2014 Europe News Archive
Table of Content
Wondariya and the Mirror of Truth - A Report
20 December 2014
For 10 days, from Friday 5th December through Saturday 13th December, Global Co-operation House once again transformed itself into the magical world of Wondariya with a new play: Wondariya and the Mirror of Truth.
You can watch the entire production here:
The play was written by BK Leza Scott-Riddell based on ideas from a larger team, adapted and directed by BKs Minal Patel and Davina Lloyd, with hands on performance direction from BK Pearl Jordan, all of whom have professional theatre and writing experience. The play offered a positive, heart-warming message exploring the value of virtues such as courage, self-respect, freedom and inner beauty in a creative, entertaining and enjoyable way.
The story essentially follows the journey of three brave youngsters who accept the King's challenge to go on a quest to seek and destroy the terror that is tormenting all the citizens of Wondariya…The Nogard….an unseen menacing shadow that hangs over the kingdom causing all sorts of chaos.
Along their journey, they encounter a dangerous dancing Ribbon tree, are befriended by a mythical creature - the Catterfly, and come face to face with a Magic mirror that doesn't show things quite as you'd expect…..and finally all have the realisation that the Nogard is not something ‘out there' at all, but is each one's own fearful imagination and when we recognise what it is we can see our strengths again.
Over the course of the 10 days there were 2 performances for BK's, 5 for the public from the local community here in London and 4 for school children from local primary schools. All together over 3,560 came to see the production and everyone emerged from the auditorium radiant and happier after each show. It brought a smile to parents and children alike. The parents appreciated the messages of anti-bullying; technology isn't everything; and gender equality that were woven through the storyline and children all had a different favourite character they loved and identified with.
The main characters met the audience as they left in the main foyer and many ‘selfies' were taken. Each child was presented with a gift of a ‘chatterbox' and a card mirror with a virtue wordsearch game on the back, as well as a friendship wristband with a quality on it that related to one of the characters.
The BK community at GCH was all involved one way or another in making this unique service so special and rewarding, with every department generously giving their time and commitment to make it all such a wondariyan success!
Link to audience interviews:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq7VtLcQLZE&feature=youtu.be or click on the image below.
Leicester Experiences Christmas Presence
19 December 2014
Annual World-wide Celebration of Stillness features the BKs
3 December 2014
Just this Day is an annual worldwide celebration of stillness. With special guests Mr Ian Mason, BK Sister Jayanti, Father Laurence Freeman and Emily Johnston, the event took place on 26th November 2014 at St Martin in the Fields Church, Trafalgar Square, London.
Please click the image below to watch the 2.25 hour programme:
Sister Jayanti shares her experience of the 'Just This Day' Event in London
2 December 2014
News from Sr Jayanti (27 November)
For the last several years there has been a programme called ‘Just This Day' taking place, which brings together people of different faiths and traditions in silence, knowing that silence is the way to have unity. Each time there is a specific theme, and this time the topic was ‘Stillness as a Living Value & Meditation as a Tool for Transformation'. This was held at St Martin in the Fields Church which is right in the heart of London, at Trafalgar Square. So it was a very beautiful venue. A person who has become very famous bringing meditation into Christianity, Father Lawrence Freeman was one of the other speakers along with myself, and there was a gathering of 400 people in the Church. We had a couple of hours in which there were several meditations and a chance for sharing thoughts and a few questions at the end. It was a very receptive audience. This has been organised by the School of Economic Science, which is actually a Meditation School. It was a very beautiful morning.
We then went to have lunch at Covent Garden, and after that went to the School of Economic Science, which is by Oxford Street, with one of the other Speakers. It was a good chance to meet people from this particular organization, who have taken inspiration from one of the Shankaracharyas who passed away in 1995. Although he never came to England, yet his students all from a British background who brought his teachings back home, and with the guidance of the Maharishi started this particular School of Meditation.
In the evening Just This Day organizers put together another event at another famous Church, St James Church in Piccadilly. Sr Isabelle together with another woman was there to answer questions from a panel of young people. The programme continued with questions till 9.45pm. Again this was very well received.
On 27 Nov I was able to go to Oxford to do the Welcome Session for a Guest Retreat. Several Countries are participating especially Israel, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia. They will be there for another few days.
Invitation to Wondariya for GCH BK Family on Friday 5th December 7pm
2 December 2014
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
This is a personal invitation to a performance of Wondariya and The Mirror of Truth on Friday 5th December. No tickets are required - just come, relax and enjoy watching the play. This performance is especially for the BK family.
This is an exciting play with a cast from the GCH family, a brand new adventure for young and old!
Come and join three young heros on their quest to seek and destroy the threat that is terrorising all the citizens of Wondariya. The Nogard - an unseen, menacing shadow that hangs over the kingdom. Along their journey, they encounter a dangerous dancing ribbon tree, are befriended by a mythical creature, the Catterfly, and come face to face with a magic mirror that doesn't show things quite as you'd expect...
7.00pm - 7.30pm Meditation
7.30pm - 8.45pm Wondariya and The Mirror of Truth
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, 5th December
Best wishes,
Wondariya Team
New Book Out by Sr Jayanti: The Power of Meditation - a Guide for Beginners
1 December 2014
‘When – through meditation – we come back to the experience of our original state of being, we experience tremendous inner power.'
More than 40 years ago Sister Jayanti dedicated her life to the study, practice and teaching of the ancient system of meditation and spiritual understanding, Raja Yoga. Since then, she has shared with millions her understanding and experience of the deepest spiritual truths. In this beginner's guide to meditation, she shows you simple ways to introduce meditation into your life and experience peace, inner strength and wisdom.
This ‘yoga of the mind' is so effective because it enables you to return to a state of peace, inner power and self-worth anytime and anywhere – just by tuning into yourself. It also gives you the power to exercise choice over your thoughts, feelings and responses. Sister Jayanti shows you how to restore your inner peace, wisdom and power with clarity. Her practical approach makes her work accessible to all. The book covers all the practicalities – like the best time of day for practice – as well as answering esoteric questions, such as how do thoughts affect our actions and what is truth? With her wise words and guided meditations, Sister Jayanti shows you a simple method to remain calm and peaceful when everything around you is not. This incredible inner power will transform your life.
Available now from: www.inspiredstillness.com
Blogpost: Sister Jayanti, A Woman Who Speaks to the World Today
18 November 2014
Source: Elizabeth Edmonds Blog of 15 November
"Here is a link (click on the image above) to a film made by BK Sister Jayanti for Just this Day. She made it a few years ago but as she is speaking on November 26th at St Martin-in-the-Fields, it seems a good idea to give you just a little taste of who she is. I am deeply pleased that many of you who haven't met her will get a chance to hear her speak in person. However, if you can't get to London on the 26th, you will be able to hear and see all the speakers on You Tube. Hooray for technology!"
Sister Jayanti's News of the BK Teacher Retreat in Antalya, Turkey, 14-16 November
18 November 2014
News from Jayantiben (14 November):
I arrived in Antalya on the 13th. The journey from London was more or less the whole day. We left home at 5.30am and arrived here at 6.30pm which would have been 4.30pm London time so it took 11 hours or so, but it's well worth the journey. We came via Istanbul but others who came straight directly to Antalya certainly had a shorter trip.
We are now in Antalya (Turkey) in a very, very beautiful spot, with mountains on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other. This is called the Turkish Mediterranean Riviera. It's now off season because the cool weather has started; it's still warm but a bit cooler than it would have been. Today it's in fact been raining.
The Resort we are using for a Teachers' Retreat is very, very beautiful and the scenic view is gorgeous. 130 Teachers from Europe and the Middle East have gathered for an extra retreat. Normally we have two European Teachers' Retreats in Oxford, and this is the third one this year. We usually split them up so that we can manage to accommodate as many as possible even though it still doesn't cover all the teachers. We are now looking at this place wondering if we can make use of these facilities. It can easily accommodate 400 with a skeleton staff off-season, and it can also accommodate 1800 during the peak season when they have their full staff. So it's an interesting avenue to explore.
News from Sr Jayanti from Turkey - 16 November
The Retreat for European Teachers is going really well. Finally on Sunday we've had blue skis and sunshine, and there is an outing to the Olympus Mountain which is a very high mountain, maybe the highest that's so close to the sea.
The program has been very well designed. There are 6 streams and so plenty of choice for people to pick from. All of them are being attended quite well. Some facilitators have taken a session every single day; some others have taken for 1 or 2 days. Everybody is really enjoying themselves. The hotel staff are happy with us and the people working in the different departments are very happy with the kitchen staff.
The Manager took me on a tour of the estate and I was able to see the different facilities. It's a quite huge place with a variety of facilities for people who come here on holiday. He wanted to know whether we would come back again next year, and I said yes I think everybody is happy and so we will. Let's watch the drama!
Each evening, Sr Denise has been interviewing me on different topics: Legacy from Dadi Janki (what is it that we have taken from Dadi, and what does Dadi expect from us), Yoga (how does yoga actually burn away our sins, how do we increase yoga so that then it becomes a real fire yoga and not just luke-warm yoga). So the questions have been excellent and I've been sharing what I understand. Then there have been few questions from the gathering.
You can imagine that teachers who've been around for many years have very subtle, deep questions and so I've been taking up those also.
New Videos - Diwali 2014 at GCH - WATCH NOW
Videos of the Diwali 2014 programme at GCH are now up on our YouTube channel.
Click on the below image to watch the video of the full event:
Click on the below image to watch the interview with Jayanti Bhen on the significance of Diwali:
Don't Miss this Year's Christmas Play at GCH
12 November 2014
Mike George at Harmony House, Leicester, 8th November
11 November 2014
This was Mike George's first visit and talk at Harmony House (HH) since its opening. With his rock star like status in the BK world of lectures and talks, it was inevitable that the hordes of fans would come to pay homage to one of the Yagya's more seasoned performers. So it proved that 220 fans came to listen, nod, laugh and delight in his every word and gestures........Click here for detailed report.
News of Oxford & Shantivan from Sister Jayanti
10 November 2014
I was in Oxford for most of the day on the 8th. The Scandinavian Retreat is going on and we had 46 guests, very good people from all the Nordic countries. They asked very, very good questions in response to my topic of ‘Purity – the Key to Success'.
Dadi Janki had a very beautiful stay on the mountain-top. She went up on the 8th to especially meet guests of the Peace of Mind Retreat as well as BK double foreigners in Gyan Sarovar. On the 9th, Dadi met a large group of the Russian Guests and another large group from UK, Europe, Middle East and South Africa. In the evening Dadi had meditation, short gyan chit-chat, gave toli to Gyan Sarovar residents and then left to return to Shantivan.

30th Anniversary Celebration of Brighton Center, UK
10 November 2014
On Sunday 26th October the Brighton centre celebrated its 30th anniversary with a dance, a talk, ballooons, a cake, and a 20 minute slide show of the last 30 years. Sr Jasu from London came and shared her wisdom. Over 70 people attended, many from the beginning days, and it was a delight to see them all and catch up over the refreshment break. We may have looked older but when souls meet again it feels like we've never been parted.
GRC News from Sister Jayanti
04 November 2014
2 November was the last of Diwali programmes held at Global Retreat Centre. They had two amazing professional dancers – a woman who has taken the course and has stayed at GRC before, and her daughter – who performed the story of the Ramayan and also a story of Shiva. Both were absolutely brilliant, but the daughter was amazing. There was also a video show about Diwali and a talk by myself. The interesting thing was that the room was completely packed, probably around 130-140 people, and only 10% were Indians while the rest were from the local community even though it was a Diwali programme. It was very, very lovely. The decorations also were very beautiful.
Diwali Programme at Global Cooperation House, London 25th October 2014 - News and Photos
04 November 2014
Diwali, the Festival of Living Lights
Shine Bright and Connect with the Eternal light, 25th October 2014 - 7pm
Global Cooperation House, LONDON
With a full house of approximately 480 people, Sister BK Jaymini opened the evening, noting that this evening was to reinstate the spiritual significance of Diwali. Through dance, skit, candle lighting and enlightening words by Sister BK Jayanti this special event at Global Co-operation House created a powerful atmosphere of light and joy.
Many local dignitaries, including the Mayor of Harrow and the Deputy Mayor of Brent; and old friends from neighbouring Hindu organisations including the Hindu Forum of GB and Brent Hindu Association, as well as a representative from ZTV, were invited onto stage to share their best wishes for Diwali. Each one shared happiness at being together together in this atmosphere of peace and unity.
A narrative was woven into the evening by a returning dialogue between a grandfather and granddaughter on the meaning of Diwali and accompanying skits to highlight the fashions now around Diwali and the spiritual significance underlying these.
Sister BK Jayanti shared special greetings from Dadi Janki and a video message was presented by Dadi, in Mount Abu, who encouraged everyone to have a big, compassionate and true heart at this time, and such love for God that everyone experiences this.
BK Trushar Barot interviewed Sister BK Jayanti and the following points arose:
What is the story of Diwali as you understand it? There are several stories. There is the depiction of the killing of the demons and chasing away negativity allowing light to reenter the world often symbolized by the killing of Raven (Dasshera) and then Rama, God, representing truth and goodness creating light in the world again.
We can make this personal to the here and now. Where there is negativity within there is bondage and struggle, yet we can take God's help, which is so powerful that it can work within me and I can experience love, truth and joy which bring health, wealth and abundance again.
How do I take help from God? Because the prevailing atmosphere in the world is negative it is hard for me to deal with anger, greed, attachment and ego on my own as they will keep coming up again and again….but if I go within and allow the light of the soul to be lit and I connect with the Supreme, then these tendencies will melt within.
How do we do this? Every morning make sure the inner light is shining and throughout the day keep connecting. Forget about looking in the mirror. Take a moment to notice the energy within and feel your thoughts and connect with yourself deeply and let your thoughts become calm and you will meet yourself and then you can open yourself up to the presence of God. In these moments of connecting you can feel God's love and light reaching you and the batteries are recharged and you are ready for whatever the day is going to bring.It is the light (strength) within that is so significant.
How do we maintain this? Do all the things I need to do remembering that I am the light……we have got so used to thinking we are bodies but it is not who I am…I am the light and the peace within. It is a switch of consciousness. The external form is not me…..I am the light
Diwali is a wonderful reminder that there is always a victory of truth and it is not just a story but a universal truth that ultimately goodness has victory.
The significance of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth at Diwali, is where there is the invocation of the virtues that Lakshmi represents then there is true wealth. They say that Lakshmi will only be present if the home is clean and sparkling and this is a reminder to keep the heart and inner feelings very clean and share good wishes for all. Then love and generosity will follow.
Won't people take advantage when we are giving good wishes to everyone? People recognize the power of truth and when they feel the strength and power within you they cannot take advantage……they will give respect and regard…
How does the power of truth lead to success? With truth we are able to build trust and where there isn't trust disappears. When there is trust there will be cooperation and support. We can see this in the quality of relationships we build around us. The power of truth is Gods power. God is remembered as love. If I make sure that I stay on the path of truth then I am more likely to experience His companionship and love and blessings.
Another aspect of truth is if I am dealing with fear……..it takes me in the direction of falsehood. Fearlessness allows me to follow the path of truth
Truth and love are the two most distinctive qualities remembered as the qualities of God and Diwali is a reminder of the power of love and the victory of love.
There is so much disease and economic struggle, war and family instability…..what impact can we have personally on this all. Why is all of this happening? Whatever is going on inside gets reflected outside. If I have lost touch with my inner peace, joy and purity whatever I say or do will be reflected in my life and this multiplies……to the global level……
We can try and repair all the external things, yet we need to look at the spiritual cause of so much stress in the world. When we take time to realize that the problem is within us and also the solution is within us and we allow the inner light to be ignited and connect with the Divine we begin to come back to our natural state of peace, truth, love and joy and with this experience there is then a difference in the quality of relationships…and the way we do things…..these ideas are now being understood. It is not just a little group here and there but many are understanding this and beginning to say yes this is the direction we need to be going in.
Things happen according to seasons…now it is time for the light and the dawn……the day is about to begin…..
What will that day look like? When love and light are in the world and we are moving in truth, love and peace together…..
How do we connect with this The Divine light? How do you and I connect. If our attention was somewhere else, we wouldn't connect. The way to connect with The Divine is through our thoughts and feelings…as we turn towards This One we can feel whatever it is that that Being can give to us.
Yoga really means union of the self with the Supreme. It is the union of the heart and soul with the Divine……to connect with the Divine Mind.
How does this happen with someone I cannot see visibly… how do I know it is not my own imagination?
In the awareness that I am the inner being I know that all I am is within this…the light….It is I, not my body that is thinking and feeling. The Supreme Soul connects with us through thoughts and feelings…when we meet someone the recognition is being to being…. so the soul recognizes The Divine and can feel the presence of The Divine. When our thoughts connect and we converse…..it is the heart and soul that connects.
What is He saying to us? He and She, the One Mother and Father is saying come to each one, I am waiting for you and I want you to experience all the treasures I have for you.
This seems a very different image of God that many are familiar with. People get confused with the concept of God. In the awareness of the soul, the form of God is also the form of light, not a physical form. The one with all the masculine and feminine attributes within the same being, all the positive attributes. When I connect with myself I can connect with the Divine and feel all these.
A human being can help to a certain extent but if I can turn to the Divine all the help is available. Whatever the soul needs is available here and now.
Sister BK Jayanti, speaking a meditation commentary, led everyone into a powerful experience with the Supreme Soul and then the evening finished with dancing and the return of Rama and Sita to the Kingdom. Toli and Blessings were shared with all.
London & Leicester Diwali News from Sister Jayanti
28 October 2014
On Saturday, 25 October, we had a very beautiful Diwali Programme in Global Co-operation House. Many, many good friends came to be with us. A full report of the event has been sent already.
On Sunday, 26 we had a wonderful programme for Diwali in Leicester. A celebrity from BBC World Service Asia Radio did an interview with myself. It was very touching the way he would ask the questions and listen to the answers. Many good friends were there for the candle-lighting ceremony, and shared their beautiful visions and powerful thoughts.
I stayed overnight in Leicester and returned to London on Monday. In the evening, there was an event at Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre. The Conservative Party hosted a Diwali celebration and also the launch of the 'Encyclopedia on Hinduism'. Swami Chidanand Saraswati was apparently the person behind this but it's taken around 25 years to compile. 1000+ scholars have worked on this and a whole team of editors. Various Hindu families, Sindhi and Gujarati have contributed towards making the publication happen. So it was a glittering function and very interesting to be in the presence of all the leaders of the Hindu community, plus David Cameron, Prime Minister of UK and his wife Samantha who was wearing a blue sari. It was a special celebration for Diwali. Click here for detailed report.
Grannies go on airstrikes to counter terrorism, a blog post by Elizabeth Edmunds
26 September 2014

Opening of Harmony House (Leicester) creates a big media splash
23 September 2014

Report on the Celebration of the Life of Br Anthony Strano at Global Co-operation House on 13 September
18 September 2014
Heads Up UK Niwassis: Join London's Big Ben Silent Minute Prayer at 12 noon on Sunday 21 September - Intl Day of Peace
18 September 2014
Leicester Centre - Harmony House Official Opening: Saturday, 20th September
18 September 2014
Join the Being with ONE webcast at Global Cooperation House for one week.....
16 September 2014
In the light of the current speed of change, the instability of many areas of our world, and the suffering of millions, perhaps there is another way we can help.
As spiritual beings we all share the same Source of spiritual light and power. Many now recognise that we can gently raise our consciousness, connect with the Source, and serve as instruments of the ONE to bring a healing light, love and power into the world.
Join us at Global Cooperation House, in Being with ONE, for one week............
Live Streaming of Thursday 18th and Sunday 21st September evening events
Can be accessed on http://brahmakumaris.org/uk/live
Time with One, 18th September, 7 - 8.30pm
Join Sister Jayanti, European Director, Brahma Kumaris, who will share insights into developing a personal connection and spending time with One.
Love for the One, 21st September, 6.15 - 7.45pm
Join thousands across the world, linking into the heart of humanity, by becoming deeply quiet and powerfully connected to The Source.
Best Wishes
Webcast Team
Won over by One, a blog post by Elizabeth Edmonds
15 September 2014

Justthisday.org features the Being with ONE Initiative in their September Newsletter
14 September 2014
Please see below the September Just This Day newsletter, which highlights the Being with One initiative as well as the involvement of Sister Jayanti and also Isabelle in this year's Just This Day event at St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, on 26th November - all with Liz Edmunds' customary warmth and enthusiasm.
Welcome to the September Just this Day Newsletter, introducing our friends the Brahma Kumaris and their event this coming week, Being with One.
This month:
* A reminder to register for Just this Day at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 26th November 2014. Entrance is free but it really helps us to know likely numbers in advance so register now
* Visiting Central London and in need of some piece and quiet? Hear about St Martin-in-the-Fields' new Sacred Space service
* Invitation to join the Brahma Kumaris for Being with One, starting this coming Monday, 15th September at Global Cooperation House in Willesden
* Introduction to BK Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris
* Introduction to BK Isabelle Gauthier, one of the evening speakers.
* Learn about the BK Challenge on the Granny blog
Sacred Space at St Martin in the Fields
St Martin's is the church of the ever-open door and they now host Sacred Space, a new contemplative service of prayer, music and reflection takes place on the first Sunday of every month at 7.00pm.
Introducing the (extraordinary) Brahma Kumaris
The first time I met the Brahma Kumaris I was surprised and amazed. Expecting a small centre in North London you can imagine my astonishment at finding the huge and impressive Global Cooperation House in Willesden which is the European centre of this organisation. The many women and men who make up the family of Brahma Kumaris are committed to the ideal of each person being a soul which makes each one of us a child of God and therefore intrinsically good. Through the meditation they practice and the way of life they aspire to, they seek to become fully identified soul and to transform society by recognising the pure and good soul in all other people. I am delighted that this year at the central event in London, Sister Jayanti, the European Director of the Brahma Kumaris will be joining Father Laurence Freeman OSB and Emily Johnson to speak about meditation as a spiritual value and a tool for transformation. Experience what the Brahma Kumaris have to offer this coming week by attending Being with One in Willesden,
Sister Jayanti
just mentioned, is an individual we have been hoping would be able to come as a speaker ever since the start of Just this Day. That is because she is a truly unique person and to hear her speak and be in her company is something to look forward to and to treasure afterwards. Register for the event by following this link.
In the evening, another bright soul, Isabelle Gauthier, Spiritual Teacher, Brahma Kumaris, will speak at our Inside Story event
To give you a brief preview, Isabelle says: "Happiness, inner happiness, has always been precious to me. At first it was an aim in life, but it has now become a right that comes with the daily responsibility of re-aligning myself to the fullness of my own spirit and purpose. Meditation - for me the best way to achieve this - has become my way of life for the past 17 years. I deeply feel that the world would benefit greatly in learning how to simply smile from inside out!"
Register for the evening event here
The Inside Story...
will start at St James' Church Piccadilly at 7.00 pm with music from John-Paul Bowman and Gabriella Burnel. The Church will be open from 6.30 for quiet and meditation. At 7.00 pm, our chairman, Martin Kettle will introduce the speakers, Mrs Laura Hyde, Director of Education, St James Schools, and Isabelle Gauthier who will give a short resumé of their own Inside Story.
A Panel of younger people will then question them on HOW to live a spiritual life in the hurly burly of 2014 with all it's demands on time and energy. If you would like to be part of the panel or have questions you would like them to put, please contact Elizabeth Edmunds at info@justthisday.org.
There is a small ticket cost of £5.00 to attend the evening Buy your tickets from Eventbrite
Those cheerful Brahma Kumaris
A view from our blogging Granny (9 July 2013)
The challenge is to make a BK frown
Spending an afternoon with the BK's means a lot of smiling because they are so cheerful and give you their full attention when you meet them. You will know them by their smile and because they wear white. They are the real early rising smiling variety of meditator and I love them. Here is a challenge; when you meet one you see if you can maintain a serious unsmiling face for more than 5 minutes and even more of a challenge see if you make a BK frown.
My own challenge on a London morning is to get to Global House for the 4.00 am meditation. In order to do this, I will need to go to bed early!
New Video available on "Creating the Future" environment event for youth held at Global Cooperation House
8 September 2014
Sr Jayanti's News from Greece and Madhuban
2 September 2014