2022 May International News Archive 2022 May International News Archive

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The Daily Guardian - Delhi 28th May

29 May 2022

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.




Save-the Date: Next Global Silence Retreat!

29 May 2022

Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love!


We are delighted to inform you of the next Global Online Silence Retreat, which is open to the entire BK Family. Save this date!


Global Silence Retreat

The Fortress of Complete Purity: Protected and Protectors

September 2-4, 2022


For a taste of what to expect, click on the link below which showcases Baba's featured retreat spaces at this online event: Global Retreat Centre and Lighthouse Retreat Centre in the UK, and Seminarhaus Moringen in Germany.




Registration details will be sent towards the end of July. You can download the flyer here.


In Baba's Sweet and Subtle yaad,


Your Global Silence Retreat Team

Srs Moira, Tanya, Sunaina, Yolanda, Olga D, Karen, Kathryn, Linda, Kim, Chrissy, and Judi







The Daily Guardian - Delhi 21st May

23 May 2022

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.





Golden Drops Workshop Hosted by the BK Malaysian family - Sat 21 May

18 May 2022

Dear Divine Family, Warmest greetings of love.


Please find attached a poster for the Golden Drop Workshop that will run this Saturday 21st May, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Malaysia time.


Registrations are not required, but please do arrive a few minutes before the event on zoom. If you speak a language other than English, please do make sure that translation will be provided by checking with your language coordinator or Centre Coordinators.


We understand that this is short notice for this workshop and that the timings may not suit everyone. We are scheduling several more workshops in the near future with added time zones for your convenience. Dates will follow shortly.


If you have any questions please contact us at goldendrops@au.brahmakumaris.org.


Much love,

In Baba's yaad,


Golden Drops - Flyer


Golden Drops - Worlkshop Format






UPCOMING Global Bhatti - Sat 28 May 2022 - Designers of the Golden World

16 May 2022

Dearly Beloved Divine Family, 

This month, the Global Bhatti is on Saturday, 28th May, 2022 (4th Saturday of the month) with the theme Designers of the Golden World.

Brother Ken will give a half hour class on this magical theme, as well as a commentary for you to listen to during the day.  Inspirations and excerpts containing ideas to reawaken our awareness more deeply throughout the day can be found on the Portal bkmeditation.online/Global-Bhatti-2022 

 Please find attached a timetable to use as a guide and feel free to adjust it to suit your centre or your own needs.  A beautiful flyer is also attached. Our goal is to have 8 hours of powerful tapasya to benefit ourselves and the world.

Finally, please remember to post your minutes on the Billion Minutes of Peace initiative also found on the portal. These minutes of your daily yoga can be added at any time. Let us reach a billion minutes!


In BapDada’s loving remembrance, 

BK Mohini and BK Jayanti


Click here to download Flyer in PDF

Click here to download TimeTable in PDF




The Daily Guardian - Delhi 14th May

15 May 2022

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.



The Daily Guardian - Delhi 7th May

15 May 2022

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the page.



Letter from BK Brij Mohan, Mount Abu: Invitation for Research Papers on Bhagavad Gita

13 May 2022

Divine Family,


We are pleased to inform all Centre Coordinators and the Brahmin family of Bharat as well as overseas Centres that we are inviting research papers on the Gita.


The topic of the research papers will either be:


The war described in Bhagavad Gita was non-violent
The violent Mahabharat war was different


The God of Gita cannot be omnipresent


This is a step towards fulfilling Bapdada’s direction of revealing the God of the Gita.


The best research papers will be rewarded. The first prize is Rs. 4 lakh. For more information, visit www.brahmakumaris.com/gitaresearch, or contact by email (gitaresearch@bkivv.org) or Mobile Number  +91 9650692053. The brochure is attached herewith.


Please promote this by informing institutions or scholars doing research on the Gita. 


On Godly service,
BK Brijmohan

Mount Abu








12 May 2022

REVISED DATE: Invitation to the Online Silent Retreat TOWER OF SILENCE #23


Om Shanti Dear Angels, 


Previously, we sent you an invitation for this retreat specifying the dates from 13 to 23 May. For organisational reasons, we need to postpone this retreat to June. Below you find the new invitation with a new registration link. Apologies for any inconvenience.


You are cordially invited to an intensive international online silence retreat:  


18 to 28 June 2022  


At the explicit request of Jayanti Didi, the invitation is not being sent via London, but via the TOWER OF SILENCE team itself.


This retreat is for BK Teachers and Right hands over 10 years in gyan.    


The world is waiting for a reunification of science and spiritual force. When within we souls the science of gyan becomes silence in the still, failure-free mind, dualism ends and ushers in the pure karmateet thoughtless vigyan point, and the significance of its subtle signals touching the selected scientists’ inventor intellect leads to the development of completely stable satopradhan technologies.


“In a dream, God showed me a kind of technological propulsion that was from beyond any physical field.” Prof. Claus Wilhelm Turtur


Baba’s message through Shashi Ben, January 2022:

Baba again brings to your attention to make your stage so powerful through silence that the signals of/for the coming time can be understood, everyone is served through signals, and vibrations can accomplish the task of world transformation. Science working for the new world will get power and hasten the speed through the children’s stable and silent vibrations.


Bk souls who feel a deep maturity, and having been selected by Baba, to explore the stability of perfect silence and its inherent service through sakaash to Baba’s selected scientist souls, are cordially welcome to register with the below link:


The deadline for registration is the 16th of June 2022


Daily silence sessions via Skype 

(in CEST, Central European Summer Time; GMT+2)    


(You will receive a list with countries / time zones / time corrections to know the timings in your own time zone)   


05:45 - 07.00  15 mins Meditation followed by English Murli

07.00 - 08.00  Silence session with guidelines

15.00 - 16.00  Silence session with guidelines

18.00 - 20.00  Silence session with guidelines


Please take care in advance, that you are free from lokik and alokik verbal services during the whole retreat period. Only speak in emergency cases.   


In Baba’s yaad


Sisters:   Awatif, Vasia, Maureen (Ireland), Parul, Tünde and Guddi  

Brothers: Laurent, Chris, George, Arun, Mick, Louis, Tanno and Luca






No foreign contributions are to be sent to WRST until further notice

10 May 2022

Dear Divine Family, Loving greetings.


We wish to inform you that we are waiting for the renewal of the Certificate of Foreign Contribution for the World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST). Please inform all prospective donors not to send any amount to this account until further notice. We will let you know when the certificate is renewed.


You may continue to send funds to: (1) The Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation, or (2) The Brahma Kumaris Educational Society.


Please contact your regional office if you need any further information.


In Baba's yaad,








May 2022 Homework from Avyakti Parivar: Zeal & Enthusiasm | मई 2022: "उमंग-उत्साह.... उड़ती कला" अभ्यास (होम वर्क) - बी.के.मोहिनी

2 May 2022

Om Shanti To all the dearly beloved brothers and sisters, instrument teachers, and the whole Brahmin family, who constantly put the qualities of the aim of becoming equal to the Father into a practical form. Please accept sweet Godly love and remembrances.


In Month of April, We practiced being "Manmnabhav!!!" Now for month of May, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to practice: "Zeal & Enthusiasm... Flying stage". We welcome you to join us on this series to become equal to the Father and full with all powers, all virtues and all treasures of knowledge.


Promo: https://youtu.be/LtwcuYr2ijc


You will receive a daily point of self-awareness as well as the method of practice in the YouTube folder link given below. 


We request you to share the information of this special effort with all regular students, brahmin brothers and sisters.


Please keep sending us your experiences and feedback from this special effort.

Thank you.


In Baba's loving yaad,

BK Mohini

Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris


Homework Links – you will receive a daily video in the below hyperlinked YouTube folders:


English: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rklR0yKm6FOTYv-WdJcOooD


Hindi: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rlTBX3uenoZ_MKU_zsCReMu


Hindi (translated classes): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rnCwTCmGES3aW64O0WzXLVR


Avyakti Parivar

A Family of Angels United in Love for One Om Shanti  Om Shanti 



विषय : मई 2022: "उमंग-उत्साह.... उड़ती कलाअभ्यास(होम वर्क) - बी.के.मोहिनी-  May 2022 Homework: "Zeal & Enthusiasm..... Flying stage": BK Mohini


ओम् शांति 

सदा बाप के समान बनने के लक्ष्य को लक्षण रूप में लाने वालेयज्ञ के वरिष्ठ भाई-बहनेंनिमित्त टीचर्स बहनें तथा सर्व ब्राह्मण परिवार के प्रतिईश्वरीय मधुर यादप्यार स्वीकार करना जी।


 अप्रैल महीने में हम सभी ने मिलकर  "मनमनाभवका अभ्यास किया। 


अब मई के महीने मेंअव्यक्ति परिवार "उमंग-उत्साह.... उड़ती कलाके अभ्यास के लिए आपको आमंत्रित करते है | बाप समान सर्व शक्तियोंसर्व गुणोंसर्व ज्ञान के खज़ानों से सम्पन्न बनने के लिए इस श्रृंखला में हम आपका स्वागत करते हैं।

Promo : https://youtu.be/LtwcuYr2ijc


प्रतिदिन आपको नीचे दी गयी YouTube Folder Link में अभ्यास की स्मृति और विधि मिलती रहेगी। आप सबसे निवेदन है कि आप यह अभ्यास की जानकारी प्रतिदिन क्लास के सर्व ब्राह्मण भाई-बहनों तक पहुँचाये। इस विशेष अभ्यास से हुए आपके अनुभव और Feedback भी हमें ज़रूर भेजते रहे। 



बाबा की याद में,


सह-मुख्य प्रशासिकाब्रह्माकुमारीज 


होमवर्क लिंक - HOMEWORK LINK प्रतिदिन के लिए आपको नीचे दिए गए फोल्डर में मिलती रहेगी।  


हिंदी - Hindi: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rlTBX3uenoZ_MKU_zsCReMu


अंग्रेज़ी  - English: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rklR0yKm6FOTYv-WdJcOooD  


Hindi (translated classes): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSAb26Vm7rnCwTCmGES3aW64O0WzXLVR



अव्यक्ति परिवार - Avyakti Parivar
