2023 May Madhuban News Archive 2023 May Madhuban News Archive

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Wisdom of Wednesday for 31st May, 2023

31 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

Being a victim of circumstances and being the master of your life are two extremes and our life is a constant effort to move from the former to the latter.  But how can we do this? Is it a complex and difficult process or is there a simple shift we can make that will do the magic?

Read the interesting life journey of Bro. Marcelo Bulk, the Director of Brahma Kumaris Colombia, on how he became an ardent student and promoter of spirituality and Self-Leadership.

With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director,
Godlywood Studio

NB: Please download the audio file HERE.



News of All India Sports Conference held in Gyansarovar

25 May 2023

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): The Sports Wing of Rajyoga Education And Research Foundation,  in collaboration with Brahma Kumaris,  inaugurated its All India Sports Conference,  at Harmony Hall of Gyansarovar premises.  The theme of this conference was ‘Achieving success in sports with the power of mind‘. The inauguration was done with a beautiful candle lighting ceremony.

Rajyogini BK Shashi, Chairperson of Sports Wing and Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  expressed her good wishes for this initiative.  She said that mind is the source of all power. We can use this power in a constructive way to succeed at everything we do. Rajyoga brings us blessings of God. Everyone can grow a lot with the practice of Rajyoga.

BK Dr. Jagbir Singh, National Coordinator of Sports Wing, welcomed the assembled guests. He discussed the activities of the Sports Wing. Brahma Kumaris teach Rajyoga free of cost which can bring great success for all sports persons.

Paramjit Singh Sarna, Yoga Expert and President of Kreeda Bharti, also expressed his good wishes.  He said that increasing the power of mind is needed for success.  Learning Rajyoga is essential for this. Physical prowess is also important.

Kumari Archan, Sports Director of Chetna College,  Mumbai, said that everything at the Brahma Kumaris premises is special. Every member does their job cheerfully.  We all should learn from this.

Dr. Surendra Arya, Indian Air Force, said that he is very impressed with the ambience at Brahma Kumaris premises.  Celibacy is a good discipline for sports persons. We have got an opportunity to learn about Rajyoga here.

Dr. Gurdeep Singh of Indian Premiere Academy of Sports Science and Physical Education,  said that all round development of sports persons is possible with Rajyoga.

Sunil Kumar Sharma, Chief Guest and Ex. Serviceman of Indian Air Force, from Jalandhar,  also expressed his good wishes.  He said meditation has helped him in his trekking a lot.

BK Atma held a Rajyoga session.  BK Mehar Chand, National Coordinator of Sports Wing, gave the Vote of Thanks.  BK Jyoti, Secretary General of Sports in Haryana,  coordinated this event. Dance performances were also given on this occasion.

News in Hindi:

ज्ञान सरोवर , माउंट आबू ।  आज ज्ञान सरोवर के हार्मनी   हॉल में आर इ आर एफ की भगिनी  संस्था ब्रह्माकुमारीज स्पोर्ट्स  विंग द्वारा एक अखिल भारतीय स्पोर्ट्स सम्मेलन का आयोजन हुआ।  सम्मेलन का मुख्य मुद्दा था “मन की शक्ति द्वारा खेल में सफलता प्राप्त करना” .दीप प्रज्वलित करके सम्मेलन का उद्घाटन सम्पन्न हुआ।

ब्रह्माकुमारीज स्पोर्ट्स विंग की चेयर पर्सन और ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ की संयुक्त मुख्या प्रशासिका राजयोगिनी शशि दीदी जी ने सम्मेलन को अपना आशीर्वाद दिया।  आपने कहा की कामयाबी के लिए अपनी मन की शक्ति को कैसे प्रयोग  करें और कैसे बढ़ाएं।  मन की शक्ति के प्रयोग के तरीके पर ही हमारी सफलता  निर्भर करती है।  मन ही हर प्रकार की एनर्जी का सोर्स है जो सभी के पास है।  उस एनर्जी को सकारात्मक रूप से प्रयोग करके हम ना सिर्फ  खेल में बल्कि हर  विभाग में आगे जा सकते हैं।  राजयोग से हम सभी को परमात्मा की भी ब्लेस्सिंग्स मिलती है।  आप सभी भी राजयोग के अभ्यास से काफी आगे जा सकते हैं।

ब्रह्माकुमारीज स्पोर्ट्स विंग के नेशनल कोऑर्डिनेटर बी के डॉक्टर जगबीर सिंह  ने पधारे हुए अतिथियों का स्वागत किया।  ब्रह्माकुमारीज स्पोर्ट्स विंग की गतिविधियों की भी आपने चर्चा की।  आपने बताया की राजयोग के प्रशिक्षण से आप सभी को खेल में जबरदस्त  सफलता मिलेगी और यह प्रशिक्षण हम निःशुल्क प्रदान करते हैं।  

मुख्य अतिथि भाई परम जीत सिंह सरना योग एक्सपर्ट तथा  क्रीड़ा भर्ती के प्रेजिडेंट ने अपनी शुभ कामनाएं सभी प्रतिनिधिओं को दीं। आपने कहा ,  मन की शक्ति को बढ़ाना सफलता के लिए काफी जरूरी है।  इसके लिए राजयोग का प्रशिक्षण जरूरी होगा।  शरीर की शक्ति भी आवश्यक है।  अतः आपको अपने खान पान का भी काफी ख़याल रखें।  मन  की शांति के लिए मैडिटेशन का अधिक अभ्यास भी जरूरी है।  

कुमारी अर्चन स्पोर्ट्स डायरेक्टर, चेतना कॉलेज मुंबई ने अपने विचार रखे। आपने कहा,  यहां हर चीज ख़ास है।  यह सब देख कर हम सभी चकित हैं।  यहां के सभी भाई बहनें अपने अपने कार्य में प्रसन्नता से लगे हुए हैं।  हम सभी को यह सीखना है।  

डॉक्टर सुरेंद्र आर्य , वायु सेना के कर्मी ने कहा की मैं यहां पहली बार आया हूँ मगर यहां का माहौल देख कर मन हो रहा है की हम सभी इसी स्थान पर टिक जाएं।  राजयोग की शक्ति को यहां हमने समझा है।  ब्रह्मचर्य खेल और खिलाड़िओं के लिए उत्तम अभ्यास है।  यह भी हम यहां सीख सकते हैं।  जहां तक हो सके प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा का लाभ लें  अंग्रेजी दवा से बचें।  

डॉक्टर गुरदीप   सिंह इंडियन प्रीमियर अकादमी एंड स्पोर्ट्स साइंसेज एंड फिजिकल एजुकेशन   ने भी अपने  विचार रखे।आपने कहा,   खिलाडी ही  सही राजयोगी है।  अगर वह एक राजयोगी के निर्देशन में आगे बढ़ता है।  मन की शक्ति को  बढ़ा कर एक खिलाडी सफलता के द्वार खोल सकता है।  तभी उसका सर्वागीण विकास  संभव है।  आपने कहा की प्रारम्भ से ही बच्चों को खेल की एरिया में ट्रेन किया जाना चाहिए।  ऐसा नहीं होने से वे एक बीमार की तरह अपना कार्य करेंगे।  राजयोग पर रिसर्च के माध्यम से काम किया जाना चाहिए जिससे यह पता चलेगा की खिलाड़िओं में प्रति वर्ष कितना विकास  हो रहा है. 

मुख्य अतिथि सुनील कुमार शर्मा ,वायु  सेना के सेवानिवृत पदाधिकारी , जालंधर ने अपनी शुभ कामना इन शब्दों में प्रकट की।  आपने भी राजयोग के अभ्यास द्वारा मन की शक्ति को बढ़ाने की बात स्वीकर की ताकि खेल में उत्तम सफलता प्राप्त हो सके।  आपने अपने अनुभव से बताया की मैडिटेशन की प्रैक्टिस के बाद उनको अपनी पैदल यात्रा और ट्रैकिंग में काफी मदद मिली है।  

डॉक्टर राजकुमार ने भी अपने विचार प्रकट किये।  बी के आत्मा बहन ने राजयोग का अभ्यास करवाया और मन की शक्ति का व्यावहारिक  प्रकटीकरण  किया।  राजयोगी मेहर चंद ,  ब्रह्माकुमारीज स्पोर्ट्स विंग के नेशनल कोऑर्डिनेटर ने धन्यवाद दिया।  बी के ज्योति भाई , हरियाणा में स्पोर्ट्स के सेक्रेटरी जनरल  ने आज के कार्यक्रम  का संचालन किया।  काजोल और योगेश्वरी बहनों ने नृत्य द्वारा सभी का स्वागत किया।



‘Solutions through spirituality in the present scenario’: Religous Leaders Conference

25 May 2023

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): It isn’t every day that saints, and katha vachaks from all over Bharat sit on the same stage to discuss ‘Solutions through spirituality in the present-day scenario’. Indeed, this is the theme of the 3-day conference organized by the Religious Wing of Brahma Kumaris at their Gyan Sarovar campus, Mount Abu.

The conference held its inaugural session which began with lighting of the  lamps in remembrance of the Supreme Soul (Param Atma). Sister B.K. Manorama, National Coordinator, Religious Wing-RERF Brahma Kumaris, Prayagraj, in her keynote address, extended all the dignitaries and audience members a heartfelt welcome. She noted that while there are a lot of flashy lights on the streets, there is darkness inside the soul. Unless that darkness is eliminated, she said, there can be no solutions to the present-day problems prevalent in every home such as lack of peace of mind, depression, trouble in relationships etc. And the only light that can dispel that darkness is the light of spirituality, she said. She congratulated everyone for making it to the conference- “This is the Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya(Godly University). You are here on invitation from God Himself”, she explained. She concluded her address by appealing to everyone to share in the responsibility of helping God establish the Adi Sanatan Devi Devata Dharma(Original eternal deity religion) by awakening the spirit. Because, she said, only self-transformation can lead to world transformation.

The chief guest, Mahamandaleshwar Gowrishi Swami Gyanaswaroopanand Akriya ji Maharaj from Jodhpur expressed his admiration for the fact that the Brahma Kumaris is a women-led organization. He reminisced about having wanted to visit when he was a child and expressed happiness that his desire had finally fulfilled today. He noted how these days, kids are taught to prioritize worldly pursuits- getting degrees, amassing wealth etc. when in fact, he said, the priority should be developing elevated sanskars(personality traits). That could only happen through awakening the spiritual self. He extended his heartfelt congratulations to the Brahma Kumaris for their service in awakening spirituality around the world.

Guest of honor, Brahmarshi Swami Mahesh Yogi ji from Ayodhya shared that there are people in the world who think that in the present scenario where on one hand, there are wars and on the other hand, necessities have grown, it is science, not spirituality that is the call of the time. Such people, he noted, lack recognition of the  power of spirituality. He offered, for example, that no matter what intention or feeling a person came to the Brahma Kumaris campus with, he/she would return with feelings of love, purity and peace. This, he explained, is the power of spirituality; it can transform feelings and attitudes. He expressed hope that, as a result of all the efforts, future generations would be born with spirituality in their DNA so as to eliminate the very need for conferences about how to awaken spirituality.

B.K. Karuna, Chairperson of Media wing of Brahma Kumaris, provided the attendees a brief overview of the Brahma Kumaris while noting that the organization has been serving the world by sharing the teachings of Rajayoga for the last 87 years. During this time, he said, the organization has grown from 380 students at its inception to lakhs of students today in over 140 countries. The soul wants to be great, it wants to be elevated but it lacks the power to become that in the present-day environment, he noted. Through the study of Rajayoga, the soul receives that power here at this spiritual university. Looking at the dignitaries on stage, he expressed happiness that while a lot has been taken away, the world hasn’t been able to take away spirituality from Bharat. Congratulating them on coming, he said: “Welcome to your home.”

Shriman Niranjan Pranava Swarupi Trividh Daasohi Basavannajja ji from Kundgol, Karnataka, speaking in his mother tongue, Kannada, talked about how we have fallen behind in spirituality even as we aspire to make Bharat ‘Vishwa Guru’ again. Learning how to connect with the inner self and with God, he said, a practice common to both the saint community as well as the Brahma Kumaris- waking up during the Brahm Mahurat or Amrit vela (4am) to connect with the self and with God.  Showing that saints can also be humorous, he said that having experienced so much spirituality in just these last two days at the Brahma Kumaris campus, he was looking for a good excuse to stay behind.

B.K. Narayan, Zonal Coordinator, Religious Wing-RERF Brahma Kumaris, Indore delivered the vote of thanks by emphasizing a message that emerged consistently throughout the session – there is a lot of knowledge in the world today about a lot of things but no solution to the world’s problems. That solution can only be through spirituality. He invited everyone to take advantage of the Rajayoga camps organized  through these 3 days with the goal to help attendees experience connecting with the self and with God. Everyone wishes to lead a carefree, worry-free life; you can learn how, through these sessions, he offered. He concluded by thanking the attendees as well as the many BK volunteers that helped organize the conference.

As is customary with the Brahma Kumaris, the session concluded with a few minutes of remembrance of the Supreme Father. It was an opportunity to say ‘thanks’ to the Father for the invitation to a deeper relationship with the self and with the Supreme.

Other guests of honor on stage included Sant Chetan Anand ji, Sirsa, Haryana, and Maharaj Pavan Kumar Das Phalahari, Ayodhya.

The event has been organized by the Religious Wing of the Rajayoga Education and Research Foundation (RERF), a sister organization of the Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya. The Religious Wing aims at spiritual empowerment of religion, wherein utmost importance is given to non-violence, tolerance, and forgiveness in inter-religious relationships.

News in Hindi:

ज्ञान सरोवर , माउंट आबू ।  आज ज्ञान सरोवर के हार्मनी   हॉल में आर आर एफ की भगिनी  संस्था ब्रह्माकुमारीज धार्मिक प्रभाग द्वारा एक सम्मेलन का आयोजन हुआ , इस सम्मेलन का  विषय था वर्तमान परिस्थितियों  में आध्यात्म से समाधान पर चर्चा।  

सम्मेलन में भाग ले रहे महानुभावों ने दीप प्रज्वलित करके इसका उद्घाटन सम्पन्न किया। 

ब्रह्माकुमारीज़  मीडिया विंग के चेयर पर्सन राजयोगी करुणा भाई जी ने अध्यक्षीय प्रवचन के रूप में अपनी बातें इस रूप में प्रकट कीं।  आपने कहा कि हम सभी संतों के साथ बैठे हैं और उनसे ही सुनने के लिए हम यहाँ प्रस्तुत हैं। 

यह ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय आज ८७ वर्ष पूरा कर चुका  है और इसने १९५० में ३५० माताओं बहनो के साथ यहाँ माउंट अबू में विश्व सेवा का अपना कार्य शुरू किया था।  इनकी मान्यता है की हम  बदलें  तो  विश्व बदले।  आज ६० हज़ार बहनें समर्पित होकर , २५ लाख परिवारों तक जा पहुंची  हैं ।  

बाबा  के निर्देश पर हम पहले  अपना जीवन पावन  बना कर किसी दूसरे को वैल्यूज का संदेश देते हैं

बाबा ने माता को प्रमुखता  दी है अतः ये सभी बी के बहनें यहां प्रमुख भूमिका में हैं।  ईश्वर को भी पहले माता रूप में देखा जाता है।  उनकी पूजा की जाती है।  

ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ धार्मिक प्रभाग की चेयर पर्सन राजयोगिनी मनोरमा दीदी ने आज इस सम्मेलन को अपना आशीर्वचन प्रदान किया।  आपने कहा कि भौतिक उपलब्धता हमारे हाथों में समाई हुई है , परन्तु आज  समाजिक संत्रास की समाप्ति के लिए हमें आध्यात्मिकता की शरण में जाना ही होगा।  आज संसार की हालत देखते हुए कह सकते हैं कि  मानवता मर चुकी है और इन  सभी का समाधान मात्र आध्यात्मिकता ही है।  दुनिया में अगर आज कहीं थोड़ी भी पाकीज़गी बच रही है तो इन संतों में बच रही है ईश्वर के लिए  कहा गया है कि उनको जान लेने से व्यक्ति फिर उनके जैसा ही बन जाता है।  आज हमारे पर इस परिसर में ऐसा अवसर गया है कि हम उनको ऊनके द्वारा ही जान पाएंगे

महामंडलेश्वर गो ऋषि स्वामी  ज्ञान स्वरूपानंद जी महाराज , जोधपुर ने अपने उद्गार  इन शब्दों में प्रकट किये।  आपने कहा , आज का यह अवसर बहुत ही सुन्दर अवसर है।  जब पुरुषों  से संसार का कार्य व्यापार नहीं सम्भला तब माताओं ने नारियों ने इस संसार का कार्य व्यापार अपने हाथों में लिया।  ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ का कार्य नारी शक्ति द्वारा ही संचालित किया जा रहा है।  

संसार की परिस्थितियां चाहे जैसी भी हो , जब मातृ शक्तिओं ने जिम्मेवारी अपने हाथ में ले ली है तो अब समाधान मिल ही जायेगा और उसमे अब कोई देर नहीं होगी।  और वह समाधान आध्यात्म से ही निकलेगा।  जब हम अपने भीतर का ध्यान करेंगे तभी हमारी आध्यात्मिकता जागेगी। 

ब्रह्मऋषि स्वामी महेश योगी , अयोध्या ने भी सम्मेलन को सम्बोधित किया।  आपने अपने उद्बोधन से पूर्व सम्मेलन से जय श्री राम  का उद्घोष करवाया।  वातावरण परिशुद्ध हुआ और ऊर्जा से परिपूर्ण भी।  फिर आपने कहा कि यह पावन ज्ञान सरोवर , पावनता , महानता  से परिपूर्ण है और यहां जितने भी संस्थान के भाई बहनें हैं सभी को सादर अभिनन्दन है

आपने कहा , कभी लगता है की आज की समस्याएं बगैर विज्ञान की मदद के नहीं सुधर सकती हैं मगर फिर अहसास होता है कि ऐसा हो नहीं पाया है।  यह आध्यात्म से ही संभव हो पायेगा।  आध्यात्मिता की जो ऊर्जा यहां पसरी हुई है , उसके सम्पर्क में आने से हमारी विचार धारा उर्ध्व गामी हो जाती है।  संसार की सभी समस्याओं को भी इसी ऊर्जा से सुधारना होगा।  ऐसी ऊर्जा हमें अपने पूर्वजों के जीवन से प्रेरणा लेकर प्राप्त करनी है।  

कर्नाटक  से पधारे स्वामी वसवप्पा जी ने अपने उद्गार  प्रकट किये।  आपने कहा कि ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय का यह प्रयास सराहनीय है।  सभी को साधुवाद। 

अयोध्या से पधारे महाराज पवन दास जी ने  कहा कि सभी पूज्य हैं और मैं सभी में श्री राम  जी का ही स्वरुप देख रहा हूँ।  अतः मैं सभी माताओं को प्रणाम कर रहा हूँ क्योंकि  इन्ही माताओं के द्वारा  ही विश्व का कल्याण होगा।  

बी के नारायण भाई इंदौर ने  धन्यवाद ज्ञापन किया।  

कुमार प्रशांत ने कार्यक्रम के प्रारम्भ में ही शिव तांडव नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया।  

बी के कमल बहन ने सम्मेलन का काफी सुन्दर संचालन किया



Wisdom of Wednesday for 24th May, 2023

24 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

Life teaches us the right lessons at the right time. If we keep an open and honest approach to life, the higher power will direct us to the solutions we need. Read an account by BK Mizue from Japan where she shares her life story of how and when she had her brush with spirituality.

Read on!

With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director,

Godlywood Studio

NB: You may download the audio file HERE.


Peace News International Bulletin, 21st May 2023

25 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti

Godlywood Studio presents Peace News International Bulletin dated 21st May 2023. 

Your service event news is an important means to keep us connected. 

Find the YouTube Link below:  


Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones. 

Thank you.

With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director 

Godlywood Studio



Wisdom of Wednesday for 17th May, 2023

17 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.


What is the result of any spiritual process? It should produce virtuous and divine human beings. Find an interesting anecdote of a Rajyogi from Turkey, Bro. Yogesh Sharda - coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris services in Turkey - who found that his life's mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of other people.


Read on!


With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director,

Godlywood Studio.


NB: You may download the audio file HERE.








Peace News International Bulletin Features News of PM Modi's visit to Shantivan and Honoring of BK Sisters at the Vatican

15 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

In the International Peace News Bulletin telecast today at 8:15 PM  IST in Peace of Mind Channel, we bring you the story of the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Shantivan and the service that happened in Vatican City where Brahma Kumari Sisters were honoured. 

Your service event news is important to keep us connected. 

Find the YouTube Link below:  


Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones. 

Thank you.

With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director 

Godlywood Studio 




"Social, spiritual groups must do more for the nation": Prime Minister Modi visits Brahma Kumaris HQ

13 May 2023

Abu Road, May 10: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today urged social and spiritual organisations in the country to step forward and play a greater role during the present Amrit Kaal, which was a “Kartavya Kaal”, or an era of duty, for each citizen.

Every citizen should discharge their role with dedication and adopt a broader outlook and greater responsibilities in the interest of society and the nation, he said.

The Prime Minister was speaking here at the headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris, where he laid foundation stones for a multi-speciality hospital, and the expansion of a senior citizens’ home and a nursing college — all to be built by the Brahma Kumaris in Abu Road.

He said the Brahma Kumaris were working not only to strengthen moral values in society, but also in the areas of healthcare, education, and social welfare. The Global Hospital and Research Centre being run by the institution in Mount Abu for the past three decades was an example of this, he noted.

Mr. Modi said that medical services in the country were undergoing a transformation, and for the first time the poorest of the poor had access to hospitals. He said the Union Government’s Ayushman Bharat scheme had opened the doors of government and private hospitals to the poor, and more than four crore poor people had benefited from the scheme, under which treatment costing up to Rs. 5 lakh is paid for by the government.

Similarly, the Jan Aushadhi scheme had given the poor access to affordable medicines, he said, while urging members of the Brahma Kumaris to help make people in the villages aware of Jan Aushadhi centres, where they could get low-priced medicines.

Highlighting the work done by his government in the field of healthcare, the Prime Minister said that more than 300 new medical colleges had opened in the country in the last nine years, while less than 150 such colleges had opened in the ten years before that. Similarly, the number of seats for MBBS students in the country had increased from around 50,000 before 2014 to more than 1 lakh now, while seats for postgraduate medical students had increased from around 30,000 to more than 65,000.

He said that as a result of this expansion in medical education facilities, India would produce as many doctors over the next decade as it had produced in the last 70 years.

Recalling his long association with the Brahma Kumaris, since his days as Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. Modi lauded the institution for its dedicated services to society. He recalled the work done by Brahma Kumaris volunteers in the wake of the Kutch earthquake in 2001, and said the Brahma Kumaris’ efforts in the fields of de-addiction, water conservation, and environment protection had shown how one institution could launch people’s movements. The institution’s work in connection with Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Swachch Bharat Mission, and the International Day of Yoga had strengthened his faith in it, he added.

The Prime Minister said that India was now promoting millets as part of a global campaign, and it was also advocating sustainable agriculture, and working to conserve its rivers and groundwater resources. All these efforts were connected in some way to India’s ancient traditions, he said, and urged the Brahma Kumaris to contribute to them. He expressed the hope that the institution would take up the nation’s priorities and contribute to India’s development.

The Prime Minister met Dadi Ratan Mohini, the 99-year-old Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris, who was on stage during the event.

Earlier, B.K. Jayanti, Additional Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris, said the Prime Minister’s sacrifice, his faith in God, his celibate life, and his spiritual energy had helped him achieve a lot for the nation.

While earlier India was known abroad for its food, fashion, and IT skills, the Prime Minister’s efforts had resulted in the whole world coming to know of yoga, which is not just a physical practice but also a means to keep the mind healthy and happy, she said.

She said India’s ethos of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam was reflected in the help it had extended to several countries during the Covid pandemic. Now, India was showing the right way to the world as chair of the G20 this year. Challenges such as terrorism and climate change could be overcome if we changed our way of thinking, and our conscience, feelings, mind, and intellect came on the right track, she added.

B.K. Jayanti said that many presidents and prime ministers come and go, but from time to time, some leaders appear who show a new light to the world, which touches everyone’s hearts. She said Mr. Modi was the Prime Minister of one country, but he had won the hearts of people in all corners of the world.

She said that only on the basis of our original spiritual qualities of truth, purity, love, and peace could the world become a better place. At a time when there appeared to be darkness all around, she said the Prime Minister was showing the world how a new, Golden Age could be ushered in on the basis of spiritual power.

B.K. Mruthyunjaya, Executive Secretary of the Brahma Kumaris, said in his welcome address that the Prime Minister was fulfilling the task of the founder of the Brahma Kumaris, Prajapita Brahma, to usher in the Golden Age in India. He said the Brahma Kumaris supported the PM in his endeavour to make India free from corruption, crime and pollution.



PM Modi Lays Foundation Stone Of Global Institute Of Health Sciences, Praises Brahma Kumaris

13 May 2023

Abu Road (Rajasthan): The Brahma Kumaris welcomed Honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi,  at its international headquarters in Shantivan complex, Abu Road.  The PM laid the foundation stone for Global Institute of Health Sciences,  extension of Nursing College and the second phase of Shivmani Home for Senior Citizens by the Brahma Kumaris on this occasion.  He was warmly welcomed with a shawl by Dadi Ratanmohini, Chief of Brahma Kumaris.  BK Jayanti, Additional Chief Administrator of Brahma Kumaris,  felicitated him with a momento. BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris, BK Dr. Pratap Midha,  Director of Global Hospital and Research Center,  along with fifteen members of Brahma Kumaris family from all over India and different parts of the world, attended this program held in Diamond Hall.

BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris,  welcomed the PM warmly,  on behalf of the entire Brahma Kumaris Organization.  He said that the Honorable PM has always been consistent in his association with the Brahma Kumaris since a long time. He has recieved the love and blessings of our Dadis. His leadership has inspired everyone to work for a shining Bharat. Brahma Baba, the Founder Father of Brahma Kumaris,  worked for the vision of a Golden Bharat.  He assured the PM that Brahma Kumaris will always walk by his side to achieve this aim.

BK Jayanti, Additional Chief Administrator of Brahma Kumaris,  said that it is matter of great happiness that the PM has come amongst the Divine family.  His penance and spiritual inclination has made him an instrument to forward the work of the Divine.  His leadership has increased the image of Bharat in the world. Today it is known for gifting the science of yoga to the world. Problems of climate change and terrorism can be resolved fully through inner transformation only. She held a deeply peaceful Rajyoga session for the audience.

Narendra Modi, The Honorable Prime Minister,  while speaking on this occasion,  said that it is his good fortune to be always invited by the Brahma Kumaris.  Every visit leaves him spiritually enriched.  Recently,  he had inaugurated the Jal Jan Abhiyan, water conservation project of Brahma Kumaris in February.  The Brahma Kumaris have helped him maintain a continuity with his inner self. This is possible due to the blessing of the Supreme Soul and the love and care bestowed upon him by the Dadis.

He heartily congratulated the Brahma Kumaris Organization and its members for the foundation stone ceremony of Global Institute of Health Sciences,  Nursing College and Shivmani Homes for Senior Citizens. Every social and religious organization of Bharat has an important role to play in this Azadi ka Amrit Kaal of our country.  The Brahma Kumaris spiritual organization works to solidify moral values in the society.  It also promotes science,  education and social awareness amongst the masses. Global Hospital and Research Center is a shining example of this. It holds Health and blood donation camps in the neighborhood villages regularly.  The Brahma Kumaris deserve praise for their humanitarian work.

The country is witnessing a transformation phase in its health services. He urged the Brahma Kumaris to make people aware about the welfare activities of the Government in the health sector.  In Bharat, our spiritual and religious organizations have always shouldered the responsibility of education and health services in the society. He recalled the dedicated services rendered by the Brahma Kumaris sisters during the Gujarat earthquake relief efforts.  It is a source of inspiration even today.

The efforts of Brahma Kumaris in Drug Deaddiction,  environment and water conservation,  show how an organization can successfully create mass revolution in every field.  They have always fulfilled his expectations regarding national development.  He lauded Brahma Kumaris’ efforts of promoting Yoga all over the world and holding numerous programs for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Project all over India. It has increased his faith in the Brahma Kumaris even more.  He had great expectations from them. He sought their cooperation in promoting millets, organic farming and river water conservation efforts of his government.  He hoped that the Brahma Kumaris will always take forward the national development goals in an innovative manner. He always leaves this place(Brahma Kumaris campus) enriched with energy and blessings.

Beautiful cultural performance by Gracy Singh and her team from Mumbai marked this event.

News in Hindi:

मैं जब भी ब्रह्माकुमारीज में आता हूं तो एक नई आध्यात्मिक अनुभूति होती है: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी
– मोदी बोले- आज ब्रह्माकुमारीज जन आंदोलन बन गया है, आपने राष्ट्र निर्माण में अपने योगदान से मेरे विश्वास को कई गुना कर दिया है
– प्रधानमंत्री ने किया ग्लोबल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ हेल्थ साइंस हॉस्पिटल का शिलान्यास
– पूर्व मुख्य प्रशासिका दादी गुलजार के स्मृति स्तंभ अव्यक्त लोक में अर्पित की पुष्पांजली
– प्रधानमंत्री का ब्रह्माकुमार भाई-बहनों ने किया पुष्पवर्षा कर स्वागत
– शांतिवन में चप्पे-चप्पे पर तैनात रही पुलिस, हर आने-जाने वालों पर रही कड़ी नजर
ृ- सम्मेलन में देशभर से 15 हजार से अधिक लोग पहुंचे

आबू रोड/राजस्थान। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने ब्रह्माकुमारीज मुख्यालय शांतिवन आबू रोड में आयोजित राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि मैं जब भी ब्रह्माकुमारीज में आता हूं तो आपके बीच एक नई आध्यात्मिक अनुभूति होती है। परमपिता परमात्मा के आशीर्वाद और दादियों के स्नेह में लगातार वृद्धि होती है। प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने कहा कि मैंने देश के लिए आपसे जो अपेक्षा की है, उसमें आपने अपने प्रयासों से ज्यादा कर दिखाया है। मेरे विश्वास को कई गुना कर दिया है। ब्रह्माकुमारीज द्वारा सामाजिक कल्याण के लिए कई अभियान चलाए जा रहे हैं। स्वच्छता अभियान में दादी जानकीजी ने स्वच्छता ब्रांड एंबेसेडर के रूप में और बहनों ने कमान संभालकर लोगों को प्रेति किया है। ब्रह्माकुमारी बहनें स्वास्थ्य जागरूकता से लेकर जल जन अभियान, आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव, नशा मुक्त भारत अभियान में प्रेरणास्त्रोत बनकर सामाजिक कल्याण में जुटी हैं। इस दौरान प्रधानमंत्री ने ब्रह्माकुमारीज के तीन प्रोजेक्ट- ग्लोबल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ हेल्थ साइंस हॉस्पिटल, ओल्ड एज होम के सेकेंड फेज और नर्सिंग कॉलेज के एक्सटेंशन का शिलान्यास रिमोट का बटन दबाकर किया। सम्मेलन में देशभर से आए 15 हजार से अधिक लोग मौजूद रहे।
प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने कहा कि भारत में हजारों वर्षों से गरीब, असहाय और जरूरतमंद लोगों की सेवा की कमान आध्यात्मिक संस्थाओं ने संभाली है। मैं गुजरात भूकंप के समय से ब्रह्माकुमारीज बहनों की निष्ठा व सेवा का साक्षी रहा हूं। गुजरात में आए भूकंप के समय बहनों ने जो सेवाभाव से काम किया वह प्रेरणा देने वाला है। एक संस्था कैसे हर क्षेत्र में एक आंदोलन खड़ा कर सकती है, ब्रह्माकुमारीज ने वह कर दिखाया। मैंने देश के लिए आपसे जो अपेक्षा की, उसे पूरा करने में ब्रह्माकुमारीज ने कोई कमी नहीं की है।

नैतिक मूल्यों को मजबूत कर रही संस्था-
मोदी ने कहा कि आजादी के अमृत काल में सभी सामाजिक, धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक संस्थाओं की बड़ी भूमिका रही है। इस कर्तव्य काल में हम जिस भूमिका में हैं, उसका शत प्रतिशत निर्वहन करें। अपने व्यवहार और जिम्मेदारियों का विस्तार है। पूरी निष्ठा के साथ हमें ये भी सोचना है कि हम अपने देश के लिए क्या कर सकते हैं। सभी ब्रह्माकुमार-ब्रह्माकुमारी प्रेरणापुंज हैं। ब्रह्माकुमारीज एक आध्यात्मिक संस्था के तौर पर समाज में नैतिक मूल्यों को मजबूत करने और समाज सेवा के कार्य करती रही है। साइंस, हेल्थ व सोशल वर्क के लिए पूरी तरह समर्पित हैं। माउंट आबू स्थित ग्लोबल चैरिटेबल हॉस्पिटल एंड रिसर्च सेंटर के माध्यम से गांव-गांव में हेल्थ कैंप और रक्तदान शिविर का आयोजन किया जाता है जो समाजहित में कार्य है। ऐसे कार्यों में मानवीय प्रयास जरूरी हैं। जिस ग्लोबल हॉस्पिटल के निर्माम का संकल्प लिया है, वह स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में सुधार का काम करेगा। ब्रह्माकुमारीज गांव-गांव में जानकारी दें कि सरकार की तरफ से ऐसी योजनाएं चलती हैं, जनऔषधि केंद्र बने हुए हैं, यदि इसकी जानकारी आप लोगों को दें तो उसका भला हो जाएगा।

पीएम ने श्रीअन्न को बढ़ाने का किया आह्नान-
प्रधानमंत्री ने श्रीअन्न यानी मिलेट्स को आगे बढ़ाने का आह्नान करते हुए कहा कि हमें नदियों को स्वच्छ करना है। प्राकृतिक खेती, भूजल संरक्षण हजारों साल पुरानी संस्कृति और परंपराओं से जुड़ी है। मुझे आशा है कि भविष्य में भी ब्रह्माकुमारी बहनें राष्ट्र निर्माण से जुड़े विषयों को आगे बढ़ाएंगे। विश्व को सर्वे भवंतु सुखिन: के मार्ग पर आगे ले जाएंगे। राष्ट्र निर्माण में ऐसी योजनाओं को क्रिएटिव रूप से आगे बढ़ाएंगी। दुनिया जब महिला सशक्तीकरण की बात कर रही है हम जी-20 में महिला नेतृत्व को बढ़ाने की बात कर रहे हैं।

स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं के ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन से गुजर रहा है देश-
प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने कहा कि आज पूरा देश स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं के ट्रांसफार्मेशन से गुजर रहा है। देश के अस्पताल सुविधाओं के साथ उपलब्ध हैं। आयुष्मान योजना ने इसमें बड़ी भूमिका निभाई है। आयुष्मान योजना के तहत 5 लाख तक इलाज का खर्च सरकार उठाती है। योजना में अब तक चार करोड़ गरीब लाभ उठा चुके हैं। यदि वे खुद इलाज करवाते तो उन्हें 80 हजार करोड़ खर्च करने पड़ते। हेल्थ सेक्टर की एक चुनौती डॉक्टर्स, नर्सेस व मेडिकल स्टाफ की कमी रही है। 2014 के बाद से पिछले 9 वर्षों में हर महीने एक नया मेडिकल कॉलेज खोला गया है। 9 वर्षों में 150 से अधिक मेडिकल कॉलेज खोले गए हैं। 9 साल पहले जहां देश में 50 हजार एमबीबीएस की सीटें थीं जिन्हें बढ़ाकर एक लाख किया गया है। वहीं पीजी में मात्र 30 हजार सीटें थीं जिन्हें बढ़ाकर 65 हजार किया गया है। जब इरादा नेक हो तो ऐसे ही संकल्प लिए जाते व सिद्ध भी किए जाते हैं। आज भारत सरकार हेल्थ सेक्टर में जो काम कर रही है, उसका प्रभाव आने वाले समय में दिखेगा। जितने डॉक्टर आजाजी के बाद सात दशक में बने हैं उतने डॉक्टर अगले एक ही दशक में ही मिलेंगे। राजस्थान के अंदर जल्द ही 20 से ज्यादा नए नर्सिंग कॉलेज बनेंगे जिनका लाभ आप सभी को मिलेगा।
प्रधानमंत्री ने किया ग्लोबल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ हेल्थ साइंस हॉस्पिटल का शिलान्यास
इस दौरान प्रधानमंत्री ने आबू रोड में 50 एकड़ में बनने वाले ग्लोबल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ हेल्थ साइंस हॉस्पिटल का शिलान्यास किया। 250 बैड का यह हॉस्पिटल दो साल में बनाने का लक्ष्य रखा गया है। माउंट आबू स्थित ग्लोबल हॉस्पिटल एंड रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल के डायरेक्टर डॉ. प्रताप मिड्ढा ने बताया कि ब्रह्माकुमारीज की ओर से 50 एकड़ में आधुनिक सुविधाओं से सुसज्जित मल्टीस्पेशलिटी हॉस्पिटल का निर्माण किया जाएगा। इससे स्थानीय जरूरतमंद लोगों को सहज ही इलाज की सुविधा उपलब्ध हो सकेगी। अभी तक यह व्यवस्था केवल बड़े शहरों में ही है। हॉस्पिटल में तन और मन का इलाज किया जाएगा। इसमें विशेष रूप से मेडिटेशन रूम बनाए जाएंगे ताकि दवा और दुआ दोनों के समन्वय से लोग जल्दी स्वस्थ हो सकें। हॉस्पिटल में आधुनिक उपकरणों के साथ विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर अपनी सेवाएं देंगे। डॉ. मिड्ढा ने बताया कि हॉस्पिटल निर्माण के साथ नर्सिंग कॉलेज का भी विस्तार किया जा रहा है। इससे पहले से ज्यादा सुविधाएं मरीजों को मिल सकेंगी। इसके साथ ही सीनियर सिटीजन होम के सेकंड फेज और नर्सिंग कॉलेज के एक्सटेंशन की भी नींव रखी।

ये सुविधाएं मिलेंगी-
हॉस्पिटल में मुख्य रूप से न्यूरोलॉजी, न्यूरोसर्जरी, नेफ्रोलॉजी और यूरोलॉजी की विशेष यूनिट शुरू की जाएगी। इसमें जाने-माने विषय विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर अपनी सेवाएं देंगे। इसके अलावा प्रिवेंटिव कार्डियोलॉजी, पैलिएटिव केयर और जेरिएट्रिक केयर (वरिष्ठ नागरिक गृह) की भी सुविधा रहेगी। साथ ही तीसरे साल में हॉस्पिटल में गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी और एंडोक्रिनोलॉजिस्ट के इलाज की सुविधा प्रदान करने का लक्ष्य रखा गया है।

सुरक्षा के रहे कड़े इंतजामात-
प्रधानमंत्री के आगमन को लेकर चार-पांच दिन पूर्व से ही एसपीजी की टीम ने सुरक्षा व्यवस्था को अपने कंट्रोल में ले लिया। शांतिवन की हर गतिविधि पर नजर रखने के साथ एक-एक चीज को सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से बारीकी से परखा गया। कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का रिकार्ड मेटेंन करने के साथ सभी के लिए पास जारी किए गए। कार्यक्रम के पूर्व पूरे समय एसपीजी और स्थानीय पुलिस -प्रशासन की टीम लोगों को दिशा-निर्देश संबंधी एनाउंसमेंट करती रही।

बिहार, झारखंड और पश्चिम बंगाल से आए नौ हजार लोग-
राजयोग ध्यान शिविर में भाग लेने के लिए इस बार बिहार-झारखंड और पश्चिम बंगाल के अलग-अलग जिलों से नौ हजार से अधिक लोग शांतिवन पहुंचे हैं। इनमें से ज्यादातर लोग पहली बार आबू रोड आएं हैं। सभी लोगों में प्रधानमंत्री की एक झलक देखने के लिए उत्साह नजर आया।

प्रधानमंत्री को देखने लोगों में दिखा उत्साह-
प्रधानमंत्री को करीब से और सम्मुख देखने के लिए लोगों में गजब का उत्साह दिखा। 3.15 बजे से होने वाले कार्यक्रम के लिए लोग 12.30 बजे से ही शांतिवन के डायमंड हॉल में पहुंच गए। बच्चों से लेकर युवा और बुजुर्गों में प्रधानमंत्री की एक झलक देखने के लिए लालायित दिखे।

राजयोग की कराई अनुभूति-
कार्यकारी सचिव बीके मृत्युंजय भाई ने कहा कि परमपिता परमात्मा के घर में प्रधानमंत्रीजी का पूरे विश्व विद्यालय के सभी बीके भाई-बहनों की ओर से हार्दिक स्वागत है। अतिरिक्त मुख्य प्रशासिका बीके जयंती दीदी ने राजयोग की अनुभूति कराते हुए कहा कि मैं आत्मा भृकुटि के बीच चमकता हुआ तारा हूं। परमात्मा सतचित आनंद स्वरूप हैं। परमात्मा की सत्यता, पवित्रता की किरणें विश्व में फैलती जा रही हैं।



“Brahma Kumaris have always exceeded the expectations”: PM Modi’s Visit to Shantivan complex of Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Abu Road, Rajasthan

13 May 2023

PM Modi Lays Foundation stone for Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital,
the Second Phase of Shivmani Old Age Home and an Extension of the Nursing College

“This Amrit Kaal is Kartavya Kaal for every citizen of the country”

“The nation is undergoing the transformation of health facilities”

“When intentions are clear and there is a sense of social service, then resolutions are taken and also accomplished”

“The number of doctors produced in India in the next decade will be the same as the number of doctors produced in the last 7 decades after independence”

“Brahma Kumaris organization has always exceeded the expectations”

“Brahma Kumaris should take forward new topics related to nation-building in an innovative way”

The Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi visited the Shantivan complex of Brahma Kumaris in Abu Road, Rajasthan today. He laid the foundation stone for a Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital, the second phase of Shivmani Old Age Home and the extension of the Nursing College. The Prime Minister also witnessed a cultural performance on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister recalled getting the opportunity to visit the Shantivan complex of Brahma Kumaris on numerous occasions and said a spiritual feeling emerges from within whenever he visits the place. He informed that it is the second time in the last few months that he got the opportunity to take part in programs related to Brahma Kumaris. Recalling the opportunity to inaugurate the Jal Jan Abhiyan in February this year, the Prime Minister emphasized his continuous affinity with the Brahma Kumaris organization and credited the blessing of Param Pita(Supreme Father) and the affection of Rajya Yogini Dadiji. The Prime Minister informed that the foundation stone of Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital has been laid down while the expansion work of  Shivmani Old Age Home and  Nursing College is also being carried out, and congratulated the Brahma Kumaris organization for this.

The Prime Minister said that in this epoch of Amrit Kaal, all the social and religious institutions have a big role to play. “This Amrit Kaal is Kartavya Kaal for every citizen of the country. This means that we should fulfill our responsibility completely”, the Prime Minister emphasized. This, he continued, should be accompanied by the expansion of our thinking and responsibilities in the interest of the society and country. He said Brahma Kumaris as an institution, working for strengthening moral values in the society. He also noted their contribution towards the promotion of science, education and social awareness.  He also praised their intervention in the field of health and wellness. 

“The nation is undergoing the transformation of health facilities”, said the Prime Minister elaborating on the role of Ayushman Bharat in spreading the feeling of access to medical treatment among the poor sections. It has opened the doors of not only the government but also the private hospitals for the poor citizens, he said. He informed that more than 4 crore poor patients have already availed the benefits under the scheme helping them save 80 thousand crore rupees. Similarly, Jan Aushadhi Scheme saved about 20 thousand crore rupees of poor and middle-class patients. He requested units of Brahma Kumaris to spread awareness about the government schemes.

Underlining the unprecedented developments in the country to address the lack of doctors, nurses and medical staff in the country, the Prime Minister informed that one medical college has been inaugurated every month on average in the last 9 years. He pointed out that less than 150 medical colleges had been inaugurated in the decade before 2014 whereas, in the last 9 years, the government has inaugurated more than 350 medical colleges. Drawing comparisons before and after 2014, the Prime Minister noted that the country had roughly 50 thousand seats for MBBS every year whereas that number has gone up to more than 1 lakh today, while the number of Post Graduate seats has gone up to more than 65 thousand from roughly 30 thousand. “When intentions are clear and there is a sense of social service, then such resolutions are taken and also accomplished”, he added.

“The number of doctors produced in India in the next decade will be the same as the number of doctors produced in the last 7 decades after independence”, the Prime Minister remarked as he highlighted the opportunities arising in the field of nursing. He informed that acceptance to more than 150 nursing colleges has been given in the country and more than 20 nursing colleges will come in Rajasthan itself which will also benefit the upcoming Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital.

Touching upon the social, and educational role played by the religious and spiritual bodies in Indian society, the Prime Minister recalled the contribution of Brahma Kumaris in cases of natural calamities and his personal experience of witnessing the dedication of the institution for the service of humanity. He praised Brahma Kumaris for making campaigns like Jal Jeevan Mission and the deaddiction mission. 

The Prime Minister highlighted that the Brahma Kumari organization has always exceeded the expectations laid down by him and gave the example of the programs organized during the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Yoga Camps being organized all over the world, Dadi Janki becoming the ambassador of Swacch Bharat(Clean India). He said that such actions by the Brahma Kumaris have multiplied his faith in the organization and thereby set a new bar of higher expectations. 

The Prime Minister also touched upon Shree Anna and India’s push given to millets on the global scale. He emphasized that the nation is taking forward campaigns like natural farming, cleaning rivers and conserving groundwater and said that these subjects are linked to the thousand years old cultures and traditions of the land. Concluding the address, the Prime Minister urged the Brahma Kumaris to take forward new topics related to nation-building in an innovative way. “The more cooperation you get in these efforts, the more the country will be served. By building a developed India, we will live up to the mantra of ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah’ for the world”, the Prime Minister concluded.

Honorable Prime Minister was honored by Dadi Ratanmohini, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Sister Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Dr. Pratap, Director of Global Hospital and BK Mruthyunjaya, Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris for his tireless and dedicated services to the country.

After addressing the program at Diamond Hall, the Prime Minister paid his tribute to Dadi Gulzar, Former Chief of Brahma Kumaris at her memorial “Avyakt Lok” where he met BK Nirwair, Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris.


The Prime Minister’s special focus has been giving impetus to spiritual rejuvenation across the country. Continuing with the endeavor, the Prime Minister will visit the Shantivan complex of Brahma Kumaris. He will lay the foundation stone of a Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital, the second phase of Shivmani Old Age Home and the extension of the Nursing College. The Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital will be set up in Abu Road, spread across 50 acres. It will offer world-class medical facilities and will prove especially beneficial for the poor and the tribal people in the region.




शिक्षा दर्पण समाचार पत्रिका - Shiksha Darpan News Magazine - May 2023

13 May 2023

Respected Divine Family, Om Shanti, Greetings of Peace and Love!
Please download Shiksha Darpan (Education Mirror) -  May 2023 issue with articles in Hindi and English.

Thanking you and with thoughts divine.

Warm Regards,

Dr. BK Mruthyunjaya
Chairman, Education Wing
Brahma Kumaris, HQ, Mount Abu



Special Song for Jagdish Bhaiji on his 23rd remembrance day (May 12th)!

12 May 2023


Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Om Shanti.


Sanjay is described in 'Mahabharat' as someone who can see things which normal people cannot see. That's why Baba named beloved Jagdish Bhai 'Sanjay' and who clarified the deepest secrets of Knowledge with the help of his divine intellect. The wisdom and depth in his writings will become more relevant in the coming years for all of us. And there has been immense response from the viewers for the Godlywood Program 'Gyan Sarita' which a collection of his lectures in video format.


Please find a beautiful song created by Godlywood Studio on the occasion of his 23rd remembrance day (12th May 2001) , which will take you back to those initial days and fill our minds with love and nostalgia.


Listen, share with your dear and near, let's keep the lamp of Jagdish Bhai's remembrance burning.


Please find the URL of Video -



With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director 

Godlywood Studio 







“Media Responsibility For National Development”: Media Wing Conference in Mount Abu

11 May 2023

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): Addressing the inaugural session of the Media Conference on the theme “Media Responsibility For National Development” organized by the Media Wing of Brahma Kumaris, in collaboration with RERF, from May 5-9, 2023 at Gyansarovar complex, Mount Abu,  Prof. Sanjay Dwivedi, Director General of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi said that media should follow the path of truth and firmly expose social evils. In order to discharge our responsibility in the development of the country, the ideals of journalism in the pre-Independence period will have to be kept in mind. Considering the public interest as paramount, we should fulfill the responsibility of protecting the fundamental rights of the society, he added.

While discussing the challenges of the spread of social media, Prof. Dwivedi gave a new form to Bapu Gandhi’s three teachings and said that if we adopt the principle of don’t type bad, don’t like bad and don’t share bad, then social media will automatically improve.

Simoni from Chandigarh, presented a welcome dance and artists from Nrityangan Dance Academy Kharagpur performed Ganesh Vandana. The dignitaries lit the lamps to mark the formal inauguration.

Amit Wadhwani, Co-founder and Director of Buffering Media Tech Mumbai, said that social media is dominating every household in India, while half of the population in China is deprived of social media. With news presentations in news channels, viewers have started expecting contents full of entertainment. Many such local level newspapers are emerging which contain up to 90 percent paid news and people get confused by it. Politics is dominating the news channels. But we believe that the magical power possessed by the media should be put to good use.

In the welcome address, National Coordinator of Media Wing, BK Shantanu said that our aim is to transform the world by transforming ourselves. We believe that by following the path of spirituality many problems get resolved automatically. Values based media can play an important role in world change.

Amit Wadhwani, Co-founder and Director of Buffering Media Tech Mumbai, said that social media is dominating every household in India, while half of the population in China is deprived of social media. With news presentations in news channels, viewers have started expecting contents full of entertainment. Many such local level newspapers are emerging which contain up to 90 percent paid news and people get confused by it. Politics is dominating the news channels. But we believe that the magical power possessed by the media should be put to good use.

Dr. Dhruba Jyoti Pati, Director of India Today Mass Communication Institute Noda said that the media played a good role in acting as a bridge between the government and the public during the Corona pandemic period. Despite the challenges of digital media, print media should continue to play a sensitive role in the development of democracy.

International wrestler and Bollywood actor Sangram Singh said that the media can play an important role in a nation’s development by following the path of positivity.

Media Wing Chairperson BK Karuna Bhai and Joint Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris Dr. Nirmala presented blessings and best wishes. Senior Rajayogi BK Sheilu also addressed the session.

News in Hindi:

माउंट आबू : प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारीज ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय के मीडिया प्रभाग द्वारा 4 वर्ष के  अंतराल पर ज्ञान सरोवर आबू पर्वत में आयोजित मीडिया सम्मेलन के उदघाटन सत्र को संबोधन करते हुए भारतीय दूर संचार संस्थान के महानिदेशक प्रो. संजय द्विवेदी ने कहा कि मीडिया को सत्य के मार्ग पर चलते हुए समाजिक बुराईयों को उजागर करना चाहिये। देश के विकास में अपनी जिम्मेवारी के निर्वहन के लिये स्वतंत्रता पूर्व की पत्रकारिता के आदर्श सामने रखने होंगे। जनता का हित सर्वोपरि मानते हुए हम मौलिक अधिकारों की रक्षा का दायित्व निभायें।

सोशल मीडिया के प्रसार की चुनौतियों की चर्चा के साथ प्रो. द्विवेदी ने बापू गांधी के तीन उपदेशों को नया रूप देते हुए कहा कि यदि बुरा ना टाईप करो, ना लाईक करो और ना ही शेयर करो का सिद्धांत अपनायेंगे तो सोशल मीडिया अपने आप सुधर जायेगा।

चंडीगढ से आई सिमोनी ने स्वागत नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया, कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ नृत्यांगन अकादमी खडगपुर से आये कलाकारों ने श्री गणेश वंदना से किया जबकि औपचारिक उदघाटन में गणमान्य अतिथियों ने दीप प्रज्जवलित किये।

मीडिया प्रभाग के मुख्यालय समन्वयक शान्तनू भाई ने स्वागत संबोधन में कहा कि हमारा नारा स्व: परिवर्तन से विश्व परिवर्तन है। हमारा विश्वास है कि आध्यात्मिकता के मार्ग पर चलने से कई समस्याएं अपने आप सुलझ जाती है। मूल्यानिष्ठ मीडिया विश्व परिवर्तन में अहम भूमिका निभा सकता है।
बफरिंग मीडिया टैक्रोलॉजी मुंबई के सह संस्थापक व निदेशक अमित वाधवानी ने कहा कि भारत में सोशल मीडिया हर घर पर हावी हो रहा है जबकि चीन में आधी आबादी सोशल मीडिया  से वंचित है। न्यूज चैनलों में समाचार प्रस्तुति के साथ लोग मंनोरंजन की उम्मीद करने लग पड़े हैं। ऐसे अनेक स्थानीय स्तर के समाचार पत्र उभर कर आ रहे हैं जिनमें 90  प्रतिशत तक पेड न्यूज होती है और लोग उससे भ्रमित हो जाते हैं। न्यूज चैनलों पर राजनीति हावी हो रही है। लेकिन हमारी मान्यता है कि मीडिया के पास जो जादुई शक्ति है उसका सदुपयोग होना चाहिये। इंडिया टूडे दूर संचार संस्थान के निदेशक डा. धु्रव ज्योति पाटी ने कहा कि कोरोना काल में मीडिया ने सरकार और जनता के बीच पुल का काम करते हुए बढिया भूमिका निभाई। डिजीटल मीडिया की चुनौतियों के बावजूद प्रिंट मीडिया को लोकतंत्र के विकास में संवेदनशील भूमिका निभाते रहना चाहिये।

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पहलवान व बालीवुड अभिनेता संग्राम सिंह ने कहा कि सकारात्मकता के मार्ग पर चलकर मीडिया राष्ट्र विकास में अहम भूमिका निभा सकता है। मीडिया प्रभाग के अध्यक्ष करूणा भाई व ब्रह्माकुमारीज की संयुक्त प्रमुख डा. निर्मला दीदी ने आशीर्वाद और शुभकामनाएं भेंट की।



Brahma Kumaris Observe 2nd Remembrance Day Of Ishu Dadi At Shantivan

11 May 2023

Abu Road (Rajasthan): The Brahma Kumaris observed the second Remembrance Day of Ishu Dadi, Former Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  on 6th May 2023, at Shantivan.  This Day was observed as ‘Shubh Bhavna Diwas’ or Goodwill (feelings) Day, in reference to the prominent quality of Ishu Dadi, of having good feelings towards one and all. Members of the divine family came together to offer her loving tributes on this occasion. A short film on her life was also shown by the Godlywood studio.

BK Nirwair,  Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris,  who had the good fortune of being a contemporary of Ishu Dadi since 1959 in Madhuban,  shared his memories of her. Her spiritual name was ‘Pooran Shanta’ meaning one who is completely at peace. She was sombre by temperament and respected by all. She handled Brahma Baba’s correspondence for many years. Brahma Baba,  the Founder Father of Brahma Kumaris,  called her his ‘Confidential Secretary’ for her discrete and responsible handling of his correspondence.  She also translated and recorded -- into Hindi, accurately and with impeccable handwriting -- the ‘Murli’ or Godly Message spoken in Sindhi language  by Brahma Baba.  Thus, she became the medium to preserve Godly knowledge for posterity in its pure form. Without knowing shorthand, she had the wisdom and concentration to do this task with utmost accuracy.  She was the treasurer of the organization for many years. This role she did with great economy, forever adhering to the dictum of ‘Economy and Eknaami’ -- simple living in constant remembrance of God. She was remarkably patient and endured physical distress due to health issues later in life with fortitude and faith in God. Such was her bond of love with Brahma Baba,  that she pined for his presence even during his short absences.  Her loving nature nurtured everyone around her.

BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris,  while paying tribute to Ishu Dadi, said that her prized possession was a watch given to her by Brahma Baba.  This was the only thing she kept for herself,  distributing all other gifts she received to others. He also appreciated the efforts of BK Kavita, personal caretaker and companion of Ishu Dadi, in keeping alive her memories and teachings.

Dadi Ratanmohini, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Shashi Prabha, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Nalini, Senior Rajyoga Teacher from Ghatkopar, Mumbai, BK Rukmini, trance messengerBK Kuldeep, Director of Shantisarovar Retreat center, Hyderabad, BK Dr. Savita, BK Geeta, BK Mohan Singhal, BK Dr. Gupta and many from different parts of India offered their floral tributes on this occasion.

Madhurvani Group offered a musical tribute.  Two books on the life of Ishu Dadi, were also released: "Angel of God’s Trust" in English and "Yagya Ki Bahumulya Dharohar" in Hindi (the Priceless Possession of a Godly Mission).




17th National SIR Conference 15-19 September 2023 in Gyan Sarovar

11 May 2023

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): It is our immense pleasure to inform you that SpARC Wing will be conducting 17th National SIR (Spirituality In Researchers) Conference and Meditation Retreat for Researchers and Scientists at Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan from Friday, 15-19 September 2023 on “Integration of Science & Spirituality – the Source of Infinite Possibilities”. It is a residential event where about 400 delegates from various streams are expected to participate.


Participants’ eligibility (criteria):

1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. and M. Phil in any field
2. Research Scholars & Researchers involved in Research activity at various Govt., Private Organisations, NGOs
3. Medical Doctors (MS, MD) involved in research.
4. Vice Chancellors
5. Director General, Director/ Dy. Director/ Secretary/ President/ Chairman of any Govt./ Private Research Organisation/ Institution
6. University Professors


Registration can also be done on-line by visiting www.bksparc.in or clicking following Google link



For further details contact BK Shrikant, National Coordinator, SpARC, Gyan Sarovar, SpARC, Room No. 13, Centre for Higher Learning, Academy for a Better World, Gyan Sarovar, Dist. Sirohi, Mount Abu-307501, Raj.

Mobile: +91 9772844861, 9414003497, 7014315625



Note: Printed copies of the Conference Brochure and separate Invitation letter are available at SpARC Wing Office both in Gyan Sarovar and Shantivan (above telephone exchange 2n Floor).


Download the brochure HERE.






Wisdom of Wednesday for 10th May, 2023

11 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.


Hope every week Wisdom of Wednesday is finding you in good health and great Spirits! Wisdom from practising Rajyogis is the need of the day as stories of authentic transformation moves people and provides them that pinch of inspiration which helps them tackle their own issues.


Anxiety is widespread in our society and it can range from nervousness to severe panic attacks. In this issue of 'Wisdom of Wednesday' find an interesting account of how Bro.Damian from Brahma Kumaris Australia, tackled his own inner demons of anxiety and fear using the tool of Rajyoga.


And it's my sincere request to all our Rajyogi brothers and sisters from all overseas centers, if you haven't shared your experiences yet, please send an article of around 800 words to 'Wisdom of Wednesday' so that readers worldwide get an opportunity to experience the fragrance of Rajyogic living.


Read on!


With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director,

Godlywood Studio


NB: Please download the audio file HERE.








Good News: PM Modi’s Visit To Brahma Kumaris HQ On May 10

10 May 2023

Abu Road (Rajasthan):  Honorable Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi will address a public gathering as the chief guest in a program on the theme ‘Golden India through Spiritual Wisdom‘ held at Diamond Hall, Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Shantivan, Abu Road on May 10, 2023, at 3.15 pm IST.


On this auspicious occasion, Hon’ble Prime Minister will inaugurate the Prakashmani Wisdom Park and will lay the foundation stone of Global Institute of Health Sciences, Nursing College and Senior Citizen Home. Live telecast of this program will be done on May 10 on Awakening TV, Peace of Mind Channel, DD National, youtube channels etc.


News in Hindi:

दिनांक 10 मई, 2023 को दोपहर 3.15 बजे ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ शांतिवनआबू रोड में  ‘आध्यात्मिक प्रज्ञा से स्वर्णिम भारत‘ कार्यक्रम में भारत के माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में उपस्थित होकर जनसभा को संबोधित करेंगे। इसके अलावा अन्य नेतागण भी उपस्थित रहेंगे.


इस शुभ अवसर पर माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी प्रकाशमणि विज़डम पार्क (आबू रोडका उद्घाटन करेंगे। इसके अलावा Global Institute of Health Sciences, Nursing College और Senior Citizen Home का शिलान्यास करेंगे। इस कार्यक्रम का लाइव टेलीकास्ट 10 मई  Awakening TV, Peace of Mind Channel, DD National इत्यादि चैनल्स पर किया जायेगा।


PM नरेन्द्र मोदी का ब्रह्माकुमारीज मुख्यालय में शुभ आगमन





हिन्दी Live



ENG Live






Wisdom of Wednesday for 3rd May, 2023

3 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.


'Silence is Golden' is an old adage. Modern times look at silence in a different way. We become silent when we don't like something. We revolt inside. Silence is no longer considered a golden virtue. See how Sis. Shanti, a member of the coordinating team of Brahma Kumaris Spain, put things back into perspective. 


This will inspire you to practise silence in its real sense. Happy reading!


With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

Executive Director,

Godlywood Studio.


NB: You may download the audio file HERE.





Peace News International Bulletin dated May 1st 2023 presented by Godlywood Studios

3 May 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

Godlywood Studio presents Peace News International Bulletin dated 1st May 2023.

Your service event news are  important to keep us connected. Please find the news at thisYouTube Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auizqIzy8qc

Please share the link with your near, dear, and loved ones. 


Thank you.

With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal 

Executive Director 

Godlywood Studio, a unit of WRST