2020 International Yoga Day Archive
Table of Content
“Yoga for the Future WE Want” – New Jersey Brahma Kumaris Celebrate International Day of Yoga
6 July 2020
Cinnaminson, New Jersey ( USA ): The Meditation Center, a chapter of the Brahma Kumaris in Cinnaminson, New Jersey, celebrated the International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2020, with a conversation between two yogis: the Venerable Bhante Y. Wimala, a spiritual teacher and humanitarian who has been a Buddhist monk for 47 years; and BK Veronica McHugh, Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris chapters in Florida and a Raja Yoga practitioner and teacher of over 40 years.
The evening started by commemorating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Neha Bangia of the Edison, NJ chapter of the Brahma Kumaris, shared the history of the United Nations and the vital role it plays with a short video. The theme of the event was, “Yoga for the Future WE Want“: envisioning humanity’s future and discussing how yoga facilitates the realization of that vision. Several contributors shared their vision of the future in short video clips, from schoolchildren to doctors, scientists, and professors.
Following the video clips, the Venerable Bhanteji and BK Veronica took the virtual stage for the event’s main session, facilitated by Natesh Sudarshan of
The Meditation Center.
The Venerable Bhanteji explained how we can create a happy world
through individual self-transformation and achieve inner peace through awareness.
BK Veronica shared her vision of a virtuous and divine world, achieved through pure consciousness and an unwavering connection to the Supreme Soul, the source of divinity. She encouraged everyone to take a leap —to change our thoughts and broaden our perspective—echoing the words of our spiritual Father: “Child, it’s only a game.”
Dolly Lal, Coordinator of The Meditation Center in New Jersey, concluded the session by thanking the yogis and inviting them to participate in future conversations.
The inspiring and uplifting session was followed by World Meditation Hour, a global Brahma Kumaris initiative. From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on every third Sunday of the month, the Brahma Kumaris in over 90 countries collectively serve humanity on a spiritual level with an hour of meditation.
During this special hour, attendees were led in pranayama by Shila Sanghani, a
Chicago yoga instructor; Ram Phuyal, a yoga teacher and therapist in Philadelphia; and in guided meditation by Reena Patel, a Raja Yoga practitioner and teacher in Philadelphia.
Transcendent live music was performed by Philadelphia String Quartet members Miha Matei and Alfiya Glow.
More than 60 participants joined the celebration, which was hosted on Zoom and streamed live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=556320425038431
“Inner Alignment: Unity Starts Within Myself” – International Day of Yoga Event by Harmony House, New York
1 July 2020
New York ( USA ): In keeping with the June theme of “The Heart of Well-Being: Living a Healthier and Happier Life,” Brahma Kumaris Global Harmony House, New York, celebrated the United Nations International Day of Yoga by hosting a zoom event entitled, “Inner Alignment: Unity Starts Within Myself.”
The guest speaker was Caroline Ward, a gifted guide, teacher, and author who specializes in transitions and transformation and who has studied and taught meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for more than twenty years. The author of two books, the Four Faces of Woman and Mi Coraje, Tu Coraje (My Courage, Your Courage), Caroline is an Australian living in Latin America who works across the world facilitating ways in which people may embrace the challenges of changing paradigms.
Caroline offered an enchanting weave of fragrant insights on how each of us can find our space of well-being, reminding us that by not choosing a story of resistance, we can face our storms and obstacles with a creative and constructive outlook.
One of the highlights of the evening was Caroline’s discussion of “inclusiveness,” a term has that has been co-opted by policy makers and which she effectively brought back to its true meaning, that of belonging. Our respective stories, bodies, and souls are unique, but we are at our best when we are lovingly inclusive. Using poignant anecdotes and lively figurative language, Caroline convinced us all that bringing our head and heart into alignment, “yoked like oxen,” allows us to meet life’s challenges in a lighter, more transformative way.
Yoga - A way of Life - Celebrating International Yoga Day an Online Yoga Day Program with Sr Jayanti
1 July 2020
Catch the replay [1:59:39] here: https://youtu.be/yUTSNUbHoZQ
Ambassador of India to Guatemala Opens the IYD Event of BK Centers in Central América REPLAY
30 June 2020
Click on the above image to play [44:57 minutes]
Central America : Celebration of the International Day of Yoga: The Brahma Kumaris Centers in Central América get together in a special meditation for peace.
The purpose was to unite minds in creating a wave of real love, positive energy and peace for all the world. Connecting with the Supreme Source of Love, and with that love in our hearts, we offer solutions from love and not from fear.
Artists and Raja Yoga teachers participated: Balby León from El Salvador, Anne Bonin from Guatemala, Delia Girón from Honduras; Marcia Avilés, Ligia Casco y Sandra Castro from Nicaragua; and Marcela Chavarría, Marianne Lizana, Johan Solano, Marianela Jiménez, and Claudia Lizana from Costa Rica.
The event was opened by Bawa Syed Mubarak, Ambassador of India to Guatemala.
28 June 2020
Om Shanti,
Its been wonderful month with International Yoga Day celebrations. Brahma Kumaris, in collobration with Consulate General of India (CGI), Frankfurt was online for 3 sessions live on their facebook page.
Session -1 on April 24 was done by BK Pratibha for around 1 hour giving introduction to Rajyoga meditation and conducting live meditation.
Session -2 on June 6th was done by BK Pratibha for around 1 hour, sharing contrast of Rajyoga and Hath Yoga. This session also included demonstrating Hath yoga asanas followed by an introduction to Rajyoga.
Session-3 on International Yoga Day - June 21 - Sudesh Didi gave a live sesison on the FB page of CGI for 40 minutes on the topic "Rajyoga Meditation - Exploring Inner Potential". The talk included wonderful explanations of Hath Yog Asanas with spitirual meaning. The session was completed by a very deep and peaceful meditation for 8 minutes. This was also shown live on Zoom as public program at same time with over 30 participants. Youtube Link and FB page links are given below.
Rajyoga Meditation - Exploring Inner Potential with Sudesh Didi - European Director - Brahma Kumaris
Yoga Sessions on International Yoga Day by Brahma Kumaris HQ
26 June 2020
Abu Road ( Rajasthan ): The Brahma Kumaris celebrated International Yoga Day at its International Headquarters by holding very large physical yoga and Rajayoga sessions. Online Webinars were held by Brahma Kumaris centers all over the world, from which lakhs (hundreds of thousands) of people received the benefit of these yogic practices.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing norms were followed scrupulously during this program. The physical yogic exercises included Pranayam, Anulom Vilom and Surya Namaskar. For mental well being, Rajayoga Meditation was practiced.
BK Mruthyunjaya, Executive Secretary of the Brahma Kumaris, while speaking on this occasion said that physical yoga, when combined with Rajayoga, takes care of the body and mind. The coronavirus pandemic has put the spotlight on yoga as a tool of mental well being. We need to pay due attention to this.
BK Jayanti, Director of Brahma Kumaris in Europe and the Middle East, said that Rajayoga is a technique of Meditation that leads to purification of the mind. This can be practiced by everyone irrespective of age and gender.
Brahma Kumaris Moscow Celebrate International Day of Yoga
26 June 2020
Moscow ( Russia ): The Sixth International Day of Yoga was celebrated by Brahma Kumaris Moscow including two sessions on the themes “Yoga is like a multifaceted diamond” and “Yoga and Mastery over the self.”
The first session with the theme “Yoga is like a Multifaceted Diamond” covered topics such as Raja Yoga as psychotherapy, Yoga and sports, and the role of yoga in social adaptation. The program was conducted with the participation of specialists in the fields of psychotherapy, sports-gymnastics and social psychology.
Extending greetings on the occasion, BK Dr. Vijay Kumar expressed: “Every year millions of people across the world join together on 21st June to celebrate the Day of Yoga. We are obliged to propagate the idea of yoga, its benefits and also obliged to achieve its goals. It is well known that the practice of yoga dates back to the remote past. It is also accepted that yoga came into existence 5,000 years ago and that the Sermonizer of yoga was God Himself.
“In modern times, yoga is widely accepted as physical, mental and spiritual practices to maintain health of body, mind and soul. Yoga is like a multifaceted diamond and it also gives meaning to life. A good practice of yoga would bring multiple benefits to the practitioner. If man keeps the aim of making his physical, mental and spiritual personalities pure and perfect, I believe that yoga can help.
“Yoga and its global significance needs a deeper and wider understanding. Yoga has been in vogue through human civilizations and cultures. People of a variety of religions do practice one or another kind of yoga system. It is not by chance that yoga is also defined as the practice of being united with God or being in Union with God. But, what actually does it mean? Such a belief actually gives the feeling of universal brotherhood. To practice yoga means to adopt the principles brotherhood with the affirmation of God being the Father of all.”
A video was played with a speech by the Honourable President of India, Mr. Ramnath Kovind, delivered at an international conference held in Mount Abu, India, in which he expresses his spiritual vision of the world.
The program continued with special themes.
BK Leila Alieva, Medical Psychologist, practitioner of Raja Yoga for 28 year, spoke on the theme “Yoga as Psychotherapy.”
BK Olga Streltsova, Teacher, Sport gymnastics and fitness trainer, practicing Raja Yoga for 25 years, demonstrated yoga exercises for sports and also spoke on the theme, “Yoga and Well-being.”
BK Tatiana Shakhnovskaia, Psychologist, shared valuable experiences on the importance of yoga in social adaptation. A silent meditation was conducted at the end of this session.
BK Sudha, Director of Brahma Kumaris, Moscow, conducted a special session dedicated to the International Day of Yoga on the theme: “Yoga and Mastery over the Self – Theory and Practice.”
Link to the program telecast:
International Day of Yoga 2020_Russia Moscow_Telecast
Program_Self-control Yoga and Mastery over the self.
Program_A Multi-faceted Diamond
REPLAY - Yoga Day event: Building a Culture of Inclusivity
24 June 2020
REPLAY LINK: https://www.facebook.com/YogaDayCommittee/videos/1829999177123696/?t=21
REPLAY Links for: ‘Yogis - Linking Living Lights’ - Yoga Day June 20-21
24 June 2020
Dear NC’s and CC’s,
Om shanti and loving greetings.
We are happy to send you the latest promo video produced for the above event. We hope that you can circulate it and promote it through your social media channels. We had already sent you promotional materials and guidelines in an earlier email and hope that you were able to download the necessary materials for your country. Kindly also forward the below to your media department to update.
PROMO 2: BKUN Youtube channel
The following links will go live on these dates/times:
1) BKUN website
SATURDAY 20 JUNE 12:00PM (Noon) UTC. (Livestream for 48 hrs)
SUNDAY 21 JUNE 10:00am - 13:00 UTC
(All times in UTC - please look up your local time accordingly)
(Local times: New York: Sun 06:00. Nairobi: Sun 13:00. Abu Dhabi: Sun 14:00. Mumbai: Sun 15:30. Sydney: Sun 20:00.)
VERY IMPORTANT: We can stream LIVE to your country/center Facebook page from the BK UN Facebook page. For this we need your media/technical team to give us the Crossposting link and Manager Access from your center/country Facebook page. Please email them directly to info@un.brahmakumaris.org as soon as possible.
As a follow up to the event, we are asking users to subscribe to a 21 day meditation challenge called ‘Activate your Inner Light’. This challenge will sit in the description box when the video is being streamed through Youtube and Facebook.
Subscribe here for English.
Subscribe here for Portugese
Subscribe here for Spanish
Subscribe here for French
Please see the promotional posters attached below (English, Spanish and Portuguese) and use it to promote the follow up from the 24 hr livestream. The poster can be circulated through your contacts, on social media and by email.
We are so grateful that Bapdada has sent a beautiful message to all the BK youth that have participated in this project. Please click here for it.
Many many thanks to everyone.
In Baba’s loving yaad
BK Gayatri and BK Gopi
Yoga Day Special Video on Zee Anmol
22 June 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti.
We are glad to inform all of you that Godlywood Studios constant effort to reach out to renowned channels are reaping fruit. Zee group of channels has requested us content for Yoga Day on 21st June, and we have prepared some fillers accordingly - A Yoga Day Special Video by our Versatile Speaker B.K.Usha and fillers on Yoga Day by Dr. Satish Gupta. This achievement became possible only because of the blessings from Almighty Baba, Dadis and good wishes from all our seniors for which we are always grateful.
This Programme will be aired on Zee Anmol Channel on Sunday 21st june, at 7:30 AM and the fillers will run thoughout the day frequently on different timings. Please find the Channel details:
AIRTEL DTH | 140 |
D2H | 116 |
DISH TV | 125 |
SUN DIRECT | 312 |
TATA SKY | 172 |
Kindly share this information with all your contacts. Let's reach out to the world with beloved Baba's message.
With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director
Godlywood Studio
Brahma Kumaris Montréal Presents "Yoga: Remembering the Future & Sailing Through Turbulent Times"- Online Programs 21 June
22 June 2020
Meeting ID: 979 4074 7420
Password: 911198
Meeting ID: 955 5944 9268
Password: 355626
REPLAY: Consulate General of India, Houston, sponsors Live Stream workshop on Raja Yoga Meditation with Brahma Kumaris Texas - 17 June
21 June 2020
Dear Divine Family,
Om shanti and greetings of love.
The Consulate General of India in Houston invited Brahma Kumaris to conduct a Live Stream workshop on “Raja Yoga Meditation” in celebration of the 2020 International Day of Yoga.
A Consular officer participated in the event at the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Center in Houston.
The event was Live Streamed on the Consulate Generals of India’s Facebook page and website.
Link with photos of the event:
Links with a recording of the event:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=281266599913011
YouTube: https://youtu.be/GdQg6Czw-ek
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrahmaKumarisTX/status/1273425614628945920?s=20
Much love in BapDada’s yaad,
Brahma Kumaris Texas divine family
Yogis Linking Living Lights - 21 June, 10am to 1pm on Awakening Channel
21 June 2020
A program organized by the Brahma Kumaris International Youth Forum in honor of United Nations Seventy-Fifth Anniversary, for International Yoga Day.
Yogis - Linking Living Lights - explores the power and light of Raja Yoga Meditation - a compilation of experiences and reflections by young adults from 75 countries around the world.
Promo Link:
Live event link:
World Meditation Hour Mid-Summer Special on 21st June Celebrating International Yoga Day with master yogis Sister Jayanti, Sister Shivani and Yogesh Sharda
21 June 2020
Watch the live webcast at globalcooperationhouse.org/webcast.
An evening of music, silence and guiding thoughts to help us experience inner peace, connect with the Divine and share loving vibrations with the world. Join millions of people throughout the world to contribute in creating a wave of peace.
June 21st - 6th International Day of Yoga - Mostly Hindi slogans, songs and templates, provide links to downloadable files
20 June 2020
Dear Divine Brothers / Sisters,
Kindly accept Greetings of Peace. Please find the attached Hindi & English files of the Online Programme for the International Day of Yoga created with CorelDraw (CDR Ver. X3)
For any help, please contact BK Chunesh, Education Office at Shantivan.
(Mob. No.: 9414003961; Email: educationwing@bkivv.org)
Warm Regards,
Dr. BK Mruthyunjaya
Chairman, Education Wing
Brahma Kumaris, HQ, Mount Abu
E: notice: Promotional Material for Launch of ‘Yogis - Linking Living Lights’ - Yoga Day 21 June
20 June 2020
Dear NCs and CCs,
Firstly thank you for all your support - we have received more than 250 videos from nearly 75 countries for the program. It is truly a creation by youth for youth. Very rich material!
We are asking you to promote this event within your networks and social media platforms. The audience is for the public (non-BKs) as well as for our Brahmin family and contacts.
The first Promo has been produced and ready for use!
For English please view video.
For Spanish, Portuguese and French please download from this link: https://bit.ly/idyyouthpromofps
We have prepared marketing materials for you along with 5 simple steps to help you in promoting the video.
Step 1. Download the marketing material by clicking on the name of your country
Steps 2 - 5 download further marketing instructions.
Kindly pass it on to your Media Department in your country to take action.
For any questions please email Augusto Zimbres
Thank you
In Baba’s yaad
BK Gayatri and BK Gopi
Promo for IDY2020
19 June 2020
Dear Brahmin Family, Om Shanti.
We are enclosing the promo of a two and half hour online programme for International Day of Yoga which will be shown on Peace of Mind TV on 21 June 2020 from 9.00 am to 11.30 am IST
Please click the YouTube Link Below:
In Baba's Yaad
BK Brij Mohan
Addl. Secretary-General
Brahma Kumaris
Mount Abu
TWO International Yoga Day Events online for this weekend
19 June 2020
Click here to Watch Live: 3.00pm - 4.30pm Saturday 20th June 2020
Click here to Watch Live; 6.15pm - 7.45pm Sunday 21 June 2020
Save the Date: June 20, Yoga Day online Event
5 June 2020
Yoga: Building a Culture of Inclusivity
Save-the-date: June 20, 2020
11:00am-1:00pm (EST)
Dear Friends,
Join the International Day of Yoga Committee at the UN as we observe World Yoga Day
& join in World Unity Week through our virtual celebrations!
"All beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. We are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood."
While these words are enshrined in the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, they are cornerstones of yogic philosophy to live by each day. When we respect life, ourselves, each other and our natural world, we open our hearts to our shared humanity and the expansion of connection, unity, respect, solidarity, compassion and peace. This can lead to ending our own behaviors as well as dismantling institutions that perpetuate intolerance, inequality, discrimination and violence.
Connect with us as we collectively embrace our inner nature, experience our heartfelt connection, dissolve our differences, and accelerate our consciousness.
More details about speakers and registration/participation links to follow soon.
Thank you and looking forward to being together.
Warm regards,