2022 October Europe News Archive 2022 October Europe News Archive

Table of Content

  1. GCH Evening Webcasts: 31st October - 6th November 2022
  2. Diwali 2022 Celebration for BK family at GCH, 25th October 2022
  3. What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of October 31st at globalcooperationhouse.org
  4. WANDS Monthly Flyer - November 2022
  5. Diwali message from Didi Sudesh & Sister Jayanti
  6. Happy Diwali Greetings from Didi Sudesh and Family in Germany
  7. InnerSpace Bradford Presents an In-Person "Four Faces of Woman" Afternoon Workshop on Saturday 29 October, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  8. InnerSpace Cambridge Presents an In-Person Course: Experiencing a Higher Consciousness - Mon 31st October - Thu 3rd November, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (UK times)
  9. Report on the Om Yoga Show and Mind, Body & Soul Show at Alexandra Palace, London 14-16 October 2022
  10. GCH Webcast:Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 24th - 30th October
  11. What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 24th October at globalcooperationhouse.org
  12. Inner Space Wembley Presents: Invoking Divinity within - Tuesday 25 October, 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  13. InnerSpace Manchester Presents an Online Talk on How to Boost Your Motivation, Friday 28 October 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
  14. Brahma Kumaris Honored with Excellence Award at the Indo UK Leadership Summit
  15. NCO, Germany Reports on the Luxembourgish Retreat for Brahmins
  16. Diwali on Trafalgar Square - BK Service Report
  17. GCH Webcasts: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 17th - 23rd October
  18. What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of October 17th at globalcooperationhouse.org
  19. Manchester Inner Space Presents an Online Seminar: Improve Your Self-Esteem -  Thursday 13 October, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm BST
  20. Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 10th - 16th October
  21. Consulate General of India Frankfurt Initiative – 9 Women, 9 Success Stories – Celebrating Navratri
  22. What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 10th October at globalcooperationhouse.org
  23. Manchester Inner Space Presents an Online Seminar on Thursday, 6 October, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (UK Time): Managing My Emotions
  24. Talk in Hindi: सत्य अहिंसा और प्रेम Truth, Non-Violence, and Love with Sudesh Didi | 5th October 2022 | 7 to 8pm BST
  25. What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 3rd October at globalcooperationhouse.org
  26. Report of Sister Jayanti's Event on the Soul of India Washington Tuesday 27th September, 2022
  27. GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 3rd - 9th October
  29. News from Jayanti bhen

GCH Evening Webcasts: 31st October - 6th November 2022

31 October 2022

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 31st October – 6th November 2022


Monday 31st October – An Evening with Manohar Dadi

7.00 pm meditation

7.30 pm – Manohar Dadi sharing about Mama


Tuesday 1st November – An evening of Meditation  

7.00 pm to 8.00 pm Meditation


Wednesday 2nd November - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

सीमित धारणाओं से परे जाना - Going Beyond Limited Beliefs

Speaker: Sister Daxa Shah, Wembley


Thursday 3rd November – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Vitamin D for the Soul - Letting in the Light

Speaker: Elizabeth PadillaUSA


Friday 4th November – Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 5th November – An evening with BapDada Meditation 6.30 pm

30/11/2008 - Apply a full-stop, imbibe complete purity, and by giving sakaash with your mind, do the service of giving souls a drop of happiness and peace.


Sunday 6th November – Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org

View/hear webcasts

Time in London now






Diwali 2022 Celebration for BK family at GCH, 25th October 2022

30 October 2022

Diwali 2022 Celebration for BK family at GCH, 25th October 2022.pdf




What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of October 31st at globalcooperationhouse.org

30 October 2022



WANDS Monthly Flyer - November 2022

29 October 2022

Dear All, Greetings of love!


Please see above the  WANDS MONTHLY FLYER for NOVEMBER 2022 - for circulation. Download a copy HERE.


Please feel free to share with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior Teachers.


Some translations will also be available.


You may copy the following url into your browser and connect as appropriate.

The link for this Webinar will be :


Passcode: 577203


Many thanks and much love!









Diwali message from Didi Sudesh & Sister Jayanti

28 October 2022



Happy Diwali Greetings from Didi Sudesh and Family in Germany

26 October 2022



InnerSpace Bradford Presents an In-Person "Four Faces of Woman" Afternoon Workshop on Saturday 29 October, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

26 October 2022

As women, we will be exploring our unique journey through time: the past, present and future, by looking at the Eternal face (the face of pure being and spiritual innocence), Traditional face (the Great Nurturer and Sustainer) and the Modern face (the identity formed by our attachments to what is outside of us). 


The fourth face will be the shakti face exploring our inner Being and Spiritual Powers which take us back full circle to our original eternal face.


The afternoon will include time for meditation, reflection, discussion and tea break.


Registration preferred but not essential | held FREE of charge

Registration: https://bradford.innerspace.org/calendar/registration/4205618-four-faces-of-woman-afternoon-workshop/4205620






InnerSpace Cambridge Presents an In-Person Course: Experiencing a Higher Consciousness - Mon 31st October - Thu 3rd November, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (UK times)

25 October 2022

Ordinarily we don’t even know our highest potential, our higher consciousness is shut down. The course is about attempting to grasp this higher consciousness, and therefore reveal our highest potential.


This course is based on the teachings of Raja Yoga meditation philosophy as taught by Brahma Kumaris (UK). Raja Yoga is a deep and practical study for dealing with life’s challenges positively through an understanding of the spiritual laws that govern us all. There will be live sketch presentations, guided meditation practices as well as an opportunity for discussion and questions. All welcome. Free of charge. For further inquiries contact: sarah.fitzgerald@innerspace.


Click here to register






Report on the Om Yoga Show and Mind, Body & Soul Show at Alexandra Palace, London 14-16 October 2022

25 October 2022


Click here to Download Full Report



GCH Webcast:Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 24th - 30th October

25 October 2022

Om Shanti

Webcast link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 24th - 30th October.


Monday 24th October – An evening with Dadi Prakashmani

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm – Seniors sharing experiences with Dadi Prakashmaniji and Dadiji herself also sharing.


Tuesday 25th October – Diwali Celebration

6.30-7.30 pm - Diwali BK Celebration in GCH


Wednesday 26th October - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

पुराने चिट्ठे की समाप्ति, नए की शुरुआत - Finishing the Old Accounts, Beginning the New

Speaker: Professor Choksi


Thursday 27th October – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Work is Love Made Visible

Speaker: Rachel Priestman


Friday 28th October – Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 29th October – An evening with BapDada - 6.30 pm

04/09/2005 - Together with teachings, also adopt forgiveness and mercy. Give blessings and receive blessings and your home will become an ashram.


Sunday 30th October

5.00-6.30 pm - Diwali Public Program: Diwali - Our Story Retold

7.00-8.00 pm - Meditation

Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org

View/hear webcasts

Time in London now

Best wishes
Webcast Team



What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 24th October at globalcooperationhouse.org

25 October 2022






































































































Inner Space Wembley Presents: Invoking Divinity within - Tuesday 25 October, 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm

25 October 2022

In times of darkness, we need to look within in order to uncover the light of true soul awareness.  This light gives us the strength to face our shadows and ultimately dispel the darkness of confusion and distress. 

In this talk/interview find out how you can keep your inner light lit, even in stormy times, and nurture it to its full brilliance. 

Sr Sashi Mehra:

Sister Shashi known for her great big beautiful smile is inspiring, warm, loving, mother & grandmother who shares with depths the spiritual understanding and its practical applications in life. She has been a Raja Yoga meditation teacher for over 35 years, and is currently the coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris, Greenford Centre. She has extensively traveled internationally conducting workshops, seminars & spiritual retreats & has touched the hearts of many souls. 

Registration required: https://tinyurl.com/zzexfnbf



InnerSpace Manchester Presents an Online Talk on How to Boost Your Motivation, Friday 28 October 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

25 October 2022

"The success of life is not in always winning, but in never giving up."

'Difficult' is not a fact but an attitude. I re-position myself so that I am bigger than any problem I face, knowing that I grow in strength and stature every time I adopt this frame of mind.  This then becomes my habit and releases my creativity to find solutions I hadn't previously considered.

Marianne Lizana has been a practitioner of Raja Yoga meditation for 26 years. She is the coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris in Costa Rica.  She is a psychologist, with special experience in crisis intervention, human rights and violence against women. In the current times she is coordinating the Brahma Kumaris campaign "What You Do Inspires" with the National Association of Teachers, The TV program "More Than News" and the National Association of Retired Teachers in Costa Rica.

Registration not required

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 987 3822 5435   |   Passcode: wisdom

or Click here to watch live on Facebook



Brahma Kumaris Honored with Excellence Award at the Indo UK Leadership Summit

21 October 2022

Brahma Kumaris introduce Rajayoga during the Indo-UK Leadership Summit in the House of Commons of British Parliament .

London (UK): Dr. BK Deepak, a resident of Ahmednagar, who propagated and promoted India’s ancient Raja Yoga for the last 33 years, was honored with the Excellence Award. The award distribution ceremony was held in the House of Commons of the British Parliament in London. On behalf of the World Book of Records, London, Member of Parliament of Ealing Southall(UK) Virendra Sharma presented this honor to Dr. BK Deepak Harke.

On this occasion, 52 individuals from all over the world were honored with the Excellence Award at the Indo UK Leadership Summit, who did pioneering work in various fields while doing innovative ventures. BK Maureen, BK Jaymini, Diwakar Sukul, Chairman of World Book of Records, London were present in this ceremony.

During the Indo UK Leadership Summit, Brahma Kumari Jaymini met Pandit Raman Trivedi, Chief Priest of Mahakal Temple in Ujjain, India, renowned filmmaker Sandeep Masani and other winners gave them divine message.

In her address at the Indo UK Leadership Summit, BK Sister Maureen introduced everyone to Raja Yoga and made everyone feel peace through the practice of Raja Yoga.

Dr. Deepak, chairman of India’s famous Saideep Hospital, along with his wife, visited Global Cooperation House in London and met BK Sudesh. BK Maureen, BK Jaymini and BK Dr. Deepak Harke were present on the occasion.

News in Hindi:

ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेंट के हाउस ऑफ कॉमन्स में बी के डॉ. दीपक हरके हुए सम्मानित

भारत के प्राचीन राजयोग का विगत 33 वर्षों से प्रसार व प्रचार करनेवाले अहमदनगर निवासी डॉ.बी.के.दीपक को Excellence Award से सम्मानित किया गया है.यह पुरस्कार वितरण समारोह लंदन स्थित ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेंट के हाउस ऑफ कॉमन्स में संपन्न हुआ. वर्ल्ड बुक ऑफ रेकॉर्डस, लंदन की ओर से सांसद वीरेन्द्र शर्मा के हाथों यह सम्मान डॉ.बी.के.दीपक हरके को प्रदान किया गया.

इस अवसर पर इंडो यूके लीडरशिप समिट में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में नवीनतापूर्ण उपक्रम करते दिशादर्शी कार्य करनेवाले विश्वभर के 52 व्यक्तियों को Excellence Award से सम्मानित किया गया. इस समारोह में प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय,लंदन की राजयोगिनी ब्रह्माकुमारी मौरीन, ब्रह्माकुमारी जयमिनी, वर्ल्ड बुक ऑफ रेकॉर्डस, लंडन के चेयरमैन दिवाकर सुकुल उपस्थित थे.

इंडो यूके लीडरशिप समिट के दौरान ब्रह्माकुमारी जेमिनी बहन ने भारत के उज्जैन के महाकाल मंदिर के मुख्य पुजारी पंडित रमण त्रिवेदी, सुप्रसिद्ध फिल्म निर्माता संदीप मसानी तथा अन्य विजेताओं से मुलाकात की और उन्हें ईश्वरीय संदेश दिया.

भारत के सुप्रसिद्ध साईदीप हॉस्पिटल के चेयरमैन डॉ दीपक ने अपने पत्नी के साथ  लंदन स्थित Global Cooperation House आकर ब्रह्माकुमारी सुदेश बहन से मुलाकात की.  इस अवसर पर ब्रह्माकुमारी मोरीन, ब्रह्माकुमारी जेमिनी बहन तथा बी के डॉ दीपक हरके उपस्थित थे.

इंडो यूके लीडरशिप समिट में अपने संबोधन में ब्रह्माकुमारी मोरीन बहन ने सबको राजयोग का परिचय दिया और सबको राजयोग के अभ्यास द्वारा शांति की अनुभूति करा दी.



NCO, Germany Reports on the Luxembourgish Retreat for Brahmins

19 October 2022

Om Shanti

As per Baba's plans and with good wishes of Sudesh Didi, a Retreat was organised for Brahmins living in Luxembourg (a small country near Germany). Service there started a few years back with around 30 students doing the Rajayoga course and around 15 doing regular Murli now since the last 5 months. A few of them have been to Moringen Retreat Centre and Frankfurt Centre as well. Detailed reports including photographs are below and can be downloaded HERE.


Planning Team

NCO - Germany - Brahma Kumaris 




Diwali on Trafalgar Square - BK Service Report

19 October 2022

Please click HERE to download and read the full, 7-page report.



GCH Webcasts: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 17th - 23rd October

19 October 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 17th - 23rd October.


Monday 17th October – An Evening at the Apollo Theatre With Dadi Janki

7.00 – 9.00 pm – Be Inspired Be Happy (2011)


Tuesday 18th October – An evening with Dadi Manohar

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm – Class by Manohar Dadi – 28-11-2004 in Gyan Sarovar


Wednesday 19th October - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

आंतरिक प्रतिरोधक क्षमता और शक्ति : Understanding Inner Immunity and Power

Speaker: Dr. Mohit Gupta, Cardiologist


Thursday 20th October – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Celebrating the Spirit of Community: World Values Day

Speakers: Daxa Shah, Zina Manda, Onjali Q. Raúf


Friday 21st October – Meditation - 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 22nd October – An Evening with BapDada - 6.30pm

17/10/2003 - Become a jewel of contentment throughout the whole year, always remain content and make everyone content.


Sunday 23rd October - Meditation - 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team






What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of October 17th at globalcooperationhouse.org

16 October 2022



Manchester Inner Space Presents an Online Seminar: Improve Your Self-Esteem -  Thursday 13 October, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm BST

12 October 2022

No matter how successful we may be, almost all of us could do with a self-esteem boost. This seminar aims to remind us of our beautiful core values, that is, our own innate value so that we can face life more confidently and peacefully.


Registration not required 


Join on Zoom


Use 1 click link: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/93375132224?pwd=L0NNZjZuVGt4Q0xJaHk3YmNsWE9JZz09


or Zoom ID: 933 7513 2224   |   Passcode: 610106






Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 10th - 16th October

11 October 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 10th - 16th October.


Monday 10th October – An Evening at the Apollo Theatre with Dadi Janki

7.00 pm – 8.30 pm – Feeling Great… no matter what (2010)


Tuesday 11th October – An Evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm – Dharna class for BK Students – Dadi Gulzar (01/02/2012)


Wednesday 12th October - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

साफ मन और रोशन दिल : Cleanse Your Mind and Illuminate Your Heart

Speaker: Sister Manda, Oxford


Thursday 13th October – Thursday Public talk - 7.00-8.00pm

Disillusionment, the Paradox

Speaker: June Pemell


Friday 14th October – Meditation - 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 15th October – An Evening with BapDada - 6.30 pm

15/11/1999 - The easy effort to become equal to the Father is to be obedient.


Sunday 16th October - World Meditation Hour - 6.15 – 7.30 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team







Consulate General of India Frankfurt Initiative – 9 Women, 9 Success Stories – Celebrating Navratri

10 October 2022


Frankfurt (Germany): BK Dr. Prathibha, Rajayoga practitioner since 12 years, presented the 3rd edition of the series ‘9 Women, 9 Success Stories‘ as a tribute to nine successful women of Indian origin representing Shakti – Goddess Durga in her nice manifestations.

To celebrate the festival of Navratri, the Consulate General of India (CGI) invited Dr. BK Pratibha, Brahma Kumaris Frankfurt  to share her ideas on questions asked by the CG office as a part of 3rd Edition of series – 9 Women, 9 Success Stories, which was then published on Official Facebook page of CGI, Frankfurt.





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 10th October at globalcooperationhouse.org

10 October 2022




Manchester Inner Space Presents an Online Seminar on Thursday, 6 October, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (UK Time): Managing My Emotions

5 October 2022

Managing strong emotions can be an overwhelming process. However, with practice, we can learn to step back, feel our emotions and also respond with self-respect. The method is to build our inner strength and create new habits so we can resist acting on our emotions even though we are upset.


Registration not required 

Join on Zoom

Use 1 click link: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/94247339299?pwd=QlYrSUZtQ0lzR3lCUTZDK0Z3K1NNUT09 


or Zoom ID: 942 4733 9299   |   Passcode: 555290







Talk in Hindi: सत्य अहिंसा और प्रेम Truth, Non-Violence, and Love with Sudesh Didi | 5th October 2022 | 7 to 8pm BST

4 October 2022



सत्य अहिंसा और प्रेम

Truth Non-Violence and Love

Marking the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, famously known as Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation.

"Where there is love there is life." -   Mahatma Gandhi. 



Speaker: Sudesh Didi, European Director of Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday 5th October, 7 to 8 pm BST



Join ZOOM 


Meeting ID: 983 0683 8579

Passcode: hindi





For more info



Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, UK

Global Co-operation House

Ruhani Dil Ki Baatein - Brahma Kumaris UK - YouTube






What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 3rd October at globalcooperationhouse.org

3 October 2022















































Report of Sister Jayanti's Event on the Soul of India Washington Tuesday 27th September, 2022

3 October 2022

The celebration of 75 years of India's  independence "Soul of India' was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and get a glimpse of the world behind our eyes, the Soul. In addition to the festivities that included dance performances, poetry recital and Sitar performance, the heart and soul of the celebration, Sister Jayanti was divinely magnificent.

Right from Sister Jayanti's arrival at Om Shanti Village (OSV) that afternoon to her departure the same night to the UK, the atmosphere was power packed spiritually. As she toured the property at OSV , enjoying the serenity, flora and fauna, the niwasis got an additional glimpse of her loving, humble demeanor and her angelic presence that was very calm and soothing. 

The evening program was moderated by Sister Dr. Jenna.The event opened up with best wishes from Congressman Krishnamoorthi, expressed through a video and a letter from Senator Warner of Virginia. The beautiful Kathak dance performance by Brahma Kumaris Aditi/Rishima and a stunning poem by BK Akshay was followed by a video on the 'Soul of India'. To the delight of the attendees, the celebration continued with another dance performance by Sanah Panda, student of Arpita Sabud (The India School, Bethesda, MD) and a Sitar recital by the well known Sitar artist Sambarta Rakshit from the metropolitan area. The highlight of the event, a chat between Sister Jayanti and Sister Jenna was extremely inspiring and spiritually stimulating. It gave the attendees time to reflect on their own spiritual growth and helped them raise their personal vibrational frequency and intimate connection to God. Sister Jayanti shared emphatically the importance in learning to love the self. Sister Jayanti concluded the program with a guided meditation and drishti that empowered, healed and lifted the consciousness of many. From the voices of some participants...'we saw Krishna'...'I felt God'.... when Sister Jayanti shared peace from her eyes, it was a truly divine evening for the participants to believe that there is more work to be done to make this a better world.

On unlimited divine service, Sister Jayanti made time to meet with VIP's at the end of the program in the green room. They were handed a peacock feathered blessing. They expressed their feelings about what they all can do to reveal the work and divinity of Brahma Kumaris.

The DC family gave her a warm and impromptu send-off with 'dandiya raas' which the ever smiling Sister Jayanti participated in with much happiness.

With warm and open hearts, we look forward to Sister Jayanti's visit to DC again sometime soon!



"It was the best experience of my life; how do we get this out to the world?"

-Bershan Shaw, Actress and Entrepreneur

"It was what the soul needed; I and my delegation felt so refreshed".

-Ambassador Erika Bennett, Ghana who is in Washington DC to receive an award from President Joe Biden

"It was historic, uplifting, spiritual, and entertaining something for us all to be inspired and offer hope to America". 

-Portia Davidson, Strategic and Inclusion Diversity Expert for the Government. 




GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 3rd - 9th October

3 October 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 3rd - 9th October.


Monday 3rd October – 'Science in Gyan'

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm – Science in Gyan - Sister Dusha explaining knowledge in a scientific manner


Tuesday 4th October – An evening with Dadi Manohar

7.00 pm - Meditation

7.30 pm - Class by Manohar Dadiji 2004 (53.50 mins)


Wednesday 5th October - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

सत्य अहिंसा और प्रेम : Truth Non-Violence and Love

Speaker : Sudesh Didi, European Director of Brahma Kumaris


Thursday 6th October – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

The Origin and Nature of Violence

Speaker: Mike George


Friday 7th October – Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 8th October – An Evening with BapDada

31/03/11 - With your determined thought become an example of being tension-free and become an image of support for everyone.  With the power of your mind give souls who are experiencing sorrow the blessing of happiness.


Sunday 9th October

7.30 am - Class by Sudesh didi

7.00 – 8.00 pm - Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team







2 October 2022


Dear All, Greetings of love!

Please find attached the  WANDS MONTHLY FLYER for  OCTOBER 2022 - for circulation.

Please feel free to share with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior Teachers.

The Flyer is attached herewith. 

Some translations will also be available.

You may copy the following url on to your browser and connect as appropriate. The link for this Webinar will be :

Passcode: 577203

Many thanks and much love!
Madhvi for WANDS




News from Jayanti bhen

2 October 2022

On Monday 26th there was a very lovely programme at Baba’s UN Office with a small group of especially invited guests and 3 others on the panel.


In the morning we had class at the Manhattan Centre and visited Queens.  Tuesday, after morning class in Harmony House, I left for Washington and had a programme in the evening: half-n-hour programme by very young sisters and then Sister Jenna interviewed me.  There was meditation at the end in which everybody lit their torches on their mobile phones and chanted Om three times. 


There was a chance to meet high level souls who had come including Ambassador for Ghana.  This was their first public event after COVID and the hall was nearly full with a few hundred people.  I came straight to the airport to fly back to London on Tuesday night.  I arrived in London Wednesday morning.


On Thursday morning we offered bhog for Brother Letchu from Hong Kong together with Kavitaben, Govindibhai and family members in Baba’s room in GCH.  This very special soul was the instrument for the opening of Hong Kong Centre in 1972 together with his parents, aunt and Dadi Savitri.


In the evening myself and Harika left for Muscat.  We are now at a resort about an hour away from Muscat.  Over 100 souls from Oman, Dubai and nearby other places have gathered here for a retreat.  This is in celebration of 25 years of service in Oman.  Sister Jyoti and her team from Dubai have also come.  


On Sunday 3rd we go to Dubai and leave for Ahmedabad on the 3rd night.


Om Shanti