2022 September N. America News Archive 2022 September N. America News Archive

Table of Content

Brahma Kumaris Hudson Valley Presents ‘Being Shakti’: a Navratri Special Online Hindi Talk on September 28

27 September 2022

Brahma Kumaris Hudson Valley, New York invites you to a special online talk and meditation on the auspicious occasion of  the sacred Navratri Festival, to invoke inner power and divinity within.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022 7 am -8 am EST (Eastern Tim)  or 4:30 pm-5:30 pm IST (India Time)


Speaker: BK Sister Supriya, Chief Editor of BK HQ Daily eNews. Mount Abu

Zoom ID: 973 9258 1897   Pwd: 440307







Manhattan Center Presents - Lecture this Thursday (9/29): The Art and Science of Relationships

27 September 2022

To Register: Please click on the below flyer image.




Ce mercredi : soirée spéciale en compagnie de Pierre Pirard

27 September 2022

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix

Ce mercredi | Soirée spéciale

dans le cadre de l'événement les Journées de la Paix

Suite à la très belle soirée de projection du film "Nous tous" de Pierre Pirard à L'Émergence au printemps dernier, nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir pour "la suite" : une entrevue entre le réalisateur et Eric Le Reste pour nous inspirer à vivre plus de paix dans notre quotidien
en allant au-delà de nos différences. 

Pour assister en présentiel : cliquez sur l'affiche pour vous inscrire.
Pour assister en ligne : cliquez ICI mercredi à 19 h.




News from Jayantiben New York Sunday 25th September, 2022

27 September 2022

The Florida retreat went very well. Florida is known for fun and lightness, so apart from classes, workshops, meditations, there were three evenings, Thursday, Friday, Saturday filled with sweet memories, laughter and stories of Baba's Yagya. There were 180 people from Florida and specially invited families at the retreat and today the nearby centers were invited to come for a day's program and there were 300 people all together.

Today was a celebration of Didi Mohini and Sister Jayanti for their new roles and very moving talks by sister Gayatri and sister Waddy. The two Erik's had a great comedy exchange and then interviewed the two Didi's. The theme of the retreat was, "Accepting the Crown". Today's theme for the interview was Writing my Destiny.

One of Baba's children from Delray center in Florida proved to be a brilliant singer and each day we heard very beautiful songs from her. After cake cutting, dhristi, toli and gifts, we left for White House New York and we are now here. 

Om Shanti





REPLAY of September 25th Program Featuring Jayanti Didi on Avyakti Parivar

26 September 2022

Dear Avyakti Parivar, Greetings of love!!

We are happy to announce that Jayanti Didi was with us on Avyakti Parivar zoom, today - September 25, 2022.. It was also Live-streamed and now is available for replay here:  https://youtu.be/gRXFIGuzdyc


First hour: 

Meditation +Maryada Purshottam Hindi  & English Series By Mohini Didi


Next 30-minutes: 

Special Bhatti with Didi’s Dristi (Jayanti Didi & Mohini Didi) 


Next hour and a half:  

Special program with Jayanti Did


Evening Program details:


* Special Bhatti with Dristi 

* Welcome by Angels 

* Sharing on “The Golden Vessel “

* Chit chat - (Q-A) 

* Surprise Spiritual entertainment 

* Showering blessings

* Starting Navratri Festival with both Didis


Avyakti Parivar





Br. Charlie Hogg's Visit to Silicon Valley

24 September 2022

We had a wonderful talk event on Experience a Light and Easy Lifestyle through Meditation by Br. Charlie Hogg on September 18th, 2022  at Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas Center.

More than 150 BK souls attended the event and all the attendees were mesmerized by Br. Charlie's talk. Video Link: https://youtu.be/hHgjlgZPVUM


Here are a few pictures from the event





Upcoming In-person and Online Events of October 2022 at the Boston Meditation Center

24 September 2022

Upcoming Events for October 2022

Click here to Register

No Registration Required

Zoom Link:  https://tinyurl.com/bksmeditation





Peace Halifax Postponed Due to Hurricane Fiona

24 September 2022



Dear friends from here and around the world, please join us in sending light and good wishes to all those in the path, or affected by, Hurricane Fiona. 

Peace Halifax 2022 will have to wait until the weather clears. Stay tuned for a new date!

We are a land of lighthouses. A lighthouse stands tall and stable because its foundation is strong. We offer this meditation for you to be a lighthouse, and a beacon of support for others, in the midst of this storm.









Morning murli and class with Jayantibhen - SATURDAY - correct time & translation

24 September 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om shanti.

Please join us for morning murli and class with Jayantibhen on SATURDAY as follows:

6:30 AM (NY time) - Meditation

7:00 - 8:15 AM (NY time) - Murli and class

Here is the Zoom Meeting


Hindi translation will be available and coordinated from PV. If you would like to add additional languages and have translators available, please  send a chat message to the host by 6:45 am so they can be assigned as translators.

Details of Sunday morning's program with Mohini Didi and Jayantibhen will be sent out on Saturday.

Apologies for any confusion in timings.

With love and remembrances,

Peace Village Family




News from Jayantiben New York 22nd September, 2022

23 September 2022

On Wednesday night night I arrived in Washington. Sister Jenna and a whole troop of the Shakti and Pandava army came to greet me at Om Shanti Village. It was beautifully lit up. On arrival, there was a brief meeting with those who had gathered. This morning we had Shrad bhog and murli. Then I left to come to the airport for a short flight to Albany which is a one hour drive from Peace Village. Sister Gayatri, Sister Waddy, and Brother Brad had come to meet me at the airport. Arriving in PV, the first we met were Sister Sandy and Brother Rick. That was lovely. Sister Kala, Sister Judy, and the whole family was there. I then went to Baba's Room. There was an opportunity to meet Didi Mohini. The BKs are here to celebrate 40 years of service in Florida. A very lovely gathering. 

Om Shanti




Join Morning Murli and Class with Jayanti Didi for the next two days online at Peace Village

23 September 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om shanti.


Some of you know that we have the fortune of having our dearest Jayantibhen  here in Peace Village as a special guest for the Florida retreat. We are happy to invite you to join us for morning murli and  class on zoom while she is here this  Thursday  - Saturday.


6:30 AM (NY time) - Meditation

7:00 - 8:15 AM (NY time) - Murli and class


Here is the zoom link: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/5185895000

Details of Sunday morning program with Mohini Didi and Jayantibhen will follow shortly.


With love and remembrances,

Sister Kala and the Peace Village Family






BK Retreat with Br Charlie in Chicago, 4 & 5 September

21 September 2022

On 4 & 5 September, over 100 BKs from the Midwest region of the US came to the elegant Waterford Conference Center outside Chicago to enjoy a short retreat with Br Charlie.  The theme of the retreat was "Moving Into Our Perfect Stage."  Charlie began and ended the retreat by quoting BapDada:  "Perfection is to have loving feelings for everyone."

Charlie Bhai was the embodiment of loving feelings for everyone, giving sweet attention and kind words to each and every Brahmin soul.  With humor and lightness, he led us through the steps of maintaining deep love for One, basing our self-respect on closeness to Baba, and serving others through being trustworthy and taking responsibility for our own feelings.  Charlie shared many jewels that he has learned from the Dadis over the years and told many wonderful stories of his experiences in Brahmin life and meetings with BapDada.

The Midwest BK family is grateful to Baba, drama, our seniors and of course dear Charliebhai for this memorable weekend.

Please enjoy this one-minute video of the retreat.



Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center






Root Chakra Healing in Hindi language ~ Special Workshop Online on 22nd September, 5:30 - 7 pm Pacific Time and other September/ October Programs at Anubhuti.

20 September 2022




Manhattan Meditation Center Presents an Online Talk: Honoring Peace | Thursday, 22nd September, 6:30 pm Eastern

19 September 2022

Honoring the International Day of Peace.

Facilitator: Ines Frank

Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm


In order to interact in English or Spanish, Please join a Zoom Meeting:

Please Register Here to get zoom meeting details.


You can also join us in English on Youtube Live and Facebook Live 






San Francisco BKs Celebrate 75 years of India Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav | USA Celebrates the Soul of India) on August 11th

18 September 2022

The San Francisco Brahma Kumaris Center hosted the India Independence Day Celebration, ‘Inner Freedom,’ on Thursday, August 11th, 2022, the auspicious day of Raksha Bandhan. The event was a beautiful blend of artistic expressions and insights of the cultural and spiritual values of India, such as peace, harmony, unity, strength and spirituality.


Sr. Hema explained that inner freedom can be attained when we have permanent happiness through the experience of our own innate qualities and the connection with the Divine Source. Total freedom comes when we become the masters of our own feelings and emotions.


Beautifully rendered Invocation Dance “Shanti Dhun” by Sr. Leena and the “Shanti-Shakti” song composed by Sue Govali and performed by the duos Sisters Elizabeth and Sue herself, added grace to the occasion.


Appreciative inquiries and reflections on courage and inner strength led by Sr. Kyoko helped participants to get in touch with their inner core. Questions asked to ponder on were: 1. Think of the time when you overcame a difficult situation. Describe the situation. 2. How did you feel at the time of overcoming it? 3. Looking back at your actions, what virtues or qualities did you gain from your experience?   The small group discussions and the sharing by the entire audience brought meaningful and personal experience amongst the participants.


This activity segued into a contemplative “Link of Love” activity, symbolic of the Indian cultural tradition, Raksha Bandhan.  Sr. Sukanya led a meditation commentary focused on seeing beauty of virtues in others followed by participants tying a Link of Love ribbon on each other’s wrists.  It was a heart-warming experience for many.


Insightful thoughts were shared by two dignitaries:

Ms. Sally Mahe, senior consultant of the United Religions Initiative and a friend of Brahma Kumaris since the 90’s and Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor, professor emeritus from California State University, Fresno who spoke through zoom.


The event ended with an experiential meditation commentary led by Sister Elizabeth and Sister Kyoko, playing the healing harp music.


Participants were elated as they received a rakhi with toli, blessing card and refreshments.


2-minute video of some glimpses of the event


Click HERE to view the service report with more photos.








In Photos: BK Silicon Valley, Milpitas USA - Sevathon 2022

18 September 2022

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley participated in the annual ICC Sevathon 2022 held at Vasono Las County Park, Los Gatos of the Bay Area. The event included a 5k Walkathon, Dancethon, non-profit booths, and other fun-filled activities.


Here are some of the pictures from the event

BK Silicon Valley Booth

BK Silicon Valley Booth with Sister Kusum, Director BK Silicon Valley

BK SV Team of 55 students participated in the 5K Walkathon

BK SV Team with Baba's flags and Slogans.

BK SV Team in the Danceathon, dance to Baba's songs




Awakening with Brahma Kumaris Sister Jayanti - FREE Tickets are going FAST -September 27, 2022 @ 6:00 pm-7:30 pm EDT

15 September 2022

Join the magnetic presence of BK Sister Jayanti. Come... Experience Being Blessed, Empowered, and Inspired to Live Your Life Fully.

About this event:

As India celebrates 75 years of Independence, we gather to recognize her unique values, spirituality and gifts to the world.

You and the family are invited to experience the magnetic presence of BK Sister Jayanti Kirpalani, Spiritual Leader and Additional Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. She has been an advocate for peace and empowerment for over 50 years. Not to be missed!


This program is offered free of charge by the Brahma Kumaris, a non-profit organization. Donations are appreciated.

For the preservation of everyone's well-being, we ask that you wear masks.

Om Shanti Album| Meditation|Spoken Word by Sr Jenna:




Manhattan Meditation Center Presents: Lecture this Thursday (9/15): Sustaining Happiness Within Myself

13 September 2022

To Register: Please click on the below flyer image.




Back to learning - Its time to add more fun to your life! Peace Village Recommends Books Currently Available on Amazon

12 September 2022

For current events please click on the logo



Free your mind from the three dragons of doubt, worry, and fear—forever! That’s the promise of this lyrical and persuasive new self-help title by a man with a decades-long record of success in helping people live happier, more fulfilled lives.



For complete list of books available visit our bookstore




Waking up from the illusions, delusions and confusions that keep us asleep. There is a journey we all must make. We will either choose to make it or we will be forced to make it. Which one will you choose?




You can develop new skills and you can refine your talents, but can you develop your self?  New exploration of self-understanding.

The Art of Thinking is about taking personal responsibility for our own thoughts. Sister Jayanti explains how to separate our inner life from our outer life and how to train the mind to create and sustain positive thoughts.




Mei Ling, Raj, Emily and Solomon have no idea why they have been selected for this assignment. Together they must learn to trust each other and decipher truth from illusion in search of the seven secrets of the universe.






Manhattan Meditation Center Presents: Workshop this Saturday (9/17): Healing the Heart

12 September 2022

To Register: Please click on the below flyer image.




Manhattan Meditation Center Offers a 7 Day Retreat: Reviving the Higher Self (Sept 19th -25th). Evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm

12 September 2022

To Register: Please click on the below flyer image.





Additional Chance for Murli Class with Br Charlie at Peace Village on Monday, 12th September, 6:30 am Eastern

11 September 2022

Om shanti All.

We have one more chance to have Br.Charlie with us for murli class and sharing on Monday, 12th Sept. Please see details for joining us on zoom:

Meditation - 6:30 AM

Murli - 7:00 AM

PV Family

Peace Village is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Peace Village's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 518 589 5000
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,5185895000# US (New York)
+16469313860,,5185895000# US
Dial by your location
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 646 931 3860 US
        +1 309 205 3325 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 386 347 5053 US
        +1 564 217 2000 US
        +1 669 444 9171 US
        +1 719 359 4580 US
        +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 518 589 5000



Invitation to HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS - Peace Village In-Person Weekend Retreat: Sept 30-Oct. 2

11 September 2022

Dear All,


We are happy to bring to your attention one of the first in person retreats for the public to be held at Peace Village after the pandemic. Please feel free to share widely and inspire your contacts in healthcare to attend and benefit.


With warm regards,

Dr. Kala Iyengar / Peace Village



Dear Healthcare Colleagues and Friends,

Warm greetings! Please accept our heartfelt invitation to the long awaited in-person weekend retreat at Peace Village, designed specifically for healthcare professionals. We are so excited that at last, we will be together again. The retreat is co-sponsored by the Brahma Kumaris, the Point of Life Foundation, and the Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center. We will gather together from Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 2, 2022. The exploration of our theme, “Meditation: To Refresh Yourself & Build Resilience,” will help sustain us all during these challenging times of significant change.


Please see the invitation below for full details and feel free to share it with other interested healthcare colleagues.


To Register: https://bit.ly/3CZMC9m


Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.


After registration you’ll receive a confirmation letter with further information.

Please see the following… 


Peace Village Guidelines for…


Retreat Flyer (for easy printing): Click here 


If you need any other information, at this time, please feel free to contact us at: pointoflifeus@gmail.com or call 516-773-7320 / 917-742-7819.


We look forward to being together soon.


Warm regards,

Carmen Palmer (For the Retreat Team).






Special Invitation! Meet Br. Charlie of Australia, Spiritual Giant,  yogi for nearly 50 years! | Plus Other Upcoming Events

9 September 2022

Or Join Online -Zoom:  859 6646 5853 - Passcode: love

YouTube Live Facebook Live


Raja Yoga Meditation Course

Mon/Weds evenings 

6:30 - 7:30pm

Begins Monday, September 12




The Greatest Fear -
how to deal with it
With Rona Schweitz

Thursday, Sept 8

6:30 - 7:30 pm






Septembre à L'Émergence | September at L'Émergence

6 September 2022


L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Pour vous joindre en ligne cliquez ci-dessus. Découvrez les prochains thèmes ICI.

L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace 



Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - August 2022

6 September 2022

Upcoming: 2022 Florida Family Retreat in Peace Village


To Register contact your Florida center




Click HERE to download Full Report with Pictures.



Br.Charlie at Peace Village - Murli Class on Wednesday Sept 7th and Reminder of Public Talk on Sunday, Sept 11th 4 pm Eastern

6 September 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om shanti to all.

Greetings of love from Peace Village. Many of you would know that we have had the fortune of having our dear brother Charlie of Australia in the US for a few days.  He will be in Peace Village shortly for the Call of the Time Retreat from Sept 7-11 with about 35 invited guests. We are looking to you for your support of yoga power for the event and would like to inform you that he will be reading murli at Peace Village on Wednesday morning as follows:

6:00- Meditation
6:30 - 7:45 - Murli and sharing

You are welcome to join  on zoom:
Zoom ID - 518 589 5000
PW - murli

We will also be offering an in person  public program with him on Sunday 4:00- 6:00 PM (flyer attached). You/ your students and contacts can join on zoom

With Baba's love
Peace Village Family



Manhattan Center Presents - Lecture this Thursday (9/8): The Greatest Fear - How to Deal With It?

6 September 2022

Please click on the image below to register.



Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos - Septiembre

5 September 2022


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página

Eventos en New England

Comienza el Sábado 24 de Septiembre a las 11:00am - 12:15pm.

Para cualquier pregunta puedes llamar al teléfono: 617-926-1230


Eventos en Texas

El curso de Raja Yoga online empieza el 24 de Septiembre a las

10 AM hora Central

Meditaciones Diarias: haz clic en la imágen para acceder a las grabaciones diarias

Para registrarse haz clic abajo y recibirás un correo electrónico donde deberás verificar la suscripción




Chicago Center Invites You to Join Br Charlie on Zoom Sept 4-6

5 September 2022

Dear All, Om shanti

Br Charlie will be giving a retreat in Chicago on Sept 4-5, and conducting Murli class on the morning of Sept 6. The theme of the retreat is Moving into our Perfect Stage:  New Directions, New Expressions.

Here are the sessions that will be on Zoom. Please note that timings are in Central time.


Sunday, Sept 4

4:30-6:00 pm CDT - Introductions, group activity, welcoming Charlie bhai, yoga

(Charlie will only be present for the last 45 minutes, but the session will be Zoomed for anyone who would like to join.)


Monday, Sept 5

7:30 am to 9:00 am CDT

Murli class and Session 1 of the retreat: Love for One - Taking Us to our Perfect Stage (class)

The whole session will be Zoomed.


10:00 am - 12:30 pm CDT

Session 2 - The Biggest Learning Curve: Regaining Self-Love (class, spiritual exercise, discussion, Q & A). Only Charlie's presentation at the beginning and the Q & A at the end will be Zoomed.  There may be an opportunity to ask questions in the chat.


4:00 - 6:00 pm CDT

Session 3 - Perfection is to have Loving feelings for All


Tuesday, Sept 6:

6:00 - 7:30 am CDT

Murli class (starts with 30 minutes of yoga)


Here is the Zoom link for all sessions:



Zoom ID: 509419496

Passcode: onelove


Best Wishes,



Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center Chicago

Email: chicago@us.brahmakumaris.org

Website: http://bkmetrochicago.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChicagoBrahmaKumaris




Peace Village is Hosting its first all-Spanish retreat since Covid on the weekend of October 14-16

4 September 2022



Dear One and all

We are happy to announce that the USA Spanish team is hosting their first all-Spanish retreat since Covid at Peace Village. This retreat is for new murli students and Spanish speaking BKs.

Brother Ken will be holding a session during the retreat. Attached is the retreat flyer in Spanish.

Dates: October 14-16

Theme: Living a full life, Purify your heart, Emerge your spiritual powers

In Spanish: Viviendo una vida plena; purifica tu corazón, emerge tus poderes

This retreat will be geared towards new murli students who speak Spanish and Spanish speaking Bks.



The USA Spanish team will help to coordinate travel for those flying in so they can share transport (rental/pickup by PV, public transportation). For those who registered who need assistance with transport contact the Spanish team at bkspanishusa@gmail.com


Registration link


We look forward to all Centers in the US and Canada actively promoting this retreat sharing this information with their students. You can download a pdf of the flyer here.


Dorothy and the Peace Village Family  



Silicon Valley Milpitas, USA KalpTaruh Project

4 September 2022

Om Shanti Dear Divine Family,

Greetings of Peace and Love from Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley. We had our KalpTaruh Program to plant trees as part of 75 years of Indian Independence (Aazadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav).

Here are some of the pictures of the event.

Sister Kusum Planting the Cherry, Apple Trees

Sister Kusum Planting the Plum, Persimmon Trees

BK Brothers Planting the Orange, Nectarine Trees


BK Brothers Planting the Avacado, Peach Trees


BK Brothers Planting the Fig, Apricot Trees


BK Kusum Kejriwal
Milpitas Meditation Center



Mohini Didi - Spiritual Homework for September Maryada Purshottam"

3 September 2022


Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love !!


In the month of September, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to New Series: "Maryada Purshottam (ones who follow the most elevated code of conduct)" -"मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम"

 Promo:  https://youtu.be/R9OH_K-xAdM

You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder links given below.






Avyakti Parivar has invited you to schedule Zoom meeting
Zoom Id : 919 1946 0246
Passcode : dadijanki

Join Zoom Meeting with one click link


Avyakti Parivar Daily Schedule: (Please find attached schedule in detail) 

Avyakti Parivar

Subscribe: http://tiny.cc/avyakti-parivar

Share Experiences: https://www.avyaktiparivar.org/experiences    
Telegram: https://t.me/srmohiniclasses & https://t.me/dailymurliandquiz

YouTube (Brahma Kumaris Avyakti Parivar): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoa98tcafmOlGvY57gwAAug




‘Exploring: Love – through compassion & kindness’: Online and In Person Event in Peace Village on Sunday, September 11th

3 September 2022


New York (USA): Exploring Love Through Compassion & Kindness with Charlie Hogg at Peace Village, New York.


Sunday, September 11, 2022  4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (EDT)

With Special Guest:  BK Charlie Hogg from Australia.

Charlie is a meditation teacher and retreat leader with the Brahma Kumaris for nearly 50 years.

This is an In Person event at Peace Village & Online

Join in person through this link.

Please RSVP Or Join Online

Join on Zoom – 859-6646-5853    passcode: love

 Join YouTube Live

Join Facebook Live




Manhattan Center is Offering a 2-Day Weekend Meditation Course: The Invisible World of Truth (Sept 10th and 11th)

3 September 2022

Please click on the image below to register.




Silicon Valley (Milpitas,USA) - Festival of Globe Event

1 September 2022

Sr.BK Kusum (Director BK Silicon Valley) with the BK brothers and Sisters at the Parade.

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley (Milpitas) Participated in the Festival of Globe event as part of the 75th Indian Independence Day (Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsav) on 21st August 2022 in Fremont, CA. Here are a few pictures from the event.

BK brothers and Sisters March with Banners and Slogans at the Parade