2023 April Asia Pacific News Archive 2023 April Asia Pacific News Archive

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Australian Center for Soul Conscious Living Online & National Events for May 2023

29 April 2023

MAY 2023




Explore the basics of Raja Yoga meditation. Learn how to move through life with inner strength, peace and positivity by knowing the power of thoughts, how to understand the self, what Divine energy is, the laws of karma and time, and the spiritual powers that raise us above life’s challenges.


English starts: TUESDAY 2 

Punjabi starts:  FRIDAY 5 

Bulgarian starts:  FRIDAY 5 

Hindi starts:  SATURDAY 6 



सच्चा-सच्चा शक्ति जागरण



Join us for three Talk & Meditation Sessions on spiritual powers:

- The Power of Judgement

  - The Power to Cooperate:

- The Power to Face


TUESDAYS 2, 9, 16 

 7.00 - 8.00pm (AEST)







You are the creator of your thoughts! By becoming aware of the way we think, we can gain control and choose how and what we want to think. A positive thought should bring benefit to myself and others, as thoughts become our words and actions.


WEDNESDAYS 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 
10.00 - 11.30pm (AEST)





This is an open hybrid class hosted by our Brisbane Centre. Each class focuses specifically on the practice of meditation and the carrying of its effects into everyday life. Each Saturday concentrates on a different challenge.

All are welcome.

We begin with one hour of guided meditation.


SATURDAYS  6, 13, 20 & 27
9.00 - 11.00am (AEST)






You will learn about soul consciousness in these four classes.


SATURDAYS  6, 13, 20, & 27 
6.30 - 7.30pm (AEST)











BrahmaKumaris Peninsula Newsletter for May 2023

29 April 2023




Dear friends of the BKs.

Here are our sharings for the month of May together with our affectionate and warm  greetings for the coming winter months.

Our wish for you is that you continue with the intention to embrace spiritual kindness in your thoughts, words and actions to create an atmosphere of peace in your world. For to give to others the real gift of love in kind thoughts is to give them the feeling of being accepted in your presence. 




Raja Yoga Meditation Course as taught by The Brahma Kumaris


Tuesdays, 2nd May 2023

10:00 am - 11:30 am


The Brahma Kumaris teach a knowledge and method of meditation to support it that is about learning to understand who you are and why you are here in this world at this time. It is incredibly powerful knowledge that can enable you to use your thoughts in a positive and powerful way for your own sense of purpose and happiness.


This introductory course is one session a week for four weeks. A four week intermediate course will be offered for those who complete the full introductory course.


The course is designed in a sequential manner, so it is important you attend each session.




Raja Yoga Meditation Course as taught by The Brahma Kumaris


Wednesdays, 3rd May 2023

06:00 pm - 07:30 pm


The Brahma Kumaris teach a knowledge and method of meditation to support it that is about learning to understand who you are and why you are here in this world at this time. It is incredibly powerful knowledge that can enable you to use your thoughts in a positive and powerful way for your own sense of purpose and happiness.


This course is one session a week for an initial five weeks introduction with the option of a further 4 weeks intermediate.


The course is designed in a sequential manner, so it is important you attend each session.



A Weekend Retreat for Nepalese Speakers - for First Timers


Saturday- Sunday, 13th and 14th May 2023

09:00 am Sat - 02:00 pm Sun


A Weekend Retreat for Nepalese Speakers - for First Timers - 9.00am Saturday 13th - 2.00pm Sunday 14th May 2023
Title: आध्यात्मिक संगको मित्रता  समिपता - Meeting to the Horizon - coming together in one place is a spiritual home.


This Retreat is for First Timers


For more information, call or text to:
Sr Bee: 0433 901111, Sr Kajal: 0411 744483 or

Sr Manjari: 0406 382142


Please note: This program is not suitable for children.



Meditation for Men


Sunday, 21st May 2023

10:00 am - 02:00 pm


Meditation is the essence of spirituality. Understanding the self and having simple spiritual knowledge helps navigate through life's challenges. This program is an opportunity to be with kindred spirits, meditate with honourable men and be guided into a fresh approach to Life. Refresh your positive thinking, and your perspectives on relationships, attitudes and ways of being. The facilitators are experienced meditators, living a spiritual lifestyle integrated into practical life.




Creative Spiritual Space for Women


Sunday, 28th May 2023

02:00 pm - 04:30 pm


All women of all ages and cultures are welcome. Through creative activities and sharing we learn the positive and powerful qualities that are a strength and source of peace. We open up to accepting these qualities as being ours and the more we empower them they become a valuable resource.


Please note: Admission closes at 2.10pm.








Brahma Kumaris - Sydney - Programs in May 2023

26 April 2023

Newsletter for May 2023


Special Event


The Healing Soul in bereavement and loss
Saturday, 29 April '23   9am – 4:30pm AEST


A one day workshop that will focus on bringing an experiential awareness of the natural, spiritual healing power that lies within us.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided.



Special Event


Higher Positive Thinking

Saturday, 20 May '23   10am – 1pm AEST


This topic takes you beyond day to day positive thinking. While positive thinking is necessary for the benefit of mind, body and relationships, we rise above and see deeper into the overall well-being of the self, not only for the present but also for the future.



Raja Yoga Meditation Introductory Course (starts on first Wednesday of the month)

Wednesday, 3 May '23   7pm – 8:30pm AEST


This is an interactive introduction to the practice and philosophy of Raja Yoga Meditation. 



Positive Thinking Course (starts the first Thursday of every month)


 Thursday, 4 May '23   6:30pm – 8pm AEST


This course starts on the first Thursday of every month. The course has a total of four lessons and runs once per week (on Thursday nights) for four weeks.




Raja Yoga Meditation - Introductory Course (starts on first Saturday of the month)


Saturday, 6 May '23   10am – 11:30am AEST


This is an interactive introduction to the practice and philosophy of Raja Yoga Meditation. 




Reflection Series: Meditation - The Improbables

Monday, 8 May '23   6:30pm – 7pm AEST


Jude Pemell is a Sydney-based Forensic Psychotherapist, writer & filmaker. She has been practising Raja Yoga meditation since 1984.




iBeing online spiritual book cafe.


13 April Sat. 4:30pm - 6:00pm AEST


First timers to register on: http://tiny.cc/iBeing2023

Enquiries: ibeing@au.brahmakumaris.org




Reflection Series: Observing the signals in a conversation

Monday, 22 May '23   6:30pm – 7pm AEST

Janette Wright spends her time helping at the Gold Coast meditation Centre and working on various projects within the Brahma Kumaris.






Blue Mountain Retreat Presents "Open your eyes to the Youniverse: Demystifying Solitude". Gabrielle Martin in conversation with yogini Marta Matarin,  Saturday 22 March 2023 at 6:00 pm-7:30 pm (AEDT)

20 April 2023

Dear Friends,


When was the last time you made time for yourself? Maybe we can make time for a lot of other things but we forget ourselves? Join Gabrielle Martin in conversation with yogini Marta Matarin on demystifying solitude as she explores the benefits of time out for yourself and how to make it happen easily.


See you on Open your eyes to the Youniverse!, Saturday 22 March 2023 at 6:00 pm-7:30 pm (AEDT) for a conversation on demystifying solitude.


To register go to:



Ask a question at:



Open your eyes to the Youniverse! is a series of contemporary talks, conversations, meditations and interviews with people who inspire and uplift others. It is streamed live on YouTube via Zoom, monthly.


We look forward to seeing you there virtually!


With our warmest regards,


The Youniverse Team





Blue Mountains Retreat Centre May Programs

7 April 2023

Dear Friends,

The log fire is now being lit as we move closer to Winter.


We have a new retreat in May specifically for writers, poets, and journalists etc. We also have a new day program for those working in healthcare or as carers, which will treat them to some self care.


The following is from a new book, The SOS of Positive Thinking by Dadi Janki:

"Remember all thoughts create a vibration. Good thoughts create a good vibration and negative thoughts create a negative vibration. The feeling we create from the thought, be it good or bad, has an effect on our mood and how the body feels. ....Sad thoughts produce sad vibrations, which then produce sad feelings. Confident thoughts produce confident vibrations which in turn will produce a feeling of confidence. It is that simple. Play with making a conscious effort to change the negative thought into a positive one and be aware of how it affects the body. Notice the benefit to you of choosing to focus on positive thoughts."


Warm regards,

The Leura Team


We have waiting lists for most events so we would appreciate it if you only book for one event and choose an event you have not attended before.


Thank you for your cooperation.







Guangzho, China: BKs Participate in International Women’s Day Celebration

7 April 2023

We are pleased to share that recently a program on the occasion of International women’s day was organised by the Expats community in Guangzhou led by the African Elite group in Guangzhou. Bk Sister Sapna was invited to present a talk on “Embracing your true self” and conduct meditation. The Ambassador of Tanzania and the Ambassador of Uganda were present at the event. 


Sharing some pictures IBY

BK Sapna









‘Cancer, Balance & Wellbeing ‘ retreat at Yarra Valley Living Centre

4 April 2023

Australia:  A very successful ‘Cancer, Balance & Well-being ‘ retreat was held at the Yarra Valley Living Centre of the Brahma Kumaris (the former home of The Gawler Cancer Foundation).


Cancer statistics from Australian Institute of Health & Welfare in Oct ’22: ‘It is estimated that 162,000 new cancer cases will be diagnosed in 2022’.


These residential retreats are a unique opportunity in Australia to attend a lifestyle-based, Integrative Medicine programme that fully supports conventional medical cancer treatment regimes.


Although the majority of people diagnosed with cancer may be unaware of this, health research worldwide consistently suggests stress management, lifestyle and dietary changes can have significant impact in improving both long-term cancer outcomes and the physical and emotional experience of cancer treatment.


We offer a beautifully blended 5 days of researched teachings on Mindfulness Meditation, anti-cancer nutrition, emotional growth and self-care, developing clear intentions through wise use of the mind, health benefits of exercise and sleep, living a well supported life with purpose and meaning, and spirituality.


And each day we enjoy delicious plant based meals, walking, guided Qi gong and peaceful meditation practices in the beautiful Meditation sanctuary.


Our skilled team of Liz Stilwell, Dr Peter Johnston, Michael Johnson and Sandy Clinton bring together many years of working with people diagnosed with cancer and we are lovingly supported by the skilled team of Brahma Kumaris, our retreat hosts.



The next retreat will be held 27 – 31 October ’23 at Yarra Valley Living Centre


For further information, please email: cancerbalanceandwellbeing@gmail.com





Brahma Kumaris Five Dock, Sydney - Programs in April 2023

3 April 2023

   Newsletter for April 2023

Raja Yoga Meditation Introductory Course (starts on first Saturday of the month)
Saturday, 1 April '23   10am – 11:30am AEDT

This is an interactive introduction to the practice and philosophy of Raja Yoga Meditation. 

Raja Yoga Meditation - Introductory Course (starts on first Wednesday of the month)
 Wednesday 5, April  '23   7:pm – 8:30pm AEST

This is an interactive introduction to the practice and philosophy of Raja Yoga Meditation. This lays the foundation for ongoing spiritual development. In these sessions, we review the means to nourish the soul and to free our spirit.

Positive Thinking Course (starts the first Thursday of every month)

 Thursday, 6 April '23   6:30pm – 8pm AEST

This course starts on the first Thursday of every month. The course has a total of four lessons and runs once per week (on Thursday nights) for four weeks.

iBeing online spiritual book cafe.

8 April Sat. 4:30pm - 6:00pm AEST

First timers to register on: http://tiny.cc/iBeing2023

Enquiries: ibeing@au.brahmakumaris.org

Reflection Series: Meditation - Introspection
Monday, 10 April '23   6:30pm – 7pm AEST

Dan Haworth has been teaching people about the practical benefits of using meditation in daily life for the last 19 years. 


Seeds of Change - Celebrating Earth Day
 Saturday, 22 April '23   10am – 12pm AEST
This Earth Day, explore the connection between the environment and our consciousness

The Healing Soul - in bereavement and loss

Saturday, 29 April '23   10am – 5pm AEST
A one day workshop that will focus on bringing an experiential awareness of the natural, spiritual healing power that lies within us.

Reflection Series: Quest for the True Self

Monday, 24 April '23   6:30pm – 7pm AEST
Rosemary Turner has been practicing Raja Yoga Meditation for nearly 18 years and is from the UK. 



Center for Soul Conscious Living Presents Online Events for April 2023

1 April 2023

                                                                               APRIL 2023

                                                        DETAILS HERE


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                                               SEE EVENTS HERE


                                      SEE PREVIOUS EPISODES HERE