2023 April N. America News Archive 2023 April N. America News Archive

Table of Content

A Warm Invitation for Ep 63, 'Values for Life' Series, on 'Punctuality' with Sr. Dr. Jenna (Saturday 3:30 pm - UK time)

14 April 2023



Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.  

We extend our warm invitation for Episode #63  of our fortnightly 'Values for Life' Series,  for a spiritual reflection on “Punctuality” this Saturday.

Value:  Punctuality (समयनिष्ठता) 

Speaker: Sr. Dr. Jenna, Brahma Kumaris, Washington DC,USA (IG@sisterdrjenna)

Date/Time:  Saturday, 15th April 2023 (1.5 Hrs session)

Kindly note the timing in your region: 

8:00 PM (India), 3:30 PM (UK), 4:30 PM (France, Spain), 5:30 PM (Turkey), 6:30 PM (Dubai), 7:30 AM (Westcoast US / Can ), 10:30 AM (Eastcoast US / Can), 11:30 AM (Brazil)


Join directly on Zoom -


or: Meeting ID – 925 2808  7710

(Translation available in  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil  & Telugu ) 


Join on YouTube Live -

in English  - http://omshanti.live/English

in Hindi  - http://omshanti.live/Hindi 

Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)



As You Sow So Shall You Reap: Pure karma is the biggest investment for health, wealth and happiness

13 April 2023

Illustrations: Brahma Kumaris

Pure actions are like good seeds which, when planted, produce healthy, sweet fruit. Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds.  You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.  What you see today is not the fruit of chance but a fruit from a seed planted in the past. Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future. Concern for the quality of my actions, my karma, today ensures the success of my tomorrow. 

The Law of Karma is clear. Actions performed under the influence of soul and God consciousness and divine virtues like peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom give us more happiness and attract more positive situations in our lives.  Actions performed under the influence of body consciousness and vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy, hatred and deceit bounce back, give us sorrow and attract more negative situations in our lives. We now understand we are spiritual - as well as physical, mental and emotional - beings, and our most valuable resource in my possession is right behind the eyes, the soul. Until this spiritual element is acknowledged, having compassion for human nature and performing right actions cannot be realized. 

Within each one of us is a master of the universe. Not the universe out there but the inner universe of our thoughts and feelings, attitudes and actions.  We may change our thoughts, our feelings, even our sense of who we are, but we fail to visit the unchanging centre of our own self.  However, nothing is more real than the inner space within each of us that never ever changes.  Mindfulness means to be in this inner space where this peace is found, when all around would prefer chaos and crisis. Here is the deepest spiritual power that influences and changes everything and everyone around you!  It is the eye of the storm; it is the oasis in the desert; it is the place where peace is power.

 A better world requires human beings to be aware of this inner beauty; to use their positive qualities and to see the good within each soul. Recognize and Use this valuable inner resource and Be this resource. Speeches count for little.  Transforming the world is the natural outcome of transforming ourselves.  If you always think in the same way you will always get to the same place. Think in a new way and you will be a new person.  Give happiness to all and you will live in peace. Create peace in your mind and you will create a world of peace around you.  Go within today. Mind your mind and have concern for the quality of your actions. To be the master of your inner world is to be the master of your own destiny.    

Excellent short class on karma: https://youtu.be/kJwEnGGvfX8

Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely - bkchirya@gmail.com   chirya.risely@peacevillageretreat.org,  

Call 518 589 5000 for ongoing meditation classes




Boston Center Presents:  Special Children's program on Saturday, April 15th | 2 - 4 pm

12 April 2023





Anubhuti Retreat Center Offers Wellness, Meditation, and Silence

10 April 2023

New Living Expo~ Join us in Marin at the Living Oasis of Peace Meditation Room

April 14 - 16


Friday 2-8 PM, Saturday 10-8 PM, Sunday 11-7 PM

Marin Center | San Rafael, CA


20th Annual New Living Expo

A Journey to Wellness, Happiness, Stress-Free Living,

Personal Empowerment, Wholistic Health, New Science


New Living Expo is a one-of-a-kind event for those who want to improve their health, wellness, and spirituality. With its diverse offering of workshops, speakers, music, and vendors, New Living Expo provides a unique opportunity for attendees to learn, connect, and transform.


The Living Oasis of Peace Meditation Booth is a place where you can experience and do a short practice of Raja Yoga Meditation, where you learn the power of pause and reflect for the mind and learn to focus on what is within our control.


Marin County New Living Expo Location








Manhattan Center: Saturday Workshop (4/15) -The Most Beautiful Truth: We Have a Right to God's Love

9 April 2023




A Warm Invitation for the Experiential Values Workshop (# 62) on "Open-mindedness" (Saturday, 3 - 5 pm, UK time)

9 April 2023

Hello everyone, Greetings of Peace to all.  


We extend our warm invitation this Saturday for our fortnightly Experiential Values Workshops Series (# 62)


Value: Open-mindedness (खुली सोच)  


Content of the Workshop:

1st Hour:   Reflective Exercises on 'Open-mindedness'. 

2nd Hour:  An insightful talk and meditation by Sister Valeriane, Switzerland. 


Date / Time: Saturday, 8th April 2023 (2 Hrs Session)


7:30 PM (India)  

3:00 PM (UK)

4:00 PM (Switzerland, France, Spain)

5:00 PM (Turkey)

6:00 PM (Dubai)

7:00 AM (Westcoast US / Can)

10:00 AM (Eastcoast US / Can)  

11:00 AM (Brazil) 


Direct joining Zoom link at:


(Zoom ID – 915 2922 9648; Passcode - values)


(Translation available in: French, Hindi, Spanish & Portuguese)


Thank you all.

With Warm Regards,

'Values for Life' - Team


('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)






BK Silicon Valley, Milpitas Center (USA) paid tribute to Dadi Janki ji

6 April 2023

BK Silicon Valley Milpitas celebrated the remembrance day of Dadi Janki ji. There was intense meditation, bhog offering followed by Dadi Jankiji’s teachings read by Kusum Didi. A beautiful explanation was narrated around Dadi’s motto - Care, Share and Inspire. Kusum Didi also nourished the talk by adding examples and her personal experiences with Dadi. There was a wonderful gathering of 120 brahmin souls. The program was concluded by taking powerful drishti from Dadis photo, followed by delicious Brahma Bhojan with Dadi’s favorite items.


Sr.Kusum honored Dadiji's with a Rose garland 


Sr.Kusum paying homage to Dadi Janki and sharing the treasure of 

personal lessons and experiences of wisdom and courage from Dadiji.


BK Sisters taking Drishti and Blessings from Dadiji


BK Brothers taking Drishti and Blessings from Dadiji


The below link has more photos from the event 


Om Shanti,
BK Kusum Kejriwal
BK Meditation Center Milpitas, CA, USA





Message of Hope: The Importance of Play for Good Mental Health

6 April 2023

We are now in the beginnings of a mental health renaissance, rather than thinking we are in a mental health crisis. More people are talking openly and honestly about their mental health than ever before. Many new and emerging, evidence-based whole-person approaches to mental health and well-being  are making a significant difference in the lives of people of all ages, providing tremendous help for overcoming—and avoiding—mental health challenges. One important method is through play.  We love to play as it connects us with our soul. Doing what you love puts you in the flow, the positive mental state of being entirely and happily absorbed in the present task. Here’s a fun and creative game where this teacher is showing students the subtleties of the virtue of happiness through play: 

 A teacher gave an inflated balloon to every student. They were to write their name on it and also a virtue or quality they value such as honesty or generosity. (For less mature students best to use a small bouncy beach ball to avoid premature balloon popping!!) The group then bounced the balloons all around and to each other. The mixed up balloons were left in a colorful group in the middle of the room. The students were then given 3 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, very few found their balloon.  At that point, the teacher told the students to take the first balloon they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes, everyone had their own balloon.

The teacher said to the students: "These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. 

But if we care about other people's happiness, we'll find ours too." 

We give the gift of virtues through creative play and by passing on virtues quietly to others through our positive thoughts, words and actions. These ‘value’ able gifts are truly precious because they are imperishable and they multiply the more we share them. Virtues are more valuable than material  things we give to each other. Happiness is energy, not matter. Just by being happy ourselves while doing our responsibilities, our happy vibrations radiate and create joy which uplifts the mindset of others. 

Our consciousness is extremely important in play and in performing any task.  Check whether you are looking at the task with enthusiasm, creativity and enjoyment, or you want to complete it because it has to be done and it’s your duty.  Our state of mind is more important than the task itself. The more positive the consciousness, the more positive benefit will be from the experience of performing the task. Happiness is energy, not matter. Just by being happy ourselves while doing our responsibilities, our happy vibrations radiate and create joy which uplifts the mindset of others.


Contact: Yvonne Chirya Risely bkchirya@gmail.com

Register: for in person retreats and meditation classes- www.peacevillageretreat.org  

Tel: 518 589 5000

Books: for all ages for creatively teaching-  Living Values Education - https://livingvalues.net

Author: Sr Diane Tillman  diane@livingvalues.net

(I have added this link for Living Values Education, a wonderful series of books divided into several age groups, sharing creative teaching ideas and fun games for values education.  It focuses on 12 major values.)



Manhattan April Calendar is Here! Lecture tomorrow (4/6): Deepening My Soul Searching

6 April 2023






Anubhuti Retreat Center Announces A BK Retreat with Usha Didi May 26-29

5 April 2023


Om Shanti,

To BapDada`s Divine Family,


You are invited to this year’s Anubhuti/San Francisco West Coast Retreat.

We have the great fortune of welcoming our Senior Sister Usha from our sweet Home Madhuban.

The retreat theme is New Vision New World.


Retreat starts May 26, Friday at Amrit Vela and ends May 29, Monday after brunch.

Out-of-town arrivals are welcome Thursday, May 25.

Departures are Monday, May 29 after brunch.


Link to registration form


BK Usha ben is a Senior Raja Yoga Meditation teacher and a Management Trainer of the Brahma Kumaris based at the global headquarters in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. With her innate qualities, capabilities, and the blessings of Baba and the family, she is a practical example of “Applied Spirituality”.


Click here for more info about Usha didi


We will be streaming the sessions on Zoom. Only those who are attending in person are requested to fill in the Registration Form. For those who are flying, please fill it in after you have gotten your tickets.


If you are coming from a distance, you are welcome to arrive early and/or stay later. Please check with sister Hema to confirm your alternative dates 415-596-7716.


San Francisco (SFO) is the most convenient airport for transportation options. We will do our best to pick you up if there are at least two or three arriving around the same time, with the optimum hours of pickup and drop off between 7am and 9pm.


Thank you for your love and co-operation. We are very much looking forward to receiving you.


As always, we anticipate having a full house, so your cooperation with full accommodation and karma yoga is especially appreciated.


With love in our sweet BapDada's remembrance,

Anubhuti and San Francisco Family







April 2023 Homework from Mohini Didi: "According to the closeness of time, become an avyakt angel" |  बी.के.मोहिनी होम वर्क, अप्रैल 2023: "समय की समीपता प्रमाण अव्यक्त फरिश्ता बनो" अभ्यास

4 April 2023

Dear Baba's Family,  Om Shanti, Greetings of love,


In the month of April, Avyakti Parivar welcomes you to the new Series: "According to the closeness of time, become an avyakt angel'' -"समय की समीपता प्रमाण अव्यक्त फरिश्ता बनो''


Promo: https://youtu.be/ra-yAfPTrtI


You will receive a daily point of self-awareness and the method of practice in the YouTube folder link given below.





Thank you

In Baba's loving yaad,

BK Mohini

Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris


Avyakti Journey

Hindi - अव्यक्त मुरली रिवीजन 1969 से - ब्राह्मण से फरिश्ता बनने की प्रेरणा



English - Avyakti Murlis from 1969...inspiring us to  change from Brahmin to Angel



Hindi (translated classes):



Thank you

Avyakti Parivar

A Family of Angels United in Love for One

Youtube: http://tiny.cc/avyaktiparivar-youtube

Website: https://www.avyaktiparivar.org/



विषयअप्रैल  2023: "समय की समीपता प्रमाण अव्यक्त फरिश्ता बनोअभ्यास (होम वर्क)

बी.के.मोहिनी- April 2023 Homework: "According to the closeness of time, become an avyakt angel": BK Mohini


ओम् शांति

सर्व ब्राह्मण परिवार के प्रतिईश्वरीय मधुर यादप्यार स्वीकार करना जी।  

अप्रैल  महीने मेंअव्यक्ति परिवार अपनी नई सिरीज़ : "समय की समीपता प्रमाण अव्यक्त फरिश्ता बनोमें आपका स्वागत करते है।


Promo:  https://youtu.be/ra-yAfPTrtI


प्रतिदिन आपको नीचे दी गयी YouTube Folder Link में अभ्यास की स्मृति और विधि मिलती रहेगी।



बाबा की याद में,


सह-मुख्य प्रशासिकाब्रह्माकुमारीज 

होमवर्क लिंक - HOMEWORK LINK प्रतिदिन के लिए आपको नीचे दिए गए फोल्डर में मिलती रहेगी।


अंग्रेज़ी  - English:



Avyakti Journey

Hindi - अव्यक्त मुरली रिवीजन 1969 से - ब्राह्मण से फरिश्ता बनने की प्रेरणा



English - Avyakti Murlis of 1969...inspiring us to  change from Brahmin to Angel



Hindi (translated classes):




अव्यक्ति परिवार - Avyakti Parivar

Youtube: http://tiny.cc/avyaktiparivar-youtube

Website: https://www.avyaktiparivar.org/






Values for Life Invites you to ‘The Spiritual Significance of Good Friday & Easter’ Online Talk on Sunday, 2nd April

3 April 2023

We extend our warm invitation this Sunday for the ‘Values for Life’ Series – Special celebration of Good Friday & Easter:

Topic: ‘The Spiritual Significance of Good Friday & Easter’
Speaker: Sr. Luciana, National Coordinator, Brahma Kumaris, Brazil

Date/Time:  Sunday, 2nd April (1 hour session)

Translation available in:  French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Telugu & Tamil

Kindly note the timing in your region:
  8:00 PM (India)
11:30 AM (Brazil)
3:30 PM (UK)
4:30 PM (France, Spain)
5:30 PM (Turkey)
7:30 AM (Westcoast US / Canada)
10:30 AM (Eastcoast US / Canada)

Join directly on Zoom – https://omshanti.live/VFL-zoom
or:  Meeting ID – 985 7185 6574

Join on YouTube Live –
In English – https://omshanti.live/VFL-English
In Hindi – https://omshanti.live/VFL-Hindi

Thank you.
‘Values for Life’ Team

('Values for Life' Series and 'Values Workshops Series' happen on alternative weekends and they bring insightful spiritual reflections on a particular value by senior Raj Yogi Brothers and Sisters'. These series are collaborative projects between VIHASA – India and Vancouver Brahma Kumaris.)



Florida Service News: March 2023

3 April 2023



Mini Retreat



Practicing spiritual consciousness in action…a creative exercise during a mini retreat with new students who had just completed the foundation course in meditation.


Weekly Workshops



Small group conversations during our Saturday weekly workshops. These creative, reflective workshops are open to the public.


Click here to view the entire newsletter with more photos.






Peace Village Announces Upcoming In Person Retreats, and More!

3 April 2023



SAVE the DATE: Peace Village Invites you to an International Couples' Retreat

3 April 2023



Actividades en Español en los Estados Unidos para Abril

3 April 2023


Si quieres recibir un Boletín mensual con los Eventos en Español en Estados Unidos suscríbete al final de esta página

El curso básico de meditación impartido por Brahma Kumaris es de Raja Yoga, incluye varios temas. Por favor de registrarse cuando llame al 617-926-1230. Para más información visite a www.bknewengland.org

Registro por teléfono al 817-291-6392 o por email: brahmakumarisdallasespanol@gmail.com

Charla en inglés con traducción simultánea al Espanol


Meditaciones Diarias: haz clic en la imágen para acceder a las grabaciones diarias