2018 UN News Archive
Table of Content
A call for service news: World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims - November 30
6 December 2018
Roads Have Stories
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
We thank you for organizing events for World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. We encourage you to send us a brief report of the event. Kindly send any photographs or videos separately. Also, we appreciate it if you can send this no later than Friday, November 30 to this email: bkroadsafety01@gmail.com
With Divine Remembrances,
BK Kavita
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims - November 18
21 October 2018
Roads Have Stories
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
Please be reminded that Sunday, November 18 is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. We invite BKs to host events using any of the following suggestions:
▪ Peace Walks with banner and placards
▪ Observing Silence and Lighting Candles at Public places like parks, streets, malls, railway stations, etc.
▪ Awareness Talk followed by meditation at offices, police stations, prayer assembly, etc.
▪ Display of Posters/Hoardings on Billboards, etc.
Resources Available: (Click here to download)
▪ WDR Resources:
▪ Flyer Content
▪ Flyer Design
▪ Banner Design
▪ Affirmations for Meditation
▪ Placards for Peace Walk
You are requested to share information of the World Day events planned and the news, photos and videos of concluded events to bkroadsafety01@gmail.com
With Divine Remembrances,
BK Kavita
December UN Calendar of Events
15 October 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
There are a few UN Observances in November and December which the Brahma Kumaris participate in. Kindly take a moment to read the calendar of events below. We encourage you to use these opportunities to share the message of peace, love, and respect within your communities. As always, we appreciate it if you send a brief report along with photographs.
International Day of Tolerance
Friday, November 16
The UN defines tolerance as respect, appreciate and acceptance of the diversity of the world’s cultures and all the ways that we are human. It is a human right to receive, and should be expected to be practiced by not just individuals, but groups and states.
The International Day for Tolerance supports the notion that education is a key factor in preventing intolerance across the human race. On this day, we are encouraged to educate and learn how to practice solidarity between ethnic, social and cultural groups.
Read more
You are encouraged to arrange events in your local area, in partnerships or otherwise, around this theme. We look forward to receiving news in writing and photos.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
Road Have Stories
Sunday, November 18
"The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) is observed on the third Sunday of November each year by an increasing number of countries on every continent around the world. This day is dedicated to remembering the many millions killed or injured in road crashes and their families and communities, as well as to pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police and medical professionals who daily deal with the traumatic aftermath of road death and injury. Why is there a need for this day?"
World Meditation Hour is a perfect time to serve these souls. You are welcome to organize a program having official personnel and/or family members of victims share their stories. The BKs at the UN will be organizing an event in partnership with local organizations.
We look forward to receiving your reports, with photographs.
Human Rights Day
Let’s stand up for equality, justice and human dignity
Sunday, December 10
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2018 and is having a year-long campaign to highlight the importance and necessity of upholding human dignity.
Kindly use this opportunity to have events that raise awareness and uplift the inner dignity of the soul.
You're invited to watch this excellent animation which can generate ideas when planning your event: What are the Universal Human Rights? Do send your brief reports along with photos.
Other UN Observances
You are welcome to participate in local events around other UN Observances:
20 November - Universal Children's Day
25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence on Women
3 December - International Day of Persons with Disabilities
18 December - International Migrantk's Day

September UN Newsletter
14 October 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
September comes with the annual UN General Assembly where Heads-of-states and their delegation, gather at the UNHQ, NY to discuss moving Agenda 2030 forward . During that intense period of time, the BKS at the UN had the privilege of the company of BK Jayanti, and also observed the International Day of Peace. We invite you to read news of that, and more.
Global Movement for the Culture of Peace
The Culture of Peace: A Credible Pathway to Sustaining Peace
As defined by the United Nations, “Culture of Peace” is a “set of values, attitudes, modes of behavior and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations.” The Brahma Kumaris attended this year's event and also met with the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Dr. Rigoberta Menchu Tum. Dr. Tum is an activist in a small Mayan community in Guatemala.
Quote from the President of the GA: "we are closer now than we have ever been to an international system which can support and promote a culture of peace."
2018 Sustainable Investing Conference at the United Nations
ECOSOC Chambers, Tuesday, September 11
BK Gayatri Naraine led over 400 prominent investors in silent meditation, in remembrance of 9/11, to open the conference on Sustainable Investment. You are invited to read more here.
Global Climate Action Summit
September 12 -14, San Francisco
The Global Climate Action Summit brought leaders, NGO’s, businesses, cities, citizens and different personalities together in San Francisco to celebrate their achievements and commitments with respect to climate action.
The Brahma Kumaris took part in this summit by sharing its commitments with renewable energy and how spirituality brings ways to change ourselves and the the world. Several workshops took place, along with interfaith activities, meditations and meeting with friends. Read more.
International Day of Peace
September 21
This year, the usual Student Observance that takes place in celebrating the International Day of Peace was replaced with a tribute to the late and former Secretary General, Mr. Kofi Annan. However, the ringing of the Peace Bell by the Secretary General, H.E. Antonio Guterres, and the new President of the General Assembly, H.E. Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, was held along with observing a minute of silence at 12noon.
There was a series of events held at the UN Church Center to honor this day. One such event was organized by the International Day Yoga Committee at the UN, of which the BKs are the Vice-chair. Read more.
BK Jayanti's visit to New York
Sr. Jayanti's visit to New York was mainly to be a Spiritual Resource, with BK Mohini, for the Call-of-the-Time Retreat which was held in Peace Village. This coincided with the celebration of 40 years of service of the Brahma Kumaris in the USA. The BKUN office also took the opportunity to have her meet with the larger UN community by hosting two events:
The 2030 Development Agenda: Defining Transforming within the Sustainable Development Agenda
Wednesday, September 26
The United Nations calls its Agenda 2030 a transformative agenda. The Brahma Kumaris and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), hosted a third in a series of dialogues to explore what transformation really means. Sr. Jayanti was one of four speakers who addressed 40 representatives from UN Agencies, the Business Sector, NGOs, and Academia.
A Time with Sr. Jayanti: Serving with An Attitude of Universal Benevolence (Ahimsa)
An informal conversation was held with Sr. Jayanti and some close friends of the BKUN Office in NY. It was a time to share insights, experience company that nurtures, and empower the self.
Eastern Meditation for Western Minds
Thursday, September 27
A unique event was hosted at the exclusive Harvard Club in NYC for people in leadership roles to have an introduction to meditation, which Sr. Jayanti eloquently delivered. As over 80 people from a wide cross section of society left the room, it seemed that they had a deeper commitment to ensure they nurture themselves on a regular basis.
Special Visits
Chair of the International Day of Yoga Committee at the UN, Ms. Denise Scotto, Esq., proudly presented BK Jayanti with a beautiful hard copy of the Special Edition of Light on Light E-Magazine which commemorated World Yoga Day 2018. The magazine features how yoga is experienced in the work of the UN and how it is practiced in the daily lives of people through UN accredited NGOs and the greater community.
The Session of the UN General Assembly is usually opened with a Prayer Service in which all delegates, UN dignitaries, and Interfaith Leaders are invited to attend. The Service was held at the Church of the Holy Family and presided over by The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN, Archbishop Auza.
Ongoing at the UN
Thursday evening meditations are continuing to nurture the UN Community. There has also been an ongoing flow of visitors who stop by to learn more about the activities of the BKs at the UN and how we can work together, or simply just to say 'hello'.
UN International Observances Celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris
International Days
Below are the upcoming International Days that you may be interested in observing. As usual, we appreciate a brief report and photos for the facebook page and the blog.
You are welcome to browse this website for updates on themes and other information and international days you may wish to.
July - August 2018 UN Newsletter
16 September 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
Mid-year at UNHQ, NY is usually quiet except for the UN DPI NGO annual conference. We invite you to read news of that, and more.
It was a 2-days conference held on August 22 and 23 at the UNHQ, with a post-conference networking session on August 24 at the Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY. The Brahma Kumaris at the UN, a delegation of 5,(Gayatri Naraine, Sabita Geer, Julia Grindon-Welch, Kinnari Murthy, Pramity Shah), participated by attending various roundtables and workshops, facilitating an exhibit prepared by BK Youths, and being a speaker on a panel at one of the many workshops. Read more.
BK Delegation
Raksha Bandhan Celebration
Thursday, August 30
In the spirit of brotherhood, many friends, new as well as long-time, gathered at the serene space of the BKs at the UN to experience the beautiful bond between self and God. BK Gayatri, who was the Spiritual Resource, shared on the deeper aspects of Raksha Bandhan, and tied the rakhi on the wrists of everyone.
Peace in the Park
Central Park Bandshell, NY
Friday, July 20
Peace in the Park, an annual peace festival organized by the Brahma Kumaris, was a grand success this year as many NGOs and other friends of BKUN community came together to share the message of love, respect, compassion, and more with the people of NYC and the world. Read more here.
Special Visits
Members of the International Day of Yoga Committee at the UN proudly presented a beautiful hard copy of the Special Edition of Light on Light E-Magazine to His Excellency, the Honorable Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin, which commemorated World Yoga Day 2018 and features how yoga is experienced in the work of the UN and how it is practiced in the daily lives of people through UN accredited NGOs and the greater community.
A courtesy call was also made on the Deputy Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN, Mr. Yerkin Akhinzhanov.
H.E. Syed Akbaruddin and members of the IDY Committee
Deputy Ambassador Mr. Yerkin getting his rakhi tied by BK Gayatri
Ongoing at the UN
Apart from organizing programs at the UN, the BKUN team has been attending side events and supporting a number of other causes organized by UN Agencies and Mission States.
Insight Series: A Discussion on Migration at the Dag Hammarskjold Library
Launch of the International Day of Education for Global Citizenship at the Korean Mission
UN International Observances Celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris
International Days
Below are the upcoming International Days that you may be interested in observing. As usual, we appreciate a brief report and photos for the facebook page and the blog.
You are welcome to browse this website for updates on themes and other information and international days you may wish to observe.
September 21 International Day of Peace
October 1 International Day of Older Persons
October 2 International Day of Non-violence
November 16 International Day of Tolerance
November 18 World Day of Remebrance for Road Traffic Victims
December 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 10 Human Rights Day
International Weeks:
February 1 - 7 World Interfaith Harmony Week
May 4 - 10 UN Global Road Safety Week (every 2 years)
April - June UN Newsletter
12 August 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
As the changing of seasons brings new and fresh energy, the BKUN team spent time in generating the same in the new space in New York, along with participating in ongoing UN events across the world.
We invite you to read news of International Earth Day, World Environment Day, Climate Change Conference, International Day of Yoga, and more.
International Mother Earth Day is celebrated all over the world on the 22nd of April. It reminds each of us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance. Here is the report of the celebration held in Moscow
World Environment Day
Beat Plastic Pollution
Tuesday, June 5
This year, Global Cooperation House in London, UK, organized a beautiful program to honor World Environment Day. Read more about this
BK Jayanti shared a video message for the environment
Climate Change Conference
Bonn, Germany. April 29 – May 4, 2018
The Brahma Kumaris participated in the Bonn Conference which opened with a Civil Society Strategy Meeting on “Integrating Rights in the Paris Implementation Guidelines.” Read more here
Yoga: Peace, Unity, and Healing
Sharing Collective Meditation in Stillness: Tuesday, June 19
The International Day of Yoga (IDY) Committee at the United Nations, of which the Brahma Kumaris is the Vice Chair, organized a unique event with a focus on meditation and silence. Kindly click here for more.
The BKUN representatives also participated in the programs organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the UN.
Along with co-hosting and attending events, the Brahma Kumaris were featured in the Special Edition in the magazine, Light On Light, focussing on yoga and its various forms, highlighting the benefits whether physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or socially. Browse magazine.
There was also the opportunity to be interviewed on the online radio show special, VoiceAmerica Convergence, for the first time.
Programs have been organized by many Brahma Kumaris centers worldwide. You are invited to read news on onelink website
Sri Lanka
NYU students' visit
Group from Cinnaminson, NJ
BK Youth USA
Group from Westchester/Bronx, NY
Chat Series on Role of Youths in Promoting Peacekeeping at the DPI Resource Center.
Launch of the International Day of Education for Global Citizenship at the Korean Mission
International Day of Yoga Community Event and Awards Ceremony
Commemoration Stone on Poverty being laid by H.E. Ambassador of France in the UNHQ
Special Gatherings at the BKUN Space
Ever since the completion of the new office in New York, activities have been planned and there has been an ongoing flow of visitors, internationally and nationally. Groups of friends from the various BK centers in New York and New Jersey, including the BK Youth group and Teachers from the America Region, filled the space with their energy of love and compassion for humanity and their pure intent to serve the world. BK Sheilu and BK Munni of Mt. Abu also graced the space with their peaceful presence.
Ongoing at the UN
Apart from organizing programs at the UN, the BKUN team has been attending side events and supporting a number of other causes organized by UN Agencies and Mission States.
UN International Observances Celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris
International Days
Kindly make a special note of these dates so that events can be organized to celebrate or honor them. As usual, we appreciate a brief report and photos for the facebook page and the blog.
You are welcome to browse this website for updates on themes and other information and international days you may wish to observe.
February 11 International Day for Women and Girls in Science
March 8 International Women's Day
March 20 International Day of Happiness
April 7 World Health Day
April 22 International Earth Day
May 15 International Day of Families
June 5 World Environment Day
June 21 International Day of Yoga
August 12 International Youth Day
August 19 World Humanitarian Day
September 21 International Day of Peace
October 1 International Day of Older Persons
October 2 International Day of Non-violence
November 16 International Day of Tolerance
November 18 World Day of Remebrance for Road Traffic Victims
December 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 10 Human Rights Day
International Weeks:
February 1 - 7 World Interfaith Harmony Week
May 4 - 10 UN Global Road Safety Week (every 2 years)
UN May - June Calendar of Events
18 May 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
Seasons' are changing around the world bringing fresh energy to the awareness of the BKUN teams as programs and events continue.
The month of May reminds us of freedom of the press and the importance of family, while June draws our attention to the environment and Yoga Day. Please find below more details and we encourage you to arrange programs to promote these observances.
Keeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of Law’
Thursday, May 3
The Brahma Kumaris at the UN in NY will be attending this event. If you feel inspired, you are most welcome to co-host an event in your area.
This year, the focus will be on issues of media, transparency and media literacy of the judicial system, and the accountability of state institutions towards the public. The Day will also examine contemporary challenges of ensuring press freedom online.
Read more about World Press Freedom Day.
International Day of Families
Families and Inclusive Societies
May 15
The 2018 observance of the International Day of Families focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 16 relating to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
You are most welcome to organize programs to support this day.
World Environment Day
Beat Plastic Pollution
Tuesday, June 5
The year, India is the host country for Environment Day. This year's theme, “Beat Plastic Pollution”, urges governments, industry, communities, and individuals to come together and explore sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and excessive use of single-use plastic which are polluting our oceans, damaging marine life, and threatening human health.
“India is excited to host the World Environment Day this year on June 5. Indian philosophy and lifestyle has long been rooted in the concept of co-existence with nature. We are committed to making Planet Earth a cleaner and greener place”, said Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India. Read more about this
We encourage you to organize an event to raise awareness to end plastic pollution.
Watch more here
International Day of Yoga
Thursday, June 21
As you are aware, this day is widely celebrated by our networks annually. Once again, we hope you co-organize events in your areas. Kindly visit the website to obtain details regarding theme and possible logo for 2018.
We look forward to receiving your news in brief.
UN International Observances Celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris
International Days
Kindly make a special note of these dates so that events can be organized to celebrate or honor them. As usual, we appreciate a brief report and photos for the facebook page and the blog.
You are welcome to browse this website for updates on themes and other information and international days you may wish to observe.
February 11 International Day for Women and Girls in Science
March 8 International Women's Day
March 20 International Day of Happiness
April 7 World Health Day
April 22 International Earth Day
May 15 International Day of Families
June 5 World Environment Day
June 21 International Day of Yoga
August 12 International Youth Day
August 19 World Humanitarian Day
September 21 International Day of Peace
October 1 International Day of Older Persons
October 2 International Day of Non-violence
November 16 International Day of Tolerance
November 18 World Day of Remebrance for Road Traffic Victims
December 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 10 Human Rights Day
International Weeks:
February 1 - 7 World Interfaith Harmony Week
May 4 - 10 UN Global Road Safety Week (every 2 years)
January March UN Newsletter
18 April 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
The past three months have been quite engaging for the BKUN team. We invite you to read news of our participation during International Day of Happiness, the 62nd. Commission on the Status of Women, International Women's Day, World Water Day, and the 56th. Commission for Social Development!
Happiness At the Center of Work
Tuesday, March 20
This year's observance was held in the Delegates' Dining Room of the UNHQ, NY, in a round-table setting. This allowed for intimate conversation with other NGOs and ambassadors of various countries. The BKs were at table "4b" where we discussed 'Social Well-being for Happiness.' Read more
The Brahma Kumaris in Quito, Equador, also organized an event to celebrate this day. Read more
Empowering Rural Women and Girls
Parallel and Community Events
The BK delegation organized two parallel events and two community events during the first week of the Commission. One community event, held on Tuesday, March 13, brought together the local Brahma Kumaris community to send good wishes to all the wonderful CSW paticipants, the United Nations; and to the important work of empowering women all over the world. It was an enriching and enlightening experience for the BK team working together, enjoying each other's company, and meeting women from a wide range of cultures.
Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives
Thursday, March 8
It's always exciting around this time of year as the energy within the UN is abuzz with lightness, beauty, and compassion of the feminine, amidst the seriousness that surround the various women's issues.
The UN HQ hosted a grand event in the General Assembly Hall to celebrate this day and the BKs was well represented.
Other Events have also taken place within the BK network, such as in Global Cooperation House, UK.
Nature for Water
Thursday, March 22
World Water Day was observed by a few places - the UK where BK Jaymini Patel attended the event organized by the House of Lords; and Mauritius where the Brahma Kumaris, in partnership with the Academy for Integrated
and Sustainable Development (AISD) hosted the event.
Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all
January 28 - February 7
Of the many interesting side events to attend, the BKs participated in a selected few, each covering various dimensions of poverty and strategies to eradicate extreme poverty. They also got the opportunity to meet Ms. World 2006, Ms. Taťána Gregor Brzobohatá.
You may click here to read full report.
March and April 2018 Calendar of Events
4 March 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
After refreshing ourselves at our beloved pilgrimage place in Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, the team looks forward to the busy months ahead.
The month of March reminds us of women's empowerment and happiness, while April draws our attention to health and Mother Earth. Please find below more details and we encourage you to arrange programs to promote these observances.
Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives
Thursday, March 8
This year, International Women’s Day comes on the heels of unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice. All forms of violence and discrimination against women have captured headlines and public discourse, propelled by a rising determination for change.
2018 offers an opportunity to apply the spiritual trajectory - awareness into action, to empower women in all settings, rural and urban, and celebrate activists who are working relentlessly to claim women’s rights and realize their full potential.
There is also a campaign that you maybe interested in taking part in. World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings tell us that gender parity is over 200 years away - that there has never been a more important time to keep motivated and #PressforProgress.
We look forward to receiving news, in writing and pictures, of event/s you have organized in your communities.
62nd. Commission on the Status of Women
Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls
March 12 -23
This annual two weeks conference held at the UN Headquarters in New York, addresses current issues women face all around the world. The Brahma Kumaris has been participating for many years and this year, a delegation of 6 will be representing the Institution. A statement written by the Brahma Kumaris is published on the UN Women's website
A workshop on the topic, Awareness to Action: Nurturing Seeds of Change, will be facilitated by the BK delegation on Wednesday, March 14.
To learn more on the commission, click here
BK Delegation: Julia Grindon-Welch, Marianne Lizana, Nalisha Mehta, Sabita Geer, Kinnari Murthy, and Tina Agarwal.
International Day of Happiness
Tuesday, March 20
Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a way to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. Last year, the Smurfs partnered with the UN and UNICEF to help advocate the awareness and importance of leading a life of happiness.
We do hope you feel inspired to organize an event to celebrate Happiness.
You may read more about this day here
Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere.
Saturday, April 7
The World Health Organization (WHO) was founded on the principle that all people should be able to realize their right to the highest possible level of health. This year, WHO will maintain a high-profile focus on Universal Health Coverage via a series of events, starting on World Health Day on 7 April, with global and local conversations about ways to achieve health for all. Their slogan is “Health for All”.
As an organization that teaches the highest form of yoga and well-being, this venture is a wonderful way to share some of what we practice with our friends, contacts, and the general public. We encourage you to partner with WHO in your area, or any other organization, to host an event.
Learn more.
As usual, we appreciate receiving your brief reports and photographs.
End Plastic Polution
Sunday, April 22
From poisoning and injuring marine life to imbalancing human hormones, from littering our beaches and landscapes to clogging our waste streams and landfills, the exponential growth of plastics is now threatening the survival of our planet.
In response, Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to primarily provide information and
inspiration needed to facilitate change in human attitude and behavior towards plastics. This can pose a challenge to people as plastic is used in many ways unknowingly. Events that support this campaign can be of great service to our world. Get ideas
Watch video here
Please send us your news in brief.
UN International Observances Celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris
International Days
Kindly make a special note of these dates so that events can be organized to celebrate or honor them. As usual, we appreciate a brief report and photos for the facebook page and the blog.
You are welcome to browse this website for updates on themes and other information and international days you may wish to observe.
February 11 International Day for Women and Girls in Science
March 8 International Women's Day
March 20 International Day of Happiness
April 7 World Health Day
April 22 International Earth Day
May 15 International Day of Families
June 5 World Environment Day
June 21 International Day of Yoga
August 12 International Youth Day
August 19 World Humanitarian Day
September 21 International Day of Peace
October 1 International Day of Older Persons
October 2 International Day of Non-violence
November 16 International Day of Tolerance
November 18 World Day of Remebrance for Road Traffic Victims
December 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 10 Human Rights Day
International Weeks:
February 1 - 7 World Interfaith Harmony Week
May 4 - 10 UN Global Road Safety Week
UN Calendar of Events for January and February
1 January 2018
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of love.
The beginning of the year is usually the time for introspection which allows for inner transformation on a deeper level. This provides a good foundation for the success of service at the UN.
There are a few major UN conferences and observances in January and February which we would like you to be aware of and participate accordingly. These include the 56th Session for the Commission on Social Development, World Interfaith Harmony Week and 2018 Youth Essay Contest!
2018 Youth Essay Contest
Describe Your Spiritual Experiences Of Divine Love
Due to the overwhelming success of The Institute for Research on Unlimited Love’s first Youth Essay Contest in 2016, the Institute is pleased to announce a second essay competition for young people ages 13 to 15 and ages 16 to 19.
In the first contest, the essay submitted by BK Maria Paula Cervera was given a mark of distinction with an “Honorable Mention” which she presented at the UN.
The Institute is an inter-spiritual non-profit public charity founded in 2001 in Cleveland, Ohio, and currently based in New York, with a worldwide reach. Dr. Stephen Post, Director of the Institute, is a friend of the BKs with whom we work closely on various projects.
Please read details of the contest here: Institute for Unlimited Love.
We appreciate it if you kindly let us know of your interest to participate and if there are any submissions.
Group of Youth Winners 2016
Maria Paula Cervera in front of the UNHQ, NY
ECOSOC Youth Forum
The role of youth in building sustainable and resilient urban and rural communities
January 30 - 31
This annual two-day forum, held at the UN Headquarters in New York, is bringing together youths from all over the world, including BK youths! Look out for details in February Newsletter.
Commission for Social Development
January 28 - February 7
The SDG1 team of the BKs will once again be attending the UN 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development under the theme: Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all.
You may read more about the Commission here
Images from 2017
Love of God, Love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbor
February 1 - 7
The UN General Assembly is encouraging members of all communities to support this week by spreading the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship, on a voluntary basis and according to their own religious traditions or convictions.
Each BK center is encouraged to have at least one conversation and to invite faith-based people to talk about this universal concept of love as is understood by the different faiths.
As usual, we appreciate receiving your brief reports and photographs.
UN International Observances Celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris
International Days
Kindly make a special note of these dates so that events can be organized to celebrate or honor them. As usual, we appreciate a brief report and photos for the facebook page and the blog.
You are welcome to browse this website for updates on themes and other information and international days you may wish to observe.
February 11 International Day for Women and Girls in Science
March 8 International Women's Day
March 20 International Day of Happiness
April 7 World Health Day
April 22 International Earth Day
May 15 International Day of Families
June 5 World Environment Day
June 21 International Day of Yoga
August 12 International Youth Day
August 19 World Humanitarian Day
September 21 International Day of Peace
October 1 International Day of Older Persons
October 2 International Day of Non-violence
November 16 International Day of Tolerance
November 18 World Day of Remebrance for Road Traffic Victims
December 10 Human Rights Day
International Weeks:
February 1 - 7 World Interfaith Harmony Week
May 4 - 10 UN Global Road Safety Week
New Year Message for 2018 from Brahma Kumaris UN Office
27 December 2017
Dear National Coordinators and Center Coordinators,
Greetings of peace.
We are standing at the brink of the New Year, aware of the past, the present and the future. There is no need for us to dwell on the past or to have desires for the future.
All of the possibilities for the future dwell in the seed of this moment.
The hope of the world lives in each of us. So in this moment of promise, forgive yourself and forgive others. Live in peace and be at peace with others.
Fill your heart with happiness and share happiness. Reconnect with the Supreme Source of peace, love and happiness, and make your life a constant light for humanity.
With love at the New Year,
BK Janki