2023 June N. America News Archive 2023 June N. America News Archive

Table of Content

Peace Village is Hosting a Children’s Facilitators Retreat weekend September 22-24, 2023

29 June 2023

Dear Invaluable Instruments, Greetings of Love and Remembrance.

As we return to in-person retreats, we are looking to expand Baba’s serviceable souls to guide children and youth during family retreats. This is an invaluable part that will not only enable adults to benefit from sessions but also to teach effective lessons and practice to children and youth while at Baba’s home of Peace Village.

We will host a Children’s Facilitators Retreat weekend September 22-24, 2023. This weekend is specifically designed for souls who are interested in serving as a facilitator for the children during family retreats. We welcome both new facilitators and experienced facilitators who would like a refresher.

Please consider individuals at your center who have been students for at least six months, and have an interest/ experience in working with children of varying ages. In addition to our current list of children’s facilitators, we are hoping to receive additional servers, growing our capacity for hosting and maximizing the experience for children at Peace Village.

More details to follow, as we get closer to the date.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to a fun and informative weekend together.  Our main spiritual resources will be Sr Diane, Sr Elizabeth, and Sr Kala.

With Baba’s sweet love,
Sr Dolly, Sr Meghan, Sr Nalishha


GENTLE REMINDER: Avyakti Parivar retreat July7-July 10, 2023 in Peace Village -- Open for all

29 June 2023

Dear Avyakti Parivar,


The Avyakti Parivar retreat starting from July 7 - July 10, 2023 in Peace Village is open for all. 


Please register yourself if you are interested to join. 


REGISTRATION LINKhttps://bit.ly/appy-23



  • ARRIVAL        : FRIDAY , JULY 7, 2023
  • DEPARTURE : MONDAY , JULY 10, 2023


Avyakti Parivar


Click on the below image to download the flyer in PDF format.







Boston Meditation Center Presents Upcoming Events for July 2023

27 June 2023

Click here to RSVP - In-Person

Click here to RSVP - On Zoom

Nurturing The Inner Child

Saturday, July 22 | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


When we’re busy taking care of the daily needs of life and playing the various roles required of us throughout the day, how often do we pay attention to the needs of the inner child? If we nurture the inner child properly at the right time it can become stronger and develop a capacity to bring out the best things in life! In this workshop, we will explore ways to nurture the inner child through reflection and group conversation. You will also be provided with tools to take away and use on your own to deepen the experience and help you on your spiritual journey.

We invite you to join us for an exciting series


Spirituality in Everyday Life


Join us for an interactive session where we will be interviewing both new and experienced meditators to learn about the positive changes that meditation and a spiritual lifestyle have brought to their lives. You are welcome to join us in person or on Zoom immediately following the evening meditation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with our guests.



No Registration Required!


Click here to join on Zoom

Evening Meditation



Take time to unwind your mind every day with a group of meditators. You will have the opportunity to practice meditation with guided commentaries, and silence.


You are welcome to Join IN-PERSON to experience the Power of place or Join Online on Zoom


World Peace Meditation Hour


Sunday, July 16th | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Join us as we unite our minds in peaceful thoughts to help serve all of humanity during these challenging times. Peaceful thoughts not only create a beautiful energy of healing for the world but also prepare a wonderful foundation of peace in each of our minds for the week ahead. World meditation hour is observed by Brahma Kumaris Centers worldwide on the third Sunday of the month.


You are welcome to join us in person or on Zoom






Special invitation for your contacts of French Caribbean origin

26 June 2023

Dear jewels of Baba,

Om Shanti and loving greetings from Peace Village and Baba's Manhattan Center

In collaboration with Baba's children in Haiti, we are organizing a special retreat for those from the French Caribbean living in the USA, Canada, and the Caribbean. The sessions will be in French or English with French translation. The retreat is open to all with serious interest in meditation and spirituality. In addition, we are especially reaching out to the Haitian community.

If you have any students/contacts of French Caribbean origin, can you extend a special invitation to them for this retreat? Below you will find hyperlinks to download flyers for the retreat in French and English for you to share with your community.

This is the Peace Village website link for the retreat:  https://www.peacevillageretreat.org/events.html

Looking forward to a special retreat with the blessings and cooperation of all of you.

Remembering Baba, Karankaravanhar,

The retreat organizing team:
Dorothy Steinfield - Peace Village
Rona Schweitz - Manhattan Meditation Center
Ananta Alva coordinator of BK-activities in Haiti
Julien Emery, active BK member based in Orlando, Florida
Dr. Joey B. Prosper, active BK member based in Haiti
Melody Achille, MD, MS, active BK member based in Haiti

 Click here to download the English flyer, page 1

 Click here to download the English flyer, page 2

 Click here to download the French flyer, page 1

 Click here to download the French flyer, page 2



July 7-9 Spiritual Intelligence Weekend Retreat at Anubhuti ~ In-Person Only

26 June 2023

Spiritual Intelligence: Navigating Life’s Challenges with Wisdom and Clarity


Weekend Retreat July 7-9, Friday 6 pm to Sunday 2 pm
In-Person Only at Anubhuti Meditation and Retreat Center in Novato, CA


In today’s fast-paced and often turbulent world, cultivating spiritual intelligence is becoming increasingly important. Any kind of intelligence improves the quality of your life and of those around you but spiritual intelligence enables us to understand the deeper meaning of our experiences and connect with something greater than ourselves.


By developing this aspect of our lives, we can learn to navigate life’s challenges with greater wisdom and clarity, allowing us to make better decisions and experience more fulfilling lives. In this retreat, we’ll explore the nature of spiritual intelligence, its benefits, and practical strategies for developing it in our daily lives.


Facilitator: Dr. Prashant Kakoday has a background in surgery and integrated health. He has practiced Raja Yoga meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for 38 years, and co-ordinates the Brahma Kumaris activities in Cambridge, England. 


Dr. Kakoday’s main interest is in the relationship between the psyche, emotions, behavior and health. A well known figure on the world speaker’s circuit, he lectures on various topics ranging from science and consciousness to the holistic principles of life and health.  He has spoken on these subjects in many countries and institutions, including the World Health Organization and the Medical Teaching Program within the United States.


Registration Required: https://anubhutiretreatcenter.org/events/spiritual-intelligence-weekend-retreat/?occurrence=2023-07-07


You will receive confirmation via email.







Message of Hope: You are beautiful just as you are

26 June 2023

You Are Beautiful Just As You Are

Rediscover and use your eternal original values of purity, peace, love, happiness and power. 



Illustrations Brahma Kumaris



One of the greatest keys to real relaxation is the eternal truth we are all pure in heart originally. Over time what we accumulate and learn from the external world around us blocks and clogs our heart.  However, we can unlearn all disinformation, fake news and other forms of body conscious negativity and waste acquired from the external world.  For example, depression is mainly the result of the illusion we have lost something.  The original pure qualities of our spirit that are eternal and of true value to us, can never be lost.  A time comes  when we turn our attention inwards to value and use the wisdom always there at the core of our being.  


With reflection and silent meditation rediscover your eternal original values of purity, peace, love, happiness, power.  Begin to remember and know yourself completely; who you are inside and how you react to what is outside.  Meditation  increases soul power and makes our thoughts free of negativity and weakness. When we meditate, we first experience ourselves as a soul, a sparkling star, at the center of the forehead, which radiates peace, love and joy.  In this pure feeling, we travel as a being of light to the beautiful silence of the soul world, which exists beyond the physical Universe and make a deep connection with God.  Daily, take time to connect with this Supreme Being of spiritual light and might, and be filled with pure power. Discover a very different ‘me’ from the person who may be stressed or troubled, the person who seems superficially to be ‘me.’   You realize your true nature, the real you, is actually very positive and pure.


To see the qualities of true value within,  focus your attention on the inner landscape of your mind.   Is it growing a garden of lovely fragrant roses and colorful flowers? Or is it growing thorns and an abundance of weeds?  For example, in ‘rose’ consciousness, when someone challenges my words or actions, I should act and think about whether they might be right, and embrace this as an opportunity to learn. A ‘weed’ conscious person reacts and stubbornly clings and expands their point of view. The spiritual rose thinks, 'Even if I am correct in my thinking, I can understand someone else’s point of view and not become angry or refuse to listen'.


When I spend the time looking within, I get to know myself better and begin enjoying my own company. I never become bored! 


I recognize that everyone, including myself, nurtures beautiful qualities. I start appreciating, empowering people and inspiring greatness in them.  In a quiet moment today, listen within your heart.  It is telling you everything is really fine, no need to struggle. You are beautiful just as you are…and you will be again!


Contact:  Yvonne Risely, bkchirya@gmail.com.  chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

 Sr Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years.


She has a BSc from Cornell University in Education, is published  in several national publications as well as in the Daily Guardian (Delhi)






Reminder,  Special Event on Wednesday! And more...

25 June 2023

Dear Friends,


On Weds, we will be graced with our senior sister, Usha from our headquarters. She will be speaking at the Hindu Temple in Wappingers Falls.  You will leave inspired. RSVP here!  Om Shanti! 








Manhattan Center Presents "Reviving the Higher Self "  -- A Seven-day Meditation Course June 26-July 02

25 June 2023

Discover your higher consciousness and explore, in an experiential way, the wisdom that can heal the subconscious mind and revive the higher self.


June 26, 2023 – July 02, 2023 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm EST

In the Online/In-person 7-day meditation course, we will explore:-
– Discover the angel and the enemy within
– Insights into the journey of the soul
– Understand the balancing forces of karma
– Deepen your relationship with God
– Learn and deepen your meditation


To Register – Click here


In person/Online: 306 5th Ave., 2nd floor (between 31st & 32nd Streets) New York, NY 10001





“Fearlessness”: Spiritual Reflection on June 24

24 June 2023

Join us for Episode #68 of our fortnightly ‘Values for Life’ Series and enjoy a spiritual reflection on “Fearlessness”.


Value:  Fearlessness ( निडरता )


Speakers: The event will feature a conversation between 

BK Dr. Nirmala Didi, Joint Chief Administrator, Director of Australasia Centers as well as of Gyan Sarovar Academy for a Better World, Mount Abu, India and BK Sr. Suman, Raja Yoga Teacher, Gyan Sarovar, Academy for a Better World, Mount Abu, India.


Date/Time:  Saturday, 24th June 2023 (1.5-hour session)

Translation:  will be available in   French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil & Telugu


Kindly note the timing in your region: 

8:00 pm (India)

3:30 pm (UK)

4:30 pm (France, Spain

5:30 pm (Turkey)

6:30 pm (Dubai)

7:30 am (Westcoast US/ Can)

10:30 am (Eastcoast US/ Can)

11:30 am (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom http://omshanti.live/zoom

or use Meeting ID  925 2808 7710 


Join on YouTube Live –

in English  – http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi  – http://omshanti.live/Hindi







Peace Village Presents International Day of Yoga Event: Sunday, June 25th, 5:00 - 6:30 pm Outdoors! PLUS Other Upcoming Programs

23 June 2023










Service Report of Br. Ken and Sr. Luciana’s Visit to the Edison Center, New Jersey, USA June 2-3, 2023

21 June 2023

Om shanti and greetings of love and peace from Edison, New Jersey, USA. 


We are delighted to share the latest service news from Brother Ken and Sister Luciana’s recent visit to Edison. During their short visit (less than 2 days), there were 3 programs that were conducted for the public. Details can be found in the service report. Please click here to download it.


In Baba’s Yaad,

BK Sheetal 





Meditation Museum Founder & Director Sister Dr Jenna Invites You to Renew Connections and Revitalize Inner Peace

21 June 2023

Dear Trusted Friend of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museum,


I hope this message finds you healthy and serene in the midst of life's various flows. It's been a while since we've connected, and I'm writing this email to personally reach out to you and all our cherished members of the Meditation Museum community.


The last couple of years have undeniably been challenging for many of us. As we navigated the uncertainties brought by the global pandemic, our routines were upended, social connections strained, and overall life as we knew it, changed in so many ways. Throughout these times, I often found myself thinking of you and wondering how you've been doing, hoping that the meditative practices we shared at our museum helped in finding a little more peace amid the chaos.


Now that we are transitioning into what can be considered our new normal, I am thrilled to reconnect with you. The Meditation Museum has been quiet, but our mission to create a safe, tranquil space where anyone can experience the benefits of meditation has never ceased. During these past three years, we have produced over 1,100 online video/podcasts/youtube shows. (CLICK AND ENJOY)


As we begin reopening our doors, I would like to invite you to join us again and explore a diverse range of mindfulness and meditation practices that can help alleviate stress, heighten self-awareness, and promote emotional health. Whether you're a seasoned meditator or just curious about meditation, we look forward to supporting you on your journey towards inner peace and fulfillment.


To ensure everyone's safety, we request if you have flu symptoms to not attend in-person events. We have expanded our virtual offerings, including online meditation classes and workshops, so you can continue your practice from the comfort of your home if you prefer.


The pandemic has underscored the importance of mental health, self-care, and community. It reminded us of our shared human experience, our interconnectedness, and our ability to find calm within the storm. As we navigate this next chapter together, I'm excited to deepen our commitment to these essential truths.


I will be sharing further updates soon, but in the meantime, I would love to hear from you. How have you been? How has your practice evolved over the past couple of years? Your stories and experiences matter to us.


Thank you for being part of our beautiful community. We are here for you, as we always have been, and look forward to reconnecting in a kind and gentle way that creates unity and abundance.


With your best in mind,
Sister Jenna








Helpfulness (उपकारिता): Experiential Values Workshop on June 17

20 June 2023

Join us this Saturday for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 67).


Value: Helpfulness (उपकारिता)

Content of the Workshop:

    1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on ‘Helpfulness.’ 

    2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by BK Dr. Prashant Kakoday, Cambridge, UK. 

Date / Times: Saturday, 17th June 2023 ( 2-Hr Session )

7:30 PM (India)  


3:00 PM (UK )

4:00 PM France, Spain)

5:00 PM (Turkey)


6:00 PM (Dubai)


7:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can)

10:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can)


11:00 AM (Brazil) 


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode – values)

(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)


Thank you all

With Warm Regards,

‘Values for Life’ – Team

(‘Values for Life’ Series and ‘Values Workshops Series’ happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters’. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)






Message of Hope: Happy Fathers' Day

18 June 2023


Human beings have a physical father and also a spiritual father, a spiritual parent,  God is the Father of the soul, the most complete and perfect personality, who loves and patiently corrects His spiritual children when we go wrong.  No one is more specialty and virtue-filled than this Father, the Supreme Soul.  This is the reason he is a living energy who is remembered the most by everyone all over the world.   God is one personality throughout time without any weaknesses and He is our constant Father and Friend.  As the highest spiritual energy in the Universe, the spiritual Father’s role reminds us we are eternal souls, separate from our perishable bodies.  He teaches right behaviour, makes our personality positive, pure and beautiful again. In soul consciousness, we can get back in touch with God’s light and love and rejuvenate ourselves.  Only a thought away, the Creator, our Heavenly Father, is like a spiritual ‘Generator’ whose occupation is to recharge the flat batteries of souls.  When we realize, "I am made in the same image as God my Father; God is light, and I am light", the light of the soul once again becomes bright and the sorrow and darkness is removed.

But over time our connection to the loving Father has broken and the light of the soul has grown dim .  Without taking the help of the power of the Supreme Father, we keep losing our pristine original spiritual energy and continue falling down further in qualities and powers. Our fluctuating mind becomes unstable and causes confusion in our life. It becomes difficult to remain positive and fearless, to see right from wrong.  While we souls and the rest of the universe are battling the ups and downs of constant change, God, remains eternally perfectly stable and constant in qualities.

 God, in His mercy, is now pulling our minds towards Himself, saying, 'Keep your mind with Me.'  Remembering we all have the same Father and are eternally related as brothers and sisters, we spiritual children are transformed. The world will be at peace when we leave aside the external physical differences and accept universal brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God.   Allow yourself to be transformed by this new knowledge and  renewed relationship with your Godly Father.  When we experience ourselves to be sustained by God, it is easy to keep a happy face.  With the feeling of gratitude that we are able to smile about everything.  He is Karankaravanhar, The One who is doing and making me do. The love and respect we give to both our fathers makes every day become Fathers Day!

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely   bkchirya@gmail.com, chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org, Peace Village Retreat Center, Hunter Mt. NY, offers ongoing Meditation Classes without charge. Call 518 589 5000 for details of summer classes and events. 







Manhattan Center Saturday Workshop (6/17): The Secret of Self-Transformation

15 June 2023



BK Usha Didi's Visit to BK Silicon Valley, Milpitas, USA

12 June 2023

BK Usha Didi (Madhuban) visited BK Silicon Valley Milpitas, on 25th May, 2023 and we had a talk on the topic of "The Science of Meditation". Over 200 BK souls attended the event and everyone enjoyed listening to Usha Didi.  

Here are some photos from the event.


Sisters Welcoming BK Usha Didi


BK Kids Welcoming Usha Didi

BK Usha Didi Giving talk

Link to the Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/MibJR9FJDu0?feature=share

BK souls enjoying the class

Toli and Blessings

Link to all the photos : Usha Didi's Visit 25th May 2023 - Google Drive

BK Team

Om Shanti,
BK Kusum Kejriwal
BK Meditation Center




Sister Jayanti's visit to Dallas, TX, USA

12 June 2023

Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters,

We had the fortune of Sister Jayanti's visit to Dallas. Please see below links for photos and attached video.

Link for photos at Tapasya Dham, retreat center


Link for photos at Holiday Inn, public event


Link for photos at Dallas center


Link to video:

 14-16 May Sister Jayanti's visit video.mp4

Om shanti,

Service team

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center




Florida Service News: May 2023

9 June 2023

Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - May 2023





Click to revisit interview with Br Vivek & Mike Rochelle




Spiritual Conversation with Nelly & Katy of Channel 4's non-profit 'Neighbors 4 Neighbors'



May 5: Meredith Porte in conversation with the founder of Channel 4's Neighbors 4 Neighbors Nelly Rubio and Katy Meagher.


May 5 : Media Producer - host Meredith Porte was in conversation with founder Nelly Rubio and Executive Director Katy Meagher of the Channel 4's non-profit 'Neighbors 4 Neighbors' which continues to link those in need with those who want to help.


Click here to access their spiritual conversation.


Sandra sis joins the Peace Village Retreat



Click here to access full report with photos.






Values for Life’ Series on ‘Helpfulness’ on June 10

9 June 2023

Greetings of Peace to all.

We extend our warm invitation for Episode # 67 of our fortnightly ‘Values for Life’ Series, for a spiritual reflection on “Helpfulness” this Saturday.

Value: Helpfulness (उपकारिता)

Speakers: A conversation between
        BK Sr. Shashi, Brahma Kumaris, Greenford Center, UK and
        BK Sr. Daxa, Brahma Kumaris, Inner Space Wembley, UK

Date/Time: Saturday, 10th June 2023 (1.5 Hrs session)

Kindly note the timing in your region:

8:00 PM (India),
3:30 PM (UK),
4:30 PM (France, Spain),
5:30 PM (Turkey),
6:30 PM (Dubai)
7:30 AM (Westcoast US/ Can),
10:30 AM (Eastcoast US/ Can),
11:30 AM (Brazil)

Join directly on Zoom –

Use Meeting ID – 925 2808 7710

(Translation is available in French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil & Telugu )

Join on YouTube Live –
in English – http://omshanti.live/English
in Hindi – http://omshanti.live/Hindi

Please find attached the Calendar of upcoming events for the month of June for your kind reference.

Thank you all
With Warm Regards,
‘Values for Life’ – Team

(‘Values for Life’ Series and ‘Values Workshops Series’ happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters’. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)

To view the earlier episodes on other values, please click on below links:

Playlist link for Values Workshops (English):

For more information please visit our website at –



San Francisco Center Celebrates Mothers' Day and Hosts A Silence Day Retreat to Nurture the Inner Child, a Live Harp Music Meditation, & the 1st Annual Memorial Service for Sister Chandru

6 June 2023

Nurturing the Inner Child: Silence Day Retreat
The participants joined the retreats in person in the middle of their busy city-life and they went into deeper levels of consciousness, connecting to the divine with the live harp music by BK Kyoko. They reflected the experiences by journaling, drawing from the visual exercise, and coloring. One participant reflected by saying that she had an experience of connecting to the divine light. The retreat was facilitated by BK Annie, BK Kyoko and BK Harsha.

Mothers were honored by the BK family with creative activities including the blessing tunnel and the personalized virtue cards recognizing the special qualities of each mother. Special guided meditation commentary was given by Sister Kiran Coyote from the BK Eugene Center, Oregon, USA with the live harp music.



Memorial Service for Sister Chandru & Other Service News

5 June 2023


Service News from Brahma Kumaris, San Francisco, U.S.A. (May 2023)

One-Year anniversary memorial service (Shraddhanjali) for Sister Chandru

                     May 28, 2023


A special memorial program was organized to honour the legacy of Sister Chandru’s dedication to world service and her love for God and the BK family.  

Video link of Sister Chandru's Qualities, Inspirations, Service.

Many seniors joined in person and through zoom:  Mohini Didi, New York; Usha Didi, Mt. Abu; Sisters Denise, France; Gita, Los Angeles;  Hansa, Sacramento; Kusum, Milpitas; Kiran, Eugene Center; Brother Surya, Seattle.  As a part of the BK retreat, all the retreat participants and people from the interfaith community came to the program which made the gathering lively and meaningful. 

Special bhog was offered and tolis, blessing cards and gifts were given to all the participants at the end. 

Usha Didi, Mt. Abu, shared her memories of her taking the 7-day course from Chandru ben.  Indu Mata, Usha Didi’s mother, also shared her memories of the initial days in Africa. Many BK mothers shared memories of Sister Chandru.  

May 6, Nurturing the Inner Child: Silence Day Retreat 

The participants joined the retreats in person in the middle of their busy city-life and they went into deeper levels of consciousness, connecting to the divine with the live harp music by Sister Kyoko.  They reflected the experiences by journaling, drawing from the visual exercise, and coloring.  One participant reflected by saying that she had an experience of connecting to the divine light.

The retreat was facilitated by sister Annie, sister Kyoko and brother Harsha. 

May 14, Mothers’ Day Celebration

On the Third Sunday, Mothers’ Day Celebration was held at the San Francisco Meditation Center.  

Mothers were honored by the Brahmin family with creative activities including the blessing tunnel and the personalized virtue cards recognizing the special qualities of each mother. 

May 26 , Live Harp Music and Meditation

Special guided meditation commentary was given by Sister Kiran Coyote from the BK Eugene Center, Oregon, USA with the live harp music.

In Godly Service,
Sisters Gita, Sukanya, Kyoko, Br. Harsha



Milpitas USA- Mother's Day Celebrations - BK Silicon Valley

5 June 2023



Om Shanti Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings of Peace.

On Sunday, May 14, 2023, Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley joyously celebrated Mother's Day at its center. Sister Kusum highlighted the significance of a mother's role, emphasizing the presence of five mothers: Shiv Baba, Brahma-ma, mama, drama, and one's physical mother. During the event, all the mothers were honored with thoughtful gifts from Baba, including a beautiful rose brooch symbolizing love and a plant representing growth and nurturing. To add to the festive atmosphere, the sisters performed a lively dance to a mother's song and warmly invited all the mothers present to experience the joy of dancing together. The celebration was filled with love, appreciation, and the uplifting spirit of Mother's Day.



Mother's Day greetings to BK Silicon Valley Director  Sister BK Kusum

Many more photos of the event are at https://photos.app.goo.gl/D28tCGMnVheetPPSA
In Baba's Yaad
BK Kusum



June 2023 Homework from Mohini Didi: "Be one with elevated self-respect and continue to regard to everyone"

4 June 2023

Om Shanti, Dear Baba's Family, Greetings of love

In the month of June, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to the new Series: "Be one with elevated self-respect and continue to regard to everyone'' -"श्रेष्ठ स्वमानधारी , सम्मानदाता बनो''   Promo: https://youtu.be/RAgLpjzc5_0     You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder links given below.

Thank you
In Baba's loving yaad, BK Mohini
Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris

Homework Links – you will receive a daily video in the below YouTube folder links.
English:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rlIqpDE-JKv6CjHk0eTC6En
Hindi: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rkBA8YBEWsa_vV2Y4OyTh_x

 Hindi (translated classes): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rnCwTCmGES3aW64O0WzXLVR

Thank you
Avyakti Parivar
A Family of Angels United in Love for One
Youtube: http://tiny.cc/avyaktiparivar-youtube
Website: https://www.avyaktiparivar.org/



Jayanti Didi's Visit to Toronto, Canada

3 June 2023

Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti

The family of Toronto had the great fortune of welcoming Jayanti Didi for a one-day, 24-hour visit.

She started the day with Amrit Vela followed by Murli Class where all the Centers from Canada joined through Zoom. Mid-morning, she met the Greater Toronto Area center instruments followed by a Zoom meeting of Canadian Center Coordinators. In the evening, a public program "Awakening the Beauty of the Heart'' was held at the Center with a large audience which included VIP guests.

Please download the full report in pictures HERE.

In Baba's yaad and pyaar,

Saviben, Arvindbhai and Toronto Family



Jayanti Didi’s Visit to Boston May 16–18, 2023!

2 June 2023

On May 16th, Jayanti Didi walked through the doors of the Boston Center after 18 years! She was showered with flowers by the Boston family.

Happy 74th Birthday Didi!!! 100 family members welcomed and celebrated the day with dances, songs, videos, as well as inspirations from Didi and a question-and-answer session led by center co-coordinators Sr Rita and Br Dev. Didi shared inspiring stories from her worldwide service as well as the early days of the yagya. We then cut a beautiful cake, and it was such a touching family scene to see her feeding cake to all Baba’s birthday children! The entire family had an amazing time in Didi’s energy and presence that night.

On Wednesday, May 17, the focus of her visit was on serving the community. The center hosted a luncheon and an evening reception, where both new and old friends and contacts of the BKs took the special chance to interact with Jayanti Didi. These receptions, as well as some personal meetings, were followed by a public program with the theme – Spiritual Insight for Uncertain Times – Cultivating Clarity, Peace, and Stability. 150 guests listened as Jayanti Didi was interviewed by investigative journalist Roberta Baskin about how we can better understand and manage our feelings around the uncertain state of the world. She answered many questions from the audience about how to bring positive global change, and how to reach and serve more people with vibrations of peace and love. Her advice - know what your aim is, hold your vision, and keep at it! Change is coming! Jayanti Didi conveyed a beautiful message of hope, that while there is darkness now, the light is coming. This is the reality, that a new world of peace and happiness is being established. The lightness and peace were palpable in the room, and everyone left feeling light, easy, and full of hope.

The Boston family enjoyed Didi’s presence and wisdom for Wednesday and Thursday murli classes, as well as Thursday bhog offering followed by Brahma Bhojan. With such love and gratitude, Jayanti Didi was sent off to the next stop on her USA visit – Peace Village and the Call of the Time Retreat. Go soon come soon Didi!

Here is a 5 minutes video with the glimpses of Jayanti Didi's visit.


In Baba's love and remembrance
Boston Family



Values Workshop Series on ‘Eagerness’ – Saturday, 3rd June 2023

2 June 2023

Join us this Saturday for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 66).


Value: Eagerness (उत्सुकता)

Content of the Workshop:

     1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on ‘Eagerness.’ 

     2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by BK Sr. Indu, Leicester, UK. 

Date / Times: Saturday, 3rd June 2023 (2-hr Session)

     7:30 pm (India )  

     3:00  pm  (UK)

    4:00  pm  (France, Spain)

     5:00  pm  (Turkey)

     6:00  pm (Dubai)

     7:00 am (Westcoast US / Can)

     10:00  am  (Eastcoast US / Can)

     11:00  am  (Brazil


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode – values)

(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)

Please note below the Calendar of upcoming events for the month of June for your reference.

To view the earlier episodes on other values, please click on below links:




Thank you all

With Warm Regards,

‘Values for Life’ – Team

(‘Values for Life’ Series and ‘Values Workshops Series’ happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters’. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)





Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos para Junio

1st June 2023


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página

El curso básico de meditación impartido por Brahma Kumaris es de Raja Yoga, incluye varios temas. Por favor de registrarse cuando llame al 617-926-1230. Para más información visite a www.bknewengland.org


Eventos en Texas

Curso de Meditación Raja Yoga - PARTE 3

Martes 6 de Mayo (continua por 4 días consecutivos) a las 7 PM hora de Texas

Solo para aquellos que tomaron la parte 1 y 2 del curso de Raja Yoga. Para registrarte y más información escribe a: brahmakumarisdallasespanol@gmail.com


Charla en inglés con traducción simultánea al Espanol