2022 March Madhuban News Archive 2022 March Madhuban News Archive

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News from Jayanti Didi in Madhuban 30th March, 2022

31 March 2022

It’s been a very full period, the last week.  

There were grand celebrations for Dadi Ratan Mohini’s 98th birthday.  There was a gathering of Sages and Saints, some were able to join in Dadi Ratan Mohini’s celebration. 

On the 27th March we had a day to honour Dadi Janki which was very beautiful.  Madhuban has sent news about that day.

On the 28th was Avyakt  Bapdada Milan.  At one point there were 25,000 people on the campus and many many of them came to Shakti Bhavan, Dadi janki’s cottage and literally Hansaben was welcoming groups of 80-90-100 at a time.

There were around 350 people from foreign lands and I was able to meet with most of them Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning in Gyan Sarovar.  Some had left already.  

On Tuesday evening after Murli revision class, we went to Dadi Janki Park for evening meditation which was filled with the fragrance of rose petals, organised by Harishbhai and the beautiful breeze for the evening meditation.

Om Shanti



The Education Wing has a new website!

29 March 2022

It is a matter of great pleasure that a new website (www.educationwing.com) has been created by the Education Division of Raja Yoga Education and Research Foundation of Brahma Kumaris. In this website, all the information related to the services and campaigns of the Education Wing will be available and detailed information about the upcoming programs will also be available in the future. The brothers and sisters of the education wing have contributed significantly in making this website.

Website Link: www.educationwing.com
Website Promo: https://youtu.be/YHtPav-bgIY


आदरणीय दैवी बहनों एवं भाइयों प्रति,
मधुबन बेहद घर से मधुर ईश्वरीय याद स्वीकार करना जी !  

अत्यंत हर्ष का विषय है कि ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ की राजयोग एज्युकेशन एण्ड रिसर्च फाउंडेशन के शिक्षा प्रभाग द्वारा एक नया वेबसाइट (www.educationwing.com) बनाया गया है। इस वेबसाइट में एज्युकेशन विंग की सेवाओं और अभियानों से संबंधित सभी जानकारियां उपलब्ध रहेंगी तथा आगामी भविष्य में होने वाले कार्यक्रमों की विस्तृत जानकारियाँ भी मिल सकेंगी। इस वेबसाइट को बनाने में एज्युकेशन विंग के भाई-बहनों ने अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है।

Website Link: www.educationwing.com
Website Promo: https://youtu.be/YHtPav-bgIY

ईश्वरीय सेवा में
बी.के. मृत्युंजय
कार्यकारी सचिव, ब्रह्माकुमारीज़
माउंट आबू, राजस्थान



In Photos: Wonderful Memories of Dadi Janki

27 March 2022




Godlywood Studio Produces a New Documentary Tribute to Dadi Janki in Hindi

27 March 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

This is such a point of time when not just Yogis and meditators, but the common man is also becoming aware of warning signals - from nature and from ongoing global activities - of an imminent transformation. This is where our beloved Dadi Jankiji and her legacy become very important for the world. Even her services on the visible physical plane are difficult to quantify, the immensity of her service through silence and vibrations will always remain a secret between her and ShivBaba.

On her second ascension day, this will be the right occasion to imbibe her qualities, to do service through thoughts and to prepare our final spiritual stage. Godlywood Studio has attempted to bring the essence of Dadi's Life into a short documentary which will help you understand Dadi on a deeper level. Follow the link and let's share her story and let more people find inspiration.

Click on the above image to play or click on the below link
https://youtu.be/aFhm_rlhh8Y [17:42]

With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal

------------------------Hindi Translation--------------------------

प्रिय भाइयों और बहनों,

ॐ शांति।

यह समयचक्र का ऐसा समय है,  जहाँ  प्रकृति में हलचल और वैश्विक गतिविधियों में अत्यंत विस्मयकरी उतार-चढ़ाव  से होने वाले आमूलचूल परिवर्तन  का आभास न केवल योगी और साधक को  बल्कि आम आदमी  को भी होता हैं  l ऐसे समय पर  हमारी प्यारी दादी जानकी जी और उनकी आध्यात्मिक विरासत दुनिया के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो जाती है। यहां तक कि साकारी दुनिया में उनके द्वारा की सेवाओं का आकलन मुश्किल है साथ ही शांति और प्रकम्पन के माध्यम से उनकी की  गयी सूक्ष्म सेवा की विशालता हमेशा उनके और शिवबाबा के बीच एक रहस्य बनी रहेगी।

 दादी जी का द्वितीय अव्यक्तारोहण दिवस उनके गुणों को जीवन में आत्मसात करने, संकल्प द्वारा सेवा करने और अपनी अंतिम आध्यात्मिक अवस्था बनाने का सही अवसर हैं । गॉडलीवुड स्टूडियो ने दादी जानकी के सम्पूर्ण जीवन को एक डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म द्वारा सार स्वरुप में लाने का प्रयास किया है जो आपको उन्हें गहराई से समझने में मदद करेंगा ।

कृपया वीडियो के लिंक को अपने प्रियजनों, स्वजनों  व परिजनों से साझा कर लोगों को प्रेरणा प्रदान करे ।

सर्व प्रति सम्मान सहित ,
बीके हरिलाल
गॉडलीवुड स्टूडियो 

BK Harilal                                                               
Executive Director
Godlywood Studio 



In the News and in Photos: Dadi Janki ji's 2nd Smriti Divas, 27th March

27 March 2022

Abu Road (Rajasthan): On 27th March, the Brahma Kumaris observed the second Ascension Anniversary of Dadi Janki,  Former Chief of Brahma Kumaris, in Shantivan.  Senior members of the Headquarters of Brahma Kumaris gathered to pay tributes at her memorial, known as Shakti Stambh or Tower of Power. Thousands of BKS from all over India and abroad also visited this paid tribute to her at this memorial throughout the day.

Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Dadi Ratanmohini, said that Dadi Janki was a symbol of renunciation and tapasya and that she inspired people around the world to follow the spiritual ideals of Bharat. 

Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Mohini Didi, offered Bhog and gave a message of universal love, inspiring the assembly to convey God's message to the world as Dadi Janki had done. 

Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Jayanti Didi, who had spent 40 years as a close companion of Dadi Janki relayed some of her experiences. She said that Dadi was a true companion of God and that God had made her an instrument to implement many important service projects around the world. Dadi had the deep desire to  introduce everyone to the Supreme Soul  and she knew instinctively how to help souls recognize and realize God.  She never lost hope in anyone.

Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, BK Nirwair, recalled how he had received personal spiritual sustenance from Dadi Janki. He shared how she lived simply, even lovingly cooking and feeding others, and worked tirelessly on God's behalf. 

Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, BK Brij Mohan, shared Dadi's five main principles of honesty, humilty, maturity, patience, and sweetness.  Dadi's personality inspired everyone's respect and she had a unique gift of making people feel as though they belonged to her with divine love. She could transform others by sharing God's knowledge and helping them experience the power of silence.



Replay of the Live Telecast link of Dadi Janki's Memorial Shakti Stambh on 27th March in Hindi and English

27 March 2022

Divine Sisters and Brothers, Loveful remembrances from Madhuban.

It has been two year since our dear and divine Rajyogini Dadi Janki Ji ascended to the angelic region to be with BaapDada. Sunday 27th March, is Dadiji Janki's memorial day through which all are inspired and energized to reach the Avyakt stage.

Sharing here the Links for the LIVE transmission from Shakti Stambh.
8.00 am to 8.30 am: Flower offerings from Shakti Stambh

HINDI LIVE - https://youtu.be/t35byXQbxz0 [45.29]

ENGLISH LIVE - https://youtu.be/X5PPwQgW9Eo [43:09]

In Babas Yaad,
BK Karuna



Short news from Jayanti Didi from Lucknow

24 March 2022

Early Thursday 24th March I arrived in Lucknow.    This is in response to an invitation from the government to attend the ceremony for Chief Minister Yogi Aditinath who has been elected a second time around.

He is very close to Baba’s family and has met Dadi Janki with a lot of love.

I return to Abu on the 26th March.


News in Hindi from the Madhuban News YouTube Channel:

योगी के शपथ ग्रहण समारोह में हिस्सा लेंगी ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ | BK Jayanti | Yogi Oath ceremony Live 




Brahma Kumaris Hold Awareness Exhibition On World Water Day

23 March 2022

Abu Road (Rajasthan): The Water Department at Brahma Kumaris Headquarters held an exhibition in Abu Road for generating awareness on World Water Day.  It shed light on water scarcity and conservation methods.

BK Pari, Head of the Water Department of Shantivan,  said that we need to manifest the water that is hidden. "Without water, human life is difficult.  Without trees, water is becoming scarce.  We must plant more trees every year.  This will help bring the Monsoons on time. We need to recycle water as well."

BK Shambhu, Chief of the Water Department, and BK Deepak along with many others were also present.




In Photos: Third Sunday of March with Mohini didi in Pandav Bhawan

23 March 2022

Third Sunday, 20 March, with Mohinididi in Pandav Bhawan:

Mohinididi and some double foreigner senior teachers joined the Pandav Bhawan Niwasis and Sevadharis for Third Sunday World Meditation Hour at Shanti Sthamb: Tower of Peace. Mohinididi then met with PB Niwasis in Meditation Hall for a short and sweet sneh-milan, and then went on tour of Baba's 4 Dham.

B.K. Ramesh bhai











A Special tribute to Dadi Gulzar with English subtitles

21 March 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.

Brahma Kumaris Godlywood Studio presents an enlightening and heart touching documentary in Hindi, to pay tribute to Dadi Gulzarji on her 1st Ascension Anniversary, which received an overwhelming response from viewers.

Any attempt to glorify Dadi Gulzar will be like showing a torch to the sun. Dadi was self-luminous. She is the perfect example to follow for anyone aspiring for spiritual perfection. There are a lot of lessons she taught through her exemplary life; nothing can match the legacy she has left for the entire Brahmin Family. Let's try to imbibe some of her sterling qualities which made her GOD's Beloved.

Please find the link to the short documentary prepared by Godlywood Studio on Dadi's life and mission. This is due to the request of double foreigners worldwide. It is revised and subtitled in English so that it can be fully enjoyed.


Youtube Link

Enjoy the video and share it with your near, dear, and loved ones.
Thank you.


IBY, With Warm Regards

BK Harilal                                                               

Executive Director

Godlywood Studio

World Renewal Spiritual Trust   



IN PHOTOS: Day of Divinity Programme at Diamond hall Shantivan

14 March 2022


For ALL photos:  https://youtu.be/sWyUaqLAiig




Vishwa Kishore Dada's Inspiring life story" on YouTube (Hindi only)

14 March 2022

Vishwa Kishore Dada's Smriti Divas (Day of Remembrance) was on 12th March. This, in brief, is his story, told in Hindi. विश्व किशोर दादा - प्रेरणादायक जीवन कहानी 




Bouquet of Songs and Documentary (in Hindi) on Dadi Gulzar

13 March 2022

Om Shanti.

Dadi Gulzar has given us inspirations for a lifetime and nothing can match the legacy she has left for the whole brahmin family. Godlywood Studio has tried to show it's immense gratitude by releasing a bouquet of songs and a documentary on her 1st Ascension day.

Please find the links below. Let us remember and pay homage to the chariot GOD Himself revered.







With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal                                                              

Executive Director, Godlywood Studio

World Renewal Spiritual Trust  



Inauguration of ‘Avyakt Lok’ on the Day of Divinity, First Remembrance Day of Dadi Hridayamohini

11 March 2022


Abu Road (Rajasthan): The Brahma Kumaris observed the First Remembrance Day of Dadi Hridayamohini, aka Dadi Gulzar,  Former Chief of Brahma Kumaris, as the Day of Divinity, all over the world. At a program held in Shantivan, the International headquarters of Brahma Kumaris,  the day was marked by the inauguration of ‘Avyakt Lok‘, the memorial dedicated to Dadi Hridayamohini.  All the senior dignitaries of the Divine family gathered to pay floral tributes to Dadi on this occasion.  More than fifteen thousand members of the Brahma Kumaris family from all over India and abroad gathered in loving remembrance of Dadi Gulzar at Avyakt Lok and paid floral tribute.

Dadi Ratanmohini, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, while speaking at the program in Diamond Hall, said that the best tribute to Dadi Gulzar would be to spend maximum time contemplating the Divine.  Always remember that God is always with you. Dadi Gulzar was always intoxicated with this knowledge that God has chosen us. He has enabled us to benefit this world.  May the Divine world manifest soon.

BK Nirwair,  Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris,  said that it is heartening to see the love and affection with which the Divine family has gathered here today.  We all need a lot of strength in view of the coming difficult times.  He thanked BK Mohini from New York for the Divine message and wished her good health.

BK Chakradhari, In-charge of the Women’s Wing of the Rajayoga Education and Research Foundation, shared Dadi Gulzar’s views on fasting as a means to control the senses. She suggested controlling the preferences for certain foods and partake whatever is available with gratitude.

BK Mohini from New York, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, offered Bhog and invoked Dadi Gulzar on this occasion. She gave the Divine message of being happy, becoming obstacle-free, and giving and taking blessings.

BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, said that Dadi Gulzar was a tireless server of the Divine.  Even after rigorous service,  she always appeared fresh because of her nearness to the Divine.  Her concentration capacity and integrity were visible in her eyes and face. She had dissolved her identity fully in the Supreme Soul.  The way God used her as His instrument is truly historic.

BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris,  lead a one-minute tribute of silence for Dadi Hridayamohini.  He had the good fortune of being with her for 54 years.  We must follow in her footsteps and pledge to become pure and bring a Golden Bharat soon.

BK Dr. Nirmala,  Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris,  said that Dadi Gulzar was very humble,  soft-spoken, and used measured words.  She served the Supreme Soul by offering her body as a vehicle for many years.  Let’s thank her wholeheartedly today for nurturing us for many years.

BK Charlie, Director of Brahma Kumaris in Australia,  shared his experiences with Dadi Gulzar.  He recalled how Dadi used to humbly bring Baba for all to experience His presence.  It was a Divine sight.  He thanked Dadi for inspiring his life.

Vice Admiral Satish Nair Ghormade, who is a regular practitioner of Rajyoga since 2011, paid his tribute to Dadi Gulzar.  He said that Dadi’s personality was extremely humble and powerful.  Her words helped him immensely in his spiritual life. Rajyoga helped him succeed in life and build a beautiful family.

BK Sudha, Director of Brahma Kumaris in Moscow,  Russia,  said that she started her Godly services in 1968 from Delhi, inspired by Dadi Gulzar.  Dadi’s personality inspired her to follow the spiritual path.

Dr. Shankar Kanthe, General Surgeon from BSMG Hospital,  Mumbai,  shared his experience of Knowing Dadi Hridayamohini since 2002. He said that she was a great and peaceful soul.  Her presence and ideals remain with him even after she is gone.

Dr. Aakash Shukla, General Physician,  Reliance Hospital,  Mumbai,  said that his experience with Dadi Hridayamohini not only impacted him deeply but truly transformed him.

Madhur Vani Group presented a song dedicated to Dadi Hridayamohini. The meditative atmosphere in Diamond Hall was filled with vibrations of peace, purity, and divinity.




News from Jayantiben in Shantivan (10 March 2022)

11 March 2022

This is now the largest group that has come to Madhuban in two years, with over 10,000 BKs, and the hall was absolutely packed. It was beautiful to see the full gathering when I sat for the meditation for Bhog today.


Big groups have come to Madhuban from abroad also: Dubai must perhaps be the largest with 36 BKs.







News from Jayanti bhen in Shantivan (9 March 2022)

11 March 2022

There has been a film group from the USA doing a lot of filming on Baba’s campuses, and many interviews, but also taking Gyan and practising Meditation themselves. They left on the 9th for the next part of their journey in Thailand, and they just expressed a lot of love and appreciation for all that they’d experienced in Madhuban.


The preparations for inauguration of Avyakt Lok, Dadi Gulzar’s Memorial, are nearly complete. It will be ready for the 11th when there is a full day planned of honouring Dadi Gulzar.


Many are concerned about the situation in the Ukraine. I was able to connect with Sister Olga directly. A group of souls from Odessa are travelling in two cars to Baba’s home a few hundred kilometres away which is in a safe area, and also very near the border of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Olga sounded in very good spirits and was very appreciative, and had a lot of gratitude for all the yoga power that everyone is sending their way.








Shantivan - LIVE TELECAST Link of Inauguration of Avyakt Lok & Classes from Diamond Hall

10 March 2022

Divine Sisters and Brothers, Loveful remembrances from Madhuban

It has been a year since our dear and divine Rajyogini Dadi Gulzari Ji ascended to the angelic region to be with BaapDada. Friday 11th March, is the Inauguration of Avyakt Lok, the memorial which will inspire and energize all to reach the Avyakt stage. 

Sharing here the Links for the LIVE transmission of Avyakt Lok Inauguration & all the Classes from Diamond Hall.

8 am to 9 am: Inauguration of Avyakt Lok
HINDI LIVE - https://youtu.be/6bSh_6iWiVs
ENGLISH LIVE - https://youtu.be/T5HMfvGaXoI

10.30am to 12.30pm: Experience Sharing by Sister Mohini Ji, Brother Nirwair Ji and Dadi Ji's Doctors Plus Bhog and Baba's message.
HINDI LIVE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sUP1Y2A9Xs
ENGLISH LIVE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIaB0Q0hTRU

6.00 pm to 7:30 pm: Experience Sharing by Brother Brij Mohan Ji & Sister Jayanti Ji
HINDI LIVE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q6Q8hkg-0s
ENGLISH LIVE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUHPtGx3Tko



Let's Remember Dadi Gulzar - Short Documentary

10 March 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Om Shanti.


Any attempt to glorify Dadi Gulzar will be like showing a torch to the sun. Dadi was self luminous. She is the perfect example to follow for anyone aspiring for spiritual perfection. There are a lot of lessons she taught through her exemplary life; Today, on the eve of the 1st anniversary of her ascension day, let's try and imbibe some of her sterling qualities which made her GOD's beloved.


Please find the link to a short documentary on Dadi Gulzar's life and mission from Godlywood Studio.




With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal                                                               

Executive Director

Godlywood Studio

World Renewal Spiritual Trust 






News from Jayantiben in Abu (5 March)

7 March 2022

Flag-hoisting ceremonies in all the different complexes of Madhuban continue, and on Friday, 4 March, we had the flag in Peace Park and all had a lot of fun there as usual.

There have also been different Zoom events taking place, but a spectacular one was a programme that was devoted to Bhakti Songs organised by ZEE Channel. This was presented on Shivratri day, 1 March, on Baba’s Diamond Hall stage. In particular, a very famous singer and famous poet, who are the Judges of the Programme on ZEE Channel, also performed beautifully. The musical programme continued for around three and a half hours and was enjoyed by multi-thousands in the Hall and will be broadcast on ZEE Channel as well. The artists all said that they felt as if they were in paradise coming to Shantivan, surrounded by love and many mentioned the good food too!




Mahashivratri Celebrations At Gyan Sarovar

7 March 2022

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): The Brahma Kumaris celebrated Mahashivratri in a grand way at Gyan Sarovar premises. The whole campus was decorated beautifully with flags and lights.

BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, while speaking on this occasion, said that if we offer our negative tendencies to God, our life can progress towards Divinity. On this day, we should get power from God. She held a five minute Rajayoga Session for the peace of souls who are caught in the war zone currently.

BK Dr Nirmala, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris and Director of Gyan Sarovar, said that the Supreme Soul takes human birth for the benefit of man. It tells man the way to true knowledge and establishes right religion through Rajayoga.

BK Shashi, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris, said that elevated thoughts can make an ordinary life great. A life of spiritual penance becomes an example for others.

BK Karuna, Multi Media Head of Brahma Kumaris,  said that the Supreme Soul is the benefactor of all.  Letting go of our petty ego is the key to a happy life. Sacrifice,  Penance and selfless service gives the message of humanity to men.

BK Meera from Malaysia,  BK Sheilu, and BK Surya also expressed their good wishes on this occasion.

Other guests from foreign countries also shared the stage at this program and pledged to take the Godly message all over the world.




Promo of Muskaan by Godlywood Studio

7 March 2022

Dear Divine Global Family,

We are pleased to announce a new series by Godlywood Studio titled, "Muskaan.''

When the women of the country start wearing a beautiful 'Muskaan' or smile as their first ornament, only then can we say that the country has progressed. Muskaan is a humble effort from Godlywood Studio towards this end... to inspire and create awareness that women matter everywhere.

The show was inaugurated by BK Sister Jayanti (Addl. Chief of the Brahma Kumaris) - the flying angel who is a perfect example of what a powerful and balanced woman is.

More than a dozen episodes were created over a gruelling four-day period. Topics include women's education, relationships, issues, government initiatives, laws, etc.

The participants in the shoot were renowned and successful women: Leena Mehendale, the former Additional Chief Secretary of  Maharashtra, Bharti Naik, who was awarded as the ICONIC WOMAN CREATING A BETTER WORLD FOR ALL by Women Economic Forum 2018 at New Delhi, Wing Commander - Nishtha Malik, who joined Indian Air Force as Judge Advocate General and has completed 20 years of service, Mrs.Swati S. Bedekar, Director of Discovery Science Resource Group, Vadodara, Ritu Thakkar, who has received awards for her outstanding contribution to training, development, and leadership, Karamjeet Kaur, lecturer and Rajyoga teacher from Punjab, and Mrs. Tanu Mongia, mother, businesswoman, proprietor, and social worker.

The entire series was anchored by leading Bollywood TV actor & producer - Raj Singh Verma and anchor, actor, & entrepreneur - Satnam Kaur. It was directed by BK Shikha from Godlywood Studio.

Coming up soon. Please stay tuned.

Loving regards in BapDada's yaad,

OCC Team




News from Jayantiben in Abu (27 Feb 2022)

1 March 2022

On the 27th, I had the amazing fortune of reading Murli in Shantivan, and as you would have heard, it was the particularly powerful and beautiful Avyakt Murli of 18 January 1990. There was then a flag-raising ceremony at Trauma Hospital, near Shantivan. I stayed for the first half hour and then returned to Shantivan to conduct Class with the Punjab Zone group that have now come for their turn.


27th evening was the Launching of the National Campaign on ‘Integrated Approach in Science, Technology and Spirituality for a Sustainable Future’, in Diamond Hall. There are some high-level Speakers who have especially come for the event.








Mount Abu- Grand 86th Shiv Jayanti Celebration at Brahma Kumaris Headquarters, Shantivan

1 March 2022


Abu Road ( Rajasthan ): The Brahma Kumaris celebrated the festival of Mahashivaratri with great fanfare in the Shantivan complex.  Rajyogini Dadi Ratanmohini, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, unfurled a 50-foot-tall flag of the Supreme Soul God Father Shiva,  in the presence of all the senior members of Brahma Kumaris and thousands of others from all over India and abroad.

Dadi Ratanmohini, while addressing the gathering on this occasion said that Mahashivratri is a festival to become victorious over our negative tendencies.  We should offer our shortcomings to the Supreme Father with all humility, as He has the power to remove them. We must remember God at all times.

BK Jayanti, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris, said that when we connect our life to God, we become very happy. On this festival,  we should get rid of anger, greed, lust, and ego forever.

BK Nirwair, Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, shared his blessings and good wishes with the audience.

BK Brij Mohan, Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris,  said that God is the Supreme Father of all beings. If we offer our shortcomings to Him, surely He can rectify those.

BK Munni, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris; BK Karuna, Multi-Media Head of Brahma Kumaris; and BK Mruthyunjaya,  Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris, were also present.

महाशिवरात्रि पर्व पर ब्रह्माकुमारीज संस्था के शांतिवन में विशाल स्तर पर मनाया गया।  संस्थान के मुख्य प्रशासिका राजयोगिनी दादी रतनमोहिनी, अतिरिक्त मुख्य प्रशासिका राजयोगिनी बीके जयंती, संयुक्त मुख्य प्रशासिका राजयोगिनी बीके मुन्नी, महासचिव बीके निर्वैर, अतिरिक्त महासचिव बीके बृजमोहन, मीडिया प्रभाग के अध्यक्ष बीके करुणा समेत वरिष्ठ भाई बहनों ने इस पावन पर्व पर परमात्मा शिव का विशाल शिव-ध्वज फहराया। इस अवसर पर देश विदेश से आये बड़ी संख्या में लोग उपस्थित थे।