2023 April Europe News Archive 2023 April Europe News Archive

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Invitation to the 'Goodbye to Anger, Frustration and Irritation' In-Person Event on Sunday 30 April

29 April 2023

Please find below details of the 'Goodbye To Anger, Frustration and Irritation' event that is happening this Sunday, 30th April at Global Cooperation House, London NW10.


You are welcome to share this event with your friends or colleagues who live anywhere near London who might benefit what is often experienced to be a life-changing event. It is a great opportunity to meet up, share and learn with others who want to be more kind and peaceful.


The event is inhouse only and only happens three times per year.


For anyone who is interested but cannot attend in person a pre-recorded four-part version of the 'Goodbye To Anger' course is freely available at https://globalcooperationhouse.org/ondemand 


Facilitator: John McConnel is a stress management trainer and former prison governor and social worker, who has spent many years helping people to deal with the consequences of their anger. Based in London, he conducts various workshops and seminars on this and related topics here and abroad. He has been a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris for over 30 years and is the author of  Breaking Through The Darkness: how to defeat depression, anxiety and stress – a spiritual perspective.











Wembley InnerSpace Brings you ‘Power of Rising Early’: An Online Event on May 2nd, 2023

29 April 2023

Power of Rising Early

Tuesday 02 May 2023, 6:45 pm – 7:45 pm BST


They say early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Knowing the truth is one thing. But doing it is another. What are the challenges of waking up and what are the benefits?


Warmly inviting all this evening to discover the secrets that may heighten our understanding.


About Speaker: Rachel Priestman
Rachel is a former Arts Management Consultant and a PR Advisor for Cambridge University. With a wide experience in various fields, she is an enthusiastic team member at Brahma Kumaris headquarters in London, offering her talents with joy and enthusiasm.


Click to Watch Live 

Click To Watch Live on YouTube 






WANDS MONTHLY INFO - Tuesdays in MAY 2023

29 April 2023

Dear All, Greetings of love!

Please find attached the WANDS  MONTHLY INFO FOR MAY 2023  - for circulation. Please feel free to share with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior Yogis. Some translations will also be available.

The Flyer is can be downloaded HERE..

Webinar Links are:

Passcode: 577203

Passcode: 577203

In Baba's loving Remembrance,
Many thanks and much love!
Madhvi for WANDS



GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 24th - 30th April

24 April 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week - 24th - 30th April.


Monday 24th April – An Evening with Dadi Janki

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.30 pm – Morning Class Dadi Janki 8/05/2013 London (with English – 45 mins)


Tuesday 25th April – An Evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm – Dharna class by Dadi Gulzar – 30/03/2011


Wednesday 26th April - Hindi Talk – 7 – 8 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

प्रभावशाली संवाद : Effective Communication

Speaker : Manorama Didi - Prayagraj


Thursday 27th April – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Benevolent Boundaries

Speakers: A lively conversation between Rosemary Turberville Smith and Christine Bell on this significant yet sensitive topic


Friday – 28th April – Meditation 7 – 8 pm


Saturday 29th April – An evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

30/11/2010 - Exercise your mind every hour and make it powerful.  Since Baba is your world (sansaar), also make your sanskars the same as those of the Father.


Sunday 30th April

7.30 am - Class by Sudesh ben/Sister Jayanti

7 – 8 pm - Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now



Best wishes

Webcast Team






Latest news from Jayanti Didi, 23rd April, 2023

23 April 2023

I arrived back in London from Bharat on Friday 21st April. 


London is beautiful in spring time and on Saturday we had the UK Teachers gathering on the theme A year of Positive Change - The Power of Purity.  It was lovely to see long term friends coming together.  It was a very good day.


Om Shanti





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 24th April at globalcooperationhouse.org

23 April 2023



News and Views Sister Jayanti Monday 24th April, 2023 4.00 pm London time, 11 am Eastern

23 April 2023



Manchester Inner Space Presents: Time for a Reboot? – 3 Steps to a New, Improved You, an Online Talk on April 21

21 April 2023

Manchester (UK): Feeling stuck? Is it time to say goodbye to old habits and hello to a new and improved you? Join us for practical tips to help you revitalise your life and make lasting changes.


Online Talk: Time for a Reboot? – 3 Steps to a New, Improved You

Organised by Inner Space Manchester


Registration not required


Click here to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 987 3822 5435   |   Passcode: wisdom

or Click here  to watch live on Facebook


The Speaker

Sister Antonella studied Oriental Language and Culture both in Italy (Milan) and Japan where, in 1988, she came across the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris. She established and ran a successful fashion business in the Emerald Coast in Sardinia before getting very much involved in studying and teaching about spirituality and the importance of values. Involved in opening BK branches in Milan, Olbia and Bologna, she has been the main organiser of four international forums of Spirituality and Arts in Sardinia and promoted Living Values Education activities in Italy.  A member of the BK national core team since the very beginning, she has written 3 books on spirituality and recorded many guided meditation CDs.  Currently based in Bologna, she runs daily programmes online, on a variety of spiritual topics.






GCH Evening Webcast - 17th - 23rd April 2023

17 April 2023

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 17th – 23rd April 2023


Monday 17th April – An Evening with Mama

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.30 pm – Importance of Amrit vela – Mama’s class (29 mins)


Tuesday 18th April – An Evening with Sister Jayanti (Audio)

7 pm Meditation

7.30 pm – Law of karma & wheel of time (English) – 47 mins


Wednesday 19th April - Hindi Talk – 7 – 8 pm

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

खुशी का विज्ञान : The Science of Happiness

Speaker : Professor E.V. Girish, India


Thursday 20th April – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Decompress Your Stress

Speaker: Mathias Steffen, Switzerland


Friday – 21st April – Meditation 7 – 8 pm


Saturday 22nd April – An evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

15/12/2011 - Constantly maintain your intoxication and become a carefree emperor.  Become complete and equal through intense effort and make preparations to return home with the Father.


Sunday 23rd April – Meditation 7 – 8 pm



Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now






What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 17th April at globalcooperationhouse.org

16 April 2023



WANDS (Public) Event - "Self Honour & Humility" - Tuesday, 18th April with Sr Denise Lawrence

16 April 2023

Dear All, Greetings of love!


Please find attached the WANDS  Info for Tuesday 18th April  2023 - with Sr Denise Lawrence. The  Topic: "SELF HONOUR AND HUMILITY"


You may connect from 10.10 for the Tech checks and 'Meet and Greet'. The Main Session isfrom 10.30 - 12 Noon (UK Time)


Please feel free to share this with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior teachers. Some translations will also be available.


Webinar Links:



Passcode: 577203





Passcode: 577203


Many thanks and much love!

Madhvi for WANDS






A Meditation For World Peace, 16th April, 6.30 pm-8.00 pm (UK Time), with Brother Chandan

13 April 2023

विश्व शान्ति के लिए योग साधना 


A Meditation For World Peace


वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्: कहा जाता है सारा विश्‍व ही कुटुंब है, तो आईये हम सभी मिलकर विश्‍व शांति के लिए 1 घंटा योग साधना करें।


Join us for an evening of guided meditation commentaries in Hindi with visuals and devotional songs to give loving vibrations to our world family. 


Let us meditate together to spread God's elevated vibrations to transform the world.


Sunday 16th April, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Guided Meditation and Inspirations 

Brother Chandan, Global Retreat Centre, Oxford



Join on Zoom:



Meeting ID: 990 9901 2708

Passcode: peace





GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK Family - 11th - 16th April

11 April 2023

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week - 11th - 16th April.


Tuesday 11th April – An Evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm Dadi Gulzar Ji's Class 14-11-10


Wednesday 12th April - Hindi Talk – 7 – 8 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

थकान को टैकल करना - Tackling Tiredness

Speaker: Sister Bindu, Oklahoma, USA


Thursday 13th April – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Hidden Heroes

Speaker: Judy Rodgers, New York, USA


Friday – 14th April – Meditation 7 – 8 pm


Saturday 15th April – An evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

30/11/03 - Become an authority of experience in all four subjects and transform problems into the form of solutions.


Sunday 16th April – 3rd Sunday World Meditation Hour – 6.30 – 7.30 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 10th April at globalcooperationhouse.org

9 April 2023



Cambridge (UK)- Sanjeevani Retreat in Hindi - Oonchi Chetna Ka Anubhav-संजीवनी रिट्रीट - ऊंची चेतना का अनुभव - जागरूकता और समझ की ऊंची अवस्था

9 April 2023

* * *  In Hindi Language * * * 

Online Sanjeevani Retreat in Hindi

Oonchi Chetna Ka Anubhav


Monday 10th April to Sunday 16th April 2023

11 AM to 12:3o PM UK Time and 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM (IST) on Zoom


'The spiritual life does not cut us off from the world, but takes us deeper.' ― Henry J.M. Nouven


If you are looking for advancement in your own life, if you need strength to lift your mind above daily trivialities, if you can do with a clear understanding of your existence, if you need a direction of change, Practical steps are needed...then this retreat is for you. 


Promo video: https://youtu.be/sc4jzcXNJDc


Registration: Whatsapp your name and city to this number: +91 8128392564


Facilitator: Dr. Prashant Kakode is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT. surgery and integrative health. His main interest is in the relationship between the psyche, emotions, behavior and health. Prashant has spoken on these topics in many countries and institutions including W.H.O. And has also done medical teaching programs within the United States.


Om Shanti

***The BK Cambridge Team***


संजीवनी रिट्रीट - ऊंची चेतना का अनुभव - जागरूकता और समझ की ऊंची अवस्था


संजीवनी रिट्रीट में शामिल होने के लिए आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं - सोमवार 10 अप्रैल से रविवार 16 अप्रैल 2023 ज़ूम पर प्रतिदिन दोपहर 3:30 बजे से शाम 5:00 बजे तक(Zoom)(IST)


 कृपया ध्यान दें: रजिस्ट्रेशन निःशुल्क है लेकिन अनिवार्य है। रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए अपना नाम और शहर इस नंबर पर whatsapp करें: +91 8128392564


यह रिट्रीट हिंदी भाषा में है।


"आध्यात्मिक जीवन हमें दुनिया से दूर नहीं करता हैबल्कि हमें और गहराई में ले जाता है।" ― हेनरी जे.एमनौवेन


यदि आप अपने स्वयं के जीवन में उन्नति की तलाश कर रहे हैंयदि आपको अपने मन को दैनिक तुच्छताओं से ऊपर उठाने के लिए शक्ति की आवश्यकता हैयदि आप अपने अस्तित्व की स्पष्ट समझ के साथ कर सकते हैंयदि आपको परिवर्तन की दिशा में व्यावहारिक कदमों की आवश्यकता है... तो यह रिट्रीटआप के लिए है। Promo: https://youtu.be/sc4jzcXNJDc


सूत्रधार डॉप्रशांत काकोडे कैंब्रिज में स्थित हैं और उनकी पृष्ठभूमि .एन.टीसर्जरी और एकीकृत स्वास्थ्य है। उनकी मुख्य रुचि मानसभावनाओंव्यवहार और स्वास्थ्य के बीच संबंध में है। प्रशांत ने W.H.O सहित कई देशों और संस्थानों में इन विषयों पर बात की है। और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के भीतर चिकित्सा शिक्षण कार्यक्रम भी किए हैं।


ओम शांति

*** बीके कैम्ब्रिज टीम ***






What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of April 3rd at globalcooperationhouse.org

3 April 2023




A warm invitation to a 'Values for Life'  spiritual conversation between two Raja Yogis on "Open-Mindedness" | Saturday, 3:30 pm - UK time

3 April 2023

Join us for Episode #62  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series: a spiritual reflection on “Open - Mindedness” this Saturday (3:30 pm - UK time)


Value:  Open - Mindedness ( खुली सोच )

Speaker: Eric Le Reste, National Coordinator, Brahma Kumaris, Canada and

                 Sr. Gayatri Naraine, Brahma Kumaris Representative to the UN and Raja Yoga Practitioner, USA.

Date/Time:  Saturday, 1st April  2023 (1.5 Hrs session)

Translation available in:  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil  & Telugu


Kindly note the timing in your region: 

8:00 pm (India)

3:30 pm (UK)

4:30 pm (France, Spain)

5:30 pm  (Turkey)

6:30 pm  (Dubai)

7:30 am (Westcoast US / Can )

10:30 am (Eastcoast US / Can)

11:30  am (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoomhttp://omshanti.live/zoom 

or:  Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710


Join on YouTube Live -

in English  - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 


Thank you.

‘Values for Life’ Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)







GCH Evening Webcasts: 3rd - 10th April 2023, Including Easter Weekend

3 April 2023

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 3rd – 9th April 2023


Monday 3rd April – An Evening with Sister Shivani (25 mins)

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.30 pm – Sister Shivani sharing her experience of Dadi Gulzar’s last few weeks.


Tuesday 4th April – An Evening with Dadi Prakashmani

7 pm Meditation

7.30 pm Dadi Prakashmani sharing her experiences with Mama


Wednesday 5th April - Hindi Talk – 7 – 8 pm

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

मधुबन में रहने का अनुभव - Experience of Being in Madhuban

Speaker: Brother Ravi, Resident of Madhuban


Thursday 6th April – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7 – 8 pm

Let Your Conscience Be Your Friend

Speaker: Rachel Priestman, UK


Easter Weekend

Good Friday – 7th April – Bank Holiday (Sunday timing class)

10 am – 12 noon – Walk in Regents Park

Special Bhatthi 7 - 8 pm


Saturday 8th April – An evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

14-12-1997 - Avoid anything wasteful or negative and become worthy of claiming an award


Sunday 9th April – Creative evening with Sister Aruna from GRC 7.00 - 8.30 pm


Easter Monday 10th April – Bank Holiday (Sunday timing class)

Special Bhatthi 7 - 8 pm



Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View / hear webcasts


Time in London now





WANDS (Public) EVENT INFO - Tuesday 4th APRIL 2023 (with Yogesh Sharda)

3 April 2023

Dear All, Greetings of love!

Please find attached the WANDS  Info for Tuesday 4th April 2023 - with YOGESH SHARDA 



You may connect from 10.10 for the Tech checks and 'Meet and Greet'

Main Session: 10.30 - 12 Noon (UK Time)


Please feel free to share this with new students as well as contact souls you feel would benefit from these weekly sessions with our senior teachers. Some translations will also be available.


You may copy the following URL into your browser and connect as appropriate.



Passcode: 577203


Many thanks and much love!

In Baba's loving Remembrance,

Madhvi for WANDS