2014 Caribbean New Archive
Table of Content
Sister Devki's Visit to Aruba
16 December 2014
Sr. Devki visited Aruba and conducted Self Management Leadership Workshops from 27th November to 3rd December. It was very worthwhile having her with us because of the new contacts which were created..
People were very inspired to be open and shared alot because of Sr. Devki's enthusiasm and unique way of giving the workshop. All three groups of invitees--BKs, government and private sector souls--were very receptive to the many new insights about the "self." Their expectations were focused on receiving guidelines for becoming a better leader, not realizing that a true leader is one who is able to manage the self first and then through their example and inspiration lead others.
VIP visits were also on Sr Devki's agenda. They included the rector of the University of Aruba, Mr. Glenn Thode, and the Deputy Director of the Ministry of Education, Sheila Maduro.
On Saturday evening there was a lecture program about forgiveness. Sr. Devki emphasized the importance of not playing the "blame game " and suggested instead the importance of taking responsibility for one's own life.
On Sunday evening there was an "indoor picnic" with the Brahmin family where Sr. Devki nicely blended entertainment and gyan. The preparation period for this program was very short, but knowing it is the Fathers task and that we children are just His Helpers, everything went well. Everyone, old and new students gave their hand of cooperation in whatever way they could.
We give thanks to BapDada, Sr. Devki and all of Baba's children.
Service in Haiti - Brother Marcelo's Visit - News and Photos
8 December 2014
Haiti was host to Marcelo Bulk for a most productive series of lectures with which our growing family, and those with whom we were privileged to have Marcelo meet, were most thrilled and enlightened to be part of. The short lecture tour began on Nov 12th the first day of his arrival with a 3.00 pm seminar with top executives of the GB Group of Companies at their headquarters here in Port au Prince. The feedback from the executive staff was very positive. Our Murli class in attendance with bro Ananta, were also high in their praise for the invitation and the opportunity it afforded them to expand their knowledge. Click here for detailed report and photos.
November Service News from Barbados
3 December 2014
November is the month during which Barbados celebrates its independence. During this period there are several and varied activities to celebrate the anniversary. It is usually a very busy period.
The Brahma Kumaris are involved at the National and community levels and have in the past helped to design and participated in the national multi- faith service. The BK's were the first to introduce vegetarian dishes for the Culinary Arts exhibition and have won several awards in that category as well as in the category of Drama.
This year we have decided to include the "Belonging to the ONE" initiative (as it relates also to UNITY in the diversity) into our service outreach and we invited faith- based groups to our third Sunday Meditation Hour. It was held at the Unity Centre. We shared the video "World Meditation Hour" and created a powerfully concentrated hour of meditation for world peace and transformation. It was suggested that the BK's continue this third Sunday monthly outreach and we have agreed.
The Bk's participated in a "Healthy Heart Initiative" and shared the experience of sharing dhristi with more than a hundred persons who attended. It was very well received and they have invited us back to be part of their monthly programme. The decision is to come together as ONE for world meditation hour.
A visual presentation called "Building a Powerful Mind parts 1 and 2. was shared with a multi- faith group. Designed by BK. Dave and presented by him, the sharing stimulated much discussion and already a date for part 3 has been requested and set for early January. The presentation is in three parts and deals with the power of thoughts and feelings and self- mastery.
UBUNTU, which means "I am because We Are " is a set of workshops designed by BK.Helen Sayers, which encourage the participants to "Rediscover the Art of Living Together in Harmony." It has a values based design and it resonates well with souls with African ancestry. A presentation was made to a very conscious group which included a university professor, a politician, artists, teachers, business men and youths. In the presentation the method for self –repair/ healing was appreciated and workshops are being planned to begin in January. The aspects of soul consciousness and God consciousness brought an intoxicating awareness and one participant two days after called to say that, "We are still floating high.
During these workshops, we will be able to infuse many aspects of the seven days course since Helen's design makes allowances for such flexibility and insertions.
On a National level, organized by The Child care Board, the Bk's were invited to be part of a faith-based symposium which looked at the protocol to prevent child abuse. We were able to encourage the leaders to see children as JEWELS. We suggested that Values Education be included as a vital strand in the "Sunday school's " programmes. Proper nutrition and diet as well as built- in periods for reflection and concentration were also recommended.
The focus on the Abuse of women continued and legislation was being shaped in parliament. Bk. Shirley is part of the team drafting this legislation while BK. Myrna has been part of the many sessions and discussions on this topic.

Brother Marcelo's Visit to the Dominican Republic from 5 To 11 November
3 December 2014
Service News from the Dominican Republic From 5 to 11 of November: Brother Marcelo from Colombia visited the Dominican Republic. With his light and easy nature he inspired many. There were lectures and workshops on Self-Leadership for the management team of a Catholic NGO, for University professors, and a 6 hour workshop for the personnel of a pharmaceutical company (120p). There were 3 radio interviews and a half hour television interview.
Click here for detailed report and photos.
Diwali Nagar Service - Trinidad and Tobago, 14th - 22nd October
05 November 2014
This ancient and spiritually ennobling festival of Diwali was brought to Trinidad & Tobago since the period of East Indian indenture and it is being celebrated to the present day in this twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It received national recognition from 1966 as it was declared a national holiday. Diwali Nagar, which was established by the National Council for Indian Culture (NCIC), has stretched its influence outside T&T within the last decade.
Since the inception of the Diwali Nagar in 1986 the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre has been participating in this celebration which takes the form of an exhibition for nine days extending into late hours of the night. The venue is in central Trinidad and the celebrations attract thousands of locals as well as visitors from all over the world who visit the Brahma Kumaris booth.
This year the Diwali Nagar commenced on the 14th October 2014 and was terminated on the 22nd of October 2014 and the theme of was on "Lord Shiva." The booth was creatively and spiritually designed to illustrate the storyline and depicted the difference between the Shiva Lingum, Shankar and Shiva Baba, through process of enlightenment, realisation, transformation, revelation and reward.
We were greatly honoured to have the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency Anthony Carmona and the First Lady Mrs Reema Carmona visit the booth. They also participated in the activity of spinning the virtue wheel . He commented that it would be useful for the youth of our nation to inculcate the virtues from such a values- based and spiritual activity.
Sister Hemlata and others also had the opportunity to meet with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago the Honourable Mrs Kamla Persad- Bissessar. The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago Mr. Anand Ramlogan also visited the booth and was impressed with the spiritual and other aspects of the booth.
The meditation room was also a highlight of the booth which attracted many people to an experience of peace and the connection with ONE.
The entire nine days service was indeed a great opportunity to reveal Baba as He is and to see that many souls accepted Baba as we presented him.
"Zeal and Enthusiasm" Retreat in Surinam, 29 to 31 August
9 September 2014
The retreat was officially opened by Sr. Gayatri from New York, who was the resource person for the retreat. There were in total about 70 BK sisters and brothers from Curaçao (2), Trinidad (1), Guyana (15) and the host country Suriname.
The title of the first day was "Spreading the wings of Zeal and Enthusiasm". Sr. Gayatri explained that Zeal and Enthusiasm (Umang Utsáh or Geestdrift en Enthousiasme) are vital to the soul. Two things are needed for the vitality, the color (Baba's attainment, and Baba's company). Enthusiasm is derived from the Greek word Entheos, which means ‘in God.'
Sr. Jean added that wings for us are the angel in the mind. We are unlimited in giving and also in doing global service.....more news.
The Beauty of Rakshabandhan - Service news from Aruba
5 September 2014
Sr. Hemlata visited Aruba from 17-20 August and celebrated Rakshabandhan. The celebration was filled with many experiences of pure love in relationships which touched the hearts of many souls.

Brahma Kumari Sister Hemlata Sanghi receives a National Award
4 September 2014
On the occasion of the 52nd Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, our dear sister Hemlata received a National Award (Gold), for her contribution to the Development of Women and Community Service. This prestigious award was presented by His Excellency President Anthony Carmona., President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago at the Queens Hall Auditorium on August 31st. Forty Four persons representing various professions were also presented with awards.
The entire Caribbean sends congratulations to Sis. Hemlata for this special honour.....more details and photos of the award ceremony.
A Rally for Peace - News from Barbados
4 September 2014
A peace rally was held on 3rd September in Bridgetown, the capital of the island, in Hero's Square, adjacent to the Parliament Building, with the awareness of rebuilding nonviolent communities, and particularly emphasizing the reduction of violence to women.
Encouraged and endorsed by the Acting Prime Minister Hon. Richard Sealy, and organized by The Clement Payne Centre, the National Organization of Women, the Young Women Christian Association
(YWCA) the Save Foundation and supported by the Corporations as well as the Labour organizations, the island stopped for a minute of silent peace at 12 noon.
The BKs have developed partnerships with some of these groups for the purpose of wider community outreach and were invited to participate in this initiative. It was encouraging to witness how the busy bustle of the town came to a stand still at noon. It reminded us of the "Million Minutes for Peace" initiative which we had organized in the 80s as part of a UN project.
Songs and messages were delivered and and the large gathering shared their willingness and readiness, to lend a hand and presence in "rebuilding" their communities.
The BKs had been conducting outdoor meditations in the different parishes/ communities around the island over a long period of time and view this event as providing an even greater opportunity for continuing service to the community and signals, perhaps, a wider acceptance of the several programmes, and meditation classes which they offer.
This opportunity is surely a wonder of the One. Wah drama and Baba.
News from Suriname
28 August 2014
From August 7th to 11th sister Vishanti from St Augustine, Trinidad visited Suriname for Rakhi celebrations. On the first morning a courtesy visit was made to the Minister of Education, Ir. Ashwin Adhin with whom insights about how to handle challenging times and the need for Inner protection were shared. He was very open to applyinging soul conciousness into his daily activities. He was also invited to join the ONE initiative.
On the 8th the Indian Ambassador Mrs. M. Subashini received the BK sisters with lots of love. She was happy to be reminded of moments with One, to be able to handle the hectic job. The depth of purity in relationships, the spiritual significance of Raksha Bandan, was explained.
Among others who were visited were the Director of Consular Affairs, Mrs Lucretia Redan, the Director of Red Cross in Suriname and many other (V)IPs, businessmen and old contact souls.
On August 10th about 80 BK students and close contacts were tied rakhi in the serene atmosphere of the centre, renewing their pledge to One.
Trinidad celebrates Janamasthmi
28 August 2014
On Sunday 17th August, 2014 the students of many Centres gathered together at the St Augustine Centre to celebrate the memorial of the auspicious birth of Shri Krishna with songs, dance, lights moments of humour, a golden aged fashion show, poetry and meditation.
The stage was appropriately decorated by Brother Wong complete with a swing in which a beautiful live Shri Krishna, complete with flute and golden aged garb was featured.
The evening started with one hour meditation dedicated to World Peace which was accompanied by soft music on the sitar by Sister Asha Shrivasta and inspiring Hindi English chants by Brother Roshan. This was followed by songs commemorative of the occasion of the divine activities of Shri Krishna by Sisters and Brothers. The interludes were punctuated by lively jokes from Sister Radha.
The fashion show featured students doing a combined walk/dance which evoked lots of laughter as the "deities' paraded the floor. Lots of oohs and aahs were accorded after Sister Dharti rendered a poem done by her on the Praise and Love of Shiv Baba.
Also observed were the birthdays of Sister Vishantie and Sister Sumintra complete with cake, candle and birthday song. The evening culminated with a meal and "special prasad'' as dessert.
This unique event, which we had not celebrated for a long time was organised by Sister Vishantie with the help and support of our Brothers and Sisters.
Raksha Bandhan in Barbados
12 August 2014

Sr Kuldeep celebrates Raksha Bandhan in Trinidad & Tobago
8 August 2014 - press release published in the Trinidad Express Newspaper

A Caribbean Jamboree in Curacao
8 August 2014
A Caribbean Jamboree was held in Curacao for four (4) days on the 22nd, 23rd, 26th and 27th of July 2014. We had the fortune to share with groups of scouts and their leaders some information about the soul and the Supreme Soul.
The workshops were held one per day for 75 minutes each, with 35 to 40 participants per group from different countries, in the age-groups from 12 to 18. We also had five (5) interactive activities for 20 minutes each, in groups with 12 to 15 participants. In each group Baba's knowledge about "Who am I" (about soul and body, driver and car) was shared as well as "My eternal Parent, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul". A short meditation was conducted to experience the original inner peace and ended with the song "I am Light" from India Arie. In a few of the groups there was also some time for questions.
One of the scouts said: "It feels like Christmas here", when he entered our tent where we were playing Baba's songs by Bliss and others. In the workshops, the scouts made "Peace stars", with a Peace message, using different materials. Folders were shared with short information about the programs in all countries and with the international website to find a center near to them.
Scouts attended from Trinidad, Jamaica, Guyana, Martinique, Aruba and Curacao. We are thankful to Baba and the Drama for this opportunity which was offered to us.
Service News - Haiti
20 July 2014
From 10th to 17th July br Vijay (Trinidad), br Julian (Orlando, US), sr Nora (Dominican Republic), and myself visited Baba's new home in Haiti.
Haiti is a 10 million people counting nation, predominantly Christian RK, situated in the Caribbean Sea that shares the island with the Dominican Republic. Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere.
Since 1,5 year, br Ananta has been visiting Haiti for longer periods exploring the possibilities for service and adjusting to the difficult circumstances and getting to know the people and the culture. Since early this year we have a rented home (with the help of the Orlando center) and 2 morning students have emerged and several others are coming regularly at different timings.
We had a lecture program in a hospital cum nursing school in a very poor neighborhood for around 40 doctors/nurses/admin personnel and the director of the clinic (who is also a bk-student) translated from English into Creole/French. The topic was ‘How to keep a calm mind in turbulent circumstances.'
From this group, the nurses (20) were invited to a session at the center (see pictures).
Another lecture on ‘Overcoming stress through Meditation' was organized by one of the morning class students, who is a medical intern at one of the Government Hospitals, for the department of internal medicine. There were 12 doctors and the head of the department.
Overall we felt lot of appreciation for the Haitian people who seemed very receptive and thirsty for Baba's knowledge, very willing to learn and there were many good inquisitive questions. The feeling is that lot of service can and will be done, once the initial adjustment phase is over.
Underneath: putting up the newly bought table, with light from the oil lamp and a flash light.
Much respect and appreciation goes to br Ananta who has been managing in such difficult circumstances. Water has to be fetched from a cistern 3 meters underground, cooking on charcoal (although he eats little and mostly fruits), electricity only 4-5 hours a day and mostly during the midnight hours, and managing with a small budget while learning how to live in and manage a center and growing into being a bk-teacher. Not to talk about finding your way in a chaotic, very poor, unstructured (for western standards) society in temperatures between 35 - 40ºC.
Baba is the Lord of the poor and the Wisest of the wise. He knows how to choose His instruments.
Br Bharat Bhushan visits Barbados: 16-18 June 2014
3 July 2014
We welcomed Bro. Barat Bhashan from India who spent almost a day and a half in Barbados. A visit to the Governor General of Barbados His Excellency Sir. Elliott Belgrave; A public programme on "Meditation as Medicine"; an interview on radio and a visit to some of the Sindhi population in Barbados were all done in one day. We enjoyed his enthusiasm for service and we cooperated by ensuring that his visit was filled with serviceable opportunities. He left early on the 18th for Trinidad and Tobago.
Retreat in Barbados: 6-9 June 2014
3 July 2014
A retreat was held for students of the Raja Yoga Centre Brahma Kumaris at the tranquil facility of Santosha, located on the East Coast of the island. The beautiful oceanic view, open spaces and the natural tropical vegetation created a good environment for a weekend aimed at providing an environment for spiritual exploration and experience.
The retreat topic was, ‘Harmony with Self, God, Others and Nature through exploring the silence"
Students arrived on Friday evening and settled in and prepared for the weekend . The Saturday morning session focused on the topic "Harmony with self". Dadi Janki's class on "Cleaning the chit" was read. Students used the spacious grounds to be alone with self in silence. They were encouraged to express the self through any artistic form which they choose, such as writing a letter to self, drawing a picture of self or any other artistic expression that could be created from the resource materials which were provided.
The Saturday afternoon session focused on the topic "Harmony with God" Extracts from Baba's Murlis which emphasized the importance of remembering God were shared. Students practiced this drill in the silence until tea time. Again, artistic expression for this segment was encouraged.
On Sunday, guests were invited to share a luncheon which represented the aspect of "Harmony with others". The evening was full of satisfaction as guests enjoyed the food, discussions, activities and the company of the Brahmins.
Karma yoga was performed by everyone and the tasks were done with tireless effort. Everyone's finger helped to lift the heavy mountain and made it easy.
"Harmony with nature" was experienced throughout the entire retreat. Students took long walks along the coast. Others sat among the natural beauty of trees, hills and enjoyed the fabulous view of the ocean. Sis. Eutrice who was visiting from Trinidad and Tobago even went down to the ocean and waded in the water.
Amrit Vela, Murli, Meditation and Tai Chi classes, all held outdoors, were most enjoyable and spiritually fulfilling.
Students shared their experience after the retreat: They appreciated the following:
The sharing of spiritual knowledge, personal experiences and application of the knowledge.
The detailed planning which made the retreat a success.
The cooperation of the family, their love, unity, the atmosphere and food.
The opportunity to have long periods of silence with Baba.
The Effortless manner in which tasks were performed.
The differences within the gathering and the activities which emphasized the importance of accurate communication, active listening and silent cooperation.
The retreat provided an opportunity for spiritual exploration as well as artistic expression and some students who attempted the exercises have pledged to continue to grow spirituality as well as their creativity. The strong suggestion that one large retreat should be held at least once a year was endorsed by everyone.
Service News of Special Visitors to Trinidad and Tobago - 17 to 24 June
27 June 2014
It has been truly amazing and Baba's wonder that we had Didi Sudesh, Sis. Maureen, Sis. Patricia from UK, Bro. Bharat Bhushan from India and Mrs. Ela Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi Bapuji's grand daughter from South Africa. Since they have arrived it has been so completely full with the divine joy and happiness in the atmosphere. Everyone's face became bright and sparkling with unique happiness.
Didi Sudesh, Sis. Maureen and Mrs. Ela Gandhi were specially invited by Bro. Harry Persad Maharaj, the president of IRO (Inter Religious Organization) for an international conference – "Is Ancient Wisdom and Spirituality the Answer to Resolving the Issues of Modern Times?" on 19th and 20th June 2014 at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain. The main three speakers from abroad were Mrs. Ela Gandhi, Sudesh Didi and Sis. Maureen. Mrs. Ela Gandhi lives in Durban, South Africa and is close to the BKs there. She is a very gentle and sweet soul telling beautiful stories of what she has learned from her grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi Bapuji.
They arrived on 17th June at later time of the day.
There was Murli Class at Chaguanas Centre on 18th, Port Of Spain Centre on 19th and Public programme at St. Augustine Centre on 19th evening by Sudesh Didi. Many souls have taken benefit of the words of wisdom especially by Sudesh Didi.
18th June – Early morning they had the live interviews on 3 main TV Channels CNMG Television, WIN TV and CCN TV 6 which spread the words of wisdom all around and a good inspiration to people as a result.
After that there was a meeting with the President of Trinidad, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice. The Prime Minister personally arranged finance for the IRO International conference.
In the evening there was a reception hosted by the High Commission of India and South Africa.
19th - 20th June - Brother Harry was able to bring together top people in the country for the two days conference. Each presentation was excellent. Each of them know and love Brother Harry and respect him a lot and they openly talk about the need for spirituality.
21st June – After the conference, they went to Tobago for a night and had a little taste of the beach! Spent some time with the nature and enjoyed the land of Sun, Sand and Sea. Wow !!
San Fernando Centre - They were back to Trinidad on 21st Saturday evening in San Fernando for the public programme. It was a cool weekend and over 110 brothers and sisters of all walks of life were gathered, eager to see and hear the above spiritual scholars. Brother Harry was the MC and warmly welcomed everyone and the speakers were presented with beautiful roses.
The first speaker was Sister Maureen, a BK for over 38 years in the UK. She is one, out of the elite group of Baba's initial double foreign children who incidentally took knowledge from Didi Sudesh. She engages in extensive work with inter-faith groups such as youths, leaders of religions and inter-faith retreats. She noted that when people come together and experience silence, they are able to interact with each other from a deeper, inner space. Differences of age, gender, religion, creed or race are melted away. This supports oneness through which goodness emerges. She congratulated the IRO for their valuable efforts toward a better society and country, and the Rajayoga Centre for their selfless contributions toward peace in the world. She thanked everyone for making her first Caribbean visit a wonderful experience.
The second speaker was Mrs. Ela Gandhi – granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhiji. She grew up on a 100 acre property which housed a fully manual newspaper press, an ashram and politics. Growing up in such an atmosphere taught her the value of work, the value of each other's input and respect for everyone's task. One should not underestimate the power of women. Each one has a unique power within the self, the soul. The most important teaching her grandfather passed on was to find your purpose and power in life and use it for the community and improve the universe. Mrs. Gandhi congratulated the IRO and the Rajayoga Centre for their positive efforts and thanked everyone sincerely.
The third and final speaker was Didi Sudesh. She brought to our awareness the importance of the confluence age – the time when the soul and the Supreme soul meet. She shared that the unlimited drama of time started 5000 years ago with a Golden Aged world of perfection, truth, natural love and harmony with nature. Our present day world is filled with falsehood, conflict, greed, anger, ego and peacelessness. Everything is now corrupt and evil. All scriptures in Hinduism speak of a battle, but can God really teach violence? The battle is within the mind: the self; it is good against bad, truth against falsehood, virtues against vices. There is visible active violence, along with subtle passive defects such as jealousy, hatred, stubbornness and laziness. God comes to uplift mankind and teaches truth with love. Conquer violence with the power of silence. Be truth (simple), not falsehood (complicated). Learn the art of being a swan – the ability to pick up pearls from stones and produce harmony with the self and then with others. Deepen your love (relationship) and friendship (company) with God through the power of meditation – relationship of the soul and the Supreme soul. Didi ended with a commentary giving everyone an experience of peace and the power of the pure eternal energy within the self.
Everyone was happy and inspired by all the speakers and it was a very happy scene of meeting and greeting. Refreshments were served.
22nd June – After having powerful Amrit Vela this morning, BKs have come from all around for Murli & class by Didi Sudesh. Neither can a relationship be formed with God nor divine energy be transmitted if the soul does not have self-realization. This is the view of Sudesh Didi during her recent visit to the San Fernando Centre in Trinidad. In a packed hall of students, Didi taught us the meaning of saying ‘OM SHANTI' three times and read the (Revised) Murli dated 14/02/78 essence "Signs of souls that are close." After that Didi delighted us with the stories of Mamma in the early times of Yagya for that everybody wished that Didi could spend a couple of days more in Trinidad.
We were also graced with the esteemed presence of Mrs. Ela Gandhi who liked Didi's divinity and knowledge in the class listening attentively. Mrs. Ela Gandhi congratulated Brahma Kumaris for the fine works that was being done and indicated that yearly she would have her Rakhi tied in South Africa by our BK sisters.
The students were then blessed by receiving Toli from Madhuban and UK which left all with a feeling of fullness, attainments and sweet mouths.
IRO Meeting
After the BK class in the morning, in order to take the benefit of all these 3 senior speakers presence there was a Annual General Meeting of IRO also held at the San Fernando Centre. More than 35 IRO delegates attended and more than 25 BKs got the opportunity to know about what IRO working towards the Nation.
On 22nd afternoon Didi Sudesh, Sis. Maureen and Sis. Patricia left for the further services in London.
On 23rd night Mrs. Ela Gandhi left for her further social services in South Africa.
24th June – Mamma Day
It was our fortune to have Bro. Bharat Bhushan from India at the auspicious day of Mamma. He conducted Amrit Vela Meditation, powerful Yoga Bhatthi with the experience of guided commentaries and the stories of Mamma for 50 people attended the morning class.
On 24th afternoon Bro. Bharat Bhushan has also left for the further services.
Baba through Sister Hemlata, Brother Harry and all Baba's children have really achieved so much in this easy going country.
'Ancient Teachings Key to Dealing with Youth'
19 June 2014 - Article by Michelle Loubon, Port of Spain published in hte Trinidad Express Newspaper
Didi Sudesh, director of European Brahma Kumaris Centres, has said ancient wisdom can provide solutions for society and in dealing with youths. She made this comment on Wednesday, during a news conference at the Raja Yoga Centre, Sackville Street, Port of Spain.
Among those at the conference were president of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) Harrypersad Maharaj; programme director of the Brahma Kumaris Maureen Goodman; and Ela Gandhi, great-granddaughter of the late Indian nationalist Mahatma Gandhi.
Sudesh, who was born in India but lives in Germany, was in town for the international conference themed "Is Ancient Wisdom and Spirituality the Answer to Resolving The Issues of Modern Times?", at the Hyatt Regency (Trinidad) hotel, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain. The conference is hosted by the IRO and the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre. It ends today.
Sharing her thoughts on ancient wisdom, Sudesh said: "Ancient wisdom has a solution. Knowledge has many ideas. Wisdom needs to bring unity and harmony to the problem. If the root is not uprooted, it creates problems. It is because we are not dealing with the youth. Many religions come with many solutions for the society. We have forgotten Moses (Biblical character) brought commandments. They are needed when we are forced to obey the law."
Sudesh added: "Spirituality means protecting myself. I need the light of love. I need the light of honesty. One person can make a big change. And with it, faith. Wisdom is to put into practice. Recognise the weaknesses. We are using lessons. Every action can distinguish itself. We need to go back to the natural roots. That is the reality."
Sharing her sentiments, Goodman said while attending meetings in London, England, the popular sentiment was "Gandhi was great". Goodman has worked with a variety of community groups in the United Kingdom, developing outreach work in prisons, health care, education, youth, women's issues and interfaith dialogue. She said: "What we need is an awareness in the communities. It is not about greatness in an egotistical sense. It is having the courage to live by your values. When we listen to the outcry from climate change and adapt to it. We need to develop a sense of resilience."
She added: "What is it that gives me meaning in my life? Actions that will benefit all of society. There are so many solutions that are being formed. This is something that needs to have a voice. And needs to come to the fore. Om Shanti (I am blessed)." Today, Goodman will speak on a time when humanity lived in harmony with nature.
About Yogini Didi Sudesh: Didi Sudesh is a yogini (female master practitioner of yoga) for over 50 years and has travelled to over 85 countries, lecturing on all aspects of spirituality and its practical application to everyday life.
Annual Retreat for Mothers - Health and Healing
10 June 2014 - Trinidad and Tobago
This year Mothers' Retreat was held high up on the mountains of the Northern Range in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, overlooking the Caroni plains and their farms at a sacred site revered for hundreds of years as the training grounds of Roman Catholic Priests at the Regional Seminary, Mount St. Benedict from Friday May 30th to Sunday June 1st 2014 coincided with the Indian Arrival Weekend.. The time stood still as the mothers and sisters of Brahma Kumaris held their Annual Retreat entitled "Health and Healing". It was one of its kinds since it focused on all round health – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual.
The Presenters were very thorough in their presentations, revealing very important aspects which were very new to us and which were of vital importance for a healthy lifestyle. Although they were each allotted one hour, it was a very compact one, which highlighted many areas where we can make simple changes to improve our health and our wellbeing as a whole.
1) Ms. Gillian Samson, Medical Missionary spoke on "Solution to Women's Health". She outlined the 8 Laws of Health in the areas of Pure Air, Sunlight, Rest, Exercise and Proper Diet, the use of Water, Temperance and Trust in God.
2) Dr. Gynaecologist Sis. Sanjivanee – "Health & Healing" mentioned the knowledge and the benefits of different types of health i.e. Positive Health, Spiritual Health, Woman Health and she also mentioned that Meditation is medicine. How meditation helps as medicine in our physical and spiritual health.
3) Bro. Aneel Rambarat was invited specially for the guidelines and the demonstration of the exercise that everybody should do on a regular basis. These basic and simple steps of exercise were done by all the mothers in the retreat in order to get the benefit for better healthy yliving.
4) Sis. Raj From Manhattan – "Healthy Living" She explained the theory of having the juices, smoothies and sprouts in the morning time for the better health and she also demonstrated few steps of exercise and made others to follow which made everybody feel very refreshed and energetic.
5) Bro. Keshan Latchman presented on "Positivity and Mental health". He emphasised that positive thoughts are the basis of our emotions, actions and personality. He encouraged everyone to promote mental health in the following way -
- Connect with others - socializing
- Take time to enjoy - hobbies, activities, projects
- Contribute in your community
- Take care of your body – Physical, mental
- Challenge yourself – learn a new skill
- Talk about feelings – take charge of your wellbeing
- Keep a journal – of your thoughts and feelings
- Accept who you are
- Rest and Refresh
- Ask for help when in need
6) Dr Rossi Khan highlighted the impact that stress, diet, exercise, toxins and electromagnetic radiations etc. have impact on the quality of our blood and ultimately our health. He pointed out that the main cause of all diseases is because of the imbalance of hormones in our system and went into the details on the "7 causes of blood imbalance" which was a real eye opener for all the attendees –
- Stress
- Lack of Exercise
- Poor diet
- Indigestion
- Toxic Environment Exposure
- Constipation
- Microbial Activity
He also provided the blood screening test of attendees of the retreat.
7) Sister Patricia Hochoy Sammy – "Women's Health" She mentioned what
specifically the hormones are and their primary functions. She recommended
diet and alternative approaches to support the same.
8) Bro. Anand spoke on "Health and Spirituality". He stressed on healing the self by settling any past issues which we are still holding on to, and bringing our being into a state of Peace. One way to do this is by using Affirmations and focusing on things that are good that we like about ourselves. Be who we are at the present time. JUST BE YOURSELF and enjoy every second of it. He urged us to engage in self-acceptance for self-realization and appealed to all participants to be "Authentic Human" real to ourselves whilst on our life's journey.
9) Sister Jasmine gave the final session and encouraged us to Love ourselves the souls and continue to feel that love for the self and the body will then be healed. Laziness and Fear prevent us from progressing in our lives. We must analyse our past experiences and learn the lessons from them, and prepare ourselves for the next one. Exercise the mind with Baba and keep it fit.
Being a school teacher, she left us with 2 pieces of homework:
- Write 5 things that you have learnt so far in your life that you would like to pass down to the
next generation
- Write 5 questions that anyone should ask you if they were to consider you to be a wise person.
Cherry on the cake was the cultural evening co-ordinated by sis. Doolarie Ali, sis. Fazia, sis. Kamla Latchman and sis. Bharti. It was one of its own kinds in all these years Mother's Retreat. Everybody enjoyed and participated in jokes, skits, singing, dancing, poems etc. and of course the cultural evening could not be completed without Garba.
Special thanks to Cooking Team for doing tireless task of cooking, serving and feeding everybody with great love and happiness for all 3 days. Of course, the menu was also based on ‘Health' according to the theme of the retreat. Thanks to the sound system, washing, cleaning, accommodation and transport team too.
Service News from Aruba
22 April 2014
A retreat was held in Aruba with a group of BK students with Br. Kamta and Br. Sieudace from Trinidad and Tobago from the 4th of April to the 6th of April.
The subject for the retreat was:" Becoming a destroyer of obstacles"
A little booklet with all the points from Baba's season's murlis of how to become a destroyer of obstacles was prepared by Br. Kamta.
This booklet wad used during the retreat and at the end each participant had to take a final examination by answering the questions in writing in one second which Br. Kamla gave. It was really enjoyable.
Everyone took benefit in their own way.
Some were inspired to come closer to Baba, others were inspired not to waste thoughts and time anymore, as well as to churn more and think about their inheritance. Some had deep inner experiences.
The appreciation of the methods to become a destroyer of obstacles has grown. One of the youngest students realized the importance of practice in order to reach perfection and that it is an art to incorporare spiritual knowledge in daily life. She also realized the great importance of the spiritual family.
All enjoyed being together as a Godly family.
A beautiful exercise was that everyone had to come in front to give drishti to one another. It was really touching to see the beauty of each soul. Something special about being together from Friday till Sunday, was to see the power of cooperation working in a practical way.
There were two lecture programs in Baba's Home.
On Saturday, the topic was " How Positive Thoughts effect our health "conducted by Br. Kamta. About forty (40)people attended
On Sunday, the topic was "Benefits of the Moringa tree" conducted by br. Sieudace and Br. Kamta.
About (50)people attended.
As a real family retreat we had lunch together under the medlar tree on Sunday. It was lovely that the brothers made the lunch. Br. Kamta made roti for Baba's children and of course Moringa.
We thank BapDada, Baba's instruments and the family of Aruba for the benefit brought to so many others.
Sr Dorothy's visit to Trinidad
13 April 2014
During the period of April 3rd to 9th, 2014, the island of Trinidad was blessed with the visit of Sr. Dorothy, Director of Programmes, at Peace Village in New York.
Sister Dorothy from Peace Village gave a presentation on "living a stress free life". The program was attended by approximately 80 souls. The evening started off with a cultural item, a Dance by a teacher of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute.
It was then followed by the introduction of Sister Dorothy and the start of her presentation. Her lecture itself was very interactive with the use of a graphical created slide show presentation which aided in helping everyone to understand the scenarios of where stress originates and how we have been dealing with it for years. She also gave some excellent insight in dealing with uneasy tense thoughts when they come to mind, such as making meditation a constant easy part of your life and not reacting to everything that happens, but to act with reason and a clear head.
Out of this program, four souls have started the foundation course in learning to meditate and many more experienced meditation for the very first time sitting in the audience.
Sis. Dorothy's visit included two special programs involving the St. Augustine Centre.
The first began with a retreat held during Friday the 4th to 6th April 2014. This retreat entitled "Feeling your Silent Heart" included students from Port of Spain Centre, Sangre Grande and San Fernando Centres.
The retreat was designed to bring students an experience into the depth of silence and its importance to experiencing the soul conscious stage began to a resounding success with approximately 45 students. The retreat included four very inspiring and experimental sessions for the students including a very wonderful cultural evening which was fun filled and enjoyed by the students. The retreat was well received by the students of the centers.
The other program: "Family Values and Values in Education"
This was an invited public program targeting Educators, Business and Political Leaders in the St. Augustine region. The program was in collaboration with The Honourable Minister of External Affairs and Member of Parliament for Tunapuna Mr. Winston Dookeran.
The program was attended by many VIPs including
President of the Inter-Religious Organisation. -Bro Harrypersad Maharaj
President of the El Dorado Cooperative -Mr. Vido Ramroop
Former Member of Parliament and Director of the Acadamy of Sports University of Trinidad and Tobago- Honourable Dr. Ken Butcher
Councilor for Auzonville Tunapuna - Mr. Esmond Forde
Deputy Chairman of the Integrity Commission -Justice Sebastian Ventour
Also in attendance were many of the community business personnel.
There were three main sessions beginning with a short picturesque explanation of the impact of lack of Values education on the world by Mr Vido Ramroop.
This was followed by the importance of Values in Nation Development, delivered by The Honorable Minister of External Affairs.
Finally a most eloquent discourse on the power of thought and listening in inculcation of Values was done by Sis Dorothy Steinfeld.
The program ended with greetings from Councilor Esmond Forde.
The program was well attended and a great success with many guest now seeking to attend courses that are offered by the center and with a great level of enthusiasm in the response of the Honored guests towards promoting Values Education.
Sister Dorothy arrived to San Fernando on Sunday 6th April at 4.00 pm. She gave the public lecture on ‘Release Your Stress - Enjoy A better Quality Life'. It was a very clear to understand through the projector slides. She filled everyone's apron with the words of wisdom. More than 85 souls took the benefit of this.
She explored the ways to stay calm under pressure and not let stress get the better of you and made every one realize how to stop a panic attack before it begins to get out of the control. Everybody got the idea how to take control of their lives and circumstances by beating overwhelm.
All have learnt that how to overcome their worries and think more positively about the life and control anxiety during difficult moment of uncertainty.
The most importantly we all have learnt how to manage our stress levels more effectively throughout the day and discovered how to take control of our nerves and perform at our very best. The lecture was followed by the informative questions and answers.
The programme ended with the distribution of the refreshments to all.
Next day Monday 7th April morning, sister Dorothy read Murli for the BK brothers and sisters. After that we had the intense meditation for about 20 minutes followed by the vote of thanks to sister Dorothy for all her service given to us on the path of humanity. She proceeded for the further services at Port of Spain Centre.
The Port of Spain Centre had the good fortune to present her as the main speaker during its monthly programme "Women of Values"The aim of this programme is the upliftment of women through positive values. This programme targets working/retired women within the city environs and is held during the lunchtime period of 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Her topic was "Administration Without Tension". In her address she explained how we can live and work in an atmosphere of continuous stability, serenity and productivity. She said that the onset of "suddenly" can potentially 'put a spoke in the wheels' of our plans causing chaos and uncertainty, and we can easily react through anger and blame, which can further poison the atmosphere, creating a downward spiral of negativity. This can impact not only the job at hand but also the well-being of the people in our lives. We must let the past remain in the past, and learn to go forward using such qualities as positive thinking, tolerance, humility, patience and respect. It has been proven that our thoughts are extremely powerful, with the ability to permeate and change the environment. We can therefore, maintain a positive atmosphere at home and on the job through right thinking.
In this session, Sr. Dorothy was able to impart to the audience the virtues of relying on the positives of acting through soul consciousness, against the chaotic results that can unfold when our reactions stem from a body conscious state.
Service in Grenada
23 March 2014
SERVICE continued in Grenada with a visit from Sis Myrna Belgrave, National Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Center of Barbados. BK Myrna was invited by Mr Kelvin Dottin, Coordinator of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Health. The health ministry is also responsible for Youth, Sports and Culture. This service became a reality through the persistent effort and attention of BK Nandi who is on the service field in Grenada.
The invitation was extended to the BK's to share ideas for the possibility of training a cadre of chaplains for hospital service.
During meetings held with the Ministry of Health responsible for religion, and some faith-based representatives, Sis Myrna presented a preliminary document entitled "Empowering the Self for Greater Service to Humanity" which pointed a way forward. The document was well received and it was agreed that a complete syllabus would be designed for general circulation and further input from those involved. . Plans are being made to have an intensive training program for the chaplains who would be given certification at completion. The Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Social Welfare were to be included as partners in the suggested program for more holistic approaches.
Thirty Youth Officers were given some tips on how to construct a powerful mind. The BKs have been given an invitation to conduct more workshops on self empowerment.
During this time, Sis Myrna had a chance to visit the Prime Minister, The Hon. Keith Mitchell, and conduct a session called " Growing Old Gracefully, Spiritually" with the Grenada Association of Retired Persons (GARP). The presentation included the anatomy of the soul, its virtues and powers, its location in the body and its eternal energy and form. God as the Supreme energy and power was presented as the source of maximum renewal. The participants were encouraged to tap into this SOULAR renewable energy for empowerment and rejuvenation. How thoughts create reality and the need to be soul conscious and positive were also emphasized. The presentation was received with great appreciation with pledges from some participants to begin practice immediately.
A powerful meditation session was held on the premises of Ann Hopkins, a Grenadian icon. It was well attended and included the Minister of Health, the Hon Clariss Modeste and her advisor, Mrs Ann David-Antoine, (a former Min of Health). Many contacts were renewed and new ones made.
An interview on Grenada Broadcasting Network (GBN), an early morning meditation on the same television and some personal visits concluded a productive and meaningful service visit to this Spice Isle of the Caribbean.
Workshop for Holy Faith Convent High School
21 March 2014 - Chaguanas, Trinidad
On March 11th, The Chaguanas Raja Yoga Centre hosted a one day workshop for approximately 90 Holy Faith Convent high school students and their teachers. The girls were ranging from forms 1 to 4. The workshop, titled Empowerment for Self Progress was carried out by the coordinating sister for the centre, Sister Jasmine. Sister Jasmine and her team conducted value based sessions that involved interaction in groups, ice breakers and exercises. Some of the aims by the girls at the start of the retreat involved getting to know myself better and knowing God, in that context, the first day lesson was taught to the girls.
The centre also served snacks and lunch to the girls and their appreciation was shown towards the centre as they presented sister Jasmine with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card.
Shivratri Service News
18 March 2014 - Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago
The service has been done on all television stations in the country this week 23rd Feb to 1st March 2014 and few radio stations and newspaper articles too by brother Harry for the same as Shiv Ratri is a big celebration here.
SAN FERNANDO - 27-02-2014
This auspicious day started with the powerful Amritvela celebrating personally with Baba. There was Baba's Beautiful special Murli class was held in the morning up to 6.30 am followed by the meditation up to 7.00 am.
By around 8.30 am the celebration started with all the brothers and sisters who came from Woodland, Rio Claro, Fyzabad, Penal, Debe etc. of course San Fernando and from all over the south. It was then the time to hoist Baba's flag. The Ocean Of Knowledge has arrived on today's pious and very auspicious day and put the urn of knowledge on the mothers head. Even in today's Murli Baba has mentioned "The mothers work very hard because they explain tirelessly. They used their bodies, minds and wealth and this why they are liked."(27.02.14). So the flag was hoisted by the mothers. Everybody was singing the song of ‘Shiv ka jhanda oonch mahan…' Flowers were showered on all the brothers and sisters from the top floor and the atmosphere became full of happiness.
PENAL - 27-02-2014
On the same day, in the evening we had a good opportunity to inaugurate and hoist Baba's flag at new centre in PENAL which is still under construction but it was brilliant idea to take the benefit of this blessed day of Shivratri to go there and do meditation. Arround 30 students reached to spread the spiritual vibrations at the new service place. Bro. Somdath was receiving the inspiration since 2 years to do this service and finally became the instrument for this. The significance of Shivratri was given by sister Bharti followed by distributing Toli and refreshments to all
PIGEON POINT – 03-03-2014
There was 2 days exhibition on Tobago Island at 2 different places to give the introduction of Baba's knowledge and the physical and mental development of human being. Pigeon Point is located on the western tip of Tobago. The exhibition was held under the shade of the trees, a mere 20 meters away from the Caribbean sea. Many souls including the tourists have listened attentively as the sisters catered in the English, Spanish and Hindi languages. sis. Bhanu eagerly distributed the flyers, sis. Bharti stayed in yoga and urged to be the living exhibition to permit the sparkle of divinity to show on their focus and the form. Sis. Patricia, a certified Herbalist and alternative medicine practitioner avail herself to serve the needs of the public. Special thanks to bro. Vijay, bro. Ramdeo and others for such an innovative and new approach to serving souls and elements. That was the good wishes and pure feelings from the land of peaceful vibrations.
The second exhibition was held at the picturesque town of Charlotteville located on the eastern tip of Tobago. Under the beautiful location between the two almond trees on the white sand beach just a few meters away from the blue Caribbean Sea at Man of War Bay. Here, before the backdrop of the yachts, fishing boats and sea birds, more than 55 brothers and sisters were served in few hours with some valuable contacts being made which would positively impact future service on the Island. History was made since this would have been the first time ever in 35 years of Trinidad and Tobago service that the people have been served in this manner during the main Carnival and Juvert days. The new beginning indeed.
CHAGUANAS – 9-03-2014
On Sunday 9th March 2014, the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre Chaguanas branch hoisted a program "Deepening Your Relationship with God" There was an audience of about 400 souls. The energy was high, the mood was light and the evening was beautiful. The program itself wasn't a long one in duration but the few items were very well chosen to capture the crowd's attention and give them an experience. The evening went along in song, dance and beautiful greetings. One of the highlighted performances of the evening was having a popular talented local musical group perform old time indian music which kept the crowd smiling, clapping their hands and singing along. Sister Jasmine did the feature address on the topic and shared the depth of how we can deepen our relationship with God through silence.
WOODLAND – 16-03-2014
"Continue to spread the sound. If you don't have body consciousness, you can carry a drum around your neck. You can beat it and tell everyone that the Father has come"(01.03.14). So all the guests were welcomed with the Tassa Drums followed by Baba's song while hoisting the flag. Also the balloons were released with great happiness. Meditation was conducted by sister Bharti and then a brief introduction of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization was given.
Greetings from the various special invitees –
1) Swami Bhaktanan Maharaj from Sanyas Ashram said to find God you have to go inside your pocket which is within yourself otherwise you cannot find Him anywhere else.
2) Pundit Deodath Persad Misra mentioned that God Shiva destroys bad things from our within and makes us clean.
3) Indra Ramkhelawan spoke about Shivshakti and the night of Shiva which is Shivratri that God Shiva removes darkness from our lives and put everything right which is not right in our lives.
4) Leela Hosein was the representative from the Mosque sang ‘CASIDA' and translated that God is closer to us and all we have to do is to recognize Him by first knowing ourselves.
5) Patricia Mitchel from the Christian community shared about God's love that we express love through songs, poems, movies and the Christmas gifts and celebrations but the true love is God's love which gives us real peace of mind.
The feature address was by brother Kamta who actually explained everyone that who God really is ! He is the Supreme Father The Supreme Soul. The Father of all souls and the introduction of Him in detail. He also explained the difference between Shiva and Shankar. Approx. 75 souls were served with Baba's message.
Sister Leela Maharaj controlled and managed the whole event very beautifully and systematically by being the master of the ceremony. Of course, the celebration cannot be completed without cutting the cake followed by the refreshments to all.
World Peace Hour on the High Seas
16 February 2014 - Trinidad and Tobago
Boarded at: Port of Spain, Jetty, Cruise ship complex
At 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm
The boat started at 4.00 pm from San Fernando Water Taxi Terminal (South) and docked in Port of Spain Water Taxi Terminal (North) at 5:00pm to pick some more brothers and sisters from Port of Spain, Sangre Grande and St. Augustine Centres. There were total 375 brothers and sisters including BKs non BKs and 8 members of the boat crew staff were present on board.
This world meditation peaceful hour was to treat the self to four beautiful, relaxing, peaceful and carefree hours on a cruise. There was guided meditation and experiences of the essence of deep silence followed by a brief talk. So everyone left their worldly troubles behind, came and enjoyed a peaceful evening which they rightfully deserved.
While entering the boat all were given Baba's hand flags to wave. Everyone was welcomed by sis Hemlata and she announced that world meditation would begin from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. An introduction to the world meditation was given by Bro Kamta.
A video Presentation "Being of Light" was shown to the crew with an introduction by Bro Kamta about serving the elements and for today's purpose of mainly serving the element of water.
Another video with a meditation commentary was shown as preparation to relax the mind .
In the beginning, a short guided meditation was given followed by the video commentary.
The world meditation hour started with soft background music. A deep silence had spread all over. Everyone could feel the happiness to see the practical effect of meditation that water became calm and stable while serving the elements especially water.
Live meditation commentaries were conducted by Sis Jasmine and Sis Hemlata. Sister Jasmine gave the beautiful commentary on the nature as was the purpose to serve the nature worldwide and sister Hemlata gave powerful commentary on introducing a deep silent experience of soul consciousness.
After the deep silent, powerful and vibrant world meditation of an hour, Sis Uma rendered the song "Om Shanti Om" very beautifully. Everyone was touched by stabilizing themselves in the meaning of that song. Students and guests were invited to stand up in the boat and wave their flags while the song was being sung. Students sang along with Sis Uma making the atmosphere even more powerful and of course, it was presenting the power of unity too. Bro. Kamta extended invitation for anyone else that was willing to sing a song. Two other students sang. This was well appreciated by the crew.
Packed dinner was served and then the boat docked first to drop off the north side brothers and sisters.
On the return journey a video entitled "True Love" was shown, as well as other meditation commentary videos, to the remaining crew members as the silence was still maintained.
Everyone was thanked for their co-operation in the exercise. Everyone was very contented with their experience.
It was a great reminder of a memorial of all 400 brothers and sisters travelling by ship from Pakistan to the port of Okha, Rajkot – the historic and memorable incident in the Yagya history.
Brahma Baba's Day VIP program
11 January 2014
The evening was a inspired occasion with approximately 60 in attendance..Guests included the President of the Rotary club and Chairman of the El Dorado Cooperative as well as Manager of the Manager for the Member of Parliament for the District of St. Augustine Tunapuna. The quests also included many prominent members of the business community.
The program participants were entertained with vibrant and informative displays on the work of the BKs in Trinidad. The displays included:
Values in :- Life, Health, Business Family, International projects.
Education. Living Values. Personal development.
Agreement with the University of West Indies
3 January 2014 - Trinidad and Tobago
Brother Hadyn and Sister Kamla facilitated the signing of an MOU between the University Of The West Indies and Sister Hemlata of the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre of Trinidad and Tobago.
The ceremony took place at the St Augustine office of the Campus Principal at 10.30am on Monday 19th February 2014.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Clement Sankat, Campus Principal shared with us that we as a country are loosing our way and must bring back values and spirituality. He said that: He is strongly supportive of this initiative. So many other things we are trying seems to have failed. We need more sustainable projects to build a value system throughout our communities to fill in those missing elements about life and how we live and how we respect and care for the things around us. Some of the challenges we face in the community have to do with the young, under privileged and aged.
Principal Sanket accepted an invitation to visit Mt. Abu, headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. He proposed a delegation comprising Dr. Mohammed, Mr. Sharan Singh and himself to visit in the first week of January 2015.
Professor Sankat invited us to participate in a stakeholders meeting for a Spirituality Centre to be built on the University's land on Carmody Street.
Principal Sankat and Dr. Mohammed, head of the School of Education would immediately like to see all content material for the distant learning programs in Values and Spirituality with a view to review and revise the material to suit our needs. He suggested that the distance learning programs could include some face to face time and visits to the Yoga Centre. Hadyn LeeHing of the Raja Yoga Centre will facilitate this.
The principal spoke about immediately creating stand alone modules of new knowledge for the adult working population. The content and facilitation will be done by the Raja Yoga Centre. Administration and certificates to be given by UWI's outreach office.
The Brahma Kumaris also suggested working with UWI to modify the values program for use as a unit to create a values education component for UWI students.
Mr. Sankat was hopeful that we could really make a start so that the project in its own little way can change the fortunes of this country. He trusted that the country will really around values education and use religion as a bolster rather than an obstacle to this effort.
UWI's Marketing Department will do a press release.