2020 November N. America News Archive
Table of Content
Décembre à L'Émergence | December at L'Émergence. Please Scroll down for English
29 November 2020
L’Émergence, votre Oasis de paix
Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Malgré les circonstances qui ont marqué l'année, vous accueillir à L'Émergence en 2020 fut un réel plaisir. Recevez toute notre gratitude pour votre présence, en ligne ou au centre, votre sourire et la générosité de vos dons. Plus que jamais, toute l'équipe de L'Émergence vous souhaite des fêtes de fin d'année dans la paix et l'harmonie.
Si vous assistez en ligne, il n'est pas necessaire de vous inscrire
Conferences | Inscription en presentiel enseulement
Mediter en groupe | Inscription en presentiel seulement
Si vous asistez en ligne, il n'est necessaire de vous inscrire
L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace
Dear friends of L'Emergence,
Despite the current circumstances, welcoming you to L'Émergence in 2020 has been a real pleasure. Please receive our gratitude for your presence - whether at the Centre or online - your smile and the generosity of your donations. From the whole team of L'Émergence, may this last month of the year be filled with peace and harmony.
To attend online: no registration is necessary
You can also join us online from the comfort of your home.
Boston: Upcoming Online Events for December
28 November 2020
The Power to Tolerate
Saturday, December 12
11:00 am - 12:15 pm
The power to tolerate, also known as the power of love, does not mean to give in or simply tolerate any negative person or situation that opposes you. Instead, to tolerate means to overcome that opposing force by engulfing it with love, mercy, and overflowing good wishes. To be able to tolerate any challenge, we must first "die” to our ego. By going beyond the ego, we discover new life in tolerance and its fruit is eternal and sweet. To learn more about the power of tolerance join us for this conversation/workshop.
Spirituality in Food
Friday & Saturday
December 11 & 12
We all know the phrase "you are what you eat".
In this retreat we discuss the subtle impacts that food has on our thoughts and emotions.
World Peace Meditation Hour
The Gift of Silence for
the Holidays
December 20, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
During this special candlelight meditation, share your blessings and love with the world through the power of silence. Join us for world peace meditation and give humanity the gift of your peaceful thoughts and vibrations this holiday season. World Peace Meditation hour is observed by Brahma Kumaris Centers worldwide on the third Sunday of the month.
Sustenance Classes
Practical Applications of Raja Yoga for Happiness, Joy & Lightness
Ongoing Sundays| 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Prerequisite: Rajayoga meditation courses
These workshops will include sharing practical application of the Raja Yoga knowledge via excerpts from the Source - 33%, experience of remembrance via exercises - 33%, and audience discussion to facilitate learning - 33%
Meditation for Beginners
M-T-W, December 7, 8, 9
7:00 - 8:00 pm
The aim of this course is to learn meditation using spirituality as the foundation for a meditation practice. The course teaches a simple method to meditate, enhance your concentration and enables you to gain a deeper understanding of the self.
Raja Yoga Meditation and
Self-Realization I
Hindi - Dec. 7, 8, 9, 10
4:00 - 5:00 pm
English - Dec. 14, 15, 16, 17
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Part one will introduce spiritual concepts that enhance self-realization, a meditation practice and will deepen your understanding of the inner self. It will also expand on the power of thoughts.
Thursday Power Boost
December 3, 10, 17
7:30 - 8:00 pm
We invite you to listen to a short talk by one of our meditation students on the benefits of rajayoga for everyday living.
Guided Meditation
Monday thru Friday 7:00 - 7:30 pm
Sunday 6:30 - 7:30 pm
You are invited to join us for guided & creative meditation, through which you will be able to create an oasis of peace and spread the energy of love and hope to yourself & to the world.
Houston, Texas (USA): American Thanksgiving Interfaith Program
28 November 2020
Dear Divine Family, Om shanti and greetings of love.
Br Mark, Senior Raja Yoga Teacher with Brahma Kumaris Texas (USA) in Houston, delivered this year’s Thanksgiving Homily (Message of Hope) in cooperation with the Fort Bend Interfaith Council.
The service included people from all-faiths to a virtual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service with the theme of “Signs of Hope.” The event featured readings, songs, poems, dances, and prayers from 13 different faith communities including Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Baha’i, and Hindu.
Fort Bend County is located in Houston, Texas, and is the most ethnically, culturally, and religiously diverse county in the United States.
Excerpt of the Homily (6 min):
Full interfaith program:
Brahma Kumaris Mexico and Brahma Kumaris Texas (USA) celebrated virtual Diwali
28 November 2020
Brahma Kumaris Mexico and Brahma Kumaris Texas (USA) celebrated virtual Diwali. BK Dr. Hansaben, Area Coordinator for Brahma Kumaris Texas shared the spiritual significance of Diwali.
Video link below:
Give the Gift of Peace with this Advent Calendar Meditation Series Dec 1-15, produced by Brahma Kumaris Halifax
27 November 2020
Greetings of Peace !!!
This time of year is a time for love and peace. It is time to gift yourself, your family, and the world with peace.
Take 15 minutes every day from the comfort of your own home to give yourself the gift of peace, then carry it to your family and world.
Here’s how it works when you register:
Starting December 1st for 24 days you will receive a 15-minute gift meditation in your email box with a short guided meditation commentary and a peaceful song to begin or end your day! (CHECK your spam folder the first few days to make sure it isn’t there)
Tuesday, 1 December 2020, 4:00 AM – Friday, 25 December 2020, 11:30 PM AST (Atlantic Standard Time) or 8:00 AM GMT.
Find your date and time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Register now for this online advent calendar meditation experience and give our world the gift of peace.
Click here to Subscribe
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre Halifax
All courses and programs offered free of charge.
Check us out at halifax.brahmakumaris.ca
Transcending the Challenges of a World in Transition
27 November 2020
Om Shanti,
A clear and insightful interview by Philippa Blackham with Sr Gayatri and Br Erik from Canada on Transcending the Challenges of a World in Transition. This is the 2nd in a series on Raja Yoga Meditation sponsored by Northeastern University.
Enjoy truly getting to the depths of " Transcending the Challenges" [1:42:36]! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY0lik7LyCY
Session one of the series, on the topic "Drawing Stability and Nourishment from Within" [1:29:55], can be found here: https://youtu.be/oHcC6Z0RRhU
Counting our Blessings --Happy Thanksgiving
27 November 2020
Do you have any idea how much we appreciate and value all you have been and offered to the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums? We miss sharing the space with you and all the laughter, peace, and wisdom we’ve shared over the years!
It’s no secret, this has been a year like none other. We have learned to love more, let go more, adjust more, and pray/meditate more. Although this Thanksgiving will be one of caution, food, fun, family, and friends either on zoom or in person, please be safe and keep yourselves well.
May this holiday be filled with your sharing an unlimited heart to all. May you see everyone through the eyes of purity and may you take moments of silence to simply recognize your fortune.
With grateful feelings for all that you are,
Your Meditation Museum Family
Sr Jenna Invites You to Participate in a Free, Online Virtual Summit on 5th December called "Into the Now" in celebration of the 34th Anniversary of Agape International Spiritual Center
27 November 2020
As the unprecedented year that is 2020 starts to wind down, I invite you to join me for a powerful and transformative three-day virtual event that will inform, inspire deep thinking, and move us forward.
The Into The Now Virtual Summit is a free online event from December 3-5. I’m doing this event with my dear friend, renowned spiritual teacher, author, and founder and spiritual director of Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael B. Beckwith, as part of Agape celebrating 34 years of being a beneficial presence on the planet!
This Summit offers daily 90-minute sessions of transformative conversations and uplifting music on topics such as spiritual activism and advocacy, the practice of physical and spiritual well-being, and the pursuit of a pure, personal connection with God. I am thrilled to join some friends who are engaged in giving back. To be of service. To grow and learn more at every step of life.
Iyanla Vanzant, Lisa Nichols, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Dr. Sue Morter, Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Prince Ea, Laila Ali, Bishop Carlton Pearson, and many others look forward to spending these few days with you as we share insights and wisdom for how to live and show up authentically in all areas of your life, especially in these uncertain times.
Click here to register now. I look forward to seeing you!
Xo Sister Jenna
Intimate Conversations with the Divine with New York Times Bestselling Author, Caroline Myss & Sister Jenna
21 November 2020
Intimate Conversations with the Divine with Special Guest New York Times Bestselling Author, Caroline Myss & Sister Jenna
Mon Nov 23rd 6:30pm - 7:30pm (EST) ONLINE EVENT
What makes this impersonal universe intimate is prayer. Somehow, everything you do in this impersonal universe is known. Everything. Your prayers are heard, and they’re answered. Prayer can provide the nourishment we desperately need, and it’s an amazing remedy for those anxious, unsettled feelings we’re all facing right now. It’s never too late to start (or resume) your own dialogue with God. Join us for tips on how to discover your connection with the Divine.
Sister Jenna is an acclaimed, trusted spiritual mentor committed to bridging divides in societies and building relationships between global influencers. She has impacted lives around the globe, inspiring change and finding solutions to current day crises as the founder and director of two Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums, located in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area.
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to hosting a weekly radio show on the Hay House network, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule. FOR MORE CLICK
Online workshop on “Awakening The Hero Within” On Nov 21 with Br Yogesh Sharda
21 November 2020
Sacramento Center in California presents:
Awakening The Hero Within on Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am ( Sacramento Time)
Yogesh Sharda will take us on a journey to help us connect to our inner core and strengthen our consciousness.
- Personal Development trainer and workshop facilitator for 20 years
- Trained at the Academy for a Better World” in Mount Abu, India and the “Global Retreat Center” in Oxford, England run by Brahma Kumaris University
Join us on zoom:
Zoom link: https:// www.brahmakumaris.zoom.us/ i/3493731559
Facebook live: https://www.facebook.com/ bk.omshanti12
November Programs at Brahma Kumaris Montreal - Please scroll down to see English version
21 November 2020
L'Émergence, votre Oasis de paix
Chers amis de l'Émergence... Om shanti !
Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que vous pouvez toujours participer à nos activités sur place et en ligne, en accord avec les directives gouvernementales sur la santé publique. Soyez assurés que nous continuons à maintenir toutes les précautions et les procédures sanitaires afin de garantir la santé et la sécurité de tous.
Au plaisir de vous accueillir,
L'équipe de L'Émergence
L'Émergence, your Oasis of Peace
Dear friends of L'Emergence,
Greetings of Peace.
We are happy to inform you that you will still be able to participate in our activities both on site and online. Rest assured that we will continue to maintain all COVID precautions and sanitary procedures as our commitment to your health and safety.
Looking forward to welcoming you,
The L'Emergence Team
Mexico and Texas (USA): Replay the Virtual Diwali Celebration and Class with BK Dr Hansaben
21 November 2020
Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti, and greetings of love.
Brahma Kumaris Mexico and Brahma Kumaris Texas (USA) celebrated virtual Diwali. BK Dr Hansaben shared a class on the spiritual significance of Diwali.
Click on the below image to watch the program [17:07]:
REPLAYS: Recent Programs at the Meditation Museum, from Nov 2nd- 16th
21 November 2020
12 November - Step Up Your Life [1:08:30] https://youtu.be/2bc6sdfeKPE
11 November - Rebroadcast: Self Transformation [ 1:10:35] https://youtu.be/cVvbhb0EEFo
10 November - Living with Purpose [ 1:08:25] https://youtu.be/BhzvOFD0Ruc
10 November - Dance Trailer ( Short Film) [ 1:13] https://youtu.be/NLuK91JJgA8
10 November - PromoTrailer [3:14] https://youtu.be/gP1wFameHkY
10 November - Diwali Dance Challenge Trailer [3:17] https://youtu.be/JYtjNKCq5GU
09 November - Journey into the Heart of Consciousness with Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen Newell & Sister Jenna [1:11:30] https://youtu.be/Panfaxf0DAQ
06 November - Inner Peace and Power in a Turbulent World [ 1:04:40] https://youtu.be/HZh_n75WPjs
05 November - Changing What No Longer Serves Me [1:06:10] https://youtu.be/7wUX_hz0LGM
04 November - Healing Your Feelings [1:08:38] https://youtu.be/JKX5KmNia5U
03 November - A Beautiful Mind [1:14:20] https://youtu.be/iZ8g4Eq15_k
02 November - Aligning My Life with My Spiritual Truth - Special Meditate the Vote [1:07:54] https://youtu.be/VI37xFpVTjw
REPLAYS: Recent Online Events at the Manhattan Meditation Center from November 2nd - 16th
20 November 2020
14 November - Apreder a Meditar Dia 2 -Nov 2020 [1:06:08] https://youtu.be/0WdaLZ-sj_4
14 November - Learn to Meditate Introduction Day 1 Nov 2020[55:41] https://youtu.be/UCs4oGeZ_b8
13 November - The Light of Soul Consciousness [ 1:11:20] https://youtu.be/9YYrIijK6Hw
05 November - Sow A Thought [ 1:01:04] https://youtu.be/KkQx44Pd0mc
05 November - Learn to Meditate - Introduction Day 3 Nov 2020 [1:04:38] https://youtu.be/n9TMxfh9mKY
04 November - Aprender a Meditar Introducción Día1 - Nov 2020 [1:07:42] https://youtu.be/Ws1D_H2KRMg
03 November - Learn to Meditate Introduction Day 2 -Nov 2020 [1:06:08] https://youtu.be/_OWNg4qpT6k
03 November - Learn to Meditate Foundation Course Day 1 -Nov 2020 [55:40] https://youtu.be/9qioROaa6Sg
REPLAYS: Recent Programs at the Miami Meditation Center from November 2nd -16th
19 November 2020
13 November – Secrets of Silence: By Craig [13:47] https://youtu.be/9smHBHIycY4
12 November – Making Every Moment Count by Meredith [13:54] https://youtu.be/UgZG7Tu0sbs
11 November – 1:11 Meditation, Breathe In, Breathe Out by Kristina [10:33] https://youtu.be/_5eiEioJe9Q
10 November – Spanish: Valorarnos y disfrutar el momento con Rosa [9:26] https://youtu.be/cvX9cnIGcGM
09 November – "Your Mind, Your Choice" By Dev & Vijai [17:19] https://youtu.be/cxx491G6BCY
06 November – Secrets of Silence: By Craig [12:13] https://youtu.be/gJKHcoEIcBA
05 November – "Serenity leads to success" by Meredith [13:58] https://youtu.be/0qW17Z_Q3Ps
04 November – New world , awaken to your true self! with BK Yolanda [15:48] https://youtu.be/PP7LiWOPPdQ
03 November – Rescatando mi esencia : Meditacion al atardecer con Amar [11:39] https://youtu.be/SvNWglIetcE
02 November – Exercise of the mind By Dev & Vijai [14:36] https://youtu.be/Jj60PdUcd_Q
Boston BKs Special Program of the Month - When Light Comes... An invocation of the Season of Lights
19 November 2020
Boston Brahma Kumaris is Warmly inviting you to A Special Celebration of the Season of Lights On Sunday, November 22
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Peace Village: Learn To Meditate | Celebrate Diwali - This weekend!

4- Level Meditation Course
This is an 8-session course on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10:30am - 12 noon,
for four weeks beginning on Saturday, Nov 21, and ending on Sunday, December 13.
CLICK HERE To register

UPCOMING: 21st November Online Retreat with Special Guests produced by the Montreal Center (Scroll down for English)
19 November 2020
avec Vinayna Veljee
Professeure de Raja Yoga basée en Inde (Ahmedabad)
Originaire de Madagascar et aujourd’hui basée en Inde, Sr Vinayna anime des conférences et séminaires dans plusieurs pays à travers le monde afin de partager les bienfaits de la spiritualité.
avec Jonathan Riopel
Coach, auteur, conférence, fondateur de Liberta coaching
Certifié en programmation neuro-linguistique (PNL), Jonathan se donne comme mission de faire grandir un être à la fois. Il nous parlera notamment de remèdes à l'anxiété dans le contexte actuel.
avec Nicolas Guillemot
Praticien en Qi gong thérapeutique
Nicolas animera une session de mouvements pour nous faire entrer tout en douceur dans l'énergie de bien-être de la retraite.
with Vinayna Veljee
Raja Yoga teacher based in India (Ahmedabad)
Originally from Madagascar and now based in India, Sr. Vinayna leads conferences and seminars in several countries around the world in order to share the benefits of spirituality.
with Jonathan Riopel
Coach, author, speaker, founder of Liberta coaching
A certified neuro-linguistic programming pratictioner (NLP), Jonathan's mission is to allow human beings to grow one at a time. He will share with us about remedies for anxiety in the current context.
with Nicolas Guillemot
Therapeutic Qi Gong Practitioner
Nicolas will lead us into a gentle movements session to bring us into the energy of the retreat.
REPLAY this Special Diwali Session from the Meditation Museum
November 19' 2020
Click on the image below to play [1:24:55]
Edited Final Version of a Special Movie - Diwali Short Film Screening
19 November 2020
Dear Divine Ones,
Wah, what a beautiful Diwali today and forevermore. Thanks for all the good wishes and positive vibrations. So much love, happiness, royalty, purity, and ease was in the air. It was magical.
Please share our screening of the Diwali Dance film program with all your family and friends. So far the reviews have been incredible! [1:18:43 minutes]
Here is just the Diwali Dance Film itself: [36:05 minutes]
Brahma Kumaris Oregon
Eugene and Portland
Dallas-USA : Sharing Experiences during Diwali Days
18 November 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Divine family, Please enjoy the sharing of the experiences of Being “living ignited lamp” on a Zoom meeting.
Zoom meeting details:
Meeting ID: 920 6727 7099
Passcode: 787489
REPLAYS are available here: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrahmaKumarisDallas/
Bk Sister Ranjan and Dallas family.
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center (Dallas-USA)
Warmest Greetings of the Auspicious Time of Diwali from Mohini Didi and Avyakti Parivar!
18 November 2020
Dear Divine Family, Om Shanti, Happy Diwali!!!
Please find attached greetings from dearest Mohini Didi and Avayakti Parivar.
Attached greetings are in Hindi, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French.
Thank you!
Avyakti Parivar
Subscribe: http://tiny.cc/avyakti-parivar
YouTube (Brahma Kumaris Avyakti Parivar): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoa98tcafmOlGvY57gwAAug
Download pdf of the message in English
Download pdf of the message in Hindi
Download pdf of the message in Spanish
Download pdf of the message in French
Download pdf of the message in Portuguese
REPLAYS of Recent online programs at the Anubhuti Retreat Center from November 4-16
18 November 2020
15 November - In Delight: Uplifting The Spirit | Special Diwali Program Featuring A Class by By Bk. Sudesh Didi [1:49:26] https://youtu.be/a2PqwCnhuao
14 November - Day-6 - 84 Janmo na Utthan - Gujarati Rajyog Meditation Course By Bk. Vaishaliben [2:01:37] https://youtu.be/vTehXi5eozQ
12 November - Day-5 Srushti Chakra - Gujarati Rajyog Meditation Course By Bk. Vaishaliben [1:58:15] https://youtu.be/-2y8wmAbAU0
10 November - Day-4 Rajyog ka Parichay Vidhi - Gujarati Rajyog Meditation Course By Bk. Vaishaliben [1:59:06] https://youtu.be/O9SuDNrwWGQ
07 November - Day-3 Parmatma ka Parichay - Gujarati Rajyog Meditation Course By Bk. Vaishaliben [ 1:54:48] https://youtu.be/JeTxMSVw5WA
04 November - Day-2 Atma 3 Shakti - 3 Lok Intro. - Gujarati Rajyog Meditation Course By Bk. Vaishaliben [1:41:29] https://youtu.be/kB3Lfrn56W4
03 November - Day-1 Atma Lesson - 7 Virtues of Soul - Gujarati Rajyog Meditation Course By Bk. Vaishaliben [1:59:06] https://youtu.be/i9eImD_wVZo
Happy Diwali: Only Be and See Light
18 November 2020
Weekly now, for the past month, a local Penny Saver Newspaper near Peace Village is printing out Thought for the Day articles we’ve been sending in. This paragraph and photo published a few weeks back gives methods we can practice to become ‘invisible’ in order to have a safe double light angelic Happy Diwali!!
Whoever comes in front of you should only see light. (BD - December 15, 2008)
BapDada showed you in the beginning how a lot of people with impure vision would follow you, but they would only see light. They were not able to see the people; they could only see light. They would only see the angelic form. Similarly, while you have the practice of concentration, you will be sitting in front of them, but they will not be able to see you. They will see light and only light everywhere. This has to happen. However, practice this from now. Become an angel. Achcha. Now, practice concentrating your mind for three minutes. Perform this drill. Achcha
Diwali ~ Celebrate In Delight: Uplifting the Spirit
18 November 2020
3 Day Experiential Meditation Course Online
Nov 20, Fri 6:30 - 7:45 pm, Nov 21 and 22, Sat and Sun 10:00 - 11:15 am PST
Raja Yoga is a practice of transforming ordinary life into a life of beauty, elegance, and loving interactions with all.
Register - 3 Day Experiential Meditation Course Online Nov 20, 21, and 22
World Meditation Hour Online ~ every 3rd Sunday (except November)
Nov 22, 5:30 - 6:30 pm PST
Meditation for World Peace and Harmony, every third Sunday of the month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Inspiring message and guided meditation from an experienced meditation teacher for healing and harmony to our world. Hosted by the Fresno Brahma Kumaris.
Sister Hema, Co-cordinator of Anubhuti Meditation & Retreat Center, will guide us into meditation and an interactive experience of igniting our inner light, of peace and love.
Register - World Meditation Hour Online Nov 22, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
English Raja Yoga Meditation Course Online
Dec 2, 3, 4 and 9, 10, 11
Wed, Thu, and Fri 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm PST
6 sessions total of instruction
Class topics: Who Am I, About God, Three Levels of Consciousness, World Cycle, Karma, Powers of the Soul, Foundation of Meditation, and Spiritual Lifestyle
Register - English Raja Yoga Meditation Course Online Dec 2-4, 9-11
2020 Insights: Seeing Clearly with Heart, Mind and Soul ~ Online
Dec 5, Sat 10:00 am to 12:00 pm PST
Although you appear in earthly form, your essence is pure Consciousness. You are the fearless guardian of Divine Light. ~ Rumi
This year has been a challenge for most of us all over the world. Come and learn how we can gain insights, strengths, and compassion from 2020. This interactive workshop will focus on purpose, connection, and peace rather than politics, separation, and war.
Facilitators: Will Meecham and Elizabeth Padilla (see website for more info and bios)
Register - 2020 Insights: Seeing Clearly ~ Online Dec 5
Happy Diwali Greetings 2020 from USA
14 November 2020
Loving Greetings of Light
Om Shanti,
On behalf of Sr Mohini, Sr Kala and the living lights of Peace Village Retreat Center, Hunter Mt, NY, and the Region,
loving greetings for a double light Diwali as we keep dancing in the mind recreating - The Original True Diwali:
'I am a beautiful being of light, awakened by my Father's Loving Light and Might, I am constantly emitting pure light and sending out rays of peaceful powerful light filling the world around me with light. Enjoy the true story of Diwali
In God's loving remembrance - Om Shanti.
(Aerial Photos by Br Rick) (Peace Village photos by BK Chirya)
Click below to play 'The Story of Diwali'
Click below to play 'Happy Diwali'
**New** Power Boost Thursdays Online in Boston
11 November 2020
A unique Diwali celebration - Pledge To Pause
11 November 2020
Journey into the Heart of Consciousness with Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen Newell & Sister Jenna. Not to be Missed!
10 November 2020
Click on the below image to replay the session. [1:11:30]
RAPPEL | Activités ce soir et mardi matin, Montréal
11 November 2020
TO ALL USA CENTERS: Regarding Sis Chandru
7 November 2020
Dearest Sisters and Brothers, Om Shanti and much loved greetings.
During this special time of Sangamyuga, Baba is signalling us to practice inner silence more than ever, preparing us to be ever-ready for serving the world through our stage.
Our beloved Sister Chandru came back to Baba's house today after three weeks of being in the Acute Rehabilitation Center.
Everyone's special tapasya for her during the auspicious time of Navratri have certainly filled the soul and the body with strength.
She is doing well and her health is stable. She has become an image of divine silence and speaks a few words.
We thank you for your continuous support, love and pure feelings towards her good health.
In Baba's yaad-pyaar,
Sisters Kyoko, Sukanya and Br. Harsha
Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley Presents a Webinar "Experiments in the Laboratory of the Mind"
7 November 2020
While researching with the creative power of the Human Mind, one can transition from being a Victim to become Victorious by reviving our higher consciousness
Nov 7, 2020 12:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Please calculate your local time here:
Register: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gL0B32aKTAONZjkXhk8m1Q
Special Class by Senior Dr. BK Savita (from Mount Abu, India)
"Think Right, Be Bright, Spread the Light”
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2020
Timing: 4 PM (PDT)
Dr. BK Savita is the HQ Coordinator of the Women’s Wing of RERF, Mount Abu. She completed her MBBS at Rajasthan University. She is a senior faculty member of Brahma Kumaris Academy for a Better World and delivers lectures on Mind Management, Stress Management, Healthy & Happy Living, Meditation as Medicine, The Art & Science of Positive Thinking, Self-Empowerment, Leadership Qualities, Anger Management, etc.
Please calculate your local time here:
Register: https://brahmakumaris.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sRgbGck3Tm6d_Yj7t6Utsw
Upcoming Peace Village Online Retreats, Courses and More!
7 November 2020
To register and for more information CLICK HERE
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE.
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Miami Meditation Center Week of October 26
6 November 2020
30 October – Special Insights on Tolerance: By Craig [13:31] https://youtu.be/q5KXcBg3M-M
29 October – "Meditation Massage" by Meredith [14:40] https://youtu.be/h9IlxlTFrKk
28 October – The Quest for Wellbeing- PART 2 [23:33] https://youtu.be/l04payWc4nw
27 October – Meditando al atardecer con Marjorie [9:32] https://youtu.be/WKP_8TASWD4
26 October – Function of the Mind By Dev & Vijai [14:36] https://youtu.be/O0mlxF3TV5k
REPLAYS: Recent Online Events at the Manhattan Meditation Center Week of Oct- 26
6 November 2020
01 November - The Sweetness of Silence [17:25] https://youtu.be/NM_fzeRMYMw
29 October - Lecture: Experiments with Silence [59:06] https://youtu.be/ehbsxdDNYuI
REPLAYS of Recent Programs at the Meditation Museum, week of October 26- November 02
6 November 2020
30 October - What’s Stopping You? [1:11:10] https://youtu.be/Dl-AuB76goA
30 October - Meditate the Vote with Bishop Heather Shea [27:52] https://youtu.be/MKHwpQx2u1g
29 October - Finding Peace in a Noisy World [1:07:02] https://youtu.be/UigC2TEI6Ds
29 October - Diwali Dance [ 3:17] https://youtu.be/19EBDiEhf0o
29 October - Diwali Dance modified [3:16] https://youtu.be/fAamlWmqnaU
28 October - How to Stop Putting Things Off [1:05:51] https://youtu.be/6LmgblcXiEY
27 October - Reclaiming My Power [1:09:04] https://youtu.be/aJ40n96xsg4
26 October - Rebroadcast: Nurturing the Most Important Person in Your Life [1:10:58] https://youtu.be/bHqZJxSLdfg
REPLAYS:Recent North Augusta, South Carolina Broadcasts, week of Oct- 26
6 November 2020
28 October - Godly service on the occasion of Mrs. Vandana Agarwal's Memorial Service [2:23:22] https://youtu.be/l-phzxN7fDk
26 October - Kanishtha's presentation for the live healthy summit [35:25] https://youtu.be/0Ww4O_VbThs
26 October - Quantum Healing and the Power of Belief [49:19] https://youtu.be/JvH7Z0dqUCo
Brahma Kumaris Florida Service News - October 2020
3 November 2020
Dashera Celebrations
Oct 25: Dussera Celebrations at the BK Orlando Center
We celebrated the Indian Festival Dussera on Sunday, 25th October as per the attached collage. Orlando BKs have been enthusiastically and safely celebrating all festivals and celebrations observed in Madhuban.
Introduction to Ayurveda
Socially distanced Madhuban Meeting
Nov 1: At the BK Miami Meditation Center
With masks ON and keeping the social distancing, the Miami family came together with great love and enthusiasm for the Nov 1st Madhuban meeting. It was a full-house for the "in-class distancing" capacity and some took turns and left after the morning Murli thus giving chance to others who joined directly for the "Madhuban meeting". Everyone got their Brahma bhojan packed.
Click here for full report with more photos.
Sister Jenna was a Featured Presenter at A Meditative Prayer Vigil for Peace, Love and Unity on Sunday, November 1st at 7:30 pm
2 November 2020
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/
Powerful support this week for USA
2 November 2020
Om Shanti, Greetings of Peace
This week is an excellent time to offer your peaceful vibrations for every soul in the USA. It is anticipated that emotions will be running high and your safe and powerful thoughts, at home or in the center, will benefit all.
We have received some guidance from the UN Plaza building for our offices and it seems wise counsel for our centers and instruments, too.
Enjoy the wonderful drama and stay safe in the Comforter of Hearts lap.
Br Erik for Sr Mohini
We recommend all occupants consider the following while also conducting your own internal risk assessment and following your internal corporate policies and direction:
- Remind everyone to increase awareness to potential threats.
- In any situation of immediate danger, call 911 and then report the incident to local authorities. In any emergency, follow the directives of law enforcement.
- Make sure all occupant entrances are locked at the end of normal business hours.
- Review and update your emergency contact lists.
- Create an emergency response plan.
- Consider limiting access and / or visitations to your office space during this time
Rehearsals Taking Place for the WESTERN VERSION of the Diwali Dance Production!
2 November 2020
We are pleased to have you participate in the western version of the diwali dance. The final group recording for the Western dance will be held on Tuesday, November 3rd, 8:30 pm EST. As a reminder, please wear white clothing with red accessories (such as a scarf or tie). If possible, please arrive 5 minutes early, so that everything can be set up on time.
In case you are not aware of Diwali, it's a celebration of light over darkness. This short film production will be a gift for the world to dance away their sorrows and fear and celebrate their inner light.
Here’s the Zoom link to join the session: CLICK HERE Meeting ID: 851 2360 8664.
Here is a sample of Howard Pheelgood's modified version of the Diwali Dance. CLICK HERE
Thank you,
Aditi, Youth Leader
Election Day 'Meditation for America'
2 November 2020
Dear Angels of America,
Sr Judy Johnson and the Halifax [Nova Scotia] family hosted a beautiful 'Meditation for America' last night to lovingly support us while we are going through elections. The session is available on Youtube for anyone who would like to share it. I joined last night and it brought tears to my eyes remembering what I loved about America. This is an excellent meditation for focusing on what is enduring about our country. It is one hour long.
Tomorrow, at noon central time, the Chicago center will host the 'Meditation for America' video and Halifax will join. All are welcome to join. The Zoom id is 509 419 496 no password.
You can also show the video at your convenience. Here is the Youtube link:
In peace and love,
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center
Put on your dancing shoes for unity! Diwali Dance Short Film wants you...
2 November 2020
Diwali to Bring The World Together in a Global Diwali Dance!
We are so moved by the energy that is pouring into the Diwali Dance! This will be the largest Diwali Dance via Zoom. Thanks to all who are already practicing their moves with Aditi's steps or maybe appreciating the slower pace Diwali rendition by choreographer, Howard PheelGood. as we navigate letting go of old issues and inner limits!
Here's an update for you and we will cut right to the chase. We are holding daily practice rehearsals on Zoom for those who wish to be in the short film production.
Here are the times and links:
Starting on Monday, November 2nd:
Monday - Friday Rehearsals:
7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. India time, 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. EST
Zoom Link: CLICK ; Meeting ID: 821 5088 7017
Monday - Friday Rehearsals:
8:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST
Zoom Link: CLICK ; Meeting ID: 851 2360 8664
We are aiming to conduct the first Diwali Eastern Dance recording on Sunday, November 1st at 8:30 p.m. EST. Make sure you're wearing white with red accessories. If you plan to join us for the recording, please email us at info@americameditating.org by Saturday, October 31st, 12:00 p.m. EST.
If you are not able to join the Eastern dance recording on Sunday, there are two options which you can choose regarding your dance recording.
Option 1: You may choose to record your individual Diwali Zoom dance from your camera. If you select this option, please make sure your camera is turned horizontal, lighting is good, and you're using HD, wearing white with red accessories. The best app is ProVid. UPLOAD VIDEO HERE by Wednesday, November 4th or by Friday, November 6th at the latest.
Option 2: You may choose to participate in a group dance, facilitated by us on Zoom.
For either of the options, please email us at info@AmericaMeditating.org by 5:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday, November 1st to let us know which option you would like, the dance style you will be performing (Eastern or Western), and your time zone. All recordings are to be completed by Friday, November 6th.
Here are the links to the dance practice videos;
Sister Jenna, Aditi and the America Meditating Team.
P.S. Feel free to share this opportunity with your friends, family and networks to join the dance. All are welcome. We wish to bring more joy to our world! CLICK here to catch up on our story.......