2023 March N. America News Archive 2023 March N. America News Archive

Table of Content

Message of Hope: Easter, A Reminder of Everlasting Life

30 March 2023


“The secret to a full life is to have no fear of death because death does not exist.

It’s the season of Easter, of new beginnings, a time to spring clean the home as well as the mind. We take measures not to be physically overweight, but when it comes to emotional baggage, we may not be aware of the heavy negative weight we have carried throughout our life:  needless thoughts, hurt feelings, limiting beliefs and overdose of information and disinformation.  It’s time to clean these latent emotions and fears in our mind. The main fear in life is the fear of dying; death has been on our doorstep now more than ever. Many worldwide have lost loved ones through disease and the battles nature and man are waging. Is it possible to rid ourselves of this fear of the hereafter, and if so, how? 

A very old knowledge is rapidly spreading worldwide reminding us death does not exist. There is no death. The soul never dies but has life after life after life and so on without end. The soul always lives and returns in a new body and lives another life . The Easter season reminds us of this. “He has risen”.  Emerging knowledge is clarifying our identity is not the physical body with all its extensions of age, gender, race and religion, but we are individual souls, thinking beings of spiritual energy separate from the body. ’We are stars wrapped in skin.’ The body is just a physical costume made of matter eventually returning to dust or ashes. With the Easter message, we are reminded we live forever; we are immortal souls.

Whether a soul leaves the body (known today as death), or a soul is in the womb of its mother, or if a person is in a coma, the soul is alive and continues to create and receive thoughts, but cannot express them. With this new understanding, when a soul leaves the body the family left behind should create thoughts of love, not sorrow or pain. Thoughts such as, “I cannot live without you,” “How could you leave us,” will only cause unrest and pain in the departed soul.  Instead, look into your heart and dissolve any heavy feelings of loss or sorrow and fill it with thoughts of love and happiness. Give blessings to the departed soul; they will receive and feel them, be comforted and move happily into their next life.

When you serve souls who have passed on by creating this peaceful atmosphere through your loving vibrations, you will feel God showering you with blessings, and feel God’s love and power flowing through you, comforting you and the departed soul.  Let every man and woman count himself immortal.  Let him not merely say, "Christ is risen," but "I shall rise." 


Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 



On Replay: The Experiential Values Workshop (# 61) on "Abundance" with Yogesh Sharda

30 March 2023

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.  

You're invited to enjoy the recording of our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 61) on 'Abundance' which originally was broadcast on Saturday, 25th March.


Value: Abundance ( भरपूरता / प्रचुरता ) 

Content of the Workshop:

     1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on 'Abundance'

     2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by Yogesh Sharda, Turkey.


YouTube Links:

in English  - https://youtu.be/7ntyR6j3ePo [1:10:19]

in Hindi  - https://youtu.be/uw0Axki_btg [1:10:16]


Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team


('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)



Boston Meditation Center Upcoming Events for April 2023

29 March 2023

           Upcoming Events for April 2023

                       Click here to RSVP


                      Click here to Join


               In Person - Click here to RSVP

             On Zoom - Click here to RSVP


                                Click here to RSVP


Evening Meditation

Monday thru Friday

7 - 7:30 pm


6:30 - 7:30 pm

Please click here to join Zoom


World Peace

Meditation Hour

Sunday, Apr 16th

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Please click here to join Zoom


Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center






On Replay: Ep. 61, 'Values for Life' Series, on 'Abundance' with Sr. Aruna (originally aired on 18 March)

29 March 2023

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.

Please enjoy the recording of  Episode # 61  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series: a spiritual reflection on “Abundance”.


Value:  Abundance (भरपूरता / प्रचुरता) 

Speaker: Sr. Aruna, Brahma Kumaris, Global retreat Center (UK)                


YouTube Links:

in English  - https://www.youtube.com/live/VTTJFwFA6rk?feature=share [1:32:55]

in Hindi  - https://www.youtube.com/live/VTTJFwFA6rk?feature=share [1:32:55]


Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

Values for Life Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)



A Warm Invitation for the Experiential Values Workshop (# 61) on "Abundance" (Saturday, 2 - 4 pm, UK time) with Yogesh Sharda

24 March 2023

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.  

We extend our warm invitation for the fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 61) on 'Abundance' this Saturday (2 - 4PM - UK time).


Value: Abundance ( भरपूरता / प्रचुरता ) 


Content of the Workshop:

     1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on 'Abundance'

     2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by Yogesh Sharda, Turkey.


Date / Time: Saturday, 25th March 2023 ( 2 Hrs Session )

     7:30 PM (India)  

     2:00 PM (UK)

     3:00 PM (France, Spain)

     5:00 PM (Turkey)

     6:00 PM (Dubai

     7:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can)

     10:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can ) 

     11:00 AM (Brazil


Direct joining Zoom link a :


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)

(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)

Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)



Anubhuti Presents: a Special Health Forum - Journey to Wellness

24 March 2023



San Francisco BK Meditation: - Special Guest Br. Mark -Guided Meditation & Live Harp Music (Fri, 3/24), Meditation Workshop

22 March 2023



Manhattan Center Presents Lecture(3/23): Is Your Mind Controlling You?

21 March 2023

Click on below Image to register.



10-month Series on the Vision of Golden Bharat by the Brahma Kumaris Vancouver & the India Consulate in Vancouver live on Facebook

21 March 2023

Dear Family,

Due to a request from the India Consulate in Vancouver, we ran a series called Diamond India 75 where the Canadian family participated for 10 months and we showed the values related to the Spirit of Freedom.

After finishing, the Consulate again requested for us to continue, so we decided to start a once-a-month series we called: Visions of Golden Bharat which started in January 2023. In this series, we will show the values related to the Golden Bharat.

For both series, we used the clips from the Values for Life Series, and the videos at this time are put together by the Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.



With much love

Sister Claudia and the Vancouver family




Message of Hope: MEMORY OF WATER

20 March 2023

To demonstrate the power of thought, Dr Emoto conducted many amazing experiments visually confirming the power of thoughts and how positive thoughts can transform and purify water (as well as everything else)!

The photo of 'Hope' highlights the theme of this 'Message of Hope' series as does the photo with 12 images of crystals. The enlarged photo on the right best shows the contrast between the effect of positive and negative thoughts on the structure of water.  Can't think of a better way to show why positive thinking is so important.  Remember to send blessings to your glass of water before drinking.

                                                 MEMORY OF WATER

Seeing how thoughts can transform water, imagine what our thoughts can do to our bodies. 
At least 70% of our body is water!

Everything in existence vibrates. Vibration is energy. Vibration travels through water, says Dr Masaro Emoto, a Japanese author born July 1943, who is known for his research and his claims that water has the ability to retain memory.

‘Water responds to human consciousness; it reflects human thoughts. It shows us what we can’t visibly see.’  Emoto’s research proves this power. Thoughts and words were directed at water droplets, then frozen and put under a microscope. As the drops start to unfreeze, the images reflected the emotions directed at them and became beautiful or ugly depending on whether the words or thoughts were + or - ! Negative emotions such as  ‘You fool’ made ugly crystals. Positive emotions, ‘I love you’, created beautiful crystals. 

In one of his experiments, samples of tap water from Tokyo were collected and small drops of this water transferred to small dishes and frozen.  After 3 hours no crystals formed, just an ugly blob! Then he gathered a small group of participants, adults and children, to encircle this water sample and speak -“Thank you water. We love you water.  We will take good care of you, water.”  Secondly, they were instructed to silently direct these thoughts to the water for the same period of time. As this small group  prayed over the water, the ugly blob  began to change. Looking through the microscope it was forming beautiful crystals. They were amazed!  One child commented, ‘I felt we had become one and I could pray for the water.’ 

Emoto also proved this change can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words, even names or pictures of people to a container of water. This also works with matter. Take 2 bowls of cooked rice and  give negative thoughts to one and positive thoughts to the other. Try it yourself. After  a short time the rice in the negative bowl turns brown and smelly while the positive one remains mostly unaffected. 

Water in some cases produces beautiful hexagonal crystals, the life force of mother nature; in other cases it produces distorted or no crystals at all. Anything in tune with mother nature manifests as a beautiful hexagonal structure.  Anything not in tune does not. What is water trying to tell us? Water collects negative  signals from people and the environment and becomes devitalized. Computers, TV,  hard rock music, microwave ovens, cell phones -- all form negative crystals. The absence of hexagonal crystals  is a sign that the life forces have been compromised and have lost their energy.  

‘I think this is the message of water, what it is telling us.  It is important for the water around us to be living and to produce only beautiful hexagonal crystals to help us remain healthy.’  For example, a 10-year study showed people who drank only hexagonal water reversed aging, lost  weight and strengthened their immune systems.’  Make your own hexagonal water.  Simply send your pure loving thoughts to your container of water. Even better, connect your thoughts to God and visualize the vibrations of God's spiritual light and power revitalizing your water. Then, before drinking water, remember to bless it.  The concept of holy water is not unique or current.  It has been around for a few thousand years.  

Our thoughts are the primary creative forces in our life.  Use them consciously and awaken a whole new life of power and opportunity.  By thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water brings peace to the self, our bodies and the world. In the same way by giving blessings, good wishes and seeing positive qualities of others, our thoughts and feelings empower others and create an energy of love and acceptance. Remember to bless the water you drink; it will light up the cells of your body.  If thoughts can transform water, imagine what our thoughts can do to our bodies.  At least 70% of our body is water!


https://youtu.be/FTIDNa2WVkA or Golden Drops: https://youtu.be/Y3V4bPQ427w   

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 



Message of Hope: MEMORY OF WATER

20 March 2023

To demonstrate the power of thought, Dr Emoto conducted many amazing experiments visually confirming the power of thoughts and how positive thoughts can transform and purify water (as well as everything else)!

The photo of 'Hope' highlights the theme of this 'Message of Hope' series as does the photo with 12 images of crystals. The enlarged photo on the right best shows the contrast between the effect of positive and negative thoughts on the structure of water.  Can't think of a better way to show why positive thinking is so important.  Remember to send blessings to your glass of water before drinking.

                                                 MEMORY OF WATER

Seeing how thoughts can transform water, imagine what our thoughts can do to our bodies. 
At least 70% of our body is water!

Everything in existence vibrates. Vibration is energy. Vibration travels through water, says Dr Masaro Emoto, a Japanese author born July 1943, who is known for his research and his claims that water has the ability to retain memory.

‘Water responds to human consciousness; it reflects human thoughts. It shows us what we can’t visibly see.’  Emoto’s research proves this power. Thoughts and words were directed at water droplets, then frozen and put under a microscope. As the drops start to unfreeze, the images reflected the emotions directed at them and became beautiful or ugly depending on whether the words or thoughts were + or - ! Negative emotions such as  ‘You fool’ made ugly crystals. Positive emotions, ‘I love you’, created beautiful crystals. 

In one of his experiments, samples of tap water from Tokyo were collected and small drops of this water transferred to small dishes and frozen.  After 3 hours no crystals formed, just an ugly blob! Then he gathered a small group of participants, adults and children, to encircle this water sample and speak -“Thank you water. We love you water.  We will take good care of you, water.”  Secondly, they were instructed to silently direct these thoughts to the water for the same period of time. As this small group  prayed over the water, the ugly blob  began to change. Looking through the microscope it was forming beautiful crystals. They were amazed!  One child commented, ‘I felt we had become one and I could pray for the water.’ 

Emoto also proved this change can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words, even names or pictures of people to a container of water. This also works with matter. Take 2 bowls of cooked rice and  give negative thoughts to one and positive thoughts to the other. Try it yourself. After  a short time the rice in the negative bowl turns brown and smelly while the positive one remains mostly unaffected. 

Water in some cases produces beautiful hexagonal crystals, the life force of mother nature; in other cases it produces distorted or no crystals at all. Anything in tune with mother nature manifests as a beautiful hexagonal structure.  Anything not in tune does not. What is water trying to tell us? Water collects negative  signals from people and the environment and becomes devitalized. Computers, TV,  hard rock music, microwave ovens, cell phones -- all form negative crystals. The absence of hexagonal crystals  is a sign that the life forces have been compromised and have lost their energy.  

‘I think this is the message of water, what it is telling us.  It is important for the water around us to be living and to produce only beautiful hexagonal crystals to help us remain healthy.’  For example, a 10-year study showed people who drank only hexagonal water reversed aging, lost  weight and strengthened their immune systems.’  Make your own hexagonal water.  Simply send your pure loving thoughts to your container of water. Even better, connect your thoughts to God and visualize the vibrations of God's spiritual light and power revitalizing your water. Then, before drinking water, remember to bless it.  The concept of holy water is not unique or current.  It has been around for a few thousand years.  

Our thoughts are the primary creative forces in our life.  Use them consciously and awaken a whole new life of power and opportunity.  By thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water brings peace to the self, our bodies and the world. In the same way by giving blessings, good wishes and seeing positive qualities of others, our thoughts and feelings empower others and create an energy of love and acceptance. Remember to bless the water you drink; it will light up the cells of your body.  If thoughts can transform water, imagine what our thoughts can do to our bodies.  At least 70% of our body is water!


https://youtu.be/FTIDNa2WVkA or Golden Drops: https://youtu.be/Y3V4bPQ427w   

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 




Manhattan Center Presents a Saturday Workshop (3/18): Spiritual Tools for Everyday Life

16 March 2023

Click on below Image to register.




Manhattan Center Presents a Lecture on 3/16: From Discontentment to Contentment

15 March 2023

Click on below Image to Register



Anubhuti Presents In-Person Retreats, Special Health Forum

9 March 2023




6 March 2023

Whether it is your inner conversation or a conversation with someone about your health, relationships, career, finances, whatever you talk about, use the highest vocabulary you are aware of.   Speak about what you would like to be and to accomplish, although it may not be your current reality!

Daily select and speak a positive pure thought and visualize being this thought.  For your inner conversation use only powerful thought words like - 

*I am a special soul.  *Changing habits is simple for me.  *Everything is perfect.  

*I am on time.  * I am successful.  *Of course I will do it.  *I will complete it. 

*I always do it well.  *My body is perfectly healthy.  *My meal is healthy and tasty. 

Such powerful positive words energize and have a healing effect on our mind and body.  The longer you concentrate and merge this thought within, the amount of energy acquired is quite amazing.  Every thought and word becomes a blessing and reality for ourselves, and others are inspired to be their best hearing your words of appreciation and congratulations.

However, 80% of the time our behaviour and speech is unconscious; only 20% of time there is conscious awareness of what I'm thinking, feeling and saying.  Imagine! Walking down the road and being 80% unconscious!  As we talk, listen to something, speak on the phone, etc, our free space of awareness is often used up with limited things and we continue to lose spiritual energy. We may then look for solace in old habits, substance addictions, overworking, and attachments to external things and people. When confidence diminishes, depression advances!

Pay Attention, but without tension! Learn to be conscious and build inner strength. Recognize useless thoughts and replace them with a spiritual perspective. Free yourself from attachments. Don’t give your mind permission to get disturbed. Our mind gets disturbed when we are not following through in life and behaviour with what we deeply believe in.   

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”-Mahatma Gandhi.   When we realize our true identity of the soul as the separate inner being sitting in this physical body, we turn inwards.  We take time to rest, and focus the mind, heart and emotions, connect with the divine, the Highest soul, God, and fill ourselves with His spiritual power.  Our inner space becomes clean with meditation; a peaceful safe place of comfort is experienced within the self.  Our inner sense of discernment also increases in this age where ‘fake news’ has emerged.  We see ourselves personally moving forward and changing. It is the greatest gift I give to myself. I now can paint a picture of myself of how I want to be. When I begin to live like this I have confidence in myself. My head and heart are in sync. My thoughts, words and actions are the same.

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 




Florida Service News: February 2023

5 March 2023

Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - February 2023


Visitor: Br Ramprakash from NY

Feb 4: Ramprakash bhai (from NY) was in Miami to help the family initiate the process of developing various possibilities of a concept plan based of all the desired spaces and basic / full-scale renovation of the center. With his rich engineering experience he is guiding the team with initial action plan and next steps.

He met with the family on Sunday and shared the enthusiasm of his spiritual experiences from his early days and how he continues to explore and experiment various points of knowledge.


Friday Conversations - with the Soulful Vegan Writer/Chef Ellen Kanner

Meet Ellen Kanner - the Soulful Vegan Writer/Chef

Feb 10: Media Producer - host Meredith Porte was in conversation with Soulful Vegan Writer/Chef - Ellen Kanner.

Ellen has pioneered the conscious cooking and mindful eating movement. She has authored numerous books including Feeding the Hungry Ghost: Life, Faith and What to Eat for Dinner and the e-book, Beans: a Handful of Magic.

Click here to access their spiritual conversation.


Marjorie interview with Enrique Córdoba

Sun, Feb 26: BK Marjorie who is a licensed Mental health councilor was invited by TV host Enrique Cordoba for the TV Program "Colombia al dia" telecast via WLRN channel 17. TheBK Miami Meditation Center receive calls from the viewers and some came to the Tuesday evening weekly meditation sessions offered in Spanish.


Fri with friends - comedian Rodney Laney

Meet Rodney Laney - author of the book Lighten Up! A Hilarious Memoir and Guide to Reflective Meditation.

Fri, Feb 24: Media Producer - host Meredith Porte was in conversation with celebrated comedian Rodney Laney. Rodney is well known for his appearances on HBO, The Late Late Show and Comics Unleashed CBS, and Comedy Central's Premium Blend. He is also the author of the book Lighten Up! A Hilarious Memoir and Guide to Reflective Meditation.

Click here to access their spiritual conversation.


Meredith invited as the guest speaker

Sat, Feb 25BK Meredith was delighted to be part of the 10th anniversary celebration of Dreamcatchers of the Soul. This exceptional nonprofit founded by Pema Reid (in the middle) is committed to bringing holistic wellness to children in underserved communities. Meredith who was the keynote speaker shared how studying meditation with the BKs for 37 years has enriched her life in countless ways.


Spanish workshop "Intenciones, Propósitos y Metas… para un Nuevo YO"

Feb 18: Workshop on "Intentions, Purpose and Goals for a New Me in the New Year" was offered in Spanish and facilitated by BK Marjorie. BK Maria also shared her experiences of understanding and experimenting with spirituality. Workshop was offered in hybrid mode where both "in-person" and Zoom attendees participated.

Cooking Class at Donnas


Shiv Jayanti Celebrations

Click to watch the Shiv Jayanti video

Florida Visitors

Miami had some visitors join the Sunday morning class. Sr. Claudia from NY, GHH. Sr. Monica & Br Abhishek from NY, PV. Br. Samuel from Trinidad who is visiting his lokiks in Miami along with his daughter (in the picture) and Br. Vijai (from Trinidad) was in Miami for a day while heading to Madhuban.


Madhuban Pilgrims

Pilgrims from Miami - Sr. Waddy, Amar, Brad and Dev were in the unlimited sweet home

Wheres Waddy

Sr. Waddy was in Madhban for the NC-CC meetings.


Shiv Ratri Celebration

As Shivratri paves way to a Golden Dawn, celebrations for Shiv Baba's birthday was filled with lively energy and excitement. As our Dear brother's and sisters participated in a Flag Hoisting ceremony each soul was also inspired to hoist the flag of love for Baba in their hearts. Everyone also enjoyed the sweet nectar of fresh sugar cane juice from Baba’s garden.

Madhuban Pilgrims

During February Sister Karen returned from Madhuban. Sisters Tara; Aruna; Kavita and Mittal all went to Madhuban.
Sister Shireen attended the NC/CC integrated retreat in Madhuban. Below is picture of the beautifully decorated Manmohini Auditorium

Ongoing service programs

Inspired Consciousness Series

Throughout February spiritual insights sessions contribute to personal development and individual growth. A wide range of spiritual topics was covered by a variety of experienced yogis including Br. Pritesh; Sr Ritu; Sr Tara; Sr Nitya; Sr Jaymini; Sr Jade & Sr Deborah.

Soulful Sundays

Every Sunday a session including a short spiritual talk, spiritual conversations, and 30 minutes of collective meditation for self-reflection was held. Sessions were covered by Sister Karen and Sister Paru

Upcoming Programs:

Raj Yoga Meditation Foundation Course to be held March 11th and 12th in person.



Craig facilitated Fridays with Friends... Spiritual Conversations :

Feb 3: "The Call of Time - Doomsday Clock News" by Craig with Craig. Click here to revisit.

Feb 17: " Fridays with Friends - "Everything Happens at the right time" with Luis Guarin. Click here to revisit.





Online and in-person classes continue at Ocala.



BK Retreat with Sr. Shanti (Spain) in January

Public program held at the College of Engineers

Sis Shanti sharing on the topic, "A positive and calm mind, free from fear and guilt" during a public program held at the College of Engineers. Approximately 60 souls were in attendance.

Before the departure of Sis Shanti to Spain

Thursday 2nd February, Sis Shanti with Baba's angels, in Baba's home, Puerto Rico



Shivratri was celebrated on Sunday, Feb 19th. Bhog picture attached.


Brother Krishna wrote the below article about Maha Shivratri's significance which has been published in the Times Of India web version.


On Saturday, Feb 4th Brother Krishna gave a talk on 'Happiness' at Sister Sejal’s house in Satellite Beach with a impressive turnout as per attached.


On Saturday, Feb 25th Brother Krishna gave a talk on 'Meditation is Medicine' at Ocean Club House in Satellite Beach with a successful turnout as per attached.


We have online daily Murli, 7 days course and and in person classes on Thursdays and Sundays.



NOTE: Hollywood Library: No Sessions March 20, March 27, & April 3—Library will be closed for remodeling. Please attend meditation at Dania Beach Library Saturdays.






Boston Meditation Center Upcoming Events for March

4 March 2023

Upcoming Events for March 2023

Click here to RSVP




Manhattan Meditation Center March March Calendar is here!

1 March 2023


Please click on the above image for more information.