2022 February through May Transitions Archive 2022 February through May Transitions Archive

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News of Peter Keogh of UK

30 May 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,


Peter Keogh recently passed away in Worthing, UK after a long illness which he managed with great courage and dignity. His spiritual study and service began in the Park Lane Office in London in the mid 90’s. After that Peter became part of the design team for Inner Space Covent Garden.


Peter was living in Luton at that time, running courses in his home and commuting to his work as a communication’s engineer in Central London. His work then took him to Hong Kong where he continued to do service. After that he served in many places including Cambodia, Australia and New Zealand. However his most significant legacy was in Norway, where he served tirelessly for over 15 years. He also supported the BK Environmental Initiative by collating and editing the COP newsletters.


Peter was passionate about service and was probably at his happiest when sharing the spiritual insights which he had found so useful at a challenging time in his life. True self- esteem was really important to Peter and the course he developed on this theme helped many souls. He was amazingly organised, perhaps as you would expect from an engineer. He created an enormous library of BK classes from his favourite teachers around the world (digitalising tapes and CDs in the process!) and did the same with the Avyakt Murlis. Peter loved efficiency and effectiveness and his engineering and technology background was often put to good use to streamline systems and find solutions for everything; this was his real forte. He spent many an hour dedicated to creating systems to make things easier for BK Centres.


Music was a passion of his since childhood when he learned to play piano and flute. And when it came to celebratory performances he was a good singer with a powerful voice, singing in choirs in the UK and Norway. Peter was appreciated as a special soul, a friendly, outgoing person who could always be counted on to help wherever it was needed. His quick wit,  light-hearted personality, sense of humour, and the authenticity of just being himself made him completely trustworthy and endeared him to so many of us across the globe. His love, courage and determination in self transformation and service have been a wonderful example. Nothing was ever too big for Peter, and nothing was a problem. In fact, when anyone complained about anything his refrain was always “but the sun is still shining behind the clouds” – we are sure you are, Peter.


The Funeral Service will take place on Tuesday 7 June 2022

11.00am Worthing Crematorium, Kingswood Chapel, Horsham Road, Findon, Worthing BN14 0RG



We send our good wishes in Baba’s remembrance to Peter and his family.


With love,

In Baba’s yaad,

Sr Jayanti


Please download a pdf of this obituary HERE.

Please download a pdf of the funeral flyer HERE







Tribute to Sister Dolly of Greece

9 May 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Our sweet Sister Dolly flew to Babalap on Monday April 25. She was 92 years old. Dolly wathe first BK iGreece. She took the course in 1981, from Anthony Strano, at an office in central Athens where Anthony was being hosted when hfirst arrived to Greece, knowing nobody, with a book in his hands, and a recommendation to meet its author. And indeed, Anthony met the ladand waeventually hosted at her office for a time. Dolly was a friend of thilady and thiis how Dolly and Anthony met

Dolly, soon after, went to Madhuban and meBaba personally, took His Drishti and the blessing that said: Your face is the monument of Arjuna whose face shone when he had a vision of God”. Then she went to London, where she met and received blessings and sustenance from Dadi Janki. It was Dolly who was the instrument, ievery way, for the creation of the first Official Center in Athens, on Pamissou Street. During her whole life she supported the service in Greece with so much love and faith iBaba.

She was the very original jewel and the pillar of service in Greece. The title Baba had given her was Baba’s Doll”! She is survived by her two children, Kostas and Lily.


With feelings of love and gratitude for our sister,


The Greek Family




click here to download in PDF




Sr Margaret McCathie from Stirling Passed Away

27 April 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,


This is to inform you that Margaret McCathie, a much loved personality and very dear friend of the Brahma Kumaris and the Janki Foundation passed away recently.


Margaret was an amazingly enthusiastic soul. Mother of four, she lived in Stirling, where for many years, she ran a bed and breakfast with her husband Kenny, but would often attend Sunday morning class in Glasgow. In 2003 she attended the Peace of Mind retreat in Madhuban, where she was fortunate to have been part of a small group of retreat guests who had stayed on to meet BapDada.


She was also a lively member of the Janki Foundation community, and was extremely supportive of the Foundation’s work: running workshops at retreats, conferences and speaking at various programmes.


Margaret had an incredibly infectious laugh! She put this to good use as a laughter therapist, helping others see the funnier side of life. Margaret also recorded for the Lifting Your Spirits CD, the two tracks ‘Healing power of laughter’ and ‘A big deep laugh’.


She had a depth of wisdom born out of  her own personal experience of mental health issues and with a leap of courage, she trained with Patch Adams, the American doctor, activist and clown and took the ‘healing clown’ concept into healthcare settings. Before her ‘debut’ clowning visit to a children’s ward, she famously asked Patch Adams “What should I do?” He told her, “Margaret, just give them love.” Her reply, “Oh, I can do that, no problem.” It was so Margaret.


Her warmth, care, kindness, compassion and wisdom will be deeply missed.


The date of her funeral is not yet confirmed. If anyone wishes to know about the funeral arrangements then please contact Leeds Centre at leeds@uk.brahmakumaris.org and they will let you know once they have the details.


In Baba’s yaad,


Sr Jayanti






Br Peter Osborne of GRC flew to Baba

20 April 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,


We would like to share news of the departure at the age of 83 of one of our much treasured local family members, Peter Osborne, who with his wife, Karin, was one of the first students when the Global Retreat Centre opened nearly 30 years ago. They remained a foundational support for GRC, and were treasured by Dadi Janki, whose relationship with Peter was one of mutual love and unspoken understanding. He was humble in his interactions with Dadi and other seniors, conveying gratitude towards them - and all the good things in his life - with an attitude of “I don’t really deserve this!” 


He passed on easily at the couple’s home in Oxford on Tuesday evening, 12th April, after a long illness. Karin was with him. She noticed a great peace, and silence, and then that Peter wasn’t breathing anymore.


The GRC family remembers him especially for his child-like innocence, honesty, and transparency. He never tried to disguise thoughts or feelings that others might be embarrassed to reveal, and this made him funny at times, without even trying.  He had a natural intelligence, quick wit and humour, making him refreshingly easy to be around.  He was also an attentive listener, with thoughtful and considered responses, enabling others to feel valued.


Peter was a keen angler, and an example of his gentle humour came in an exchange when he had asked if he could fish in the River Thames from GRC’s boathouse. Sister Manda told him: “Peter! No - you can’t fish from Baba’s land!” after which he turned to Brother Doug, saying “Can I fish from the back of your boat, please?”


Originally a cameraman in the film industry, he was a familiar figure at most major GRC events, taking photos - especially of Dadi Janki. He had run a wine business, and after retirement gave many hours of service at GRC as a warm and friendly receptionist.


Karin was the love of his life, and a steadfast support on his spiritual journey. He also had great love for his wider family, and was a model grandfather, playing the role with much kindness and pride.


In a natural way, he both received and gave a lot in his long relationship with Baba’s family.  He will be valued and well cared for in his next birth.


The Funeral Service will take place on Monday, 25th April, at 11.00am at Oxford Crematorium, Bayswater Road, Headington OX3 9RZ.


In Baba’s yaad,


Sr Jayanti







News of Sr Ellen from The Netherlands

19 April 2022




Our spiritual brother, BK Piyush Sanghani of Naperville, Illinois (near Chicago), has flown to Baba

13 April 2022


click here to download Flyer in PDF



News of Sr Sonja from The Netherlands

12 April 2022


click here to download Flyer in PDF



News of Sr Anjana from Nottingham

7 April 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

We just received the news that Anjanaben from Nottingham left her body at 12.15am this morning. Her family was with her.  She was the first serviceable jewel of Nottingham and was 46 years with Baba.

We will send further details in due course.

With love
In Baba's Yaad
BK Jayanti




News of Sister Blanca from Madrid, Spain

28 March 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Sister Blanca, one of the senior sisters from Spain, left the body on Friday, 25 March, after a long illness.

Sister Blanca was a Centre Coordinator and an excellent Raja Yoga Teacher. She came to Baba in 2000 in Madrid. Having a professional background, she was one of the main teachers in Barcelona and she was serving in the Accounts Department at a national level. Some years later, she opened a centre in Zaragoza, a big city of Spain. While being the Centre Coordinator in Zaragoza, the service flourished, big programmes were organized, and they served many professionals. 

Some years later she moved to Madrid, where she has been part of the coordinators team and one of the main teachers. Her talks and meditations on the Spanish Brahma Kumaris YouTube channel have received many visits and helped to spread Baba´s message around the world. Her ability to translate Baba´s knowledge for the general public was outstanding.

Sister Blanca was a very, very special soul, loyal and faithful to Baba. A very good effort maker, sincere and had lots of love for Baba and the family. She was very friendly and knowledgeful. 

Sister Blanca left in us a trail of light, joy, sweetness, knowledge and spiritual power that we won't forget.

In Baba's remembrance,
The Spanish family



News of Sister Marlene of Halifax, West Yorkshire

21 March 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Sister Marlene Grimshaw passed away on 14 March, 2022 aged 74. She had been a student of the Brahma Kumaris since 1996 and first took the Raja Yoga course in Bradford. She already had a very deep love for God and her involvement with the spiritualist church for many years made it very easy for her to accept the teachings of Brahma Kumaris.

Sister Marlene was very mature, caring and wise and held regular meditation sessions in her home in Halifax, West Yorkshire, where she also ran courses for a number of years. She visited and helped out in many centres in the UK, including GRC and Manchester Inner Space. Sister Marlene also visited centres abroad in Israel, Africa and Australia endearing everyone to her with her happy, caring and willing disposition.

Sister Marlene passed away peacefully in the nursing home where she had been living with Alzheimer’s for the last three years.

We send our loving good wishes to the soul and to her husband Barry, daughter, son and grandchildren.

The funeral will be on Monday 11 April at 11.15am at Park Wood Crematorium, Elland, Halifax HX5 9HZ.

With love,

In Baba’s yaad,

Leeds family


click here to download in PDF



News of Sister Maureen of Cambridge

14 March 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Sister Maureen of Cambridge left the body on Sunday 6 March, around 12.30 pm, at 88 years of age. She was in hospital with a heart condition. Sister Maureen came into gyan through U3A (University of the Third Age) some twenty two years ago. 

As an intelligent person she took to Raja Yoga straight away and made the study of the murli and the teaching of Raja Yoga her specialty, whilst serving in Cambridge InnerSpace.

Her editorial skills were put to endless use by BK publications, a big and  incognito contribution to Baba’s service.

Her punctuality and meticulous dharna was not made obvious because of her humility, but her churning power came to the fore each day at Morning class and will be remembered by many. Along with this was a silent, pure desire to improve accurately in order to pass with a high number.

She refined her skills in nutrition to quite a degree keeping herself fit and well through them. Fortunately this extended to a skill in a Supreme chocolate pudding which was a feature of every Cambridge Christmas party.

Maureen did not leave Cambridge during her time, so she will be known by many  who have passed through the Centre, leaving a legacy of her faultless memory, clear intellect and unassuming ways.

The funeral is likely to be held in Mid Sussex where her son lives. If you would like to know about the funeral arrangements, please send an email to cambridge@uk.brahmakumaris.org and we will let you know as soon as the date is fixed.

We send our good wishes in Baba’s remembrance to Sister Maureen and her family.

In Baba's yaad,
Cambridge Centre



News of Patricia German

13 March 2022

Patricia German (1931 – 2022)

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Our dear sister Patricia German peacefully left her body on 9th March, a few days before her 91st birthday. She died on the island of Mallorca where she moved from London in 2017 to be near two of her daughters, Glynis and Sian.

Patricia was the wife of the late Jerry German, a great friend of the BKs, the mother of five children and grandmother to nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Patricia was born in Kingston Jamaica in 1931 and came to the UK in 1949 to study French at Bangor University. It was during this time she met her future husband, Jerry. They married in 1952 and returned to Jamaica where Jerry had secured a teaching job in a boarding school. Patricia taught French at the school and organized many after school activities for the children, including a drama club and a debating society.

In 1966 they returned to the UK where Jerry had a teaching job in Notting Hill (London), followed by another job in Wales and one in Nigeria (1977-80).

On their return to the UK, Patricia retrained as a herbalist and iridologist. In 1985 she took the raja yoga meditation course, which satisfied her long search for spiritual truth. After that, she dedicated her life to serving people in a different way.

Prior to the opening of Global Cooperation House, she hosted many classes in her home in Hampton. She attended the Hounslow Centre regularly and every Tuesday for many years she came to GCH to help run the Women’s Group, which she co-founded, and to work on reception where her warm smile and welcoming manner touched many people. She was also an enthusiastic teacher of the Positive Thinking Course and a keen supporter of Brixton Inner Space.

On her move to Mallorca, she held twice-monthly classes in her home, which attracted and sustained many people on the island.

Patricia was a woman of great energy and spirit, who walked her talk. She was a powerful role model to numerous women of colour and has been described as a ‘living legend’ and a ‘spiritual magnet’. She was passionate about fairness and inclusivity. She was fun loving, kind, caring, generous, humble and sincere but also feisty with a bright, questioning intellect, who enjoyed challenging conversations. Young at heart, she was very friendly and had the ability to reach out to people of all ages and backgrounds. She was much loved by her family and many others.

Deeply loved by God, a special soul has flown on to the next beautiful chapter of her eternal journey.

The funeral will be held on Monday 14th March in Mallorca at 11am UK time.


To watch the funeral, please go to:

Meeting ID 883 7200 7907

Passcode 104658



There is a condolence book online where you can write your tribute:



With love

In Baba’s yaad

BK Jayanti


click here to download PDF version.



BK Dr Avdesh Sharma Has Taken Baba's Lap

11 March 2022

I want to express my deepest sympathies to all on the suddenly planned leave of BK Dr Avdesh Sharma Bhai ji into Baba’s lap. Baba definitely has plans for his extended divine services with the advance party.


All of us are familiar with Dr Avdesh Sharma ji, a world-renowned psychiatrist and a loving honourable pillar of our Medical Wing, an athak sewadhaari in all respects.


His divine services will always be remembered. He had always added innovative ways to broaden the sphere of Medical Wing Services. He has left a memorable impression and inspiration for the coming generations.


With warm regards,

BK Dr Banarsi Lal

Secretary, Medical Wing


Dr Avdesh Sharma sharing his experience on Awakening TV [22:02] (Mostly Hindi):







News of Br Sandeep Somavarapu

5 March 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,


Brother Sandeep Somavarapu left his body on 4 March 2022, just before his 39th birthday.



Brother Sandeep was born on 22 March 1983 in a town near Hyderabad, India. He became a student of the Brahma Kumaris in 1996 at the age of 13 along with his mother. He was a yogi soul and would sit in yoga for hours effortlessly. He also had an immense interest in Hatha Yoga which he started practising in 1998.


Brother Sandeep moved to Hyderabad in 1997 to pursue his higher education. He then came to London in 2006 to pursue his master’s degree. He was connected with Global Co-operation House from that time. He worked for Onepoint Consulting from 2008 until 2019.  At GCH, his service was to provide IT support to those in Global Co-operation House and other BK centres. He was always cheerful, patient, accommodating and ever willing to help. He would invariably find a solution for any challenge. Nothing was too much trouble. He was also very well-read and would engage in in-depth conversations about Raja Yoga knowledge, Indian history and many other subjects. He took the opportunity during these years to deepen his knowledge and experiences.


Brother Sandeep’s health deteriorated in 2012 because of kidney disease and he returned to India in 2017 to be with his family.  On 4 February 2022 he tested positive for Covid 19 and left his body on 4 March with post Covid complications.


In his short life in this body, he gave happiness to so many and earned an abundance of blessings. We send our loving good wishes to the soul and to his family.


With love,

In Baba’s yaad, 


BK Jayanti





Sister Kanthamani of Southhall, UK, flew to Baba

28 February 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Sr Kanthamani Jeyam of Southall left the body peacefully at home on Saturday, 12 February. Sr Kanthamani was born on 19 February 1948 in Sri Lanka and came to the UK in 2010. She has been in knowledge since 2013. She had five children, four sons and a daughter and fourteen grandchildren. After her marriage, she had to face many problems in her life, however once she came into knowledge, she was able to face her problems and became very light. She was very disciplined when it came to waking up in the morning for Amrit Vela, listening to Murli, and joining the classes at Southall Centre. She was strong, determined, powerful and a very loving soul. Always with a smiling face, she had a lot of love for Baba. Every Thursday without fail, she would contribute to Baba's flowers.

The final farewell took place on Saturday, 19 February, and we send our loving wishes for this special soul from all of Baba's family for her onward journey.

With love,
In Baba’s yaad,
BK Karuna and the Southall Family




Lake County BKs Invite You to Playlist of 8 Days of Tribute for Karthikbhai - Feb 24 - March 3

24 February 2022




Dear Family and Friends of our Beloved Karthikbhai,


To honor Karthikbhai of Lake County Brahma Kumaris, we will gather every night for the next 8 nights and share our good wishes with the soul. Our very own Mohini Didi will begin the tribute tonight, Feb 24th at 8:30 pm EDT. Please share with those who knew him.



February 24 - March 3

8:30 pm - 9 pm EDT



February 25 - March 4

7 am - 7:30 am IST


Click here to join on Zoom:



Meeting ID: 948 1082 7298

Passcode: omshanti


Our Divine Brother Kathik has flown to Baba


Dear Family, Om Shanti!


Our dear brother BK Karthik was a scientist working for Pfizer as a senior research scientist.  He was part of the team who worked on the fast track manufacturing of the COVID vaccine. A few days ago, he received an appreciation award from Pfizer as the one “living the Pfizer value of joy.”


Karthikbhai was introduced to Baba's knowledge by his wife Sonia and mother-in-law in 2008. Karthikbhai and Sonia together served the Yagya with love and loyalty; with respect and regard; and with dharma and dignity. He took knowledge in Washington DC and served in Virginia, Edison NJ and Chicago Lake County.


He left his body on February 19 at his parents’ home in Chennai. He was 44 years old. The cause of death was a brain injury due to a sudden fall.


Karthikbhai had a lightness in his introverted nature. He was serious about his spiritual endeavors and was dearly loved by the BK family. His smile and wisdom won many hearts and his sweet voice was kind and gentle. He was a karmayogi who was living in practical what Baba taught.


His final rites will be held in Chennai. The funeral service and viewing will be Tuesday Feb 22 at 8 am India time and funeral will be at 11 am India time (that is Monday night 9:30 pm EST)


We ask you to send the soul Baba’s sakash as he transitions to his next phase on his Confluence-aged journey.


Funeral service for Karthikbhai

Time: Feb 22, 2022 08:00 AM India (viewing); 11:00 AM India (funeral)

Feb 21, 2022 09:30 PM USA (funeral)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 948 1082 7298

Passcode: omshanti







Our Dear Brother Bill from Dublin, Ireland, Passed Away

21 February 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Br William Thomas Downey with the Dublin Centre and Baba’s special child for 30 years flew into Baba’s lap on Friday 18 February 2022 at 7.30pm. He had recently been diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer.

Our dear Brother was better known to many as Liam or Bill Bhai. Bill Bhai was born on 2nd July 1937. He was the youngest of 7 children and doted on by his 6 sisters.

Bill Bhai was brought up in Kimmage Dublin. He left Ireland for the UK in about 1957 and sometime later joined the RAF. He married Teresa in 1963. They had 5 children, 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.

Bill Bhai was full of life’s wisdom and hence a great listener in a light, caring and confidential way. He had great wit, turn of phrase and return of serve which flowed right up until the end.

In the early 1990s Bill used to drive his wife, Theresa to the Wellingborough centre for a regular Thursday evening class.  When he saw the benefits that Theresa took from the meditation class; becoming more peaceful, in less physical pain and happier in herself, it impressed him enough to do a presentation on meditation at his workplace in Corby, Northamptonshire.  This was very well received by the management and was shown in the company newsletter which went out nationally.  Enthused, he decided to take the full Raj Yoga course with a Brahma Kumari teacher resident in Kettering.

In the late 1990s, he took on a weekly meditation class in HMP Gartree, a maximum security prison in Leicestershire.

On his retirement, he was very active in the maintenance and care of the Oxford Retreat Centre and Global Co-operation House, before he and Teresa returned to Ireland permanently in 1999. They settled in Castlebar and offered weekly Meditation Classes, which Dadi Janki encouraged and supported, up until Bill Bhai relocated, on this occasion, back to Dublin, 8 years after Teresa left the body.

Bill Bhai was holistically involved in service. He was on the Board of Trustees, the Service Team and gave Raja Yoga Meditation and self-empowerment classes weekly.  Not forgetting karma yoga and much more up until his health began to deteriorate.

Bill Bhai had a lovely friendly, easy nature and a great sense of humour which meant that everyone who met him immediately warmed to him. He faced a lot of tragedy in his life but his spiritual practice enabled him to survive it all with dignity. He spoke often about his wonderful children and their support and unconditional acceptance of him. He was passionately dedicated to his spiritual practice but he wore it lightly, never preachy, and so enabled others to have valuable insights into it too. He travelled to many countries and was an intrepid, courageous and fiercely independent man. Life is much the poorer without his banter, his wit and his deep wisdom.

We know that Baba is protecting and guiding such a soul onto the next part of his journey. 


Please find below the dates and timings of the final farewell service for Br Bill from Dublin.

Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, The Haven, 177 Crumlin Road, on Thursday from 3pm to 5pm. 


Removal on Friday to Mount Jerome Crematorium arriving for Service at 2.30pm. 

You can view the Funeral Service by webcast on: https://www.mountjerome.ie/victorian-chapel-service/

You may leave a message of condolence for Br Bill's family on the following link: Massey Bros Private Condolence Page


With love,
In Baba’s yaad,


Georgina, Mai & Catherine