2021 Sept through Oct Health Field News Archive 2021 Sept through Oct Health Field News Archive

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Join Online with BK Brij Mohan on 'FARSIGHTEDNESS' - 30th Oct. - Silver Jubilee, Episode # 25 'Values for Life' Series

27 October 2021

Dear Divine family, Greetings of Peace and Spiritual Love to all, across the Globe.

We extend our warm invitation for the special Silver Jubilee : Episode # 25 of the fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, with our esteemed senior Brother, BK Brij Mohan Bhai Ji, from Mount Abu, India, for an empowering spiritual reflection on “FARSIGHTEDNESS.”

Value :  FARSIGHTEDNESS ( दूर-दर्शिता )

Speaker : BK Brij Mohan Bhai Ji, Chief Spokesperson, and Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, India. 

Date/Time :  Saturday, 30th October ( 1.5 Hrs session )
Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:00 PM (India), 3:30 PM (UK), 6:30 PM (Dubai), 5:30 PM (Kuwait, Nairobi - Africa), 4:30 PM (France, Germany)

7:30 AM (West Coast US/Can), 10:30 AM (East Coast US/Can), 11:30 AM (Brazil)

Join directly on Zoom -   http://omshanti.live/zoom

(OR, Meeting ID – 925 2808 7710)

(Translation available in French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live -
in English - http://omshanti.live/English
in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 

 (Videos of all ‘Values for Life’ events are available in the video section of our website, at :  https://www.vihasa.in/)

 In Spiritual Service,

With Warm Regards, 


‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris

More info at : www.vihasa.in, Email - vancouver@ca.brahmakumaris.org


Invitation in Hindi:

प्रिय दैवी परिवार,  

ईश्वरीय याद प्यार स्वीकार किजीये।

आप को हमारा हार्दिक निमंत्रण है ‘Values for Life’ Series  के  सिल्वर जुबली : एपिसोड # २५  में, ३० अक्टूबर को शाम  ८:00 बजे । इसमें हमारे साथ जुड़ेंगे हमारे वरिष्ठ बी.के. ब्रिज मोहन भाई साहब, माउंट आबू, इंडिया से, और वे  हमारे साथ आध्यात्मिक मूल्य - “ दूर-दर्शिता ” के महत्व पर चर्चा करेंगे।

आप सभी भाई बहने इस प्रोग्राम को हिंदी में YouTube पर लाइव देख सकते हैं और अपने प्रिय जनों को भी इस प्रोग्राम से लाभान्वित होने की प्रेरणा दे सकते हैं। 

मूल्य/गुण  –  दूर-दर्शिता ( FARSIGHTEDNESS ),                 

वक्ता  –  बी.के. ब्रिज मोहन भाईसाहब , ब्रहमाकुमारीज़ मुख्य प्रवक्ता, तथा अतिरिक्त महासचिव

तारीख  –   ३० अक्टूबर, २०२१, शनिवार,

समय    –    शाम  ८:00  से  ९:३0  बजे  ( भारत का समय )

नीचे दिए गए जॉइनिंग लिंक पर  हमारे साथ जुड़िये  –

YouTube हिंदी में  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi

YouTube in English  - http://omshanti.live/English 

Direct Zoom link at  -   http://omshanti.live/zoom

(OR, Meeting ID – 925 2808 7710)

( Zoom पर  अनुवाद उपलब्ध है  : हिंदी, फ्रेंच, जर्मन, ,पोर्तुगीज, स्पेनिश, तामिल और तेलुगू में)

(Values for Life’ Series के प्रोग्रामस  के  वीडियो हमारी वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है -  https://www.vihasa.in/ ) 


ईश्वरीय सेवा में,

‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris

More info at : www.vihasa.in, Email - vancouver@ca.brahmakumaris.org





A Warm invitation for two special 'Values for Life' events this weekend; 'Ep # 24 on 'POWER' & 'Spiritual Significance of Dusshera

14 October 2021

Dear Divine family,

Greetings of Peace and Spiritual Love to all, across the Globe.

We extend our warm invitation for the following two ‘Values for Life’ events this weekend :


1) Episode # 24 of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, with BK Br. Eric Le Reste, from Montreal, Canada, for an empowering spiritual reflection on “POWER”.

2) Special event, “The spiritual significance of DUSSEHRA”, with BK Asha Didi, from India. 

1) 'Values for Life' Series, Episode # 24 

Value :  POWER  (शक्ति)

Speaker :  BK Br. Eric Le Reste, National Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris,

                Montreal, Canada.

Date/Time :  Saturday, 16th October ( 1.5 Hrs session )

Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:00 PM (India), 3:30 PM (UK), 6:30 PM (Dubai), 5:30 PM (Kuwait, Nairobi - Africa), 4:30 PM (France, Germany), 11:30 AM (Brazil), 7:30 AM (West Coast US/Can), 10:30 AM (East Coast US/Can), 

Join directly on Zoom - http://omshanti.live/zoom

(OR, Meeting ID – 9252 8087 710)

(Translation available in Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live -
in English - http://omshanti.live/English
in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 



2) Special event: “The spiritual significance of DUSSHERA” 

Speaker :  BK Asha Didi, Director, Om Shanti Retreat Centre, Gurugram, India. 

Date/Time :  Kindly note the timing in your region : 

Sunday, 17th October ( 1.5 Hrs session )  -

9:00 AM (India), 11:30 AM (Malaysia / Hong Kong),12:30 PM (Japan), 1:30 PM (Sydney, Australia), 7:30 AM (Dubai), 6:30 AM (Kuwait / Nairobi - Africa), 5:30 AM (France, Germany),

Saturday, 16th October  -  8:30 PM (West Coast US/Can)


Join directly on Zoom -  https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/98571856574

(OR, Meeting ID – 985 7185 6574)

(Translation available in German, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish, Tamil and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live - https://omshanti.live/Dusshera


(Videos of all ‘Values for Life’ events are available in the video section of our website, at :  https://www.vihasa.in/)


In Spiritual Service,

With Warm Regards, 


‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris

More info at : www.vihasa.in, Email - vancouver@ca.brahmakumaris.org

Invitation in Hindi:


प्रिय दैवी परिवार,  

ईश्वरीय याद प्यार स्वीकार किजीये।

आप को हमारा हार्दिक निमंत्रण है निम्नलिखित  ‘ Values for Life’  प्रोग्रामस के लिए :


) 'Values for Life' Series, एपिसोड २४ 

‘Values for Life’ Series  के  एपिसोड २४ में हमारे साथ जुड़ेंगे हमारे वरिष्ठबी.के.ब्रदर एरिक ले रेस्टे, मॉन्ट्रियलकनाडा से१६ अक्टूबर को शाम  :00 बजेजिसमें  वे  हमारे साथ आध्यात्मिक मूल्य - “ शक्ति ” के महत्व पर चर्चा करेंगे।

आप सभी भाई बहने इस प्रोग्राम को हिंदी में YouTube पर लाइव देख सकते हैं और अपने प्रिय जनों को भी इस प्रोग्राम से लाभान्वित होने की प्रेरणा दे सकते हैं.

मूल्य/गुण  –  शक्ति  ( POWER ),                 

वक्ता  –   बी.के. ब्रदर एरिक ले रेस्टेब्रह्माकुमारीज़ के राष्ट्रीय समन्वयकमॉन्ट्रियलकनाडा 

तारीख  –  – १६ अक्टूबर२०२१शनिवार

समय    –    शाम  :00  से  :0  बजे  ( भारत का समय )

नीचे दिए गए जॉइनिंग लिंक पर  हमारे साथ जुड़िये  –

YouTube हिंदी में  http://omshanti.live/Hindi

YouTube in English  http://omshanti.live/English 

Direct Zoom link at  -   http://omshanti.live/zoom

( Zoom पर  अनुवाद उपलब्ध है  : हिंदी, अरेबिकफ्रेंचजर्मन, ,पोर्तुगीजस्पेनिश, तामिल

 और तेलुगू में)



विशेष आयोजन: “दशहरा का आध्यात्मिक महत्व” 

दशहरा का आध्यात्मिक महत्व”,  इस विषय पर खास चर्चा करने के लिए भारत से हमारे साथ जुड़ेंगी  बी.के.आशा दीदी१७ अक्टूबर ( रविवार ) को सुबह  :00  बजे

इस प्रोग्राम में जूम पर हिंदी में अनुवाद उपलब्ध है )

वक्ता   –   बी.के.आशा दीदी, दिल्लीनिर्देशिकाओम शांति रिट्रीट सेंटरगुरुग्रामदिल्ली

तारीख  –   १७ अक्टूबर२०२१रविवार,

समय   –   सुबह  :00  से  0:0  बजे  ( भारत का समय )

नीचे दिए गए जॉइनिंग लिंक पर  हमारे साथ जुड़िये  –

Direct Zoom link at  -   https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/98571856574

(OR, Meeting ID – 985 7185 6574)

( Zoom पर  अनुवाद उपलब्ध है  : हिंदीजर्मनस्पेनिश , मेन्डारिनतामिल और  तेलुगू में  )

YouTube  (English)   -   https://omshanti.live/Dusshera

(Values for Life’ Series के प्रोग्रामस  के  वीडियोस हमारी वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है -  https://www.vihasa.in/ )



ईश्वरीय सेवा में,


‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris

More info at : www.vihasa.in, Email - vancouver@ca.brahmakumaris.org




VIHASA Values Workshop Online on October 10th

4 October 2021

 Free VIHASA Values Workshop Online 

Let’s explore the value of peace

 Next workshop: Sunday, 10th October 2021, 10 am to 12 noon IST  (India time)

 Register here: http://tiny.cc/vihasa-reg

An interactive facilitated program for all professionals, these workshops are designed to enable participants to go deep within themselves and incorporate the insights and learnings into everyday life – professionally and personally.

You will experience reflective exercises which use various spiritual tools to help develop the right (intuitive) side of the brain.

VIHASA was designed by the Janki Foundation, UK

Previous recordings: http://tiny.cc/vihasaworkshops





A Warm Invitation for Ep 23, 'Values for Life' Series, with BK Br. Ken O'Donnell, on HONESTY on the 2nd of October

29 September 2021

Dear Divine family,

Greetings of Peace and Spiritual Love to all, across the Globe.


We extend our warm invitation for Episode # 23 of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, with our BK Br. Ken O’Donnell, from Brazil, for a deep spiritual reflection on  “HONESTY”.


Value :  HONESTY ( इमानदारी )

Speaker : BK Br. Ken O’Donnell, Brazil, Coordinator for Brahma Kumaris of Latin America. 

Date/Time :  Saturday, 2nd October ( 1.5 Hrs session )
Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:00 PM (India), 3:30 PM (UK), 6:30 PM (Dubai), 5:30 PM (Kuwait, Nairobi - Africa), 4:30 PM (France, Germany), 10:30 PM (Malaysia)

7:30 AM (West Coast US/Can), 10:30 AM (East Coast US/Can), 11:30 AM (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom - http://omshanti.live/zoom

(OR, Meeting ID – 92528087710)

(Translation available in Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live -
in English - http://omshanti.live/English
in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 


(Videos of all ‘Values for Life’ events are available in the video section of our website, at :  https://www.vihasa.in/)


In Spiritual Service,

With Warm Regards, 


‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris

More info at : www.vihasa.in, Email - vancouver@ca.brahmakumaris.org



Invitation in Hindi:


प्रिय दैवी परिवार,  

ईश्वरीय याद प्यार स्वीकार किजीये।


आप को हमारा हार्दिक निमंत्रण है ‘Values for Life’ Series  के  एपिसोड २३ में अक्टूबर को शाम  :00 बजे  इसमें हमारे साथ जुड़ेंगे बी.केब्रदर केन 'डोनेलब्राज़िल सेऔर वे  हमारे साथ आध्यात्मिक मूल्य - “ इमानदारी ” के महत्व पर चर्चा करेंगे।


आप सभी भाई बहने इस प्रोग्राम को हिंदी में YouTube पर लाइव देख सकते हैं और अपने प्रिय जनों को भी इस प्रोग्राम से लाभान्वित होने की प्रेरणा दे सकते हैं। 


मूल्य/गुण  –  इमानदारी ( HONESTY ),                 

वक्ता  –  बी.केब्रदर केन 'डोनेलब्राज़िललैटिन अमेरिका के ब्रहमाकुमारीज़ समन्वयक

तारीख  –    अक्टूबर२०२१शनिवार,

समय    –    शाम  :00  से  :0  बजे  ( भारत का समय ) 

नीचे दिए गए जॉइनिंग लिंक पर  हमारे साथ जुड़िये  –

YouTube हिंदी में  http://omshanti.live/Hindi

YouTube in English  http://omshanti.live/English 

Direct Zoom link at  -   http://omshanti.live/zoom

( Zoom पर  अनुवाद उपलब्ध है  : हिंदी, अरेबिकफ्रेंचजर्मन, ,पोर्तुगीजस्पेनिशतामिल और तेलुगू में

(Values for Life’ Series के प्रोग्रामस  के  वीडियो हमारी वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है -  https://www.vihasa.in/ ) 



ईश्वरीय सेवा में,

‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris







A Warm invitation for two special 'Values for Life' events this weekend; 'Ep # 22 on 'Success' & 'Spiritual Significance of Ganesh Chaturthi'

15 September 2021

Dear Divine family,


Greetings of Peace and Spiritual Love to all, across the Globe.


We extend our warm invitation for the following two ‘Values for Life’ events this weekend :


1) Episode # 22 of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, with our esteemed senior Brother, BK Brij Mohan Bhai Ji, from Mount Abu, India, for an empowering spiritual reflection on  “SUCCESS”.


2) Special event, “The spiritual significance of GANESH CHATURTHI”, with BK Meera Didi, from Malaysia. 


1)'Values for Life' Series: Episode #22


Value :  SUCCESS ( सफलता / सिद्धि )

Speaker : BK Brij Mohan Bhai Ji, Chief Spokesperson, and Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, India.

Date/Time :  Saturday, 18th September ( 1.5 Hrs session )
Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:00 PM (India), 3:30 PM (UK), 6:30 PM (Dubai), 5:30 PM (Kuwait, Nairobi - Africa), 4:30 PM (France, Germany), 10:30 PM (Malaysia)

7:30 AM (West Coast US/Can), 10:30 AM (East Coast US/Can), 11:30 AM (Brazil)

Join directly on Zoom - http://omshanti.live/zoom

(OR, Meeting ID – 92528087710)

(Translation available in Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live -
in English - http://omshanti.live/English
in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 


2) Special event: "The spiritual significance of GANEST CHATURTHI"


Speaker : BK Meera Didi, Director / Spiritual Ambassador, Brahma Kumaris, Malaysia. 

Date/Time : Kindly note the timing in your region:  

Sunday, 19th September ( 1.5 Hrs session )  -

9:00 AM (India), 1:30 PM (Sydney, Australia), 11:30 AM (Malaysia / Hong Kong),12:30 PM (Japan), 7:30 AM (Dubai), 6:30 AM (Kuwait / Nairobi - Africa), 5:30 AM (France,Germany), 4:30 AM (UK)

Saturday, 18th September  -   8:30 PM (West Coast US/Can)


Join directly on Zoom -  https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/98571856574

(Translation available in German, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish, Tamil and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live - https://omshanti.live/Ganesha


(Videos of all ‘Values for Life’ events are available in the video section of our website, at :  https://www.vihasa.in/)


In Spiritual Service,

With Warm Regards, 


‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris



Invitation in Hindi:


प्रिय दैवी परिवार,  

ईश्वरीय याद प्यार स्वीकार किजीये।


आप को हमारा हार्दिक निमंत्रण है निम्नलिखित  ‘ Values for Life’  प्रोग्रामस के लिए :

) 'Values for Life' Series, एपिसोड २२ 

‘Values for Life’ Series  के  एपिसोड २२ में हमारे साथ जुड़ेंगे हमारे वरिष्ठबी.केब्रिज मोहन भाई साहब, माउंट आबूइंडिया से१८ सितंबर को शाम  :00 बजेजिसमें वे  हमारे साथ आध्यात्मिक मूल्य - “ सफलता /

सिद्धि ” के महत्व पर चर्चा करेंगे।

आप सभी भाई बहने इस प्रोग्राम को हिंदी में YouTube पर लाइव देख सकते हैं और अपने प्रिय जनों को भी इस प्रोग्राम से लाभान्वित होने की प्रेरणा दे सकते हैं.

मूल्य/गुण  –  सफलता / सिद्धि ( SUCCESS ),                 

वक्ता  –  बी.केब्रिज मोहन भाईसाहब , ब्रहमाकुमारीज़ मुख्य प्रवक्तातथा अतिरिक्त महासचिव,

माउंट आबूइंडिया 

तारीख  –  –  १८ सितंबर२०२१शनिवार,

समय    –    शाम  :00  से  :0  बजे  ( भारत का समय )

नीचे दिए गए जॉइनिंग लिंक पर  हमारे साथ जुड़िये  –

YouTube हिंदी में  http://omshanti.live/Hindi

YouTube in English  http://omshanti.live/English 

Direct Zoom link at  -   http://omshanti.live/zoom

( Zoom पर  अनुवाद उपलब्ध है  : हिंदी, अरेबिकफ्रेंचजर्मन, ,पोर्तुगीजस्पेनिश और तेलुगू में)



विशेष आयोजन: “गणेश चतुर्थी का आध्यात्मिक महत्व” 

गणेश चतुर्थी का आध्यात्मिक महत्व” इस विषय पर खास चर्चा करने के लिए मलेशिया से हमारे साथ जुड़ेंगी  बी.केमीरा दीदी,  १९ सितंबर ( रविवार ) को सुबह  :00  बजे 

इस प्रोग्राम में जूम पर हिंदी में अनुवाद उपलब्ध है )

वक्ता   –   बी.केमीरा दीदीनिदेशक / आध्यात्मिक राजदूत


तारीख  –  १९ सितंबर२०२१रविवार,

समय   –   सुबह  :00  से  0:0  बजे  ( भारत का समय )


नीचे दिए गए जॉइनिंग लिंक पर  हमारे साथ जुड़िये  –

  YouTube  (English)   -   https://omshanti.live/Ganesha

Direct Zoom link at  -   https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/98571856574

( Zoom पर  अनुवाद उपलब्ध है  : हिंदीजर्मनस्पेनिश , मेन्डारिनतामिल और  तेलुगू में  )

(Values for Life’ Series के प्रोग्रामस  के  वीडियो हमारी वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है -  https://www.vihasa.in/ )



ईश्वरीय सेवा में,

‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris





Janki Foundation Presents:  'Honouring Life' series

10 September 2021




Global Hospital Honored Women on Raksha Bandhan Day

9 September 2021

Mount Abu (Rajasthan): A special felicitation ceremony was organized for the dedicated sisters of Brahma Kumaris Head Quarters on the occasion of the holy festival of Rakshabandhan in the auditorium of Global Hospital, Mount Abu. More than 250 women(BK Sisters) who participated from Gyansarovar, Pandav Bhawan, Shantivan, Global Hospital and Trauma center were honored by men (BK Brothers) with tilak, traditional aarti, rose flower, blessing, toli, delicious food and gifts during this unique event.

The program was presided over by Dr. Pratap Midha, Director, Global Hospital followed by songs and dance. The special guests of the program BK Dr. Nirmala and BK Shashi Prabha, Joint Administrative Heads of Brahma Kumaris expressed their heartfelt words.  BK Nirwair, Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris showered his blessings online.




Warm invitation for two special 'Values for Life' events this weekend: 'Spiritual significance of Janmashtami' and 'Ep # 21 on Patience'

4 September 2021

Dear Divine family,

Greetings of Peace and Spiritual Love to all, across the Globe.

We extend our warm invitation for the following two ‘Values for Life’ events this weekend :

1) Special event, “The Spiritual Significance of JANMASHTAMI”, with BK Sheilu Didi, from Mount Abu India.

2) Episode # 21 of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, with BK Br. Charlie Hogg, from Sydney, for a spiritual reflection on  “PATIENCE”.


1) Special event: “The Spiritual Significance of JANMASHTAMI” 

Speaker : BK Sheilu Didi, Senior Raja Yoga Teacher, Mount Abu, India. 

Date/Time :  Saturday, 4th September ( 1.5 Hrs session )  -

Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:00 PM (India), 3:30 PM (UK), 6:30 PM (Dubai), 5:30 PM (Kuwait, Nairobi - Africa), 4:30 PM (France, Germany), 10:30 PM (Malaysia)

7:30 AM (West Coast US/Can), 10:30 AM (East Coast US/Can), 11:30 AM (Brazil)

Join directly on Zoom -  https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/98571856574

(Translation available in French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish and Telugu)

Join on YouTube Live - https://omshanti.live/Janmashtami


2) 'Values for Life' Series, Episode # 21 

Value :  PATIENCE ( धैर्यता )

Speaker : BK Br. Charlie Hogg, Sydney, Director  of Brahma Kumaris, Australia. 

Date/Time :  Kindly note the timing in your region : 

Sunday, 5th September ( 1.5 Hrs session )  -

9:00 AM (India), 1:30 PM (Sydney, Australia), 11:30 AM (Malaysia / Hong Kong),12:30 PM (Japan), 7:30 AM (Dubai), 6:30 AM (Kuwait / Nairobi - Africa), 5:30 AM (France, Germany), 4:30 AM (UK)

Saturday, 4th September  -   8:30 PM (West Coast US/Can)

Join directly on Zoom - http://omshanti.live/zoom

(Translation available in Cantonese,  French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Telugu)


Join on YouTube Live -
in English - http://omshanti.live/English
in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 


(Videos of all ‘Values for Life’ events are available in the video section of our website, at :  https://www.vihasa.in/)


In Spiritual Service,

With Warm Regards, 

‘Values for Life’ – Team

BK Dr. Ashok Mehta, Director, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumaris

Sr Dr. Claudia Bussanich, Center Coordinator, Vancouver Brahma Kumaris

More info at : www.vihasa.in