2018 Jan-Aug Transitions Archive
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News of Harshadbhai Patel of Ilford (husband of Manjula bhen)
27 August 2018
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
News of Harshadbhai Patel of Ilford (husband of Manjulaben)
Om Shanti. This is to share news that Harshadbhai from Ilford left the physical body on Sunday 19 August at 11.30pm surrounded by the love of his family. He was 81 years old and lived a very full and healthy life. He passed away peacefully at home. In the last few weeks of his life, he was frequently visited by many friends and members of the extended lokik and alokik families.
Harshadbhai was born in India in 1936, and later went on to Kenya in 1955 where he spent many years as a motor mechanic. Following an accident he stopped working and moved to the UK in 1979. His many hobbies were gardening and his love for flowers, reading and mainly travelling the world.
He joined the Brahma Kumaris organisation in 1980 whilst visiting his son Pankajbhai. His deep passion in Baba's journey really began in 1986 when he became a regular attendee of morning classes. His devotion to Baba was in maintaining the gardens in the Global Retreat Centre in Oxford, where he found great peace. Harshadbhai was loved by many people due to his hardworking and caring nature.
The funeral will take place on Friday 24 August 2018 at 12 noon at Forest Hill Cemetery and Crematorium, Forest Road, Hainault, IG6 3HP.
We send all our good wishes and love, in Baba's remembrance, to such a special soul and his family.
With love,
In Baba's remembrance
BK Jayanti
Brother Prem from Dhar (Indore) has Left His Body
12 August 2018
Om Shanti Divine Angels,
Please receive the sweet remembrances of Dadi Ratan Mohini and all Madhuban Niwasis.
See the attached photo which the details are self explanatory.
Our floral tributes to the Bapdada's lovely and serviceable departed soul
Thanks with divine thoughts.
Personnel Admin Dept.,
Sister Indrani of Bareli (Bhopal) centre has Left Her Body
12 August 2018
Om Shanti Divine Angels,
Please receive the sweet remembrances of Dadi Ratan Mohini and all Madhuban Niwasis.
See the attached photo which the details are self explanatory. Our floral tributes to the Bapdada's lovely and serviceable departed soul
Personnel Admin Dept.,
Dada Narayan Kripalani has Left His Body
7 August 2018
Om Shanti Divine Angels,
Please receive the sweet remembrances of Dadi Ratan Mohini Ji and all Madhuban Niwasis.
Beloved Dada Narayan Kripalani, son of Pitashri Brahma Baba, left for the subtle regions at 4:30 pm on 6th August. Please see the attached photo of which the details are self-explanatory.
Our floral tributes to the Bapdada's lovely and serviceable departed soul
Personnel Admin. Dept.,
Tribute to Dada Narayan
As you might be already aware, Narayan Dada, son of beloved Pitashri Brahma, left for heavenly abode yesterday at 4.30 pm, depriving us of that feeling and happiness of meeting Pitashri himself with his striking physical similarities.
At this juncture, I recall the occasion of his visit to Godlywood Studio during February 2015, to share his wisdom of a lifetime as he gave me the greatest privilege of interviewing him. Because I had the great fortune to be guided and mentored by Dadi Brijindraji, who was his sister in law, he shared a special bond with me and has always considered me a member of his lokik family.
This beautiful relationship of more than 5 decades and these memories, I hope will make all of you happy and will evoke the same emotions in you, hence sharing some golden moments during his visit to Godlywood Studio where he made me proud by sitting in my chair in my office and discussed many things close to his heart .
I offer my heartfelt condolences to beloved Narayan Dada on behalf of TEAM Godlywood and wish him well for the next part Baba has in store for him, along with requesting Baba to provide courage and strength to Dada's lokik family members especially his son Manoj. His memories will remain with me forever.
IBY, With Warm Regards,
BK Harilal
Executive Director
Godlywood Studio
World Renewal Spiritual Trust
Baba's original jewel of Africa, Indubhen Desai, Has Flown to Baba
26 July 2018
BapDada’s original Jewel of Africa, Induben Desai, lokik mother of Dipakbhai, Pratimaben, Ajaybhai and Sanjaybhai left her body on July 3.
Induben was in gyan for 44 years and was a teacher. She conducted Baba’s classes and gave sustenance to many souls in her lokik home in Lusaka, Zambia for more than 15 years. She was a very disciplined soul whose love and faith was visible even in her final moments. She spent a normal day, in the evening went to rest, and left her body in a very peaceful state.
Induben’s dharna, accuracy, integrity and clarity in thinking and the quality of her love were all signs of an elevated soul who had played the role of being a pillar of service not only in Africa, but wherever she lived. She also had the good fortune of hosting all the Dadis and seniors in her home when they visited Zambia.
Induben spent most of her years in Africa, but was also close to the London and Leicester BK families in the UK, where she had also lived. She most recently had spent time in Shivmani Home and was loved by everyone there too.
For the past 4 years she lived in her home in Navsari, Gujarat with Pratimaben. Her final rites were performed in the presence of both lokik family and Brahmins from Madhuban, Navsari and Valsad.
Bhog was offered for the departed soul in Madhuban.
Surrendered Brother Sasikumar bhai from Ootacamund Center, Tamilnadu Has Left His Mortal Body
26 July 2018
Om Shanti
Divine Family,
Baba's Tireless Serviceable Soul, Brahma Kumar Sasikumar Bhai, Surrender Brother, Ootacamund Centre, Tamil Nadu Zone, left his Mortal Body and went into Bapdada's Lap on 25th July 2018.
The whole Brahma Kumaris Family pays heartfelt homage to the Departed Soul.
In Baba’s Yaad,
BK Rajeshwari
Brahmakumaris, Ootacamund.
News of Br Jerry Casey of UK
26 July 2018
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
This to share news that our dear brother Jerry Casey suddenly left his body on Monday 2nd July. He was taken ill while giving a driving lesson. He left the body before the ambulance arrived at the hospital. Jerry’s brothers and sisters made a brief visit to London just after his passing and were pleased that Jerry had a family here and that he was much loved. We are waiting to hear about the funeral arrangements.
Jerry was born just outside Dublin in October 1954. He was one of the first students at Dublin centre, taking the course in October 1979; he was working as a primary school teacher at the time. He moved to the UK in the early 80s and trained as a driving instructor and was very successful and popular. He introduced many of his clients to Baba's home and also taught many BKs how to drive.
Jerry stayed in Shanti Bhawan for several years until 1994. He was always very enthusiastic and active in all kinds of service. He looked after Shanti Bhawan garden and was always keen to cook for the brothers. He also stayed at the centre in Bristol for about a year teaching and involved in all round service as well as serving in Ireland from time to time.
Jerry and his partner Jana were always ready to help and serve and to have a friendly exchange. He loved and served everyone, beyond any barriers. Jerry was honest, open and straightforward in all his interactions including in Murli class where he expressed his wish to have Baba understood and experienced as the greatest and most powerful loving Father.
We have received many emails and phone calls from his peers from the early days of London. They shared many stories of Jerry’s warmth, kindness and generosity both in service and especially when someone was in need. Jerry was very selfless and always ready to share everything he had with others.
He has often shared how offering bhog to Baba and his close relationship with Him is what kept him in Gyan and expressed his great love for Dadi Janki calling her the 'Great Janak'. His love for God, murlis, Madhuban and souls will always keep him under Baba’s canopy.
With love
In Baba's yaad
BK Jayanti
Sr. Peggy from Barbados Has Passed Away
18th June 2018
Sis. Peggy from Barbados has made her transition and a farewell ceremony will be held on Monday, 18th June.
Peggy was a loving soul who shared Baba’s love to everyone.
Her love for Baba and service made her a valuable and unshakable member of the Barbadian family. She was one of its founding members.
She served tireless and lovingly at Peace Village for a long period of time.
Her sweetness, love and determination for Baba’s knowledge and shrimat will continue to inspire all those who interacted with her.
We send the soul loving blessings as it continues its journey.
Sis Myrna Barbados
Sr. Renu of Thailand has flown to Baba
30 May 2016
Om Shanti dear family,
We have experienced an angel flying into Baba’s lap to take on powerful role ahead to expedite yagya responsibilities in the establishment of new world. A great soul playing her role as “Renu behn” known to many in Thailand as “Happy Didi” had been battling cancer last few months courageously settling her karmic dues radiantly smiling all through the pain of intensive treatments under loving canopy of dear BaapDada. Her yugal and Sukhumvit Thonglor Sub-Center incharge Brother Anil was a powerful instrument of Baba who had been by her side throughout the journey.
Sister Renu and Bro Anil started their Brahmin life in Hamburg Germany in 1991 and came to Thailand to run their business in Phuket, southern part of Thailand later. She was born in Thailand with her Indian family living here in Bangkok. Eventually both of them started co-ordinating Raja Yoga Class for Indian Community in Sukhumvit, Bangkok for over 10 years.
Sister Renu was a special child of Baba with over twenty eight years in gyaan who has left behind her the legacy to touch and inspire others with her life so pure and giving, a lead for all of us to follow. She has had the fortune of taking most elevated spiritual sustenance from dadi's and revered senior souls of Brahma Kumaris across the world. She was an inspiration to lokik and alokik family setting examples of balance in lokik alokik and in all four subjects of gyaan yog dhaarna seva.
All near dear ones gathered to celebrate the completion of her journey as Renu behn, only to move on for higher bigger role with BaapDada. She flew into BaapDada’s lap on the 23rd May at 16.09 hrs peacefully with guided meditation by Anil bhai to help the soul in its journey further. The next day 24th May 2018 there was a meditation session held for all bk brothers and sisters and her immediate family. The whole session was a soulful experience, the vibes of peace and power were felt by each who attended. The power of silence healed every emotion felt by each soul present there. A short presentation of her glorious journey was shared with everyone along with live singing by brother Jyoti Prakash which added such a warm and heartfelt joy. Highlight of the session was a guided meditation conducted by Anil bhai which eased each soul and erased any trace of sorrow within the hearts of her lokik family.
At the cremation on 24th May 2018 there were around five hundred souls, and again the power of purity and peace were felt by each soul. Every event went smoothly. Everyone felt empowered by sister La’s message just before the cremation.
On 26th May 2018 there was a tribute gathering, which went off happily and every soul attending expressed they felt so powerful and peaceful, it was as if Baapdada and the departed soul were the vibrant engines driving all these programs smoothly touching every heart and soul yearning to find peace. No words can be enough to thank Baapdada and Renu behn for becoming the instrument of Baba to expedite yagya seva in Thailand. Sister La and family contributed help by decorating beautifully with white roses and lilies and also making a beautiful presentation video sharing her glorious journey of the truly happy soul. The whole session was so powerful with sharing of sister shivani's video on death, personal tributes by so many across the world and Dr Thomas Lodi of An Oasis of Healing, Mesa, Arizona who as her oncologist lately, and Anil bhai sharing his powerful lessons he picked during the crisis to emerge powerful and elevated, finally ending with a guided meditation.
Let us join hands and make all her tapasya worthy, for the world family to recognize her ease in sacrifices for highest attainments, her grace in being able to balance between work, family and Baba’s seva, her wisdom to apply the highest knowledge in most challenging situations as a special unique BK soul.
When we have to die we all will... and everything and anything can become the reason for it... but before that as Baba says lets learn to die alive only to live forever…
Om Shanti
Bk Sister Neelu (Bangkok)
Madhuban Niwasi Manahar bhai of Pandav Bhawan has Flown to Baba
1 May 2018
Light of the eyes of beloved Avyakt Bapdada, Manahar Bhai acquired spiritual knowledge in 1972 from Adipur, Kutch, Gujarat. From 1975 he dedicated his services to our Madhuban Mahayagya.
While being raised by the loveful upbringing of Didi and Dadi, he received a lot of affection from everyone in the Yagya because he performed every service with the attitude of ‘hanji’. He contributed tirelessly in posting the Murlis, in the ironing department, in the cleaning department and in any other service given to him. He always served very sweetly and calmly.
After Manaharbhai started facing the ailment of stomach cancer, he took treatment in Ahmedabad. Then he was moved to Global Hospital for the treatment during his last days.
On Sunday morning, April 29th at 7:10 am, he left the old body and took Bapdada’s lap. That evening around 4:00 pm, all Madhuban Niwasis brothers and sisters gave their last loveful homage and bid him goodbye after taking his body through the four pilgrimage places. After that, Sister Shashi offered special bhog to Bapdada for him. Bapdada praised the tireless service done by the child and gave heartfelt blessings to the soul.
Sr Sigrun of Iceland flew to Baba
22 April 2018
Dear Centre Coordinators,
This is to share news that Sister Sigrun of Iceland, Baba's powerful instrument, flew into Baba's lap at 10am (Icelandic time) on Wednesday 18th April. She was aged 64.
Sigrun was born in Iceland in 1954 and later went to study art in Germany where she met Brother Thor. They have been good friends for 40 years and married for the past 30 years. Together they ran a holistic health center for 12 years in the countryside during the summer, and lived in different countries during the winter. After art study they moved to USA for some years and later to Portugal for some years where they held many art exhibitions.
Sigrun and Thor came to Baba in Pandav Bhavan in 1997 and became instruments for Baba's work in Iceland. They have served the whole country including government ministers and people of all walks of life and have created powerful instrument teachers. Sigrun became ill in 2015 and graciously continued to serve until the last few months when her service became more and more on the subtle level. Through the whole time Brother Thor has been at her side, a pillar of strength and a true yogi.
Sigrun is a powerful soul, a dedicated and faithful instrument, very close to Baba, the Dadis and the Yagya. As well as bringing many souls close to Baba, Sigrun is also remembered for the beautiful and outstanding art that she created for Baba that is serving all over the world. There is hardly a country that does not have something of Sigrun's art, whether a glorious Shiv Baba, other paintings, book illustrations or blessing cards.
Sigrun has left a powerful and lasting memorial in everyone's heart and now Baba has called the soul for some very special service.
With love,
In Baba's yaad,
BK Jayanti
Sr Sigrun's Memorial Event on 28th April and Bhog Message
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om shanti. We would like to thank everyone for the incredible love and good wishes received from the BK family all over the world for our dear sister Sigrun; she flew to Baba on the 18th April, just before her 64th birthday. Together with Baba, this has carried all of us through this time and helped us all remain strong.
In late April and May, in Iceland there was a beautiful farewell to Sister Sigrun. The final ceremony took place in Reykjavik on Thursday 26th April. Sigrun truly looked like an angel and the women funeral director shared how she felt so much peace radiating from her. There was a ceremony by the BKs and then Sigrun's close family put a sandalwood garland around her. Sigrun's mother, Sigrun's two sisters, brother and half-sister, nephews and nieces were there as well as members of Thor's family. There were two professional singers accompanied by a young guitarist who sang two songs: 'When I think of angels, I think of you' and 'Two Stars'. Thor, Elin, two of Sigrun's sisters, her nephew and an old close friend shared their memories of Sigrun. Thor spoke of how he and Sigrun met in Germany at art school and how painting a portrait of Sigrun was enough to gain his admittance into the school! Then everyone present was invited to decorate Sigrun with roses. She was adorned with about 100 roses. It was such an incredibly beautiful scene. In the closing meditation there was pin drop silence. It felt like Baba and Sigrun orchestrated the whole thing. Sr Maureen from London conducted the ceremony and Br John from London and Sr Lotta from Stockholm were also present.
On Saturday the 28th April there was a memorial service and over 200 people were present, including family friends, close contacts, some politicians; Sigrun, together with Thor have served the whole of Icelandic society. A report of this is attached.
On 4th of May, Sigrun's birthday the ashes were buried in the Earth near to the sea.
Shashiben of Madhuban offered bhog for Sigrun on Thursday 3rd May and the message is below.
Again, heartfelt thanks to the Brahmin family.
In Baba's remembrance,
Br Thor and the Icelandic BK family
Bhog Message for the soul of Sister Sigrun by Shashiben - Madhuban, 3 May
On the day of the Satguru, after offering bhog, I shared with Baba remembrances of Dadi Janki, Senior Teachers, Br Thor and the Iceland BK family for the soul of Sister Sigrun.
I immediately saw very beautifully designed items set artistically in front of Baba. Baba was looking at each item and smiling. A light came from a distance, and from it appeared Sigrun's image. Baba said, "Just see how this child came to belong to Baba through her love for the arts, and with her artistic skills she benefited many, many souls in service."
Sigrun was listening to Baba and smiling. Baba said, "Since the time she came to Baba, her speciality has been firm faith in the intellect; she made Baba her companion, placed her hand in His, followed shrimat fully, gave respect to her Seniors, and continued to move ahead in the field of service. Whilst living in a unique place, she instilled zeal and enthusiasm in others and helped them progress."
She said, "Baba, I really liked to see souls become Baba's children, and I really enjoyed learning Gyan, and I just wanted to present those teachings in the form of art and share with others."
I told Sigrun, "You have left". She replied, "No, Baba will give me another type of service."
Baba said, "This child is carrying with herself Baba's love, and a variety of virtues and skills, and wherever the soul goes, she will benefit others through the experiences of these virtues."
I asked her if she wished to share anything. She said to please share lots of loving remembrances with Dadi Janki, Jayantiben, Br Thor, other instrument teachers, service companions and the BK family. "Everyone has given me a lot of cooperation, and this helped me to progress, learn and have good experiences."
Baba then said, "In the last phase, while going through the test-paper of the chariot, she maintained faith in 'One Strength, One Support', and Baba's remembrance, and passed the examination and became an example. Though the physical test-paper was challenging, her unbreakable faith in the intellect enabled to sustain her Brahmin life. In the future, this child will serve many others through her arts and skills."
Sister Sigrun then gave remembrances for all.
Download Report of the Memorial Service
Sister Cathy Wainer's Departure
3 April 2018
Dear Divine Family, Love-filled greetings,
We are writing to inform you that our sweet sister Cathy Wainer left the body on Wednesday, March 28th. As you may know, Cathy came to knowledge in Boston in the early 1990's. She was dearly loved and appreciated by the family. Over the years, Cathy's journey took her to a number of different places, including Chicago, Florida and Texas, and just a few months ago she came back to Boston for a reunion visit with the Boston family.
In remembering Cathy, we remember her simplicity, honesty, easy detachment from the drama,
and her child-like easy nature. Her smile melted the hearts of all she came into contact with. She will also be remembered for her specialties of love, lightness and a generous heart.
Hope you will join us in sending the soul pure feelings and good wishes as she makes her transition to the next role.
In Baba's love and remembrance,
Boston and Chicago Families
Tributes to Cathy
I remember Cathy as a very loving soul. We send all good wishes for her next journey.
With much love, in Baba's yaad, Sr Maureen, London
When I heard of her passing, I began looking at some old photos and just felt so many good wishes for our sweet sister Cathy.
Wishing her truly well in her next part and for her family to remain strong. Love, Sr Jenna
I remember Cathy as a very loving/ caring soul. A few times I traveled through Boston and she was always very supportive. She will be with Sweet Baba for some time and continue her seva soon. We send her soul loving sakash.
IBY, Sr Hansa, Sacramento
I had the privilege to host Sr Cathy when she came to my home in Narragansett, RI for seva. Cathybhen is truly a remarkable soul. The Michigan family are sending good wishes to our Cathy and may her journey be peace-filled.
In Babas yaad, Sr Lakshmi

Sr Lenora of Brazil flew away to Baba
25 March 2018
News of Brother Trevor of Bishops Strotford
15 March 2018
Dear Centre Co-ordinators,
Om Shanti. Our dear brother Trevor Willson took leave of the body and the soul flew to his beloved Baba just after 4pmon Monday 19th March at the Isabel Hospice with his family around him. He sighed and left peacefully. Trevor had been diagnosed with lung cancer almost 6 months ago which travelled swiftly through to his liver which prompted the medical team around him to advise his family that due to his painful condition any further treatment would be inadvisable.
Trevor lived in Bishops Stortford and attended the Haverhill centre for over 12 years. He was respected and loved by all, a gentle soul who had a deeply enquiring intellect, was thirsty for the Murli, was strong in discipline on Amrit Vela and had such a love for Baba.
Whilst visiting him to read Murli and take Bhog on my last day with him I noticed how amazingly bright and sparkling his eyes were I could see clearly the soul there... he gave me this insight to share with the BK family.
At Amrit Vela he was given a clear touching that he would not go into remission and that as his organs were now damaged he did not want to be a burden on his close lokik family and he should prepare for his final journey. He explained that he had completely accepted this and in a way glad that he had not left quickly but found how strong Maya's last pull was on his mind and he had to become so detached from the pain of the bodily illness and everything around him then he remembered a saying we often use in the centre...a time will come when we will all have to stand alone with Baba and Drama...he said that time had come for him!
Trevor’s wish was that... he knew as a baby in a new body he would not be able to remember Baba in the same way he does now, but he has requested that he be given beautiful eyes so that he can give sweet drishti to everyone from his cot!
Trevor came across the Brahma Kumaris family during prison service 14 years ago when he was the instrument to put into place his small business which was called the Prism Project from which he distributed across the UK Prison Libraries and Education Departments hundreds of spiritually inspiring Books. CD's, and Videos form which he received many grateful letters from prisoners who wrote honest and openly to say how uplifting and special these were to them.
Another great incognito and brave soul has learned the art of the final sanskar and flew with ease to his next role.
In our beloved Baba’s yaad,
Sister Maggie
Haverhill Centre
Two Great Entertainers fly to Baba - Br Mathew Stephenson of GRC and Br Tony Wong of GCH
25 March 2018
Brother Matthew, of the Global Retreat Centre (GRC), Oxford, UK, left his body suddenly early in the morning on Sunday 25th February. He was aged 68. He had been a pillar of GRC service since the centre opened 25 years ago and was known to many within the BK family for his musical abilities, and great good humour. He loved the Murli, having studied it intensely for more than 30 years, from his earliest days in gyan. He was a great teacher, and also an entertainer. Thousands of GRC’s guests benefited from his classes over the years, and he was famous for hosting a Saturday night “cultural programme” for retreat participants. Often hilarious, it provided a refreshing break from the serious work of spiritual study and meditation.
His father was in the Royal Air Force and Matthew went to boarding school from a young age, an experience that made him both self-sufficient with regard to other people, and very open to God’s love and wisdom when he first met the Brahma Kumaris in Bournemouth, a seaside town in the south of England, in the 1980s. He began teaching Raja Yoga almost immediately and after moving to GRC as a full-time volunteer when it opened in 1993, continued to visit the town periodically to sustain students there.
He had been thinking of moving back to Bournemouth during a forthcoming period of refurbishment of GRC, and had cleared his room and sold off much of his musical equipment before his sudden departure on Sunday, when he was found in his room just after 8am. He was half out of bed and paramedics who attended said his death would have been instantaneous. There was a slight smile on his face and he looked completely at peace. He had done some office work and also had been playing his guitar in his room the previous evening.
Just two weeks earlier, he enjoyed a day-long visit to GRC by his brother, sister, niece and nephew, who all loved and appreciated him.
Matthew was familiar to many BKs internationally, not just through his dedicated contribution to the retreat centre but also, previously, for his impromptu concerts in Madhuban, when a sing-a-long would suddenly form around him. He also recorded many CDs of music for meditation under his own “EyeSee” label.
Matthew was known to some of his close friends as The Colonel, not just because of the precision with which he performed his duties, but also because he once famously and brilliantly played the part of a Colonel Mustard in a Christmas sketch at GRC.
He moves on having earned a great spiritual fortune, and huge blessings from all.
News of Brother Matthew’s Final Farewell
We would like to thank you for all the emails of love and good wishes that we received from Europe and the Middle East for our brother Matthew and for the GRC family. This news of Matthew's final farewell is our response to you all.
Monday was the final farewell to our dear brother Matthew who had spent 25 years of his life serving at the Global Retreat Centre. Well over 100 people - Matthew's close family members and BK family - packed out the small crematorium near Oxford, testimony to how many lives he touched through his tireless service. Matthew had made a difference in the life of so many.
As Matthew would have wanted, it was a celebration of music and heartfelt words. Vicky Rainbow shared how Matthew had encouraged her in her music and sang 'Through it all' (her own composition) and Lucinda sang a composition by Matthew, 'True Heart'. Mathew's sister Delia made us laugh as she recounted family antics from childhood and his niece Olivia composed and read the most beautiful poem. Neville and Wendy shared about Matthew's life at GRC including his famous 'coffee club' and entertainment evenings. Mandaben took us on a meditation journey to reflect on Matthew's life and to send him all the love and good wishes on his journey, leaving him in God's lap.
Later at GRC we offered special bhog and everyone had lunch (quite a task as the family will be leaving there today). It was a final act of love for Matthew and for GRC for the next 18 months to 2 years.
Baba is taking care at every step.
With love,
in Baba's yaad,
BK Manda and the GRC family
Brother Tony Wong had a cardiac arrest during the Murli Class at Global Co-operation House on Friday 9th February. Paramedics came almost immediately and did their best to resuscitate Tony and about an hour later, he was taken to hospital. For several days, Tony was kept on almost 100% life support. On the afternoon of the 13th February the doctors found that there was no brain activity and so decided best to let nature take its course rather than prolong Tony's stay here. At around 9.30 pm, with several Brahmins around him, the soul flew to Baba. It was as though Tony was waiting for something. As soon as we played "Ab ghar jaana hai", (Didi's song - reminding us that it is now time to go home) to have some meditation, the soul flew home to Baba. It was apt that Tony flew to Baba on the day of Shiv Jayanti - total surrender to Baba.
The final farewell for Tony took place on Friday the 23rd February with tributes from his family and the BK family in Malaysia, Madhuban and UK.
Tony was born in Malaysia where he came to Baba. He later moved to Switzerland and then to London. He was always happy and smiling, famous for his colourful dancing and creative meditation and movement workshops.
Tony spent some time helping with night security at GCH. Lately he lived in the brothers house, Shanti Bhawan and helped with day security and caretaking. He was accurate in everything he did. He is a very beautiful example of someone who settled everything and just wanted to be happy and make others happy, without taking anything from anyone, or being a burden on anyone.
Click here for report in PDF format.
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
BK Krishna bhen and BK Devi bhan Passed Away
26 February 2018
Om Shanti Divine Angels,
Please see the attached photo which the details are self explanatory.
Our floral tributes to the Bapdada's lovely and serviceable departed soul
B.K.Krishna Kumari of Jagadhari Rajesh Colony and
B.K.Devi Behn of Ulhasnagar has Left Body.
On Godly Service
B.K.Santha Krishna
Personnel Admin Dept.,
Shradhanjali (Tribute) to Respected BK Satyadev Bhaiji of Mount Abu
20 January 2018
BapDada’s and Brahmin Family’s Beloved Soul, Divine BK Brother Satyadev Sareen (Lokik Father of BK Rakesh, BK Binny and BK Neena) left his mortal coil on 12th January, 2018 at 7:45 am at Mount Abu. He was 92 years old and was in Baba’s Knowledge for last 5 decades.
His utmost love for Baba & Yagya inspired him to take a pioneering step in settling with his whole family in Mount Abu in 1971 from Delhi . He has been a very a fortunate soul, who has been in Baba's Canopy of Love and accumulated lot of Blessings through Selfless Service. It was definitely the power of his yoga and the blessings that has always been with him.
He will always be remembered for his divine values of Discipline, Sincerity, Dedication, Amicable nature and tireless service. His funeral ceremony was attended by senior brother-sisters of Madhuban, Gyan Sarovar, Shantivan, Global Hospital and eminent people of Mount Abu.
He also had the honour of receiving the military salutations at the end of his life’s journey by the virtue of his past services in Army Medical Core. The wreath laying ceremony by Army personnel of Military Station, Mount Abu made the occasion utterly patriotic and graceful .
S hradanjali Shabha was organised on 16th Jan. at Global Hospital in which Army,Air Force, CRPF officers, Local Mount Abu residents and Global Hospital doctors & Staff offered respectful shradhanjali.
Dr. Binny Sareen
Regional Director for India
Global Peace Initiative
Global Hospital
Mount Abu, Rajasthan
News of Sister Geeta, UK
20 January 2018
This is to give you news of our sister and a beautiful jewel of the UK, Geeta Singh, who left her body on Wednesday 17 January at a few minutes after 7am.
Geeta, who was based at Global Retreat Centre for many years, as well as being a tireless server who went out of her way for absolutely everyone, was a friend to many worldwide. It was her warm smile that greeted us as soon as we arrived at reception and that same warmth with which she would specially come to say goodbye when we left. Her personal care, attention, integrity and humour won her a place in the heart of everyone she came into contact with regardless of whether they were contact souls, new to Baba, old in gyan, young or old in body.
Geeta Bhen had been increasingly unwell since some months but it was only just after Christmas that it was discovered that she had widespread cancer. From that point onwards, Geeta Bhen remained at home and was lovingly looked after by her mother and Macmillan Nurses (specialist cancer care nurses).
On Monday 15 January she moved to a hospice where she comfortably left the body two days later, in the company of her mother Loochanie. She had managed to take leave from some close friends and family the day before.
Geeta Bhen had come to Baba in London on her 16th birthday (1989). She had just turned 45 a few days ago and so on the auspicious day of 18th January Baba will surely be giving her the birthday gift of His comforting lap in the subtle regions.
With love and regards,
In Baba's yaad
BK Jayanti