2021 November N. America News Archive 2021 November N. America News Archive

Table of Content

Fridays with Friends Conversations in Miami– With Gustavo Segastume

30 November 2021

Miami, Florida (USA): Media Producer – host BK Meredith Porte was in conversation with the master of mega music TV specials Gustavo Sagastume. His TV specials have aired on PBS, including Yanni Live At The Acropolis, Gipsy Kings, and Clannad Live at Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin.


Gustavo Sagastume is president of International Media, a production, marketing and distribution company working worldwide. He is former Vice President of Programming for PBS (national) and was responsible for bringing NPR News to South Florida as former General Manager of WLRN. Mr. Sagastume has produced multiple specials and series for PBS and other international networks including Germany’s ZDF, China’s CCTV, NHK of Japan, Russian Federation Television and many others.


Meredith Porte is an Independent Media Producer, also a Host, and has worked at WLRN Public Television for 35 years. She has also been a meditator for 35 years and loves to share her personal experience of benefits from her meditation practice.


Click to access their spiritual conversation here.






Upcoming Events of December at the Boston Center

27 November 2021

Upcoming Online Events for December













































RAPPEL Conférence exceptionnelle ce samedi | REMINDER An Exceptional Talk this Saturday

27 November 2021

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix

Profitez d'une matinée de ressourcement en ligne

auprès d'un yogi d'expérience.

Pour assister en ligne, cliquez sur l'affiche ci-dessus.


L'Émergence, Your Oasis Of Peace

Enjoy a rejuvenating morning of an experienced yogi.

To attend the event, please click on poster above.


From the Miami Center: "The Gift of Gratitude"

26 November 2021



Happy Thanksgiving from BK Mohini

26 November 2021



Just in Time for the Christmas Gift Season! Warm hearts and entertain minds of those you love with these special books

23rd November 2021

Interesting ways to relax, have fun and be happy.  Bursting with positive ideas
Happy Relax Kids





Exercises to improve children’s self-esteem and confidence 

Little Book of Stars



Building healthy emotional, social skills and  loving family relationships
Nurturing With Love




Do you know love? Have you discovered love? If you think you have this book will make you think again.
7 Myths About Love





Mighty answers to  ‘Who am I’, ‘Who do I belong to’ and ‘What do I have to do now’
The Essence of Truth




Facilitates the process of experiencing spiritual matters in everyday life
Think, Feel, Know, Enjoy





Discover your inner world

Today I Am




Depending on your mood select the topic
Thought for Today





Get to the root of your relationship problems
It's Time ......for Relationships





Facing unwanted situations? What to do?












Dallas (USA): 4th Event of the Purity Series - Dialogue on "Purity of Vision" with Dr. Nirmala Didi & Sister Philippa

20th November 2021

























Dear Divine Family,

Please enjoy and share this Brahmins/public Dialogue on "Purity of Vision" with Dr. Nirmaladidi and Sister Philippa.

For Zoom meeting click below link



For zoom meeting enter below details

Meeting ID- 92553496490

Password 100604

Date/Time: Saturday, 20th November (1:00 Hr session)

                             9:30am-10:30pm (Dallas time, Texas, USA),  

                                      10:30-11:30pm ( New York time), 

                                           9:00-10:00pm (India time), 

                                             3:30-4:30pm (UK time), 

                                            6:30-7:30pm (Africa time).



BK Ranjan and Service team

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center, Dallas






L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix - Save the Date with Special Guest Yogesh Sharada from Istanbul Raja Yoga Center

16 November 2021

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix


Nous sommes heureux de vous convier à cet événement exceptionnel offert en ligne.

Pour Pour assister en lignecliquez sur l'affiche ci-dessus.

To attend the event, please click on poster above.



Florida BKs Address Interfaith prayer vigil

16 November 2021

Florida (USA): BK Karen, BK Tara  and BK Kamala from Peace Village attended an interfaith prayer vigil for the protection of Hindus in Bangladesh. BK Karen spoke on the importance and beauty of different faiths coming together to support one another and guided meditation to shower Bangladesh with loving energy.



Manhattan Center Presents a lecture by Judy Rodgers this Thursday, November 18th: It's Critical not to be Critical....What do you think?

16 November 2021



BK Silicon Valley Presents LIVE Workshop on Nov 20th: “Take Care Before Experiencing Work Burnout”

16 November 2021

Come join us and explore practical solutions through engaging discussions in breakout rooms led by IT professionals practicing meditation for many years.


The workshop will expose the root cause and solutions for symptoms experienced below:

· Too many things on my plate, too much work pressure
· I am completely exhausted
· My body is tired
· I don’t have any time for myself or my family
· My family keeps complaining that I am not spending time with them
· I am not sure if the manager will like my work
· I am working hard, but not sure if I will succeed


Date: Saturday, Nov 20th, 2021
Timings: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (PST)


Please Register in advance for this webinar:


Once you register, kindly look for an email containing information about joining the webinar.


Please calculate your local time here:





Om Shanti







L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix | L’Émergence, your Oasis of Peace

11 November 2021

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix


L’Émergence, your Oasis of Peace


COMING UP TOMORROW!  |  Online or at the Centre (proof of complete vaccination required) 

Every year, we hope to leave behind the old and embrace the new. In life and in us. But how to change what seems impossible to change, and how to close the books in such a way that there is real transformation and progress in our spiritual journey?

This will be the focus of 4 Friday evenings. Meditation and talk. An easy chill out to end the week, and the year!







News from Dallas, USA: Meeting with India’s Ambassador and Consul General to USA

11 November 2021


Om Shanti to all brothers and sisters,

Sister Ranjan (Dallas USA) meeting, presenting gifts and giving Brahmakumaris introduction to Indian Ambassador of USA - Taranjit Singh Sandhu and Consul General of India - Mr. Aseem Mahajan with more than 500 invited leaders from Indian organizations, religions and businesses. 

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center, Dallas






News from Houston, TX: BK Sister Doctor Hansa Raval Meets India's Ambassador to the USA

11 November 2021



Dear Divine Family,  

Om shanti and greetings of love. 

BK Dr. Hansa Raval meets India’s Ambassador to the United States, Taranjit Singh Sandhu.  Also seen is bro. Mark. 

Dr. Hansaben presented Ambassador Sandhu with a bouquet of fresh roses from Baba’s garden, and a gift shawl from Madhuban.

Thanks and Regards
Brahma Kumaris Houston





Diwali Celebrations in Florida, USA

10 November 2021



Florida (USA): Miami family celebrated Diwali by coming together & joining the bigger USA bk family with United celebrations and sharings by BK Sister Mohini, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris.

The Tampa family celebrated Diwali in person and by joining the United Diwali zoom celebration meeting.





Diwali Greetings from Toronto Family

9 November 2021





Novembre à L'Émergence | November at L'Émergence (Scroll down for English)

8 November 2021

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir de nouveau en présentiel. SI vous avez déjà présenté votre passeport vaccinal à la réception, il n'est pas utile de le présenter à nouveau. Comme toujours, tout est mis en place afin de respecter les mesures sanitaires et d'hygiène et assurer votre santé et votre sécurité.

Bel automne à toutes et à tous!
L'équipe de l'Émergence


Découvrez le prochain thème ICI.

L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace 

Dear Friends of L'Emergence ... Om shanti!
It's been a pleasure to welcome you again in person at the Centre. If you have already presented your proof of vaccination at the reception, it is not necessary to present it again. Rest assured that all health and hygiene measures will be in place to ensure your health and safety.
We thank you for your collaboration.
Best wishes of peace, 

The L'Emergence Team




Happy Diwali! Message of Hope: From the Age of Darkness to the Age of Light

7 November 2021

Forwarding Diwali article published in several newspapers with good reviews!!  Happy Diwali,  Love, Sr Chirya

From the Age of Darkness to the Age of Light


Illustration: Brahma Kumaris

Although the origins of  Christmas and Diwali, the Festival of Lights, are several thousand years apart, the message and methods of celebration are quite similar.  Both celebrations have the underlying theme of the light of brotherly love, peace and mutual respect.  The message of Christmas and Diwali (celebrated this year on November 5), is about the renewal of life, family bonding, giving and receiving of gifts, blessings, good wishes, singing, dancing and lightening up your life..  New clothes, new year, sweets, colorful decorations everywhere all add to the joyous nature.  Candles and millions of sparkling lights illuminate homes and businesses signifying the 'awakening' of soul consciousness and reminding us we are divine points of light.  The star at the top of the Christmas tree reminds us of God's eternal light.  For Diwali, thousands of small lighted deepaks (wicked oil lights)  float down the rivers on leaves as a memorial of a time when each individual lived in this higher consciousness, naturally aware of being souls. Both celebrations have wonderful spiritual messages, which became diluted and forgotten over time as we changed from being introverted to extroverted; from being soul conscious to body conscious.   

Here's the unfolding story:

"In the winter of the world, the light within us grew dim.  In the darkness, we lost our way in confusion.  Too many thoughts and worries delude and freeze us into inaction in our search for the meaning of life.  A chill of change clouds the mind.  Forgetfulness fills the air covered with the illusion of beauty. But, a glimmer of light; a glow of soft peace, always there within the soul, awakens the feelings of pure love and memories of our innate goodness. The dark clouds of doubt disappear; new hope and spiritual energy fill the soul, as the Supreme Sun of Knowledge gives courage, understanding and strength to every cold ‘branch’ and ‘twig’ of this eternal Tree of Humanity.  God is only a thought away; always there to show the way,   God as the Creator, the Eternal Guiding Light of Knowledge, ignites our extinguished spiritual lights with the water of new knowledge and the flame of His loving remembrance and makes us worthy. The soul awakens and remembers with delight, ‘I am light and you are light.’  The Winter of the world enlightened, blossoms into a pure, peaceful heavenly world of happiness, where brotherly love creates harmony, as the light of the soul is constantly lit."

Now in this current Winter of the World we can shine our inner light of love again to bring the return of happiness and harmony. "Let your little light shine, let it shine, let it shine!", because the whole world now needs the light of soul consciousness.  It  takes only a moment to move away from the current Age of Darkness to the Age of Light..  Become the living lights, connected to the One True Light to awaken others to shine, and the darkness vanishes like it was never there.  We celebrate the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair.by recognizing our true inner wealth of love, generosity, prosperity and spirit. The timeless message of Christmas and Diwali:  "May God’s constant loving Light be reflected through our rekindled light".  

Yvonne Chirya Risely  





The Peace Studio event at Big Brothers Big Sisters in Miami, USA

7 November 2021



Miami, Florida (USA): Transforming the world is alive and well in South Florida!  This was evident when more than 40 distinguished journalists, artists and social activists came together over a breakfast gathering organized by the non-profit The Peace Studio. This event was held at Big Brothers Big Sisters in Miami.
The Peace Studio Board Members BK Meredith, an  Independent Media Producer/Host, and POLITICO’S Global News Editor John Yearwood organized this program.   BK Marianne, who is Vice President, Continuing Education at Big Brothers Big Sisters, helped  host and facilitate. The attendees were delighted to meet and hear from The Peace Studio Executive Director Thomas West who came in from Boston. His message: it is journalists and artists who can help bring about significant positive change in society through the stories they tell and the work that they create.  Other participants in the program included BK Shireen who led  a meditation and BK Donna who was part of the organizing committee. The 21-year-old non-profit Images and Voices of Hope recently merged with The Peace Studio.
The event was extremely  successful, with more to come in the near future!
Following the program, BK Waddy hosted a lunch at the BK Miami Center for John YearwoodThomas West and Meredith Porte, which was followed by meditation.






Celebrate Diwali, Sunday with Peace Village!

4 November 2021

Take Time in Silence to Observe & Remove the Shadows Within Which Block the Light of Love


Celebrate Diwali Sunday, Nov 7 Learn More!   


Online Event Thursday! REGISTER 


Special Series: Saturdays 11am -12pm REGISTER 


More Online Events


Moving Up To Higher Ground
Thursday, Nov 11 6:30 - 7:30pm

With Sandhya Kanthan



Powerboost Meditation
Monday -Friday 12:00 - 12:15pm

Hear Experiences and Practice Meditation 
with Raja Yoga Teachers from Near and Far.

Join us on Facebook Live 




Feel Well - Heal Well Lounge
A weekly forum every Sunday for Healthcare professionals.


For more information and to register Click Here 









Lecture this Thursday, November 4th by Sr Rona: Overcoming Habits that Drain Your Energy

4 November 2021



Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos y Canadá - Noviembre

3 November 2021


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página




Eventos en Canadá

Evento en Inglés con traducción simultánea al Español


Eventos en Florida

Haz clic aquí!

Haz clic aquí!





Eventos en Nueva York

Charlas todos los Jueves en inglés con traducción simultánea al Español




Eventos en New England



Eventos en Texas








Para registrarse haz clic abajo y recibirás un correo electrónico donde deberás verificar la suscripción


Haz clic en la imagen






Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - October 2021

3 November 2021



Workplace Meditation for employees at Deloitte's Miami office


October: Deloitte's South Florida Impact & Inclusion Council (Miami Office) has approached the BK Miami meditation center to collaborate in developing a "Back to Work" campaign for the wellbeing of its Miami employees. This campaign is being developed and under review of approval by the Council.


Deloitte with its history of 175-plus years is spread in more than 150 countries and provides industry-leading audit and assurance, tax and legal, consulting, financial advisory, and risk advisory services to nearly 90% of the Fortune Global 500® and thousands of private companies.


Virtual Workplace Meditations to resume at NBC-Telemundo Center (TC)


The Employee Wellness team at the Telemundo Center (TC) has requested the BK Miami meditation center to resume the weekly virtual meditations for its employees. The team is conducting internal employee polls to arrive at a time best suited for the employees to join and benefit from these meditation sessions.


This TC based in Miami houses a combination of offices and studios for Telemundo Network, Telemundo Studios, Telemundo International, Universo Network, and serves as NBCUniversal International's Latin America headquarters.


Florida - LA Retreat in PV



Miami group with Sr. Waddy and Sr. Usha (Puerto Rico) during the LA-Florida retreat in Peace Village


Click here for full report with photos.





Diwali Message from Mohini Didi

2 November 2021


November 2021 Homework: Divine Sanskar, Divine Sansar (World) - दैवी संस्कार, दैवी संसार”: BK Mohini Didi

2 November 2021

Click image above to play.

Om Shanti,


To all the dearly beloved brothers and sisters who constantly please the true Lord with a true heart, souls of the Yagya, instrument teachers, and the whole Brahmin family, Please accept sweet Godly love and remembrances.


In the month of October, We had taken the subject of “Siddhi Swaroop”(the perfect stage) as our homework. This practice must have uplifted everyone in the journey of our perfect stage. Now, in the month of November, we will practice on the subject of “Divine Sanskar, Divine World (Sansar)”.  We welcome you to join us on this pilgrimage of special effort “Divine Sanskar, Divine World (SansarI”.   Promo: https://youtu.be/HGmt5x5ffO8


You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder link given below. All of you are requested to share the information of this special effort with all regular students, brahmin brothers and sisters.


Do keep sending us your experiences and feedback from this special effort.

Thank you.


In Baba’s loving yaad,

BK Mohini Didi

Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris


HOMEWORK LINKS – you will receive a daily video in the below YouTube folder link.





हिंदी - Hindi 



सदा सच्चे दिल से सच्चे साहेब को राज़ी करने वाले यज्ञ के वरिष्ठ भाई-बहनेंनिमित्त टीचर्स बहनें तथा सर्व ब्राह्मण परिवार के प्रतिईश्वरीय मधुर याद प्यार स्वीकार करना जी।


हमने अक्टूबर मास में  “सिद्धि स्वरूप”(सम्पूर्ण स्थितिका अभ्यास साथ मिलकर कियाआप सबको भी 

अपनी सम्पन्नता में आगे बढ़ने का अनुभव हुआ होगा।


 अब नवम्बर मास में हमने “दैवी संस्कारदैवी संसार” का विषय अपने अभ्यास के लिए रखा है। आप सबको भी हम इसमें शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित करते है और आशा रखते है कि आप सब भी इस विशेष पुरुषार्थ की यात्रा पर हमारे साथ चलेंगे। 


Promo: https://youtu.be/HGmt5x5ffO8


प्रतिदिन आपको नीचे दी गयी YouTube Folder Link में अभ्यास की स्मृति और विधि मिलती रहेगी। आप सबसे निवेदन है कि आप यह अभ्यास की जानकारी प्रतिदिन क्लास के सर्व ब्राह्मण भाई-बहनों तक पहुँचाये।इस विशेष अभ्यास से हुए आपका अनुभव और Feedback भी हमें ज़रूर भेजते रहे। 




बाबा की याद में,

बी.के.मोहिनी दीदी

सह-मुख्य प्रशासिका, ब्रह्माकुमारीज 




Special Experiential Program on Sunday, November 7th: Igniting the Light Within at the Manhattan Center

2 November 2021



Gujarati Diwali Featuring Kashmira Didi on 2 November and 5-Day Hindi Diwali Bhatti at Anubhuti Beginning 1 November

2 November 2021