Holi at Leicester Harmony House on 7th March in Photos
13 March 2015

New Videos of UK Events Now Available on YouTube
12 March 2015
Videos of two events from earlier in the year now up on our Youtube channel (www.youtube.com/brahmakumarisuk):
Beyond Fear (Featuring Paul Palmarozza and Lynne McTaggart and Sister Jayanti):
Creating The Future We Want (youth event, also featuring Sister Jayanti)
The Power of the Feminine - Authentic I Intuitive I Purposeful
11 March 2015
Celebrating International Women's Day 2015 at Global Co-operation House
Sunday 8rd March 2015 2-5.30pm
Little did we know that the quality for the afternoon was literally established, when the MC, Romina Melwani, currently studying to be a Nutritionist, asked: "Are you ready to enjoy yourselves…as this is an afternoon just for yourselves!" This set the tone for what was an unusual and experiential afternoon before the introduction of the two charismatic performers. In one instance, an encore was requested after the singing workshop, and granted!
The following itemization of the afternoon events depicts the program and gives an idea of its lively flavour.
Song - By Sister Liuba Doga, a Vocal Coach and Dancer, from Maldova, now offering her services in Cambridge. She sang powerfully, filling the Conference Hall, with the melodious tones of a refrain that encouraged us to recognize and remember, "Happiness is not outside yourself; Happiness is just being yourself…and that you are an eternal spark of light"........Click here for detailed report.

Pictures of the International Womens Day Program in Leicester, Sunday, 8th March
10 March 2015

Youth Silence Retreat in Worthing 13-15 February 2015
2 March 2015
On Friday 13th to Sunday 15th the London youth had their first Silence retreat at Baba's magical Lighthouse Retreat Centre in Worthing. There were 17 youth present. The weekend went extremely well and all the youth took a lot of benefit.
The silence retreat was called "Exploring Silence – DOUBLE LIGHT". The retreat started with an introduction and Drishti with each other and BapDada. Saturday began with a class by Sr Denise on video and a getting rid of waste exercise through commentary beautifully created by Brother Nik. There was also a guiding star exercise in silence and lots of meditation throughout the evening followed by a Bhatti which invoked Baba as it was a special valentine evening and the day ended with a letter to Baba. On Sunday there was Drishti Circle and Feedback. It was a busy weekend with lots of activity for the mind especially for those who were experiencing silence for the first time.
The retreat enabled people to let go of negativity and release of tension. There was emotional cleansing, and lots of reflection and realisations allowing a process of churning. It was an opportunity to focus on silence and go deep within, for some to find that space within which they can go back to.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and had some experience of silence. Some of the feelings expressed were:
peaceful, touched, lots of love from Baba, lightness, clarity and the retreat allowed a shift to happen. Everyone enjoyed all the sessions especially the Bhatti that invoked Baba and the Drishti circle exercise. There was a wish for another silence retreat to happen soon where everyone could go deeper into silence.
Overall the feeling of the whole retreat was of real ease and simplicity, even though some began the retreat with uncertainty of what would happen or if they could be in silence for a long time, it seemed that every single one had a moment of that but were able to fly past that feeling and really enjoy it and connect deeply with themselves, Baba, and everyone around.
It truly was a beautiful retreat and a special gift for the Youth from Baba himself.
Much love to all,
In Baba's Sweet remembrance,
GCH Youth Sustenance Group
London Tamil Group Service Report For 2014
27 Febuary 2015

Dear All,
Om Shanti and loving greetings. Here is a report on the service activities of Tamil group in London for 2014.
Best wishes, In Baba's yaad,
On behalf of Tamil team
Daxa, Shankar, Rekha

Announcing Peace in the Park Festival for 2015 at GRC
11 February 2015
Live link to the below event website: http://www.peaceintheparkfestival.org/

News from Sr Jayanti - Leicester
9th February 2015
On Saturday 7th February, we first had a gathering for VIPs at Leicester for supper and then from 7pm the general public joined them for the topic: A Century of Wisdom. It was a full house and Dadi very much enjoyed her time in Leicester. Dadi was also had a radio interview for about half an hour prior to the public event and the Lord Mayor of Rugby was also present.
Dadi loved Baba's home, Harmony House, and enjoyed very much the view from her room. Dadi spent Saturday night there. On Sunday morning, BKs from the Midlands gathered to be with Dadi. Dadi then came back to London and in the evening was able to meet with the Tamil group, who had organized a big public event in GCH, and this again was full house. Dadi explained to them each one of the pictures. She asked for the Trimurti, Drama and Tree to be brought on stage, and explained those, and even the photo of the Ancestors. Dadi shared stories of many of the ancestors, so it was very homely and lovely! They enjoyed it a lot.
On Thursday evening, we had a select group of around 100 individuals came together, including many of our friends, to honour Dadi. The theme was An Evening with Dadi: Exploring the impact of Attitude and Atmosphere. The MC has been a good friend of Dadi's for many years and welcomed Dadi very warmly. First of all there were questions from the audience directed to myself and a short chat. Then the evening began with Dadi. It was a very wonderful evening filled with much love.
On Friday evening there was a programme ‘One World Family: The Vision we hold…' This was in Global Co-operation House Auditorium and was a public event; the house was completely packed. Emily Buchanan, BBC World Affairs Correspondent interviewed myself on the subject and took up all the challenges the world is facing, and how do we deal with them. After that, Dadi spoke, and Sr Manda gave a beautiful commentary at the end.
Our World Family...The Vision We Hold -with Dadi Janki
9th February 2015
Programme of 6th February 2015 - GCH, London
To a full auditorium the evening began with a powerful song, "Wonder", sung acapella by BK Minal Patel (originally sung by Emily Sande at the Olympics opening ceremony in 2012):…I am wonder, I am that light….I don't let things push me down. MC BK Sarah Eagger, a psychiatrist by profession, shared how hearing people's stories from different cultures, ages, and states of mind makes us feel we are part of one world family. She talked about how fear of ‘the other' is prevalent in the world today and poses the question: ‘So how can we come together?'
(click image to watch video of interview)
Emily Buchanan (World Correspondent for the BBC, who also presents ‘The World This Week' for BBC World Service) and Sister Jayanti (European Director of the Brahma Kumaris) then took up the conversation. Emily remembered doing a piece on Dadi Janki in 2008 (on her 92nd birthday), describing Dadi as ‘a spiritual firewoman, quenching the fires of conflict.' She pointed out that the record of conflict in the world since 2008 has worsened and asked Sister Jayanti for her view on this. Sister Jayanti talked about the contrast between the extreme and growing forces of negativity on one side, and yet on the other side, more and more people searching for another, more holistic way of approaching things.
Emily discussed the rise and ease of communication in the world, which should make people feel closer and more able to feel part of one family but that hasn't happened. Sister Jayanti talked about people ‘retreating into their external identity' – their religion, culture and tradition and, with this, conflict has been increasing. She said this was the result of a ‘disconnect' with the inner self and with the spiritual nature of the self. Emily described how (at the BBC) the more she reported on religion, the less enamored she became by it, witnessing particularly in some of the ‘holiest' places in the world ‘the exclusivity of each within their own religion'.
Sister Jayanti gave the example of a bicycle wheel; "I stand on one side, you on the other – there's a huge divide – food, language, beliefs. If the other goes on an inner journey and if I go on my inner journey we come to the centre point of the wheel: the things we have in common are the love for the One and the values we hold. Religion has at its root in spirituality. We need to come to the heart, to the spirituality that's there".
Emily spoke of how India was the source of this message of spirituality, yet now even there these ideas are struggling. Sister Jayanti suggested that the problem is consumerism, rather than development, and everyone getting locked into the externals of religion and materialism. This has created further divisions between rich and poor. Yet all people should be able to live well, with values coming from the spirit within. ‘There's a saying that the darkest hour is before the dawn', and this can sum up where the world is at today, as the light is starting to shine with people more interested in holistic health, vegetarianism and taking care of the planet.'
Emily asked Sister Jayanti whether we are moving towards some kind of apocalypse or could mankind turn things around? Sister Jayanti acknowledged that things are at a climax, at this confluence where we are able to see both, so the responsibility for all of us is to make effort to see the beauty and the good. Emily enquired about ‘the extreme forces of violence and aggression we see happening in many parts of the world today – is it a matter of just sending prayers? What will change these people?' Sister Jayanti affirmed that thoughts of love can reach out and touch others. She also quoted Margaret Meade who said that ‘It has always been a handful of committed individuals who have brought about change'. To Emily's question ‘Do you see any more Gandhi-like figures emerging?', Sister Jayanti replied that what we need now are ‘communities of greatness'. When Dadi Janki was asked ‘What is greatness?', she replied, ‘If you are good you are fine. If you are great, you are allowing the goodness of others to emerge'. For this we need to allow the spirituality within each to emerge.
There was a further discussion on ‘mindfulness', now a buzz word in many businesses and communities. Even at Davos (the World Economic Forum) there were meditation sessions, which were full. So people are recognising the need for it. Sister Jayanti acknowledged the importance of being aware of where I am at the present moment, and to become aware of what is happening inside, to turn inwards and see what quality of thinking the mind is engaged in. Then we are able to change it, by tapping into our own original qualities and by connecting upwards with the Divine to enhance these. She suggested that although many are shy of the word ‘God', if we can open up to the presence of God and develop a relationship with Him, this would bring huge transformation within.
Emily noted that that successful people are probably the most stressed. In her role at the BBC she was often overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information to deal with. Sister Jayanti suggested silence can bring great clarity, as we are bombarded with so much information and propaganda. The impact of images and sounds can trigger negative aspects in our own personality – images of violence can trigger aspects of violence within the self. We have to apply a strong filter to deal with this. Both agreed that positive news doesn't sell and what is good is ignored due to vested interests.
There is now a growing feeling by many not to watch TV, as it is just more of the same every day. Then we can create space to look at things from a different perspective – from an elevated pure consciousness. Someone had asked: ‘Is it possible to send out vibrations of love to people committing violence to help them?' By sending light they might be able to see things differently. At present many are operating from ego and anger. So, if a wave of love reaches such an individual, as the vision of a fellow human being is held, change is possible. Sometimes it's hard to accept the acts of others but many people in the world today feel very bitter as the impact of violence has been great sorrow. Humanity needs to put an end to the cycle of oppressor – victim – oppressor. Sister Jayanti quoted Einstein ‘A weak individual will seek revenge. A strong individual will forgive. A powerful (or wise) soul will be able to go beyond it...' Forgiveness allows the individual to reclaim their inner freedom.
MC Sarah pulled the threads of the conversation together noting: ‘when we look at things on the outside we are divided, yet we have in common love for the Divine and, if it is now the hour before dawn, there is a great sense of hope. So what is the vision I hold of the ‘other' and how can I see them as my brother? What is the work we need to do to be able to let go of the hurt? This is now happening on a grand scale'. She introduced Dadi Janki as someone who ‘knows how to take power from God and loves to share it.'
DADI JANKI (click image to watch video)
These two have had such a beautiful conversation and so what can I say? It's a very good thing to consider the world our family. In this world family we are therefore all brothers and sisters. And there is only one spiritual Parent who is the Mother and Father, and that One is wonderful. When we have this consciousness we look at each other with spiritual vision. Turn to each other now and look at each other with spiritual vision!
There is so much significance in the words ‘Om Shanti'. Dadi pointed her finger upwards. Who am I? Who is mine? What do I have to do? Don't think too much or worry about anything. We normally worry about what to do and who's going to do it. Time, money, energy is all wasted, when we think too much.
This inner feeling to consider the world to be our family is very simple not complicated. Some people clutter their rooms with books, etc. Come to my room – I have nothing – not even a desk to sit and write at. I have one thing, the daily teaching we call the murli, through which I understand that God is my Mother, Father, Friend, Teacher, Companion, everything. I do not watch TV or read a newspaper. Someone said to me, that it would be good if I read the newspaper, because then I will know what's happening in the world. I thought about this: People go to bed having watched TV at night and wake up and read the newspaper. What must be in their heads? Dadi herself has been on a committed spiritual journey for 78 years and hasn't watched TV for that time, or even before. I only know one thing, and that is Om shanti, meaning, ‘Hey soul you are the embodiment of peace'. God the Almighty is our Father. It is our attitude, awareness and vision that generate what we see outside of ourselves. You are my brothers and sisters.
What you see here is the wonder of thinking, seeing and speaking positively. ‘We are one family'. In our attitude and vision we have to follow the instructions from the Divine, instead of the instructions of one's own mind, born out of ego; the ideas of others, born out of their ego, the instructions of the scriptures or speaking our opinions born out of our status or position in the world. In India we bring our hands together in front of others, bowing to the divine in the other. We feel this sense of family when we are free from ego and attachment. We have to become egoless, viceless and practise the stage of being incorporeal. When we practise being the soul (incorporeal) who is residing inside this physical body there will be no ego or attachment. It is attachment that causes sorrow. Greed creates wanting. I never carry a purse or handbag I just carry a tissue and this special badge, which shows the image of divine beings representing a perfect, balanced way of life. To become like that we have to change our character, become divine – angels. When you really practise meditation, the heart that was broken into many pieces becomes one. We used to have the image of the three wise monkeys: see, hear, and talk no evil. God adds one more – think no evil.
Sister Manda led everyone into a meditation experience – a silent and blissful experience of the connection with One and of being one family. The programme ended with a song by BK Karishma Patel ‘I am light", as Dadi gave drishti to everyone. Sister Jayanti then shared toli and blessings with all.
Full video:
Video of Dadi saying goodbye at the end, with song 'I Am Light':
Dadi Janki - "A Living Miracle" - Celebrating and Honouring 100 years of Wisdom
9th February 2015
Dadi Janki meeting the Sindhi Community - 4th February 2015, GCH, London
BK Sunil gave a special welcome to over 120 gathered from the Sindhi community here in London, including many elders of the community and representatives of the Sindhi Mandir, The Sindhi Association of UK, The Sadhu Vaswani Mission, The Indian High Commission and Air India and others A dance welcomed Dadi and the community with happiness and a family spirit – to one of Dadi's favourite songs that she learnt in the 1930's when she was first with Brahma Baba: ‘You made me belong to You and taught me how to smile.'
BK Sunil gave Dadi's introduction, highlighting how ‘Dadi's pure thoughts always seem to become a reality.' .He noted how Dadi has transcended every human challenge imaginable and her achievements in the service of mankind are on a global scale. ‘Dadi is a pure spirit who has taken the power of self discovery and continues to share it with the world. Her life can be put into context by the word ‘miracle'. We are celebrating her life and also we are here to understand her power more fully, so that maybe we can perform her miracle in our lives too. This would make her dream come true.'
BK Romina, also compering, noted ‘It is the young people who need spirituality more than ever, as the internet continues to invade our lives.' She shared: ‘It is Dadi's simplicity and the feeling of being pure and simple that I love'.
A slideshow followed Dadi's life story since arriving in London in 1974 and showed how her zeal, determination and enthusiasm ensured all plans became reality. BK Sunil drew everyone's attention to Dadi as a messenger of peace; and a humble leader who as an instrument and a trustee has performed her part to the best of her ability. In her words: ‘I play a hero actor, as I have the Director behind me and the whole world in front of me and then I play my part'
Before Dadi spoke BK Sunil asked: So where does the Spiritual Power come? And is it possible to access this power?
Sister Jayanti added words of welcome to everyone and introduced Dadi further, sharing how that Dadi being here this evening is a perfect demonstration of the vision, courage and determination Dadi has embodied all her life. A month ago it looked impossible that Dadi would be able to travel, due to the body's fragile health at this incredible age. She shared how when Dadi met Brahma Baba, she knew she had no need to search any more and she decided that her life was going to be devoted to God. Sister Jayanti shared how she met Dadi first when she was eight years old with her family in Pune and until today she has continued to learn from Dadi's life of tremendous simplicity and renunciation. She noted we can all learn from Dadi to make God a priority in our lives. ‘Dadi asks the question what is it He wants of me (not what does anybody else want), and then she connects with silence and speaks what comes from that source of truth'. Sister Jayanti commented: ‘Seeing Dadi, I am constantly surprised by how the power of the spirit goes beyond anything that matter can do.' One of Dadi's great achievements was that those she served in the 1970's and 1980's are all still around today, because she was able to instill in them such a strong foundation of love and faith, and so they have been able to continue on the path – she has inspired and empowered so many. Another extraordinary fact is that Dadi left to live once again in India in the mid 2000's with nothing more than what she arrived with in 1974. The principles she has kept in her life have been truth, simplicity and love – and when we nurture the connection with The Divine, then everything we need will come from that One.
Dadi Janki
Baba would wish us to do good actions. He would tell us to sit in remembrance of Shiv Baba and see what the intellect was doing. The knowledge of the soul says that the mind, intellect and personality are all part of soul, just as the body has the eyes, nose and ears. We listen with our ears and then merge that within the self. Shiv Baba made Brahma Baba the instrument and I witnessed the light of the Supreme Soul come into his body with my own eyes. My uncle also saw Brahma Baba and saw the light and might through him and felt that whatever actions he performed were right. Shiv Baba explains the philosophy of actions. Both ego (‘I did it') and attachment are detrimental and harmful to the self. So, first we need purity and then truth. Then with patience we speak sweetly. Without patience any plan becomes hasty. Brahma Baba would feed us the food of knowledge. This was not just knowledge that you repeat through your mouth; this knowledge filters through all areas of your life and becomes practical. Brahma Baba became my mother and father – and Shiv Baba also became these, as well as my Teacher, Satguru and my Friend.
Dadi's secret is in the song played earlier…You made me belong to you and taught me how to smile – this is what happened in reality. God's love and my love for God, and perseverance, is my secret. Baba would teach me how to go beyond the consciousness of the body and be a trustee. When my cough was bad, Baba would feed me honey at night to soothe my throat and call me Janak. So, being bodiless has become a natural practice for me, as I learnt it from Brahma Baba's example. When Shiv Baba's light and might came into Brahma Baba, his actions completely changed. He had such paternal love. I recognised Baba's big and honest heart and his natural generosity. Absolute honesty, cleanliness and simplicity are the most important things. As soon as Shiv Baba came into the body of Brahma Baba, he surrendered everything – his mind, body and wealth. He didn't hold onto anything. The same too happened with the ancestor souls who came to Shiv Baba at that time.
We don't have a right to worry. God is totally responsible. There is nothing to think or worry about. There is thinking and there is churning. When we churn spiritual knowledge we go deep into the feeling of knowledge. When we keep knowledge in our awareness then it comes onto our lips. Dadi doesn't hold onto anything and doesn't want anything. My hands have always been free and I am always ready to depart from this body. The soul is sitting in this body to perform elevated actions knowing that others will see and follow. So all we need is purity, honesty, patience, humility and sweetness.
When the child has courage then the Lord helps. When the heart is clean then our pure desires are fulfilled. Everyone has their own country they call theirs. The Sindhis lost their land and yet they are everywhere in the world and wherever they are, they create unity in their community. We are one family. I embrace you all with love.
BK Sunil thanked Dadi stating that Dadi shows us how to create a connection with God, and to nurture it daily, so that what we may feel is a remote possibility, we can somehow do.
Sister Jayanti took everyone on an inner journey to experience the power of God's love with a meditation commentary.
After a couple more sharings of personal experience with Dadi, a cake cutting ceremony was held; everyone sang Happy Birthday and Dadi then blew out her 99 candles. The evening closed with a wonderfully lively and joyful rendering of the Sindhi song Mast Qalandar, sung by Dr Haresh Wadhwani. Dadi and many from the gathering danced and clapped along with a lot of love and happiness.
Cake, blessings and Brahma bhojan were then enjoyed by all.
News from Sr Jayanti - Programme at Coventry University Centre for Trust
9th February 2015
On the 3rd February there was a programme at Coventry University's Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations which is a new Centre that's recently been established. Coventry has a history of reconciliation after the Cathedral was bombed in the 2nd World War; just a part of the shell remains as a memorial. Coventry as a City had a special ceremony for Forgiveness and Reconciliation, and after that there's been a new Cathedral built. So the City of Reconciliation was the appropriate place to have this Centre established. There were Speakers from all the different faith traditions, and BKs were also there. The subject we were given was "Faith, Politics and Social Justice: the General Elections and Beyond". My topic within that was ‘The Role of the Individual'. This was well received, and after half a day's seminar from 12noon-4pm, we all went to a very beautiful theatre in another part of the University. The Archbishop of Canterbury started a new series of talks, and this was on the subject of the big question. He spoke about ‘Can we build communities of Trust and Peace?' It was a very powerful lectureand he is an excellent Speaker. We were then able to meet him very briefly and present him a book on Values and some toli. He loved receiving the toli. There was also the opportunity to meet the Dean of Coventry Cathedral and various other dignitaries.

Attitude and Atmosphere - Dadi Janki with Invited Guests
9th February 2015
GCH, London - Programme of 5th February 2015
Gina Lazenby introduced and welcomed the gathering of over 100 friends and invited guests, including the Mayor of Brent, Cllr Kana Naheerathan. Gina spoke of Dadi as ‘an amazingly graceful leader', leading a global organisation without any stress, accomplishing so much with great ease: Dadi doesn't experience the loneliness of being at the top that so many leaders do. Her words are a source of sustenance for me personally, to keep the right attitude in these stressful times. Dadi's presence shifts the atmosphere and we feel the richness, depth and power now that she has arrived.
Before Dadi took the stage and showered everyone with pearls of wisdom and great sweetness, Sister Jayanti took questions from the gathering and made the following points:
• To be a role model we need to build relationships of great trust and be who we are with openness and honesty. People will then take benefit from that.
• One person mentioned how we are all gathered in a shared spirit of peace and yet in the world we are seeing such aggression bubbling all around – how do we deal with this? Sister Jayanti reassured that one candle can create illumination all around it and so, if we hold a commitment to peace and not allow the outside atmosphere to change this, then the power of a positive small minority can move and change things..
• It is important to study something of a spiritual nature daily to uplift and elevate the self and also to use this as a protection.
• It is also important to vibrate feelings of love to all those engaged in aggression. This is the only way to change things in the right way, and not by reacting with more aggression.
• Sister Jayanti also shared that she wouldn't have the strength to protect the self from the negativity around, if it weren't for her connection with the One up above. It is His power of love and truth, which she commits to connecting with each and every day, that can sustain the power within the self and also at some point reach out and help transform the atmosphere of the world around us. It is very important to find ways to keep this connection with The Divine throughout the day.
• In the awareness of being the spiritual being, the being of light, we shine light and we can recognise the Being who is the Supreme Light. We understand that this is the same One for all, whatever different region or tradition someone comes from.
• For our attitude to impact the atmosphere it is important to send out good wishes and then our vibrations are transformed and these can then impact those around us.
• When there is a safe environment, it is very easy to make real contact with each other. When there isn't that safety, there is no trust.
• An attitude of spiritual consciousness; seeing the other as my brother and seeing all of us as one human family, is very powerful as the atmosphere that is generated is one of automatic trust.
• The Brahma Kumaris have been asked what it is we do that creates such a beautiful atmosphere at our retreat centres, where people can find warmth and trust and new realisations and a new step forward. One main ingredient is that people are meditating in these places.
• At the UN climate change conferences (COP) it has been noted that they all start with high hopes but very little result is achieved. When there is an atmosphere that is conducive, negotiations take on a very different form. If the atmosphere has not been prepared, the negotiations are aggressive and so there will be very little result.
• The attitude with which we approach an individual or a situation with will determine the outcome.
Gil Fernandes added to the beautiful atmosphere by playing a piece on the violin by Rachmaninov that, he said, reminded him of eternity.
Dadi Janki
When there are powerful experiences they leave an imprint and we don't forget them. Is it possible to do this all the time and not just on one occasion? In this atmosphere when we say ‘om shanti', it touches the heart. First there is om shanti for the self. Then there is om shanti for ‘who is mine?' When I think of ‘I' the soul, not ‘I' the body, then I remember that the One up above is mine. When I connect with that one, I know what I have to do, because He gives me the intellect to be able to understand this.
It has been 78 years since I became a Brahma Kumari. I am now 99. When I was 19, I saw the transformation in Brahma Baba and, when I was 21, and I decided that, just as he had created an elevated life for himself, I would do the same. We have a third eye and when this is open we remember ‘who I am and who I belong to and where He lives'. The original Home of all souls is the Home of silence, where God, the Being of Light, resides. With this awareness we can feel the might of God.
Each soul is wedded to the One up above. Each of us has relationships with others yet every soul is connected to that One. When I travel and immigration ask me ‘am I married?' I respond that ‘Yes, I am married to the Comforter of Hearts and I have two children; my son is called happiness and my daughter is called peace.' As you eat and drink, make this connection with the Comforter of Hearts, then you will always have peace and happiness and the atmosphere will be very beautiful. Wherever I go and whoever I meet, my children are with me!
In one picture here you see the three dimensions: the physical, the subtle and the Land of Silence. In another, you see the Tree, and those sitting at the root of the Tree are connecting with The Seed to create a foundation for the whole tree of peace, happiness and love. When there is peace and happiness, there is love; when there is love, there is bliss and when there is bliss, there is power – and when there is power, we don't give or take sorrow. This is the lesson I learn and teach others.
The One up above is there all the time. We have created retreat places where people can forget about the clock. We invite them to meditate early in the morning – they find it surprisingly easy in these atmospheres to wake up early. When there is cleanliness within, the atmosphere can be filled with peace, happiness, love and bliss. When there is an atmosphere of ego – ‘I am good, I am an enlightened soul…', etc, then the atmosphere changes. Understand the differences between the consciousness of the physical and the consciousness of the spiritual, then you can let go of ego. As soon as we say the word ‘I', then we can know whether we speak from the consciousness of the limited, physical or the unlimited, spiritual, when every single one is my brother and sister. God has taught us this through the instrument of Brahma Baba.
The third om shanti is to come and live together in harmony. Whatever is in my heart will come into my mind. Whatever is in my mind will impact my attitude and also my vision. Whatever is in my awareness and I am reflecting on will create my attitude. Whatever happens, let me not have the attitude that ‘things should be like this and not like that'. Whatever happens is all OK.
All day reflect on the message of spirituality and how it can be revealed to the world. An attitude of service to the world then manifests. Whatever actions anyone is performing, I do not react to or reject them.
When we cook with love, this also creates the atmosphere. Brahma Baba left in 1969 but the teachings he shared are still with us. He never thought of himself as a teacher and said it is the One up above who is the Teacher. I came to London in April 1974 and in these 40 years there has been so much service. The purpose of having centres in many places is so that many people can come easily and study there. These are places where people come, study and learn to smile. Just keep smiling and nothing is difficult.
Whatever is in our attitude determines what we do with our actions in life. I am going to give everyone a gift today of five things, representing the five fingers: The gifts of awareness, courage, faith, trust and finally co-operation, which makes everything happen. Then there are the gifts of purity peace, love, happiness and power – five more for you to take away! For practical life there are also the gifts of patience, humility and sweetness.
If someone else is angry, what must I do? Remain blissful. Whoever I meet, just remember the good things. Through our attitude we create our atmosphere and a powerful atmosphere we cannot forget. So, create a powerful atmosphere wherever you go, carrying within the self purity, honesty, patience, humility and sweetness. Never ask ‘why', ‘what' and ‘if'. Thank you for accepting these gifts.
Sister Jayanti gave a meditation commentary to connect with the One and ending with the realisation that our own attitude creates the atmosphere we would like to have.
Gifts, toli and blessings were shared with all and Gina closed sharing, ‘I feel so at home in this beautiful vibration we have all created.
An Evening with Dadi Janki - A Shining Star and Spiritual Powerhouse - 8th Febuary at Willesden
5 Febuary 2015
Dear all
Please see below a special event with Dadi Janki for the Tamil community.
We look forward to seeing you there. Please feel free to invite your friends, family and colleagues.
Join a Shining Star and Spiritual Powerhouse - Dadi Janki in her 100th year
Sunday, 8th February 2015
7.00 – 8.30pm
Global Co-operation House,
65-69 Pound Lane, Willesden, London, NW10 2HH
Best wishes

News of the re-opening of Inner Space, Wembley with Dadi Janki
5 Febuary 2015
Dadi Janki, Sr Jayanti and Didi Sudesh, plus many guests and the Inner Space Wembley students and team, got together for reopening of the Inner Space Wembley centre on Monday 2nd February. We were all very peased that Dadi could come. There was ribbon cutting at the new shop entrance, the lift and the new quiet room, and coconut breaking. Dadi and the seniors visited each and every room and then offered bhog. Sr Jayanti and Didi Sudesh shared first and then Dadi shared and than she called upon all the helpers and the regular students and gave them each a red rose, toli and blessings. It was such a sweet and powerful gathering, totally beyond any of our expectations. It felt like all the hard work and patience had been rewarded by the Maharathis presence.
Inner Space Wembley Team
Click here for photos.

News from Sister Jayanti on the Celebration in Honor of Dadi and More.....
4 Febuary 2015
The 1st February evening was a tremendous experience of pure love with different groups from the Class: Tamil group, Hindi group, Kumars group, Sisters, English class, Punjabi class, all joining together to really honour Dadi and celebrate her 99th. Dadi was really touched and melted by the love. We had tears in our eyes as we laughed at some of the skits that the young people put on. It was a full house with the Brahmin family and we enjoyed every moment.
On the 2nd, Dadi and the family went to inaugurate the renovated Wembley Inner Space. It really looks very, very beautiful and fresh, as there's has been quite a large amount of remodelling done inside. It's only just been completed so the timing was perfect for Dadi to break the coconut. It now has a lift so that individuals like Dadi can use it to go upstairs. They were very happy to have had this very special opportunity.

Sister Jayanti's News Update Re: Dadi in London
2 Febuary 2015
On Friday 30th came back after about 2hrs dental treatment but still wanted to do class in the evening and so we were able to have meditation and then a little bit chit chat with Dadi. Then Dadi asked Gopi to read out some of the questions and the answers that had been given by Dadi for an interview for a magazine in India. On Saturday 31st morning we had a gathering of BKs from all over the UK. It was 400 plus and it was very beautiful meeting of love. Dadi chatted to them and then went on a tour of the dining rooms and the kitchens to see how they were all enjoying Brahma Bhojan.
In the evening Dadi again was able to conduct meditation and there was an interview. It just needed a few questions – 3 or 4, to trigger Dadi's thoughts and she shared about the Avyakt stage, the Karmateet stage and also how not to be hopeless about the self or others.

Stepping Into 100 Years - A Celebration With Dadi Janki
2 Febuary 2015

Dadi Janki, Sister Jayanti and Sister Hansa entered down the middle aisle from the back of the auditorium, greeting everyone as she came to the stage. The auditorium was overflowing with 700 + BKs, who had gathered on this chilly winter night, with hearts warm and open and in deep appreciation and delight at this chance to celebrate with Dadi, and all the love she has given throughout the years, here in London.
MC'd by BK Minesh and BK Jagruti and billed as the Event of Century – an evening to celebrate the birthday of this most precious jewel ever to grace our presence, Dadi Janki and the one who keeps making the impossible become possible,
A great variety of BK talent then shared their great love for Dadi with many acts, both light and profound…
BK Davina opened with a poem noting how ‘Dadi Janki points one eloquent finger up to the Father…and how Dadi and the early ones have left us the legacy of trust and everything is built on their solid foundation of faith. Davina also spoke of how Dadi's dream is manifest in the bricks and mortar and we walk along the corridors of her vision – the vision she holds for all of us, of seeing our highest selves and she pulls us towards this vision, sometimes by the ear!.. The pictures that Dadi paints make us all feel we know the ones we didn't meet…Dadi has accepted Baba's blessing of immortality…as she dances the dance of becoming equal to the Father…and leads us in the happiness as she dances….
Sisters from Southall then danced a dance of great happiness. Followed by the first of five amusing skits, performed by London brothers, led by BK Minal and BK Trushar and all wonderfully bespoke for a BK audience! The first one, titled Dadi Tracker, advertised a new phone app to ensure that you'll never be late for class and so never get Dadi's wagging finger! As well as other great features for every self respecting BK!
Two sisters (spiritual and lokik), Kethiswary and Umaparameswary, sang from the heart a Tamil song, expressing that simplicity is the way that Baba wants us to follow.
A second skit brought more humour with takes on the different poses of BKs before exiting yoga/class and brought much laughter from the audience. This was followed by the third: ‘Webcast or Live?', illustrating the simple dilemma to either come into the gathering as a pukka BK, or to stay at home and snuggle in for the evening and watch the webcast!
‘I'd like to teach the world to sing…in perfect harmony' sang out from the singing group, before the fourth skit, a commercial, advertising a most useful BK item, the ‘magic bhog cloth away' – to cover up unwanted mess (or company), when Dadi visits…'a wonderful bit of kit to save many golden aged births…so don't hesitate and order online.'
An inspiring dance was performed by BK Pearl and sisters, to Dadi's words, spoken in English with a background soundtrack created by UK music producer Sunit Panchal.
This captured everyone's heart: ‘We hold the same vision of a better world…such a world could and will exist….now make it happen…it is what is in our hearts that creates a lovely home….we hold a vision of a better world and speak for all people.'
The final skits again entertained and made everyone laugh, with a take on a less than elegant Rakhi and, finally, a visit to the Blessings Return Counter – for those who wish to trade in, understand and verify that they were genuine blessings in the first place. Everyone was cautioned to ‘only accept blessings from reputable seniors!'
The MCs thanked all the artists for making the evening memorable and BK Jagruti spoke to Dadi: ‘You are 99 but young and sweet, like sweet 16'. Everyone clapped Dadi up to the stage, as she arrived dancing with Sister Jayanti and Sudesh Didi to ABBA's ‘Dancing Queen'.
Link to Album with all Pictures
Sister Jayanti shared deep thanks to the One above, the One who created Dadi and extended a big thank you to everyone present for joining the celebration, as well as ‘a big, big thank you to Dadi'.
Sudesh Didi noted how much can we express the deep inner feelings of gratitude and love and how Dadi had spoken about holding the world in her hands, and now what is in her hand is in her heart and we see the whole world holding her in their heart. Thank you Dadi for making us unshakeable, stable and powerful. Baba glorifies you and Baba has given us such a gift like you, a real diamond.
Sister Maureen and Sister Jaymini also came up and shared words of deep love and gratitude to Dadi. Many beautiful bouquets of flowers were presented to Dadi, on behalf of GCH, GRC, Europe, the five continents and Ketanbhai presented flowers on behalf of the three complexes of Madhuban. Dadi Janki then spoke.
Dadi Janki
One finger points to the self: Who am I? Who is mine and what must I do? All of you performed many wonderful dramas. Don't get stuck or dangle anywhere and don't stick to anyone – all of these things are dangerous. Be carefree, free and always stay happy. Keep sharing drishti with each other with love and enjoy the treasure and nourishment of happiness. The nourishment will make you strong, whatever the circumstances. It is all OK. Transform any situation from a mountain into cotton wool, so it just floats away. Don't make a little thing big, rather, minimise everything and make it small.
This is the time to dance, not give teachings. See what Baba is like! My heart says mera Baba, mithe Baba, pyaare Baba, shukriya Baba. Seeing this gathering, I am giving thanks to Baba. Baba has made us all belong to Him and taught us to smile. Thank you Baba for bringing you all into this gathering.
I would like to share a gift with you all today. You have given me many flowers, so let there be no thorns in your life. The thorn hurts. Let there be no defects. Only roses have such thorns. A lotus is beautiful and detached from the stagnant water in which it lives – but it doesn't have any fragrance. See each one's virtues. Ask yourself: what transformation have I had? I tell all my brothers and sisters to take a gift to bring about transformation in the self. What transformation? Not to see anyone's defect – not to even hear or speak of it.
In the early days, when Baba was in Bombay, a sister brought a model of the three monkeys: hear no evil, see no evil and talk no evil. Baba liked it and wanted to give it as a gift but it was expensive, 11 rupees. I went to the shop and they gave them to me for 3 rupees and I took a dozen. Baba said even this was expensive! So then I went to the village where they were made and bought them for 1 rupee each. We had them made with three little children instead of monkeys. Baba added a fourth: think no evil. This is the gift I want to give you all. Don't worry or get anxious about anything, then you will keep smiling. This is Baba's gift and it will work as a lift. Time is up and it's time to go Home. Look at the image of the ladder. We come down the ladder and yet next to the ladder is the lift – the lift to go Home. In the museum in Madhuban they have this as a very big image.
When the third eye is open, we can be the master of the three worlds. Then we can see the three aspects of time and the knowledge of the cycle spins in the intellect. We are sitting below the Tree in meditation, connecting with the Seed and from the Seed becoming the first creation.
I am asked about my religion and I would say that the original eternal religion is of peace and truth and to be sweet. The hand of blessings is over each one. So have a happy heart and cool head. Don't let it get heated and your nature will be easy. This is the gift. Just sit in the lift and you can go right up with no effort. OK?
Sister Hansa and Sister Jayanti expressed their thanks and love. Sister Jayanti shared how it was Sister Hansa who never lost sight of Dadi being able to travel and come to London at some point, although no one else could have ever imagined Dadi could make the journey.
Many international teachers then joined the scene on stage for cake cutting. Toli and a very special blessing, in the form of an angel holding a scroll with a ‘blessing' rolled up inside, were then shared with all.

Announcing Dadi Janki's Public Programme in London: "Our World Family...The Vision We Hold"
28 January 2015

Sister Jayanti's Sharing of Events from 23-26 January
26 January 2015
Dadi Janki really seems to be in good form, even though the body is still of course very fragile. Dadi takes a few rounds of walk around Diamond House in the morning and through the day, and usually manages to do one programme a day.
On 23 Friday, there was a major public event in Manchester with a gathering of 600 people. This was with a best-selling author and Life Coach, Robert Holden, myself with Lucinda being the MC as well as providing songs, and also teaching the whole audience a song also! The venue was beautiful: Royal Northern College of Music where there is a beautiful theatre. The Lord Mayor came to share a few words and stayed for the entire duration of the programme. The theme of the programme was: The Tonic of Happiness.
Clicking on the image below will launch the video.

Robert spoke and I did also. Then we had questions from Lucinda. Some people had sent us questions on the website earlier too. The audience was very, very receptive and seemed to enjoy everything.
Next morning after class with the Northern family, Lucinda and myself came to Leicester and again there was a public event on: Seeds of Greatness which was essentially about Brahma Baba, his life, and his legacy. We returned the same night to London and found Dadi still sharing lots of stories with a small group, even though it was late at night.
On Sunday, Dadi met with London and the Environs, all the surrounding suburban areas and around 700 were present for morning class. Every inch was taken and everyone enjoyed Dadi's sharing in a very homely, warm and loving way.
In the afternoon, there was a programme that the young people had organised: Creating the Future We Want – Nourishing the Heart and Strengthening the Mind. My part in it was an interview conducted by Sr Preet, with very good questions and then a meditation at the end.
In the evening, Dadi met with people and was able to keep quite an amazing timetable on Sunday.
Monday morning, after meeting everyone in the house for almonds (Dadi has being doing this on a daily basis also), Dadi went to Oxford and stayed 26th night there.

"Seed of Greatness" Program in Leicester Features Sister Jayanti
24 January 2015

Royal Northern College of Music Presents Dialogue Between Sister Jayanti and Author Dr Robert Holden
23 January 2015

News from Sr Jayanti - Welcome to London for Dadi Janki
23 January 2015 - GCH, London
Dadi Janki was able to be with us on Wednesday (21st) evening. There was a very lovely welcome programme organised by the young people. It was essentially a story in which they described how the Emperor had returned to his kingdom, and it was the story of Dadi Janki coming to London 40 years ago, creating a kingdom for Baba and now coming back again. It was interspersed with song, dance and a lot of love for Dadi with beautiful slides.
On Thursday Satguruwar, we offered bhog for Poonamben Dhalimal's father, Dada LB Chanrai. 40 members of the Sindhi community, mostly from Poonamben's family, gathered in Baba's home. It was a very special privilege for them to have Dadi offer the bhog for this very special soul. After the bhog, Dadi shared and it was a time of sharing not just wisdom but also a huge amount of love for the whole family. Prior to that, Dadi also met other families and that had also been a very special experience.
I was in Oxford for a public programme and returned to London at night. Today I go to Manchester and Leicester and return to London Saturday evening. In both places there are programmes. In Manchester the topic is The Happiness tonic - the science and secrets of healty happy living, and and in Leicester the topic is Seeds of Greatness.
Dadi Janki - 21.1.2015 Evening Welcome to London – GCH
Happiness and Tenderness
With great happiness and tenderness the London class welcomed Dadi, with a special programme in honour of her journey here from 1971 to this day, and it was themed The Making of an Emperor. BK Karishma narrated a story with slides of Dadi with Sakar Baba and her early days here in London, as with ‘simple dress and empty pockets…she entered her kingdom, the United Kingdom…'
BK Myriam and BK Preet danced to one of Dadi's favourite Murli songs‘ Kisi ne mujko banake apna muskurana sikha diya - Someone made me theirs and taught me how to smile….and I have lost my heart to Him', with Sister Maureen joining in the dance and then sharing flowers with Dadi.
Karishma continued sharing how ‘This emperor, the destroyer of obstacles, didn't just light up a small dark house, but taught everyone how to light up and be lights for the world… she taught us in an amazing way and stretched us to our limits.
Sister Denise shared a story of how, when shopping with Dadi, she was mistaken for her daughter-in-law by the shopkeeper… ‘ So Dadi become my mother- in-law'. Sister Denise shared stories of Dadi's incredibly caring nature and how she nurtured them all in those days with so much love. She lived so simply, yet with so much greatness.
The narration continued, noting some of Dadi's catch phrases, including: ‘past is past', ‘who am I, who do I belong to and what do I have to do?', ‘no hurry, no worry, no curry (bitterness)' and ‘om shanti, om shanti, om shanti' - and ‘that famous finger wag'! And how Dadi has never allowed physical illness to impede her relationship with her Beloved and, by being the ‘emperor of love', she has created so many royal kings.
BK Minal sang another murli song: One who has given me life, has never given me sorrow. Sister Jasu joined in with a song of love, as she presented Dadi with a rose.
Finally, a wall shaped in the form of a heart, with words of thoughts and feelings of how Dadi has inspired each one, was presented.
What we saw this morning was a miracle. As soon as Dadi walked into Global House, within a short time we saw a difference. She walked right from Baba's room through the dining room and into the seminar room - without a wheelchair. So returning here is an instant remedy that was needed and I think we should bring her here again and again and again!
Sister Jayanti
Dadi, welcome home. Everyone is so happy you are here and the tapasya we have done in the month of January has brought you. I think Baba is very happy seeing this scene with you here, and it brings us all closer to Baba.
Dadi Janki
Hansa had a very powerful inspiration to come here.
Do not think of the past and don't have any expectations for the future. What else do we have to do? Peacefully and patiently do everything with love. Patience, peace and love, this is easy is it not? When there is patience, there is peace and love, and everything is wonderful. With patience sit on your seat and never become upset.
Someone sensible would remain happy and content and never get upset. Do not understand in order to show off, but understand with maturity. No matter what happens, never miss the murli. There were 13 original murli songs that Baba would have played and we played three of them tonight… The day for which we have been waiting has now come. I feel very enthusiastic listening to songs from Sakar Baba's time. London has had the fortune of hearing many, many stories of Sakar Baba and many are here tonight. If we are stable on our seat, then we would never get upset.
Each one has their own different part. In every murli Baba always speaks about drama. Drama is fixed. Every kalpa is fixed; each one's part is unique and fixed. Be a detached observer and see how each one has their own place and unique part. It is a great mistake to ask: ‘Why is this one doing this and that one doing that? ‘Why, why, why?' becomes a queue. Just put a full stop. If someone doesn't know how to put a full stop, it is like a crow making a bad noise. When there is a full stop, then we can keep smiling…
Eat toli, speak good words and become holy.
Dadi shared toli and blessings with everyone.

News and Photos of Remembrance Day in London
23 January 2015

Global Co-operation House pulled many BKs from London and beyond to come and celebrate and experience a wonderful avyakt day with BapDada, running from Amrit Vela until after World Meditation Hour. As Sister Jayanti noted ‘we don't often have the opportunity to spend 8 hours together in tapasya'.
Over 300 came for amrit vela in the auditorium, which was then overflowing with over 500 for combined murli, with Baba's elevated versions for this auspicious day read by Sister Jayanti. There followed a slide show of the pilgrimage places of Madhuban, and a recorded message from Dadi Janki, who reminded everyone of her three greatest jewels in this life: Baba, Murli and Madhuban.

Sister Jayanti shared how Dadi's sustenance is to make us strong and powerful so we can then do what we need to do in the world, and at Sangamyug ‘it is generosity and a big heart that allows royalty to shine'.
Sister Jaymini noted how Baba's versions take us beyond sound and it is easy today to experience the subtle region and the angelic form today. She shared how Brahma Baba was the greatest pioneer as there was no-one in front of him and he became the example as he pulled himself next to God, remaining so simple and ordinary externally yet in his mind so elevated.
Charuben shared to become a pillar of power and peace in front of the world we need to hold a determined thought to keep people, situations and things out of the heart so Baba can occupy this space within. Today Baba is giving us very powerful sakaash and is also sending these powerful vibrations to the souls of the world, as His benevolence is unlimited.
BK Gil shared a powerful experience he had in Madhuban recently, when he realized that if we clear and clean our flow of thoughts we can tap into Brahma Baba's legacy of a current of pure and beautiful feelings.
Global Co-operation House had been transformed into the 4 pilgrimage places: The History Hall, The Tower of Peace, Baba's Hut and Baba's Room as well as a silence room to experience Shantidham. After bhog was offered and shared everyone was invited to tour the four places and with a special writing pack, could reflect on their speciality as well as write a letter to and from Baba and as a lamp for the world, share their hopes and wishes for the world.

Read full report here.

News of London from Sr Jayanti
21 January, 2015
I'm sure you had a very beautiful experience on the 18th.
The news from London is that, London is very, very blessed and fortunate, Baba gave permission for Dadi to travel to London and much to our wonderment and surprise, Dadi travelled from Mumbai to London Tuesday 20th night and reached London on Wednesday morning.
Dadi will be with us in London till 12th February. It's an amazing fortune that Baba has blessed us with and we wait to see what wonders Baba wants to show us.
The Madhuban seniors all gave their good wishes and blessings for Dadi's safe travel and so she comes to London carrying all those good wishes. The doctors had recommended that Dadi should have a change of scene and atmosphere. We're hoping that Baba's magic will make a difference to Dadi's physical health also.

Dadi Janki and Hansa bhen Coming to London!
20 January 2015
Om Shanti
January is a special month of blessings and Baba gave permission for Dadi Janki to travel to London and so we have the great fortune of welcoming Dadi Janki to the UK on Thursday 22 January till 12th February, 2015.
London Family

Day of Remembrance at Global Co-operation House, London, UK
18 January 2015
Day of Remembrance of our beloved Pita Shriji Prajapita Brahma
Global Co-operation House, London UK
18th January 2015
"Celebrate today as a day of power for all time
This day of tapasya and silence"
Global Co-operation House pulled many BKs from London and beyond to come and celebrate and experience a wonderful avyakt day with BapDada, running from Amrit Vela until after World Meditation Hour. As Sister Jayanti noted ‘we don't often have the opportunity to spend 8 hours together in tapasya'.
Over 300 came for amrit vela in the auditorium, which was then overflowing with over 500 for combined murli, with Baba's elevated versions for this auspicious day read by Sister Jayanti. There followed a slide show of the pilgrimage places of Madhuban, and a recorded message from Dadi Janki, who reminded everyone of her three greatest jewels in this life: Baba, Murli and Madhuban.
Sister Jayanti shared how Dadi's sustenance is to make us strong and powerful so we can then do what we need to do in the world, and at Sangamyug ‘it is generosity and a big heart that allows royalty to shine'.
Sister Jaymini noted how Baba's versions take us beyond sound and it is easy today to experience the subtle region and the angelic form today. She shared how Brahma Baba was the greatest pioneer as there was no-one in front of him and he became the example as he pulled himself next to God, remaining so simple and ordinary externally yet in his mind so elevated.
Charuben shared to become a pillar of power and peace in front of the world we need to hold a determined thought to keep people, situations and things out of the heart so Baba can occupy this space within. Today Baba is giving us very powerful sakaash and is also sending these powerful vibrations to the souls of the world, as His benevolence is unlimited.
BK Gil shared a powerful experience he had in Madhuban recently, when he realized that if we clear and clean our flow of thoughts we can tap into Brahma Baba's legacy of a current of pure and beautiful feelings.
Global Co-operation House had been transformed into the 4 pilgrimage places: The History Hall, The Tower of Peace, Baba's Hut and Baba's Room as well as a silence room to experience Shantidham. After bhog was offered and shared everyone was invited to tour the four places and with a special writing pack, could reflect on their speciality as well as write a letter to and from Baba and as a lamp for the world, share their hopes and wishes for the world.
At midmorning the gathering returned to the auditorium and enjoyed live sitar music by BK Jaydev, as well as images of this day in Pandav Bhavan, so beautifully decorated with flowers. BK Minal sang a hauntingly beautiful ode to Baba…the One who has given me happiness, has given me life…
We then listened to a very clear recording of Sakar Baba's voice speaking the murli, reminding everyone that ‘we understand that this is all going to change…so come children to the land of happiness, break the attachment to the old world'.
The morning continued with wonderful insights into the ways of Sakar Baba, through a reading, taken from ‘Padma's story' and her meeting with Baba. It was beautifully brought to life by BK Sharon, BK Navin and BK Grace…his eyes held everyone in them…he was a man who made everyone and every act valuable…he didn't intrude on anyone's being and yet as God lit him up that spark shone out…
Bhog was offered and further personal experiences shared: Sister Shashi noted how now we have to become like the Father, with mukti and jeevanmukti in our eyes and like Brahma Baba become the carefree emperor, handing anything that bothers us to Baba, Sister Georgina shared her experience of being pulled into the subtle region and meeting Baba well before she took gyan, in a field in Leicestershire and how now, over 30 years later, Baba continues to be ‘my protector, guide and beloved'.
Sister Jayanti shared how we were all having such easy and powerful yoga and such a beautiful atmosphere created as everyone was taking good advantage of Baba's day being on a Sunday. She remembered how when Shiv Baba first came on earth there was just Him, the point: there was no money, buildings etc etc…yet he was able to inspire one soul and with his deep renunciation the Yagya began…and how now we are still eating from this. She appreciated how Baba continues to care so beautifully for his children and that now it is our turn to help those out there to find the happiness they are looking for…
Then came the main feature of this loving day, the live transmission from BapDada's meeting in Diamond Hall. In the evening many continued with the day of tapasya signing off the day with World Meditation Hour and the opportunity to link with Baba and send love and good wishes out to all souls in the world.
Photo Link
Sr Jayanti Heads to London!
16 January 2015
Dadi Janki was very keen that I should travel to London so that I would have the opportunity of being with the family there for 18 January.
On 16th, there was lovely programme at the London School of Economics' Old Theatre, in the heart of the City, called "Love Life, Live it Fully". The Theatre was absolutely packed with several hundred people. After the talk, very, very deep and honest questions were asked.
Dadi also was much better, and shared the following message:
It is so beautiful to be the children of one Baba. The world is being sustained through our vrutti (attitude), smriti (awareness) and drishti (vision). As are our thoughts so is the attitude, which transforms our awareness and then drishti. Waste does not have the strength to come into being when there is such power in our thoughts and attitude.
Rajubhai from the Murli Department suggested that on 17th night we read out the last Sakar Murli spoken by Brahma Baba on the 18th January night, before he became Avyakt. Dadi was revising it today and noticed how Baba would address us as ‘Meethe, Meethe, Meethe, Meethe…' (My sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet children…) What an impact those words have! Let all of us also pay attention that our words, behavior and activity remain good and beneficial for others. Always keep regard for each other.
No matter what the body goes through, Dadi is so grateful and amazed on seeing the wonderful love everyone has for her. Even in Ahmedabad, it was special to spend time with various doctors, who have lot of bhavna for Baba and the Dadis. What else is needed but love… The old world is not ours anymore so what love can we have for it. It's this love and pure feelings that we Brahmins have for each other that make the vibrations of the atmosphere very powerful.
BKs participation at White Ribbon Day and World's Aid Day
16 January 2015
White Ribbon Event - 25 November 2014 – Brent, London
Raising awareness of Violence against Women
Manibhen and Daxaben from GCH, London attended the event. It was well presented and we were able to take part in the workshops - How to avoid violence during Football matches. We made a connection with the other groups supporting the event and we were all invited to release the balloons at the end.
Domestic abuse is not fair game 25 November 2014
Over 100 Brent residents came together on Tuesday 25 November 2014 to show their commitment to ending domestic abuse. The event, which took place at Brent Civic Centre, attracted people from across Brent and there were several speeches by key guests. The theme for this year's event was football and domestic abuse and the event was titled ‘Domestic Abuse Is Not Fair Game'.
For more info check out - http://brent.gov.uk/council-news/november-2014/domestic-abuse-is-not-fair-game/
On 3rd Dec 2014 Maria, Nirmala and Daxa attended World Aid Day conference held at Sports Centre near Stone Bridge. BKs were offered a free table. They were very appreciative and everyone enjoyed the virtue wheel. There were various representatives from the medical field. Some of them knew about the Janki Foundation, and a few other groups showed interest to work with the BKs. The main organiser and his colleagues recently started attending the Positive Thinking course.
Beyond Fear - Harnessing the Power of Silence - With Lynne McTaggart, Paul Palmarozza and Sr Jayanti
14 January 2015
It is when we go into silence we can quieten the chattering of our mind and can truly hear what is in our heart and find the still purity that lies within the soul…Dadi janki….
Silence is both a physical and spiritual necessity for me…… Mahatma Gandhi
BK Nina Buchanan welcomed an audience of approx. 250 people to this event and immediately took everyone into a silent reflection. She reminded everyone how relevant the topic was in today's topsy-turvy world where there is lot of fear and insecurity everywhere. BK Aaron read from BK Anthony Strano's book ‘Seeking Silence'…which noted that ‘in the alchemy of silence we can go into the unlimited'…
There were then three presentations by the three speakers, who in turn gave their understanding of the need for Silence in today's world:
Paul Palmarozza, tutor in philosophy at The School of Economic Science and Director of ‘If I Can', a not for profit organization working with values in schools and business, noted the following points:
• Fear is a response of pain, prompted by something in the past which is projected into the future, for example fear of failure, or of loss which makes us feel less of a person. We deflect this personal fear and insecurity by finding fault in others.
• The power of silence brings about clarity of mind and a sense of peace and contentment
• It helps us make better decisions and communicate more clearly
• We can observe the self in silence.
• We need the quality of fearlessness….to step into this inner unknown
• When we go into silence we cease to make judgments
• In silence wordless communication starts to happen quite naturally.
• Silence is a source of great strength. It takes us into Eternity
Lynne McTaggart is a highly influential author, investigative journalist, lecturer and broadcaster, whose work bridges science and spirituality. She was voted Spiritual Writer of the Year in the 2013 Kindred Spirit annual awards. She gave a dynamic presentation on the power of intention and what happens in silence:
• There is a growing feeling that a revolution of consciousness is what is required.
• We need to move out of the ‘I win, you lose' culture of competitive individualism which is causing chaos in the world.
• All of us feel like mice at the moment, scuttling around in our smallness. Yet we are more than this.
• We all influence our environment, we are all candles, and we are beaming out to the world at every moment.
• We are communicating all the time……we are sending out light…..when we send it out it comes back.
• Our thoughts are our messages. They are being heard and replied to….so be aware of what you are broadcasting!
• It is important to be spiritual activists at a time when many of our freedoms are being lost.
• She presented some very interesting graphs showing the dramatic and lasting impact of some global group meditation experiments she had conducted on parts of Afghanistan, Shri Lanka and Washington DC – rates of death, crime and violence were reduced by as much as 75%.
Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris and author of numerous spiritual books as well as international speaker and teacher, appreciated all that had been shared. She said it was appropriate that the event was happening in the month of January, the time when the Brahma Kumaris celebrate the life and passing of the founder, Brahma Baba.
• He was a man who decided it was the time to go beyond fear and limits through the power of silence. This happened in a place called Hyderabad…in Sindh.
• He had a vision of a better world and recognized that through the power of purity the world could be transformed and peace could come into the world. At that time he didn't know how this was going to happen…he just held the vision and intention to be an instrument to create a better world. It took 33 years to understand that it would be mostly through women and spiritual education that balance would be achieved in the world.
• At the core of this awareness was equality and going beyond fear in both men and women.
• At that time a group of around 300 people gathered together to take up the spiritual study and amongst this group there was a mouse who became a tiger…..Dadi Janki.
• She had the courage to face society at that moment. Without education or finance, she decided that her life was to be one of spirituality and she was not afraid.
• Now in her 100th year, she uses the power of silence to overcome many challenges to her health and continues to serve.
• The teachings she shares are that same as his…the knowledge and relationship of the self and The Divine.
• At the BKs every morning, we read across the world the same lesson on the same date and so we are very aware of the power of collective thought.
• Through the power of silence we are able to move beyond the limits we set ourselves…then personal transformation can happen.
• Death is often the greatest fear we all face….with spirituality we can transcend this fear so it doesn't impede us.
• When we have the experience of the soul as an eternal being …we are able to detach from the body. There is then greater capacity to tolerate pain in the body and the power to heal it.
• Our heart needs to accept that a world free of sorrow can only happen if lust, ego, anger, greed, attachment and fear are removed from the self and the world.
• The moment of transition is NOW…this is the time when the dark night finishes and the dawn breaks…
• It has already begun. We are in the dawn of a new age.
• The Light is in the world and it is up to us to be awake and benefit from that Light and create magic in the world around us.
There were a few questions and the following points came out of the answers from the three speakers:
• We all have an innate desire and need to understand and connect with something greater than ourselves …we have to pull ourselves out of matter consciousness to do this.
• God has the quality of the Compassionate and Merciful mother and gives unconditional love.
• When there have been mistakes God's power is able to transform the self so we can then move forward again.
• When I feel connected with the self then I can feel connected with God.
• One of the experiences that can create strength in our immune system is hope…so offering people hope is very important…
Nina thanked the speakers for delivering such a wide variety of perspectives and the evening closed with a meditation commentary by Sister Jayanti, taking everyone into a place of internal silence and connection with The Divine. Blessings and toli were shared with all.