2022 June Europe News Archive 2022 June Europe News Archive

Table of Content

Cambridge Inner Space Presents A Spiritual Happiness Course: Mon 4th - Thu 7th July, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (UK times)

30 June 2022

Exploring the roots of a happy and meaningful life through spiritual understanding and the practice of meditation.


This course is based on the teachings of Raja Yoga meditation philosophy as taught by Brahma Kumaris (UK). Raja Yoga is a deep and practical study for dealing with life’s challenges positively through an understanding of the spiritual laws that govern us all. There will be live sketch presentations, guided meditation practices as well as an opportunity for discussion and questions.


All welcome. Free of charge.  For further inquiries contact


e: sarah.fitzgerald@innerspace.org 

Click here to register: tinyurl.com/4v77sfww 






Demystifying Myths, Return to Oneness: Three Renowned Speakers in Conversation on Saturday, July 16 at 2 pm BST and 9 am EDT

30 June 2022

Registration is essential: tinyurl.com/Return2One


More info: https://www.embracing-oneness-project.org/






What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of June 27th at globalcooperationhouse.org

27 June 2022



GCH Evening Webcast - 27th June - 3rd July 2022

27 June 2022

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/

Welcome to this week’s evening webcasts – 27th – 3rd July 2022


Monday 27th June – An Evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

15/03/99 - In order to reach your karmateet stage, increase your controlling power and become a ruler of the self.


Tuesday 28th June – An Evening with Manohar Dadi

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.30 pm – Class by Manohar Dadi


Wednesday 29th June - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only to connect to this, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

अपने व्यक्तित्व को हीरे जैसा कैसे बनाएं - How to Make Your Personality Like a Diamond

Speaker: Yogesh Sharda, Turkey


Thursday 30th June – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.30 pm

The Importance of Going round in Circles

Speaker: Matthew Earl, London


Friday 1st July – Meditation – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 2nd July - Yoga Bhatthi – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 3rd July – Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now







What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of June 20th at globalcooperationhouse.org

24 June 2022







































































































News from Jayantiben London 21st June, 2022

22 June 2022

On the 15th June, we hosted a meeting with Council officials and faith leaders at GCH, organised by the Climate and Environment Team of the Brent Multi-Faith Forum. The Council’s approach to environmental education is to engage with and hear the voices and opinions of the community so that their needs can be fulfilled, and to encourage behaviour change. They were pleased to have a tour of the House and see our waste management and recycling systems.

London has been fortunate to welcome Sushma Didi and Chandrakalaben from Jaipur.  They have been conducting beautiful classes, bhattis and also sustaining Baba’s children across London.  At the weekend they will go to Leicester and the North.

There have been various events for International Yoga Day. Friday evening's was in Holland Park where Sushma Didi spoke in English.  It was her first public lecture in English which was well received. The programme was organised by the Indian High Commissioner with various groups participating.

On Sunday we participated in Healing our Earth with Matthew Earl interviewing Sister Jayanti on the theme of ‘Yoga for Healing.’

Today a group of around 50 BKs went to the hills of the gardens of Alexandra Palace to give sakash to the whole of London at 4.00am.  It is also the longest day of the year and so there was a very beautiful sunrise.

BKs also participated in the yoga event in the gardens of Swaminarayan temple in Neasden.

Om Shanti




Raja Yoga for the Mind With Sister Jayanti on 16th June 2022 at Global Cooperation House Honors the International Day of Yoga

22 June 2022

For the first time since March 2020 and the start of the Pandemic, Global Cooperation House opened its doors for a special event in the auditorium, as well as being available online.  An event to honour UN International Day of Yoga 2022, with Master Yogi and Additional Administrative Head of The Brahma Kumaris, Sister Jayanti.  Before the conversation, led by BK Matthew Earl, beautiful sounds and melodies of the violin from BK Gil Fernandes, invited everyone into the space as they took their seats.

150 were present, as well as over 200 watching live online

The conversation was in three parts with Matthew enquiring from Sister Jayanti a basic understanding of what Raja Yoga for the mind means and what the practitioner experiences when it is practised and applied.  Sister Jayanti first explored the nature of how we are always being influenced and that with Raja Yoga, we start to firstly notice and then choose what and who we are being influenced by.  Matthew noted that ‘the mind is always connecting with something!’.  Sister Jayanti also asked ‘are we ready to reject that which isn’t useful to us?’  And noted that we are all used to seeking out habits that are good for us, maybe walking in nature, or a sport but Raja Yoga is about moving beyond these physical endeavours to a more subtle and spiritual exploration.

Sister Jayanti noted that many more have become aware of the spiritual side of life, especially in the past two years during and post pandemic, and now pray or meditate.  ‘Yet what is our sense of self, and this is explored in the basic understanding of Raja Yoga, that I am a soul, a conscious being of conscious light, and when I start looking here, we can build our inner capacity’.

Sister Jayanti led everyone into a reflection of withdrawing from the physical senses inwards into this awareness of the self as spiritual being: I had forgotten peace was inside, I had been looking outside.  In this awareness of peace within, I realised that peace is always available for me.  I just need to connect with the inner being that I am.  In this awareness I return to that.  To that natural state of peace.  In this awareness of peace, the vibrations of peace reach out and the collective power of our vibrations reach out to the city and world.

In the next passage of conversation Matthew initially asked Sister Jayanti ‘What do you think about patience as we learn to meditate?  They say ‘patience is a virtue’…… and switching sense of identity is not an easy thing is it as we are habitually connected with the 5 senses.  Maybe there needs to be a realistic expectation of putting time in and developing Raja Yoga as a discipline to start?'  Sister Jayanti agreed that Raja Yoga is not just for Sundays and that with daily practise it is ‘easy’, and that can be pausing for moments throughout the day, wherever anyone is, and just directing the mind to turn in and sit in the point of light, connect with the quiet within.  Sister Jayanti also explored how the early morning is the optimum time to meditate as it is quiet and we can focus and touch our inner peace more easily…also before sleeping at night is very useful to clear the mind from all that has happened that day.

Sister Jayanti introduced everyone to the second tenet of Raja Yoga, ‘connecting to a higher energy of consciousness, of spiritual light, so that through this connection we gain spiritual strength and also then this vibration can enter the world’.

Sister Jayanti led everyone into a silent reflection to connect with The Supreme Soul before the final passage which explored more deeply the connection between the soul and Supreme Soul and how we all have access to this and can develop relationships with the Supreme, who is there and available now to support and guide us, if we can listen in and trust the Yoga. Sister Jayanti also noted ‘it is this connection that can release us from all sorrows and forms of emotional and mental pain when we regularly practise and make this One our influence’.

Sister Jayanti gave tips for study and practise and mentioned the importance of studying something spiritually uplifting each day: ‘could be poetry for instance, or whatever creates lightness and introspection that will help with connection with the self and use as aa basis for experiencing as you meditate on it’.   She noted the Raja Yoga Course is a solid basis for study and learning about the soul, God and the cycle of time.

Sister Jayanti finally spoke of the importance of creating a sacred space, even if a small corner, at home to practice and build up spiritual energy in that space.

The conversation closed with another meditation reflection by Sister Jayanti and Matthew then gave thanks to all.   The event was completed with silence and a song ‘If I had one Wish’ by Bliss, to absorb what they had listened to, before toli and blessings were shared with everyone in the auditorium from Sister Jayanti and Sister Maureen Goodman.


Click here to download Full Report in PDF.




Queen's Platinum Jubilee UK FULL REPORT

22 June 2022

Dear Brothers & Sisters,


The Queen's Platinum Jubilee was celebrated in the UK in June with a lot of happiness. There was much appreciation for the qualities and tireless service the Queen has demonstrated consistently over her 70 year reign (the longest of any serving monarch).  


Celebrations were held up and down the country – large and small, celebrity and community. Here is a short illustrated report of a few jubilee events that BKs were actively involved in.


Please also see the Peace News Godlywood video of the Platinum Jubilee Celebration at Harmony House, Leicester:



In Baba's yaad,

Sr Maureen


Click HERE for full report.






GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 20th  - 26th June

22 June 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 20th - 26th June.


Monday 20th June – An Evening with Sushma Didi

7.00 pm – Yoga Bhatthi for an hour with meditation commentary in Hindi

8.00 – 8.20 pm – Sharing in Hindi (with Translation provided)


Tuesday 21st June – An Evening with BapDada

25/02/06 - Today, on the day of the festival, make a vow to remain free from Maya with zeal and enthusiasm in your mind, be merciful and become a master bestower of liberation. In order to return with the Father, become equal.


Wednesday 22nd June - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

एक श्रेष्ठ माँ का स्मृति समारोह - Celebrating the Life of a Great Mother


Thursday 23rd June – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.30 pm

Forget It - Freeing the Mind, Healing the Heart

Speaker: Belinda Westcott, South Africa


Friday 24th June – Ancient Wisdom Modern Solutions 6.30 – 8.00 pm

Amrish Tripathi, Director, The Nehru Centre

Sister Jayanti, Addl Administrative Head, The Brahma Kumaris

Host: Philippa Blackham, Broadcast Journalist

You tube link: https://tiny.cc/Nehru_BK_Conversations


Saturday 25th June - Yoga Bhatthi – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 26th June

7.15 am - Class by Sister Jayanti

7.00 - 8.00 pm - Conducted Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View / hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team






Talk in Hindi: एक श्रेष्ठ माँ का स्मृति समारोह Celebrating the Life of a Great Mother speaker: Chakradhari Didi Wednesday, 22nd June, 7 to 8 pm BST

22 June 2022



एक श्रेष्ठ माँ का स्मृति समारोह

Celebrating the Life of a Great Mother


This evening we pay a heartfelt tribute on the 57th Remembrance Day of Mateshwari Jagadamba Saraswati (Mama), the First Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris.



Chakradhari Didi will be sharing her personal experiences with Mama.


Wednesday, 22nd June, 7 to 8pm BST


More info:






Meeting ID: 983 0683 8579

Passcode: hindi





Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, UK

Global Co-operation House | 65-69 Pound Lane | Willesden | London NW10 2HH | UK

T: 020 8727 3350

Ruhani Dil Ki Baatein - Brahma Kumaris UK - YouTube





Live from the Nehru Centre in London: Director Amish Tripathi and Sr Jayanti - Ancient Wisdom, MODERN SOLUTIONS 24th June

18 June 2022



June 16 News from Jayanti Didi

16 June 2022

On Monday we went to Leicester and there was a public event in the evening.  It was the same theme in three different places: The Call of the Moment, Inner Strength and Human Kindness.


It was their first public post COVID programme everywhere and so there was a lot of enthusiasm.  The auditorium in Leicester was full with very new people coming.  Next morning was morning class, again a full house of Brahmins.


We then left and stopped in Nottingham to see Baba’s original instruments there, who are not so well now; then we went onto Leeds.  There was a public event in a hall which is directly opposite Baba’s home.  130 people were present, again perhaps 40% were new.


Next morning we went to Bradford for morning class at Inner Space.  The Leeds and Wakefield families were there also.  From there, we went to Manchester.  In Manchester again there was a lovely hall in the Manchester Conference Centre.  This time it was the person who does BBC radio programmes for South East Asia and has been working in media for 20 years and has known us for that period of time.


Again it was a very lovely gathering.  The Manchester Conference Hall was full.  On Thursday morning we had bhog and class in Baba’s home and then came back to London.


This evening we have a programme for IYD in Baba’s home in the auditorium GCH.  Again it’s our first public open event.


Mama’s month has been the time to open up doors in many of Baba’s homes.







Meditation for World Peace with Sudesh Didi - Hindi Event Sunday 19th June, 2022

16 June 2022



*विश्व शान्ति के लिए योग साधना

*A Meditation For World Peace*


वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्: कहा जाता है सारा विश्‍व ही कुटुंब है, तो आईये हम सभी मिलकर विश्‍व शांति के लिए 1 घंटा योग साधना करें।



*Sunday 19th June, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm*


Meditation by *Sister Meera* and Inspirations by *Sudesh Didi*



Join on Zoom:



Meeting ID: 990 9901 2708

Passcode: peace


For more info:







Special Event : Vision of the Future: Hope, Healing & Happiness | Wed, 22 June 2022 | Inner Space Wembley

16 June 2022

With so much uncertainty in the world, in both our individual lives and for humanity as a whole, the need for a positive vision of the future has never been greater. This special event will build on this vision of hope by drawing on the life experiences of those in leadership roles, in both our religious and secular communities. Through mutual understanding and supportive healing, we can create a happier world for us all.


An interactive event with meditation and live instrumental music




Philippa Blackham, Broadcast Journalist

Cllr. Ketan Sheth, Chair - Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee




Sr. Jayanti, Additional Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris

The Right Reverend John Sherrington, the Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster

Rabbi Jeff Berger, Wembley Sephardi Synagogue

Imam Monawar Hussain MBE DL , The Oxford Foundation


Special Guests


Queen's Representative for Brent -  Miss Mei Sim Lai OBE DL

Mayor of Brent -  Cllr Abdi Aden



Thank you




Below is the active campaign template link if required.







Queen's Platinum jubilee celebration at Leicester Centre (UK)

13 June 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti. 

We are glad to inform you that our Leicester Centre of London celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II  of UK and other Commonwealth realms.

Our centers are situated in more than 130 countries across the globe. We believe in the principle of 'ONE GOD AND ONE WORLD FAMILY,' therefore we always support and follow the rulers of respective countries and participate in their celebrations.

Here is the link of video clip of the celebration which took place in Harmony House Leicester  in the presence of high dignitaries. I request you to enjoy it and share it with your near and dear ones.

https://youtu.be/065G6mSHdeY  [5:17] Narration is in Hindi


With Warm Regards

BK HarilalExecutive Director

Godlywood Studio

World Renewal Spiritual Trust   

------------------------Hindi Translation------------------------

प्यारे भाइयों और बहनों,

ओम् शांति।

हमें आपको यह बताते हुए खुशी हो रही है कि लंदन के हमारे लीसेस्टर सेवा केंद्र में ब्रिटेन और अन्य राष्ट्रमंडल क्षेत्रों की महारानी एलिजाबेथ- II की प्लेटिनम जयंती मनाई गई।

हमारे सेवाकेंद्र दुनिया भर के 130 से भी अधिक देशों में स्थित हैं। हम 'एक ईश्वर और एक विश्व परिवार' के सिद्धांत में विश्वास रखते हैं इसलिए हम संबंधित देशों के शासकों का हमेशा समर्थन करते हैं और उनके समारोहों में सम्मिलित होते हैं।

आपको हार्मनी हाउस लीसेस्टर में उच्च गणमान्य व्यक्तियों की उपस्थिति में मनाये गए जश्न का वीडियो क्लिप का लिंक अग्रेषित कर रहे हैं। मैं आपसे इसका आनंद लेने और अपने प्रियजनों को साझा करने का अनुग्रह करते हैं I 



ईश्वरीय याद में, सर्व प्रति सम्मान सहित

बीके हरिलाल

BK Harilal

Executive Director

Godlywood Studio
World Renewal Spiritual Trust                                                                                                                                 



What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of June 13th at globalcooperationhouse.org

13 June 2022



GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family - 13th  - 19th June

13 June 2022

Om Shanti


Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 13th - 19th June.


Monday 13th June – An Evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

05/04/13 - With good wishes, be co-operative with one another, remain free from obstacles and make everyone free from obstacles. Remain constantly happy and make everyone happy.


Tuesday 14th June – An Evening with Dadi Janki

7.00 pm – Meditation

7.30 pm – Dadi Janki with Sister Jayanti Translating – Learn to Press Pause


Wednesday 15th June - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

राजयोग से रचनात्मक ऊर्जा : Creative Energy Through Raja Yoga

Speakers: A lively conversation with youth who are practicing Raja Yoga in their lives


Thursday 16th June – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.30 pm

Honouring UN International Day of Yoga 2022 – Raja Yoga for the Mind

Speaker: Master Yogi Sister Jayanti


Friday 17th June – Conducted Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 18th June - Yoga Bhatthi – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 19th June

7.15 am - Class by Sister Jayanti

6.30 - 7.45 pm - World Meditation Hour


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org


View/hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team






IN-HOUSE & ONLINE EVENT: Raja Yoga for the Mind with Sister Jayanti - Thursday, 16th June 8 pm London time

11 June 2022

You are welcome to join our IN-HOUSE special event or join online

Click HERE to watch online



News from Jayanti Didi Sunday 5th June, 2022

7 June 2022

I had the opportunity to visit Holland, the first service trip outside the UK and India after a gap of a few years.  
The invitation was from a very good friend of the BKs.  Which was an Interfaith programme called ‘Water for All.’

The first day the Conference was on a boat on the River Rhine and on the second day we continued at Peace Palace, the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

For most of the programme it was about 30 of us together and the last session was with around 70 plus guests from Holland.
Valerianne joined me from France.  The Conference also gave the opportunity for conversations with participants.  After our stay in the hotel, we moved from the hotel to the Centre in The Hague and then spent 2.5 days with the family.

There were high level meetings with individuals and also time spent with the new NCT and the new board with a visit to Sister Jacqueline.  After 40 years of tireless service she is now taking time for herself and the opportunity to do service for Baba in a different way.

There was also a programme at the Amsterdam Centre for 50 plus invited guests on the topic of ‘Kindness and Compassion.’

On Saturday the majority of the Brahmin family gathered in a church in The Hague.  170 people came for Murli, offering bhog, an interview conducted by Marie-Lisette and breakfast together.

It was a very lovely time to be in Holland.  I returned back to London from Amsterdam on Saturday evening

Om Shanti



What's ONLINE and IN-HOUSE this week of June 6th at globalcooperationhouse.org

7 June 2022

Thursday 16 June, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Honouring UN International Day of Yoga


This is an IN-HOUSE special event at Global Co-operation House, 65-69 Pound Lane, London, NW10 2HH or watch online at https://globalcooperationhouse.org/watchlive  




GCH Webcast: Daily Webcasts for the BK family from 6th - 12th June

7 June 2022

Webcast Link: https://webcast.bkwsu.eu/livelist/


Welcome to the evening webcasts for this week 6th - 12th June.


Monday 6th June – An evening with Dadi Janki and Sister Jayanti

7.00 pm Meditation

7.30 pm – Celebration of Sister Jayanti’s 60th birthday


Tuesday 7th June – An Evening with BapDada – 6.30 pm

19/10/11 - Follow the Father, and like Father Brahma, become victorious over wasting your time and having waste thoughts.  Become karmateet and become an instrument to open the gates to liberation.


Wednesday 8th June - Hindi Talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Webcast

Or For Hindi only, choose Live Event London channel on the BK webcast. (Translation also available)

पारिवारिक जीवन में संतुलन: Balance in Family Life

Speakers : Meelu Wadhwani & Girish Wadhwani


Thursday 9th June – Thursday Evening Public talk – 7.00 – 8.00 pm

Entry Points into Meditation

Speaker: Gudrun Duwe, Global Retreat Centre, Oxford


Friday 10th June – Conducted Meditation 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Saturday 11th June - Yoga Bhatthi – 7.00 – 8.00 pm


Sunday 12th June

7.15 am - Class by Sister Jayanti

7.00 - 8.00 pm - Conducted Meditation


Please also check out the events for the public on line at https://globalcooperationhouse.org h


View / hear webcasts


Time in London now


Best wishes

Webcast Team






Self Esteem Course with Mike George Online in 3 Friday Sessions, 7 pm London time

7 June 2022

Understanding the foundation of our life


When you have self esteem you don’t need to think about it.  It’s only when it is diminished that you start to notice your self respect, self confidence and emotional control are all affected.  The purpose of this course is to explore and understand the true nature of self esteem so that we can help our self and others to restore and strengthen the best perception of our self and the highest feelings within our self.


Week ONE – Friday 10th June 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Exploring self esteem and why it is diminished


Week TWO – Friday 17th June 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Essential shifts in intentions, attitudes and behaviour


Week THREE – Friday 24th June 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Restoring awareness of our uniqueness, beauty and value


Mike George is an author of 16 books, including Being Your Self, Don’t Get MAD Get Wise and The 7 Myths About LOVE. With insight and humour he brings together the three key strands of the 21st Century - self-awareness, emotional intelligence and continuous unlearning.


Click here to register and receive Zoom meeting details in your confirmation email




Click here to watch live on Facebook