Who is this site for?
Onelink is intended for use by regular students of the Brahma Kumaris. The Brahma Kumaris offers this website as a resource for informational purposes only to individuals who consider themselves to be following the path of Raja Yoga and are sincerely seeking to further their spiritual development. Onelink therefore provides access to the many BK websites and other internet resources, official and unofficial, that exist to provide information about the spiritual teachings and reflective practices of Raja Yoga Meditation.
Is this site going to be translated into other languages?
Yes, that is the aim. However there are very few translators in the Yagya who have the available time to tranlate these pages (especially the frequently changing news pages), as they are needed for many other tasks (Murlis, books, etc.). This is why we have installed "Google Translate" (see bottom right hand corner of the Onelink banner.) While not ideal, at least it gives you some idea of the content of a page. If you are a skilled translator and available to help, or know of someone who is, we would welcome your and/or their assistance. Please contact us using the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page.
How can I submit a link, report a broken link, suggest content or post a question?
Please click on the "Contact Us" link at the very bottom of any Onelink webpage and fill in the form to submit your suggestions, queries and concerns to the Onelink team.
Since this is a BK site, why are there no Murlis provided and why are links to sites that provide Murlis not included?
Access to Murlis became open on Shiv Jayanti 2014. The official download site for Murlis is jewels.brahmakumaris.org. To be sure you are getting the official version we recommend that you download them from there. Access via Onelink is planned for the future. Stay tuned.
Why isn't a "comments" feature available on the News pages?
While many people post inspiring and wonderful comments, such features may also attract a small minority of visitors who attempt to skew reader's perceptions in a negative direction. At the moment Onelink does not have the human resources to monitor a comments feature.
Can I add my own dates to the Calendar?
The calendar exists to inform you about public holidays, BK events, seniors' travel iitineraries, Madhuban meetings and other specific dates relevant to the BK family worldwide. At the moment it is not possible to make it user-customizable, but we are looking into improving and enhancing the calendar going forward.
Can I contact you for advice about an aspect of my life as a BK?
The BK team of volunteers managing this website cannot possibly deal with personal requests. Please follow standard Yagya procedures. If you feel that your Centre Coordinator or the senior in charge of your area or region is unable to understand your request, then seek out another senior in the Yagya whom you trust.
I am having navigation problems and cannot move from one menu to another.
Every time you access a file via your web browser, the browser stores or ‘caches' it. Thus the browser doesn't have to again retrieve the same files, such as images, from the original web site when you click the Back or Forward button. Over time this storage decreases your browser's efficiency, so you should periodically clear the cache. Here are some links that will tell you how to empty your browser's cache: