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San Francisco BKs Hold Silence Day Retreats

30 April 2023

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center in San Francisco (USA) hosted Guided Silence Day Retreats in the past few months.  

The meaningful retreat topics such as ‘Healing Power of Love’, ‘Out of the Head, Into the Heart’, ‘Transforming Anxiety’ attracted many young and experienced professionals to come in-person.

The facilitators Br. Harsha, Sr. Sukanya, Sr. Kyoko and Dr. Vinod guided the participants into deeper levels of consciousness and their connection to the Divine. It was easy for the participants to get in touch with their inner core and manage their emotions well as they meditated with live harp music by Sr. Kyoko and journaled their experiences. 

Eating sattvic vegetarian food and snacks in silence was a unique experience for many.

Participants were very happy to have found a space that hosts Silence Retreats in the city without traveling far distance.

Feedback from some participants: 

"The ambience of the meditation center, the peaceful, pure vibrations here provided a space for my inner healing."

"Now I feel, it is possible to bring a change in myself without being stressed out. I would like to spend more time exploring in the experience of silence." 

"I feel very relaxed with the guided meditation with music. My commitment to myself:  15 minutes meditation every morning. " 

"I realize - When we work to change ourselves, we influence others to do the same. "

"I experienced a deeper sense of connection to the self. My vision of light was more present and it felt as a validation of subconscious memory from the past. "

"I realized that ‘true’ power comes from within and can never be taken away."



BK's session at Harvard Divinity School Conference -- report

30 April 2023

Brahma Kumaris speak at Harvard Divinity School Conference,

Boston, USA, 29 April 2023


Harvard Divinity School held a 3-day conference on Uses and Abuses of Power in Alternative Religions from April 27-29 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.  Though most of the sessions were about abuses of power by gurus and spiritual leaders, the BKs held a session entitled “The Brahma Kumaris:  a women-led spiritual organization challenging a male-dominated spiritual landscape.” The abstract of a Harvard-published paper by that name was uploaded on this Onelink website earlier: https://onelink.brahmakumaris.org/north-americanews#heading_toc_j_11 


Amidst the backdrop of countless sessions on abuses, the BK’s session featured photos of the school opened by Brahma Baba, the young Dadis and the elder Dadis who governed the organization with love. The audience in the room and on zoom was fascinated and had many questions about how the organization managed to support continued leadership by women and to maintain such a culture of harmony.


The author of the above-mentioned paper submitted for the session was Sudarshanbhai from Boston. The one who found the conference and created the opportunity was Sister Rita of Boston. Sister Judy of New York/ Peace Village co-presented the session with Sudarshanbhai. Three weeks prior to the conference the professor Dan McKanan brought 9 students on a field trip to Peace Village.  He and a few of his students sat in on the conference session.






BK Milpitas, Silicon Valley, California Celebrates Earth Day with a Sunrise Meditation & Participation in the Santa Cruz Fair

29 April 2023

Sunrise Meditation: 

On the occasion of Earth Day, we organized Sunrise Meditation at a very popular lake called Lake Elizabeth, Fremont, California. As we gently watched the Sunrise, we radiated vibrations of peace & love for all life forms and gratitude & hope for Mother Earth. This event was open to friends and family. Following the meditation Brahmin souls gathered together and enjoyed Murli in Nature. The event ended with bhog distribution.

Earth Day Flyer of BK Silicon Valley 

Meditation In Nature conducted by BK Sisters

BK Silicon Valley Students participated in Sunrise Meditation

Sunrise Meditation by giving Dristi

Meditation in Nature

Santa Cruz Fair:

We got a great opportunity to place a booth at an Earth Day Fair in Santa Cruz, California. The fair had various kinds of booths spreading awareness about protecting the Earth. The theme of Baba’s booth was “How to become a giver like Nature”, based on which we had a whiteboard activity where souls could write down pointers on the same. We also talked about how we can conserve energy through our thoughts, ways to avoid mind pollution, a simple lifestyle, mindfulness, etc. The main attraction of the booth was the ocean-themed kid's activity, where kids enjoyed learning about ocean life forms and coloring ocean-related pictures. There was a high footfall of souls who were pleased to hear about meditation and thoroughly enjoyed all the activities. We have gifted a plant to all the souls who visited the booth.

Whiteboard to write "How to Become a Giver like Nature"

Giving Plants as Gifts 

More photos of both events:

Sunrise Meditation: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Mq2kFuyrsFrvHBHc7

Santa Cruz fair: https://photos.app.goo.gl/udafh6dgZxhTeSuj6

Om Shanti,
BK Kusum Kejriwal



Boston Center's Upcoming Events for May 2023

28 April 2023

Upcoming Events for May 2023


A Very Special Event with Sis. Jayanti!!



Click here to RSVP


Please click here to watch a brief video clip featuring Sister Jayanti



Click here to RSVP



Click here to RSVP



Click here to RSVP



Click here to RSVP







‘Clarity’: ‘Values for Life’ Series Episode #64 on Sunday, April 30

28 April 2023

Greetings of Peace to all.  


Please join us this Sunday for Episode #64  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series. It will be an insightful spiritual dialog on “Clarity”.


Value:  Clarity (स्पष्टता

Speakers: BK Asha Didi, Director, Om Shanti Retreat Center,Gurugram, India and Br. Charlie Hogg, Director of Brahma Kumaris, Australia


Dates/Times: (1.5 Hrs sessionKindly note the session time and day is different than our regular timing - only for this time


Saturday, 29th April 2023: 8:30 pm (Westcoast US / Can)

Sunday, 30th April 2023 9:00 am (India), 1:30 pm (Sydney), 12:30 pm (Japan), 11:30 am (Malaysia / Hong Kong), 6:30 am (Turkey), 5:30 am (France, Spain ), 4:30 am (UK)


Join directly on Zoom(Translation available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish & Tamil)



Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710


Join on YouTube Live -

in English  - http://omshanti.live/English 

in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 


Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team


('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris. They happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters.)





Zoom into Raju bhaiji sessions in Peace Village

28 April 2023

Om Shanti, Divine Family,


Raju bhaiji sessions in Peace village for the Madhuban Experience:


April 28, 2023 - Friday: 

08:00 - 08:15 AM: Murli sharing by Raju bhai

10:30 - 11:15 AM: Raju bhaiji class


April 29, 2023 - Saturday:

10:30 - 11:15 AM: Interview session-Sr. Gayatri and Raju bhai (session will be in English)


Madhuban Experience 2023

Zoom Meeting ID: 863 7828 5540 passwords: baba 


Zoom Meeting ID: 919 1946 0246

password: dadijanki

Avyakti Parivar







Peace Village Invites you to the Madhuban Experience 2023 schedule - Main Sessions for Zoom

27 April 2023

Om shanti Angels of God,


Kindly find the zoom link for the Madhuban Experience and schedule with Didi Mohini and Madhuban Rajubhai.


We hope you are able to view some of the Retreat.


Warmest Remembrances,




Madhuban Experience 2023

Zoom Meeting ID: 863 7828 5540

password: baba


meeting link:



Schedule can be downloaded HERE


Peace Village is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Madhuban Experience with Mohin didi and Raju bhai

Time: Apr 26, 2023 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        Every day, until May 2, 2023, 7 occurrence(s)

        Apr 26, 2023 03:00 PM

        Apr 27, 2023 03:00 PM

        Apr 28, 2023 03:00 PM

        Apr 29, 2023 03:00 PM

        Apr 30, 2023 03:00 PM

        May 1, 2023 03:00 PM

        May 2, 2023 03:00 PM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Daily: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/meeting/tZIucOGqpj4vHtQv7Z9Yfggi17JQ3bZTQ4oL/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGurTwiGNyQtR2HRpwAA4_CWerxiCVYgrdsikjfWhlVZQT_Z7VoA-F9Kuzh


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 863 7828 5540

Passcode: baba

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,86378285540#,,,,*946571# US (New York)

+16469313860,,86378285540#,,,,*946571# US


Dial by your location

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 646 931 3860 US

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 305 224 1968 US

        +1 309 205 3325 US

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 360 209 5623 US

        +1 386 347 5053 US

        +1 507 473 4847 US

        +1 564 217 2000 US

        +1 669 444 9171 US

        +1 689 278 1000 US

        +1 719 359 4580 US

        +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)

        +1 253 205 0468 US

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 863 7828 5540

Passcode: 946571

Find your local number: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/u/kcF8dFixRt




Inculcating original qualities of divinity, purity, peace, love, truth, wisdom, happiness, and joy






Boston Brahma Kumaris presents  a special program for those working in healthcare - Sunday May 7, 2023  from 4:45 - 6:30 pm EST

26 April 2023

Dear Friend,


Greetings of peace. With great happiness, the Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace in Watertown invites you to attend a special event designed specifically for those working in healthcare.


“Build Spiritual Immunity – Tips and Tools for Managing Stress and Protecting Your Happiness” 

 4:45 pm – 6:30 pm on Sunday, May 7th.


Our special guest/honored speaker for the evening is Dr. Manoj Matnani, a visiting pediatric nephrologist from Pune, India, and a long-time practitioner of Raja Yoga Meditation. He has been with the Brahma Kumaris since 2008 and offers a wealth of insight and experience on how spirituality and meditation practice can help us maintain our personal peace and happiness at work.


Please see the attached flyer for the event, venue, and speaker details. Feel free to contact us at info@bknewengland.org or call 617-926-1230 for more information. Click the link to register and secure your spot!

Register Here

Please pass this invitation on to friends and colleagues in the field. 

We look forward to seeing you on May 7th!


Best regards,

Rita Cleary and Dev Lingadevaru,

Directors of the Brahma kumaris meditation center


Please click here to view the flyer







25 April 2023

Note: This Message of Hope is a result of understanding a recent test I received about obstacles of health and expectations. When an unexpected response or situation happens to you, remember some of these points to avoid wasting your time and energy by overthinking, and pass with flying colors into the 'Beyond Affect" zone, where the goodness of spring is always blooming and flowers fragrant! Many thanks to the local 911 team for saving the day.  Love, Sr Chirya 


Per-fect Means ‘Beyond Affect’!

When we forgive we don’t change the past; we change the future. 



Illustrations: Brahma Kumaris


To feel worry and tension or run away in a difficult situation may work for a short time, but it is not a solution. Go within and draw upon your fearless courage and the strength of determination in meditation to remove the barrier of useless thoughts and create positive thoughts.  Meet the challenges head on like this and realize they are not that bad! 


Life is a game of forgetting and remembering.  We lose the game of life when we forget who we truly and eternally are – a spiritual being. By remembering, I, the soul, am a non-physical imperishable thinking being of light giving life to the perishable body, my true nature is ever loving, blissful and peaceful.  This awareness reminds the soul to be light, to think less and slower positive thoughts. When we carry heavy thoughts filled with negativity about each family member, friend and office colleague, will not this weight of overthinking be tiring?   Allowing bitterness and resentment to fester inside will make my relationships guarded and unsatisfying. The more I close down to others, the more I become a stranger to myself.  


Inner peace begins when we remember who we are and choose not to allow another person or event to control our emotions.  Protect yourself.  Put a full stop and erase the unnecessary questions and exclamation marks in your thoughts.  By forgiving and letting go of sorrow and negativity, I can keep my nature open and loving. Our focus needs to be on our performance. Our personality of peace, love, wisdom, should reflect in every role.  Perfect your own script and not the script of others by replacing negative thoughts about others with uplifting thoughts about their specialties, qualities, skills and positive personality characteristics. The more good wishes and kind feelings we have in our thoughts for others, the more our own happiness increases.  


Cross every scene well, by being at ease, relaxed and empowering your co-actors. Remind yourself -  I bring out my personality of peace and compassion in every role, uninfluenced by others. You will know when you are perfect. You will remain ‘beyond affect’ from the negative influences of situations and other people in this drama of life. By remaining connected to the perfect being of God, you will reach such a constant level of positive thoughts that your pure actions happen naturally. What a beautiful and powerful stage, and it’s within our reach now.


Contact: Yvonne Risely, bkchirya@gmail.com.  chirya.risely@peace village retreat.org, Chirya lives in the Catskill Mts of New York, is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She has a BSc from Cornell University in Education, is published  in several national publications and the Daily Guardian (Delhi).






“Celebrating Inner Joy”: Two-Day French Retreat In Peace Village, New York

25 April 2023

New York (USA): A French Retreat took place in the Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center during the  Easter weekend organized by the Raja Yoga Centers of Montreal and Quebec City, Canada. About 40 participants from Montreal and Quebec City, as well as near Joliette and Trois-Rivières, gathered together. The theme, “Celebrating Inner Joy”, was beautifully taken up by Dr Kala Iyengar, Director of Peace Village, and BK Eric Le Reste, National Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris Centers in Canada.


The participants enjoyed a harmonious blend of master classes, reflective moments and experiential workshops, allowing for a fuller integration of all the concepts that were presented.



The first morning, BK Eric and BK Jonathan joyfully led everyone in an Easter Egg Hunt, during which everyone discovered – not just chocolate! –but the sweetness of their inner beauty, thanks to the lovely blessings and messages that were hidden inside the eggs.


This was followed by four 30-minute yoga workshops offering a variety of experiences such as a letter from God, an introspective walk around the pond, a moment to exchange drishti, and a session introducing the importance of mansa seva for souls and nature. Those participants who had only completed the Meditation Course, each morning received spiritual teachings and meditative experiences in the company of BK Eric and BK Jonathan. These sessions explored 3 main roles of the inner journey: the Yogi, the Angel and the Raj.


A class conducted by Dr. Kala as well as an interview by BK Eric led everyone to subtly fine tune their inner world, in order to experience constant inner joy; a joy sustained by inner attainments and a firm spiritual practice. Dr Kala underlined how introspection is the key in cultivating inner joy as it enables the soul to discover the beautiful qualities of its pure and original state and to get power from the Supreme Soul. Only then is the soul able to regain its true nature of joy, and celebrate the beauty in every moment of daily life.


During the two days, many participants took part in an interactive and silent-meditative walks in the forest. Both walks were guided by BK Paul and BK Elizabeth from Peace Village, and punctuated with inspiring comments leading to an experience of harmony between the soul and its natural environment.


The retreat culminated with a very joyful celebration that was secretly organized by the Peace Village residents, to honour BK Eric’s recent retirement. Cake cutting, singing and dancing beautifully allowed everyone to move from inner to outer joy, in a communion of love and cheerfulness. This was then followed by a cultural program which was presented in the form of a TV show, where everyone had the chance to express their talents through song, poetry, skits and dance – all with a good dose of joy and humor! The retreat left in the hearts of everyone a deep sense of fullness and lightness, as well as a determined will to cultivate joy in their own lives, starting within the self.





Save the date – Meet Additional Administrative Head of BK Organization – Sister Jayanti on May 17th from 6:45 – 8:30pm

22 April 2023

Dear Friends,

Greetings of peace.

We are very excited to invite you to join us for a special event with an amazing guest Sister Jayanti.

Sister Jayanti is a spiritual teacher and the Additional Administrative Head of The Brahma Kumaris, the world’s largest spiritual organization led by women. Sister Jayanti embodies a unique blend of Eastern wisdom and Western education and culture; imparting the deepest spiritual truths with the utmost clarity. She also serves as the organization's NGO Representative with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Below is a short video clip with Sister Jayanti


Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 6:45 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: 75 Common St. Watertown, MA

Please save the date and more details will follow soon!

Best Wishes,

Rita Cleary & Dev Lingadevaru

Coordinators of Boston Brahma Kumaris Center


Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center





‘Punctuality and Being Ever-Ready’ : An insightful talk and meditation on April 22nd

21 April 2023

We extend our warm invitation this weekend for two spiritually uplifting programs, reflecting on Punctuality and Being Ever-Ready.


Join us this Saturday for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 63)


Value: Punctuality (समयनिष्ठता)


Content of the Workshop:

     1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on ‘Punctuality.’ 

    2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by BK Sr Dipty, South Africa


Date / Time: Saturday, 22nd April 2023 (2 Hrs Session)


7:30 PM (India)  

4:00 PM (South Africa, France, Spain )

3:00 PM (UK)

5:00 PM (Turkey)

6:00 PM (Dubai)

7:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can)

10:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can)

11:00 AM (Brazil) 


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode – values)


(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)


Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris. They happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters.)






Message of Hope: A Polluted Mind Creates Pollution in Nature

19 April 2023

Although April 22, 2023 is official date for, - make  EVERY DAY  Earth Day

National Arbor Day April 28th, Celebrate by planting trees


A Polluted Mind Creates Pollution in Nature

If you don’t love the land, you won’t protect it, and then we’ll lose it.

Illustrations: Brahma Kumaris

The human race has become separated and increasingly out of step with the natural world. We grow the fortunes of billionaires, even as we increase the numbers of homeless and refugees.  Earth and her capacity to sustain life is being destroyed.  “We know the statistics on climate change and we’re seeing we can’t continue at this pace. Our global systems of externalization, extraction and pollution are leading to ‘ecological apartheid.” - Vandana Shiva.

The earth is a living system, and our well-being is closely connected to the health of the planet. We are inhaling oxygen the trees exhaled. The molecules of our bodies are the same as those of the planet: oxygen, carbon, water.  Everything is interconnected.  When there’s pollution on the planet, it’s in you too, and we may be the cause of it!! 

Imagine a lake, calm, pure and so clear you can see the bottom.  Then the first polluting chemicals of the new factory and farm come rolling down the hill and into the water.  It starts to cloud over and bubble a little as chemical reactions are taking place; impurity begins and pollution follows.  In the same way to be peaceful, pure and clear is our natural and deepest state within the soul. However, over time our inner light and peace fade as our connection with the Supreme Father has broken. Our weakened conscience goes to sleep. We forget our eternal identity as souls and begin to think we are only bodies. The peace and purity of our original virtues is overtaken by lust, violence, and greed. Our minds become weak and polluted  with the acquired ‘chemicals’ of waste and negative thoughts. Mankind’s desires for wealth and power rolled in and corruption began suffocating and trashing our beautiful planet with fires, plastic, deforestation, oil slicks and all manner of rubbish and pollution.  So many majestic and ancient Sequoia trees and 60,000 of our loved, cuddly koala bears died in recent forest fires.

The problem increases each year and places us at risk, rich and poor alike. We have now entered the third year of what science calls humanity’s decisive decade. “The UN wasn’t created to take mankind into paradise, but, rather, to save humanity from hell”- Dag Hammarskjold.   Unless we can navigate a global change of course before 2030, we risk such severe, irreversible damage to Earth’s regenerative systems that our species is unlikely to survive. 

Spiritual  knowledge has now re-emerged helping us to restore our original inner power, purity and well-being by reminding us we are imperishable souls, that the inner quality of our thoughts is reflected in our outer world, and how to take power from the Supreme to accomplish this. We are realizing when the mind and heart are clean and free of pollution, the air, water and the elements also become free from pollution and peaceful.  Turn within, meditate and visualize what could be accomplished when we live in harmony once again with love and respect for one another and nature.  Keep imagining because  'When we change, the world changes!'  “There is hope people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, with the heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet.” - Brooke Medicine Eagle.

Contact: bkchirya@gmail.com,  chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org  -Sr Chirya lives in New York state, has BS from Cornell University in Education, is published  in several national and international publications including the Daily Guardian Delhi   




Harvard Divinity School Publishes "Brahma Kumaris: A women-led spiritual organization challenging a male-dominated spiritual landscape"

17 April 2023

Citation (Source):

Sundar, Sudarshan, and Rita Cleary. 2023. "Brahma Kumaris: A women-led organization challnging a male-dominated spiritual landscape", in Uses and Abuses of Power in Alternative Spiritualities. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.



Brahma Kumaris, the largest women-led spiritual organization in the world with over 8000 centers in over 110 countries, has successfully countered the imbalances of power in the spiritual realm in which men dominate as spiritual authorities. All administrative heads of the Brahma Kumaris organization are women as a foundational principle, and the Brahma Kumaris centers around the world are also primarily administered and staffed by women. Even in patriarchal societies such as India where the organization is spiritually headquartered, women have been empowered to pursue their dreams of having a spiritual focus. They are learning to teach to spiritually serve people from all levels of society versus being limited to their traditional roles of serving their immediate family members. The majority of the organization is mothers living at home with their families, in addition to tens of thousands of dedicated female teachers who reside at centers.


Presenter bio: Sudarshan Sundar has been a student and teacher of Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation since 2001. Sudarshan helped start and co-coordinated the activities of "Inner Space Meditation Center and Gallery" in Harvard Square from 2012 to 2020. Since 2021, Sudarshan has served as a "mellow" (Meditation Fellow) at Northeastern University's Center for Spirituality Dialogue and Service. Sudarshan has been a Software Engineer by profession at Microsoft since 2003 and also serves as a part-time Regional IT Coordinator for the organization since 2011.


Presenter affiliation: Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization

See also: 2023 "Users and Abuses of Power in Alternative Spiritualities" Conference

Last updated on 04/14/2023






Manhattan Center Presents a Two-Day Meditation Course (4/29-4/30): The Invisible World of Truth

16 April 2023



Peace Village Announces a Half-Day retreat on Saturday, 15th April: Emerge Your Highest Potential (and other upcoming in-person events)

14 April 2023