2023 November through December International News Archive 2023 November through December International News Archive

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Recordings & Resources from the Global Silence Retreat - November 24-25, 2023

6 December 2023

Dear Divine Family


Warmest Greetings of love!


We are delighted to share the recordings and other resources from the most recent Global Silence Retreat (November 24 & 25, 2023). The materials are available to the entire BK Family, so please feel free to share with brothers and sisters at your local centre.


Global Silence Retreat

Embraced in the Silence of Divine Love

November 24-25, 2023


For Recordings of Sessions:



For BapDada's Message (Vedanti Didi)



To Tour Portal for other Resources, including the Reflective Questions and Blessings:



For Recordings from past retreats:



In Baba's Sweet and Subtle Yaad,


Your Global Silence Retreat Team


Srs. Moira, Chrissy, Karen, Kathryn, Linda, Olga, Yolanda, Sunaina, Kim, Tanya and Judi






"Going Beyond - Staying Beyond" - Global Program for December 2023 / January 2024

1 December 2023

Dear Divine Family around the world,


This is a gentle reminder that this year we suggest we start preparing for January 2024 - the Month of Silence - already throughout December 2023. 


Attached to this email you find all the details of this simple and powerful program starting in December, with a reminder below:

  • DECEMBER 2023 - A MONTH OF PREPARATION: "Going Beyond – Staying Beyond"
  • Build momentum and deepen our commitment to making full efforts in January 2024, the Month of Silence
  • During December, experiment with the very special Avyakt Murli of January 18, 2022 (Original date 22/11/72)
  • Have a one-to-one exchange with another soul to share your experiences and insights - 10 mins daily

We are sure you will find your personal way to inspire your local family to take full benefit of this precious opportunity. We believe through the Centre Cooridnators, the BK family worldwide can become connected through one simultaneous subtle practise.


Thank you and om shanti,


The Experiments-in-Silence Team



Dear Divine Family


The powerful month of January is approaching, and time is calling us to follow the footsteps of Father Brahma. We, as angels, become lighthouses and send the light and might that will soothe the suffering of souls. Now and only now do we have the choice and honour to serve all of humanity and the elements of nature all at once.


In preparation for an extraordinary January 2024 the entire BK family is presented with a simple and powerful program.


For the month of December we propose to you a highly inspiring Murli to experiment with.

With one-to-one exchanges, we can strengthen our commitment to our inner work.


From January 1 we will give our full attention to the special Avyakt Signals for daily experimentation.

There will be an opportunity to share our experiences on an online platform and to listen to Mohini Didi’s reflections on those very signals.


To create Global Unity there will be a synergy between the Global Bhatti program and this Global January Program.


All information is available in the attached document and on www.experiments-in-silence.org

(Password for blog: welovesilence).


We ask the centre coordinators to take this program to heart and to discuss the implementation of the same in the class.


Om shanti

The Experiments-in-Silence Team

Rita, Nora, Mathias in cooperation with Gayatri, Judy, Jasu and Rajubhai (Madhuban),

Avyakti Parivar and Global Bhatti Team


Click HERE to download Global Program in PDF version.







The Daily Guardian For 25th November 2023, Delhi, India

27 November 2023

Click on the image to download the pdf version of the page.


Movie THE LIGHT To Be Screened on 25th November - News From The Platform of International Film Festival of India Held In Goa, India

24 November 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Om Shanti.


All of us Baba's children with our intense spiritual efforts are doing our level best to glorify Baba's name in front of the world. And I have complete faith that the animated Film, 'The LIGHT' created by Godlywood Studio will become the frontrunner in this spiritual race. Through this Film everyone will come to know that The Almighty Shivbaba is performing his task of World Renewal at the pace of a rocket. Through the prestigious platform of IFFI Goa, Baba's Film has already touched the intellects of thousands  from the Film Fraternity. I am very happy to tell you that through the medium of this Film, the inspiring story of Baba and the aim of Baba's Yagya will become clear in front of the World. 


Today it's the second day of the IFFI. Screening of Baba's Film 'The LIGHT' is on 25th. We will bring you news from this venue of IFFI on regular intervals. Be with us in this journey. Once again good wishes to all our viewers. 


We have brought you a comprehensive video with special coverage up to the second day of I F F I Goa. Please find the link to the video here: 





Please share the video with your dear and near.


With Warm Regards,


BK Harilal






Announcement for DF Madhuban Program: Online schedule of classes for Group 3

24 November 2023

Dear Divine Family,


Greetings of Love!


Attached is the online schedule of classes which will be broadcast from Gyan Sarovar during the DF Program for Group 3. All timings shown are IST on the DF Madhuban Program YouTube Channel: https://df-madhuban.in/2023-2024.


For those coming to Madhuban, we look forward to welcoming you soon, where there will be opportunities for more special on the ground sessions.


Vegan and Gluten Free Options

The Gyan Sarovar Kitchen and Dining team have kindly arranged a counter for those wishing to have vegan and gluten free meals.  You may register for these options on arrival in Global Office in Gyan Sarovar. (These will not be available in Pandav Bhavan).


Wifi Translation System Rajesh bhai and translation team have arranged a wonderful new system for translation in Gyan Sarovar. Connect to "GS Translation" wifi and then go to your browser and put in the url "start.bkconnect.net". Select your language from the dropdown menu and click on start button, then you will start receiving audio of the selected language.  Please remember to bring your earphones with you.


Children to Madhuban

If you are travelling with children, please do read and follow fully the guidelines for bringing children to Madhuban sent to you at the beginning of the season.


Travel Information

Please remember to have your Travel Coordinators book your details in the DF Madhuban Travel Database at least two to three weeks in advance of your arrival.


Please note that on Thursday, 30 November, there will be the  Avyakt meeting, and all the details for the transmission and links will come via the usual BOL channel team. If you have any questions please contact dfseason@brahmakumaris.org.


In Baba's yaad,


DF Madhuban Program Team



Click HERE to download in PDF format.






The Daily Guardian - 18th November, 2023

21 November 2023

Click on the image to download the pdf version of the page.


Important Announcement Re: Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu

21 November 2023

Om Shanti



To all Centre-in-charge Instrument Sisters and the Jewels of the Brahmin Clan,


Please accept sweet Godly remembrance.


As you know, our dear Nirmala Didi, BapDada’s especially beloved and very loving child left her body on 20 October 2023 and went into BapDada’s lap.  In the future, such a special jewel will play a new part, a new role, in Godly service.  



On 13th November 2023, the Management Committee met in Shantivan, and appointed B.K.

Sudesh Didi from Germany as Joint Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalaya (BKIVV) and the Head and Senior Director of Gyan Sarovar, Mt Abu. 


B.K. Prabha Didi from Bharooch, subzone in charge, was also appointed as Director of Gyan Sarovar


Both Sudesh Didi and Prabha Didi will give everyone Godly sustenance and also work in co-operation for all other services.


In Godly service,


B.K. Shashi Prabha.
Management Committee, Brahma Kumaris


ओम शान्ति



सर्व सेवाकेन्‍द्र इन्‍चार्ज निमि‍त्त बहनें एवं ब्राह्मण कुलभूषणों प्रति

ईश्‍वरीय मधुर स्‍मृति स्‍वीकार हो.


आप सबको ज्ञात ही है कि बापदादा की लाडली और हम सबकी अति स्‍नेही निर्मला दीदी ने 20 अक्‍टूबर 2023 को अपना भौतिक शरीर छोड़ बापदादा की गोद ली।

ऐसी विशेष रतन भविष्‍य में नये रोल की ईश्‍वरीय सेवाओं से अपना विशेष पार्ट बजायेंगी।


13 नवम्‍बर 2023 को मैनेजमेन्‍ट कमेटी की मीटिंग शान्तिवन में हुई जिसमें जर्मनी की सुदेश दीदी को ब्रह्माकुमारीज की संयुक्‍त प्रशासिका तथा ज्ञानसरोवर की हेडसीनियर डायरेक्‍टर नियुक्‍त किया गया है। भरूचसबजोन इन्‍चार्ज (गुजरातप्रभा दीदी को भी ज्ञानसरोवर की डायरेक्‍टर नियुक्‍त किया गया है जिसे कमेटी के सभी सदस्‍यों ने सहर्ष स्‍वीकार किया है।


सुदेश दीदी और प्रभा दीदी मिलकर सभी की ईश्‍वरीय पालना तथा अन्‍य सेवाओं में सहयोगी रहेंगी।


ईश्‍वरीय सेवा में

बी.केशशी प्रभा


मैनेजमेटी कमेटीब्रह्माकुमारीज  








"THE LIGHT" - Animated Movie on Baba To Be Screened At Prestigious 54th International Film Festival Of India (IFFI) On 25th November, 2023, At 7:00 PM IST

20 November 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Om Shanti.


Baba's Animated Movie, 'The LIGHT' crafted by creative Producer Shoojit Sircar, iRealities Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Godlywood Studio has been selected for Screening in the prestigious 54th International Film Festival of India - IFFI - in GOA. The Screening will be done in front of local and invited VIP guests on 25th November 7.00 PM. 


The Film tells the story of the entry of the Supreme Light into the Human World and the transformation of Pitashri Brahma Baba, the Human Chariot of God. The subsequent release of the Film after the Film Festival is going to be a great opportunity for service. Come, let's join hands, organise programs and celebrate Baba's film and share the good news with  each and everyone in the society.


Please also find attached the press release (in Hindi and English) which you can send to local News Channels and Newspapers, it will also be helpful for you to conduct programs for premiering the FIlm in your Local area.


Attached also is the screenshot of the entry of 'The LIGHT - A Journey Within' in the Official Website of IFFI.


Please take note of the contact no. in case of any queries regarding the Film: 8112215558 - BK Shikha 


Please find the Link to the Promo Video :




With Warm Regards,

BK Harilal

The Producer - 'The LIGHT' Film

Executive Director,

Godlywood Studio


Click below links for copy of the press release.


Press Release in English


Press Release in Hindi





The Daily Guardian – 11th November 2023

16 November 2023

Click on the image to download the pdf version of the page.


REMINDER: Global Bhatti - 18th or 19th November 2023

16 November 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters


This is a sweet reminder that our Global Bhatti this month is on EITHER Saturday 18th OR Sunday 19th November. We have attached the timetable, excerpts, BapDada's video and the flyer, all of which can also be found on the portal:  Click here to view


There is translation from English into several languages. To find out more about which translations are available please visit the portal. At any time we welcome any feedback from Centres and students. Please email globalbhatti@brahmakumaris.org.


In Baba's love and remembrance,


Global Bhatti Team



Click below links to download in PDF file format.


Global Bhatti - Flyer


Global Bhatti - Timetable






Diwali Greetings From Sister Jayanti

14 November 2023



Diwali Greetings From Ratan Mohini Dadi Ji

12 November 2023



Diwali Greetings From Mohini Didi and Sister Jayanti

12 November 2023

Click below links to download it in PDF file format.

Diwali Message in English

Diwali Message in French

Diwali Message in Spanish

Diwali Message in Portuguese

Diwali Message in Tamil

Diwali Message in Chinese




Essence and Benefit of the Global Bhatti

7 November 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters


In November we are having our Global Bhatti one week in advance, so that we can also enjoy the Global Silence Retreat at the end of the month.


The Global Bhatti can be on EITHER Saturday 18th November OR Sunday 19th November with the theme Attainment through Experience. 


We have added to the Portal the new video “Essences and Benefits of Global Bhatti”, by Ken bhai, within the series “Yoga-Essences for Excellence” (click here or on the above image to view). These videos are meant to strengthen the pillars to truly benefit from yoga bhattis, being at the same time a “save the date” of the bhatti of the month.


This month's bhatti materials are being translated and will be available on the portal: https://tinyurl.com/Global-Bhatti, with translation from English into several languages. You will be informed closer to the bhatti. To find out more about which translations are available please visit the portal.


At any time we welcome any feedback from Centres and students. Please email globalbhatti@brahmakumaris.org.


In Baba's love and remembrance,


Global Bhatti Team






Global Online Silence Retreat: November 24 - 25, 2023

7 November 2023

Dear Divine Family,


Greetings of love!


This is a reminder regarding the upcoming Global Online Silence Retreat, which is open to the entire BK Family. Details are provided below as well as in the attached flyer.


Global Silence Retreat: Embraced in the Silence of Divine Love

Afternoon/Evening on November 24

Full day on November 25

Registration Link

Registration required to access resources


For a taste of what to expect at our host retreat spaces (Asian Retreat Centre in Malaysia, and Tagaytay Retreat Centre in the Philippines) click on link or image below.





In Baba's Sweet and Healing yaad,


Your Global Silence Retreat Team







Parliament of the World Religions - BK Service Report

7 November 2023

Click on the below image to access full report with photos.



The Daily Guardian - Delhi 28th October 2023

7 November 2023

Click on the image to download the pdf version of the page.