2022 August Europe News Archive 2022 August Europe News Archive

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GCH Evening Webcasts - 29th August - 4th September 2022

28 August 2022

Webcast link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 29th August to 4th September 2022.


Monday 29th August – Meditation with Water element 7.00 – 8.00 pm

(Serving water to give back what we take from it.)


Tuesday 30th August – An Evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 – 7.30 pm Meditation

7.30 pm - स्वर्ग (सतयुग ) का अनुभव - दादी गुलज़ार जी EXPERIENCING GOLDEN AGE THROUGH DADI GULZAR JI


Wednesday 31st August - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

सिद्धि विनायक श्री गणेश - संकल्प से सिद्धि : Success by determined Thought

Speaker : Sister Deepika, Leicester UK


Thursday 1st September – An Evening with Dadi Gulzar

7.00 – 7.30 pm Meditation

7.30 pm – Easy Method to become Karmateet – 25-04-2012


Friday 2nd September – 7.00 – 8.00 pm Meditation


Saturday 3rd September – An Evening with BapDada-6.30 pm

16/12/2000 - Become an angelic karma yogi exactly like (sakshat)

Father Brahma and the part of visions (sakshatkar) will begin.


Sunday 4th September – 7.00 – 8.00 pm Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org

View/hear webcasts

Time in London now





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 29th August at globalcooperationhouse.org

28 August 2022


















































































































































Latest news from Jayantiben on 26th August

27 August 2022

The Spanish family were able to host the French family, then the Spanish family and then the Regional Teachers retreat consecutively at the monastery.  The generosity and amazing service won everyone’s hearts.

Mandaben conducted the French national retreat and I was there for the Spanish retreat and the Regional Teachers together with a whole team that had planned the event and Sudesh Didi joined us on Zoom for Murli and class on one of the days.

There were 95 participants from around 20 countries.

We had a lovely Rakhi celebration and on the final day one big coach brought people from the retreat to Baba’s new home in Barcelona to have a short ceremony for the International opening and Brahma Bhojan before leaving for the airport.

We returned to our homes on Thursday evening.




Tying Rakhi at Leicestershire, Rutland fire station and Consulate General of India, Birmingham

24 August 2022

Leicester (UK): BK Indu and BK Sukanti, Coordinators of Brahma Kumaris Leicester, and BK Neena, Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris Birmingham, visited the Consulate General of India, Birmingham, and tied divine rakhi to Dr. Shashank Vikram, Consul General of India, and shared the spiritual significance of the auspicious Rakshabandhan festival.

Rakhi, the sacred thread of pure love, was also tied at the Leicestershire and Rutland fire station headquarters.






News from Jayantiben in Spain on 21st August

24 August 2022

I travelled to Barcelona on Friday 19th August .  The Spanish family National retreat was taking place and there was a beautiful welcome with Baba’s family.  Saturday morning was the full BK programme, Amrit Vela, class then then a Question and Answer session with Bro Bill asking the questions. 


Saturday evening was Rakhi which lasted for 3.5 hours.  Some of the French family have stayed behind for the Regional Retreat which begins this evening and attended some sessions. 


Today the Spanish family left except those who have duties and we have the arrival of the Regional Retreat.  First session is this evening together with World Meditation hour. 


The monastery is the one which the Spanish family have been using for around 20 years and the location is very beautiful.   The monks who still stay at one part of the building are very loving and co-operative and love the atmosphere that has been created.


Om Shanti





What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of 21st August at globalcooperationhouse.org

21 August 2022



REPORT - Courage and Compassion in a Time of Crisis - Dr Partap Midha Featured at Janki Foundation event, GCH Auditorium,  31st July

18 August 2022

Click on the below image to download full report with photos.



Report - Dr Partap's visit to UK, Paris and Rome

15 August 2022

After almost a decade, it was a pleasure to have Dr Partap Midha, Trustee and  Director of J. Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, visit the UK. Having a very humble and caring yogi with us was very special for us indeed.


Dr Partap’s reason for visiting Europe was to receive the Bharat Gaurav Award

– a Lifetime Achievement Award giving recognition and motivation to the unsung heroes across the country who are working hard for the betterment of the lives of the underprivileged. Dr Partap cannot be praised enough for the work he has done at Mount Abu’s Global Hospital, and in particular his work during the pandemic under extreme difficulties.


Dr.Partap Midha, Trustee and Director of J.Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre was honoured with the prestigious Bharat Gaurav Award


Click HERE for full report with photos.






Raksha Bandhan Greetings from Sudesh Didi, Sister Jayanti and the UK Family

10 August 2022



Manchester Inner Space Presents An Online Seminar: Managing My Emotions, August 11th, 6:30 pm UK Time

10 August 2022

Managing strong emotions can be an overwhelming process. However, with practice, we can learn to step back, feel our emotions and also respond with self-respect. The method is to build our inner strength and create new habits so we can resist acting on our emotions even though we are upset.


Registration not required 


Join on Zoom

Use 1 click link: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/94247339299?pwd=QlYrSUZtQ0lzR3lCUTZDK0Z3K1NNUT09


or Zoom ID: 942 4733 9299   |   Passcode: 555290





A Series of Community Events in the London Borough of Brent

7 August 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Mental Health

On Tuesday 14th June, at Global Co-operation House (GCH), we hosted one of the Faith in Mental Health Workshops. The aim of the workshops, working with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, is to co-produce a Mental Health Toolkit for Faith Communities. The Brahma Kumaris delivered a session on 'Compassionate Listening' - an opportunity to deepen your listening skills by maintaining inner stillness, a sense of peacefulness and listening from the heart.



On Wednesday 15th June, GCH hosted a meeting with Council officials and faith leaders organised by the Climate and Environment Team of the Brent Multi-Faith Forum. The Council’s approach to environmental education is to engage with and hear the voices and opinions of the community so that their needs can be fulfilled, and behaviours change. They were given a tour of GCH and showed great interest in our waste management and recycling systems.


Place of Sanctuary Award

On Tuesday 21st June the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University UK was awarded a certificate as a Place of Sanctuary, Faiths of Sanctuary Award, welcoming people seeking sanctuary within the London Borough of Brent. The event was held at Newman Catholic College. This is in recognition of its work and ongoing commitment to the City of Sanctuary vision of being a welcoming place of sanctuary for people fleeing violence and persecution. Please see this link: https://bit.ly/FaithofSanctuary21June 


Council Sponsored Artwork

On Didi's Day, Thursday 28th July, Wembley Inner Space was the first shop on Wembley High Road to have artwork, depicting a Yogi, spray painted by the Council on the shop shutter. The shop faces Wembley Central tube station and the purpose of this initiative is to uplift the area. Now, even when the shop is closed, Inner Space is noticed by the public as passers-by stop to take pictures.



Global Co-operation House and Inner Space Wembley work closely together and in Brent (the London

borough in which we are situated) the BKs are viewed by many as a great resource in community.


Climate Change and My Religion

We also wish to remind you of the ‘Climate Change and My Religion’ photo exhibition launched by Brent Council last November. Here are two links:





Much love

In Baba's Yaad

Daxaben, Georgina and Maria






What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of August 8th at globalcooperationhouse.org

7 August 2022




GCH Evening Webcasts - 8th - 14th August 2022

7 August 2022

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 8th – 14th August 2022


Monday 8th August – An Evening with Dadi Prakashmani

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm Dadi Prakasmaniji – Mukti Varsh – Year of Liberation


Tuesday 9th August – An Evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

20/03/12 - Imbibe the power of contentment in your face and activity and become the same as Father Brahma.  Remain constantly happy and share happiness.


Wednesday 10th August - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

रक्षाबंधन - स्वतंत्रता और सुरक्षा का बंधन: Raksha Bandhan - Bond of Freedom and Protection

Speaker: Sister Gopi Patel, London


Thursday 11th August – Rakhi Celebrations (No Thursday talks in August)

From 6.30 pm


Friday 12th August – Rakhi celebrations from 6.30 pm


Saturday 13th August – Rakhi Celebrations from 6.30 pm


Sunday 14th August – Raksha Bandhan Celebrations (Public event)
Raksha Bandhan - The Link of Love – 6.30 – 8.30 pm


Please also check out the events for the public online at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts

Time in London now




Latest news from Jayanti Didi Thursday 4th August, 2022

4 August 2022

I was able to travel to Moringen Germany on Saturday 30th July with Jasmin from GRC where we had several meetings with the residents and the group of Trustees who look after Moringen.


On Sunday we went to Frankfurt and there was a beautiful programme in a hall in the centre of the city.  Ushi was the MC, a councillor from the local area spoke, a representative from the European Union also came together with the Indian Consul and other Indian dignitaries.  A beautiful theme on ‘Optimism for the Future.’


On Monday after morning class we had the inauguration of a home that a BK couple from Bharat have taken two minutes away from Baba’s home.  It was a lovely celebration with the whole family.  Sudesh Didi then left in the afternoon for London and I stayed on and had evening class with questions by Rita and Carolin.


 On Tuesday we left by train to go to Berlin.  There was a lovely lunch meeting with souls who have been in contact and who have been friends for some time.  In the evening dinner with the family.  Wednesday morning Jasmin and I returned back to London after morning class.


 A short trip, but it was very lovely to connect with the German family which now includes many bharat wasis also, so, it was very worthwhile.


Om Shanti






Manchester Inner Space Presents an Online Seminar: Understanding Anger - a spiritual approach, Thursday 4 August, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

3 August 2022

Anger is an expression of inner pain; an indication that all is not well in our world. It is one of the most powerful and destructive emotions. Whether it seeps out in the form of irritation and resentment or explodes in full rage, it causes damage to ourselves and to others. Anger also has many subtle faces which influence our behaviour and our relationships.


How can we change the anger within and use our energy in more positive ways?

Registration not required

Join on Zoom


Use 1 click Linkhttps://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/97737508679?pwd=UjlPQTlzby84WjgxNzBZUHdHOTRDQT09


or Zoom ID: 977 3750 8679   |   Passcode: 585815






Raksha Bandhan for Family, Friends and Contacts:  The Link of Love - Sunday 14th August, 2022 GCH 6.30 pm-8.30 pm

3 August 2022



Inner Space Bradford Presents a Thursday Evening Virtues and Power Series, online at 6 pm UK time

2 August 2022

This series of workshops explores the A to Z of virtues.  The intention is to give you a practical experience of each quality. 


Generally, virtues are considered to be the "domain of morality". However, they could also be described as our spiritual qualities. 


This series of workshops is an opportunity to experiment and explore these ideas in a creative way.  Each session consists of

  •      Experiencing the virtue
  •      Reflecting
  •      Valuing the Experience


Every Thursday evening online from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm


Join us on  Zoom - No registration required 


To join the online zoom session please click the “Join Zoom Meeting” button below (Only active at time of event). 










Wembley InnerSpace Presents "Richness Is When You Need No More", Tuesday, August 2, 6:45 pm

1 August 2022

Richness is not always about what you have, it is also about how you feel. Feeling abundant, full and prosperous is also a form of richness. Contentment, sometimes known as the true wealth that brings inner joy and fulfillment. This talk offers an inside-out approach to life wherein you begin with tapping into the inner treasures of virtues.


Speaker: Rachel Priestman

Rachel is a former Public Relations and Arts Management Consultant at Cambridge University. With a wide experience in various fields, she is an enthusiastic team member at Brahma Kumaris headquarters in London, offering her talents with joy and enthusiasm.


Booking form: https://wembley.innerspace.org/discover/inspiring-talks/registration/4130540-richness-is-when-you-need-no-more/4130542





GCH Evening Webcast - 1st - 7th August 2022

1 August 2022

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 1st – 7th August 2022


Monday 1st August – An Evening with Dadi Prakashmani

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm Dadi Prakasmaniji – Mukti Varsh – Year of Liberation


Tuesday 2nd August – An Evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

30/11/04 - Now show your avyakt form, equal to that of Father Brahma, through your behaviour and your face.  Become an image that grants visions.


Wednesday 3rd August - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

शांति की शक्ति - हीलिंग एनर्जी: Power of Silence - The Healing Energy

Speaker: Sister Ansuya, Bahrain


Thursday 4th August –An evening of entertainment (No Thursday talks in August)

7.00 pm             Meditation

7.30–8.30 pm    The Little Prince – Pantomime performed in GCH


Friday 5th August– Meditation – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 6th August - Meditation – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 7th August – Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org

View/hear webcasts

Time in London now