2020 August N. America News Archive
Table of Content
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Meditation Museum week of August 17-24
28 August 2020
24 August- 8 Postures Of The Heart [1:12:09] https://youtu.be/q9RaPT5DSUg
23 August- Wisdom In Action [1:12:09] https://youtu.be/EK1ijXlJD0I
21 August - Selfless Service [1:50:40] https://youtu.be/G4aasQGsEhc
20 August - Healing Our Thoughts [1:016:10] https://youtu.be/Uv_GLwTF4CY
19 August - Self Realization [1:19:22 ] https://youtu.be/coTixyUBvzc
17 August - Meditation Monday: Healing Our Inner Self [1:17:18] https://youtu.be/0YS0In0RSNg
REPLAYS of Recent online Programs at the Los Angeles Meditation Center Week of August 17
28 August 2020
24 August - Class by Asha Didi (Delhi) [1:07:49] https://youtu.be/xfoS7HOCRSs
24 August - On The Other Side [1:08:09] https://youtu.be/BCizHDbfP3E
23 August - A Courageous Response To Anxiety [1:21:21] https://youtu.be/n_-f9DZ5x4Y
Upcoming Online Events for September - BK Learning Center for Peace, Boston
28 August 2020
Raja Yoga Meditation7-Days Course: September 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22| 7 - 8 pm - English
(Sign-up assumes to attend all sessions or prior arrangement for make-up sessions)
In this course, we will explore the foundation and intermediate levels of Raja Yoga. Journey back into the experience of peace, harmony, and inner power through this unique form of meditation. We will introduce the spiritual identity of the soul and experience how our daily actions & choices influence the main functions of the soul - the mind, intellect, and impressions. We will explore the power of thoughts and how they can bring harmony and build better relationships in our lives. We will also discover methods to understand and connect with the unconditional love of the Source.
Please Register Here
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
Raja Yoga Meditation Introductory Course (RY01)
September 12, 13, 19, 20 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm - English
September 25, 26, 27, 28 | 5:00 - 6:30 pm - Telugu
(Sign-up assumes to attend all sessions or prior arrangement for make-up sessions)
In this course, we will explore the foundations of Raja Yoga. Journey back into the experience of peace, harmony, and inner power through this unique form of meditation. We will introduce the spiritual identity of the soul and experience how our daily actions & choices influence the main functions of the soul - the mind, intellect, and impressions. We will explore the power of thoughts and how they can bring harmony and build better relationships in our lives. We will also discover methods to understand and connect with the unconditional love of the Source.
Please Register Here for Telugu
Please Register Here for English
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
Creating Peace During Stressful Times
September 12 | 11 - 12:15 pm
Learn to Relieve, Reduce, and Resolve stress! We will explore a simple formula to assess our own ability to manage stress. Learn simple practical tools to increase our resilience, transform that stress, and bring ourselves back to the experience of peace.
About the Speaker: Merrillyn Hener is a physical therapist who specializes in Integrative Manual Therapy. She currently works with a Cambridge based outpatient clinic. Merrillyn began her study and practice of Raja Yoga in 2008 while living in Ethiopia. She serves as a Raja Yoga meditation teacher, speaker, and facilitator of workshops, retreats, and talks offered at Brahma Kumaris meditation centers and Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center in upstate New York.
Please Register Here
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
How am I doing? Settling vs. Healing
Saturday, September 19 | 11 - 12:15 pm
Over the past few months undoubtedly, we have had to adapt to many changes. How did we cope with all the change, physical, social, emotional, at home, at work, While physical activity was limited, interactions were several. What was my response and what was my mindset in a given moment with an individual or a certain situation/s? Exploring how one can use these moments, situations, interactions, to grow and move forward.
About the Speakers: Vandana Sareen was introduced to the Brahma Kumaris in 2001 and has been practicing Raja Yoga since 2003. She works as a real estate director for affordable housing in a private firm. She was a graduate student at MIT two decades ago and has recently moved to Watertown from Washington DC. She has lived and worked in India, West Africa, and the USA.
Micheline Tanguay is a former assistant manager for a human resources consultation firm. Since 2008 she studies and teaches Raja Yoga Meditation offering workshops and retreats in Canada and USA with the aim of a better understanding of human beings and bringing values that will lead to peace in the world.
Please Register Here
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
"Peace In the Now"Stress Relief via a new awareness of Raja Yoga
Saturday, September 26 | 11 - 12:00 pm
Experience Peace from a new awareness of the source of the self, experience stress relief by creating positive thought patterns based on your own realizations from the new awareness. Format: 33% Theory, 33% Reflection & Meditation Exercises, 33% Audience discussion to facilitate learning
About the Speaker: Sudarshan Sundar has worked in the field of computer software development at Microsoft since 2003. Born in India, he grew up in Singapore and moved to the United States in 1999. Sudarshan has served as a teacher of Raja Yoga since 2002. He currently serves as a Coordinator of Inner Space Meditation and Gallery. Sudarshan is also a graduate of the LeaderShape Institute.
Please Register Here
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
Sustenance ClassesPractical Applications of Raja Yoga for Happiness, Joy, and Lightness
Ongoing Sundays| 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Prerequisite: RY01 and RY02
These workshops will include sharing the practical application of the Raja Yoga knowledge via excerpts from the Source - 33%, experience of remembrance via exercises - 33%, and audience discussion to facilitate learning - 33%
About the Speaker: Sudarshan Sundar has worked in the field of computer software development at Microsoft since 2003. Born in India, he grew up in Singapore and moved to the United States in 1999. Sudarshan has served as a teacher of Raja Yoga since 2002. He currently serves as a Coordinator of Inner Space Meditation and Gallery. Sudarshan is also a graduate of the LeaderShape Institute.
Please Register Here
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
Meditate Everyday!
You are invited to join us for guided & creative meditation, through which you will be able to create an oasis of peace and spread the energy of love and hope to yourself & to the world.
Evening Guided Meditation
Mon ~ Fri - 7 pm ~ 7:30 pm
Sunday - 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Zoom Meeting Info - Please click here to join
REPLAYS of Recent Online Events at the Manhattan Meditation Center Week of August 17
28 August 2020
21 August - Powerboost: Think, But Think Positive [20:59] https://youtu.be/u9Dh2OsSkSE
21 August - The Power And Wisdom Of Humour [48:17] https://youtu.be/s2tZvc9bMjo
20 August - Powerboost Lunchtime Meditation [16:11] https://youtu.be/D3mWo2fM1eM
18 August - Powerboost On The Power Of Concentration [20:39] https://youtu.be/2ttKVXjnl6Q
17 August - The Inner Interior Design [15:57] https://youtu.be/MOush2NnuVk
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Miami Meditation Center Week of August 17
28 August 2020
21 August - Evening Meditation by Tej [13:19] https://youtu.be/6fehnGKyVcg
20 August - Evening Meditation on Self Care by Kristina [10:36] https://youtu.be/xPj3pktbQrI
19 August - Wednesday Evening Meditation by Craig [10:55] https://youtu.be/gXocjv6fneQ
18 August - Meditación al atardecer con Marjorie [11:15] https://youtu.be/zG2eCkQiD60
17 August - Evening Meditation & Spiritual Honesty by Dev and Vijai [19:44] https://youtu.be/7cCSysfpWqA
Special Gift: Invaluable Inspirations from Dadi Prakashmani Ji compiled by Silicon Valley BKs
28 August 2020
Dadi (elder sister) Prakashmani Ji (a diamond or jewel of light), was the second administrative head of Brahma Kumaris. On August 25th, 2007, she left the physical body. Her life was her message.
Invaluable Inspirations from Dadi Prakashmani Ji
1. Godly disciplines and codes of conduct are the true decoration of our lives. We have to inculcate these into our lives and constantly continue to make progress.
2. Always have the intoxication: I am a light of God’s eyes. Secretly remain in God’s eyes and storms of Maya will not be able to shake your stage.
3. The beloved, merciful God of all of us is one Baba. Have an exchange of your heart with only Him. Never make a bodily being your friend or have wasteful thoughts of such beings or thoughts of others.
4. Never allow signs of sadness, dislike, or hatred to appear on your face. Always remain happy and continue to distribute happiness. Create such a happy atmosphere at your center that it makes everyone fortunate with happiness.
5. The more introverted you become physically and adopt silence in your mind, the more you will fill the atmosphere with light and might and those who come to you will be influenced by this. This is the service of giving sakaash in a subtle way.
6. You should not get caught up in “mine and yours” due to any reason and have a conflict with anyone. Disagreement with one another is the biggest obstacle in service. Now free yourself from this obstacle and free others too.
7. Give regard to the ideas of one another. First of all, listen to one another and then make a decision and there will not be two opinions. Definitely give respect to each one, young and old.
8. All of Baba’s children now have to become such mines of contentment that, on seeing you, everyone becomes content. Remain constantly content and make others content.
9. Always remember four mantras.
Never become careless; always remain alert.
Never dislike anyone and always have good wishes for everyone.
Never be jealous of anyone and have the race of progress.
Never be influenced by any person, object, or material comfort. Always remain under the influence of one Baba.
10. All of us are the royal children of the royal Father. Constantly fill yourself with the sanskars of royalty and purity. Free yourself from the sanskars of enslavement. Never let go of the truth.
Honor’s given to Dadi Prakashmani Jee
Dharma Chakra Medal (1984)
Key to the city of Los Angeles (1984)
City Medals of Sao Paulo and Frankfurt (1984)
United Nations International Year of Peace Medal (1986)
International Peace Messenger Award from the UN Secretary-General (1987)
Honorary Doctor of Literature from Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India (1992)
Giant Award for Social work from Giant International, Mumbai (1994)
’Dharma Ratna’, by World Religious Parliament, New Delhi.
From our hearts, we thank you for your unlimited service and love for this world. Our salutations to Dadiji.
Florida Service News: Special #BKTampa Rakhi edition
27 August 2020
Dallas Brahma Kumaris Give Spiritual Message on 74th Independence Day of India
26 August 2020
Dallas, Texas (USA): The India Association of North Texas arranged a virtual event for all Organizations of North Texas, a special celebration on August 15th in which BK Sister Ranjan Inamdar from Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center Dallas gave a Spiritual message and greetings on the occasion.
She said that celebrating true independence for the human soul means to empower the inner self with divine wisdom through spirituality. This will bring purity, peace and prosperity back in Bharat. It is already happening through Spiritual endeavors and Bharat will soon become a divine land, free from corruption and impurity.
Click here to listen to her brief message.
Psycho Dynamics to Understand the Deep Secrets of Human Mind- A Webinar by BK Silicon Valley
22 August 2020
Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley Presents a live Webinar on “Decoding the Psycho Dynamics to Understand the Deep Secrets of Human Mind”
Date: Saturday, August 22nd, 2020
Timings: 12 Noon to 1:00 PM (PDT)
Please calculate your local time here:
Please Register in advance for this webinar: Register by clicking here: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rm0oDVoyQGWJcU0tG2rb7A
Once you register, kindly look for an email containing information about joining the webinar.
Om Shanti
Links to join Thursday talk " The Power and Wisdom of Humor"
20 August 2020
Manhattan Meditation Center has been running a series of lectures: every Thursday a talk by an experienced speaker on helpful everyday topics is offered.
We invite you to join us for a talk this Thursday on "The Power and Wisdom of Humor" from 6.30 - 7.30 pm (EST).
Links for our English speaking participants:
FaceBook live :-
Youtube live :-
For our Spanish speaking participants:
Zoom link:-
Please save the meeting id and password you receive upon registration because it remains the same.
MMC Team
Please submit any questions to:
Or iPhone one-tap
US: +13017158592,,92231893923# or +13126266799,,92231893923#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128
Meeting ID: 922 3189 3923
International numbers available:
You can cancel your registration at any time.
Online Journey of Self Awareness & Meditation course Offered by Anubhuti Retreat Center
18 August 2020
Journey of Self Awareness Online Workshop
Aug 22, Sat, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Pacific Time
“When you become aware of silence, immediately there is that state of inner still alertness. You are present. You have stepped out of thousands of years of collective human conditioning.” - Eckhart Tolle
Our consciousness is conditional with our worldly human experiences, creating emotional and mental blockages. This conditional awareness clouds our true potential.
Join us to learn:
How to peel off the layers of conditioned awareness
How to endeavor to explore the journey of self-awareness
How to Use the power of silence to experience the inner light
Facilitator: HarHarsha Pallisha Palli - see website for bio
Register - Journey of Self Awareness, Aug 22 Sat 1 - 4 pm
English Raja Yoga Meditation Course Online
Thu, Aug 27 - Sat, Sep 19
10 sessions of instruction twice a week
Pacific Time: Thursdays and Saturdays 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Online Meditation Course EnglishClass topics: Who Am I, About God, Three Levels of Consciousness, World Cycle, Karma, Powers of the Soul, Foundation of Meditation, and Spiritual Lifestyle
Register - Journey of Self Awareness, Aug 22 Sat 1 - 4 pm
We continue to provide online spiritual sustenance with ongoing classes and programs. You are welcome to share these with your contacts.
All times are Pacific Daylight Time
Here is a timing converter if needed
Creative Meditation:
Fridays, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturdays, 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Sundays, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Evening Workshops/Talks:
Mondays, 7:00 to 8:30 pm - different weekly topic
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30 pm - different weekly topic
Conference Login Details for programs above:
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,3582083701# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,3582083701# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
For more info about any of the programs, please visit the events pages on the San Francisco Center or Anubhuti websites.
Online World Peace Meditation Hour : Every Third Sunday 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm in your time zone
18 August 2020
We are an important part of the world in transition.
Watch the reply of this Sunday's FaceBook LIVE special program to experience inner peace and send the vibration of peace to our world. These 60-minute World Peace Meditations are offered by the Brahma Kumaris on the Third Sunday of each month.
This time is for recharging the battery of the soul by connecting with our inner resource of spiritual energy, and radiating love, care, and hope to our beautiful but troubled world.
Every third Sunday, the Brahma Kumaris worldwide offers an hour dedicated to world transformation through peace.
Both experienced meditators and beginners are welcome.
REPLAYS of Recent Broadcasts from North Augusta, South Carolina
18 August 2020
14 August - Meditation Commentary on Harnessing the Ultimate Source of Healing - by Dr Kanishtha Agarwa [9:42] https://youtu.be/fyizHtikJoU
11 August - Mastering Our Feelings and Emotions: Session 4 [1:35:28] https://youtu.be/xMxEMBG7IX0
10 August - Healing Through Our Connection with the Higher Power Last session of the Retreat with Dr Shevtank [1:33:26] https://youtu.be/By6vSnrD_ug
10 August - Session on the Healing Power Of The Mind Another session of the Retreat with Dr Shevtank [1:54:08] https://youtu.be/6_iykcW_RXU
9 August - Death, Dying, and Moving on... A session of the Quantum Retreat with Dr Shevtank [1:49:50] https://youtu.be/lInxioWjuMw
7 August - Quantum Physics and its Connection To Our Healing An online retreat with Dr Shevtank Agarwal [1:34:12] https://youtu.be/y93uz8e1QSw
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Meditation Museum with Sister Jenna Week of August 10-17
18 August 2020
17 August - World Peace Meditation [1:09:39] https://youtu.be/GZoPDNgmVnI
16 August- Karma [1:01:24] https://youtu.be/xgHZxhRNpbQ
14 August- The Key To Success [1:14:08] https://youtu.be/B_8R8ptNVNM
13 August - Feeling Great!- How to Change Your Life for the Better [59:23] https://youtu.be/ED4NW-pLLsw
12 August - Being an Instrument for Positive Change [1:09:54] https://youtu.be/N7UHfsHX24g
11 August - Healing Hearth and Soul [58:16] https://youtu.be/9L0V1qnaRnM
10 August - Meditation Monday: The Art Of Being [1:08:49] https://youtu.be/qKVGY-k1F7E
REPLAYS of Recent Online Events at the Manhattan Meditation Center Week of August 10-17
18 August 2020
16 August - Peace and Joy in the Now [19:30] https://youtu.be/MMzV0rE4wuQ
16 August - Powerful Thoughts [16:11] https://youtu.be/yzdnBJTprns
16 August - Powerboost On Soft Energy [12:09] https://youtu.be/29BY5YkKkxE
16 August - Power of Awareness [21:24] https://youtu.be/RGd7X5x3PpM
14 August - Cómo Tratamos Con Personas Difíciles con Judy Rodgers [1:00:18] https://youtu.be/azzH1TglDhg
13 August - How Do We Deal with Difficult People by Judy Rodgers [1:00:04] https://youtu.be/-SmO8HeNSTA
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Miami Meditation Center Week of August 10
18 August 2020
13 August - Evening Meditation by Kristina [13:04] https://youtu.be/QK7Q-k5bivI
12 August - Evening Meditation by Craig [12:47] https://youtu.be/4GzXTpQ7Jj4
11 August - Meditación al atardecer con Amar [11:21] https://youtu.be/czmb9FY0p_o
10 August - Evening Meditation & Spiritual Honesty by Dev and Vijai [19:08] https://youtu.be/JVv0aLa0blc
Live Webinar on “Song of Silence from the Heart of the Soul” – August 15 presented by Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley
14 August 2020
Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley Presents a Live Webinar on “Song of Silence From The Heart of The Soul”
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2020
Timings: 12 Noon to 1 pm (PDT – Pacific time)
Please Register in Advance for This Webinar:
To Register, Click Here
Once You Register, Kindly Look for an Email Containing Information About Joining The Webinar.
Please Calculate Your Local Time https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
August Events online via L'Émergence (Brahma Kumaris Montreal, Canada)
12 August 2020
L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace
Gradual resumption of our activities
Dear friends of L'Emergence ... Om shanti!
We are happy to announce that from September 9 we will be offering selected activities onsite. Everything is being put in place to respect the sanitary and hygienic precautions that support the health and safety of us all. Until then, continue to enjoy our online activities!
The L'Emergence Team
Online Meditation Course on Zoom! To register, please click on image below.
Join us on Facebook to meditate!
Meditating for the Well-Being of Our Loved Ones and the Planet
Online Meditation Course on Zoom! To register, please click on image below.
Join us on Facebook to meditate!
Meditating for the Well-Being of Our Loved Ones and the Planet
REPLAYS OF Recent Programs at the Meditation Museum with Sister Jenna, Aug 3 through 9th
12 August 2020
09 August - Transform Competition into Cooperation [1:04:46] https://youtu.be/xx8bx_pY1b0
08 August- Do You Know How to Love? [1:03:15] https://youtu.be/QT33c04q6Wk
07 August- The Supreme Soul- Remover of Sorrow & Bestower of Happiness [1:08:45] https://youtu.be/GNBUdN_whYw
06 August - Are You Finding Ways to Bring Newness Into Life [1:13:57] https://youtu.be/DZ3scBaadbw
05 August - Meeting Life’s Challenges [1:15:36] https://youtu.be/UnTLo-fZXVQ
04 August - The Chain of Blame (Re Broadcast) [1:07:36] https://youtu.be/qc-_zumjTGQ
03 August - Meditation Monday: Rakhi- The Link of Love and Protection [1:12:54] https://youtu.be/CW7v8aRrygA
REPLAY: BuildingStability and Resilience for Uncertain Times” Workshop by BK Supriya (Mount Abu)
12 August 2020
“Building Stability and Resilience for Uncertain Times” - A Workshop by BK Supriya (Mount Abu) premiered on the 5th of August [1:26:18] https://youtu.be/CZgdcwsyME4
REPLAYS of Recent Online Events at the Manhattan Meditation Center, Week of August 3rd
12 August 2020
09 August - Practica de Meditacion Guiada [27:17] https://youtu.be/xfsAGSLw6Qg
09 August - Una Meditación Guiada: El Hermoso Viajero [7:27] https://youtu.be/njifF1aieM4
09 August - Method para la meditación: Pasos [10:46] https://youtu.be/TNknUPEB5eM
09 August - La alegría de un invitado [8:35] https://youtu.be/Lk6gUnz6Dk0
09 August - El Ser Real [14:29] https://youtu.be/Is3rp0BTZUw
08 August - Love by BK Sister Parul [14:10] https://youtu.be/Q5hYrEVn92U
08 August - Purity And Cleanliness: Forgotten Treasures Of The Soul (Spanish translation) [59:18] https://youtu.be/grHzGt4KOys
07 August - Purity And Cleanliness: Forgotten Treasures Of The Soul [59:17] https://youtu.be/la7psq763KM
07 August - Living From The Inside Out [22:06] https://youtu.be/qdcUNIpIcxo
05 August - Make Your Mind Your Best Friend by Raj Bhagirathee [16:40] https://youtu.be/peEjDOkVo0s
05 August - Being Light by Kinnari Murthy [14:05] https://youtu.be/9_qmRGuf1VE
04 August - Rediscovering Pure Joy by Karen Wesolowski [19:30] https://youtu.be/BjvKBfp2bqY
Replays of Recent Programs at the Miami Meditation Center, Week of August 3rd
12 August 2020
08 August - Evening Meditation by Tej [09:22] https://youtu.be/z6yf86O-oyg
07 August - Experiencing my true self with Meredith [11:31] https://youtu.be/3-lyFjVJIAo
06 August - Evening Meditation by Meeta [16:18] https://youtu.be/GO-oGgzEaAQ
05 August - Meditación al atardecer con Marjorie [17:33] https://youtu.be/RAMIKRXjcp4
04 August - Purity of Heart by Dev and Vijai [17:39] https://youtu.be/kzhPsv6VXJw
“Forgiveness, the Ultimate Healer” – Online Conversation with Dr Girish Patel on August 11th, hosted by N. Augusta, Georgia USA
12 August 2020
Sacramento ( USA ): Let us embark together on a journey to understand, manage, cleanse, heal and empower our emotions in a simple and effective way with eminent speaker Dr. Girish Patel on the topic “Forgiveness, the Ultimate Healer.”
Speaker: Girish Patel, MD
For more information, please email rsvpbksac@gmail.com or
Phone/whatsapp: +1 916-717-7281
Join us on Zoom:
ID: tiny.cc/masteremotions
Password: healthy
Zoom call: 1-669-900-9128, ID: 3819143856#
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/bk.omshanti12
YouTube Live: https://tinyurl.com/meditationlive
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News: BK Rakhi Special
9 August 2020
Highlights from the BK Miami Rakhi Celebrations (2 Aug, 2020)
The special atmosphere of Raksha Bandhan brought a very unique gift to look at ourselves, access ourselves, and use this as a gift to leap forward in our spiritual life. Sr. Manda was the specially invited facilitator who beautifully guided this powerful process by being so transparent and honest with her spiritual efforts and creating this special space where each of the family could dive deeper with Baba and stabilize the self in the present.
Rakhi Bhog Offering : Sr. Manda and Sr. Waddy
Following the class and meditation by Sr. Manda each soul exclusively shared a loving drishti with the rest of the family and got a unique blessing which was read by Sr. Waddy.
Those at the center got their rakhis tied and rest got it delivered along with the loving brahma bhojan. Was also very special to also be in the loving company of dear alokik family after a long time.
Click here for full report with photos.
Online August Events....Reminder for Tomorrow's lecture (8/6): Purity and Cleanliness: Forgotten Treasures of the Soul
6 August 2020
Practicing Pause Post Covid-19: What will the future look like, and how can we shape it? – An Online Panel Event on August 5th, 8 am to 10 am PDT
5 August 2020
On August 5th Dr. Rollin McCraty, Amanda Masters, BK Sister Jenna, Arthur Joseph, and Michael Ventura join Jennifer K. Hill for a Humanity Rising panel on Awake TV
LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES: Jennifer K. Hill discusses with leaders how to expand the power of the pause into the future of tomorrow in a post-COVID-19 world. She and the panelists explore tools that people can use, as well as how those tools can help us all sustain a balanced tomorrow.
Panelists include:
Sister Dr. Jenna: Director, Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums & Host, America Meditating Radio
Dr. Rollin McCraty: Director of Research at HeartMath
Arthur Joseph: Founder of Vocal Awareness
Michael Ventura: CEO of Sub Rosa
Amanda Masters: Co-Founder of Awake TV Network
Tune in for free to Awake TV Network on
Wednesday, August 5th from 8 am PT (Pacific time) to 10 am PT
to watch the panel: https://www.awaketvnetwork.live/browse
About Dr. Rollin McCraty
Rollin McCraty of Boulder Creek, California, is executive vice president and director of research of HeartMath Institute. McCraty is director of research and project coordinator of the Global Coherence Monitoring System. He has been with HeartMath since its creation in 1991. He is a psychophysiologist and a professor at Florida Atlantic University. McCraty’s research interests include the physiology of emotion, with a focus on the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, and health. He and his team regularly participate in studies with scientific, medical, and educational institutions worldwide. McCraty has written extensively and been widely published in his areas of scientific interest. He holds numerous memberships, including with the American Autonomic Society, Pavlovian Society, National Association for Psychological Science, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, and Society for Scientific Exploration.
About Sister Dr. Jenna
Sister Dr. Jenna is an acclaimed, trusted spiritual mentor committed to bridging divides in societies and building relationships between global influencers. She has impacted lives around the globe, inspiring change and finding solutions to current day crises as the founder and director of two Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums, located in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area. Sister Dr. Jenna is also the host of the popular America Meditating Radio Show and recipient of the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a group of thought leaders from diverse disciplines in service to conscious evolution.
Selected by Empower A Billion Women 2020 as one of 100 most influential leaders of 2015, she serves on various advisory boards such as Conscious Good Media, Global Women’s Network, the Love Button Global Movement, The Wisdom Council for the Summer of Peace and the Shift Network, to mention just a few.
Sister Dr. Jenna also served as a principal partner with the Oprah Winfrey Network and Values Partnerships on the Belief Team, a community of individuals from diverse spiritual, cultural, and faith backgrounds. Her voice of influence is particularly needed in the wake of tragedy and increasing violence in our world.
About Arthur Samuel Joseph:
Arthur Joseph’s proprietary voice and leadership training program, Vocal Awareness,™ is designed to teach Communication Mastery through a disciplined regimen of highly- specific techniques designed to cultivate an embodied and enhanced leadership presence. The Vocal Awareness Program has a proven track record of success with business leaders, world-class athletes, broadcasters, actors, singers, politicians, Fortune 100 companies and multinational corporations, including Roger Goodell, Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin, Magic Johnson, Sean Connery, Angelina Jolie, Pierce Brosnan, Lucie Arnaz, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others, as well as ESPN, NFL, NFL Network, Ernst & Young, Disney, Toyota, Ritz-Carlton, the Federal Reserve Bank and more who have all recognized the significance of Empowerment Through Voice.
About Michael Ventura:
Michael Ventura is an accomplished entrepreneur, practitioner, educator, and author. He currently serves as the founder and CEO of Sub Rosa, a strategy and design firm that has worked with some of the world’s most influential organizations: from the ACLU, Google, Microsoft, and Nike to well-respected institutions such as The United Nations and the Obama Administration. Alongside this work, Michael has spent more than a decade working in private practice with individuals seeking support through an indigenous medicine practice grounded in the traditions of the Nahua people. His book, Applied Empathy (Simon & Schuster 2018) explores the intersectionality of these two worlds (business and well-being) through the practice of empathy for the self, and for others. He has served as a board member and advisor to a variety of organizations including The Burning Man Project, The Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum, and the United Nation’s Tribal Link Foundation. He is a visiting lecturer at institutions such as Princeton University and the United States Military Academy at West Point. An ardent steward of self-development practices, Michael is frequently engaged as an advisor to leaders seeking personal and professional growth.
About Amanda Masters:
Amanda Masters the mother of three, Co-Founder, Owner and CEO of Awake TV Network. Coined the “Spiritual Netflix,” Awake TV is an interactive conscious media platform that hosts weekly live-streaming shows on a wide variety of awakening topics including both free and subscriber-based content. The teachers on the network have been carefully selected by Amanda, and are experts in their respective fields. Their shows assist viewers in raising their own vibration, and by extension, the vibration of our planet. Amanda is also the co-host of the series, ‘Living in the New Consciousness” on Awake TV, where she guides her viewers in healing and raising their consciousness.
About Jennifer K. Hill:
Jennifer K. Hill has appeared on many major news outlets around the world, including KNX Radio, BBC News, ABC, NBC, FOX and E! News, and has been quoted in numerous online articles as well including The Ladders and Glassdoor. In addition, Jennifer has been featured speaker for various conferences, law firms, and corporations around the United States.
Special Webinar by Senior BK Sister Usha : Raksha Bandhan: "A Loving Bond That Ends All Bondages", Saturday, August 8th, 9 am to 10 am
5 August 2020
BK Sister Usha is a Senior Rajyoga Meditation Teacher and a Management Trainer of the Brahma Kumaris based at the Global Headquarters at Mount Abu, India. She is also a Motivational Speaker, Author, and TV personality.
Please calculate your local time here:
REGISTER: https://bit.ly/2PmWMqz
"Song of Silence from the Heart of the Soul"
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2020
Timings: 12 Noon to 1:00 PM (PDT)
Register: https://bit.ly/2XrxjRi
"Decoding the Psycho Dynamics to Understand the Deep Secrets of Human Mind"
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020
Timings: 12 Noon to 1:00 PM (PDT)
Register: https://bit.ly/39Xbded
"The Attitude of Gratitude"
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2020
Timings: 12 Noon to 1:00 PM (PDT)
Register: https://bit.ly/2PpkkuL
REPLAY Less is The New Luxury - a Webinar by Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley
5 August 2020
Click on above image to watch [55:18]

REPLAYS OF Recent Programs with Sister Jenna at the Meditation Museum - Week of July 27-August 02
5 August 2020
02 August - Are You A Leader or A Follower? [1:06:07] https://youtu.be/6VAGijLVTyY
01 August- Knowing Yourself in a Changing World [1:03:21] https://youtu.be/mprb5B4sZ_g
31 July- Healing the Anger [1:10:07] https://youtu.be/9U7Y9B4Xov4
30 July - Creating Healthy Habits [1:09:17] https://youtu.be/DZ3scBaadbw
29 July - Minding our Own Business [1:11:12] https://youtu.be/G7oO-YuzUWY
28 July - Being the Author of My Own Happiness [1:12:56] https://youtu.be/vPWBDOVv97g
27 July - Special Raja Yoga and Meditation Monday [1:06:30] https://youtu.be/QtSRTztNzkc

REPLAYS of Recent online Programs at the Los Angeles Meditation Center - Week of July 27th
5 August 2020
27 July - “A New Consciousness, A New Life” Workshop by BK Anna Doilliani [1:38:37] https://youtu.be/F2siWeWmVgU

REPLAYS of Recent Online Events at the Manhattan Meditation Center - Week of July 27-31
5 August 2020
31 July - El Acertijo del amor por Rona Schweitz [1:01:14] https://youtu.be/q5xQtkTshU0
31 July - The Riddle of Joy by Rona Schweitz [1:00:15] https://youtu.be/yJeiLuCns48
31 July - Nuevos Comienzos I por Rona Schweitz (Dia 3) [43:19] https://youtu.be/q5xQtkTshU0
30 July - Clarity of Thinking by Rona Schweitz [18:49] https://youtu.be/FmKE52JLW38
30 July - Pure Love for Self and World [5:48] https://youtu.be/YKm7XnteNEs
30 July - New Beginnings by Rona Schweitz (Day 3) [50:20] https://youtu.be/YCb017NbPGM
30 July - Nuevos Comienzos I por Rona Schweitz (Dia 2) [59:59] https://youtu.be/fzZWRjZtrUo
29 July - New Beginnings by Rona Schweitz (Day 2) [01:00:19] https://youtu.be/XTkUZf0y-Xw
28 July - Nuevos Comienzos I por Rona Schweitz (Dia 1) [1:00:13] https://youtu.be/h-OtKbcSjcg
28 July - Powerboost Lunchtime Meditation [23:14] https://youtu.be/XTkUZf0y-Xw
28 July - Flying Free- Powerboost Lunchtime Meditation [16:51] https://youtu.be/Wm_08LHZ9Yo
29 July - New Beginnings by Rona Schweitz (Day 1) [1:04:41] https://youtu.be/hhlT1WcbnAs
Upcoming Online Events hosted by Peace Village
4 August 2020
Resilience is your personal power, your inner strength that allows you to rise above difficult circumstances, and bounce back stronger than before the challenge! With such vitality, nothing can bring you down, or de-stabilise you. And then, you become an anchor for those around you; a calm in the storm, or a light in the darkness.
Learn To Meditate - a 3-Day Course for Beginners: August 4, 5 & 6 | 11 am - 12 noon
This three-session Meditation Course, based on Raja Yoga knowledge, is a 4-Step program to learn and practice meditation. You will explore and experiment with a spiritual perspective of self and of life. You'll discover the power of living in spiritual awareness. For those who would like to learn more, you may follow this with the "6-session course in Raja Yoga" beginning on August 11.
Click here for more information and to register for this event: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/online-classes.html
Locked In? Time to Look Within
Six Session Course In Raja Yoga Meditation
Tuesday and Thursday For 3 weeks Beginning August 11 - 10-30 - 11:45 am
Raja Yoga Meditation is especially designed to build our capacity during times of change and challenge. This course will empower you to keep your mind focused on the positive, come closer to your Higher Power, and find peace and joy amidst uncertainty. You will stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness.
This is an online class on ZOOM. Once you register, we will send you the login information.
Click here for more information and to register for this event: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/online-classes.html
Dealing With Difficult People With Love - August 16 | 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Each of us has people in our lives who are a little bit -- or very -- hard to get along with. Wherever we meet them, they can try our patience and set off a storm inside. During our time together we'll explore spiritual methods to transform our encounters and create harmony instead of discord. This one-hour spiritual discussion will be followed by a powerful hour of meditation. Through guided commentary, soft music, and silence we will contribute much-needed healing energy of love, peace, and care to our world.
Register in advance for this zoom meeting here: https://bit.ly/3kaSLn2. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
This program is brought to you by the Albany Branch of the Brahma Kumaris and Peace Village.
Quantum Spiritual Healing: Embracing a New Reality Online Retreat: August 7 - 9
A retreat for those affected by cancer and other challenging illnesses as well as their caregivers.
Modern research has shown that there is tremendous potential in our minds to heal our bodies and it all begins with changing our limiting beliefs and reorganizing our inner landscape. While the world of quantum physics may seem daunting to say the least, herein lies the most unimaginable secrets to the world of consciousness – the understanding that our consciousness plays an unquestionable role in the unfolding of our reality.
Click here for more information and to register for this retreat: https://bit.ly/2PmhBlO
A Time To Shine: A Retreat For Women To Create a New You, a New Us
Online Retreat: August 14 - 16
We will focus on our true identity, reminding us of and re-activating our feminine energy that leads the way towards a peaceful and compassionate life. For the self and all others, let us restore peace, harmony, and self-respect in each area of our daily lives. Through discussion, journaling, meditation, and celebration as women, we will explore the power of remaining loving and stable in a troubled world.
Click here for more information and to register for this retreat: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/online-retreats.html
See Only Beauty| Speak Only Love Online Retreat: August 28 - 30
This retreat is part of the "Wisdom Series" and is about the most profound kind of transformation – changing the way we experience life and the way we engage with others. Through spiritual talks, selected readings, small group sessions, and meditations, you will learn how to experience peace, love, and contentment while in the midst of anxiety and sorrow. And you will be positioned to make choices to change the path you’re on in ways that may change you forever.
Click here for more information and to register for this retreat: https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/online-retreats.html
Empower Your Pure Potential: Inspirations and Meditation Online
Evening Meditation Monday - Friday 7:00-7:30 pm
Create a sacred space in the comfort of your own home! Join through this Zoom link: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/j/5185895001 The password is peace.
Wednesdays: 8:00 - 8:30 pm
Learn to take power from your connection with the God of your understanding. Dedicate some quality time with a healing and inspiring meditation.
This meditation is sponsored by: Mountain Top Cares Coalition & Peace Village.
Here is the Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/2Du8MDR
Meeting ID: 856 9004 0643
Feel Well, Heal Well Lounge - A Weekly Forum Every Sunday for Health Care Professionals
8:00 pm – 8:45 pm (EST)
You have given your best … it is now time to ‘rest’ — even if for a few moments so you can continue to be at your best.
de-stress and debrief in a positive company
be inspired by experiences and insights of other practitioners
recharge with simple guided meditations
Join on ZOOM: Meeting ID: 972-7994-8007 PASSWORD: peace
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Miami Meditation Center Week of July 27-31
4 August 2020
31 July - Evening Meditation by Marianne [09:22] https://youtu.be/CiWiJyGviY0
30 July - Inner Peace Inspires Loving Relationships [11:23] https://youtu.be/LOF-MWWlJBA
29 July - Evening Meditation by Meeta [13:51] https://youtu.be/s7RevWUJI5c
28 July - Meditación al atardecer con Amar [13:09] https://youtu.be/6gPAgJqhl6g
27 July - Meditation and Insight on Spiritual Faith by Dev and Vijai [23:03] https://youtu.be/OwC2871KMhY
Workplace Meditation for Royal Caribbean Cruiselines
4 August 2020
Miami (Florida): In addition to the weekly lunchtime meditations, the BK Miami meditation center has been invited to conduct “Instagram LIVE meditations” for Royal Caribbean employees so that many can continue to join and benefit. Here is a link to a recent Instagram session by Amar.
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Meditation Museum week of August 17-24
28 August 2020
24 August- 8 Postures Of The Heart [1:12:09] https://youtu.be/q9RaPT5DSUg
23 August- Wisdom In Action [1:12:09] https://youtu.be/EK1ijXlJD0I
21 August - Selfless Service [1:50:40] https://youtu.be/G4aasQGsEhc
20 August - Healing Our Thoughts [1:016:10] https://youtu.be/Uv_GLwTF4CY
19 August - Self Realization [1:19:22 ] https://youtu.be/coTixyUBvzc
17 August - Meditation Monday: Healing Our Inner Self [1:17:18] https://youtu.be/0YS0In0RSNg
REPLAYS of Recent online Programs at the Los Angeles Meditation Center Week of August 17
28 August 2020
24 August - Class by Asha Didi (Delhi) [1:07:49] https://youtu.be/xfoS7HOCRSs
24 August - On The Other Side [1:08:09] https://youtu.be/BCizHDbfP3E
23 August - A Courageous Response To Anxiety [1:21:21] https://youtu.be/n_-f9DZ5x4Y
BK Brothers Workshop: Living Lighthouses- Saturday, August 8th, 10 AM to 12:30 PM EST
4 August 2020
Special invitation to all BK brothers for the workshop on "Living Lighthouses" on Saturday, August 8th, 2020, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM EST. Please use the google docs link to RSVP and we will share the Zoom link with those who register.
Mohini' Didi Ji's Rakhi Message for BK Students in English & Hindi
3 August 2020
Om Shanti and Warm Greetings for Rakshabandhan,
May Baba's canopy of protection be always over you and the thread of avyakt love keep you close.
With special love for this special festival during this special time.
BK Mohini
Please download Sis. Mohini's full Rakhi message from the links below:
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - July 2020
2 August 2020
Raksha Bandhan
Baba’s children are preparing physically and spiritually to celebrate and strengthen our sacred bond with Baba on Raksha Bandhan. All will join the celebrations with Mohini Didi and the US Family on August 3. For the few who can come out physically, we will be having a small but powerful celebration live (body and soul) at the residence.
Live classes at Commerical Site
Two to three weeks ago, in accordance with state and city guidelines, we were slowly resuming live classes at the center. However, with the second flare up of COVID, souls are very hesitant to come out to class, therefore Zoom increases but live classes and programs at the Center are at a standstill for now.
We are taking decisions whether to close the commercial site and continue functioning at the residence until the situation changes.
Evening Sustenance – Avyakti Parivar
Everyone is enjoying the evening sustenance programs with Mohini Didi. Thanks to Sister Mohini, the IT staff and all serviceable instruments for making this family sustenance possible.
The Secrets of Divine Balance
Brother Vivek did a wonderful ZOOM class on the subject, "The Secrets of Divine Balance.”
Since we are all striving to achieve balance in life, Vivek pointed out that keeping the mind uncluttered and focused helps us move towards this balance.
We need to hear and feel whatever comes up in the mind and heart so that we can move through what is there and return to peace.
The shift from the Consciousness of "Letting Go" to True Awareness.
Sister Yolanda explained how we can shift from the idea of " Letting go" to being in True Awareness. Once we experience True Awareness, the urge to Let Go will vanish as we understand what our True Nature really is. It not complicated to SHIFT....it becomes you, the eternal soul going through it's journey!
The New Unlimited You
This class focused on checking every hour of the day if you had any limited, thoughts, and reactions. Moving from this limitation to your unlimited true self.
Many souls felt how they were indeed having limited thoughts rather frequently and it was an eyeopening experience.
You make a difference in Collective Consciousness
We explored how we are all part of the collective consciousness and each thought, intention, and action will make an essential change collectively!
How important it becomes what you are personally broadcasting in this world. It gives us extra motivation to be pure in thoughts, words, and deeds!
Sister Yolanda read the murli for the Miami family. She observed how the Miami Family is such a great and creative team during the COVID 19 especially!
Independence Day Celebration at the center
Beautiful singing by Sr. Jamila - click here
Click here for full report with photos.