2022 February International News Archive
Table of Content
March- 2022 Homework: 'Silent Sound of the Soul” and “Companion of God”: BK Mohini
28 February 2022
Om Shanti.
To all the elevated souls who are filled with love & power, To all dearly beloved brothers and sisters, souls of the Yagya, Instrument teachers, and the whole Brahmin family, Please accept sweet Godly love and remembrances.
Wishing you all a very Happy Trimurti Shiv Jayanti! Many congratulations on the birthday of the Father and the children.
In the month of February, in the series “Shiv Bhagwanuvachaah”, we practiced to become an embodiment of Shiv Baba by remembering each and every glory of Shiv Baba.
The month of March has become a special memorial in our Yagya. It is the month of the Smriti Day of both our beloved Dadis. In this month, by remembering the specialties of these two special jewels, Dadi Jankiji and Dadi Gulzarji, let us make effort to become like them.
We are having two special series in memory of dear Dadi Jankiji and Dadi Gulzarji:
March 1 - March 15: Dadi Gulzar - Silent Sound of the Soul
March 16 - March 31: Dadi Janki - Companion of God
We welcome you to join us on this pilgrimage of special effort.
Promo: https://youtu.be/B7Lex0sFoRM [4:06]
You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder link given below.
Homework Link – you will receive a daily video in the below YouTube folder link.
English (अंग्रेज़ी):
1.Dadi Gulzar: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rltgzWabBJhw7LldTnf-m9g
2.Dadi Janki: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rlkxCjMceMOFsm_06zLa4fv
हिंदी - Hindi (Translated): https://youtube.com/playlistlist=PLHSAb26Vm7rk84PY2IshxaS_Xvhazftfz
All of you are requested to share the information of this special effort with all regular students, Brahmin brothers and sisters. Please keep sending us your experiences and feedback from this special effort. Thank you.
In Baba’s loving yaad,
BK Mohini
Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris
Avyakti Parivar, A Family of Angels United in Love for One
Om Shanti, Om Shanti
Yoga Bhatti: Situation in Ukraine
24 February 2022
Dear Global Family, Om Shanti, love and remembrance from Ukraine.
You’ve probably heard the latest news about the situation around Ukraine and Russia. From the very morning, we’ve been receiving letters and messages from you full of love and concern for BKs and all Baba’s children in Ukraine.
Thank you all so much for your good wishes and vibrations of yoga. People are buying groceries. Some leave the cities.
Baba's centers in Ukraine have organized a 24-hour bhatti which will last until Monday for now. Bhatti will be streamed live on Zoom at the link below. We would be very grateful if you join us at any time, online or offline in the Subtle World.
Conference ID 859 1014 5496
Code: 576000
We believe that we are safe under Baba's Canopy of Protection with all your good wishes.
With love,
In remembrance of the One,
BK Olga on behalf of NCT, Ukraine
The Daily Guardian - Delhi 19th February
21 February 2022
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.
Committee on Religious NGOs Interfaith Harmony event on Feb 24
21 February 2022
Provided in case the one below doesn't work.
Transformation and tranquility in a time of adversity
Thursday, February 24, 2022 1:00 – 2:15 pm EST
Join representatives across faith and spiritual traditions as we come together in prayerful intention for: transformation within ourselves and then within communities we serve, transcendence of the challenges we face, and tranquility as we strive to rebuild with resilience, especially among the most vulnerable.
Madhuban Program for Double Foreigners - 24 February to 5 March
20 February 2022
Dear Divine Family,
Greetings of love. Double Foreigners are now arriving in Gyan Sarovar for Baba’s next meeting on 28th February and we look forward to having a lovely gathering from all corners of the world.
We are pleased to let you know that we are live streaming one class per day from Madhuban from 24th February till 5th March (excluding 26th Feb - Global Bhatti day and 28th Feb - Baba’s Avyakt meeting day). We would like to give you enough time to SAVE THE DATES.
Details of the names of seniors, class topics, class timings, plus a link to join these classes will be sent to you in the next few days.
All translations will be organized by language groups so please contact your language coordinator for more information.
The recording of all classes will also be available in case it is not possible for you to connect live. Please email us at dfseason@brahmakumaris.org if you have any questions.
In Baba's yaad,
DF Madhuban Program Team
Next Global Bhatti - One Day Only - Saturday 26 February
13 February 2022
Dear Divine Family,
Congratulations on making the Global Bhatti in January such a grand success!
From the many who gave feedback, this initiative to bring the global family together has sparked off the desire to continue having these bhattis.
We are very happy to announce that the date for our next one-day Global Bhatti is Saturday 26th February 2022. The bhatti will be in celebration of Shiv Ratri and will be titled: Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. More details will be sent out nearer the time.
The day's structure will be like the Volcanic Remembrance of One Bhatti, incorporating 8 hours of yoga either at your centre or at home.
To enable translation into various languages, we suggest that people can be at your centre or on webcast/zoom with live translation where necessary.
Suggested timetable (adjust according to your local timings):
Amrit Vela: 3:00 am – 5:00 am
Pre Murli meditation: 30 minutes
Post Murli meditation: 30 minutes
Class by senior: 30 minutes
Commentaries and Bhatti: 1 hour
We suggest the rest of the day should be without any devices. Themes to be used will be provided on the portal created for the Volcanic Remembrance of One Bhatti: bkmeditation.online/Global-Bhatti-2022
We are also introducing a place (clock/meter) on the portal, for BKs to add their minutes of remembrance during the year to accumulate “a billion minutes of yoga.”
We kindly request that all students be notified as soon as possible so that we allow everyone enough time to prepare and add the date to their diary.
In loving remembrance of Bapdada,
Mohini Didi and Sr Jayanti
The Daily Guardian - Delhi 12th February
13 February 2022
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.
Revised Guidelines for Double Foreigners visiting Madhuban
13 February 2022
Dear Centre Coordinators,
Greetings and remembrance from Madhuban.
As you may have heard, on 10 February, the Indian Government relaxed the rules for international travellers to India, and from 14 February, double foreigners will not have to undergo a 7-day quarantine.
Therefore, these revised Guidelines are being sent to all the foreign Centres for your attention.
In Baba's yaad,
BK Shashi
Revised Guidelines for Double Foreigners visiting Madhuban
(as of 11 Feb 2022)
1. From 14 February, international travellers are not required to undergo a 7-day quarantine on arrival in India.
Those double foreigners who travel to Abu directly from the airport will be required to give their COVID test at Global Hospital soon after arrival in Abu, even if they have done the test before leaving their country.
Till they receive their COVID test results, double foreigners would need to distance themselves from others and limit their movements.
2. Those double foreigners who have been in India for some days or weeks are requested to do their RT-PCR test 2 days before travelling to Madhuban.
3. Travellers entering the country after 14 February will be required to self-monitor their health for 14 days. Double foreigners should take medical treatment without delay if and when symptoms appear.
3. As mentioned earlier, accommodation for double foreigners in February and March 2022 will be in Gyan Sarovar. Some renovation work is taking place in Pandav Bhawan, and Bhattis are also continuing for groups from Indian Centres, and so double foreigners should not write or ask for accommodation in PB this season.
4. Double foreigners are requested not to invite non-BK or contact souls to Abu this season.
With good wishes,
Dr Pratap Midha
BK Didi Nirmala
BK Shashi
Guidelines for International Arrivals
The Daily Guardian - Delhi 5th February
6 February 2022
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.
Global Online Bhatti on "Towards Golden Bharat through Self Transformation" from 5-7 Feb., 2022
4 February 2022
BapDada's Beloved Divine Serviceable Jewels of Foreign Lands
Please accept Greetings of Peace.
We are happy to inform you that we are organising Online Tapasya Bhatti on the theme "Towards Golden Bharat through Self Transformation" from 5th to 7th February, 2022. The Bhatti will be conducted by senior brothers and sisters from India and abroad. The schedule of the Bhatti is below. Times are in IST.
This Bhatti is open to all BK Students/Teachers. The Bhatti will be live on Zoom and YouTube Channel (Education Wing RERF). Translation in English will be available on Zoom and Youtube.
Youtube Link (English):
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 956 7502 0272
YouTube Link (Hindi):
Warm Regards,
Dr. BK Mruthyunjaya
Chairman, Education Wing
Click below links to download the flyer in JPG file format:
Online Bhatti Flyer 2022 - English Front Page
Online Bhatti Flyer 2022 - English Back Page