2022 November N. America News Archive 2022 November N. America News Archive

Table of Content

Dallas USA- Consulate General of India Aseem Mahajanji visited Tapasya Dham retreat place

30 November 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti,

Dallas, and all big cities around, celebrated  "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav'' with great splendor (fair and parade) in presence of the Consulate General of India, Aseem Mahajanji, along with other VIPs. Brahma Kumaris Dallas had a great opportunity of service tying three color (India's flag color) Rakhis to the public and all the VIPs. 

In the follow-up of that event, the Consulate General visited Tapasya Dham retreat place on our invitation for "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav''. Along with him, other VIPs also attended and had lunch. 

Below are the pictures attached.  

With lots of love,

Dallas Service team

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center





Values for Life Series - Ep #53  - on 'Freedom' with Br Eic Le Reste (Canada) and Sr Dr Jenna (USA), is happening on 10th December at 10:00 am Eastern time

30 November 2022

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.  


We extend our warm invitation for Episode # 54  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, happening on Saturday, December 10th and featuring Br Eric Le Reste (Canada) and Sr Dr Jenna (USA) providing spiritual reflections on “Freedom”.


Value:  Freedom (स्वतंत्रता)


Speakers: Br Eric Le Reste, National Coordinator, The Brahma Kumaris (Canada) and

Sr Dr. Jenna Maharaj, The Brahma Kumaris, Washington DC (USA)


Date/Time:  Saturday, 10th December 2022 (1.5 Hrs session)


Kindly note the timing in your region: 

7:00 AM (West Coast US/Can) |10:00 AM (East Coast US/Can) | 12:00 PM (Brazil) |

8:30 PM (India) | 3:00 PM (UK) | 4:00 PM (France, Germany, Spain) | 6:00 PM (Nairobi - Africa, Kuwait, Turkey)


Join directly on Zoom - https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/92528087710#success 

(Or: Use Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710 )

(Translation will be available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil  & Telugu ) 


Join on YouTube Live -

in English - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi  


Thank you all.

Warm Regards


'Values for Life' Series - Team,

(The ”Values for Life” Series is a collaborative project between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)


To view the earlier episodes on other values, please click on the below links:




For more information please visit our website at –








A Warm Invitation for the Experiential Values Workshop on 'Respect' (Saturday, 3rd December, 2:30PM - UK)

30 November 2022

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all. 


We extend our warm invitation for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series, this Saturday (2:30 PM - UK time).


Value: Respect (सम्मान)  

Speaker: Br Bill Simo, National Coordinating Team, Brahmakumaris, Spain


Content of the Workshop:


1st Hour:  Experiential Exercises


2nd Hour:  The Insightful Talk & Meditation


Date / Time: Saturday, 3rd December 2022 (2 Hr Session)


8:00 PM (India)

7:30 AM (Mountain time)

2:30 PM (UK)

3:30 PM (France, Spain)

5:30 PM (Turkey)

6:30 PM (Dubai)

6:30 AM (Pacific)

9:30 AM (Eastern)

11:30 AM (Brazil


Direct joining Zoom link at:



(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)


Interpretation is available in the 2nd hour in: French, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese


Thank you all.

Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team


('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)







Boston Meditation Center's  Upcoming  Events of December 2022

30 November 2022



A profound conversation on World Mental Health Day

29 November 2022

New York (USA): A profound conversation on Mental Health Day with Dr. Coralanne Griffith-Hunte, Psychologist, and BK Kinnari Murthy, UN Representative of the Brahma Kumaris culminated in this message: Collectively, let us raise the awareness that mental health is a global issue and we need to support each other. Please click on the image below to watch the 30-minute conversation.




Silicon Valley, USA- Brahma Kumaris Milpitas Celebrated Thanksgiving with Link of Love

29 November 2022

On Nov-24-2022, Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley celebrated Thanksgiving with Link of Love. The whole center was decorated with visible hearts while the invisible hearts consciously filled and embodied Baba's love for a week. During the event, everyone expressed the vibrations of love to each other through drishti, tying the Link of Love ribbon. Love emerged in their hearts, souls made a commitment for life to strengthen their link of love.

Kids celebrating Link of  love

Om Shanti,

BK Kusum Kejriwal
BK Meditation Cente
Milpitas,CA 95035, USA




Diwali Celebration “Igniting The Spirit, Illuminating the World” Brahma Kumaris, San Francisco, USA

28 November 2022

Click below image to view full report.



27 November 2022

Spirituality is not separate from daily life. It is a study of spiritual principles that give us the right way of thinking, working, and living.  Spiritual knowledge shows the right way to make this life into a refreshing and successful journey full of exploration. Without sitting in the vehicle of spiritual knowledge, I cannot make the journey.

A myth exists that someone who practices spirituality gets disconnected from the world, separates the self from people, leaves responsibilities, or meditates all day long.   Spirituality is not about doing something or being someone. It is about being the embodiment of what we truly originally are - peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power, and wisdom. These qualities are found in the soul, the most valuable resource in our possession,  located right behind the eyes within the brain.  Spirituality is about recovering these qualities, being with people, and working towards our goals -- but taking care that every thought, word, and deed is through remembering our eternal identity of being souls, separate from the body and brain. Spirituality means I, the soul, an eternal being of light, use my original qualities of the soul when in action in daily practical life. 

Recognize, Use and Be this valuable resource.  In this spiritual consciousness, nurture the soul daily through meditation and spiritual study. Cook and eat in a meditative state of mind and have ethical ways of working that energize the soul.  Being spiritual means treasuring every moment you have. Time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow, a mystery. Today is a gift - it’s called the present. Peace and rest will flourish in the soul when we learn to slow down our thoughts and create moments of silence in the mind. 

Spirituality means to meditate or take one hour in the early morning to charge the soul with Godly wisdom and goodness, and then use that power in your professional and personal life.  God is the most complete and perfect personality that exists, but not a physical personality, a spiritual one. God is one personality without any weaknesses, and no one else is more specialty and virtue-filled than the Father.  This is the reason He is a living energy, a personality, who is remembered and loved the most by each and everyone all over the world.  

Spiritual energy is a dynamic force that does wonders.  Experience “Karankaravanhar, God is doing and getting everything done”.  Discover the relationship and language of the Supreme and see life with other eyes. Our task is to experience the impact of God’s company helping us to create a strong inner stage, coloring us with virtues and powers, and taking us beyond the concerns of this world. When we experience ourselves being sustained by God, it is easy to keep a happy face and to share that light and might with others.  Spirituality brings mankind to a renewed and healthy position and takes us in a new direction to create a peaceful world.

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html 




Diamond India 75 – “Acceptance & Detachment”

27 November 2022

Vancouver  (Canada): Consulate General of India, Vancouver in collaboration with Brahma Kumaris Canada presented a live broadcast of the last episode of a spiritually-focused series ‘Diamond India 75′ on the theme ‘Acceptance & Detachment’.

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India Indian Diplomacy India in Canada (High Commission of India, Ottawa) Press Information Bureau – PIB, Government of India India in Toronto -Consulate General of India Brahma Kumaris Canada.

BK Sister Mohini, Additional Chief of Brahma Kumaris and BK Sister Gayatri, Representative of Brahma Kumaris to the United Nations highlighted the qualities of Acceptance and Detachment, with the spirit of freedom, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence.

https://fb.watch/h1KyOsmCSj/ [22:03]





Values for Life Series Presents ‘Surrender’: Silence Retreat on 27th November, 7:30 am to 9:30 pm Pacific Time

26 November 2022

Please join us for a Silence Retreat on ‘Surrender.’


Date/ Time: Sunday, 27th November, 9:00 to 11:00 AM ( India Time )
(West Coast – US & Canada: Saturday, 26th November,  7:30 PM – 9:30 PM )


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID: 964 6659 4466, Passcode: silence)


Please find below the Calendar of events for the month of  November for your kind reference.


To view the earlier episodes on other values, please click on the below links:




Playlist link for Values Workshops (English):



For more information please visit our website at –




(‘Values for Life’ Series and ‘Values Workshops Series’ happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters’. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)







Recording Available for Ep 53, 'Values for Life' Series, with Sudha Didi on 'Respect' (Live on Saturday, 26th Nov, 3 PM - UK time)

26 November 2022

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all. 


Episode # 53 of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series which featured a spiritual reflection on 'RESPECT' with  BK Sudha Didi was live this Saturday, 26 November at  3 pm UK time.


Value:  Respect  ( सम्मान ) 

SpeakerBK Sudha Didi, General Director, Brahma Kumaris, Moscow, Russia.

Date/Time:  Saturday, 26th November 2022 (1.5 Hrs session)


The recording is now available on YouTube:

in English - https://youtu.be/CEi7WIllzac [1:25:33]

in Hindi  - https://youtu.be/Uro2ESLoFO4   [1:29:00]


Thank you all.


Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops' Series happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.) 






The Brahma Kumaris Southern California (BK SoCal) Hosts an Interfaith Diwali Celebration

22 November 2022

Greetings of Peace from Los Angeles Raja Yoga Meditation Center,

Please find below a link to download the Service Report on Igniting the Light Within - An Interfaith Diwali Celebration plus Accompanying Pictures which was held on Sunday, November 13th, 2022, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM (California Time) at the Sanatan Dharma Temple located at 15311 Pioneer Boulevard in the city of Norwalk, CA. USA. The report is for your information and distribution purposes.


Best Wishes and with Warm Regards in the Remembrance of the One,

Sister Vino - Los Angeles

On Behalf of Southern California Outreach Team

Please click HERE to download the report.




A Warm Invitation for the Experiential Values Workshop on 'Creativity' (Saturday, 19th Nov, 2:30PM - UK)

22 November 2022

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all. 

We extend our warm invitation for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series, this Saturday (2:30 PM - UK time).

Value: Creativity ( निर्माणता /  रचनात्मकता )  

Please note the talk by our invited guest speaker, Sr.Judi is in the 1st hour of the Workshop (instead of the 2nd hour).

Content of the Workshop:

1st Hour:   An insightful talk and meditation by BK Sr. Judi Rich, from Calgary, Canada.

2nd Hour:  Reflective Exercises on 'Creativity.' 

Date / Time: Saturday, 19th November (2 Hr Session)

8:00 PM (India

7:30 AM (Mountain time)

2:30 PM (UK)

3:30 PM (France, Spain)

5:30 PM (Turkey)

6:30 PM (Dubai)

6:30 AM (Pacific)

9:30 AM (Eastern)

11:30 AM (Brazil

Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)


Thank you all.

Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.) 





New York Hosts The Soul of India: Touching the Light

21 November 2022

The Soul of India: Touching the Light was held on Saturday Nov 12, 2022 at the Glow Community Center in Queens, New York.

Please download the report of the event HERE.

In Remembrance,

Br. Erik




Schedule of Br.Ken session “Living & Serving with Brahmin Family”

21 November 2022

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti


In the month of November we are enjoying having double fortune to listen to our Mohini Didi live from our sweet home Madhuban as well as our sweet Angel senior brother Ken from South America.


Past few days Br. Ken has shared many new aspects of our Brahmin life & interaction with Brahmin family in the series “Living & Serving with Brahmin Family”


Many of us have taken lot of benefit from his sessions & we still have few more days with him.


Following are the next few days of Br.Ken sessions.

Sunday 20th Nov 

Monday 21st Nov

Thursday 24th Nov 

 Friday 25th Nov 

 Saturday 26th Nov

 Sunday 27th Nov 

 Monday 28th Nov

 Tuesday 29th Nov 

 Wednesday 30th Nov


Look forward to welcoming you in Avyakti Parivar every day.


Join Zoom Session



Zoom Id: 919 1946 0246

Passcode: dadijanki


Thank you 


Om Shanti

Avyakti Parivar







You Can Sign Up to Receive Advent Calendar Meditations from BK Halifax

21 November 2022




BKs in Mississauga-Canada Hold Their First Open House

19 November 2022

Dear Divine Family,


With zeal, enthusiasm, a spirit of love and collective co-operation, the family felt an immense gratitude towards Baba, as we embarked to serve the Mississauga community through our very first Open House. The focus was to create a very welcoming and spiritual environment. 


The visit started with the "Virtue Wheel" outside the Centre.  It was a great ice breaker and a good starting point.  Creative activities allowed participants to engage and discover their innate spiritual facets.  Informative videos introduced them to the organization, the soul and the Supreme Soul.


In the “Virtue Lounge”, souls were invited to explore the different virtues through the “Guiding Star”.  Everyone shared a blessing for the world through the Tree of Blessings.


Each person was invited to the Silence room/ Baba’s room for a deeper experience of inner peace.  Their final stop at the “Spiritual Gallery” offered guests an opportunity to have a spiritual conversation with BKs.


Their feedback ranged from positive to emotional, empowered, peaceful and serene.  Many have already started the Raj Yoga course.


We are sharing with you a few glimpses of the event. You can download them HERE


In Baba's service,

Surekha & the Mississauga Family






17 November 2022

Dear Friends, Next week in the USA is Thanksgiving Holiday; here's wishing you a Very Happy Day. 

Giving Thanks for all our Blessings is the best way to remain happy! Love, Sr Chirya.


Happiness is a Choice Not a Result

Being Happy Is The Only Way To Give Happiness


Do you believe it is possible to feel happy and fulfilled constantly? It is possible, but it requires us to pay attention.  Happiness is not determined by what's happening around you, but rather what's happening inside you.  Happiness is something we souls are, and it comes from the way we think. Happiness is a choice, not a result. Choose to have positive thoughts and a happy face and you will remain full of the treasures and healthy with the nourishment of happiness. What more does one need?  What we do for people does matter, but what matters most is how happy we were, while doing everything. Your treasures of happiness are unlimited. The more you spend, the more they increase.  When you look at each other, just smile.  When we smile sweetly from the heart and then speak to others, their hearts and also our hearts become happy.  Don’t judge others, stop seeing their defects or their old ways of behavior. Don’t keep anything of the past inside you, and don’t worry about the future. 

The enemy of happiness is worry.  Instead, here's what to do to stop yourself from thinking wasteful thoughts: 

*Choose Happiness. Make your happiness a decision and not a dependency.  No matter what happens, whether it is through the state of one’s own mind, other souls or the elements or atmosphere, I must not lose my happiness. Even if someone insults you or tries to bring you down, remember, ‘I must remain happy’.   

* Create thoughts and speak words that give peace and happiness and you will feel and receive the same. Our response to the situation determines our happiness.  The response begins with the thoughts our mind creates.  Feed the mind  with good thoughts to begin the day and nourish it continually with peace and love.

* Become a spiritual weight watcher! Too many waste thoughts makes us mentally overweight, unhappy and physically tired.  Happy thoughts create positive energy and attract happy experiences. Remain constantly light. Pure, peaceful thoughts are light. Waste, worried thoughts are heavy. Maintain faith that everything is beneficial. The world is filled with worry and sorrow.  Do something different.  Focus instead on pure powerful thoughts, often choosing one thought and concentrating on it. Thought is the most powerful energy and reaches others in a second.

*Love enables us to feel happy.  To flourish, love needs nourishing with spirituality, because when we demand love from the world around us, we destroy our ability to receive it.  The most elevated place to focus our minds and receive happiness and love is on God.  First, consider yourself to be a soul, a subtle being of light, and then connect your loving thoughts with God. Create a natural relationship with God with your mind and heart and be happy and fulfilled.  Remember, it's up to you to choose to be happy!    

Enjoy class by Sister Jayanti on Happiness: https://youtu.be/5o06A_BBcCA  - Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop link: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/all-books.html  - For Meditation Classes call Peace Village: 518 589 5000 





Cette semaine à L'Émergence | This Week at L'Émergence

17 November 2022

Cette semaine
à L' Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Nous sommes désolés de vous annoncer qu'un cas de COVID nous a contraint à fermer le centre la semaine passée. Veuillez nous excuser de tout inconvénient que cela vous aurait causé. Le centre est désormais ouvert.
Bonne nouvelle... Il reste encore quelques places pour assister à la Retraite d'un jour en présentiel. Merci de vous inscrire en cliquant sur l'affiche ci-dessous. 

Au plaisir de vous accueillir,
L'équipe de L'Émergence 



Retraite d'un jour | Un temps pour soi pour faire le plein d'énergie

PLACES LIMITÉES. Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous inscrire.


Pour assister en ligne, veuillez cliquer ci-dessus dimanche 20/11 à 19h.






Manhattan Meditation Center presents a Talk: Attitude of Gratitude - Thursday, Nov 17th, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

15 November 2022

There are many things we may take for granted until we lose them. Then we suddenly realize how valuable they were. Be attentive to everything that you already have, and your experience of life will be so much richer.

Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm


In order to interact in English or Spanish, Please join a Zoom Meeting:


Register Here to get zoom meeting details.


You can also join us in English on Youtube Live and Facebook Live 






ANNULATION et REPORT Retraite d'un jour | Penser mieux, Vivre mieux

14 November 2022

Retraite d'un jour | Penser mieux, Vivre mieux

à L' Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 


Un temps pour soi pour faire le plein d'énergie

PLACES LIMITÉES. Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous inscrire.





RAPPEL Retraite d'un jour ce samedi | Penser mieux, Vivre mieux

14 November 2022

Retraite d'un jour | Penser mieux, Vivre mieux
Un temps pour soi pour faire le plein d'énergie

à L' Émergence, votre Oasis de paix 

Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer le grand retour en présentiel de notre événement annuel : la Retraite d'un jour. Une journée unique en compagnie de deux invitées d'exception, qui vous permettra de vous offrir d'agréables moments de ressourcement. Un temps pour soi pour apporter de la lumière à votre automne et laisser émerger de nouveaux horizons intérieurs. 
Au plaisir de vous accueillir,
L'équipe de L'Émergence 


Il reste encore quelques places. Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous inscrire.






















PLACES LIMITÉES. Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous inscrire.





Manhattan Presents Saturday Workshop (Nov 19th): Demystifying Detachment

14 November 2022


Please click on below Image to register for Workshop.




Upcoming Programs at the Anubhuti Retreat Center

14 November 2022
























































































































































BK Silicon Valley presents: Decoding Destiny- Self Development Series, 3 sessions on Sundays starting 6th November, 2 pm PST

13 November 2022

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas Presents Monthly Self-Development Series: “Decoding Destiny”

Starting Nov 6th, 2022
For 3 weeks, on Sundays:
Timing: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (PST)


Please Register in advance for this series by clicking here:



Once you register, kindly look for an email for the online meeting details.

Offered free of charge!

Contributions are graciously accepted.


Please calculate your local time here:


BK Sister Kusum





A Warm Invitation for Ep 52, 'Values for Life' Series, with BK Mike George on 'Creativity' (Saturday - 3:00 PM, UK time)

11 November 2022

Hello Everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.


We extend our warm invitation for Episode #52  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series featuring BK Mike George for a spiritual reflection on “Creativity,” this Saturday. 


Value:  Creativity   (निर्माणता /  रचनात्मकता)

Speaker: BK Mike George, Author, Spiritual Coach, and Management Tutor

Date/Time:  Saturday, 12th November (1.5 Hrs session)


Kindly note the timing in your region: 

8:30 PM (India), 3:00 PM (UK), 4:00 PM (Spain), 6:00 PM (Turkey), 7:00 AM (Pacific), 10:00 AM (Eastern), 12:00 PM (Brazil )  


Join directly on Zoom - http://omshanti.live/zoom

(or Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710 )

(Translation available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil & Telegu ) 


Join on YouTube Live -

in English - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi  


Thank you all.

Warm Regards,

Sr. Anu (Vancouver Brahma Kumaris)

'Values for Life'  Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.) 






Message of Hope - IT IS TIME TO BE TIMELESS 

9 November 2022


Illustrations: Brahma Kumaris


Imagine having a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400! Whatever part of the balance you fail to use during the day is deleted in the evening. What would you do? Draw out every cent and use it well of course!! Each of us has such a bank – Its name is TIME.  Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. We either invest the day’s deposits well or take a loss. Remember we can not save time, we can only spend it!  The clock is running. Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to think, it is the source of power. Think less and think slowly and you will always have enough time and energy.  Take time to read, it is the fountain of wisdom.   Take time to love and be loved, it is a God-given privilege.  Take time to stop, it creates clarity by slowing down the mind.  Take time to meditate, it is the source of peace. Meditation helps clear the residue of your past and eliminate anxiety about the future.


We spend so much time ‘making up' our faces to ensure our appearance is beautiful, yet we forget to make up our minds. Making up our minds means ensuring our thoughts are positive and our feelings towards others are filled with good wishes. Inculcate a habit, where your thought patterns are those you like: right, positive and powerful no matter what happens.


Now is the time to create and conserve energy and use our time wisely. At the time of waking, emerge a positive thought, because the first thought of the day sets the blueprint for the entire day.  Take time-outs during the day. At night meditate for ten minutes or more, just before going to bed. Generally, it is anxiety, created from hurry, worry, and overthinking, which is the cause of most stress and sleep abnormalities. “The hurrier I go the behinder I get!”  Let the mind rest. Meditation works by relaxing the mind and making it more peaceful. The effect spreads to the hypothalamus, the sleep center within the brain, and removes the blockage. Your time even while sleeping is well used.


Over time we keep delaying our happiness until things are just right in our life. We think we will be happy in a future time, and then we wonder why we are not happy now. But life is never just right, and the future never comes – there is only now!  Simply being present brings great benefit.  To be present means to be aware of who I am, to see the self as an eternal, imperishable soul neither created nor destroyed. The body is perishable but the soul never dies.  Realizing I am eternal and forever, “I don’t have time” is canceled, because I have all the time in the world!  


Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

PV Bookshop Link: https://www.peacevillageretreat.og/all-books.html






Novembre à L'Émergence | November at L'Émergence

8 November 2022

See English version below

L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix

Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !

Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer le grand retour en présentiel de notre événement annuel : la Retraite d'un jour. Une journée unique en compagnie de deux invitées d'exception, qui vous permettra de vous offrir d'agréables moments de ressourcement. Une opportunité idéale pour apporter de la lumière à votre automne et laisser émerger de nouveaux horizons intérieurs.

Au plaisir de vous accueillir,

L'équipe de L'Émergence





















PLACES LIMITÉES. Veuillez cliquer ci-dessus pour vous inscrire.


































Si vous souhaitez méditer, cliquez ICI et découvrez sur notre page Vidéos des centaines de commentaires de méditation sur des thèmes variés.













Pour vous joindre en ligne cliquez ci-dessus. Découvrez les prochains thèmes ICI.













Cliquez ci-dessus pour vous joindre en ligne. 
























L' Émergence, your Oasis of Peace 
























If you want to meditate, click HERE to discover on our Videos page hundreds of meditation comments on various topics.




































The HOLIDAY season has begun: Good News Update from Sr Chirya, NY

7 November 2022

Om Shanti to You Shining Stars of Contentment,

Just received the local newspaper with this week's BK published article! 

Having the thought, 'Don't hide your light under a bushel', I thought you would like to see it!  It pretty much covered the whole page!! What wonderful drama !

Thank you

And today also, this same article has been published in BK  Daily News.....Thank you Daily News! LINK: Instead of teaching others by telling them, teach by doing it yourself 

bkdailynews­.org - “Which other country can say we’ve got a Christian King, a Hindu
Prime Minister and a Mayor of Islamic faith? And that just shows in this country of the UK, we don’t just tolerate diversity, 

we respect it, we celebrate it and we embrace it.” . . .


And regarding the article at the bottom of the page about "O Tannenbaum - O Christmas Tree" - In the past few weeks we have been helping the Museum put their Holiday extravaganza together and the opening was yesterday, Saturday.  Just to give you a beautiful and quick preview:

Now onto Peace Village for their Diwali/Thanksgiving Public Program on 13 November, 2022!

Best wishes, Love, Sr Chirya




Celebrate The Season - Awakening To Light - Nov 13, at Peace Village In Person! Plus other upcoming events

7 November 2022





BK Silicon Valley presents "Decoding Destiny", a free self-development series starting November 6

5 November 2022

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley is offering a free self-development series that will help in understanding how our destiny gets created (coded) by fully decoding the algorithm (logic/design) behind it. Each one of us has the power to create our own destiny instead of waiting for someone else to fix our lives. Join us to decode and create a beautiful destiny.


Monthly Self-Development Series: Decoding Destiny

Starting November 6th, 2022

For 3 weeks, on Sundays from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm PST


You can register at https://svbrahmakumaris.org/selfdev


Brahma Kumaris is the largest spiritual organisation in the world led by women.  It is a spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Founded in India in 1937, Brahma Kumaris has spread to more than 110 countries with over 900,000 students across all continents and has made an extensive impact in many sectors as an international NGO. However, Brahma Kumaris real commitment is to help individuals transform their perspective of the world from material to spiritual. The organization supports the cultivation of a deep collective consciousness of peace and of the individual dignity of each soul.






Reminder: Art Exhibition at the Manhattan Center on Sunday, Nov 6th: "The Story of You Through Time".  Please come and drop by between 12 pm-3 pm!

4 November 2022




Thanksgiving Retreat Link Correction

2 November 2022

Please note, correct link for registration is here below:






Dialogue on ‘Spiritual Dimensions of Transformation’ held at Peace Village Retreat Center, New York

4 November 2022

New York (USA): Close contacts of the Brahma Kumaris Office at the United Nations in New York met at Peace Village Retreat Center from October 21 – 23, for a dialogue on the Spiritual Dimensions of Transformation. The gathering which convened those from UN-affiliated NGOs (non-governmental organizations) as well as UN staff, had 3 dimensions: Transformation of the Self, Time and Transformation and Transformation of the Collective.


Ramu Damodaran, who served as secretary of the UN General Assembly’s Committee on Information for ten years starting in 2011, set the stage with an engaging talk on self-transformation – touching on each individual in the gathering.


BK Gayatri Naraine led the next session with a talk on Time and Transformation, including eternal time, original time and the time of the confluence.


Carl Murrel, who co-chairs the Values Caucus with BK Julia Grindon Welch, opened the third session by speaking of the need to be bold as we invite the collective into positions of empathy and solidarity, asking “Are we willing to accompany them?”


After the opening talks in each session, participants joined in deepening and expanding the understanding of real transformation as an inner, spiritual phenomenon that transforms the outer world as well. This dialogue continues an inquiry on transformation undertaken by the BK Office of the United Nations with UNFPA in 2015, shortly after the ratification of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda. The SDA promised two things: Universality and transformation. It clarified universality but left the meaning of “transformation” to be worked out over time. Prompted by then-chief of UNFPA at UN headquarters, Luis Mora, the BK’s engaged in 3 dialogues with UNFPA in New York City on this subject.


The next convening of this group will be in April of 2023 in New York City.






Florida Service News : October 2022

4 November 2022

Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - October 2022



Hurricane Ian recovery

The Tampa Center stayed under Baba’s canopy of protection during Hurricane Ian and only lost power for 18 hours. The was no damage to the Center, however a big clean up was needed in the yard. Baba’s angels lovingly cooperated and swept away the mountain of debris and restored the gorgeous garden.

In Madhuban at Nakki Lake - Sisters Manda, Shireen and Waddy

Ongoing service programs

Spiritual Insight Series

Throughout October spiritual insights sessions contribute to personal development and individual growth. Offerings were broad and inclusive, grounded for application in everyday life. A wide range of spiritual topics was covered by a variety of experienced yogis including Brother Pritesh; Sister Virali; Sister Ritu; Sister Tara; Sister Nitya; Sister Jaymini; Sister Jade and Sister Deborah.

Soulful Sundays

Every Sunday a session including a short spiritual talk, spiritual conversations, and 30 minutes of collective meditation for self-reflection was held.

Upcoming programs

Diwali celebrations Nov 6th

Raj Yoga Meditation Course Nov 12th and 13th in person.



Participants from Puerto Rico at the USA Spanish Retreat in Peace Village.

Peace Village, Friday 14th - Sunday 16th October: Group photo with Bro. Ken & Sr Judy and the participants of the USA Spanish retreat. Participating from Puerto Rico were Mary Varela, Aitza Rodriguez, and BK Usha. Aitza is Baba's 3-month-old baby and it was her very first time at Peace Village. Everyone was just lost in Baba's love and magic!!


Click here to download Full Report.



Register for Advent Calendar Meditations from Brahma Kumaris Halifax

3 November 2022

                              The Gift of Peace

                                24 Days
                Advent Calendar Meditations



Greetings of Peace

It is the time of year when we light candles and give gifts
of love and peace.

This holiday season, make a commitment to yourself, your family, and our world - to generate 15 minutes of peace each day.

 When you register, you will receive a gift of meditation
each day in your email box every day for 24 days. From the comfort of your own home experience: 

A reflection question, a short guided meditation commentary, and a peaceful song are your gift of peace to yourself and the world at the start or end of your day!

(CHECK your spam folder if you don't see it - as it is often hiding there)

To receive daily please register here

If you are already receiving the Daily Thoughts you will automatically receive these Advent Calendar meditations.

  No need to register


  Brahma Kumaris Halifax Meditation Centre

  Our mailing address is



How to improve focus in meditation? Anubhuti Presents an Online Talk on November 3-4

3 November 2022

Anubhuti Retreat Center, Brahma Kumaris San Francisco is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: *योग में एकाग्रता बढ़ाने की विधि*
Friday, November 4, 2022    Time: 6 am – 7:30 am India time

Thursday, November 3, 2022    Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Talk is in Hindi, Translation in English is available.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 8939 9983
Passcode: babamurli

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,98389399983# US
+12532158782,,98389399983# US (Tacoma)


Dial by your location
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 386 347 5053 US

Meeting ID: 983 8939 9983
Find your local number: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/u/kdfW6jwpas






A Warm Invitation for the Experiential Values Workshop on 'Positivity' (Saturday - 7 AM - Pacific time)

3 November 2022

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.


We extend our warm invitation for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series this Saturday (7 AM - Vancouver time).


Valu: Positivity (सकारात्मकता)  


Content of the Workshop:

1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on 'Positivity.' 

2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by BK Sr. Antonella, from Italy.

Date / Time: Saturday, 5th November (2 Hrs Session)

7:00 AM (Pacific)

10:00 AM (Eastern)

7:30 PM (India)  

2:00 PM (UK)

3:00 PM (Italy, France, Spain)  

11:00 AM (Brazil) 


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)


(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)


Thank you all.


Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends. They provide insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi brothers and sisters. The series is a collaborative project between VIHASA – India and the Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)






Thanksgiving at Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center

2 November 2022



Manhattan Center Presents a 7-Day Meditation Course (Nov 7th - Nov 13th): Reviving The Higher Self

2 November 2022



November 2022 Series: "Transformation of old nature and old sanskar": B.K. Mohini Didi

2 November 2022

Dear Avyakti Parivar, Greetings of love!


 In the month of November, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to New Series: "Transformation of old nature and old sanskaras'' -"पुरानी नेचर संस्कारो का परिवर्तन''


Promo: https://youtu.be/wgdwJPI6lEM


English Playlist:



Avyakti Parivar has invited you to schedule Zoom meeting


Zoom Id: 919 1946 0246

Passcode: dadijanki


Join Zoom Meeting with one click link



Here is the Schedule for November 2022: 



Thank you,

Avyakti Parivar






November Calendar is here from the Manhattan Meditation Center!  Lecture this Thursday (Nov 3rd): What You Consume, Consumes You

2 November 2022



Milpitas, USA- Diwali Celebrations - Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley

1 November 2022

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley celebrated Diwali and the event included a talk by BK Usha Behn on the topic of "Conquering Ravan and Celebrating True Diwali", Greetings and Meditation from Senior BK's and Brahma Bhojan.

Below are some photos of the event

Greetings of Diwali by BK Kusum

Talk by BK Usha Behn, Mount Abu, and below is the Video link to the Talk


The audience was enlightened by the talk of BK Usha Behn.

Greetings of Diwali by BK Nirwair Bhai

Group preparing Brahma Bhojan

Brahma Bhojan distribution 

With Love

BK Kusum 

BK Meditation Center



Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos - Noviembre

1 November 2022


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página


Comienza el Sábado 26 de Noviembre a las 11:00am - 12:15pm. Para cualquier pregunta puedes llamar al teléfono: 617-926-1230


Meditaciones Diarias: haz clic en la imágen para acceder a las grabaciones diarias


Para registrarse haz clic abajo y recibirás un correo electrónico donde deberás verificar la suscripción




The DF Madhuban Online Program - Group 2 Schedule will be available on Avyakti Parivar

1 November 2022

Dear Avyakti Parivar,


Here is the program from Madhuban which we will make available in Avyakti Parivar zoom. A few sessions will be live from Madhuban. November 2 and 6 will not be  live but we will make them available on Zoom with Spanish and Hindi Translation.



Avyakti Parivar






November 2022 Homework: "Transformation of old nature and  old sanskar": BK Mohini - नवंबर  2022: "पुरानी नेचर व संस्कारो का परिवर्तन" अभ्यास (होम वर्क) - बी.के.मोहिनी

1 November 2022

Om Shanti Dear Baba's Family, Greetings of love!


In the month of November, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to a New Series: "Transformation of old nature and old sanskar'' -"पुरानी नेचर संस्कारो का परिवर्तन''


Promo:   https://youtu.be/wgdwJPI6lEM


You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder link given below.


Thank you

In Baba's loving yaad,

 BK Mohini

Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris


Homework Link – you will receive a daily video in the below YouTube folder link.





Hindi (translated classes):



Avyakti Parivar

A Family of Angels United in Love for One

Om Shanti






ओम् शांति सर्व ब्राह्मण परिवार के प्रति


ईश्वरीय मधुर यादप्यार स्वीकार करना जी।  


नवंबर महीने में, अव्यक्ति परिवार अपनी नई सिरीज़: "पुरानी नेचर संस्कारो का परिवर्तन" में आपका स्वागत करते है।

Promo: https://youtu.be/wgdwJPI6lEM


प्रतिदिन आपको नीचे दी गयी YouTube Folder Link में अभ्यास की स्मृति और विधि मिलती रहेगी।



बाबा की याद में,


सह-मुख्य प्रशासिका, ब्रह्माकुमारीज


होमवर्क लिंक - HOMEWORK LINK प्रतिदिन के लिए आपको नीचे दिए गए फोल्डर में मिलती रहेगी।


अंग्रेज़ी  - English:



Hindi (translated classes):




अव्यक्ति परिवार - Avyakti Parivar

