2021 May N. America News Archive 2021 May N. America News Archive

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Point of Life & Brahma Kumaris invite healthcare providers & Friends - “Stillness in the Storm: Coping with fear and uncertainty ...." June 5, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EST

25 May 2021

Dear Divine Instruments,

Om shanti. We are joining hands with The Janki foundation and doing this program as way of remembering Dadi Janki and her legacy of 'Care' in healthcare.  Wanted to share this with you for your blessings and so you can forward to appropriate people in healthcare and others in your contact.

Thanks much,


Dear Healthcare Providers and Friends,

Warm greetings. You are warmly invited to an online conversation, “Stillness in the Storm: Coping with fear and uncertainty - a spiritual approach,” on Saturday, June 5, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST,  with special guest Dr Sarah Eagger, from the UK, and other healthcare providers and friends. We will be exploring ways of coping with fear and how to sustain our equilibrium and peace, in this challenging time of uncertainty,

This event will celebrate the first anniversary of the ‘Feel Well-Heal Well Lounge,’ a healthcare initiative of the Point of Life Foundation and the Brahma Kumaris. Also, will honor Dadi Janki, Founding President of the Janki Foundation for Spirituality in Healthcare, and former head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

For more details on this event – please see flyer below. To Download a flyer, click here:  Event Flyer

Registration is essential to receive the zoom link to join the event. To Register : Click Here  or on flyer below

Please feel free to invite anyone else who may be interested in joining this event.


With warm regards,

The Point of Life foundation




Gentle Reminder: Boston BKs Host Special Event of the Month - Sunday, May 16th, 5 - 6:15 pm EDT

14 May 2021





Un événement exceptionnel 15 & 16 Mai - Bienvenue à la Maison |  An Exceptional Event on 15 & 16 May - Welcome Home! Scroll Down for English

14 May 2021


L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix


Prérequis : avoir complété le Cours de philosophie du Raja Yoga (ancien Cours de Raja Yoga) ou le Cours d'introduction au murli.


Prerequisite: The Raja Yoga Course or the Philosophy of Raja Yoga Course or the Introduction to Murli Course




Messages of hope published locally near Peace Village, Greetings for Mother's Day and more

14 May 2021


Om Shanti Special Souls,
This LINK lists all BK Messages of Hope articles and their content published in the Pennysaver from beginning of year thru May 2021:

Below are copies of the articles published this week  in 3 separate newspapers for acknowledging Mothers Day:
Tioga County Courier, Mountain Eagle and Owego Pennysaver.
Each article includes 1 or 2 spiritual pictures, mostly in color.  We have been receiving good comments and advised to continue and expand our coverage.

Most wonderful!!.  
Happy Spring, Happy Mothers Day and enjoy this spring bouquet of glowing daffodils, colorful tulips and an angelic iris from mother nature's garden.  

Lots of love, from Sr Chirya




Ode to Mothers - Great Acts of Generosity

Brahma Kumaris Illustration  

 "Only a powerful soul can offer love. Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble.
If we are weak, we become selfish. If we are empty, we take;
But when we are filled, we automatically give to all. That is our nature."

-Dadi Prakashmani, Spiritual Administer BKWSU


Generosity means more than just giving. It also means to cooperate with others; to see beyond the weaknesses and mistakes of others, helping them recognize their innate value.  Although in our world we see a continuing breakdown of social, economic, moral and political systems, beneath the surface energies of a loud world, is a quiet resurgence of the human spirit. Drawing power from inner spiritual resources, a critical mass of human beings is empowering a new approach to living ~ an invisible, quiet, incognito movement gaining momentum rapidly as the world deteriorates.  This life-sustaining energy of spirituality is freeing people from the limitations and polarity of the old paradigm that had closed the heart.. . . . . 

Mothers of Love

Antique card - illustration


Appreciation can make a day, even change a life.   This Mother's Day, make sure she knows just how much you love and appreciate her for being the glue that holds it all together. In fact, every day should be celebrated as Mothers Day.  Think about the last time you talked to your mother just to say something nice.  We're used to asking moms for advice, calling for support, requesting a recipe, or seeing if she can babysit this evening.  Fine, but our moms deserve more than that. Our willingness to put our appreciation into words is all that is necessary.  It takes so little to show that we care, yet it means so much. As is the thinking, so are words of appreciation spoken.    Even the smallest of gestures can make a difference in people's lives.

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well".-Voltaire.

Mothers have the power to sustain and a stock of patience. Mothers respond to people with a warm heart and to situations with a cool head.  They are selfless servers, who go without so that the children may have.  A wise mother waits patiently, speaks positively, releases easily, sees benefit in everything and envisions a future of abundance, knowing that all needs will be met at the right moment, in the right way.  A mother’s love makes everything it touches special and sacred filling lives with joy. We're most alive when we love and are loved. The experience of love makes us feel happy and secure with ourselves, we feel better than we are, and easily share this love with others.  To keep our hearts filled with love, practice affirming these beautiful thoughts every day:  Now it is our turn to spread love.

   *The love I give away is the only love I keep.  The more love I express the more love I receive in return.

    *Being loved makes me strong and brave. God knows and loves me, and my heart remains full..

    *I love you not just because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

A good mother knows how to gently prompt her child lovingly into doing what she wants.  In the same way be a good mother to your mind; teach it to behave with loving, positive thoughts so that when you tell it to sit quietly and peacefully it will.   Care for your mind, make friends with it, feed it healthy food, ‘exercise’ it with knowledge and wisdom. Just as a garden returns abundance, fragrance and beauty according to the care given, your mind will repay you with beautiful thoughts, ideas and solutions. Charity begins at home Where our mind goes we go, and what our mind creates becomes our destiny.  With the help of God, as our Supreme Mother, who always sees each child as #1, become a good mother to your mind, your family and friends, to the world!  Putting gender aside, we are all mothers in spirit!. Happy Mothers’ Day to everyone!

Chirya Risely




Special notes:  Every day we are sending love and healing light to Beloved Br Nirwair for his continuing recovery, and to those beautiful souls
who have left their bodies, - Bapdada's and Brahmin family's -Beloved Ishu Dadi-,  -Sister Kanupriya- Anchor of Awakening with Brahmakumaris series of Peace Of Mind channel and to Bharat in general.  The suffering and atmosphere in India must be severe.  Keep yourself safe and well.
Sr Shivani's meditation commentary for Covid patients is very good.. https://youtu.be/_A5aWuZtJBo  - in English, also available in Hindi.




The Power of a Mother's Love - Saturday via Peace Village! Plus A Reminder of other May Programs

7 May 2021


  CLICK HERE to register  




Explore the wisdom and spirituality of Dadi Janki

4 May 2021


One of the greatest Raja Yogis in this century was Dadi Janki, former Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, the world’s largest spiritual organization run by women.


Dadi Janki led an illustrious life, a life of great simplicity but high ideals and principles. With love and compassion in her heart, she had great faith in the goodness of all human souls.




Greetings and News Regarding Visiting Peace Village

4 May 2021


Greetings and News Regarding Visiting Peace VillageDear family and friends of Peace Village,

Om shanti and greetings of love.  Having been covid-free over the past year, we have had to close for the past couple of weeks, since Sister Anjani returned from India with covid.  Brother Santiago also got covid.  Both are now far in to recovery and beyond the infectious period.

This has caused us to reflect as a community on how we can best manage through the time of the pandemic and serve with the confidence that those who live here and come here will be safe.  We have concluded that because we serve the public, we need to make Peace Village safe by asking all who live and serve here as well as those who come for class, for the day or for longer periods of time to become immunized, using whatever vaccine they have access to.  There may be times when we can make special provisions for those who are not yet immunized to come for the day and serve outside on the grounds and to have their meals in the picnic pavilion behind the dining room.

Our aim is to be fully immunized as a community by the end of May. As of today, all niwasis had been tested and all but a couple are in the process of being vaccinated.  Most are fully immunized.  A few are partially immunized.

In the interim, while people are in the process of becoming vaccinated, we will be using the same restrictions on masking and social distancing that we have used in the past.  If you are hoping to come to Peace Village over this next six weeks, please send an email or call Sisters Kala, Dorothy or Elizabeth and let us know where you are in the process of getting immunized against covid.

Thank you for your understanding. We will stay in touch regarding opportunities for seva and sustenance.

With warmest thoughts,
The Peace Village family




Programmes de Mai à L'Emergence | May Programmes at L'Emergence - Scroll Down for English

4 May 2021


L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix




L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace





Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - April 2021

4 May 2021

Murli with Gita bhen:



May 1: The Florida family along with more centers from the East Coast and the Chicago family came together for Murli and class by Sr. Gita from LA Center. Sr. Gita lovingly shared her powerful experiences with dear Dadi Gulzar in her last days.




Naples continues to give zoom classes and programs.

Sister Pat and Sister Kristina are giving beautiful weekly guided meditations.


The joy of being is the only true happiness.

Its source is from the formless dimension within you, consciousness itself, and is one with who you are! Yolanda explained how the bodiless state, being formless brings us to our true selves and surrendering all that is not you. Receiving God's guidance when the ego does not interfere.


Tapping into your Higher Self!

Do I live through my Higher Self is the question?
Understanding who is in charge. What limits you and how to break the habit of limitations.


Creating Inner Space

Sister Yolanda gave us great examples of creating inner space versus being totally absorbed in thinking. How to be more present.
Through our heart-soul connection, we are more present and feeling the peace of inner space.


Your Perspective

Sister Kristina did a wonderfully inspiring class on how your entire experience of life depends on your perspective. She explained how we can have a different lens to look through, the choice is ours.




Click here for full news with more photos.