2023 November & December N. America News Archive 2023 November & December N. America News Archive

Table of Content

Invitation to a New Year's Retreat at Peace Village - REGISTRATION CLOSES ON DECEMBER 24TH

18 December 2023

Dear One and All Divine Brothers &Sisters,


This is an invitation for New Years retreat at Peace Village - Friday, Dec 29, 2023 to Monday, Jan 1, 2024


Excitement fills the Peace Village atmosphere as the new year approaches and our dearest Mohini Didi returns after so many months.


Thank You Baba and thank you Drama. We too are approaching a new way of being, a new way feeling and a newness in our relationship with the One.


Consider this as  a special invitation to be walking through the confluence of 2023- 2024 in the presence of  Didi and the divine family as we delve into the intricacies of this high point. We will invoke our stage of the 'Best we can Be' and move  into our favorite avyakt month of January and very soon 'Our New Era’.


We are requesting for small numbers from each center (about 3-5), with special consideration to


i)  those that have not been to Peace Village this year


ii) new brahmins who are not often exposed to the company of the family


iii) Young  BKs (physical age 15-30) since there will be special age appropriate sessions.


Please invite and prepare the eligible ones


Arrivals              Friday, Dec 29 at 3:00 pm

Departures       Monday, Jan 1 after breakfast

Registration link : https://forms.gle/RE3vj8XmwLF9kcgc7


NOTE: Registration ends on December 24th


With Baba's love,

Peace Village Family





Update on Mohini Didi’s health

18 December 2023

Dear Divine Family,


Mohini Didi has been admitted to a hospital near her home with a respiratory infection. She will likely be there for a few days while she is treated after which she will return to Baba’s home. She wants the family to know that she is feeling better. We will keep you updated on her progress.


In Baba’s yaad,


US National Coordinating Team

on behalf of the USA family






Gentle Reminder for the Holiday Gathering on Saturday, December 16th | 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

14 December 2023



Saturday Workshop (12/16): Life is But a Game: Play it with Purpose, Resilience and Joy

14 December 2023




Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos para Diciembre

12 December 2023





Upcoming December Events At Peace Village Retreat Center

6 December 2023

It's time to experience our innate divinity and send love and power of all our brothers and sisters around the globe! 

Online Insight Session | REGISTER HERE


Lights of the World | REGISTER HERE


World Meditation Hour | REGISTER HERE



Manhattan Center Presents "Awakening To An Enlightened Consciousness" on Thursday 12/7 And More December Events

6 December 2023



Brahma Kumaris Florida Service Newsletter - November 2023

6 December 2023

Florida Family Time Invitation




Diwali Celebration


A special Diwali program was hosted on November 5th Sister Shireen shared how to connect with the Source of Pure Light and Love. There was also candle lighting; dinner; dancing; rangoli and other fun festivities.


Thanksgiving Celebration


A special thanksgiving feast was held on the November 23rd expressing gratitude, joy and the divine company of the alokik family.



On-going Programs:


Inspired Consciousness Series

Throughout November spiritual insights sessions contribute to personal development and individual growth. A wide range of spiritual topics was covered by a variety of experienced yogis including Br. Pritesh; Sr Ritu; Sr Tara; Sr Nitya; Sr Jaymini; Sr Jade & Sr Deborah


Soulful Sundays

Every Sunday a session including a short spiritual talk, spiritual conversations, and 30 minutes of collective meditation for self-reflection was held. Sessions were covered by Sister Karen. Click HERE to access full report with photos.






Message Of Hope - "Formula For Recharging The World - Control + Alt + Delete"

4 December 2023

The soul needs strength to deal effectively with daily situations, demanding as they are, and yet take time out for the self. Souls have become tired and yearn for peace and rest. When the connection with the Supreme Being breaks, the ultimate consequences are dis-ease, conflict and worry in the mind, and disease in the body.  It becomes necessary now  to pay even more attention to what we are thinking about.  Am I remembering things that make me smile or am I remembering things that make me feel irritated and tired? Or are we remembering the One who removes our tiredness and gives happiness?  

Spiritual solution is to eliminate the thought ‘I am doing’, and replace it with  ‘God is doing’.  Yes, I am responsible; my responsibility is to keep God in mind and remember God is in charge. When I become aware that ‘God is doing’ my tiredness vanishes.   

As resources dwindle in quantity and quality we need to improve our ability to discriminate between what we want and what we need.  We must be careful not to become misled into making physical pleasures our means of attaining happiness.  What we have today may not be here tomorrow.

Spiritual solution: We have three eyes, 2 for looking out and one for looking in.  Why look in when everything is happening out there?. . . Because the treasure we seek, beauty, peace, love, happiness is inside, not outside. The third eye, located in the center of the forehead, called the mind's eye or inner eye, is invisible, and represents the state of enlightenment achieved through meditation. When seeing with our third eye, the inner landscape of the soul is full of beautiful thoughts and wisdom, and everything we see and do is a pleasure.

It is essential now to find ways to help us remain in a stable state of mind and to prevent emotional upheavals from affecting our mental and physical health. Prolonged stress weakens the body. Our bodies are like our cars and souls are the drivers. We do find time to check our physical cars and have a regular maintenance program to ensure their smooth running.  Do we have this same check up for I, the soul, the driver of this bodily car?  

Spiritual solution: Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Control yourself + Alter your thinking + Delete waste and negativity. Take time to have a check up for the quality of your thoughts, of keeping them positive and clean so your words and actions will be clear and beneficial, keeping them well oiled, free from rust of  negativity of the past, and cool and calm with plenty of water of knowledge so the mind doesn’t become overheated with emotions!.  Care for your body and mind, make friends with your mind; feed it the food of healthy thoughts, engage it in positive activity. Acceptance does not mean everything is perfect. It means our state of mind is perfect!




Invitations to Celebrate Holiday Gathering And The Gift Of Life - Upcoming December Events At Peace Village

4 December 2023



































































































































































































In Photos: Thanksgiving Day celebration and dinner at Peace Village on Nov 23, 2023

4 December 2023

The Proclamation in 1789 by first President George Washington for declaring Thanksgiving as a national holiday in the USA  
was focused on loving and  thanking God. Thought you might like a read - Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.” Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be— ......



Sr Dorothy creating Baba's world famous Tofu 'Turkey'.  As you may know the poor Turkey Bird is the main attraction for dinner although the founding fathers discussed having the turkey as the national bird.!! and later decided on the carnivorous Eagle!  



Over 100 BK Students and Center Coordinators from the USA, Canada, South Africa, etc attended, followed by a Retreat for Regional Center Coordinators. It was a happy occasion with a fun program after dinner of games and dancing.

In loving remembrance from Peace Village





Value Of Life Series Presents Episode (#78) - "Safety" With Sr. Shireen On Saturday 2nd December at 2:15 PM - UK Time)

1 December 2023

Hello everyone,

Greetings of Peace to all.


Join us this Saturday for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 78 )


Value : Safety ( सुरक्षा )  


Content of the Workshop :

1st Hour :   Reflective Exercises on 'Safety'. 

2nd Hour :  An insightful talk and meditation by BK Sr. Shireen, Florida, USA


Date / Time : Saturday, 2nd December 2023 ( 2 Hrs Session )


7:45 PM ( India )  

2:15 PM ( UK )

3:15 PM ( FranceSpain )

5:15 PM ( Turkey )

6:15 PM ( Dubai )

6:15 AM ( Westcoast US / Can )

9:15 AM ( Eastcoast US / Can )

11:15 AM ( Brazil ) 


Direct joining Zoom link at :


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)


(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)


Thank you all 


Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team







Guided Silence Retreat This Weekend And More Events Coming Up at Anubhuti This Week Of 27th November, 2023

28 November 2023

Ongoing Programs


Creative Meditation:

Fridays, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

with harp and live meditation commentary

Sundays, 11:00 am to 12:00 noon


Evening Workshops/Talks:

Mondays, 6:30 to 8:00 pm - different weekly topic geared to those familiar with the Brahma Kumaris

Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 pm - different weekly topic


All times are Pacific Time.

Timing converter if needed


We continue to provide in-person and online spiritual sustenance with meditations, classes, and retreats.


For more info about any of the programs and to access the Zoom login, please visit the events pages on the San Fransisco Center or Anubhuti websites.


We appreciate your contribution so our services can continue to be offered.


Paypal Contribution of any Amount




"Lights of the World" - Holiday Celebration at Peace Village , December 10, 2023

27 November 2023



Diwali Greetings from Toronto (Canada) Family

15 November 2023




On The Auspicious Occasion Of DIWALI, Value Of Life Series Presents A Special Episode (#77) - A Spiritual Reflection on "Uniqueness" With Br. Nirwair Ji, Sr. Meera and Dr. Pratap Midha

10 November 2023

Hello everyone,

Greetings of Peace to all.  


We extend our warm invitation for a spiritual reflection on "Uniqueness" this Saturday on the auspicious occasion of DIWALI ( the Festival of Lights ) for our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series, ( Episode # 77).

Value :  Uniqueness  ( निरालापन ) 



Insightful sharing from our Esteemed senior Raja Yogis :


BK Br. Nirwair, Secretary General, Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu,India

BK Meera Didi, Director/ Spiritual Ambassador, Brahma Kumaris, Malaysia and       

BK Dr. Partap Midha, Medical Director, Global Hospital & Research Center, Mount Abu, India.


Date/Time :  Saturday, 11th November 2023 (1.5 Hrs session)


Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:30 PM (India), 3:00 PM (UK), 4:00 PM ( France, Spain), 6:00 PM (Turkey), 7:00 PM (Dubai)

7:00 AM (Westcoast US/ Can), 10:00 AM (Eastcoast US/ Can), 12:00 PM (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom -


(OR, Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710 )


(Translation available in   French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil & Telugu ) 


Join on YouTube Live -

in English  - http://omshanti.live/English


Thank you all 


Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)






Brahma Kumaris Florida Service Newsletter - October 2023

8 November 2023


We go to Miami Center when we can and were fortunate to have a few of us there when Judybhen was there.
Then we had the good fortune of having Brother Ed one Wednesday night, and then the last Saturday of the month Waddybhen came for murli with Sisters Aimee and Liana.

With the Season of Gratitude and Abundance upon us we look forward to continuing with our ongoing Wednesday Evening Meditation Classes, Connecting with World Peace Meditation Hour on the Third Sunday of the Month and whatever other opportunities for Peace and Harmony that we can join in with.

Click HERE to download the full report



MOfHope - Be the Light Connected To The ONE True Light

7 November 2023


Click on Link to view the Diwali Story   - from YouTube GoldenSparrow1 channel


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Although the origins of  Christmas and Diwali are several thousand years apart, both celebrations have similar underlying themes of brotherly love, peace, mutual respect and unity.  They give a similar message about the renewal and lightening up of life, family bonding, exchanging gifts, blessings, and good wishes, singing and dancing. Cleanliness, new clothes, sweets, colorful decorations all add to the joyous nature.   

These spiritual themes and messages over a few thousand years became diluted and celebrated in a physical form, when we forgot our eternal identity of being souls and became body conscious. Innately we know in quiet and profound moments, ‘we are more than meets our eyes in the mirror in the morning'.  The world wants us to believe we are what we see in the physical mirror – and we accept!  We see the physical form, not the content;, the body, not the soul; the matter, not the mind. But, what we see is not what we are. 

Our awakening of spirit and the blossoming of our spirituality means we have to continually practice and keep reminding ourselves, a hundred times a day, - I am a soul – not a body, a thinking being of imperishable spiritual light in a perishable human body. I am an eternal spirit – not a perishable piece of meat. I never die. 

At Diwali, thousands of small lighted deepaks (wick oil lights) beautifully float down the rivers on leaves as a memory of a time when human beings lived in a higher consciousness, naturally aware of being souls. The twinkling lights on the Christmas tree is a reminder of our true eternal identity of being light, and the star at the top reminds us of God's eternal loving light. At the holidays the many candles and millions of sparkling lights illuminating homes and businesses, reminds us we are divine points of light. Here is a visual story of BEING LIGHT, of the awakening of soul consciousness. (View on above link)   

"In the winter of the world the light within us had grown dim and we could no longer see.  Too many confusing thoughts and worries deluded and froze us into inaction in our search for the meaning of life. …  we continued to lose our peace, purity and power. But, a glimmer of light; a glow of soft peace, always there within the soul, began awakening the feelings of pure love and memories of our innate goodness. ….new hope and spiritual energy filled the soul, as the Supreme Sun of Knowledge gave courage, understanding and strength to every cold ‘branch’ and ‘twig’ of this eternal Tree of Humanity.  God, as the Creator, the eternal Guiding Light of Knowledge, ignited our extinguished lights with the ‘oil’ of new knowledge and the flame of loving remembrance and made us worthy. The soul awakened and remembered with delight, ‘I am light and eternal and so are you.’  Enlightened, the Winter of the world blossomed into a pure, peaceful heavenly world of happiness, where brotherly love created harmony, as the light of the soul was constantly lit.”  

It  takes only a moment to move away from the Age of Darkness, to this coming Age of Light, of health, happiness, abundance and harmony.  In meditation listen and have a spiritual conversation with God, only a thought away, always there to show the way.  The power of pure love and peace received from staying connected with the company of God, the Supreme Soul, brings automatic transformation within the self. Now during this present time of the Winter of the world, "Let your little light shine"; “Don’t hide it under a bushel”, because the whole world now needs the light of soul consciousness.  

Those who stay light in spirit whilst others may weave their darkness, know their positive Godly thoughts radiate out, and can touch any person, any place in a second and create change. The flame of our minds, our inner light, has been lit and can ignite the light of others.   Become the living lights, connected to the One True Light to awaken others to shine, and the darkness vanishes like it was never there.   

Contact:  Chirya Risely bkchirya@gmail.com  chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is published  in several international publications including the Daily Guardian (Delhi) 



Special Art Exhibition on Saturday, Nov 11th: Invitation To An Open House in Celebration of Diwali From the Manhattan BK Family

7 November 2023



Service News - Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas, Participate in the special 'Day on the Bay' event held at Alviso County Park

6 November 2023

Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas, actively participated in the special 'Day on the Bay' event held at Alviso County Park on October 10, 2023. This celebration attracts over 10,000 attendees who come together to enjoy various activities and the cultural richness and diversity.  

Brahma Kumaris successfully engaged a diverse and wide-ranging audience of all age groups with a variety of activities. These included the 'I-am-Special' activity, fun bee and butterfly-themed activities for children, and an interactive 'choose-your-response' activity, among many others. The younger generation was captivated by Baba's youth, who provided an Instagram-worthy photo prop and shared Baba's message in a manner to struck a chord with them. They also shared the individuals about the upcoming Rajyoga course and other events.

Baba's enthusiastic children engaging the crowd with activities

Kids enjoying various activities at Baba's booth

Sharing about upcoming Rajyoga course and events

'I-am-Special' activity radiated an immediate charm and touched every heart

Baba captivating and striking a chord with youth

Large crowd received message about Baba's local center at Milpitas



Reviving the Higher Self - 7 Days Course in Raja Yoga Meditation (11/13-11/19)

6 November 2023



Reminder - A Very Special Event of the Month: Be The Light, Ignite The Light | Saturday, Nov 11 at 4 - 5:30 pm

6 November 2023




Victory - Value For Life Series 3rd Anniversary - A Warm Invitation for 2 Special Values For Life Events

3 November 2023

Hello everyone,

Greetings of Peace to all.  


We extend our warm invitation for two spiritually uplifting programs this weekend : reflecting on 'Victory' (Values Workshop #76 - Saturday, 2 - 4 PM - UK time) and the special 3rd Anniversary celebration of our fortnightly' Values for Life' Series (Sunday, 3 - 4:30 PM - UK time).


1. Join us this Saturday for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 76 ).


Value : Victory ( विजय )  


Content of the Workshop :

1st Hour :   Reflective Exercises on 'Victory'. 

2nd Hour :  An insightful talk and meditation by Br. Golo, Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu, India. 


Date / Time : Saturday, 4th November 2023 ( 2 Hrs Session )


7:30 PM ( India )  

2:00 PM ( UK )

4:00 PM ( Germany, France, Spain )

5:00 PM ( Turkey )

6:00 PM ( Dubai )

7:00 AM ( Westcoast US / Can )

10:00 AM ( Eastcoast US / Can  )  

11:00 AM ( Brazil ) 


Direct joining Zoom link at :


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)


(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)


2Join us for the Special Third Anniversary Event of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series. 


Speakers : 

Brother Eric (National Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris, Canada ) 

- in conversation with - 

BK Sudesh Didi (European Director,  Brahma Kumaris,UK) and

BK Santosh Didi ( Director : Brahma Kumaris, Saint Petersburg, Russia - Joint Regional Coordinator Russia, CIS & Baltic countries region )


Date/Time :  Sunday, 5th November 2023  (1.5 Hrs session

Kindly note the timing in your region : 

8:30 PM (India), 3:00 PM (UK), 4:00 PM ( France, Spain), 6:00 PM (St. Petersburg - Russia, Turkey), 7:00 PM (Dubai)

7:00 AM (Westcoast US/ Can), 10:00 AM (Eastcoast US/Can)12:00 PM (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom -



(OR, Meeting ID – 925 2808 7710 )

(Translation available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil & Telugu ) 


Join on YouTube Live - 

in English - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi - http://omshanti.live/Hindi


Thank you all 


Warm Regards,

Sr. Anu from 'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)







MOfHope - The Perfect Day

1 November 2023

For this, daily spiritual knowledge is water, meditation is sunlight and divine character is the flowering

Our situations do not determine our happiness; our responses determine it. The response to the situation begins with the thoughts the mind creates.  For a perfect day sit back, be soul conscious, meditate,  count your blessings, and in this way daily program your mind with only positive thoughts.  Feeding the mind with good thoughts first thing in the day is like planting healthy seeds in a fertile space.  Our happy thoughts attract happy experiences and we reap delicious fruits.  Our inner mental preparation done with care creates beautiful outer realities for us. The outer environment is a reflection of our thoughts.  Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the ‘within’ and the ‘without’ will take care of itself.   

Situations and people can be imperfect but your state of mind should remain perfect – calm, happy and peaceful.  How? Use the power to accommodate, one of your eight powerful spiritual arms. By accepting and adjusting with others  our own spiritual personality improves and is empowered. Our thoughts, words and actions begin to radiate positive vibrations which in return attract more peace and happiness. When you look for the best in others, it brings out the best in you.  For a perfect day, have unconditional acceptance of others and remain united with them. 

We may find it difficult to maintain an inner state of calm today, as the nature of the human mind comes under pressure and tension during challenging and negative situations. When we forcefully try to stop waste thoughts in the mind, discomfort and tiredness is experienced and it becomes difficult to love the mind. However, teach the mind with love, give the mind the right directions, and a quick and dramatic change occurs. For this use the power to pack up. “Past is past”. Saying a final farewell to the past, to yesterday, to last year, is the sign of a person who wants to live for today and is truly alive to all the possibilities of the moment, while fully aware all they think, say and do right now, creates tomorrow.   

For a perfect day set your  foundation of emotional stability first thing of the day. Train your mind to remain in the present moment, and to see good in every person and situation. Go within, find the inner calm, ‘evaporate’ the worries of the past and present, and become clear in your thinking. Our responses become positive, we make the right decisions and solutions emerge naturally within the mind. 

Contact:  Yvonne Risely, bkchirya@gmail.comchirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org

Sr Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is published  in several international publications including the Daily Guardian (Delhi)