2014 Health Field News Archive
Table of Content
Report of Activities of the Mental Health and Well Being Department of the Global Hospital Trauma Centre
19 December 2014
Dear divine souls,
Pls find below the image a link to the pdf file describing the activities of the Mental Health and Well Being Department of the Global Hospital Trauma Centre.
Please visit us and recommend our work to others.
The Department is planning to have a biofeedback machine costing Rs.1.7 lakhs. Please see details on this on the Onelink "Help Wanted" page.
BK Ashish
Spiritual Care in Every Encounter - Integrating Compassion into Daily Nursing Practice - report and video of recent lecture
11 November 2014
Click on the above image to view the video and please see the 05 September post below for a full report of this event.
VIHASA Facilitators Training in Mumbai - Report and Photo Link
17 October 2014
Report on VIHASA Facilitators' Training
2-5 October 2014 | Mumbai | India
A 4-day residential training on VIHASA facilitation was held in Mumbai between 2-5 October 2014. A mixed-group of Medical Professors, Doctors, Nurses and BKs were part of the training programme conducted at Reliance Energy Management Institute (REMI). Residential facilities were arranged at Om Niwas Centre in Ghatkopar. Five trainers from Mumbai and Pune came together for this training: Dr Ashok Mehta, Dr Girish Patel, Dr Sachin Parab, Dr Manoj Matnani, BK Deepaben.
Through the 4-day training, the participants received a hands-on facilitation experience. All participants (divided in 2 groups) were asked to facilitate for 3 days in a row on modules: Values, Peace & Co-operation.
All participants are enthusiastic to take VIHASA further and many are already planning to organise workshops in various parts of (state of) Maharashtra.
Feedback received from participants:
Ms. Job Beena Mariamma: "Learnt about toning voice, presence of mind, how to conduct yourself amidst facilitation without teaching and with humility. Learnt to edit what to speak through feedback. Got an opportunity to do what I learnt! Enjoyed excellent evaluation from all the trainers."
Mr Pramod Bodkhe: "It was a surprise for me [to be asked to facilitate on day 2, 3 & 4]. The overall arrangement and the way it was planned was very nice. Before coming here, even I was not aware of this word ‘facilitation'. But it gives a new dimension. I'm now inspired to do something new."
Lt Col (Retd) Jamuna (Nursing): "I enjoyed the ambience, the opportunity to participate and the guidance of the facilitators who gave frank and encouraging opinion."
Prepared by: Pooja Sharma
Secretariat, VIHASA India
Approved by: Dr. Ashok Mehta
National Coordinator
Facebook: Post the training, a group has been created on Facebook (social networking website) called 'VIHASA India Facilitators'. Anyone who has undergone the training programme in India is free to send a request to join the group. Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/724009444352176/
Here is the link to photographs uploaded online: https://picasaweb.google.com/109507118878924365230/VIHASATrainingOct2014?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCLiLmKGJ2ICv-wE&feat=directlink
Click here for detailed report and photos.

Janki Foundation Lecture on "Spiritual Care in Every Encounter--Integrating compassion into daily nursing practice" delivered by Dr Janice Clarke at the Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, 19 August
5 September 2014
The Janki Foundation Lecture had around 150 attendees (not including the webcast audience) from various healthcare backgrounds and interests. This preceded the Foundation's Annual General Meeting with around 70 friends.
Anne Malone, international singer and songwriter opened the event creating an oasis of sound with various instruments.
Dr Sarah Eagger, a Trustee and also Scientific & Medical Advisor of the Janki Foundation, introduced the keynote speaker Dr Janice Clarke, nurse, midwife, and lecturer at the University of Worcester who completed her PhD on spiritual care in healthcare.
Janice began by describing her thinking about how one can incorporate spiritual care into medical care, a field that is becoming sterile and systematic. She was struck by the words of the composer John Taverner, who said something to the effect that people were ‘hard wired' to want is something spiritual, and this confirmed her intentions to explore this subject.
She spoke about how today's current notion of spiritual care is more akin to psychosocial care, characterised by a problem-solving approach which creates and makes the patient into an object, with outcomes and goals that need to be achieved. She noted that what is really needed was care for every part of every person - physically and spiritually - and for this we need to identify specifically what spiritual care is, as opposed to psychological and religious care.
Today's nurses have a lack of confidence in giving spiritual care as they feel unqualified and inadequate. Who are they to speak / advise / comment on such matters? – This feeling of fear needs to go.
One of the main criticisms of exploring spiritual care for most nurses is that they feel they don't have time for it. Nursing is practical while spirituality is perceived of as being very esoteric. Seen in this light spirituality is considered irrelevant.
The role of a nurse is to be the advocate and the guardian of the patient, being by the patient's side, doing all the physical and dirty work that no other health care professional is willing to do. Janice reminded us that we are beings consisting of mind, body and spirit. When the spirit is affected it ripples on and affects the body, and vice versa.
The 18th century mystical poet William Blake said ‘Man has no Body distinct from his Soul.' Spiritual wellbeing is therefore as necessary as physical wellbeing. The two go hand-in-hand.
How can we incorporate this concept into nursing care? An attitude of compassion is at the core of caring. This is practical spirituality and can be defined as a feeling that is embedded in all the connections and interactions nurses have as they engage with patients. What is compassion? We react to the distress and injury of person in ways that we don't react to the damage to an inanimate object. It's different from sympathy, as it is a call to action--to respond to and do everything one can do to better and improve a situation. Acting for someone else's good is essential for spiritual sustenance and one's spiritual growth. We need other people in order for us to be ourselves; in others we see ourselves. Compassion holds the notion of being ‘my brothers' servant'.
Sarah then had a conversation with Janice about her talk and also invited questions from the audience. One questioner asked:
"You've spoken about how we should treat patients, but how should we treat ourselves to treat them in this way? Where do we need to be spiritually?" Others in the audience had questions about improving care in mental health services as many nurses seemed to be frightened to deal with patients because of the negative energy they feel they might absorb. There was a question about whether nurses are being counselled / monitored more closely and also whether research was being done in this area. The conversation rounded up with the idea of coming back to basics, back to "common sense".
Following a haunting song from Anne Malone, Sarah invited Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris, to share her insights.
Sister Jayanti used the example of Dadi Janki's bhavna (pure feelings of love), of her way of being and how she always attends to things with a lot of love and care. She defined spirituality as the study of the invisible part of the human being, their thoughts, feelings and memory, and she spoke of the necessity ‘to know oneself' – to know what is going on inside. This can happen when we give ourselves time in silence to check the self. And then there is the fact that whatever is going on inside is made visible outside.
Sister Jayanti emphasised the importance of eye-contact in the caring relationship. The eyes being the windows of the soul, an exchange of love through the eyes can happen with a spiritual awareness. We can all give someone a true human experience through this interaction. She went on to explain that the way to be able to sustain the self is to have some sort of daily practice. It would be helpful to create periods of silence, not ‘empty space' silence, but an internal quietness that creates power flowing through one's consciousness. To do this it is essential to nourish the mind with elevated thoughts. This would leave one strengthened and able to face up to and deal appropriately with life's stresses.
Sister Jayanti led the audience in a guided reflection and left them with the thought that ‘an attitude of truth stimulates a response of truth'. She then shared a sweet and blessing with everyone.
"Spiritual understanding teaches you how to perform actions so as to guarantee yourself a healthy future. It makes you realise the importance of performing good actions. Dadi Janki, President of The Janki Foundation
Click here to view all AGM pictures
Click here to view all Lecture pictures
New edition of Connect, Global Hospital's fortnightly news update
16 July 2014
Global Hospital News
16 June 2014
On June 2, the State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur gifted a new air-conditioned trauma ambulance to J Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre. Donations from the Janki Foundation for Global Health Care and an individual philanthropist in UK will be utilised to fit-out the vehicle with life-supporting medical equipment. Dr Partap Midha, director, and Colonel Jitendra Singh, manager, Transport, Security & Estates, attended the handing over ceremony in Jaipur, which chairman of the State Bank Group Arundhati Bhattacharya presided over. She appreciated Global Hospital's work and specially took note of the services the hospital renders to marginalised tribal and poor communities. Dr Midha elucidated some of these services and thanked the bank for recognising the hospital and deeming it worthy ofsupport. B Sriram, managing director, SBBJ said that SBBJ will continue to lend its support to the hospital. This year, SBBJ has spent one percent of its profit on Corporate Social Responsibility. In the coming year, it aims at achieving the targeted two percent mark.
A Spiritual Model of Care Lessons from a Faith-based Hospital
2 June 2014 (posting date)
Article by Stephen Berkeley, published in Volume 13, Number 3 of Reflections, Journal of the Society for Organizational Learning
Although there is a widespread belief that spiritual practices can improve workplace performance, we know little about how that improvement actually happens. How are spiritual principles and practices operationalized and manifested in the workplace? What are some indicators that they improve the well-being of patients, staff, and the surrounding community? What kinds of challenges does a faith-based organization face? In this article, Stephen Berkeley describes how the integration of faith-based principles and practices at Global Hospital & Research Centre in Rajasthan, India, affects the day-to-day operations of the organization, its growth, and the personal
and professional development of its staff.
Read full article (scroll to page 4 of the pdf)
Latest Global Hospital and Research Centre Newsletter
2 June 2014 (posting date)
This newsletter covers news for the last quarter for all the units at Mt Abu and Abu Road.
Download pdf here
Blood Donation on Wheels
31 May 2014
On May 1, the Rotary International gifted the hospital a mobile blood collection unit. This was the third and last phase of a grant to the Rotary International Global Hospital Blood Bank housed in Radha Mohan Mehrotra Global Hospital Trauma Centre, Abu Road.
The new vehicle was flagged off after a ceremony attended by Rotarians, prominent citizens of Abu and the media. Chief guest of the programme Mr Gopal Lal Swarnakar, the tahsildar of Abu Road praised the work the blood bank has been rendering to the local community. Dr Susheel Parmar, the chief health and medical offer of district Sirohi said that this vehicle comes in return for the untiring services the hospital renders to victims of road traffic accidents and the work it does to raise awareness about and promote voluntary blood donation.
With this generous donation, the hospital joins the brigade of select hospitals in Rajasthan to be equipped with advanced blood donation facilities. Most of the others are medical colleges. Last year, the trauma centre was awarded for having the highest number of voluntary blood donations in the state.
Brahma Kumaris Global Heart Foundation
14 April 2014
Bapdada's most loving, dearest jewels and instruments of service to reveal Bapdada, please accept greetings of divine love and remembrance.
Your continuous tireless efforts are reaping fruits in the form of unlimited service. The tree of the Brahmin family is expanding so quickly that Madhuban constantly experiences the vibrant presence of thousands of Baba's children. They include various brothers and sisters – some VIPs, many senior citizens, and some afflicted with some physical ailment or the other. At present, we have Global Hospital, Eye Hospital and Trauma Center which are well prepared to handle most emergency cases. These facilities have proved to be very useful and economical since treatment in other hospitals is costly and time consuming.
In this respect, there has been a consensus that the need of the hour is also to have some facilities for heart patients. Heart disease is one of the most lethal diseases today, and requires prompt treatment as any form of delay can lead to death of the patient. At present we do not have any such hospital or proper ICU facility for heart patients, and so they have to be taken far off to Palanpur or Ahemdabad which involves huge risks. However we are pleased to share the good news that over time we will have our own Heart Foundation which will be able to provide good treatment to those who suffer from any heart problems or ailments. This will be an easy and viable option.
This is quite a big project but the memorial of the Govardhan Mountain reminds us of the power of each one's finger of cooperation. No matter how big Baba's task is, the cooperation of Baba's children can make it possible.
So this little cooperation is required at present. Your constant support will help bring this project to its final conclusion. The following account has been opened for this purpose:
Account Name: Brahma Kumaris Global Heart Foundation
Name of Bank: State Bank of India
Branch Name: Mount Abu
Account Number: 33610836265
IFS Code: 0002424