nationality, thus it has the power to unite religions.






Report on Meditation for Medics 05.02.2022 at GCH, London

10 February 2022

‘We thoroughly loved every moment of the evening...I was telling my children and family and we would like to enrol on the Raj Yoga course’ ‘Thanks for the BK introductions...it was such a positive vibe from all the doctors we met.’


This gathering was the inspiration of heart surgeon, Professor Prakash Punjabi, Consultant Cardiothoracic surgeon at Hammersmith Hospital and who works across the North West London health trusts, drew many medical colleagues and friends to attend this special event to introduce over 70 souls from the medical profession to Raja Yoga Meditation and its benefits when taken up as a practise.


Sister Jaymini welcomed everyone, many of whom were present in GCH for the first time.

Sister Jaymini thanked everyone present for all the support and services that NHS and doctors have provided since the beginning of Covid........Sister Jayanti, Sister Sudesh, Professor Prakash Punjabi lit candles to appreciate all the work done.

One minute’s silence was held to mark respect for all those who have departed since the start of the covid19 pandemic two years ago, as well as for all those who continue to serve in the NHS and front line medical services.



Pro. Prakashbhai introduced himself and thanked the BK’s for organising and bringing everyone together.


I am privileged to be associated with Brahma kumaris. It is a personal honour. As doctors we take a Hippocratic oath. We chose medicine because we wished to serve patients. When we get an opportunity to serve BK’s it must be that we have been super selected.(He was responsible for the care of SudeshDidi with her recent heart surgery). All we do is medical management of physical ailments. There is a far bigger sickness, the social, mental, emotional sickness, a far bigger role needed......that the BK’s do. Any knowledge we gain over the years within the medical profession falls short of what the BK’s do. I feel it is a privilege and an honour to serve. The power Sudeshdidi distributed on the second day in intensive care....she seemed to be looking after us, yet we needed to look after her. This is the power of spirituality.


Pro Prakashbhai introduced bk Dr Sarah Eagger, who shared about the work of the Janki Foundation, Global Hospital in Mount Abu and Spirituality in Health Care programme. She shared how Dadi Janki would tell them that the souls in healthcare need serving and helping – with spirituality teaching resilience and coping skills as well as remaining authentic in purpose of these caring roles, how to remain calm and compassionate through it all. She mentioned ‘happidote’ app as a tool to support healthcare professionals with self care and managing difficulties in the workplace using spiritual skills. Also various publications to support both patients and carers such as ‘Lifting our Spirits’ and ‘The Heart of Wellbeing’. She also mentioned the initiatives during lock down such as ‘Embracing Isolation and the Shining light on Death online series to support people to ‘take the fear out of a natural process’.


Dr Sangeetha Punjabi head of department at Northwick park hospital, was introduced:

It is such a beautiful moment as we gather together without masks......we survived and have gone past these two years where our way of life was isolation. I have been asked to share my experience of this iconic organisation. There is a sense of calm and peace that this place exudes. I came across the BK’s at a doctors conference and I was completely mesmerised by what I was listening too. Although we think we know it all and are able to deal with it all, the stresses and strains and can handle everything...can we really deal with everything....are we just skirting the sides...when the situation comes and we face the challenges, I feel the unrest, the stress, and dissatisfaction – how come we are unable to deal with it all.....there is a deep dive that we all have to take.....when the going is good we fee good but when the going is not so good we struggle....we need this deep dive to understand who am I? I came out of my first Raja Yoga meditation session quite transformed. It is not about giving up what we are doing but a way of living and the way and art of thinking that comes with practise. Without practise we cannot deal with anything. If we don’t practise our affirmations or morning chants of what we wish our day to be and how we react to situations I realise it doesn’t come to my rescue. To bring it to life or rescue is to spend some time with the self.....raja yoga meditation teaches us to go within the self. The biggest block to me feeling good or happy is the self. The way I deal with any situation is according to how I process.....this is a realisation to how to deal with this block and there are many ways and techniques to learn to help us with this. The other realisation is that we don’t have to give up anything. It is not about renouncing pleasures but look at it all differently...I am so glad and grateful to have found this journey and that there is this path in which we can experience the joys of family life and work but tools to learn the art of thinking and dealing with situations.....Please click on the link below to read the rest of this report.


Short Report with Photos


Long Report (Text only)







GCH Presents  'Looking After Ourselves’: A mind, body and spirit event on February 12

9 Febraury 2022

A mind, body and spirit event for people living with cancer and their care-givers.


Join us for an afternoon of reflection, insights, tips and tools to help make the journey through cancer an empowering & rewarding experience.


Saturday 12 February, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm BST


Contributors include:

Lernor Findlay, cancer survivor, retired social worker and meditation teacher.


Dr Sunil Gupta, Consultant Haemato-oncologist and Clinical Director of Haematology and Cancer at a London hospital.


Tessa Guy, Founder of The Diamond Project – a programme of healing and Self-transformation.


Damyanti Patel, Cancer survivor and retired nurse with 47 years of nursing, health promotion and developing cancer services.


Priti Wasnik, Raja Yoga meditation teacher who has worked with cancer patients in the community.


BOOKING & MORE AT: www.tinyurl.com/lookafterourselves





GCH Evening Webcasts from 7th - 13th February 2022

7 Febraury 2022

Webcast Linkhttps://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 7th – 13th February 2022


Monday 7th February – An Evening with Dadi Prakashmaniji

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm - Dadi Prakashmani class - 16/11/2000


Tuesday 8th February - 6.30 pm – An evening with BapDada

15-11-99 - The easy effort to become equal to the Father is to be obedient.


Wednesday 9th February - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

संगीत और आध्यात्मिकता - Music and Spirituality

Folk singer Pritee Varsani and Raja Yoga teacher Sister Mani Modhwadia with LIVE bhajansmusic and the significance explained.


Thursday 10th February – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

The Secrets of Success

Speaker: Philippa Blackham 


Friday 11th February – Conducted Meditation    7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 12th January – Yoga Bhatthi – 7.00 – 8.30 in Conference Hall


Sunday 13th February  - Conducted Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now






What's ONLINE this week of February 7th at globalcooperationhouse.org

6 Febraury 2022




InnerSpace UK Presents Online Talk: Reconnecting with Nature for Peace & Wellbeing. Saturday 5 February, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm GMT

4 Febraury 2022

Over time, the human race has become more and more separated from nature and increasingly out of step with the natural world and its cycles. In this talk, Joanna explores how we can begin to activate an innate inner wisdom that will enable us to live in harmony with nature once more and restore our natural state of wellbeing.


Dr. Joanna Kitto is the co-ordinator for the Brahma Kumaris activities in the Isle of Man. Now mostly retired, Joanna formerly worked as a Psychology lecturer in Hong Kong and the Isle of Man. Since retiring, Joanna has had time to pursue her interest in Ecopsychology and the environment and is the UK co-ordinator for the BK Environment Initiative in the UK.





Register and receive Zoom meeting details in your confirmation email or Click here to watch live on Facebook.







GCH Evening Webcast - 1st - 6th February 2022

1 Febraury 2022

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 1st – 6th February 2022


Tuesday 1st February - 7.00 pm – An evening with BapDada

20/02/2013 - In your karma yogi life, remain constantly content and happy in
every subject through your intense effort.  Through your face filled with happiness and
divine virtues, give others the experience of happiness.


Wednesday 2nd February - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

Basant Panchami - A Celebration of New Learning

बसंत पंचमी - नई विद्या सिखने का उत्सव:

Speaker: Sister Karuna, Southall


Thursday 3rd February – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Why there is no ‘I’

Speaker: Mike George


Friday 4th February – Conducted Meditation    7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 5th January – Yoga Bhatthi – 7.00 – 8.30 in Conference Hall


Sunday 6th February  - Conducted Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now