2020 Jan through March 17 Archive of International News
Table of Content
Notice from Delhi-ORC regarding Visits
17 March 2020
Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters,
Om Shanti
Hope you all are keeping well. Drama makes us ever-ready to face any scene and we should prepare ourselves accordingly. Therefore, please note that any BK and Non-BK visitors are recommended NOT to visit ORC or any large gatherings at least till 31 March 2020, as a precautionary measure.
May you stay healthy and safe and empower yourself with Baba's remembrance meanwhile.
In Baba's Yaad
BK Asha
Please Have Special Yoga for Dadi Janki
17 March 2020
Dear Divine Family,
You will have heard about our dear Dadi Janki's health. We now all need to focus our thoughts and energy on the yoga power that will support Dadi and help her to come through this next phase. The more yoga we have, the more Baba will be able to use us as instruments to send sakaash to Dadi and also to the tireless team that is supporting her around the clock.
Our dear Hansaben has written a letter that we have translated and attached here. She is requesting us to have continuous yoga at all our places. As well as continuous yoga, as a particular focus, we suggest you dedicate one hour of yoga each evening from 6.30pm to 7.30pm local time. That will create a wave of yoga power throughout the world and throughout the day so that Dadi continues to be held in Baba's lap.
Please share with all BKs at your places.
With love,
In Baba's yaad,
BK Jayanti
Message from BK Nirwair regarding Dadi Jankiji's health: 16 Mar 2020
16 March 2020
Our dear divine and loving family of Bharat and foreign lands, Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances from Shantivan-Madhuban.
Through these challenging times, we know all must be feeling Baba’s protection as we continue to follow guidelines from local Governments, and maintain safety first in all aspects.
Our Respected Dadis are the pride of the Brahmin family, and Dadi Jankiji especially continues to be a great source of inspiration at her young age of 104. All of you are aware that Dadiji’s health has been fragile since February, and she continues to undergo treatment at Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad. I would like to share news of my recent visit, so that you may feel like you have visited her yourselves.
I reached Ahmedabad on 15 March afternoon, and Dr Banarsibhai and myself went to the Hospital in the evening. We met with Dadiji for about an hour, and it was lovely to also meet Dadiji’s competent and caring team. Dadiji interacted very sweetly; we shared news and loving remembrances of the family, and sang some songs. Dadiji’s eyes lit up when I mentioned that she needs to return home to Madhuban soon… It was lovely to see Dadiji’s courage; Hansaben too is showing immense strength in keeping Dadiji comfortable. It was a very good sneh-milan.
Dr Banarsibhai and I again met with Dadiji on 16 March morning, and it was good to hear that Dadiji had rested well through the night. I then took leave to return to Shantivan in the afternoon.
As of 16th evening, Dadiji’s doctors recommend that she remains in Sterling Hospital for a couple more days so that the chariot can have further rest.
We request the Brahmin family to continue to send their healing vibrations of love and good wishes to Dadiji in Baba’s sweet remembrance, and experience Dadiji’s and Hansaben’s yaad-pyaar in abundance.
On Spiritual Seva,
BK Nirwair
URGENT: Update about Travel to India - ALL VISAS SUSPENDED
12 March 2020
Dear Divine Family,
We have now received further notice from the Government of India that all visas for travel to India have been suspended until the 15th of April, including OCI cardholders. This comes into effect from 12 noon GMT 13th March 2020 at point of departure. Please see the attached notice.
Those who do decide to travel to India today, at their own risk, will have to be prepared to face hours of delays at airports before entering the country and are advised to bring 2 copies of the self-reporting form with them as these are not readily available at airports.
Please note that those with Indian passports are able to travel to India, however any traveller, including those with Indian passports, who have visited China, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, France, Spain or Germany after the 15th February will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days.
These scenes teach us to be stable on the rails of the drama, and we know that Baba will make sure that for His children, wherever they are, they will receive the sustenance that they need.
Please share this information with those BK students who are planning to travel to Madhuban.
With love,
In Baba's yaad,
BK Shashi
Dadi Janki's Health Updates in English and Hindi - 09-03-2020
11 March 2020
Dear Jewels of the Brahmin family,
Greetings of love from Ahmedabad!
Dadi's Team and I would like to thank all those who have been sending emails, WhatsApp messages, and phone messages for Dadi Janki's speedy recovery.
The last month has been very challenging, not only for Dadiji but for all of us. Dadiji's health issues have rolled over from one thing to another, and this has left Dadiji's chariot very weak and fragile.
On Tuesday, 10 March, Dadiji will be discharged from Sterling Hospital on the strict grounds that she remains in Baba's Memnagar Centre, Ahmedabad, to recuperate. Dadiji will only return to Shantivan when she has recovered fully.
Therefore, I would still like to request everyone not to insist on meeting Dadiji at Memnagar Centre, so that she can recover quickly.
With many thanks,
In Baba's loving yaad,
BK Hansa
Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad
9 मार्च 2020 ओम शान्ति
ब्राह्मण परिवार के सभी अति प्यारे रत्नों प्रति अहमदाबाद से यादप्यार स्वीकार हो।
दादी की पूरी टीम और मेरी तरफ से मैं आप सभी को बहुत-बहुत शुक्रिया अदा करती हूँ कि आप सभी ने दादी जी के जल्द से जल्द स्वास्थ्य लाभ के लिए इमेल, व्हाटसएप और फोन के द्वारा बहुत सारे मैसेज भेजे हैं।
पिछला महीना दादी और हम सभी के लिए बहुत ही ज्यादा चुनौती भरा रहा। दादी जी का स्वास्थ्य ऊपर नीचे होता रहा, एक बात ठीक होती तो दूसरी शुरु होती, जिसके कारण दादी जी का रथ बहुत ही कमजोर और अस्वस्थ्य महसूस कर रहा था।
मंगलवार 10 मार्च को दादी जी को स्टर्लिंग हास्पिटल से डिस्चार्ज किया जायेगा, लेकिन डाक्टर्स की सख्त हिदायत है कि वो अहमदाबाद में बाबा के मेमनगर सेन्टर पर ही रहे, और पूरी तरह से ठीक होने के बाद ही शान्तिवन लौटे। तो अभी तक यही निश्चित किया गया है कि दादी जी पूरी तरह से ठीक होने के बाद ही शान्तिवन आयेंगी।
इसलिए मैं आप सभी से नम्र निवेदन करना चाहती हूँ कि आपमें से कोई भी मेमनगर सेन्टर पर आकर दादी जी से मिलने की विनती ना करे। जिससे कि वो बहुत जल्द से जल्द ठीक हो सके।
बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद के साथ
बाबा की याद में
बीके हंसा,
स्टर्लिंग हास्पिटल अहमदाबाद
Suspension of visas for those from France, Germany and Spain and those who have travelled to these countries since 1 February 2020
11 March 2020
Dear Centre Coordinators & Travel Coordinators, Greetings and yaad-pyar from Madhuban,
We continue to witness scenes of suddenly. Please see the attached information regarding suspension of Indian visas/e-visas for travellers from France, Germany and Spain as of 11 March 2020.
This includes suspension of Indian visas/e-visas for any foreign national who has travelled to China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Japan, France, Germany or Spain since 1 February 2020.
Please inform all of Baba's children who were planning to come for the Avyakt Meeting on 20 March especially.
This will also apply to citizens of France, Germany and Spain who are living in other countries (who will be travelling on those passports) or who have visited those countries since 1 February 2020.
Also, those with a travel history to China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia, France, Spain or Germany, may be required to undergo a self-imposed quarantine for 14 days from the date of their arrival.
More detailed information can be found in the attached 'Travel and Visa restrictions related to COVID-19’ from the Indian Bureau of Immigration.
The situation is continuously changing and we will continue to keep you updated.
With good wishes,
In Baba’s yaad,
BK Shashi
Travel and Visa restrictions related to COVID-19 document
Self reporting Form from Ministry of Health to be filled out by all foreigners on arrival in India
10 March 2020
Dear Divine Family,
Om Shanti. Loving greetings from Madhuban!
We hope you have received the latest instructions regarding travel to India and precautions to be taken.
The Indian Government requires that every foreigner completes the attached form in duplicate and submits this at their first place of arrival in India. As there are long queues and screening happening, it's helpful for each BK to have this ready beforehand to save time.
You can give the following details for Contact Address in India:
1. House Number: Gyan Sarovar, Academy of a Better World
2. Village: Salgaon
3. Tehsil: (same as District)
4. District/City: Sirohi/Mount Abu
5. State: Rajasthan
6. Pin: 307501
7. Residence No (not mandatory)
8. Mobile No: 9414038068, 9414154045
9. Email ID: shashi@bkivv.org
Each BK student travelling to Madhuban must take two copies of the form with them.
Click here to download the form.
In Baba’s yaad,
BK Shashi
Urgent notice regarding travel to India
8 March 2020
Dear Divine Family, Greetings of love from Madhuban!
The scenes of the drama are always bringing more surprises and yet, nothing new.
Here is a further notice to the one sent out recently regarding precautions for the Coronavirus. Stricter rules are being enforced all over the world to try and prevent the virus from spreading.
1) India has suspended with immediate effect all regular Visas and e-Visas granted to nationals of Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan issued on or before the 3rd of March, who have not yet entered India. (This includes Visa on Arrival for Japanese and South Korean nationals.) This also applies to nationals of these countries who live in other countries. On the 3rd March, we had a situation where a BK living in the UK but with a Japanese passport was not allowed entry into India and was sent back from Ahmedabad airport (the fact that the BK had not visited Japan recently did not make any difference).
2) Those flying through the Middle East are advised to check before taking their flights, because many countries have introduced travel bans. (Kuwait has already closed their airport for a week.)
3) As per Dr Pratapbhai's advice, Double Foreigners (of any country) who have recently had a cough/cold in the past week, or whose chariots are delicate are advised not to travel to India this time. This applies especially to those who are elderly and those who have any pre-existing medical condition such as Diabetes, Asthma (Chronic Cough) and heart disease.
With love
In Baba's yaad,
BK Shashi
Date for responses on the gravel extraction site near to GRC extended to 14 March
8 March 2020
Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your support in opposing the proposed open cast gravel quarry very close to the Grade I listed gardens of the Global Retreat Centre. Oxfordshire County Council have extended the deadline for submissions until 5pm on 16th March, so there is still a chance for more people to express their opposition to this. We have over 8,000 signatures so far!
It is likely to be several months before we know of a final outcome, and we will keep you updated with any further developments. Please keep contributing your good thoughts for a successful outcome.
With warm regards,
BK Manda
Director, Global Retreat Centre
Update on COVID 19 (Coronavirus)
2 March 2020
Dear Centre Coordinators,
Loving greetings from Abu. Many Double Foreigners gathered in Gyan Sarovar to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the campus. It was a lovely scene when all the foreigners expressed their appreciation of the Gyan Sarovar Niwasis for their 25 years of tireless service. Now the Integrated Retreat (CNC, NCCC & Boards) is going on in Shantivan.
I am sure you have all been keeping up with the news regarding the spread of COVID 19 (Coronavirus).
Experts say that the window to contain the disease may close rapidly and we may have to face a pandemic. This would mean the virus will spread around the globe. The infection is already in about 30 countries with Asian countries (along with China) being badly affected. In India there are three confirmed cases in Kerala.
The major role of Governments is to contain the virus. Anyone suspected of the virus will be placed in Quarantine for 14 days.
As many Double Foreigners are already travelling to India and will continue to travel during March and April, Dr Pratap of Global Hospital and others have given some advice:
Please avoid / restrict travel. Travel only if essential particularly to and from Asian countries.
Those who are elderly and those who have any pre-existing medical condition such as Diabetes, Asthma (Chronic Cough) and heart disease should avoid travel.
If you have felt unwell (fever, cough, breathing problems) within 14 days of travel, please get a check up before travelling.
Take the window seat while travelling, if possible
Follow the news and advice from the local authorities. Countries may impose travel restrictions or guidelines which have to be followed.
Avoid close contact with people who have any flu-like symptoms whether at home or if you have stayed in a Hotel / Hostel / Guest House or are in a neighbourhood that has had a case of infection.
Personal Health and Hygiene:
Wash / disinfect hands more often and thoroughly. Wear a face mask, particularly in large gatherings. Avoid handshakes and close contact.
As a precaution boost your immune system as much as possible.
The virus has already caused substantial financial and economic damage to the global economy. Keep your centre / homes well stocked with all necessities.
When you are in Madhuban please immediately report to your teacher or go to the dispensary if you develop symptoms of flu - fever, cough and shortness of breath.
Baba’s children will always be safe under the canopy of protection while being sensible and taking precautions.
With love,
In Baba's yaad,
Urgent Action Required - Mining Impact to Global Retreat Centre, Oxford
29 February 2020
We feel you would want to know about this.
There are proposals to rip up the landscape 400m from the edge of GRC grounds for an open cast gravel quarry – an area 2km long and 1km wide! We have just over a week - till 4th of March - to raise as many objections as possible to stop this from happening.
It is likely to have a huge effect on retreat centre guests: - the silence will go, wildlife will flee, the beautiful landscape will be ruined. This is a a place where poets found inspiration, philosophers pondered the meaning of life and now, anyone who needs it, can find solace.
With your help we can make a compelling case to halt these plans - please encourage as many people as possible to sign this petition - with personalised reasons for wanting to conserve the historic landscape, the delicate ecosystem and clean air - for future visitors to the Retreat Centre and the well-being of the local community who are deeply upset and worried.
Please click on this link to sign and send a message to the local government globalretreatcentre.org/gravel/
The world would want us to protect this priceless treasure.
Warmest wishes
from the GRC team.
Gravel Extraction Intro Letter in PDF format.
Accommodation Update for Group 9 arriving 25-26 February
23 February 2020
We recently notified you about the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of Gyan Sarovar happening during the Group 9 dates, and explained that Double Foreigners cannot be accommodated in Gyan Sarovar between 25th February (the arrival date for this group) and 1st March.
We had hoped to accommodate the DF Family in Pandav Bhawan during this time, but the registrations have grown a lot and so now it is not possible to accommodate the large numbers. Again we are extremely sorry for this.
Now the whole group will need to be accommodated in Shantivan. The Double Foreign Program will also run in Shantivan for these days and continue in Gyan Sarovar after 2nd March. Happily the Dadis, RCs and seniors will make themselves fully available to the Group during this time.
From 2nd to 4th March it will be possible for groups to start to shift to Gyan Sarovar. As the group is large, numbers and timings for shifting will be announced.
Many thanks for your understanding with this change in accommodation arrangements, and we hope to take this opportunity to make this an extra powerful time for the group
In Baba’s yaad,
Madhuban Campuses Health, Hygiene and Water project
17 February 2020
Dear NCs & CCs, Om shanti, and loving greetings.
We hope you found the last update sent on 29 August 2019 about the Health, Hygiene and Water situation in Madhuban, useful. Good progress is being made and we look forward to welcome you all. Please encourage your students to book their tickets for Madhuban season as all necessary steps are being taken to ensure food and water safety.
As quite a few BKs have already requested details of how to make a contribution towards the Health, Hygiene & Water Project, please guide them with the attached options.
Please note that there has been a change of law that requires those holding Indian passports or Foreign passports to send their contributions to separate bank accounts, and details of these are attached.
For your information, the project estimate is around 7 Crores (70 million rupees / approx USD$1 million) for Shantivan and 3 Crores (30 million rupees / approx USD$428,000) for Gyan Sarovar and Pandav Bhavan.
With everyone’s finger of co-operation, we will fulfill Baba’s unlimited task.
In Baba’s yaad,
Click here for Donation Letter in PDF format.
Click here for Instructions in MS Word format.
Love and remembrance from Dadi Jankiji (Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad) - 10th February
10 February 2020
What has sweet Baba made us into from what we were with om shanti! Generally, I say “Om shanti” three times. Baba, You have made a garland around Your neck. Night before last, I was feeling as though Baba was pulling me. I said: Baba, it’s fine, I can come now.
Whoever has sent me love and remembrance, I happily accepted that with love. Those who remembered me even a little, please give them my love-filled remembrance. Last night, my health was not so good and today, I am sitting here. It doesn’t matter, because Baba is also sitting here. Who am I and who is mine? Mine is wonderful Baba and we are the children of wonderful Baba.
Just as Baba has given me love through drishti and taught me how to smile naturally, in the same way, let everyone’s faces always be smiling. Seeing my face, let everyone begin to smile. Some say that I am a patient and seeing patience in the patient, they become happy. I had thought that I would be able to go from here yesterday, but doctors have advised me to stay here a couple more days. Sister Jayanti has also come here. So, we shall have a deep and incognito exchange. What will we talk about? Service and self-progress. Baba has made us belong to Him and taught us how to smile – we will see that scene. Thank you.
Sister Jayanti: Seeing Dadi, we receive the inspirations that no matter what the condition of Dadi’s body is, Dadi’s churning of knowledge continues all the time. Very good things of Baba continues to emerge from Dadi’s lips. Dadi’s stage is beyond all these things here. Dadi says: Drama is wonderful. I also think wonderful Baba has created a wonderful Dadi. We take so many inspirations from the Dadis and this Dadi is also in front of us, giving us inspirations all the time.
* * * O M S H A N T I * * *
Love and remembrance from Dadi Jankiji (Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad) - 9th February
9 February 2020
Om Shanti. One om shanti is that I am detached from all bodily relations.
Second om shanti is that I have come in connection with Baba.
Third om shanti is for God’s love spreading in the world.
It is the wonder of spirituality, honesty and love. He is making me do everything, and so everything is fine and good. I don’t have to think about anything else.
Today, I am here and who knows where I will be tomorrow. Whatever Karankaravanhar Baba is making me do, Baba is pleased with me and I am pleased with Baba. I understand what happiness is.
Whatever Baba is making me do, if I the soul am doing just that, then I am very happy. I have seen that the knowledge of the drama has given me a lot of happiness at every step.
In the early days, when Baba was in Hyderabad, Sindh, Baba had two courtyards outside his home. Yesterday, I remembered the scene when Baba gave me drishti and made me completely detached from the body. That drishti made be become merged in the Father’s love. I mustn’t think about why something happened the way it did. After that, everything began to feel good and I experienced peace.
Baba gives peace and we become peaceful. It is wonderful. He is the Almighty Authority, the One with all powers. His power makes us light and detached from the body and we receive might.
Now, there is just this desire that sorrow and peacelessness is removed from the world and peace and happiness come. Understand? Let there be spiritual love for one another. It is only with this spiritual love that the hopes and feelings that Baba has for us will be fulfilled.
Now, I am sitting in the hospital and I will be in the hospital for a couple more days. The body is just instrumental, but I am seeing that wherever I set foot, there is an income earned. Where was I yesterday, what am I today, where will I be tomorrow – only God knows! This is my fortune.
Hansa tells me every day to send loving remembrance to all of you, and so I am meeting all of you in this way every day.
* * * O M S H A N T I * * *
ओम शान्ति 09-02-2020 मधुबन
दादी जानकी जी के दिल के उदगार
(अहमदाबाद स्टरलिंग हास्पिटल से)
ओम शान्ति। एक ओम शान्ति, मैं देह सम्बन्ध से न्यारी, दूसरा ओम शान्ति बाबा के कनेक्शन में आ गई, तीसरी ओम शान्ति, सारे विश्व में ईश्वरीय स्नेह फैले। उसमें रुहानियत, सच्चाई और प्रेम की कमाल है। वो करा रहा है, ठीक है, अच्छा है और कुछ सोचना नहीं है। आज हम यहाँ कल कहाँ होंगे? जो-जो करनकरावनहार बाबा करा रहा है, बाबा हमारे से खुश हम बाबा से खुश। खुशी क्या होती है, मैं समझती हूँ, बाबा जो करा रहा है, अगर मैं आत्मा वही कर रही हूँ तो बहुत खुशी है। मैंने देखा है ड्रामा की नॉलेज ने हर कदम में बहुत सुख दिया है। बाबा पहले-पहले जब हैदराबाद सिंध में था तो बाबा के घर में दो आंगन थे। कल वो दृश्य सामने आ गया कि कैसे बाबा ने दृष्टि दी और देह से न्यारा बना दिया। उस दृष्टि ने ही बाप के प्यार में समा लिया। ऐसा क्यों हुआ मुझे यह ख्याल नहीं करना है। सिर्फ उसके बाद अच्छा लगने लगा, शान्ति का अनुभव हुआ। बाबा शक्ति देता है, हम शान्त हो जाते हैं। वण्डरफुल है। वो सर्वशक्तिवान है उनकी शक्ति लाइट शरीर से न्यारा बना देती है और माइट मिल जाती है।
अब सिर्फ यही भावना है सारे विश्व से दुख अशान्ति चली चली जाय, सुख शान्ति आ जाये, समझा! हरेक का आपस में रुहानी स्नेह हो, इस रुहानी स्नेह से ही बाबा की जो हम बच्चों में जो भावनायें हैं वो पूरी होंगी।
अभी देखो हास्पिटल में बैठी हूँ, दो दिन हास्पिटल में और रहेंगे, शरीर का कारण निमित्त है, परन्तु मैं देख रही हूँ जहाँ कदम वहाँ कमाई है। कल कहाँ आज कहाँ, कल कहाँ होंगे वो भगवान जाने, यह हमारा भाग्य है।
हंसा रोज कहती है दादी आप यहाँ से याद भेजो। इसलिए आप सबसे मिल रही हूँ। ओम शान्ति।
* * * O M S H A N T I * * *
Love and remembrance from Dadi Jankiji (from Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad) Feb 8th
8 February 2020
Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. First “om shanti” I say to myself, then to Baba. Now, whoever is sitting in front of me, in this environment, I am saying “om shanti” to you. Where have I come now? Look, I am now in the hospital and will have to stay here for a couple more days. It is good. Baba is keeping this soul in this body for one reason or another and making me move.
We have to pay attention to all three – knowledge, yoga and dharna. There is a lot of benefit in that.
· What is knowledge – for the mind to be manamanabhav.
· Yoga is none other belongs to I, the soul.
· What is dharna? - Attention – never having any tension about anything.
I am a unique soul, and I move along drawing Baba’s love and Baba is making me move.
O man, look at your face in the mirror of your heart. (Song: Mukhda dekh le prani)The mirror is the knowledge that Baba has given us which is wonderful. The mind is peaceful. The intellect doesn’t wander anywhere, it is unshakable and immovable. This has become a natural sanskar of the soul. My deep desire is for each soul to naturally have knowledge of the soul. With a connection with God, the soul receives light and might and everything becomes right.
Scholars and pundits say that they want peace of mind. We cannot say this because we souls are embodiments of peace. The mind is never mischievous or fluctuating and the intellect is clear with a connection with God. This part is wonderful. God, the Father, has made this soul an instrument and is making me do everything. Why do I remember God? Because I receive sakaash from Him. I receive both sakaash and love.
I have to create such a world where the mind is quiet and the body is serene (cool). (Traffic control song: Man ho shant, tan ho sheetal, aisi duniya banani hai).
* * * O M S H A N T I * * *
Click here for Hindi version.
Love and remembrance from Dadi Janki (from Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad) in English & Hindi
7 February 2020
Dadi Jankiji is presently being treated in Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad, and has sent this message for the Brahmin family:
To beloved BapDada's dearly loved children, the entire Brahmin family across the world, please accept love-filled remembrances.
Drama is wonderful. It's been so many years through this lifetime, and now the entire world knows that I am Janak Raja (Janak, the Sovereign)! It is a wonder that nature listens to its king. Why have they brought me to the hospital? It's the duty of the hospital to make us better, and so I am here.
I am happy here, sending love and remembrance to the world. It is a wonder of science too. Though the hospital is good, however the power of silence is no less. Baba has given each of us the understanding of the soul and the Supreme Soul, and we have to give this to the whole world. I am a soul - the mind, intellect and sanskars are all separate. When we recognise this, then peace can prevail in the entire world. When the mind and intellect have a good connection and relationship with the One, wonders can happen. Wherever Baba has kept me, He will definitely make service happen.
Dadiji and Hansaben are sending lots and lots of love remembrance to everyone. The blessings of BapDada and good wishes of the entire Brahmin family will surely restore Dadiji's good health and bring her back to Madhuban very soon.
With loving remembrances,
B.K. Raju
On behalf of Dadi Janki.
दादी जानकी जी तरफ से यादप्यार
अहमदाबाद स्टरलिंग हास्पिटल
प्यारे बापदादा के अति स्नेही, सारे विश्व का ब्राह्मण परिवार, सभी को बहुत-बहुत स्नेह भरी यादप्यार स्वीकार हो।
वण्डरफुल ड्रामा है, सारी लाइफ में इतने साल हो गये अभी सारे विश्व में पता है हम जनक राजा हैं। प्रकृति राजा की सुनती है, यह वण्डर है।
मुझे हास्पिटल में क्यों ले आये? हास्पिटल का काम है ठीक करना।
एक तरफ मैं यहाँ खुश हूँ, सारे विश्व को यादप्यार दे रही हूँ। साइंस की भी कमाल है, भले हास्पिटल अच्छा है परन्तु
साइलेन्स की शक्ति भी कम नहीं है। बाबा ने आत्मा का, परमात्मा का ज्ञान जो दिया है विश्व में हरेक को मिले। मैं आत्मा हूँ, मन, बुद्धि संस्कार सब अलग-अलग है। जब यह पहचान लें, तो सारे संसार में शान्ति हो जाये। मन बुद्धि से आत्मा का कनेक्शन और रिलेशन कमाल करेगा।
बाबा हमको जहाँ भी रखा है, जरूर सेवा करायेगा।
ऐसे यादप्यार देते हुए दादी जी ने और हंसा बहन ने सभी को बहुत-बहुत याद दी है। सारे ब्राह्मण परिवार की शुभकामनायें बापदादा की दुआयें, दादी जी को शीघ्र ही स्वस्थ करके अपने मधुबन में ले आयेंगी।
अच्छा सभी को बहुत-बहुत याद.....
दादी जानकी जी तरफ से
Message about Beloved Dadi Jankiji's health from BK Nirwair (5 Feb 2020)
6 February 2020
To our special family, dear Centre Coordinators and sisters and brothers of the BK divine family in Bharat and foreign lands, Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances from Shantivan-Madhuban.
Our most respected Dadis join me in sharing best wishes for Shiv Jayanti celebrations and the unlimited service that will take place in the coming weeks.
Our beloved Dadi Jankiji had a very successful trip to her special and original service place: Pune, Maharashtra, at the end of January.
For the past few days, Dadiji has experienced ill health due to intestinal obstruction. Hansaben has been consulting her doctor in Ahmedabad: the Physician and General Surgeon, Dr Ramnik Singh Bhalla, and accordingly, Dadiji traveled to Ahmedabad on 3 February evening so that Dr Bhalla could treat her in person. Within 24 hours, Dadiji has experienced benefit, and is being administered conservative treatment to relieve the obstruction as has been done in the past.
All other parameters are normal. Dadiji will surely return to Shantivan soon.
Dadiji and Hansaben extend their remembrances and best wishes for Maha Shivratri, and we, in turn, will continue to send our vibrations of love for Dadiji's recovery.
With Baba's love,
BK Nirwair
Brahma Kumaris Murli Search Website
6 February 2020
Dear Centre Coordinators,
Om shanti. We are pleased to announce that a website is available for all BK Students that enables everyone to search Avyakt Murlis and Sakar Murlis for key words and phrases; a kind of Google for murlis!
Previously, the website was only available for centres to access based on a password, but it is now fully open and no password is required.
The website can be accessed at https://murlisearch.brahmakumaris.org/
The help button has some tips on how to search. Currently English, Spanish and Portuguese language Murlis are available.
We are sure everyone will enjoy this facility for study, research and service that Baba has provided. Please do share this information with your students.
In Baba’s yaad,

Symphony of Celestial Silence 12 - BK Centre Nadiad - 23 Feb- 5 Mar
6 February 2020
Dear Centre Co-ordinators,
An Intense Silence Retreat for BKs of all spiritual ages, called Symphony of Celestial Silence 12, will be held at the BK Centre in Nadiad (approx. 1 hour by car from Ahmedabad Airport) from 23 February to 5 March 2020.
This series of silence retreats explores the depth of karmateet silence and perfection for the restoration of the world's divine significance and the re-implementation of the original laws of perfection in the self and in satyugi science and technology....the aspect of avyakt love and unity among Baba s angels being the main tool to achieve this.
This retreat is suitable for mature BK students of all spiritual ages, who have a deep interest in silence.
Please ask students to register with Sis. Guddi directly on the email below by sending the attached FILLED registration form and they will receive more detailed information. In case a potential participant replies to point 27 with a YES, they should please send the filled registration form only with Sis. Guddi's previous OK.
They are welcome to register as soon as possible, latest before 12 February 2020.
Click here for the registration form.
In Baba’s yaad,
B.K. Guddi
Ph : 00 91 89 55 31 15 18, 00 91 96 94 34 77 20
Email: bkguddi@gmail.com
Update on Accommodation for Group 9 – Arr 25-26 Feb – Dep 11-12 March
4 February 2020
Dear Centre Coordinators,
As there will be the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of Gyan Sarovar happening during the Group 9 dates, Double Foreigners cannot be accommodated in Gyan Sarovar between 25th February (the arrival date for this group) and 1st March.
We are therefore inviting Double Foreigners to stay in Pandav Bhavan during this time and to kindly understand that only dormitory accomodation can be offered and that it will be necessary to stay in dormitory rooms during this time.
The Double Foreign Program will run in Pandav Bhavan for these days and continue in Gyan Sarovar after 2nd March.
Those who cannot manage with dormitories, and require smaller rooms for health reasons or rooms for couples, can stay in Shantivan till 2nd March. Those who are Hindi speakers who wish to stay in Shantivan will be most welcome to stay there.
If any students wish to stay in Shantivan, then please have your Travel Coordinator mention this in the 'Comments' section on the DF Travel Database.
From 2nd to 4th March it will be possible for groups to start to shift to Gyan Sarovar. As the group is large, numbers and timings for shifting will be announced.
Many thanks for your understanding with this change in accommodation arrangements, and we hope to take this opportunity to make this an extra powerful time for the group
In Baba’s yaad,
Reminder to register for the Self Compassion Retreat – 29 Feb to 2 March - for those 15 years and above in gyan
20 January 2020
Warmest greetings,
We are writing to remind you about the Self Compassion Retreat for those 15 years and above in gyan
29 February (pm) & 1 - 2 March. Total of 2.5 Days in Gyan Sarovar.
As Baba's children we have the knowledge that our true nature is of compassion and love but we often still treat ourselves harshly. The Self-Compassion workshop includes experiential exercises which will help us to recognise how we are sometimes unkind and subtly violent towards ourselves and how we can learn to respond in a kinder and more compassionate way. This choice is done because we care about ourselves and realise that if we really want to motivate ourselves, love is more powerful than fear. The emphasis is on building resources rather than addressing old wounds, and positive change occurs naturally as we develop our capacity to be kinder to ourselves. We have also heard that we shouldn’t give or take sorrow and this course will give us some practical skills on how to achieve this.
Maximum 30 participants Facilitator: Sarah Eagger, UK
It is important to attend the full two and a half day retreat
Students who are interested in this retreat should register by email at dfseason@brahmakumaris.org
In Baba’s yaad,
DF Program Team
Angel of Shiva - New Mobile App for Android
Dear International Family,
Many of you are familiar with Dr Sachin's wonderful early morning Madhuban classes held in Om Shanti Bhawan reception at 5 am (English) and 5:25 am (Hindi). Some of you are aware that he also has a website, angelofshiva.com, that features those classes as well as others by Dr Sachin and many other brothers and sisters from India and abroad. Dr Sachin recently also launched a YouTube channel (youtube.com/c/angelofshiva).
Now the further good news is that there's an app for Android users which you can download to your phone or tablet from tiny.cc/angelofshiva.
Whatever mode of access you choose, we hope you will enjoy the daily sustenance and wonderful churning available through these facilities.
The Angel of Shiva team
Important notification about OCI cardholders
3 January 2020
Dear Divine Brothers & Sisters, Om shanti.
Please see below about Overseas Citizen of India cardholders (OCI). This is the latest update from the Government of India on the validity of the OCI card when travelling to India.
Please arrange to circulate to all BK non-resident Indians around the globe.
In Godly sewadhari,
BK CA. Lalit