2021 June through December UN News Archive
Table of Content
UN New Year Message 2022
31st December 2021
Light on Light e-Magazine commemorative issue is available for download
31st December 2021
Dear Friends,
Greetings for a blessed New Year.
International Day of Yoga Committee at the UNITED NATIONS is pleased to inform you that the 2021 Yoga Commemorative Issue, Light on Light E-Magazine, for the International Day of Yoga 2021 is now available. You are welcome to download it here: Light on Light Magazine - International Day of Yoga 2021 Special Edition
To learn more about the service of the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations, please go here: https://www.facebook.com/YogaDayCommittee.
Let's celebrate greatness with the Brahma Kumaris UN, Breathe Peace, and friends: Dec. 3 @ 5:30 pm.
29 November 2021
Dear Friends,
The Brahma Kumaris at the UN and the Breathe Peace team invite you to celebrate the holidays: an evening of warmth, gratitude, and togetherness.
Refresh ourselves with uplifting meditation experiences by wisdom keepers, be entertained by enthralling music, and strengthen the spirit of generosity as we embrace the greatness of creation.
Presenters and performers include:
BK Gayatri Naraine, Paul Luftnegger, Michelle DellaFave, Guru Dileepkumar, Anagha Matapurkar, Cathy Towle, Carolyn Steinberg, Denis Licul, Carmen Palmer, Shila Sanghani, and more.
Spiritual message | Meditation | Creative expressions | Celebration
Friday, December 3 @ 5:30 - 6:30pm EST.
This online event marks the final of the "Breathe Peace" monthly series. We will celebrate by expressing our love and appreciation to all for the support shown over the 14 months. Let's give thanks to the Ultimate One whose incognito blessings offered comfort and benefit to all who participated. Let's embrace the spirit of generosity for the upcoming holiday season.
Event will also be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Register on zoom.
Kindly circulate among your contacts and friends.
Looking forward to being together again.
Photo credit: everydaypower.com
Observing World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims - November 21, 2021
16 November 2021
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR)
Reduction of traffic speed
Dear Divine Family,
Loving Greetings from Road Safety Team at Mumbai!
WDR 2021 is beckoning us to be the beacon of light for offering spiritual solace.
The team at Mumbai is compiling a one-hour presentation in English for this day, and the video will be available for download on http://wheelforpeace.org/wdr2021/ by 19th November. This video includes thoughts of dignitaries from various countries, creative meditations and inspiring facts and figures. This video can be used at the local WDR event or be shared with BK students. Shared below are some key points, so we can organize local events with a global spirit.
- United Nations observes the third Sunday of November, November 21, 2021 this year, as the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR).
- Coinciding with the International Meditation Hour on this third Sunday, we could offer vibrations of strength and solace to the victims and survivors of road crashes.
- Creative mediums like candle light meditation, pledge for road safety and group discussions may be considered. A canvas could be put up and participants could be encouraged to put up there, the photos of their loved ones who have passed away in road crashes.
- Resources for organising this event are available for download online. These include templates for flyer, banner, poster, commentaries, articles for print/web publications, etc.
- Kindly send in pre-event and post-event news – News, Photos, Videos, and Experiences to bkroadsafety01@gmail.com. This information will be invaluable to post event details on relevant websites and to compile a service report.
Let’s join together and make this day a memorable one.
In Spiritual Solidarity,
BK Divya,
Borivali, Mumbai
Brahma Kumaris at the Parliament of World's Religions: Oct 16- Oct 18
17 September 2021
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We extend a warm invitation to attend our side events to the Parliament of World's Religions which is taking place this weekend. If you are registered, you are welcome to join:
Women as Peacemakers [Denise Scotto organizer, BK Jayanti speaker]
Sunday, Oct 17, 10:00 am EDT
A Narrative of Love [Spirit of Humanity organizer; BK Maureen presenter]
Sunday, Oct 17, 11:00 am EDT
The Climate Working Group at the UN [BK Julia – presenter]
Sunday Oct 17, 2:00 pm EDT
Women Overcoming Climate Injustice [BK Sabita - presenter]
Sunday, Oct 17, 7:00 pm EDT
Transformation365: Deep Daily Contemplative Practice [BK Mary participant]
Sunday, Oct 18, 2:00 pm EDT
Compassion, Truth, and Responsibility [BK Maureen organizer]
Mon, October 18, 2021 11:00 AM EDT
Dristhi: Concentration Spiritual Vision [BK Mary organizer, BK Georgina & BK Kathryn presenters]
Monday, Oct 18, 3:45 pm EDT
At the UN: Breathe Peace together again celebrates world's indigenous peoples, Oct. 1 @ 5pm
14 September 2021
Dear Friends,
'Breathe Peace together again' celebrates World's Indigenous Peoples.
Friday, October 1 @ 5:00 - 5:30pm EST.
Learn an ancient Hawaiian method of forgiveness, Ho'oponopono, with qualified trainer and practitioner, Sharda Geer; experience shamanic breathing meditation with Cathy Towle; listen to "Grandmother" Patricia Anne Davis share her thoughts on 'Breathe Peace;' and enjoy Native American flute music.
Click on flier to download.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness. Its roots are believed to be from Atlantis, Lemuria, and High Vedic Culture. It stems from the understanding that we are all connected in the field of consciousness. Although we identify as individuals, we are also part of a whole, a oneness and as such we each affect each other close and far. Knowing that we affect each other, we can influence problems in our lives and in the world by healing the corresponding frequency of energy within us. Ho’oponopono makes this possible by utilizing five simple but powerful sentences. Each phrase creates a certain pathway towards evolution and freedom from all that doesn’t serve us.
Spiritual message | Ho’oponopono | Meditation
Event will also be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Join on zoom
Kindly circulate among your contacts and friends.
Looking forward to being together again.
Meet the presenters
Choctaw-Navajo/Chahta-Dineh Patricia Anne Davis
International Teacher, Whole Systems Designer, specializing in peace making leadership, Traditional Medicine Diagnostician/Practitioner.
Facebook Page: "Indigenous Wisdom Institute"
1- 206-778-6721
Sharda Geer
Biofeedback Specialist, Spiritual Life Coach, Energy Practitioner.
Retired Operations Manager and Underwriter.
Cathy Towle
Interfaith Minister, Adedoyin Wellness, Spiritual Leadership Coach | Intuitive
Reiki Master | Earth Wisdom Teacher
Chair, NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concersn-NY
UN ECOSOC Representative - IAAI, Stuttgart
Photo credit: zeropointawakening
BK UN is Inviting youths for the 3rd "Breathe Peace" Event: "Youth, Innovation, Fun" August 6 @ 5 pm EDT
29 July 2021
Dear Friends,
'Breathe Peace this summer' 3rd. episode celebrates Youth:
"Youth, Innovation, Fun".
Friday, August 6 @ 5:00 - 5:30 pm EST.
"Youths are the present, the saviors of the future!!"
Young minds are some of the most creative thinkers of today. Youths have a certain ingenuity and imagination that come with the innocence they possess which allows for this creativity. As internet and social media continue to grow, kids are getting exposed to global issues, like climate change, awakening the passion to create change. With their fresh, innovative minds, many youths start initiatives and projects to address these concerns. Their unique ideas also provide space for fun and enjoyment, something many adults overlook and find unimportant. More often than not, it is the excitement and amusement in these ideas that make them distinctive, yet productive.
Conversation between Shivani Dayal, Youth Representative of the BK at the UN, and Rev. Ryan Campbell, Christian Youth Association
Event will also be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Join on zoom
Kindly circulate among your contacts and friends.
Looking forward to being together again.
“Information as a public good, Let’s change the narrative”: In honor of UN World Press Freedom Day
21 June 2021
Florida (USA): Journalists Eric Le Reste and Meredith Porte hosted a live conversation on Brahma Kumaris UN Instagram on the topic “Information as a public good: Let’s change the narrative.” This program was in honor of UN World Press Freedom Day.
BK Eric and BK Meredith discussed the challenges journalists throughout the world face today in covering the news because of the growing lack of distrust in the media. Also explored was how the media can begin to restore trust by focusing more on stories that are more meaningful and beneficial to people’s lives.
Click here to tune in to the INstagram session.
Reminder: Saturday, June 19, 2021 - UN Yoga Day Event @ 4:30 pm EST
18 June 2021
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are happy to have Deepak Chopra, MD as one of our special guest speakers in celebrating Yoga Day 2021, along with special guest, Karuna, Founder, Light on Kundalini. We warmly invite you to join us.
Saturday, June 19 @ 4:30-6:00pm EST
The pandemic has touched us all through its devastating economic and social impacts. There has been a profound impact on our physical and psychological health. It has awakened underlying conditions which have been dormant and preceipitated a spiritual crisis. This has left many contemplating the meaning of life, our purpose, and what is truly important. The values and techniques of Yoga provide us with tools we need to cope. Yoga’s ancient practices help us attain healing, health and harmony. We now may choose what we reintroduce into our lives, how we shape our reality and how we better prepare for unexpected challenges. Creating a sacred space allows us to recognize the powerful beings we truly are. Through our collective resilience we can weave together a new world as one humanity. Join us to embrace our inner nature, our heartfelt connection, and the power of hope.
Principles, Practices, and effects of Yoga on the Integral Being: BK’s at the United Nations
17 June 2021
New York (USA): In observance of Mental Health Awareness Month, the International Day of Yoga (IDY) Committee at the United Nations, of which the Brahma Kumaris is the Vice Chair, organized a unique event entitled Principles, Practices, and effects of Yoga on the Integral Being with guest speakers telling their stories on the subject.
BK Gayatri Naraine, Representative of the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations shared a reflection on Raja Yoga and its effects on the being.
To watch the replay, please click on the image below.
Yoga for Kids: Breathe Peace this summer: July 2 @ 5 pm EDT
17 June 2021
Dear Friends,
"Breathe Peace this summer" 2nd episode celebrates Yoga Month with "Yoga with love for Kids" age 4 - 10 years.
Friday, July 2 @ 5:00 - 5:30pm EST.
"Yoga with love for kids" session includes different sequences of exercises which work on all aspects of their body, mind and soul. Breathing exercise activates the circulation of the body and the mind, allowing the energy to flow throughout their little bodies. The kids will listen to fun stories and learn how to relate movements to those stories. They will also be taught fun poses with a focus on respect for nature and animals, allowing them to connect with their own instincts which becomes a form of stress release. A final breathing exercise to calm the body down to a quieter state with a silence-time exercise to give the mind a sense of peace and love, leaving the kids' mind and body in a better state of calmness.
Yoga Dance by Lia Sanabria | Creative Dance by Kids Breaking League
Event will also be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Join on zoom
Kindly circulate among your contacts and friends.
Looking forward to being together again.
Yoga with Kids in Central Park, 2019